Islamic State of Mind @isom_tg Channel on Telegram

Islamic State of Mind


Official Telegram channel for (website no longer active)

Islamic State of Mind (English)

Are you looking for a channel that combines spirituality with personal growth and self-improvement? Look no further! Welcome to Islamic State of Mind, where we strive to cultivate a positive and empowering mindset grounded in Islamic teachings. Our channel, with the username @isom_tg, is a community of like-minded individuals who are on a journey to enhance their mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Whether you are seeking guidance on managing stress, finding inner peace, or connecting with your faith on a deeper level, Islamic State of Mind offers a supportive space to share insights, resources, and reflections. Join us as we explore the intersection of Islam and mental health, and discover practical tips to strengthen your mindset and cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life. Together, let's embrace an Islamic State of Mind and embark on a transformative journey towards personal growth and spiritual awakening.

Islamic State of Mind

12 Feb, 18:17

I don't understand the purpose for all of these pre-Ramadan talks and events that happen every year.

You've been Muslims for years, if not decades, and you still don't understand how Ramadan works? Fast, pray, do extra acts of worship. What's the mystery?

Islamic State of Mind

11 Feb, 17:57

Does anyone have a reference for the hadith "Whoever insults a Prophet, kill him"?. I can't remember where I saw it but I can't find it now. Joogle isn't finding it.

I remember islamqa scrubbing their site after Charlie Hebdo happened so I can't find it there either.

Found a couple results claiming that Albani deemed it fabricated, but we already know the issue with Albani excusing the one that insults RasulAllah ﷺ so I don't really consider that reliable. And from what I understand Albani invented his own hadith grading system that differed from scholars of the past (or something like that) so I don't really consider him reliable anyway

Wallahu Alim.

Islamic State of Mind

08 Feb, 12:48

No wonder he hates Sh. MIAW

Islamic State of Mind

07 Feb, 02:01

This might be an absolutely retarded take, please advise me and correct me if it is, but...

This actually sounds kinda reasonable? It sounds better than Muslims dying from Israeli bombs. What's the point of being attached to the land and Muslims continuing to be slaughtered? What is being gained? Israel already controls most of the land anyway, whether we like it or not, they've maintained the upper hand. What is to be gained from Muslims continuing to be bombed and starved? Just looking at it practically. We know that victory is for us in the end either way. Maybe this is a good thing in the short term and will set up future events in the long term?

Am I wrong? Am I retarded? I imagine this might upset some people which is not my intention, I'm just this a defeatist take?

Islamic State of Mind

29 Jan, 15:32

May Allah grant us the means for hijrah

Islamic State of Mind

26 Jan, 22:54

The sheer amount of 'mosques' that go out of their way to involve the state in the business of Muslims, even where the state is not explicitly demanding it from them is extremely disappointing. One clear example is how many such places will refuse to conduct nikkahs without a corresponding civil marriage, which renders you beholden to kufri marital law. How anyone who claims to be a Muslim could be satisfied with such a state of affairs is entirely beyond me.

"Then is it the judgement of [the time of] ignorance they desire? But who is better than Allāh in judgement for a people who are certain [in faith]." [Qur'an 5:50]

People repeat the lie that 'Allah obligated obeying the law of the land' because the war on terror forced it down their throats, while not realizing this slogan is used to abolish the sharia in their masajid and their homes. 'Render unto Caesar what is Caesars' is a saying of the Nazarenes, not the Muslims.

Islamic State of Mind

26 Jan, 15:15

If Omar Suleiman was serious about "freeing #Palestine" then he would use his massive platform and following to teach the people about jihad fisabilillah, and he would openly call for jihad and #Khilafah.

But he won't, because he's controlled opposition, just like all the rest of the famous mainstream Western Islamic personalities.

The people of truth are either on the battlefield, in prison, or in the ground.

Islamic State of Mind

25 Jan, 18:52

Also known as just being a Muslim

Islamic State of Mind

21 Jan, 14:56

How Madkhalis prey upon unsuspecting reverts

Islamic State of Mind

21 Jan, 03:23

Unfortunately it's confirmed that Umm Khalid is on the same page as her husband Taqiyyajew. I would humbly advise to boycott both of them.

