Alexander Dugin @dugin_aleksandr Channel on Telegram

Alexander Dugin


International Channel, Doctor of Sociology and of Political sciences, PhD of Philosophy.
Founder of Russian geopolitical school and Eurasian Movement.

Alexander Dugin (English)

Are you interested in geopolitics, sociology, and political sciences? Look no further! Join the international Telegram channel of Alexander Dugin, also known as @dugin_aleksandr. Alexander Dugin is a renowned Doctor of Sociology and Political Sciences, as well as a PhD of Philosophy. He is the founder of the Russian geopolitical school and the Eurasian Movement. Dugin's channel offers a unique opportunity to dive deep into the world of geopolitics and gain insights from one of the leading experts in the field. With his vast knowledge and expertise, Alexander Dugin shares valuable information, analysis, and perspectives on various global issues. Whether you are a student, researcher, or simply someone interested in understanding the complexities of international relations, this channel is the perfect platform for you. By joining Alexander Dugin's channel, you will have access to exclusive content, discussions, and updates on the latest developments in geopolitics. Stay informed and engaged with thought-provoking insights that will broaden your understanding of the world around us. Don't miss out on this opportunity to join a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for geopolitics and global affairs. Subscribe to Alexander Dugin's channel today and take your knowledge to the next level!

Alexander Dugin

21 Feb, 01:03

Có điều gì đó xấu xí, thậm chí là độc ác trong sự mong đợi hồi hộp về sự kết thúc của SVO. Tập trung vào Chiến thắng là một chuyện. Đây là một nỗ lực, sự hy sinh, chiến công, sự huy động. Hoàn toàn không phải là "Tôi mong nó sớm kết thúc". Chúng ta không thức dậy, điều này sẽ không kết thúc. Nhưng cần phải làm gì để bộ phận đang ngủ yên của xã hội thức dậy? Tôi nghĩ có cả lý do tự nhiên và nhân tạo ở đây.

✍️ Alexander Dugin


Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 21:00


— 亚历山大·杜金

Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 17:38

🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦 Russia-Ukraine War: The Beginning of the End?

Despite US-Russian peace talks, the Ukraine conflict is unlikely to end anytime soon, Rybar founder Mikhail Zvinchuk told #NewRulesPodcast.

(1:05) Breakdown of current battlefield situation
(9:24) How long can Ukraine keep fighting for?
(13:36) What happens if Trump dumps Ukraine?
(22:02) Can Russia afford to trust Trump?

Make sure to check out @rybar_in_english!

Subscribe to @NewRulesGeo or follow us on X

Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 17:22

Revolt against the modern world in style!

Get your Arktos merchandise here:

Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 16:01

🇺🇸🇷🇺 Vance answers Trump's critics why he is talking to Russia

🔴 @DDGeopolitics | Socials | Donate | Advertising

Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 16:01

🇺🇸💬🇷🇴 Vance accuses Romania of canceling presidential election results

🔴 @DDGeopolitics | Socials | Donate | Advertising

Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 15:41

Dugin: Putyin és Trump új világrendet határoz meg

Alexander Dugin szerint az Ukrajnáról szóló tárgyalások megkezdéséhez szükséges az új világrendet is tisztázni, mely szerinte legfőbb feladatként Trumpra és Putyinra hárul.


Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 15:32

Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 14:40

Available for order now: [email protected]

T.S.I.D.M.Z. & Maxim Mamkin - Noi Siamo Iperborei
[Ars Bellica ABR002 || E.C.T. Distribution 0021, CDr]

Limited edition of 20 hand-numbered copies-CDrs.

A dreamlike journey in search of Lost Continents with lyrics reworked from a writing by Boris Nad plus a furious and nostalgic composition in three movements with lyrics by Sol. Mutti in memory of the painful loss of the true original homeland, Hyperborea, are the two pieces that make up the al-bum "Noi Siamo Iperborei" of an Italian-Russian collaboration: T.S.I.D.M.Z. and Maxim Mamkin.

Music: Solimano Mutti & Max Mamkin
Lyrics: Solimano Mutti & Boris Nad

Mixed and mastered at Tetsuo Studio by Sol. M.
Manufactured at Geräuschkammer IV by X.I.

T S I D M Z -ThuleSehnsucht In Der MaschinenZeit-

T.S.I.D.M.Z. (ThuleSehnsucht In Der MaschinenZeit), alias ThuleSehnsucht, is an Italian project of Electronic music that inspired from various genres within the field of Industrial, Popular and Traditional Music.


Musician and artist from Bobruisk (Belarus). Currently lives in St. Petersburg (Russia).

#postindustrial #industrial #darkambient #martialindustrial #drone #ambient #neofolk #experimental

Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 14:02

La histeria del globalista Michael McFaul
Por Aleksandr Duguin

El globalista Michael McFaul, después de leer mis publicaciones en las redes sociales, le da a Trump su última advertencia: “Si Duguin te elogia, es que lo estás haciendo todo mal”. La lógica rusófoba habitual de siempre.

Pero aquí viene lo interesante. Por la misma razón, McFall se lamenta: ¿Cómo puede un internacionalista liberal sobrevivir en el mundo de nacionalismo antiliberal de Trump? La respuesta es: no es posible la supervivencia.

Michael, este es el final. Estás despedido. Y ningún argumento rusófobo funciona ya a estas alturas. Resulta que todos los funcionarios que testificaron sobre la interferencia rusa en las elecciones de Trump y en el caso de la computadora portátil criminal de Hunter Biden mintieron bajo juramento. En Estados Unidos hacer eso es un delito. Ahora todos están bajo investigación.

