ELPC Global @elpcolympiad Channel on Telegram

ELPC Global


National & International English language and Mathematics competitions for private and public schools worldwide.🥇🥈🥉


📲 +998 99 200 00 30

Call centre: 78 777 00 30



ELPC International (English)

Are you looking for exciting English language and Mathematics competitions for students in Uzbekistan? Look no further than ELPC International! ELPC International is dedicated to organizing national and international competitions for both private and public schools in Uzbekistan, providing students with the opportunity to showcase their skills and knowledge in a competitive setting. By participating in ELPC International competitions, students have the chance to win prestigious awards including gold, silver, and bronze medals. These competitions not only promote academic excellence but also encourage students to push themselves and strive for success. To stay up to date with ELPC International news and events, make sure to join our Telegram channel @elpcolympiad. You can also reach out to us through our Telegram bot @ELPC_Uz_Bot or contact us directly via phone at +998886200030. For more information and updates, follow us on Instagram at www.instagram.com/elpcolympiad_uzb and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ELPColympiad. Join ELPC International today and become a part of the exciting world of academic competitions in Uzbekistan!

ELPC Global

20 Feb, 10:13


HIPPO 2022 World FINALS😍😍

Rome city, Italy

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30

Call centre: 78 777 00 30


ELPC Global

19 Feb, 14:42



Awarding Ceremony

Thank you UzREPORT😊🙏

Congratulations once more again to all our FINALISTS👏👏

ELPC - kelajak bugundan boshlanadi🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30

Call centre: 78 777 00 30


ELPC Global

19 Feb, 14:40



Awarding Ceremony

Thank you UzREPORT😊🙏

Congratulations once more again to all our FINALISTS👏👏

ELPC - kelajak bugundan boshlanadi🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30

Call centre: 78 777 00 30


ELPC Global

18 Feb, 17:51




#RustamMukhamedjanov interview by #Davr #Yoshlar #TV #Channel

ELPC - kelajak bugundan boshlanadi🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30

Call centre: 78 777 00 30


ELPC Global

18 Feb, 17:18





HIPPO 2019 Xalqaro ingliz tili olympiadasininig 1 o’rin g’olibi

Italiya davlatining Venetsiya, Lido De Jesolo shahriga bo’lib o’tgan HIPPO 2019 Jahon Final bosqichida

Jami 40 ta davlatdan 36 mingta ishtirokchi ishtirokchi orasida

Wunderkind Study 5 sinf o’quvchisi “Rustam Mukhamedjanov” eng yuqori bal 101 ko’rsatgich bilan 32 ta davlat o’rtasida 1 o’rinni egalladi va Amerika Mizzou Academy maktabida 2 haftalik bepul ta’lim olishni va Xalqaro ingliz tili tashkilotlari Pearson, IESOL tomonidan bir qancha kuchli certifikatlarinu qo’lga kiritdi.

ELPC - kelajak bugundan boshlanadi🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30

Call centre: 78 777 00 30


ELPC Global

18 Feb, 17:02

ELPC Global pinned «Ma’lumot uchun: Bizning tashkilot ELPC Global LLC Ixtisoslashtirilgan ta’lim muassasalari agentligi va Maktabgacha va maktab ta’limi vazirligi huzuridagi “Fan Olimpiadalari Markazi (FOM)” bilan joriy yil 9-fevral kuni rasmiy hamkorlikni imzoladi https:…»

ELPC Global

18 Feb, 17:02

Ma’lumot uchun:

Bizning tashkilot ELPC Global LLC

Ixtisoslashtirilgan ta’lim muassasalari agentligi va Maktabgacha va maktab ta’limi vazirligi huzuridagi

Fan Olimpiadalari Markazi (FOM)” bilan joriy yil 9-fevral kuni rasmiy hamkorlikni imzoladi https://t.me/Fan_olimpiadalari_M/5575 .

HIPPO yilda faqat bir marotaba o’tkaziladi, bu yilgi HIPPO boshqalaridan ancha farq qiladi😍va imkoniyatlari katta🤩!
Shunday ekan, bu imkoniyatni qo’ldan boy bermang😊!

- kelajak bugundan boshlanadi🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30

Call centre: 78 777 00 30


ELPC Global

18 Feb, 16:51


⚡️ Fan olimpiadalari markazi | Iste'dodlarni kashf etamiz!

Batafsil videolavhada ko‘rishingiz mumkin.

🕊 Telegram 📱 Instagram 📱 Facebook 📺YouTUBE

ELPC Global

18 Feb, 14:56

Register for HIPPO🦛 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣
via @ELPC_Uz_Bot

13th International English Language Olympiad

Make the payment via @ELPC_Uz_Bot
for the students studying in grades 1 - 11!

Registration fee: 290 000 uzs

Register now and become the World Champion😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30

Call centre: 78 777 000 30


ELPC Global

06 Feb, 13:20


ELPC Global Tashkiloti bilan hamkorlik memorandumi imzolandi 🔔

Hamkorlik doirasida o'quvchilarimizga matematika va ingliz tilidan xalqaro olimpiadalar o'tkaziladi!

🎯🎯🎯🎯 - bu ishchilar emas ish beruvchilar yetishtiruvchi Biznes va IT maktabi!

👉 Maktab haqida tanishish 👈
📞 Aloqa uchun: 712000737

📝 Telegram | 📝Facebook |📹YouTube |  💻Instagram

ELPC Global

05 Feb, 19:15


ELPC Global

05 Feb, 17:48

Rules and Guidelines

ESB🐝2025 - 6th Eurasian Spelling Bee Competition

Registration📋is now open!

World Finals: 1-2 November, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam


ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

05 Feb, 14:46

Register for ESB🐝 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣
via @ELPC_Uz_Bot

6th Eurasian Spelling Bee Competition

Make the payment via @ELPC_Uz_Bot
for the students studying in grades 1 - 11!

