EX-Muslim Memes @exmuslimmemesindia Channel on Telegram

EX-Muslim Memes


Here You Will Get All Memes of ☪️ℹ️Slam

Halala Expert

EX-Muslim Memes (English)

Are you someone who enjoys humor that is both relatable and thought-provoking? Look no further than the 'EX-Muslim Memes' Telegram channel, also known as '@exmuslimmemesindia'! As the name suggests, this channel is dedicated to sharing hilarious and satirical memes that poke fun at the experiences, traditions, and stereotypes associated with being an ex-Muslim. Whether you are an ex-Muslim yourself, have an interest in religious satire, or simply enjoy a good laugh, this channel is sure to provide you with daily doses of entertainment. The creative minds behind 'EX-Muslim Memes' work tirelessly to create original content that resonates with their audience and sparks conversations about the complexities of leaving a religion. Join this vibrant community today to connect with like-minded individuals, share your own experiences through humor, and discover a new perspective on ex-Muslim identity. Get ready to laugh, think, and engage with a diverse range of content on the 'EX-Muslim Memes' Telegram channel!

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

Iske sahansah a hind rahamulaye ko kitna tadpaya hai shiva ji 25 varash tak Delhi darshan nahi hua haram ka pilla ourangjeb ko, khud ye chulle bhi kabul karte hai 😹😹😹😹😹 , hinduo veer shiva ji kon the iss chulle se suno ,

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

I know she is going to delete my reply so i had taken a screenshot of it

[ tum daal daal , hum paat paat ]

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

Super Pawar Bangladesh

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

A Muslim braying and praying in one of the streets of occupied Europe, causing terror and panic.

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32


PM Modi to take Sangam Dip tomorrow.

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

𝐉𝐚𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐊𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐧𝐚 🙏🕉🙏🕉🙏


EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

Need to post my handel can i post it 🙏🥺

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

Credit (Exmuslim sajid imam) 😆😆😆😆

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

After President Trump stopped the $50 million Gaza aid for condoms, Hamas has come up with a locally produced brand.

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

ये पत्थर क्यों मारते है ? क्यों कि अल्लाह पर हम जुल्म ढाह ते है आएं 😳 हा जी 😂 हम शिर्क कर के अल्लाह पर जुल्म करते है कुरान के मुताबिक , और मुसलमानों के नजदीक काफिर मूर्तद शैतान होते है इस्लाम का जुज़ है शैतान को पत्थर मारना 😂😂

इन नरभक्षियों की लूंगी सलवार खोल के बास का पतला छड़ी से मार कर तशरीफ लाल करना ही इनके अकल को तशरीफ से 🧠 में लाएगा , वरना इनकी अकल तो है ही तशरीफ में 😂😂

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

And also prefer me one pic with logo of exmuslim sajid imam too 🙏

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

यह वही है जो इस्लाम मदरसा वर्ग के जिहादी मुसलमानो और उनके बच्चों को देता है

This is what islam gives to madarsa class islamists and their childrens

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

Activists 'Ara American' protests outside of Hamas Supporter and Rally Organiser's residence while carrying a burning Quran.

She is indeed the most frequent Quran burner in the history of Islam in the US. She carries a gun for her safety.

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

'Waqf Board Will Be Finished'

Government Trying To Steal Waqf Properties.

- Asaduddin Owaisi

EX-Muslim Memes

04 Feb, 13:32

Khatno ke khiladi 🌟

EX-Muslim Memes

03 Feb, 08:05


EX-Muslim Memes

18 Jan, 15:01

( क्या मुहम्मद औरत को sex स्लेव के साथ sex तभी किया जब जंग में उनके मर्द मर जाते थे ??? जवाब है नहीं मर्द जब जिंदा रहते तब भी उनकी बीवी से sex हलाल किया था ) स्लेवरी और सेक्स स्लेवरी इस्लाम का पार्ट है और हम ऐसे कई मकामात पर देखते है को अल्लाह के रसूल इसमें खुद शामिल है और अल्लाह सुरह अल मोमिनुन में हलाल किया है गुलाम औरत से sex करना , और खुद मुहम्मद स्लेव बनाया और उसके साथ sex किया और बाजार में बेचा भी , मुस्लिमों से जब हम सवाल करते है तुम्हारे रसूल ने स्लेव बनाया सेक्स किया और बेचा भी तो उनका जवाब होता है स्लेवरी जमाना ए ज़हिलियत से थी 😆 और इसमें क्या गलत है । हम जब जंग में होते थे तो काफिरों के मर्द मर जाते थे तो उनकी मां बेटी बीवी बहु को सेक्स स्लेव बनाते थे तो अच्छा खाना ओर अच्छा कपड़ा देते थे 🤣 जब की इस हदीस में साफ लिखा है (अबू सईद अल खुदरी ने कहा, "अल्लाह के रसूल ( ने हुनैन की लड़ाई के मकामात पर औतास में एक जंग के लिए अपनी सेना भेजा। वे अपने दुश्मनों से मिले और उनके साथ लड़े। उन्होंने उन्हें हराया और उन्हें बंदी बना लिया। अल्लाह के रसूल के कुछ साथी औरत बंदियों के साथ संबंध बनाने से हिचक रहे थे, क्योंकि उनके पति बुतपरस्त थे। इसलिए, अल्लाह तआला ने कुरान की आयत भेजी "और सभी विवाहित औरत तुम्हारे लिए वर्जित हैं, सिवाय उन (बंदियों) के जिन्हें तुम्हारे दाहिने हाथ ने अपने वश में कर लिया है।" इसका मतलब यह है कि जब वे अपनी इद्धत पूरी कर लेती हैं तो वे उनके लिए वाजिब होती हैं। 🤬🤬🤬🤬