El tema de la “huella rusa” no solo no tiene ningún efecto, sino que conduce a consecuencias opuestas. Y por nuestra parte, ahora nosotros tenemos que cambiar nuestra retórica y nuestros argumentos, de lo contrario simplemente no podremos sobrevivir en el mundo del nacionalismo antiliberal en el que debemos tomar la batuta.

Editorial de Nuestra América.

Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
@nuestraamerica #geopolitica #estadosunidos #occidente #rusia

Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 13:48

‘It’s too late to kill Putin or Trump’: Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin tells Alex Jones that the presidents’ ideologies will live on, shaping the world long after they're gone


Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 13:48

‘Nobody could conquer us, except for ourselves’: Philosopher Alexander Dugin reflects on NATO’s satanic genius of fueling division among Russians in Ukraine


Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 12:37

La nervosa attesa della fine dell'Operazione Militare Speciale (OMS) contiene qualcosa di sconveniente, persino di depravato. L'orientamento alla vittoria è una cosa. È uno sforzo, un sacrificio, un'impresa, una mobilitazione. Ma non è affatto “che sia già finita”. Se non ci svegliamo, non finirà. Ma cosa è necessario perché la parte addormentata della società si risvegli? Credo che ci siano cause naturali e artificiali.

✍️ Aleksandr Dugin

🗣 Il risveglio del popolo russo

Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 12:32

Alexander Dugin

20 Feb, 11:08

Alexander Dugin pinned «»

Alexander Dugin

14 Jan, 07:49

The current processes in Syria are causing concern to many external players, from neighbors (which is quite natural) and former allies of Bashar al-Assad, such as Russia and Iran, to Western countries that are wary that the processes of state-building will go on without their participation, and the current interim administration is only talking about democracy, but in fact has his own plans for the future of this country.

✍️ Leonid Savin

🌐 New Syria: The Path To Federation Or ISIS-2?

Alexander Dugin

14 Jan, 07:04

A pluralidade de civilizações também possui uma dimensão psicanalítica que pode ser esmiuçada para aprofundar tanto a etnossociologia quanto a noologia.

✍️ Aleksandr Dugin

🇧🇷 Psicanálise das Civilizações: O Mapa de Félix Guattari


Alexander Dugin

14 Jan, 05:03

De branden in Californië hebben het onderwerp 'perverselingen' in het voetlicht geplaatst. Op de een of andere manier herinnerde ik me dat de brandweercommandant in Californië lesbisch is en zelfs actief lesbisch. Ze is dus geen stille zondaar, maar een verkondiger van haar eigen verdorvenheid.

✍️ Alexander Doegin

🗣 De Californische branden en LGBT

Alexander Dugin

14 Jan, 01:01

Lý thuyết thế hệ Strauss-Howe, hay "Bước ngoặt thứ tư", đưa ra giả thuyết rằng lịch sử tuân theo các mô hình tuần hoàn thông qua bốn Bước ngoặt, mỗi bước kéo dài khoảng 20-25 năm..

✍️ Alexander Dugin


Alexander Dugin

13 Jan, 23:02

Materialismo y progreso: la unificación capitalista del espacio y del tiempo — Diego Fusaro

Alexander Dugin

13 Jan, 22:57


🤔 Lehet a Tradíció védelmezője cionista elnök? 🇺🇸 Megvalósíthat tradicionális értékeket egy technokrata mágnás? 💻 Véleménycikkünk Constantin von Hoffmeister kommentátor meredek gondolatai nyomán itt olvasható: 👇

Alexander Dugin

13 Jan, 21:12

"O eurasianismo, reconhecendo a falsa pretensão do logos ocidental à universalidade, se recusa a reconhecer essa universalidade como uma inevitabilidade".

- Aleksandr Dugin

Alexander Dugin

13 Jan, 19:34

Constantin von Hoffmeister — MULTIPOLARITY!

Order it now:

Alexander Dugin

13 Jan, 19:03

Pakistan’s cross border airstrike targeting seven villages in Afghanistan on December 23 has triggered a chain reaction that is not only breeding military tensions between the two neighbouring countries, but also fuelling anxieties across the broader region. The countries that are directly bearing the brunt of the latest bout of cross-border blood feud include China, Iran, India, and key Central Asian nations.

✍️ Atul Aneja

🌐 China and Afghanistan focus on Wakhan Corridor after Pakistan’s cross-border air strike

Alexander Dugin

13 Jan, 18:04

Ernst Jünger: In Frankreich gerühmt, in Deutschland und Österreich verschmäht. Doch warum ist das so? In seinem jüngst auf Englisch beim Arktosverlag erschienen Buch aus dem Jahr 2008 erklärt der französische Nationalrevolutionär und Historiker Dominique Venner, warum der deutsche Kriegsheld und Konservative Revolutionär Ernst Jünger nicht nur eine Jahrhundertgestalt ist, die als Seismograph der gewaltigen Verwerfungen des 20. Jahrhunderts diente, sondern auch ein Wegweiser hin zu einem anderen europäischen Schicksal.

✍️ Alexander Markovics @alexandermarkovics

🗣 Buchbesprechung zu Dominique Venner – Ernst Jünger: A different European destiny

Alexander Dugin

13 Jan, 16:32

Eurosiberia Podcast #48: The European New Right

Alexander Raynor and Constantin von Hoffmeister discuss the different ideas and personalities of the European New Right and their potential influence on the American Right.

Listen to the podcast here:

Alexander Dugin

13 Jan, 16:03

Kaliforniya’daki yangınlar sapıklar konusunu gündeme getirdi. Her nasılsa Kaliforniya itfaiye şefinin bir lezbiyen olduğunu hatırladım. Hem de aktif bir lezbiyen. Yani sessiz bir günahkâr değil, kendi ahlâksızlığının vaiziydi. Ve görevdeki tüm enerjisini günâhını teşvik etmek için kullandı.

