Ishchi/Stuff @enggnlr Channel on Telegram



Learn with fun

Agency: @Ads_reklama_qabul

General English (English)

Are you looking to improve your English skills while having fun? Look no further than the General English Telegram channel! With the username @enggnlr, this channel offers a unique and engaging way to learn and practice English in a supportive online community.

Whether you are a beginner looking to build a strong foundation in the language or an advanced learner seeking to enhance your fluency, General English has something for everyone. The channel provides a variety of resources, including interactive quizzes, vocabulary-building exercises, grammar tips, and engaging conversation prompts.

In addition to the valuable learning materials, General English also fosters a sense of community among its members. You can connect with other English learners from around the world, practice your language skills through group discussions, and receive feedback and support from fellow members.

The channel is managed by a dedicated team of language experts who are passionate about helping others reach their English learning goals. With their guidance and support, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the English language and grow more confident in your abilities.

Whether you are a student, a working professional, or simply someone who enjoys learning new languages, General English is the perfect place to expand your skills and have fun while doing so. Join @enggnlr today and embark on an exciting journey towards mastering the English language!


15 Dec, 03:04

O'zbekistonda mehnat ish faoliyatini Mehnat kodesi tartibga soladi.

O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Mehnat Kodeks bilan tartibga solinadigan munosabatlar:

ish beruvchilar va davlat manfaatlarining muvozanatini ta’minlash hamda ularni muvofiqlashtirish asosida yakka tartibdagi mehnatga oid munosabatlarni va ular bilan bevosita bog‘liq bo‘lgan ijtimoiy munosabatlarni tartibga soladi

Kodeks bilan to'liq bu yerda tanishishingiz mumkin.


15 Dec, 02:57

Kanal yo'nalishini o'zgartirishga qaror qildik. Endi bu yerda siz ish vakansiyalari bilan tanishishingiz mumkin!!!


15 Dec, 02:51

Channel name was changed to «Ishchi/Stuff»


05 Dec, 08:30


General English

15 Jun, 19:03

Have you ever thought about it?


General English

22 May, 04:36


Get prepared for IELTS with us. Everyday we post a video from this series.

These video lessons help you to generate ideas for the topics that are likely to given in the IELTS exam.


General English

22 May, 04:28

This is not my job

General English

21 May, 14:19


Get prepared for IELTS with us. Everyday we post a video from this series.

These video lessons help you to generate ideas for the topics that are likely to given in the IELTS exam.


General English

21 May, 14:13

English is fun!!!

General English

06 May, 16:01

⚡️🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔥

Koplab o'quvchilarga 😍IELTS 8 olishiga yordam bergan 10 yildan ortiq tajribaga ega magistrlik darajasini 🇺🇸 Amerikaning Webster universitetida o'qigan oliy toifali xalqaro ingliz tili o'qituvchisini Telegram kanallarini sizga qoldiraman

BEPUL band 8+ essay , speaking samples , IELTS ga oid materiallar aynan shu kanaldan topasiz 🤩

Eng zo'ri kino , musiqa , inglizcha kitoblar tahlili orqali ham tilni ôrgatib borarkanla 🤩

Tez obuna bo'ling bunaqa kanallarni topish qiyin ‼️

Telegram : @Shokhista_Umidovna

Instagram : Shokhista_Umidovna

General English

23 Apr, 18:26


General English

23 Apr, 18:26


General English

02 Apr, 01:47


General English

02 Apr, 01:47


General English

01 Apr, 13:05


General English

10 Mar, 03:37

General English

15 Feb, 13:08