EX-Muslim Memes

18 Jan, 12:32


@assampolice Siddadul Ali (+919363788289, , UPI: 9363788289@axl, IP:, Guwahati) for AI-generated inappropriate content targeting women & hurting Hindu sentiments. This is offensive & harmful. Request immediate action to investigate & prevent further misuse.

EX-Muslim Memes

18 Jan, 12:32

15 Minute Ke Baad 🤣🍡🤣🍡

EX-Muslim Memes

18 Jan, 12:32

Request to all repost this tweet as much as possible .

Such type of people must be arrested 😡😡

EX-Muslim Memes

18 Jan, 12:32

वकील नाज़िया इलाही खान जी ने कहा की कोई भी मौलाना या शांतिपूर्ण समुदाय का पुरुष जो मुझे खेती या सामान बोलने की जुर्रत करेगा मैं उसको मेरी जूती से मारना पसंद करुंगी

Advocate Nazia Ilahi Khan said that any Maulana or man from a peaceful community who dares to talk to me about farming or goods, I would like to hit him with my shoe

EX-Muslim Memes

18 Jan, 12:32

उत्तर प्रदेश के बुलंदशहर में पुलिस को नियमित गश्त के दौरान वैगन-आर कार में एक संदिग्ध दाढ़ी वाला शख्स बैठा मिला, जिसका नाम मौलाना साबिर है. जब उससे पूछताछ की गई तो उसने मुजफ्फरनगर जाने का दावा किया। पुलिस उसे थाने ले गई और उसका फोन चेक किया। उन्हें एक वीडियो मिला जिसमें वह एक बच्चे के साथ मदरसे में उसका बलात्कार कर रहा था। मौलाना साबिर को तुरंत POCSO एक्ट के तहत गिरफ्तार कर जेल भेज दिया गया.

In Bulandshahr, UP, During a routine patrol, the police found a suspicious bearded man sitting in a Wagon-R car named as Maulana Sabir. When questioned, he claimed to be en route to Muzaffarnagar. Police took him to station and checked his phone. They discovered a video him raping a child boy. Maulana Sabir was immediately arrested under the POCSO Act and sent to jail.

EX-Muslim Memes

18 Jan, 12:32

'No One Trolls Like IDF'

Palestinians report leaflets dropped by the IDF in the Gaza Strip:

Translation: "Is victory already knocking on the doors or not yet?"

EX-Muslim Memes

18 Jan, 12:32

Good Evening #Free_Palestine_Gang

EX-Muslim Memes

17 Jan, 15:31

मुरादाबाद में फारुख, अरबी, मेहंदी हसन, शाहनवाज और फ़िदा हुसैन ने शाहरुख के घर पर गोलीबारी की, यह शाहरुख द्वारा मस्जिद में रोज़ाना जा कर नमाज अदा ना करने पर आपत्ति से जुड़ा है। सिर्फ नमाज ना पढ़ने पर मुसलमानों ने शाहरुख पर हत्या के प्रयास से गोलिया चलाई और उसके घर के दरवाजे पर पोटैशियम नाइट्रेट के कई बम भी फ़ेके

In Moradabad, Farooq, Arbi, Mehndi Hassan, Shahnawaz and Fida Hussain opened fire on Shahrukh's house, this was related to not going to mosque and offering Namaz daily. Just because he did not offer Namaz, Muslims opened fire on Shahrukh in an attempt to kill him and also threw several potassium bombs at the door of his house

EX-Muslim Memes

17 Jan, 15:31

Jannat me gaya huro k saath dingi dingi karne 🤣🤣🤣

EX-Muslim Memes

17 Jan, 15:31

Europe in Poo world slavery

EX-Muslim Memes

17 Jan, 15:31

Aaj post dala jayega, Muhammad k papa kab mare,amina k sath keya hua , Muhammad kis ka beta tha , wait 🫸

EX-Muslim Memes

14 Jan, 09:31

Filthy coward Palestinins are Threating Indians & Hindus to Kill and Behead them, For Islamism Mythology and Gay Muhammad

EX-Muslim Memes

14 Jan, 05:58

इस्लाम में झूठ और धोखा (काबा इब्न अल-अशरफ की हत्या)🤲

Lying and Deception in Islam (The killing of Kaaba ibn al-Ashraf)

👉Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Hadith 369

EX-Muslim Memes

14 Jan, 05:58

😱 मरियम बिन्त इमरान को किसने गर्भवती किया?

Who Impregnated Maryam bint Imran ?

Allah is a young man with curly hair, wearing green suit.