✍️ Alexander Dugin


Alexander Dugin

13 Jan, 15:04

L’influence d’Halford Mackinder sur le développement des conceptions géopolitiques anglo-américaines (ainsi que sur celles de leurs opposants continentalistes) est connue et reconnue. En revanche, les liens de Mackinder avec les réseaux oligarchiques anglo-américains sont moins soulignés. Il s’agit pourtant d’un élément essentiel pour appréhender l’influence et le rôle de Mackinder dans l’élaboration d’une géopolitique qui cherchait à équilibrer le cosmopolitisme par l’impérialisme.

✍️ Pierre-Antoine Plaquevent @pierreantoineplaquevent

🌐 Mackinder et l'impérialisme libéral : genèse d'une géopolitique oligarchique (1)

Alexander Dugin

13 Jan, 12:48

Il 2025 inizia con questo saggio "penetrante" di Andrea Franco il quale pone sotto il microscopio (o forse dovremmo dire sul tavolo autoptico) la corrente mistico-metafisica del perennialismo (o tradizionalismo integrale) incarnata principalmente da René Guénon e Julius Evola e oggi continuata in maniera "orientale" dal russo Aleksandr Dugin.
Disponibile dall'inizio di febbraio, stay tuned!

Alexander Dugin

13 Jan, 10:32

In Memory of Daria Dugina
☀️Памяти Даши Платоновой-Дугиной

Alexander Dugin

13 Jan, 09:36

You know it’s going to get interesting when Elon Musk quotes from Virgil and the Great Seal of the United States. Novus Ordo Seclorum, the tech-titan-turned-MAGA-megaphone tweeted, or rather Xed, as he basked in Donald Trump’s victory with the president-elect himself. In English: “a new order of the ages.”

✍️ Andreas Kluth

🌐 Trump’s ‘new order’ will be global anarchy

Alexander Dugin

08 Dec, 14:49

Anche l'ultima riunione a Belgrado si è conclusa.
Ciò che i serbi e gli italiani hanno fatto è un piccolo miracolo. Un lavoro incredibile e difficile da riassumere. Sono stati 45 giorni di milizia e sacrificio.
Siamo stati capaci di sognare, ogni singolo giorno, ad occhi aperti, per realizzare il nostro sogno.
Celebrare Darya Dugina ha significato mettere il Tempio al centro del villaggio.
Artisti multipolari, esoteristi, cartografi, politologi, giovani militanti anti globalisti, hanno rappresentato il pensiero di Darya con uno solo intento.
Un intento, qui in Serbia , perfettamente riuscito.
Posizionare il Simbolo che Darya rappresenta al CENTRO del pensiero e dell'azione di ognuno.
Sono stati due giorni, prima ancora che celebrativi, FONDATIVI.
Ora si tratta solo di andare ancora più avanti.
Un altro assalto ancora e poi un altro e poi un'altro ancora.
La nostra Speranza si posa su due pilastri.
La capacità di indignarsi ed il coraggio.
Questo è MultipolArtin nome di Darya, per Darya.

Alexander Dugin

08 Dec, 14:35

„Teorija Evrope – Multipolarna vizija Darije Dugine“

Alexander Dugin

08 Dec, 13:32

What is post-liberalism? There is conventional left version: Wallerstein, Trotskyism, Negri-Hardt global anarchism. Cultural Marxism and hyperglobalization. It is obvious that J.D.Vance, Thiel, Musk and other trump-futurists mean something quite different when they use the term.

✍️ Alexander Dugin

🗣 Trumpo-futurism: dark freedom theory

Alexander Dugin

08 Dec, 10:57


Jackson Hinkle speaks with Rybar Director Mikhail Zvinchuk, to analyze why Syria has COLLAPSED, whether Trump will bring peace with Russia & why the US Government has a $10 MILLION bounty on his head.

Alexander Dugin

08 Dec, 10:08

La caída de Assad es un acontecimiento trágico. Era aliado de Rusia y el polo de la resistencia. Tenemos que aceptar el golpe como golpe, el dolor como dolor. Esta es la lucha, la guerra. La guerra suele tener diferentes episodios, algunos de ellos desagradables y dolorosos. Pero nunca debemos rendirnos. Venceremos.


Alexander Dugin

08 Dec, 07:53

The end times war transcends the nations and religions, peoples and States. It is vertical and accomplish final division. Something like Last Judgment has already begun.

Alexander Dugin

08 Dec, 07:53

Not any historic war had such ultimate importance. The sacredness of war was apportioned. Often parts of light and darkness were distributed in different proportions among the fighting armies. Only now at the end of history light and darkness assemble in two opposite camps.

Alexander Dugin

08 Dec, 07:53

The fight we are engaged in began before the time appeared. The most important thing is to define our camp. That is the only thing that really matters. Who are on the side of God have already won. Those who triumph with devil are damned and defeated for eternity.

Alexander Dugin

08 Dec, 07:52

The fall of Assad is tragic event. He was ally of Russia and the pole of Resistance. We have accept blow as blow, the pain as pain. This is the fight, the war. The war has usually different episodes - some of them are unpleasant and painful. But we should never give up. We’ll win.

Alexander Dugin

07 Dec, 21:48

El plan B de los globalistas
Por Aleksandr Duguin

Los globalistas se han puesto mucho más activos antes del cambio de administración en Washington. Ha comenzado el Plan B.

Mientras puedan, intentan golpear a Rusia en todos los frentes: Moldavia, Georgia, Abjasia, Siria e incluso se anula (por si acaso) la victoria accidental del conservador Georgescu en las elecciones en Rumania. Están tratando de darle a Zelensky el máximo apoyo y están presionando directamente a los países de la UE hacia una confrontación directa con Rusia.