Islamic State of Mind

16 Jan, 03:02


Islamic State of Mind

15 Jan, 00:16

Looks like Shaykh AMJ's website is back online.

Use HTTrack or other tools to back it up before it goes down again, in sha Allah

Islamic State of Mind

15 Jan, 00:12

‎⁦ #NEW⁩ | CAN THE SHARI'AH BE IMPLEMENTED GRADUALLY? | Shaykh ⁦ @sh_Ahmad_Jibril⁩ (حفظه الله تعالى)

‎A highly important and relevant topic, especially with the current events in ⁦ Syria⁩, and previously in Egypt - what is the reality of those who claim to desire to implement the Shari'ah gradually?



Islamic State of Mind

15 Jan, 00:08

Report from #Damascus ⚡️‼️

A dawah group was arrested for putting up flyers promoting the hijab in the Al-Qassaa neighborhood in Damascus and handed over to the General Security.

This is the new #Syria. This is Jewlani's Syria.

Arresting Muslims who enjoin good and forbid evil. What happened to the supposed "freedom" for anyone who wants to practice Islam?

And still you'll have naive retards saying "iT's jUsT a StRaTeGy AkHi!"

We told y'all it was just replacing one Taghut for another, but you didn't want to listen..

Either you implement Allah's Shari'ah, or you are a Taghut that must be fought. There is no third option. There is no middle ground. There is no compromise. Point blank period.

Islamic State of Mind

14 Jan, 02:02

I absolutely do not support Jolani or HTS,


For brothers looking to make Hijrah, would Syria be a bad choice now? Wouldn't be any different than any other Muslim-majority country ruled by a Taghut, would it? Wouldn't it still better than living in the West?

Islamic State of Mind

13 Jan, 23:12

"I don't know who dropped these people on their heads when they were small but it's just hilarious to read their comments, I haven't laughed like this for a long time.

To them, EVERYONE is ahlul sunnah EXCEPT those who actually follow the creed of the Salaf. They'll call every single filthy mushrik najas as muslim but ofcourse following the creed of the Salaf is being khawarij. And oh ofcourse, their brothers, the filthy najas sons of Mut'a the rawafidh.

As if the Salaf in their books did not refute the forefathers of the Ashari's and Maturudis who claim Allah is everywhere. It is literally IN THE BOOKS how our Imams refuted the Jahmiyya and Mu'tazilah.

Their Salaf are these deviants.

As if Imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab invented something new and did not refer back to the book of Allah, the sunnah of His rasool sallAllaahu 'aleyhi wa sallam and the Salaf of this ummah and so did sheikhul Islam Ibnu Taymiyyah before him.

The "muslims" they claim were takfired and slaughtered are grave worshipping najasa and dirtier than toilet Rawafidh, oh what a beautiful slaughter it is, i wish I could witness it with my own eyes how Mushrik Najas were offered as slaughtered lambs.

"Ahlul sunnah" they say, "until this day" they say.. every deviant grave worshipping, najas to them is their "Ahlul Sunnah", every deviant aqidah, followers of Greek philosopers is their "Ahlul Sunnah"..

Little kids on social media and their role models like Yasir Ghandi, Daniel Rafidhijoy, M. Hijab, filthy individual after the other, sitting and slandering the Mashaykhs of Tawhīd as a spare time hobby.. Laughable.

I will not be wasting more of my time on these." - Ibn Ahmad

Islamic State of Mind

12 Jan, 14:54

"Haqiqatjou" = "in truth, a Jew"

Islamic State of Mind

10 Jan, 18:29


Islamic State of Mind

09 Jan, 17:29

May Allah increase their punishment

Islamic State of Mind

06 Jan, 21:08

"Update every 4 years"

Islamic State of Mind

01 Jan, 16:46

I don't want to insult this brother, but as a man, how many of your family members need to be killed before you pick up a weapon and fight? What is the point of running around as a "journalist"? Is that what Allah told us to do?

Muslims today will literally do anything EXCEPT jihad fisabilillah. The kuffaar have done an excellent job of infiltrating and brainwashing us.

