Hitler Faith @hitlerianfaith Channel on Telegram

Hitler Faith


National Socialism is more than a political ideology. It is a spiritual, and all-encompassing worldview.

It’s a faith — the Hitler Faith.

See @EsotericHitlerism @PathOfTotality

Hitler Faith (English)

Are you interested in exploring National Socialism beyond just a political ideology? Are you looking to delve deeper into its spiritual and all-encompassing worldview? If so, then 'Hitler Faith' is the Telegram channel for you. This channel delves into the concept of the Hitler Faith, seeing National Socialism as more than just a political movement, but as a faith in itself.

Join us as we explore the spiritual aspects of National Socialism and delve into its deeper meanings. Connect with like-minded individuals who share a similar interest in this unique perspective. Gain insights and perspectives that you may not find elsewhere.

For those seeking a deeper understanding of National Socialism and its spiritual implications, 'Hitler Faith' is the perfect channel to be a part of. Join us today and embark on a journey of exploration and discovery. Don't miss out on this opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions and expand your knowledge on the Hitler Faith.

Join us on Telegram at @hitlerianfaith and also check out our partner channels @EsotericHitlerism and @PathOfTotality for even more in-depth discussions and insights. Let's delve into the spiritual side of National Socialism together.

Hitler Faith

30 Jan, 12:06

Adolf Hitler – Radio Address to the German Folk, 30 January 1945 (Audio recording with English subtitles).

Hitler Faith

30 Jan, 12:06

Adolf Hitler – Radio Address to the German Folk, 30 January 1945

Hitler Faith

30 Jan, 12:05

“Our Country is drowning in hypocrisy and cowardice. There is only three places on the face of the earth that have ever whipped Communism, not talked about it. Spain, and they hate Spain. Italy and Germany. They whipped Communism and got rid of it. And to do it of course they had a little difficulty with the Jews. Because the minute you go after the communists you are going to run into the Jews. Which is why the Birch Society can never get any place because they keep saying how they love Jews and hate communism. It’s like saying you love to go swimming but hate to get wet. You can’t do it.”

- Commander George Lincoln Rockwell- Brown University 1966

Clip from Brown: Run into Jews

Full Brown Speech: Cowardly ADL

Rockwell’s True Successor Organization: The New Order

Hitler Faith

26 Jan, 19:56

Remaster c/o @bibliothecaofwarha

Hitler Faith

26 Jan, 19:55

I have remastered a digital version of the recording of a conversation between Adolf Hitler and Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Defence Forces, on 1942-06-04.

Hitler Faith

26 Jan, 19:55

The Only Known Recording of Hitler's Normal Voice

Although many speeches given by Adolf Hitler have been preserved, there is no audio footage of his normal conversational voice. Well, except for one tape, called the Hitler-Mannerheim Recording, which was recorded in secret by a Finnish sound engineer, and released to the public only decades after the war ended.

Source of video: https://youtu.be/WE6mnPmztoQ

Original post by…

Hitler Faith

26 Jan, 03:14

“Every race has its soul, and every soul its race…

…its own unique internal and external architectronic shape, its characteristic form of appearance and demeanor of life-style, and a unique relationship between forces of will and reason.”

— from The Myth of the 20th Century (1930) by Alfred Rosenberg, translated by V. Bird, with modifications by Dr. Thomas Dalton, Clemens & Blair Edition, 2021, p. 87

Hitler Faith

12 Jan, 18:04

The Pendulum is Swinging Back: The Second Coming of Fascist Man
(2 of 2)

“As the antithesis of Liberalism, citizen-State symbiosis [Fascism/National Socialism] presents us with an opportunity…

The pious — the State-devoted — confront the alienated and worn dog of Liberalism with their vibrant symbiosis: they are a pack of wolves, and their meal is assured; each, for the benefit of the other, ensures this fact; the pack destroys the alienated individual, and the future is assured.

And thus, the barbarism that ignites the will of the pious and disrupts the lethargic individualism of the Liberalistic man sits in the midst of, not a synthesis, but an anti-synthesis, a deconstruction of the thesis and continuance of the antithesis.

In the name of culture, the pious not only survive, but also thrive.”

— from Myth and Sun by Martin Friedrich, Clemens & Blair Edition, 2022, p. 184

Hitler Faith

12 Jan, 18:03

The Pendulum is Swinging Back: Requiem for the Liberalistic Man
(1 of 2)

“The Liberalistic man is so unapologetically in love with himself, and his material things that he cannot bear the thought of simply melting away.