El Plan A era un escenario más fluido, que habría entrado en vigor si Harris hubiera ganado. Y ahora el plan B es un plan para una escalada aguda, extremadamente aguda. Las cosas solo se van a calentar hasta el día de la toma de posesión de Trump. Además, los globalistas están tratando de hacer que sea imposible, incluso bajo Trump, desviarse del camino de la escalada. Están intentando convertirlo en rehén de una gran guerra contra Rusia. De esto se trata el plan B.

Tenemos una pequeña cantidad de posibles respuestas a todo esto. Lo más correcto en tal situación sería concentrarse y avanzar obstinadamente hacia Kiev, sin prestar atención a nada. Y acelerar las reformas internas: ya están en marcha, pero están actualmente estancadas en varios ámbitos. Empezar a dudar y tratar de llegar de alguna manera a un acuerdo con el enemigo en tales condiciones es un suicidio y una admisión de derrota. Nadie hará esto. Pero definitivamente es necesaria la aceleración de las reformas patrióticas.

Editorial de Nuestra América.

Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
@nuestraamerica #geopolitica #estadosunidos #occidente #rusia #globalismo

Alexander Dugin

07 Dec, 21:27

Alexander Dugin

07 Dec, 20:57

Alexander Dugin

07 Dec, 20:32


Alexander Dugin

07 Dec, 20:23


Just in time for the holiday season, PRAV is offering 20% off all titles and products with the coupon code PRAV4HOLIDAYS (valid until December 9).

Give the gift of PRAV!

Alexander Dugin

07 Dec, 20:16

US-Außenministerium blockiert Tucker-Carlson-Interview mit Selenskyj

Alexander Dugin

07 Dec, 19:59

Alexander Dugin

07 Dec, 19:29

"In Romania, we witness the first episode of the insurrection by the liberal-totalitarian forces of Soros and Schwab's Europe against Trump's America. It is possible that the ultra-liberal dictators of the EU may end up confronting both the US in the West and Russia in the East."

Alexander Dugin, 7 December 2024

Alexander Dugin

07 Dec, 19:22

"Le terme « moment libéral » a des implications révolutionnaires pour la pensée politique. Ce qui était autrefois considéré comme un destin inéluctable se révèle n'être qu'un motif éphémère dans la vaste tapisserie de l'histoire. Cette prise de conscience ouvre la voie à une imagination politique sans limites."

— Alexandre Douguine, (2024)

Alexander Dugin

07 Dec, 18:08

Gli amici di Dasha alla sua serata al Polet
Il suo pensiero accompagnato dalla musica di Sonija Kalajic

Alexander Dugin

07 Dec, 15:18

Book Review: ‘Ernst Jünger: A Different European Destiny’

Alexander Markovics reviews Dominique Venner’s Ernst Jünger: A Different European Destiny.

Read the review here:

Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 20:05

"I ask you to actively participate in the intellectual process. Participation is one of the key terms of our spiritual position and worldview. It is important not only to listen, remember, and record information, but to move together along the terrain of utterances, to master thought, to turn an expounded thought into our own content, our own filling. Dostoevsky wrote about his character Kirillov: "the idea ate him." The task is to have the idea swallow each of you. In fact, there is nothing frightening about an idea eating a person. After all, any given person as an individual, in and of himself, is not particularly interesting. I think this will gradually become clear to everyone. The idea, on the contrary, is very interesting! Moreover, it does not matter whether the idea is right or wrong. The idea itself, and the very existence of the sphere of ideas, of the ideal, the eidetic, is much richer and more interesting from all points of view. It is more worthy than the aggregated existence of a person as such (in which there is too much that is superfluous, unnecessary, that could well be dispensed with). Thus, by participating in the mastering, understanding, and assimilation of what has been said, we “feed” our individualities to predatory ideas, to the vultures of the eidetic plane. This is an extremely positive, invaluable experience."

— Alexander Dugin, “The Language of Tradition and the Paradigms of the Modern Sciences: Rectifying Names and Measuring Distances” [lecture given in 1998, published in The Philosophy of Traditionalism (2002)]

Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 19:53


Jackson Hinkle’s FULL NEW INTERVIEW with Kevork Almassian discussing why NATO is supporting another TERRORIST ASSAULT on SYRIA.

Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 18:31

Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 17:52

Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 15:59


Just in time for the holiday season, PRAV is offering 20% off all titles and products with the coupon code PRAV4HOLIDAYS (valid until December 9).

Give the gift of PRAV!

Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 15:20

"I ask you to actively participate in the intellectual process. Participation is one of the key terms of our spiritual position and worldview. It is important not only to listen, remember, and record information, but to move together along the terrain of utterances, to master thought, to turn an expounded thought into our own content, our own filling. Dostoevsky wrote about his character Kirillov: "the idea ate him." The task is to have the idea swallow each of you. In fact, there is nothing frightening about an idea eating a person. After all, any given person as an individual, in and of himself, is not particularly interesting. I think this will gradually become clear to everyone. The idea, on the contrary, is very interesting! Moreover, it does not matter whether the idea is right or wrong. The idea itself, and the very existence of the sphere of ideas, of the ideal, the eidetic, is much richer and more interesting from all points of view. It is more worthy than the aggregated existence of a person as such (in which there is too much that is superfluous, unnecessary, that could well be dispensed with). Thus, by participating in the mastering, understanding, and assimilation of what has been said, we “feed” our individualities to predatory ideas, to the vultures of the eidetic plane. This is an extremely positive, invaluable experience."