Registration fee: 250 000 uzs

Register now and become the World Champion😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

05 Feb, 14:43

Let’s go to Vietnam✈️🤩

ESB🐝2025 - 6th Eurasian Spelling Bee Lexical Skills Competition

Registration is open now🤩👏😍!

Are you excited?🤩😊

Then stay tuned and keep following!

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

05 Feb, 14:39

ESB🐝2025 - 6th Eurasian Spelling Bee Competition

Registration📋is now open!

World Finals: 1-2 November, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam


ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

03 Feb, 17:28

🤩 45.000.000 lik vaucherlar olimpiada g’oliblariga berildi.

🏷️ Malayziyada bo’lib o’tgan “Seamo” xalqaro matematika olimpiadasi final bosqichida faxrli o’rinlarni olib munosib ishtirok etgan o’quvchilarga 45.000.000 lik vaucherlar berildi.

“Ideal Study”da ta'lim olib ham dunyoni ko’rishingiz, ham olimpiada g'olibi bo'lishingiz ham katta miqdordagi pul vaucherlariga ega bo'lishingiz mumkin!

▪️Bizning sahifalarimiz:
/ Telegram / Instagram

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

03 Feb, 16:32



ELPC Global va IPE School (Bektemir tumani) o’rtasida fan olimpiadalarini o’tkazish va rivojlantirish bo’yicha o’zaro hamkorlik Memorandumi imzolandi. Ushbu Memorandum o’quvchilar va o’qituvchilarga bir qancha keng imkoniyatlarni yaratadi.

Siz ham ELPC Global tashkiloti bilan Memorandum imzolashni hohlaysizmi?

Unday bo’lsa quyidagi raqamga bog’laning

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

29 Jan, 14:42

ELPC Global tashkiloti bilan hamkorlik memorandumi!

🔥 REGISTON taʼlim loyihasi har doim oʻquvchilarining bilim borasida yetakchi boʻlishini istaydi. Fan olimpiadalarini xalqaro darajada oʻtkazish va rivojlantirish maqsadida ELPC Global tashkiloti bilan hamkorlik memorandumi imzoladi.

ELPC Global tashkiloti — jahon miqyosida milliy va xalqaro olimpiadalarni tashkil etuvchi tashkilotdir.

🥳 Endilikda REGISTON oʻquvchilari oʻz bilimlarini xalqaro mezonlar asosida sinovdan oʻtkazishi va nufuzli olimpiadalarda ishtirok etish imkoniyatiga ega!

Bizni bu yerda kuzating!
Telegram YouTube Instagram

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

28 Jan, 10:59


meeting between Amity University in Tashkent and ELPC Global olympiads organization.

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

28 Jan, 10:40

ELPC Global pinned «ELPC qoshida tashkil topgan sayohat kanalimiz👇 https://t.me/holidayuz»

ELPC Global

28 Jan, 10:40

ELPC qoshida tashkil topgan sayohat kanalimiz👇


ELPC Global

28 Jan, 09:18


TIMO 2025 😍😍😍
AMC  2025
TURKIC International mathematics Olympiad 2025✖️🟰


Good job👏👏👏👏👏👏!

ELPC - the future is today 🤩


ELPC Global

28 Jan, 09:18


TIMO 2025 😍😍😍
AMC  2025
TURKIC International mathematics Olympiad 2025✖️🟰


Good job👏👏👏👏👏👏!

ELPC - the future is today 🤩


ELPC Global

25 Jan, 15:17


AMC 8 😍😍😍

American mathematics Olympiad 2025✖️🟰

Team Samarkand

Good job👏👏👏👏👏👏!

See you soon in SAMARKAND

ELPC - the future is today 🤩


ELPC Global

25 Jan, 15:13


TIMO 2025 😍😍😍

TURKISH International mathematics Olympiad 2025✖️🟰

Team Samarkand

Good job👏👏👏👏👏👏!

See you soon in SAMARKAND

ELPC - the future is today 🤩


ELPC Global

24 Jan, 06:45

SEAMO X 2025 chempionlarimiz vatanimizga qaytishdi🥇🥈🥉😍!

Barchangizni yana bir bor tabriklaymiz va SEAMO X 2026 da uchrashguncha🥰!

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

23 Jan, 17:35

SEAMO X 2025 chempionlarimiz vatanimizga qaytishdi🥇🥈🥉😍!

Barchangizni yana bir bor tabriklaymiz va SEAMO X 2026 da uchrashguncha🥰!

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

23 Jan, 17:34

SEAMO X 2025 chempionlarimiz vatanimizga qaytishdi🥇🥈🥉😍!

Barchangizni yana bir bor tabriklaymiz va SEAMO X 2026 da uchrashguncha🥰!

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

23 Jan, 12:20

ELPC Global pinned «ELPC qoshida tashkil topgan sayohat kanalimiz👇 https://t.me/holidayuz»

ELPC Global

23 Jan, 12:20

ELPC qoshida tashkil topgan sayohat kanalimiz👇


ELPC Global

23 Jan, 09:31

ELPC Global pinned Deleted message

ELPC Global

21 Jan, 16:56


Joriy yilning 18-19 yanvar kunlari Malayziyada bo'lib o'tgan "SEAMO-2025" xalqaro matematika fani olimpiadasida bir qancha O’zbekistonlik o’quvchilar yuqori natijalarni qo’lga kiritdilar.

1. I.SATIMBAEV - oltin medal

2. S.Shaydullayeva - kumush medal

3. S.Azzamqulov - kumush medal

4. B.Iskandarov - kumush medal

5. M.Safarova - bronza medal

6. J.Khasanov - bronza medal

7. A.Jurayev - bronza medal

8. M.Choriyev - bronza medal

9. A.Ergashev - bronza medal

10. Y.Abdusattarov - bronza medal

11. M.Amirov - bronza medal

12. J.Xolbaev - bronza medal

13. I.Rasuljonov - bronza medal

14. A.Raxmatov - bronza medal

15. S.Muhiddinova - bronza medal

16. I.Maxmudillaev - bronza medal

Izoh: Olimpiadaga O’zbekistonning Malayziyadagi elchixonasi vakili Elbek Saidov tashirf buyurdi.

