Ethio Education News @ethioeducationalnews Channel on Telegram

Ethio Education News


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Ethio Education News (English)

Are you interested in staying up-to-date with the latest educational news in Ethiopia? Look no further than the Ethio Education News Telegram channel! This channel is a one-stop destination for all things related to education in Ethiopia, providing you with timely updates, important announcements, and insightful articles on the education sector in the country

Ethio Education News is the go-to source for students, educators, parents, and anyone else interested in the education system in Ethiopia. Whether you want to know about new educational policies, upcoming events, or success stories in the field of education, this channel has got you covered

Who is Ethio Education News? Ethio Education News is a dedicated team of professionals who are passionate about education and committed to keeping the community informed about the latest developments in the sector. With their expertise and dedication, they strive to provide accurate and reliable information to their audience

What is Ethio Education News? Ethio Education News is a Telegram channel that aims to bridge the gap between the education sector and the general public in Ethiopia. By sharing relevant news, updates, and resources, the channel serves as a valuable resource for anyone with an interest in education in the country

If you want to stay informed about the latest educational news in Ethiopia, make sure to join the Ethio Education News Telegram channel today. Don't miss out on important updates and valuable insights - join now and be a part of the educational conversation in Ethiopia!
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Ethio Education News

02 Feb, 09:39
PAWS is the new top dog! ๐Ÿพ

Ethio Education News

07 Jan, 17:42

Baga Ayyaana Qilleetin isin Gahe!

Ayyaana Gaarii!

Ethio Education News

03 Jan, 21:16

Akka jedhanitti 1paws=0.01$
Guys of hindabarsina
Binance irratti beeksisaniiru

Ethio Education News

03 Jan, 21:14
PAWS is the new top dog! ๐Ÿพ

Ethio Education News

13 Dec, 20:05

Focus on you people come and go


Ethio Education News

10 Dec, 13:10

Galmeen Barattoota Qormaata Kutaa 12ffaa Bara 2017 Fudhatanii Mudde 6, 2017 Eegala โ€“ BBO

Galmeen barattoota qormaata biyyaaleessaa kutaa 12ffaa bara 2017 fudhatanii Mudde 6, 2017 Interneetiin kan eegalu taโ€™uu Biiroon Barnoota Oromiyaa beeksise.

Manneen Barnootaa kumni 1 fi 280 Barattoota isaanii qorsiisuuf qophii taasisaa jiraachuu himeera.

Barattoota Istriimii Saayinsii Hawaasaa kumni 90 fi 877 kan Saayinsii Uumamaa kumni 100 fi kumni 28 fi 423, waliigalaan Oromiyaatti barattoonni kumni 200 fi kumni 19 fi 300 qormaaticha fudhachuuf qophii taasisaa jiraachuu biirichi ibseera.

Qormaatni modeelaa gahumsa barattootaa madaaluuf kennamu ammoo walakkeessa baatii Amajjii kan kennamu taโ€™uu biirichi fuula miidiyaa hawaasummaa isaan beeksiseera.

Ethio Education News

09 Dec, 13:09

Dhaabbilee barnoota olaanoo keessattis meenuu nyaataa tokko ta'uu akka qabu murtaa'eera.

Ministeerri Barnootaa daballii gatii nyaataa yeroo ammaa buโ€™uura godhachuun qorannoo kan gaggeesse yoo taโ€™u, buโ€™aa qorannichaa irratti hundaaโ€™uun baajatni nyaataa dhaabbilee barnoota olaanoo guyyaatti Birrii 100tti ol guddateera.

Ministeera Barnootaatti Hojii Gaggeessaa Olaanaa Bulchiinsaa fi Buโ€™uuraalee Misoomaa Doktar Solomoon Abrahaa, daballii gatii nyaataa amma jiru ilaalcha keessa galchuun baajatni nyaataa sirreeffamuu isaa ibsaniiru.

Dooktar Solomoon itti dabaluudhaan yuunivarsiitiiwwan biyya keenyaa keessatti meenuu nyaataa caalaatti walfakaataa akka taโ€™uuf hojjetamaa jira , bajatnis Yuunivarsitiileef baayyina barattootaan kan ramadamu taโ€™a jedhaniiru.