👉 Grade: sahih. Reference. 👇👇

Bayan Talbis al-Jahmiyyah, ibn Taymiyyah, 7/290.

EX-Muslim Memes

14 Jan, 05:58

Gems of Porkistan

EX-Muslim Memes

14 Jan, 05:58

avg. converted in Bharat

EX-Muslim Memes

14 Jan, 04:10

Australian women' take on the image of Islam as a “religion of peace".

EX-Muslim Memes

14 Jan, 04:10

तालिबान शासन के तहत बाल बलात्कारी मुसलमानों की यौन गुलामी, 55 साल का बूढ़ा अफगानी आदमी 4 साल और 9 साल की नाबालिग लड़कियों को शादी (मुताह) के लिए खरीदता है और फिर उसका यौन शोषण करने ले जाता है, जो डरी हुई है और रोना बंद नहीं कर रही है।ये सब दिखाने के बाद भी मुसलमान हम से कहते है कि हम इस्लाम के ख़िलाफ़ये सारी सच्ची दिखा के नफ़रत फैला रहे हैं

Sexual slavery of child rapists Muslims under Taliban rule, 55 years old Afghani man buys minor girls aged 4 years and 9 years for marriage (mutah) and then takes them to sexually abuse them, who are scared and can't stop crying. Even after showing all this, Muslims tell us that we are spreading hatred by showing all these truths against Islam

EX-Muslim Memes

14 Jan, 04:10

Meanwhile in a parallel world.

Hell for women without Hijab and Burkha

EX-Muslim Memes

13 Jan, 14:35

Why bother thinking about going to Mars when you can go to heaven(72 Virgin Brothel) like this,

EX-Muslim Memes

13 Jan, 14:35

The Nice Attack was a Muslim

The Paris Attacks were Muslims

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

The Orlando attack was a Muslim

The Beltway Snipers were Muslims

The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim

The Underwear Bomber was a Muslim

The Westminster Attack was a Muslim

The 2005 Bali Bombings were Muslims

The Murder of Lee Rigby were Muslims

The U.S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims

The London Bridge Attack were Muslims

The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims

The Charlie Hebdo Attacks were Muslims

The San Bernadino Attacks were Muslims

The Davao Philippines Attack were Muslims

The 2018 Surabaya bombings were Muslims

The Minnesota Mall stabbings was a Muslim

The London Subway Bombers were Muslims

The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims

The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims

The Ankara Airport Turkey Attack were Muslims

The Manchester Arena bombing was a Muslim

The Pan-Am Flight #103 Bombers were Muslims

The Iranian Embassy Takeover was by Muslims

The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims

The 2002 Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims

The Batta Meena Pakistan Attacks were Muslims

The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims

The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims

The Yazidi Sinjar Massacre of 2014 were Muslims

The Beheading of the French priest were Muslims

The Buenos Aires Suicide bombers were Muslims

The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims

The Kenyan U.S Embassy Bombers were Muslims

The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims

The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims

The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims

The First World Trade Center bombers were Muslims

The Beheading of journalist Daniel Pearl was Muslims

The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims

The Bombay & Mumbai Indian Attackers were Muslims

The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims

The 1915 Armenian Genocide, where nearly 2 million were

killed in Turkey, was the Ottoman government... were Muslims

EX-Muslim Memes

13 Jan, 14:35

जिस हिंदू का खून न खौले खून नहीं वो पानी है

Viral kro maa bahan ek kar do

Sar tan se juda hona chahiye

अधर्मी को गिरफ्तार करवाने में हमारी मदद करे जो व्हाट्सएप पे सनातनियों की आस्था का मज़ाक बनाते है, उसकी डिटेल, आपसे शेयर कर रहा हूं थोड़ा प्यार से इसकी मां का भो$ड़ा एक कर दो।

Please help us in getting the unrighteous person arrested who makes fun of the faith of Sanatanis on WhatsApp. I am sharing his details. Please fuck this bastard with pleasure.

Name -
Mohammad Karim Khan

Number Operator -
+917208352983 Tata Docomo

Location -
Mumbai, Maharashtra

WhatsApp -

Telegram -


EX-Muslim Memes

13 Jan, 08:14

IRGC guards(Transgenders) are on duty, Moral Policing vs Women for not covering hairs. But those motherfcker don't have the guts to do the same to Israel

EX-Muslim Memes

13 Jan, 08:14

Meanwhile...Muhammad, from Pakistan is showing his Culture in England.

Muhammad attempted to rape a 13-year-old British girl. Caught by British Patriots.

Muhammad says, "I couldn't control myself; she is very attractive."

EX-Muslim Memes

13 Jan, 08:14

🤩 TOO BUSY BEGGING to flush out sanitation?

🇧🇩🇵🇰 The following infographic made waves on X, showing that public access to toilets remains a huge issue in countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan, where a significant proportion of the population lacks the basic necessities.

🤔 It's not even funny anymore, just plain sad...

EX-Muslim Memes

13 Jan, 08:14

Triggered moment:
Pepe the frog is mere reason just to point out BJP, real problem lies with those images of his ancestors🤣