Manba: https://t.me/elpcolympiad

Telegram | Facebook | Instagram

ELPC Global

21 Jan, 10:26

SEAMO X 2025 chempionalarimiz ga’labani dengiz sohillarida nishonlamoqda🤩🤩🤩🥇🥈🥉

Barcha chempionlarimizni yana bir bor tabriklaymiz!👏👏

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

21 Jan, 07:04

O’zbekistonlik o’quvchilar SEAMO X 2025 xalqaro matematika fani olimpiadasida bir qancha g’olibliklarni qo’lga kiritishdi.

Ushbu olimpiada 18-19-yanvar kunlari Malayziya davlatining Kuala Lumpur shahrida bo’lib o’tdi. Jami 23ta davlatdan 1800 nafar o’quvchilar sinflar kesimida bellashishdi.

O’zbekistondan SEAMO olimpiadasining milliy saralash bosqichida 1000 nafardan ortiq o’quvchilar qatnashishdi va ular orasidan 60 nafar o’quvchilar xalqaro bosqichga yo’llanmani olishdi va Malayziya davlatiga yetib kelib, vatanimiz sha’nini himoya qilishda o’z hissalarini qo’shishdi.

O’quvchilarimiz bir nechta yuqori natijalarga erishdi:

1) IBRATBEK SATIMBAEV🥇-oltin medal
Xiva shahridagi Prezident maktabi 8-sinf

2) Solihabonu Shaydullayeva - 🥈kumush medal (Surxondaryo viloyati)

3) Samariddin Azzamqulov - 🥈kumush medal (Prezident maktabi)

4) Bunyod Iskandarov - 🥈kumush medal (Xorazm viloyati)

5) Mohinur Safarova - 🥉bronza medal (Surxondaryo viloyati)

6) Javlon Khasanov - 🥉bronza medal (Surxondaryo viloyati)

7) Afzalbek Jurayev - 🥉bronza medal (Surxondaryo viloyati)

8) Murod Choriyev - 🥉bronza medal (Surxondaryo viloyati)

9) Akobir Ergashev - 🥉bronza medal (Toshkent viloyati)

10) Yahyovek Abdusattarov - 🥉bronza medal (Farg’ona viloyati)

11) Mustafo Amirov - 🥉bronza medal (Toshkent shahri)

12) Jamshidbek Xolbaev - 🥉bronza medal (Toshkent shahar)

13) Iftixor Rasuljonov - 🥉bronza medal (Sirdaryo viloyati)

14) Alixan Raxmatov - 🥉bronza medal (Buxoro viloyati)

15) Soliha Muhiddinova - 🥉bronza medal (Namangan viloyati)

16) Ixlosbek Maxmudillaev - 🥉bronza medal (Namangan viloyati)

17) Muslimaxon Xayitboyeva - 🥉bronza medal (Andijon viloyati)

P.S. Ushbu olimpiadaga o’quvchilarimzni qo’llab-quvvatlash uchun O’zbekistonning Malayziya davlatidagi elchixonasining siyosiy va ta’lim ishlari bo’yicha rasmiy vakili Elbek Saidov tashrif buyurdi.

Barcha chempionlarimizni yana bir bor tabriklaymiz!👏👏

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

21 Jan, 02:38

🥈G’alaba🥈muborak O’zbekiston🇺🇿😇👏!


Surxondaryolik o’quvchi Malayziya davlatining Kuala Lumpur shahrida 18-19-yanvar kunlari bo’lib o’tgan SEAMO X 2025 xalqaro matematika fani olimpiadasida o’z tengdoshlari orasida 🥈kumush medalni qo’lga kiritdi.

Ushbu olimpiadada jami 23ta davlatdan 1800 nafar o’quvchilar ishtirok etishdi.

Solihabonuga kelgusidagi olimpiadalarda ham mana shunday yuqori natijalarini kutib qolamiz🤩🥈👏!

Yana bir bor tabriklaymiz!👏👏

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

20 Jan, 20:02

🥈G’alaba🥈muborak O’zbekiston🇺🇿😇👏!


Nurafshon shahar Prezident maktabi
o’quvchisi Malayziya davlatining Kuala Lumpur shahrida 18-19-yanvar kunlari bo’lib o’tgan SEAMO X 2025 xalqaro matematika fani olimpiadasida o’z tengdoshlari orasida 🥈kumush medalni qo’lga kiritdi.

Ushbu olimpiadada jami 23ta davlatdan 1800 nafar o’quvchilar ishtirok etishdi.

Samariddinga kelgusidagi olimpiadalarda ham mana shunday yuqori natijalarini kutib qolamiz🤩🥈👏!

Yana bir bor tabriklaymiz!👏👏

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

20 Jan, 16:33

🥈G’alaba🥈muborak O’zbekiston🇺🇿😇👏!


Xorazm viloyati TO’LQINFM xususiy maktabi o’quvchisi Malayziya davlatining Kuala Lumpur shahrida 18-19-yanvar kunlari bo’lib o’tgan SEAMO X 2025 xalqaro matematika fani olimpiadasida o’z tengdoshlari orasida 🥈kumush medalni qo’lga kiritdi.

Ushbu olimpiadada jami 23ta davlatdan 1800 nafar o’quvchilar ishtirok etishdi.

Bunyodbekka kelgusidagi olimpiadalarda ham mana shunday yuqori natijalarini kutib qolamiz🤩🥈👏!

Yana bir bor tabriklaymiz!👏👏

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Jan, 17:29

Register for AMC8️⃣ 2025
via @ELPC_Uz_Bot

American Mathematics Competitions

Make the payment via @ELPC_Uz_Bot
for the students studying in grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8!