Yuunivarsitiilee keessatti barattoonni rakkoo hanqinaafi qulqullina nyaataa irraa kan kaโ€™e akkaan akka rakkataniifi darbee darbee dhukkubaaf akka saaxilaman gabaasaa turuun keenya ni yaadatama

Ethio Education News

09 Dec, 12:57


Ramaddiin sagantaa PREMEDIAL ifoome.


Bara barnootaa 2016 barattoonni qormaata biyyoolessaa kutaa 12ffaa darbanii fi qabxii darbiinsaa argattan yuunivarsiitiiwwan mootummaa Ministeera Barnootaa jala jiran keessatti sagantaa REMEDIAL irratti hirmaachuuf, ramaddii dhaabbata keessanii filannoowwan keessatti ilaaluu akka dandeessan isin beeksifna armaan gaditti tarreeffamtanii akkaataa bilbila ergitaniin sagantaa REMEDIAL hordofaa.

Gaaffii dhaabbilee jijjiiruuf dhiyaatu akka hin fudhanne ibsuu barbaanna.

Dhaabbata itti ramadamte ilaaluuf filannoowwan kennaman



Ethio Education News

02 Dec, 21:21

Ofi kooti irraa baaseera guys
Trust airdrop check godha maalumaafu

Ethio Education News

02 Dec, 21:14

Guys list hin gaafatu darbees reef jalqaba.namni baay'een hin argine ,gaafa jalqabdan 3.5$ isiniif laata.withdraw godhachuu dandeesu.jalqabuuf

Ethio Education News

01 Dec, 20:14

For passive income

Ethio Education News

20 Nov, 20:27

โ€‹Guyyaa 10/03/2017

Mootummaan Rippabiliika HANGAARII lammiilee biyya keenyaatiif carraa barnootaa bilisaan kennuuf waadaa galteerti.

Mootummaan R. Hangaarii A. L. Awurooppaatti bara 2025 irraa eegalee #waggaa_waggaan_namoota 100 fudhatee bilisaan

Barnoota irratti Yunivarsitootni biyya keenyaafi biyya Hangaarii walitti dhufeenyaafi wal deeggaranii waliin hojjachuuf sanada walii galtee kan mallatteessan yoo ta'u, gara biyya keenyaatiin Ministeera barnootaatti, Ministeer Deetaa Misooma Barnoota Olaanoo obbo Korraa Xushuneefi gara Hangaarii irraa immoo, Itiyoophiyaatti Ambaasaadara Hangaarii Ambaasaaddar Atiillaa Koppaanii ta'uun beekameera.
yunivarsiitiiwwan biyya isaaniitti akka barsiisu waadaa galeera.
Hangaariin biyya Awurooppaa keessatti argamtu yoo taatu, magaalaan guddoon ishees Budaapeest jedhamti.
#Maddi_odeeffannoo:- Fuula FB Ministeera Barnootaa Itiyoophiyaa irraa arganne.

#scholarship #Free #scholarship

Ethio Education News

20 Nov, 20:26

Guys amma dafaa jalqaba myster box isaanii har'aa 1 millons qaba.kana immo lammata fiduu dhiisuu danda'u waan ta'ef
Darbees trust airdrop dha

Ethio Education News

19 Nov, 21:59
Guys kana hin shawwadamina

Ethio Education News

19 Nov, 19:25

๐Ÿ“šHistory common questions for EUEE about Ethiopian Muslim and Christian wars, with answers:

1. What was the main religion practiced in the Ethiopian highlands before the arrival of Islam in the region?

A. Judaism
B. Hinduism
C. Christianity
D. Buddhism

Answer: C. Christianity

2. Which of the following groups were instrumental in spreading Islam in the Horn of Africa, including Ethiopia?

A. The Egyptians
B. The Persians
C. The Arabs
D. The Turks

Answer: C. The Arabs

3. What was the main reason for the conflict between the Ethiopian Christian empire and the Adal Sultanate in the 16th century?