— Alexander Dugin, “The Language of Tradition and the Paradigms of the Modern Sciences: Rectifying Names and Measuring Distances” [lecture given in 1998, published in The Philosophy of Traditionalism (2002)]

Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 14:38

Alexander Dugin pinned «Alexander Dugin and John Mearsheimer | Overlap Trailer Before Trump took office, chaos and unrest seemed to loom. What impact will his presidency have on China and the world? In this month's "Overlap," Professors Alexander Dugin and John Mearsheimer will…»

Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 14:37

Alexander Dugin and John Mearsheimer | Overlap Trailer

Before Trump took office, chaos and unrest seemed to loom. What impact will his presidency have on China and the world? In this month's "Overlap," Professors Alexander Dugin and John Mearsheimer will have a conversation regarding Trump's tenure. Release on December 9th, don't miss out!

Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 14:26

Alexander Dugin vertritt die Ansicht, dass der Zusammenbruch der unipolaren Welt den Beginn einer großen Metamorphose signalisiert, in der das schwindende Licht des westlichen Liberalismus dem Erwachen uralter Traditionen, tief verwurzelter zivilisatorischer Identitäten und dem Versprechen einer lebendigen, multipolaren Ära voller grenzenloser Möglichkeiten weicht.

✍️ Alexander Dugin

🌐 Der liberale Moment

Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 12:22

In August 2022, a car bomb in Moscow claimed the life of Daria Dugina, a rising voice in political philosophy whose insights were cut tragically short at age 29. Her posthumously published work A Theory of Europe stands as both her intellectual testament and a rare window into the French Nouvelle Droite (New Right) movement.

✍️ Alexander Raynor

🌐 ‘A Theory of Europe’: Insights into the New Right’s Vision of Continental Identity

Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 10:33

उदारवादी क्षण
✍️ अलेक्जेन्डर दुगिन
अलेक्जेन्डर दुगिन तर्क गर्छन् कि एकध्रुवीय विश्वको पतनले एक महान रूपान्तरणको सुरुवातलाई संकेत गर्दछ। जहाँ पश्चिमी उदारवादको निभ्न लागेको  प्रकाश भित्रबाट प्राचीन परम्पराहरूको जागरण, गहन सभ्यतागत पहिचानहरू, र असीम सम्भावनाहरूले भरिएको जीवन्त बहुध्रुवीय युगको प्रतिज्ञालाई मार्ग प्रसस्त गर्दछ।

Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 09:39

Trong một cuộc phỏng vấn độc quyền với Al Majalla, triết gia chính trị người Nga Aleksander Dugin - được biết đến rộng rãi là "bộ não của Putin" - đã lên tiếng chỉ trích quyết định gần đây của chính quyền Biden cho phép Ukraine sử dụng tên lửa tầm xa để tấn công sâu vào lãnh thổ Nga. Sự tức giận của ông thể hiện rõ trong suốt cuộc thảo luận - mặc dù ông đã truyền đạt nó bằng giọng điệu bình tĩnh và có chừng mực. Ông cũng giải thích về sự chuyển hướng của đất nước mình sang Nam Bán cầu và tại sao không có gì có thể thay đổi được lợi thế của Moscow trên chiến trường Ukraine.

✍️ Alexander Dugin


Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 07:05

要么美国在成为未来的君主制国家,要么美国就根本没有未来。如果不朝着彻底超越现代性迈出认真的一步,所有局部改革都将毫无用处。川普主义者需要进行重大改革 — 首先是有关于美国定位的心态改革。


Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 06:25




Alexander Dugin

02 Dec, 01:01

🇮🇩 Momen liberal: dari “akhir sejarah” hingga Trump

Dalam terbitan tahun 1990/1991 dalam publikasi globalis bergengsi Foreign Affairs, pakar Amerika Charles Krauthammer menulis artikel kebijakan “The Unipolar Moment,” di mana ia menawarkan penjelasan berikut tentang berakhirnya dunia bipolar. Setelah runtuhnya blok Pakta Warsawa dan runtuhnya Uni Soviet (yang belum terjadi pada saat artikel ini diterbitkan), sebuah tatanan dunia akan datang di mana Amerika Serikat dan negara-negara kolektif Barat (NATO) akan datang. tetap menjadi satu-satunya kutub dan akan menguasai dunia, menetapkan aturan, norma, hukum dan menyamakan kepentingan dan nilai-nilai mereka dengan kepentingan dan nilai-nilai yang universal, umum dan mengikat secara umum. Krauthammer menyebut hegemoni dunia Barat yang sudah mapan secara de facto ini sebagai “momen unipolar”.

Diterjemhakan langsung oleh Karaamath Babullah

✍️ Alexander Dugin

Alexander Dugin

01 Dec, 20:16

Strašidelná předpověď ideologa „ruského světa“! Dugin oznámil konec Západu, tady je to, co nás čeká!

EU / USA: Neoficiální ideolog „ruského světa“, jak ho některá média nazývají, Aleksandar Dugin ve svém posledním článku pro

Alexander Dugin

01 Dec, 19:10

In Memory of Daria Dugina
☀️Памяти Даши Платоновой-Дугинойv

Alexander Dugin

01 Dec, 19:00

In the 1990/1991 issue of the prestigious globalist journal Foreign Affairs, American expert Charles Krauthammer published a programmatic article titled “The Unipolar Moment.”1 In this work, he proposed an explanation for the end of the bipolar world. Following the collapse of the Warsaw Pact countries and the disintegration of the Soviet Union (which had not yet occurred at the time of the article’s publication), a new world order would emerge in which the United States and the collective West (NATO) would remain the sole pole of power, ruling the world by establishing rules, norms, and laws, while equating their own interests and values with universal, global, and mandatory standards. Krauthammer called this de facto global hegemony of the West the “unipolar moment.”