Registration fee: 280 000 uzs

Register now and become the AMC Champion😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Jan, 17:29

AMC 8 - 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣

American Mathematics Competitions!

AMC 8 - for 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8th grades.

Registration is open now!

Deadline: 15 January

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Jan, 17:29

Past paper for AMC 8 - 2024 in Russian language

American Mathematics Competitions!

AMC 8 - for 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8th grades.

Register now and become the AMC Champion😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Jan, 17:29

Past paper for AMC 8 - 2024 in English

American Mathematics Competitions!

AMC 8 - for 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8th grades.

Register now and become the AMC Champion😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Jan, 17:29

Past paper for AMC 8 - 2024 in Uzbek language

American Mathematics Competitions!

AMC 8 - for 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8th grades.

Register now and become the AMC Champion😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Jan, 17:29

AMC8 - 2019 - American Mathematics Competitions

For Grade 4,5,6,7,8 - Answer
Sheet for the Test👆


ELPC Global

11 Jan, 12:07



ELPC Global va ELITA Akademik maktabi (Urgut tumani) o’rtasida fan olimpiadalarini o’tkazish va rivojlantirish bo’yicha o’zaro hamkorlik Memorandumi imzolandi. Ushbu Memorandum o’quvchilar va o’qituvchilarga bir qancha keng imkoniyatlarni yaratadi.

Siz ham ELPC Global tashkiloti bilan Memorandum imzolashni hohlaysizmi?

Unday bo’lsa quyidagi raqamga bog’laning

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

30 Dec, 09:16

AMC8 - 2019 - American Mathematics Competitions

For Grade 4,5,6,7,8 - Answer
Sheet for the Test👆


ELPC Global

30 Dec, 09:14

Past paper for AMC 8 - 2024 in Uzbek language

American Mathematics Competitions!

AMC 8 - for 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8th grades.

Register now and become the AMC Champion😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

30 Dec, 09:14

Past paper for AMC 8 - 2024 in Russian language

American Mathematics Competitions!

AMC 8 - for 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8th grades.

Register now and become the AMC Champion😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

30 Dec, 09:12

Past paper for AMC 8 - 2024 in English

American Mathematics Competitions!

AMC 8 - for 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8th grades.

Register now and become the AMC Champion😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

29 Dec, 12:18

Register for AMC8️⃣ 2025
via @ELPC_Uz_Bot

American Mathematics Competitions

Make the payment via @ELPC_Uz_Bot
for the students studying in grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8!

Registration fee: 280 000 uzs

Register now and become the AMC Champion😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

29 Dec, 12:13

AMC 8 - 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣

American Mathematics Competitions!

AMC 8 - for 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8th grades.

Registration is open now!

Deadline: 15 January

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

29 Dec, 12:06


🏆 Bugun Qashqadaryo viloyati Qarshi shahridagi HASHTEG EDUCATION CENTRE oʻquv markazida SEAMO xalqaro Avstraliya va Osiyo mamlakatlari matematika olimpiadasining milliy bosqichida sovrindor boʻlgan oʻquvchilarni sertifikat va medallar bilan taqdirladilar.

Qashqadaryo viloyati boʻyicha umumiy 19 ta medal (6 ta oltin🥇, 6 ta kumush🥈, 7 ta bronza🥉) va bir qancha sertifikatlar oʻz egalariga topshirildi.

🎗 Oʻquvchilarimizga keyingi bosqichlarda ham zafarlar tilab qolamiz.


ELPC Global

29 Dec, 12:06


🏆 Qashqadaryo viloyati Qarshi shahridagi HASHTEG EDUCATION CENTRE oʻquv markazida SEAMO xalqaro Avstraliya va Osiyo mamlakatlari matematika olimpiadasining milliy bosqichida sovrindor boʻlgan oʻquvchilarni sertifikat va medallar bilan taqdirlash boʻlib oʻtdi.

Qashqadaryo viloyati boʻyicha umumiy 19 ta medal (6 ta oltin🥇, 6 ta kumush🥈, 7 ta bronza🥉) va bir qancha sertifikatlar oʻz egalariga topshirildi.

🎗 Oʻquvchilarimizga keyingi bosqichlarda ham zafarlar tilab qolamiz.


ELPC Global

28 Dec, 14:46



ELPC 🤝 ….you?

Biz bilan HIPPO 2025 xalqaro ingliz tili fani olimpiadasi bo’yicha MOU memorandum imzolashni istagan barcha maktablar diqqatiga!

Tashkilotimiz rahbarlari 6 yanvardan 13 yanvargacha Respublikamizdagi hududlarga hamkorlikni rivojlantirish maqsadida tashrif buyurishni reja qilgan.

Shu sababli, agar siz biz bilan Memorandum hamkorlikni imzolashni istasangiz, u holda biz bilan bog’laning va ro’yxatdan o’ting😊🙏!

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

23 Dec, 07:22

ELPC Global pinned «❗️DIQQAT❗️ATTENTION❗️ Barcha qadrli hamkorlarimizdan faol bo’lib, mana shu instagram havolasini imkon qadar telegram guruhlarga tarqatishini iltimos qilib qolamiz! Obuna bo’lishni unutmang🤝! Tashakkur🙏😊»

ELPC Global

23 Dec, 07:22

Follow us on instagram🤩👇!


ELPC Global

23 Dec, 07:22


Barcha qadrli hamkorlarimizdan faol bo’lib, mana shu instagram havolasini imkon qadar telegram guruhlarga tarqatishini iltimos qilib qolamiz!

Obuna bo’lishni unutmang🤝!