A. Control of the Red Sea trade routes.
B. Differences in religious beliefs and practices.
C. Disputes over land and resources.
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

4. Who was the leader of the Adal Sultanate during its major conflict with the Ethiopian empire in the 16th century?

A. Ahmed Gragn
B. Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi
C. Muhammad ibn Az-Zubayr
D. Ahmad ibn Abi al-Fadl al-Muqri

Answer: B. Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi

5. What was the name of the Ethiopian emperor who fought against the Adal Sultanate in the 16th century?

A. Amda Seyon I
B. Zara Yaqob
C. Gelawdewos
D. Lebna Dengel

Answer: D. Lebna Dengel

6. What was the significance of the Battle of Harer in 1543?

A. It marked the beginning of the Adal invasion of Ethiopia.
B. It was a decisive victory for the Ethiopian forces, ending the Adal invasion.
C. It resulted in the death of Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi.
D. It led to the conversion of many Ethiopian Christians to Islam.

Answer: C. It resulted in the death of Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi.

7. Which of the following was a consequence of the long war between the Ethiopian empire and the Adal Sultanate in the 16th century?

A. The weakening of both empires.
B. The rise of new power centers in the region.
C. The spread of Islam in Ethiopia.
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

8. Which European power played a significant role in supporting the Ethiopian empire during its conflict with the Adal Sultanate?

A. Portugal
B. Spain
C. England
D. France

Answer: A. Portugal

9. What was the main reason for the Ethiopian government's suppression of Somali nationalism in the Ogaden region in the 1970s?

A. Religious differences between Ethiopians and Somalis.
B. A desire to maintain control over the strategically important Ogaden region.
C. Fear of Somali secession from Ethiopia.
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

10. What is the name of the Ethiopian province that was at the heart of the Ethiopian-Somali conflict in the 1970s?

A. Tigray
B. Oromia
C. Amhara
D. Ogaden

Answer: D. Ogaden

11. Which of the following was a key figure in the Ethiopian resistance against the Italian occupation during World War II?

A. Emperor Haile Selassie
B. Ras Desta Demtu
C. Ras Seyoum Mengesha
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above.

12. The Ethiopian-Eritrean conflict in the 1990s was primarily due to:

A. Religious differences between Ethiopian Christians and Eritrean Muslims.
B. Disputes over control of the Eritrean port of Massawa.
C. Eritrean demands for independence from Ethiopia.
D. All of the above.

Answer: C. Eritrean demands for independence from Ethiopia.

13. Which of the following is an example of a peaceful resolution of a conflict between Ethiopian Muslims and Christians?

A. The establishment of the Harar Emirate
B. The defeat of the Adal Sultanate by the Ethiopian empire
C. The formation of the Oromo Liberation Front
D. The creation of the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council

Answer: D. The creation of the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council

Ethio Education News

17 Nov, 21:16

Big Airdrop

Ethio Education News

15 Nov, 21:07

A reminder


Ethio Education News

13 Nov, 22:17
Akka hin dagannee kana guys

Ethio Education News

10 Nov, 17:27

Diraamaa hirkoo season 2 part 15 gadhiifameera Argachuun bakka Hirkoo jedhu xuqaa!!

Ethio Education News

10 Nov, 10:40

โ–ช If you fail, never give up because
F.A.I.L. means "First Attempt In Learning".

โ–ช End is not the end, in fact
E.N.D. means "Effort Never Dies".

โ–ช If you get NO as an answer, remember
N.O. means "Next Opportunity".

So Let's BE POSITIVE. . .โ˜‘


Ethio Education News

10 Nov, 10:39

Folder haara banamee jira.
Namoonni bilisaan(without  payment) chaanaali keessan guddifachuu barbaaddan, asiin na dubbisaa  ๐Ÿ‘‰ @Advertising172

Chaanaali keessan view bareedaafi miseensa 1k ol qabachuun dirqama.

Chaanali 1k gadii ammoo bifa walii galteen kan isiniif galchun ta'a.