It's like we take pride in being part of the Suffering Olympics or something.

Islamic State of Mind

30 Dec, 03:29

Does anyone have the version of The Light series that doesn't have music in it?

ie The Light, The Light: Reloaded, and The Light: Revelations

Islamic State of Mind

30 Dec, 01:41

Lol Google AI has better Aqeedah than most Muslims today

Islamic State of Mind

23 Dec, 23:15

I think we've all got the point by now but I'm still gonna keep posting these as I find them, in sha Allah

Islamic State of Mind

23 Dec, 15:11

The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said,
“I was commanded to fight the people until they testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allāh and that Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allāh, establish the prayer, and pay the zakāh. [If they do that, they save their blood and wealth from except for the rights of Islām. Their reckoning belongs to Allāh].”
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 25

And he (ﷺ) said,
“I was sent ahead of the Hour with the sword, for the worship of Allāh alone with no partners. My sustenance has been placed under the shade of my spear. [Humiliation and disgrace has been placed upon whoever opposed my command. Whoever imitates a people is from them].”
Musnad al-Imām Aḥmad 2/92

And he (ﷺ) said,
“I swear Who has my soul in His Hand,
I surely wish that I battle in the path of Allāh and am killed,
then I battle in the path of Allāh and am killed,
then I battle in the path of Allāh and am killed”.
Sunan Ibn Mājah 2753

And he (ﷺ) said,
“Whoever fights in the path of Allāh for the duration between two milkings of a camel, Paradise is wājib for him.”
Sunan Ibn Mājah 2792

And he (ﷺ) said,
“A disbeliever and his killer will not in the Fire, ever.”
[Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 3617]

And he (ﷺ) said,
“Allāh laughs at two men. One of them killed the other, and both of them enter Jannah. One fights in the path of Allāh and is killed, then Allāh turns to the killer, so he fights and is martyred.”
Muwaṭṭa Imām Mālik 989

Islamic State of Mind

23 Dec, 02:18

Does this sound like Shari'ah to you?

Islamic State of Mind

06 Dec, 16:07

Does anyone know a good website for Sharh of Ahadith in English?

Islamic State of Mind

06 Dec, 01:16

May Allah swiftly bring an end to Bashar and the rest of the Tawaghît, and may the true implementation of Sharia flourish in Bilad al-Sham and beyond, guided by the righteous hands of the pure Muwahidîn.

Ahmad Musa Jibril
Jmd. I 29, 1446 AH

Islamic State of Mind

06 Dec, 01:15

O my sisters, may Allah protect you from ever facing such horrors ever again

Islamic State of Mind

05 Dec, 22:52

Even though I don't like HTS, I am happy to see Muslims freed from Bashar's prisons. Alhamdulillah.

Islamic State of Mind

02 Dec, 14:57

It's in our genes bruv innit

Islamic State of Mind

01 Dec, 20:14

May Allah swiftly bring an end to Bashar and the rest of the Tawaghît, and may the true implementation of Sharia flourish in Bilad al-Sham and beyond, guided by the righteous hands of the pure Muwahidîn.

Ahmad Musa Jibril
Jmd. I 29, 1446 AH

Islamic State of Mind

30 Nov, 19:25

Nice. May Allah make her benefit to other sisters as well.

Islamic State of Mind

29 Nov, 16:33

"We should not eat Turkey and say our intention was otherwise; there are 364 days in the year for you to enjoy your Turkey, to choose that day (Thanksgiving) specifically is symbolically participating in their holidays."

— Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله

— copied from Haqq Hurts Hypocrites

Islamic State of Mind

29 Nov, 16:31

The Native Americans were barbaric pagans, and their descendants today are still largely mushrik idol worshipers (ie Catholics); there's no reason for you as a Muslim to feel sorry for them. They were kuffaar that lost the war to other kuffaar. Womp womp.

Islamic State of Mind

22 Nov, 22:29

Average Desi-majority Masjid leadership. No disrespect to my Desi brothers and sisters individually, but I can't stand Desi culture. So many problems in the Ummah caused by Desis that can't let go of their retarded culture.

If I ever find out that someone diddled my kid at the masjid, you will see me on the news.