ELPC Global

23 Dec, 07:05


2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - 7️⃣th National Writing World Cup Competition


Congratulations to all the winners👏🏆🥇🥈🥉🏅

"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers." Isaac Asimov

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

23 Dec, 06:56


2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - 7️⃣th National Writing World Cup Competition


Congratulations to all the winners👏🏆🥇🥈🥉🏅

"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers." Isaac Asimov

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

22 Dec, 18:37


2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - 7️⃣th National Writing World Cup Competition


Congratulations to all the winners👏🏆🥇🥈🥉🏅

"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers." Isaac Asimov

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

22 Dec, 18:31


2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - 7️⃣th National Writing World Cup Competition


Congratulations to all the winners👏🏆🥇🥈🥉🏅

"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers." Isaac Asimov

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

22 Dec, 18:21


2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - 7️⃣th National Writing World Cup Competition


Congratulations to all the winners👏🏆🥇🥈🥉🏅

"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers." Isaac Asimov

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

22 Dec, 17:53


2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - 7️⃣th National Writing World Cup Competition


Congratulations to all the winners👏🏆🥇🥈🥉🏅

"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers." Isaac Asimov

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

22 Dec, 17:39


2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - 7️⃣th National Writing World Cup Competition


Congratulations to all the winners👏🏆🥇🥈🥉🏅

"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers." Isaac Asimov

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

22 Dec, 17:33


2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - 7️⃣th National Writing World Cup Competition


Congratulations to all the winners👏🏆🥇🥈🥉🏅

"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers." Isaac Asimov

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

22 Dec, 17:24


2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ - 7️⃣th National Writing World Cup Competition


Congratulations to all the winners👏🏆🥇🥈🥉🏅

"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers." Isaac Asimov

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

22 Dec, 16:19

ELPC Global pinned «❗️DIQQAT❗️ATTENTION❗️ Barcha qadrli hamkorlarimizdan faol bo’lib, mana shu instagram havolasini imkon qadar telegram guruhlarga tarqatishini iltimos qilib qolamiz! Obuna bo’lishni unutmang🤝! Tashakkur🙏😊»

ELPC Global

22 Dec, 16:19

ELPC Global pinned «❗️DIQQAT❗️ATTENTION❗️ Barcha qadrli hamkorlarimizdan faol bo’lib, mana shu instagram havolasini imkon qadar telegram guruhlarga tarqatishini iltimos qilib qolamiz! Obuna bo’lishni unutmang🤝! Tashakkur🙏😊»

ELPC Global

22 Dec, 16:18


Barcha qadrli hamkorlarimizdan faol bo’lib, mana shu instagram havolasini imkon qadar telegram guruhlarga tarqatishini iltimos qilib qolamiz!

Obuna bo’lishni unutmang🤝!


ELPC Global

22 Dec, 15:39

Follow us on instagram🤩👇!


ELPC Global

22 Dec, 08:55

This channel is for Malaysian team only!

ELPC Global

09 Dec, 17:04

You are invited🤩!

Preparing our new ELPC MALAYSIA office for official opening ceremony🥳!


Malaysia boleh

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +6013-3822725


ELPC Global

09 Dec, 04:38


AMC1️⃣2️⃣B 2024- American Mathematics Competition


Congratulations to all winners 🎊

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

+998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

09 Dec, 04:37


AMC🔟B 2024- American Mathematics Competition

GRADE 9️⃣-🔟

Congratulations to all winners 🎊

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

+998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

08 Dec, 12:35

Happy Constitution Day🇺🇿!

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

08 Dec, 10:50


Preparing our new ELPC MALAYSIA office for official opening ceremony🥳!


Malaysia boleh

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

06 Dec, 11:22



Bugun 06/12/2024da ELPC Global va Namangan Prezident maktabi(Namangan viloyat) o’rtasida fan olimpiadalarini o’tkazish va rivojlantirish bo’yicha o’zaro hamkorlik Memorandumi imzolandi. Ushbu Memorandum o’quvchilar va o’qituvchilarga bir qancha keng imkoniyatlarni yaratadi.

Siz ham ELPC Global tashkiloti bilan Memorandum imzolashni hohlaysizmi? Unday bo’lsa qo’yidagi raqamga bog’laning +998911362725

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

06 Dec, 07:21

Register for HIPPO🦛 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣
via @ELPC_Uz_Bot

13th International English Language Olympiad

Make the payment via @ELPC_Uz_Bot
for the students studying in grades 1 - 11!

Registration fee: 290 000 uzs

Register now and become the World Champion😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

06 Dec, 07:21



13th International English Language Olympiad

Registration is officially open now!🥳

Wanna be a World Champion?🤩

HIPPO is your right choice then!🥳

“English is a stretch language; one size fits all.” -William Safire-

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

06 Dec, 07:21

Exam papers to prepare for HIPPO👇👇


ELPC Global

06 Dec, 07:21


This👆👆 is the 100% confirmed HIPPO Level Category for Uzbekistan students!

Please consider only this above, not other category❗️



13th International English Language Olympiad

Registration is officially open now!🥳

Wanna be a World Champion?🤩

HIPPO is your right choice then!🥳

“English is a stretch language; one size fits all.” -William Safire-

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

06 Dec, 07:21

Preliminary Round tasks👆



13th International English Language Olympiad

Registration is officially open now!🥳

Wanna be a World Champion?🤩

HIPPO is your right choice then!🥳

“English is a stretch language; one size fits all.” -William Safire-

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

06 Dec, 07:21

Maximum allowed👆 times per category and part for regular categories👆

Preliminary Round tasks👆



13th International English Language Olympiad

Registration is officially open now!🥳

Wanna be a World Champion?🤩

HIPPO is your right choice then!🥳

“English is a stretch language; one size fits all.” -William Safire-

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

04 Dec, 03:00



Kecha 03/12/2024da ELPC Global va WESTMINISTER LEARNING CENTRE Termiz (Surxondaryo viloyat) o’rtasida fan olimpiadalarini o’tkazish va rivojlantirish bo’yicha o’zaro hamkorlik Memorandumi imzolandi. Ushbu Memorandum o’quvchilar va o’qituvchilarga bir qancha keng imkoniyatlarni yaratadi.