Inbox ๐Ÿ“ฅ. @Advertising172
Inbox ๐Ÿ“ฅ  @Advertising172

Ethio Education News

09 Nov, 21:27

#Project guddaa kana of hin dabarsina.
โ™กAirdrop isin kanan dura hojjetaaniif
โ™กAccount telegram keessan umurii isaa check gochuun qofa token isiniif laata akkuma dogs jechuudha
โ™กtap tap gochuu isin hin gaafatu
Ammuma jalqabaa

Ethio Education News

06 Nov, 20:14


Ethio Education News

06 Nov, 20:09

Garaagarumma guddaa qabu

Ethio Education News

06 Nov, 20:05


Doonaald Tiraamp Pirezidaantii Ameerikaa taโ€™uun injifatan!
Congra to our.....

Ethio Education News

04 Nov, 21:34

PAWS Airdrop

Link kanan gala
โœ”๏ธ Taskwaan jiran xumuraa
โœ”๏ธ Invite Friends

1, Namoonni Ecosystem Ton kessaa ga'e qaban Victor Dabalatee Wa'ee kana bayyinaan beeksisa jiru.

2, Co Founder Blum fi Founder Notcoin leaderboard irraa turan ($DOGS yeroo jalqabees akkas ture)

3, Airdrop kanan duraa irratti hirmaatan like Notcoin, $DOGS fi Hamster ilaale Point isiniif kenna.

Bot isa yoo banu didee irra deddebin yaala

Ceo Blum Support godha ammaf kanuma bekku dandeenye.
Jalqabin isanii garidha yoo akkasumati itti fufeef IF NOT AS ALWAYS MEME ta'e hafa ๐Ÿ˜‚ Try It

Ethio Education News

25 Oct, 08:58

Ramaddii keessaniif...........

Ethio Education News

25 Oct, 08:54

Ramaddii Yuunivarsitii barattoota qormaata biyyaalessaa darbanii karaa
Ilaaluun akka dandaโ€™amu ministeerri barnootaa beeksiseera.

Ethio Education News

16 Oct, 20:13

Premarket irratti tokkoon ishee 0.008 100k dollar 800 ti dha baay'ee aja'iba
guys warri hin jalqabne muraasamu illee dafaa walitti qabadha jalqabuuf

Ethio Education News

09 Oct, 21:41

Qabxiin seensa sagantaa fooyyessa dandeettii bara 2017 ifoome

Finfinnee, Fulbaana 29, 2017 (OEB) Qabxiin seensa sagantaa fooyyessa dandeettii barattoota bara barnootaa 2016 qormaata biyyaalessaa kutaa 12ffaa fudhatanii ifoomeera.

Haaluma kanaan:-

1.Barattoota dhiiraa Saayinsii Uumamaa fi Haawaasummaan qormaata 600 keessaa fudhataniif qabxiin seensaa 204,

2.Barattoota Shamarranii Saayinsii Uumamaa fi Hawaasummaan qormaata 600 keessaa fudhataniif qabxiin seensaa 192,

3.Barattoota dhiiraa naannolee guddattootaa fi naannawaa Horsiisee bulaarraa Saayinsii Uumamaa fi Hawaasummaan qormaata 600 keessaa fudhataniif qabxiin seensaa 192,

4.Barattoota Shamarranii naannolee guddattootaa fi naannawaa Horsiisee bulaarraa Saayinsii Uumamaa fi Hawaasummaan qormaata 600 keessaa fudhataniif qabxiin seensaa 186,

5.Barattoota dhiiraa qaroo dhabeeyyii Saayinsii Hawaasummaan qormaata 500 keessaa fudhataniif qabxiin seensaa 160,

6.Barattoota Shamarranii qaroo dhabeeyyii Saayinsii Hawaasummaan qormaata 500 keessaa fudhataniif qabxiin seensaa 155,

7.Barattoota dhiiraa sagantaa qophaaโ€™inaa Saayinsii Uumamaan qormaata 700 keessaa fudhataniif qabxiin seensaa 238,

8.Barattoota Shamarranii sagantaa qophaaโ€™inaa Saayinsii Uumamaan qormaata 700 keessaa fudhataniif qabxiin seensaa 224 taโ€™uu ragaan Ministeera Barnootarraa

Ethio Education News

26 Sep, 14:38

Ni malaaf unsubscribe ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Ethio Education News