✍️ Alexander Dugin

🗣 The Liberal Moment

Alexander Dugin

01 Dec, 18:20

W numerze prestiżowego, globalistycznego wydania „Foreign Affairs” z lat 1990/1991 amerykański ekspert Charles Krauthammer napisał artykuł polityczny „Jednobiegunowy moment”, w którym przedstawił następujące wyjaśnienie końca dwubiegunowego świata. Po upadku bloku krajów Układu Warszawskiego i rozpadzie ZSRR (co w momencie publikacji artykułu jeszcze nie nastąpiło) nadejdzie porządek światowy, w którym Stany Zjednoczone i kraje kolektywnego Zachodu (NATO) pozostaną jedynym biegunem i będą rządzić światem, ustanawiając zasady, normy, prawa i zrównując własne interesy i wartości z uniwersalnymi, powszechnymi i powszechnie obowiązującymi. Krauthammer nazwał tę ustaloną de facto światową hegemonię Zachodu „momentem jednobiegunowym”.

✍️ Aleksandr Dugin

🗣 Liberalny moment: od „końca historii” do Trumpa

Alexander Dugin

01 Dec, 15:55

Alexander Dugin: Der liberale Moment

Alexander Dugin

01 Dec, 15:00

Question: Is President Putin really serious about using nuclear weapons?

Yes, he is more than serious. He revealed that Russia revised its nuclear doctrine. This was a clear message to European states. They didn't believe us when we said we possessed hypersonic weapons that can't be defended against. We could easily strike any target in Europe or in a NATO member state. These missiles cannot be intercepted.

Read the full interview here:

Alexander Dugin

01 Dec, 12:04

Question: What's your view on Biden's latest decision to authorise the use of long-range missiles in Ukraine? Is it aimed at trying to force Trump to get stuck in the war?

Alexander Dugin: Yes, precisely so. But even strikes inside Russian territory won’t be able to change the balance of power. They will cause pain, of course, and losses, but they will do nothing to change the reality that Russia is winning the war. The only thing they could do is provoke a nuclear response from Russia, which could tie Trump’s hands in his bid to end the war.

I think Biden should be charged with high treason for putting American lives at such risk. He is, in fact, endangering all of humanity because of his senile incapacity to rule and make responsible decisions. This gives Trump all the more reason to put this group of crazy globalists in jail when he comes into office.

I hope Mr. Putin will be smart enough not to take the bait, but the response will be extremely serious. European capitals are now in danger. One more Ukrainian long-range missile strike on Russia backed by a European power could provoke nuclear strikes against NATO.

Read the full interview here:

Alexander Dugin

01 Dec, 11:59

Meet the ONLY AMERICAN who has recently traveled to NORTH KOREA & the TALIBAN'S AFGHANISTAN.

Jackson Hinkle sits down with Donald Courter to see what America has to learn from both countries.

Alexander Dugin

01 Dec, 11:01

Superstars: Zeus and Hermes.

An intriguing tale featuring thunderbolts and dollars sold in Arabia.

Alexander Dugin

30 Nov, 19:24

Die teils hochtrabenden geschichtsphilosophischen Verlautbarungen und triumphalistischen Selbstzuschreibungen des Westens aus der Zeit nach 1989 sind schlecht gealtert. Alexander Dugin diagnostiziert ein "Ende des liberalen Moments", das durch den Wahlsieg Donald Trumps markiert wird.

Von Alexander Dugin

Alexander Dugin

30 Nov, 18:52


但在北约可能对莫斯科进行飞弹袭击之后,事情怎么可能不升级呢? “俄罗斯不会以核武器回应我们在乌克兰的行动” — 这是拜登及其团伙的赌注:“升级一切,让我们为绝望且即将战败的乌克兰赌上最后一次,在特朗普上任前删除所有规则和规范、以任何方式竭尽所能的援助乌克兰。”



Alexander Dugin

30 Nov, 17:54

‘A Theory of Europe’: Insights into the New Right’s Vision of Continental Identity

In August 2022, a car bomb in Moscow claimed the life of Daria Dugina, a rising voice in political philosophy whose insights were cut tragically short at age 29. Her posthumously published work A Theory of Europe stands as both her intellectual testament and a rare window into the French Nouvelle Droite (New Right) movement. While mainstream coverage often reduces this school of thought to simplistic labels, Dugina’s intimate knowledge of its key thinkers reveals a fascinating philosophical current that challenges our fundamental assumptions about European identity and civilization.

Read the review here:

Alexander Dugin

30 Nov, 17:52

La deshumanización de esta era
Por Aleksandr Duguin

La perspectiva de una deshumanización humana cada vez más aguda y próxima puede generar miedo y horror. El miedo te hace buscar mecanismos de evasion; el horror te empuja a luchar cara a cara.

Heidegger contrasta el horror (Angst, ansiedad) y el miedo (Furcht, miedo). El miedo nos hace correr, el horror nos hace congelarnos en seco. En psiquiatría, la distinción entre trastorno de ansiedad y miedo es algo diferente, pero complementaria al dualismo de Heidegger. El horror surge desde dentro y frente a algo vago e inexpresable. El miedo siempre viene de fuera y tiene, aunque sea como fantasma, causa, forma y hasta explicación.

El horror está más cerca de la eternidad. El miedo es inherente al tiempo. Y hay un terrible proceso de deshumanización en marcha del cual debemos desprendernos desde el mundo multipolar.

Editorial de Nuestra América.

Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
@nuestraamerica #geopolitica #filosofia #occidente

Alexander Dugin

30 Nov, 01:01

Alexander Dugin

29 Nov, 23:00

「アレクサンドル・ドゥーギン ロシアは西側諸国を失ったが、世界を再発見した」




Alexander Dugin

29 Nov, 19:09

Meet the ONLY AMERICAN who has recently traveled to NORTH KOREA & the TALIBAN'S AFGHANISTAN.