Thus, he will fight — like any street dog vying for scraps; but he will lose, because in the end, he stands for nothing; his ‘brother’ and ‘neighbor’ next to him care as little for his cause as any stranger might”.

Hitler Faith

12 Jan, 18:00

“Consumer culture is not culture; it is prison bartering.” — Martin Friedrich

Note: I myself admit that I listen to popular music. This isn’t about condemning anyone who does, so long as they recognize it for what it is, which is, as petty ephemeral pleasures (guilty pleasures), and not as enduring culture.

Hitler Faith

12 Jan, 17:59


Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Citizen-State Symbiosis

“Fascism [and National Socialism] was the attempt to create the citizen-State symbiosis necessary to fend off cultural decay.” — Martin Friedrich

Hitler Faith

31 Dec, 11:59

The Immortal Adolf Hitler

The Ninth Avatar of Wotan-Vishnu,
The One Before the Last

“In ancient terms, in sacred words…: This [was] the coming and incarnation of an Avatar, of a God (to no longer say Archetype), of the Avatar of Vishnu, or, what seems more exact, of Wotan…” — from Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar (1984) by Miguel Serrano, Wewelsburg Archives Edition, JdF 131, Vol. I, Part 1, p. 177

“Adolf Hitler was the ninth Avatāra of the Godhead. He appeared in Germanic Europe when the godlessness of Judeo-capitalism, and Judeo-Marxism were throwing the world into tumult.” — from Hitler Avatāra (2023) by Martin Friedrich, Clemens & Blair Edition, p. 2



Hitler Faith

31 Dec, 11:59


Hitler Faith

24 Dec, 13:11

"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being." — Carl Jung

I hope everyone has a Happy Yuletide, and a Merry Christmas!

Hitler Faith

08 Dec, 19:45

The Justifier
(2 of 2)

“The Führerprinzip demands the combining of the collective body and mind of the folk, and the executive power of the Führer in order to triumph over socio-cultural degeneracy and ideological nihilism through the ancient will, the conservation of natural law.

It represents the ‘deliverer’ of which Nietzsche speaks when lamenting the nihilistic urges of his contemporary German (European) sociopolitical climate: ‘Everywhere the deliverer is missing, either as a class or as a single man — the justifier’ [quote from Nietzsche].”

— from Myth and Sun (2022) by Martin Friedrich, Clemens & Blair Edition, pgs. 112 & 113

Hitler Faith

08 Dec, 19:43

The Justifier
(1 of 2)

“Nationalism itself is never Nietzsche’s enemy. Instead, he rails at the context of his contemporary nationalism — i.e. the Liberalistic shroud that the still-encumbered-by-slave-morality nationalism dons.

The citizens of Germany — the ‘polluted streams’ — submit their will and flow into the great ‘sea’ of the Führer, through which they are cleansed of their weakness and ideological nihilism; important to note, however, is that it is not the Führer alone who represents the Übermensch, but the conjoined will of the folk with the Führer.”

Hitler Faith

08 Dec, 19:42



Sources: @wermachedits


Hitler Faith

08 Dec, 19:41



Hitler Faith

29 Nov, 21:44

A Leader Among Men

“Great men have risen for the German people throughout its history. The greatest German of all times is Adolf Hitler. The coming millennia of German history will be an imperishable monument to his deeds, his exemplary life, his teachings, and his leadership.

His work already points far beyond all familiar concepts of time. It is not deification when the German people approach this man as their leader with unwavering faith. It is only natural that the leadership created by Adolf Hitler will stand for the future on the belief of the German people.”

— from Mastering Life (1942) by Anton Holzner, Invisible Empire Publishing Edition, 2024, p. 25

Hitler Faith

17 Nov, 00:21

Men Against Time
(2 of 2)

[Pictured is Der Führer Adolf Hitler in 1941 during Operation Barbarossa]

“The Führerprinzip was ideologically born in Hegel’s philosophy. ‘There is a divine will, and all we are is its instruments.’

This, of course, is precisely what Hitler is engaging in when [Hegel] says his “doctrine of the Führerprinzip is … [not] a doctrine of a brutal dictator who triumphs over the destruction of the values of private life … [but the doctrine of public discourse].”

— from Myth and Sun by Martin Friedrich, Clemens & Blair Edition, 2022, pgs. 97-98