26 Sep, 12:02

Gatiin Isa 0.014

Ethio Education News

26 Sep, 11:59

5 sec

Ethio Education News

26 Sep, 11:59

20 sec

Ethio Education News

26 Sep, 11:58

1โƒฃmin guys

Ethio Education News

26 Sep, 11:56

3โƒฃmin guys

Ethio Education News

26 Sep, 11:55

4โƒฃ min guys

Ethio Education News

26 Sep, 11:47

Only 14 min on binance guys๐Ÿ™ƒ

Ethio Education News

24 Sep, 17:00

Hamster Kombat warri telegram wallet itti gootan galuu jalqabeera check godha

Hamster Kombat แ‹จแ‰ดแˆŒแŒแˆซแˆ wallet แ‹ซแˆ‹แ‰ฝแˆ แˆ˜แŒแ‰ฃแ‰ต แŒ€แˆแˆจแ‹‹แˆ แ‹ญแˆ˜แˆแŠจแ‰ฑแ‰ตแข

Ethio Education News

24 Sep, 16:56

แˆตแˆˆ crypto Timely แŠ แ‹ณแ‹ฒแˆต แˆ˜แˆจแŒƒแ‹Žแ‰ฝแŠ• แˆˆแˆ›แŒแŠ˜แ‰ต แ‹ญแˆ…แŠ• แ‰ปแŠ“แˆ แ‹ญแ‰€แˆ‹แ‰€แˆ‰

Ethio Education News

23 Sep, 13:27

Komii Barattootaa.

Barattoonni bara 2016 qormaataa kutaa 8ffaa fudhachuudhaan qabxii dorgomsiisee mana barumsaa bultii addaa isaan seensiisu galmeesisan MBBA oromiyaa komatanii jiru.

Akkuma beekkamu MBBA Oromiyaa barattootaa qaxalee bu'aa qormaata kutaa 8ffaa ilaaluudhaan dorgomsiisee kan fudhatu yoo ta'u bara kanas barattoota bara 2016 bu'aan qormaata kutaa 8ffaa isaanii bareeda ta'e ulaagaa barbaachisuu dorgomsiisee tureera.

Maarree barttoota Qormaata seensaa mana barumsichaa darban maqaa barattoota 1492 gama miidiya hawwaasaa Telegiramiidhaan maxxansanii kan turanis yoo ta'u guyyoota xiqqoo keessatti ammoo maqaa barattoota muraasaa keessaa hambisuudhaan kan maxxansan ta'uu barattoonni kunnee heeran.

Qabxii seensaa dhiiraaf 73,dubartootaaf 70 jedhamee maxxanfamee kan ture jijjiraamuudhaan dhiirootaaf 78 akkasumas dubartootaaf ammoo 75 taasisuudhaan maqaa barattoota 703 qofa maxxansuu isaanii fi kanneen hafan ammoo MA addaa Naannoo isaanitti argamutti barachuu akka danda'an haala mijeessuu isaa barattonni himaniiru.

Sababa kanaaf xin-sammuun barattootaa kanneenii akka tuqamee fii akka hedduu gaddan akkasumas maatiin illee erga qophii hedduu xumuranii jijjiirraan yaadaa kun jiraachuun barattootaa fi maatii barattoota hedduu akka miidhe dubbataniiru.

''Gochi akka kanaa bareedaa mitii boruufillee wal amantaa keenya hir'isaas''jechuudhaan barattoonnj kunneen komatan.

Kun maaliif akka ta'e ibsa bal'aa biiroo barnootaa oromiyaa fi qaama dhimmichi ilaallaturaa akka nuuf laatamuu barbaanna kan jedhan barattoonni kunneen yaadaa tasgabbii qabuun gara barnoota idilee isaaniittii deebi'uu akka barbaadanis ibsaniiru.

Ethio Education News

21 Sep, 17:29

Late but
Anyway ๐Ÿ™‚ guys

Ethio Education News

20 Sep, 19:30

Hamster keessan hanga bor ganama sa'a 2 irratti wallet connect gochuun waan dhaabbatuf Amma deema connect gadhadhaa

Ethio Education News

20 Sep, 18:54

We miss you Hamster Kombat ๐Ÿ˜˜

Ethio Education News

19 Sep, 20:20

Namnii maqaan isiniif mul'achuu dide asirraa ilaaladha