Jackson Hinkle sits down with Donald Courter to see what America has to learn from both countries.

Alexander Dugin

29 Nov, 16:26

Question: What could happen in the Ukraine war in the two months before Trump takes office?

Alexander Dugin: If we are talking about conventional weapons, Russia will undoubtedly win on the battlefield. I can’t say how soon this will happen, but it’s clear that the initiative is in our hands. Neither the quality nor quantity of conventional weapons used will change the course of this war. This was clear even before the US elections. This dynamic defined the balance of power even before Ukraine launched its attack in Kursk.

For his part, Biden was desperate to change the balance of power ahead of a Trump presidency because the former president openly declared his desire for peace in Ukraine. If Trump follows through on his stated intention, this will mean Russia will win the war very soon. Without weapons from the West, Ukraine cannot sustain the war.

Read the full interview here:

Alexander Dugin

29 Nov, 14:53

Such a pleasure to talk to Nima - even as we get deeper and deeper into the vortex of pure madness.

Alexander Dugin

29 Nov, 12:54

Confronted by a rash of insurgencies across the country, Myanmar’s government has devised a plan for an amicable political transition. It has decided in principle to hold national elections next year, paving the way for democratic civilian rule.

✍️ Atul Aneja

🌐 Why transitional elections in Myanmar would be good for Asia and the world

Alexander Dugin

13 Nov, 05:30

They ask me why Trump? I answer: all those who hate him I hate myself. His enemies are proofs that he should be good enough. He is much better than all democrats and most of republicans. Let him start to do what he has promised. And then we’ll see.


Alexander Dugin

13 Nov, 05:29

Soon we will discuss Trump with Dmitry Simes Senior and Dmitry Simes Junior in New Rules podcast. I hope some essential things will be clarified.


Alexander Dugin

13 Nov, 05:29

We should not be too hasty in our opinion on Trump. Already many show their disappointment. Others fall in despondency. We need to follow eschatological optimism (as Darya suggested). Everything is going to be worse, but we will win at the end of the day.


Alexander Dugin

13 Nov, 05:11

The Ukraine Question and the Trump Administration

Alexander Dugin argues that Russia’s uncompromising stance on fully integrating Ukraine into its sphere is a geopolitical imperative, driven by existential necessity rather than expansionist ambitions, and must be clearly communicated to Western leaders like Trump to avoid disastrous misunderstandings.

Read the article here:

Alexander Dugin

13 Nov, 04:26


アレクサンダー・マルコヴィッチによるアレクサンダー・ドゥーギンの著書『ポリティカ・エテルナ』の書評:「 政治的プラトニズムと暗黒の啓蒙主義」


ロシアの国家哲学者アレクサンドル・ドゥーギンの最新刊『ポリティカ・エテルナ』は、この一見無邪気な疑問から始まる。政治的プラトン主義と暗黒の啓蒙主義』である。 政治と哲学は切っても切れない関係にあり、政治を哲学から切り離せると考える人は政治的な次元を完全に把握することはできないだろう。

✍️ アレクサンダー・マルコヴィッチ

Alexander Dugin

13 Nov, 04:26

Hội nghị thượng đỉnh khẩn cấp giữa Ả Rập và Hồi giáo dành riêng cho vấn đề Palestine đã được tổ chức tại Riyadh vào ngày 11 tháng 11. Đây là một sự kiện cực kỳ quan trọng.

Điều đáng chú ý là hội nghị có sự tham gia của cả Assad và Erdogan. Gần đây, việc du hành thời gian như vậy là không thể. Ngoài ra, người đứng đầu Ả Rập Saudi, Mohammed bin Salman, không chỉ nói về Palestine mà còn về sự cần thiết phải hỗ trợ Iran và Hezbollah. Điều này một lần nữa gây chấn động, bởi vì Ả Rập Saudi và Iran cho đến gần đây vẫn coi nhau là kẻ thù. Điều tương tự cũng đúng với Hezbollah.

✍️ Alexander Dugin


Alexander Dugin

13 Nov, 04:26

Alexander Dugin

12 Nov, 23:01

🇮🇩 Alexander Dugin: “Pidato Putin di Valdai adalah sebuah ramalan

Pidato Vladimir Putin hari ini di pertemuan Klub Valdai, tanpa berlebihan sedikit pun, telah menjadi sejarah. Pada suatu waktu, pidato Churchill di Fulton menandai dimulainya Perang Dingin, tercatat dalam sejarah sebagai sebuah episode ketika pemimpin salah satu negara menggambarkan masa depan umat manusia. Namun ini adalah masa depan yang penuh konflik, persaingan sengit, dan konfrontasi antara dua kubu ideologi. Presiden kita hari ini menggambarkan masa depan yang sangat berbeda. Arsitektur tatanan dunia baru, atau seperti yang dia katakan sendiri, alam semesta baru, yang harus diciptakan oleh umat manusia sendiri, dengan mencantumkan parameter utama alam semesta ini.

Alexander Dugin

12 Nov, 21:07

BREAKING | Israeli fighter jets attacked a tent for displaced civilians near Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

Alexander Dugin

12 Nov, 20:25

Alain Soral analyse la victoire de Trump et ses conséquences sur le monde

En près de cinq heures, Alain Soral analyse la victoire écrasante et incontestée de Donald Trump, et ses conséquences à toutes les échelles : politique, géopolitique, anthropologique ; pour les Américains, le Monde, l'Europe, la France. Interviennent aussi Laurent Michelon, Laurent Guyénot et Lucien Cerise.

La soirée électorale, sur E&R

Alexander Dugin

12 Nov, 20:24

JUST IN: 🇾🇪🇺🇸 Yemen's Houthis attacked US Warships with drones and missiles in the Red Sea, Pentagon says.