Siz ham ELPC Global tashkiloti bilan Memorandum imzolashni hohlaysizmi? Unday bo’lsa quyidagi raqamga bog’laning +998911362725

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

03 Dec, 19:42



Kecha 03/12/2024da ELPC Global va ZVEZDA VOSTOKА Termiz (Surxondaryo viloyat) o’rtasida fan olimpiadalarini o’tkazish va rivojlantirish bo’yicha o’zaro hamkorlik Memorandumi imzolandi. Ushbu Memorandum o’quvchilar va o’qituvchilarga bir qancha keng imkoniyatlarni yaratadi.

Siz ham ELPC Global tashkiloti bilan Memorandum imzolashni hohlaysizmi? Unday bo’lsa quyidagi raqamga bog’laning +998911362725

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

30 Nov, 18:43



Bugun 30/11/2024da ELPC Global va IQRO SCHOOL Andijon shahar (Andijon viloyat) o’rtasida fan olimpiadalarini o’tkazish va rivojlantirish bo’yicha o’zaro hamkorlik Memorandumi imzolandi. Ushbu Memorandum o’quvchilar va o’qituvchilarga bir qancha keng imkoniyatlarni yaratadi.

Siz ham ELPC Global tashkiloti bilan Memorandum imzolashni hohlaysizmi? Unday bo’lsa quyidagi raqamga bog’laning +998911362725

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

30 Nov, 17:26



Bugun 30/11/2024da ELPC Global va STEM SCHOOL Andijon shahar (Andijon viloyat) o’rtasida fan olimpiadalarini o’tkazish va rivojlantirish bo’yicha o’zaro hamkorlik Memorandumi imzolandi. Ushbu Memorandum o’quvchilar va o’qituvchilarga bir qancha keng imkoniyatlarni yaratadi.

Siz ham ELPC Global tashkiloti bilan Memorandum imzolashni hohlaysizmi? Unday bo’lsa quyidagi raqamga bog’laning +998911362725

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

27 Nov, 10:15



Bugun 27/11/2024da ELPC Global va Lang Apex School (Namangan viloyat) o’rtasida fan olimpiadalarini o’tkazish va rivojlantirish bo’yicha o’zaro hamkorlik Memorandumi imzolandi. Ushbu Memorandum o’quvchilar va o’qituvchilarga bir qancha keng imkoniyatlarni yaratadi.

Siz ham ELPC Global tashkiloti bilan Memorandum imzolashni hohlaysizmi? Unday bo’lsa quyidagi raqamga bog’laning +998911362725

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

27 Nov, 08:59



Bugun 27/11/2024da ELPC Global va Yuksalish maktabi Namangan filiali (Namangan viloyat) o’rtasida fan olimpiadalarini o’tkazish va rivojlantirish bo’yicha o’zaro hamkorlik Memorandumi imzolandi. Ushbu Memorandum o’quvchilar va o’qituvchilarga bir qancha keng imkoniyatlarni yaratadi.

Siz ham ELPC Global tashkiloti bilan Memorandum imzolashni hohlaysizmi? Unday bo’lsa quyidagi raqamga bog’laning +998911362725

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

24 Nov, 10:43

National Spelling Bee🐝2024

Spelling time...G-o-o-d j-o-b😇

SEMI- FINAL round!



ELPC - the future is today🛎!


ELPC Global

24 Nov, 10:43

National Spelling Bee🐝2024

Spelling time...G-o-o-d j-o-b😇

SEMI- FINAL round!



ELPC - the future is today🛎!


ELPC Global

22 Nov, 05:31



🗓Date: November 24 (Sunday)

🏫 Venue location: AL-KHORAZMIY private School

Time: for all grades


Bring your passport or certificate of birth

Location: 👇👇👇



ELPC Global

21 Nov, 15:24

National Spelling Bee semifinal 2024 and  WWC 2024


🗓Date: November 24 (Sunday)

🏫 Venue location: 
      London Education Academy


9:00- NSB 2024 semifinal   (All grades)

9:00-Writing World Cup  (All grades)


Mo'ljal: Fargʻona shahar Soliq boshqarmasi ro'parasida


ELPC Global

20 Nov, 14:07

National Spelling Bee semifinal 2024 and WWC 2024


🗓Date: November 23 (Saturday)

🏫 Venue location: 
"WEB KING " private school


13:00- NSB 2024 semifinal   (All grades)

13:00-Writing World Cup (All grades)


Manzil: Baliqchi tuman Chinobod markaz.
Mo'ljal: Do'stlik magazin ro'parasida


ELPC Global

20 Nov, 09:52



🗓Date: November 24 (Sunday)

🏫 Venue location: TOPEX School

09:00-10:30 BEE 1 (2 grades)
10:30-11:30 BEE 2 (3 grades)
11:30-12:30 BEE 3 (4 grades)
12:30-13:00 BEE 4/BEE 5 (5-6 grades)
13:00-13:40 BEE 6/BEE 7 (7-8 grades)
14:00-14:30 BEE 8/BEE 9 (9-10 grades)

Chilanzar, Block 6, Tashkent,Uzbekistan


☎️+998 88 620 00 30

ELPC Global

20 Nov, 09:52



🗓Date: November 24 (Sunday)

🏫 Venue location: TOPEX School

15:00:16:30 All grades from 2-10



☎️+998 88 620 00 30

ELPC Global

19 Nov, 12:02

Exam dates of WWC📝2024 and NSB🐝2024 Semi-finals 23-24 November.

Please contact your coordinator for more info.

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

17 Nov, 12:33

AMC 10/12 2024


Best of luck to everyone!

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 886200030


ELPC Global

16 Nov, 11:51


Хурматли ота-оналар ва укитувчилар!

SEAMO X 2025да катнашувчи укувчиларга Куала Лумпурга боргандан сунг имтихонда катнашиш ва тур ташкиллаштирилади!