Islamic State of Mind

19 Nov, 18:54

Interesting if true

Islamic State of Mind

30 Oct, 20:47

Some say “Abandon Harris,” others say “Abandon Trump,” whereas a true Muslim says, “Abandon Voting!”

May Allah grant the U.S. the president that will best serve the destruction of its economy from within, due to its explicit funding of the massacre of our children in Gaza, and elsewhere.

رَبَّنَا اطْمِسْ عَلَىٰ أَمْوَالِهِمْ وَاشْدُدْ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمْ فَلَا يُؤْمِنُوا حَتَّىٰ يَرَوُا الْعَذَابَ الْأَلِيمَ

Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله
Rab. II 27, 1446 AH

Islamic State of Mind

27 Oct, 23:23

Every time your local imam or khateeb tells you to vote in democratic elections, he is calling you to Shirk Akbar and inviting you to the Hellfire. Will you accept his invitation?

"Legislation is not but for Allah. He has commanded that you worship not except Him. That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know." {12:40}

Allah the only Legislator (Facebook page)

Islamic State of Mind

24 Oct, 17:37

You may have heard the hadith "jihad an-nafs jihad al-akbar", or, when RasulAllah ﷺ and the Sahabah were returning from a battle, this hadith states that he ﷺ allegedly said "we have returned from the lesser jihad [ie warfare] to the greater jihad [struggle against oneself]."

This hadith is fabricated, and Ibn al-Qayyim called it "obnoxious".

Shaykh Abdullah al-Faisal (may Allah hasten his release) wrote a book called 100 Fabricated Hadith, which mentions this hadith and many others.

No, we are not Quraniyoon hadith rejectors; but the ahadith have a grading system, and some ahadith are weak or fabricated entirely.

Make sure you're not being lied to about your religion, and give Shaykh some good deeds by benefitting from his work:

Islamic State of Mind

23 Oct, 16:55

Asking weird questions like this makes you look like a fed

Islamic State of Mind

22 Oct, 20:57

Madhakhila want to endlessly debate whether ruling by other than the sharia is major or minor kufr, and although the answer is very clear, we don't even need to rely on this to make takfir of MBS because he's on record claiming he's a Qur'anist. How is it that they find no difficulty making takfir upon every Qur'anist but their jaws clamp shut when you point out that MBS is a Qur'anist?

Islamic State of Mind

22 Oct, 20:56

These are the people you're arguing with in your comments 😆

Islamic State of Mind

17 Oct, 21:05

Oh and if you guys weren't aware this guy is a multimillionare hoarder who doesn't shower or brush his teeth and insists on living in his own filth.

Islamic State of Mind

17 Oct, 21:05

This is what disbelievers really think of you, and don't you forget it

Islamic State of Mind

17 Oct, 20:24

They complain about you being "takfiri" while they make false takfir upon you

Islamic State of Mind

13 Oct, 12:03

Islamic State of Mind

13 Oct, 01:45

Just a reminder that it's completely legal to hire private investigators to dig up dirt on any kuffar who've caused you any trouble ever. Knowledge is power

Islamic State of Mind

12 Oct, 20:47

Calling the kaafir police on your Muslim brother(s) over petty squabbles is something that American masjid leadership has gotten entirety too comfortable with.

Allying with disbelievers against Muslims is Kufr Akbar. Turning your Muslim brother over to kuffaar authorities is nothing short of betrayal.

If you have a problem, get some brothers together and solve it. Don't be a lazy, weak, treacherous donkey by calling the police.

Islamic State of Mind

12 Oct, 11:40

This man just said studying Aqeedah is bid'ah?

Brothers and sisters, beware of anyone who tells you Aqeedah doesn't matter, or who belittles the idea of studying Aqeedah. This man has built a platform and a following by criticizing feminism and Madkhalis to gain your trust, so that when he says things like this, or when he and Abdullah al-Andalusi tell you to sympathize and unify with the Shi'a, you don't notice. It's called Taqiyyah, it's what the Shi'a do. Nevermind the fact this man is from careful who you listen to. Lots of deceivers today.

Full post for context:

Islamic State of Mind

09 Oct, 16:19

Die for sodomy like a good little goy