Унда куйидагилар уз ичига олади:

-Малайзия худудига кириш учун онлайн руйхатдан утиш
-Аэропортда кутиб олиш ва кузатиб куйиш
-Апартаментларда туриш, Petronas Twin Towers олдида (бассейн,3 хонали, 4-5 pax each)
-Апартамент ва имтихон марказигача транспорт

Турга эса куйидагилар киради:

1) Batu Caves and Genting Highlands
2) KLCC and Bukit Bintang area
3) Putra Jaya Red Mosque
4) Port Dickson beach
5) Aquarium

Эътибога олишингизни сураймиз: Нонушта, тушлик ва кечки овкатланиш киритилмаган.

-SEAMO учун тулов 290$
-Авиабилет 550-600$

Кунлари: 15.01.2025-23.01.2025

☎️+998 88 620 00 30

ELPC Global

16 Nov, 05:42

AMC 10/12 - American Mathematics Competition


🗓Date: November 17 (Sunday)

🏫 Venue location: Japan International School

Time: 10:00-11:30 AMC 10 /AMC 12 (9-10-11 grades)

Yalangach Residential Area, 6, Tashkent,Uzbekistan
Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/52qk4Vo9odp1mny87

☎️+998 88 620 00 30

ELPC Global

14 Nov, 07:40


Хурматли ота-оналар ва укитувчилар!

SEAMO X 2025да катнашувчи укувчиларга Куала Лумпурга боргандан сунг имтихонда катнашиш ва тур ташкиллаштирилади!

Унда куйидагилар уз ичига олади:

-Малайзия худудига кириш учун онлайн руйхатдан утиш
-Аэропортда кутиб олиш ва кузатиб куйиш
-Апартаментларда туриш, Petronas Twin Towers олдида (бассейн,3 хонали, 4-5 pax each)
-Апартамент ва имтихон марказигача транспорт

Турга эса куйидагилар киради:

1) Batu Caves and Genting Highlands
2) KLCC and Bukit Bintang area
3) Putra Jaya Red Mosque
4) Port Dickson beach
5) Aquarium

Эътибога олишингизни сураймиз: Нонушта, тушлик ва кечки овкатланиш киритилмаган.

-SEAMO учун тулов 290$
-Авиабилет 550-600$

Кунлари: 15.01.2025-23.01.2025

☎️+998 88 620 00 30

ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:22

Let's go to Malaysia✈️🤩

We are honoured to welcome you to the global round of the competition - SEAMO X 2025 held in Kuala Lumpur from 17-20 Jan 2025!

Congratulations on the successful completion of SEAMO 2024! We are immensely proud of all the candidates who participated and showcased their talents in the exam. Your dedication and enthusiasm are a testament to the strength and spirit of the SEAMO Community.

“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:14


SEAMO 2024 - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad!

Level: Grade1️⃣1️⃣


“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:13


SEAMO 2024 - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad!

Level: Grade🔟


“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:12


SEAMO 2024 - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad!

Level: Grade


“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:11


SEAMO 2024 - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad!

Level: Grade


“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:09


SEAMO 2024 - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad!

Level: Grade7️⃣


“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:08


SEAMO 2024 - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad!

Level: Grade


“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:06


SEAMO 2024 - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad!

Level: Grade


“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:04


SEAMO 2024 - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad!

Level: Grade


“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:03


SEAMO 2024 - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad!

Level: Grade


“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:01


SEAMO 2024 - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad!

Level: Grade


“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:01


SEAMO 2024 - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad!

Level: Grade


“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

12 Nov, 18:00


SEAMO 2024 - Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad!


“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” -Albert Einstein-

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

11 Nov, 18:01

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding has been made between “Inspiring School in Tashkent” and “ELPC Global”LLC organisation.

Main purpose of MOU is to improve preparing the students for the olympiads organised by “ELPC Global” LLC.

Do you wish to be a registered member of ELPC? Then…we are happy to welcome you😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

11 Nov, 12:59

HIPPO 2024 xalqaro ingliz tilini fani olimpiadasi chempioni Mirabror Rajabboyev!

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC Global

11 Nov, 11:49

Tahlilnoma | 2024 yilgi fan olimpiadalari: rekord ko‘rsatkich va 9 mlrd so‘mlik pul mukofoti
#10nov #uzbekiston24

mtrk.uz | Youtube | Facebook | Telegram | uztv.tv | TV-dastur

ELPC Global

11 Nov, 11:09


🇺🇿 Nodavlat ta'lim muassasalari Assotsiatsiyasining rasmiy a'zolaridan hisoblangan “Milestone International School” asoschisi va direktori Sahboz Niyozov tomonidan HIPPO-2024 Xalqaro ingliz tili fani olimpiadasining Jahon finalida qatnashib, 64 ta davlatdan o’z tengdoshlari orasida faxrli 3-o’rinni qo’lga kiritgan Mirabror Rajabboyevga 400.000.000 (to’rt yuz million so’mlik) grand sertifikati topshirildi.

🏛 Endilikda Mirabror Rajabboyev taqdim etilgan sertifikat orqali maktabda 100% bepul o’qishi va maktabni tamomlab dunyoning top 50 talik universitetlaridan birida 100% grand asosida tahsil olish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lishi mumkin.

Ta’limni qo’llab quvvatlab, mana shunday ilmli yoshlarimizga keng e’tibor qaratayotganligi uchun Nodavlat ta'lim muassasalari Assotsiatsiyasi Rahbariyati “Milestone International School” jamoasiga o’z minnatdorchiligini bildirib qoladi.

Telegram | Facebook | Instagram

☎️ +998937027923

ELPC Global

11 Nov, 11:04

Axborot 24 | Xalqaro fan olimpidalari g‘oliblarini taqdirlash marosimi
#8nov #uzbekiston24

mtrk.uz | Youtube | Facebook | Telegram | uztv.tv | TV-dastur

ELPC Global

11 Nov, 10:40

ELPC Global pinned «AMC 10/12 B - 2024 - American Mathematics Competitions! ❗️EXAM DATE AND TIMING: Please contact your regional coordinator for for the details!❗️»

ELPC Global

11 Nov, 10:40

AMC 10/12 B - 2024 - American Mathematics Competitions!

❗️EXAM DATE AND TIMING: Please contact your regional coordinator for for the details!❗️

ELPC Global

11 Nov, 08:43


🏆 Mental arifmetika boʼyicha “XALQARO DUBAY OLIMPIADASI”da SUPER NATIJAlar ko'rsatgan O'zbekiston Nodavlat ta'lim muassasalari Assotsiatsiyasining rasmiy a'zosi hisoblangan "IDEAL STUDY" xususiy  maktabining oʼquvchilari Toshkent xalqaro aeroportida tantanali ravishda kutib olindi.

☝️Natijalarni eslatib o'tamiz:

🏆🥇Fozilov Xojiakbar - SUPER OLIY
🥇Ashiraliyev Asliddin 
🥇Komiljonov Xondamir 

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☎️ +998937027923

ELPC Global

11 Nov, 08:43


🏆 “XALQARO DUBAY OLIMPIADASI”da ishtirok etgan navbatdagi O'zbekiston Nodavlat ta'lim muassasalari Assotsiatsiyasining rasmiy a'zosi hisoblangan "JAYRONA TEACHER" o'quv markazi o'quvchilari Toshkent xalqaro aeroportida Assotsiatsiya Xalqaro olimpiadalar departamenti boshlig'i Behzod Ovlayev tomonidan tantanali ravishda kutib olindi.

🏆 SUPER NATIJALARni eslatib o'tamiz:

1. Ravshanov Abdurahmon-"chempion"
2. Abdurasulova Asal - "chempion"
3. Bahodirov Bekzod - "1-o'rin"
4. Mo'nirova Kumush - "1-o'rin"
5. Mo'nirov Javohir - "1-o'rin"
6. Tojiddinov Muhammadazim - "chempion"
7. Botirov Ulug'bek - "chempion"

Telegram | Facebook | Instagram

☎️ +998937027923

ELPC Global

10 Nov, 10:16


NSB🐝2024 - Preliminary round


Congratulations to all Semi-finalists👏🥳🐝🏆!


- the future is today🛎!

📞 +998 99 200 00 30


ELPC International

28 Oct, 00:43


ROZIYABEGIM KHUSENOVA from Bukhara region won the Merit Award🤩🏆!!

ESB🐝2024 World Finals!

5th Eurasian Spelling Bee Competition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Good job Team🇺🇿Uzbekistan!


- the future is today🛎!

📞 886200030


ELPC International

27 Oct, 02:39

Exam is in the process now🥳🤩

ESB🐝2024 World Finals!

5th Eurasian Spelling Bee Competition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Team Uzbekistan is now ready for another big challenge🤩🥳!

Best of Luck to Team🇺🇿Uzbekistan!


- the future is today🛎!

📞 886200030


ELPC International

27 Oct, 02:37

Exam is in the process now🥳🤩

ESB🐝2024 World Finals!

5th Eurasian Spelling Bee Competition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Team Uzbekistan is now ready for another big challenge🤩🥳!

Best of Luck to Team🇺🇿Uzbekistan!


- the future is today🛎!

📞 886200030


ELPC International

24 Oct, 17:05

Past Paper

Writing World Cup 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ - Tasks to practise



ELPC International

22 Oct, 06:02

Register for WWC📝2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣
via @ELPC_Uz_Bot

7️⃣th National Writing World Cup Competition

Make the payment via @ELPC_Uz_Bot
for the students studying in grades 2-10!

Registration fee: 170 000 uzs

Register now and become the WWC Champion😍!

- the future is today🛎!

📞 886200030


ELPC International

22 Oct, 05:48


7️⃣th National Writing World Cup Competition

Registration is open now!

Registration Fee: 170 000 uzs

Deadline: 10th November

Exam date: 16-17 November

ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 886200030


ELPC International

21 Oct, 15:21

🐝NSB🐝2024 Preliminary round

Tashkent TEAM

🐝Best of luck to everyone🐝👏😊!


ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 886200030


ELPC International

21 Oct, 15:07

🐝NSB🐝2024 Preliminary round


🐝Best of luck to everyone🐝👏😊!


ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 886200030


ELPC International

21 Oct, 09:36

🧠SEAMO 2⃣0⃣2⃣4⃣- Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad

Team Andijan

Good job🤩!

“Mathematics is the music of reason” -James Joseph Sylvester-

ELPC - the future is today😎!

ELPC International

21 Oct, 09:10


Preliminary round NSB🐝2024 and SEAMO 2024✖️🟰

Team Samarkand

Good job👏👏👏👏👏👏!

See you soon in SAMARKAND

ELPC - the future is today 🤩

ELPC International

20 Oct, 11:32

🧠SEAMO 2⃣0⃣2⃣4⃣- Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad

NSB🐝2024 🧠National round started in Uzbekistan…


Good job🤩!

“Mathematics is the music of reason” -James Joseph Sylvester-


ELPC - the future is today😎!


ELPC International

20 Oct, 11:32

🧠SEAMO 2⃣0⃣2⃣4⃣- Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad

NSB🐝2024 🧠National round started in Uzbekistan…


Good job🤩!

“Mathematics is the music of reason” -James Joseph Sylvester-


ELPC - the future is today😎!


ELPC International

20 Oct, 10:22


Preliminary round NSB🐝2024 and SEAMO 2024✖️🟰

Team Samarkand

Good job👏👏👏👏👏👏!

See you soon in SAMARKAND

ELPC - the future is today 🤩

ELPC International

20 Oct, 09:40

NSB🐝2024 Preliminary round


Best of luck to everyone👏😊!


ELPC - the future is today🛎!

📞 886200030