Alexander Dugin

12 Nov, 20:01

Ukrayna'nın tamamının birleşik bir Rus alanının parçası olması gerektiğini söylediğimizde, aşırı abartılı taleplerde bulunmuyoruz. Bu maksimalizm değildir. Ukrayna'nın bugün içinde bulunduğu durum Rusya'nın varlığıyla bağdaşmamaktadır. Ve eğer bu sorunu tekrar dondurursak, tüm yeni oluşumlarımızı idari sınırlarımıza dahil etsek bile, bu bile hiçbir şeyi çözmeyecektir. Yeniden silahlanacak ve saldıracaklardır. Ve kimse saldırmayacaklarının garantisini veremez ya da vermeyecektir.

✍️ Alexander Dugin


Alexander Dugin

12 Nov, 19:47

Alexander Dugin

12 Nov, 17:01

Jaki jest związek polityki z filozofią? Tym pozornie niewinnym pytaniem rozpoczyna się najnowsza książka rosyjskiego filozofa państwowego Aleksandra Dugina „Politica Aeterna: Political Platonism & the Dark Enlightenment”. Polityka i filozofia są nierozłączne – każdy, kto wierzy, że politykę można oddzielić od filozofii, nigdy w pełni nie zrozumie wymiaru polityczności.

✍️ Alexander Markovics

🗣 Recenzja książki "Politica Aeterna"

Alexander Dugin

12 Nov, 14:40

"Il est évident que nous vivons dans une société où l'idéologie est en train de changer - elle passe du libéralisme à la russéité. Et ce processus ne peut être arrêté. Il ne s'agit pas d'une décision ponctuelle des autorités, mais de la logique du temps, d'un ultimatum fixé par l'histoire elle-même."

— Alexandre Douguine, (2024)

Alexander Dugin

27 Oct, 12:05

🔴 An Attempt on Netanyahu…
a Strategic Shift in 
the Game of Drones


Alexander Dugin

27 Oct, 11:01

Which caused considerable controversy, over a quarter of a hundred of the individuals and companies have been sanctioned by the US for purported support of weapons and drone programs in Pakistan and Iran, as well as for assistance to Russia’s military operation in Ukraine. Despite US explanations of such activities in matters of national security, these steps point to a direction of geopolitical hypocrisy that might have potentially dangerous consequences for Pakistan’s military power and the cooperation between the two countries.

✍️ Muhammad Haroon

🗣 The Double Standards of US Trade Policy: A Barrier to Pakistan’s Defense Development

Alexander Dugin

27 Oct, 10:22

Alekszander Dugin a dollár utáni korról: A BRICS-csúcs három nap alatt megfordította a világot - Interjú videó szinkronnal

Alexander Dugin

27 Oct, 10:08

Западът иска да направи Русия своя колония. След разпадането на СССР това твърдение започна да се възприема като едно от съветските клишета и постепенно беше забравено. Това, разбира се, не си струваше: Западът продължава да постига целта си - Русия се унищожава по старата схема и планът не се променя от години.

🗣 Русия се унищожава по старата схема: Планът не е променян от години

Alexander Dugin

27 Oct, 09:01

Po zániku demokracie na Západě se politici uchylují k manipulaci s emocemi obyvatelstva.

Ještě v roce 2019 americký historik Niall Ferguson o Spojených státech poznamenal, že „už nežijeme v demokracii. Žijeme v demokratické společnosti, kde vládnou emoce, nikoli většina, a na pocitech záleží více než na rozumu. Čím silnější jsou vaše pocity, čím lépe se dokážete přivést k nelibosti, tím větší máte vliv. A nikdy nepoužívejte slova tam, kde jsou vhodné emotikony.“

✍️ Leonid Savin

🗣 Emokracie: Praxe manipulace s emocemi obyvatelstva

Alexander Dugin

27 Oct, 07:00

सिआइएले दुगिनको हत्यागर्न खोजेको थियो दुगिन समयोगले बाचे तर उनकी छोरीको हत्या गर्यो ।
- भरत दहाल (अध्यक्ष त्रिमुल पार्टी )

Alexander Dugin

27 Oct, 03:01

自由主义是我们存在的敌人。它在任何地方的任何形式都是绝对错误的— 在经济上(资本主义、消费主义、物质崇拜)以及政治上(庸才政治、寡头政治、少数游说、内部混乱)或社会问题(个人主义、原子化、无神论、性别错乱)中都是如此。


Alexander Dugin

27 Oct, 00:19

Denis Petrovic: Die Stimme des Volkes - Serbien am Scheideweg

Die Stimme des Volkes - Eine neue Bewegung von Intellektuellen erschüttert, wie vielerorts auch, als Politnewcomer die politische Szene in Serbien. Sind sie authentische Populisten und Christen oder ein klassischer Fall von gesteuerter Opposition? Kann ihr Aufstieg zu einer stärkeren Bindung Serbiens nach Russland und Eurasien führen oder haben wir es mit westlichen Agenten zu tun? Schließlich: Was bedeutet "Die Stimme des Volkes" für die Beziehungen zwischen Serbien und der EU?
Unser Serbienkenner Denis Petrovic erklärt, was es mit der neuen serbischen Bewegung auf sich hat, mit welchen neuen Akteuren wir es zu tun haben und sowie mit welchen Ideen man bei den letzten Wahlen gepunktet hat.

Alexander Dugin

27 Oct, 00:06

Graças a vocês já batemos a meta, mas a campanha continua!

Ainda dá tempo de garantir os nossos lançamentos: Fundamentos da Geopolítica, de Alexander Dugin, e Guerra Híbrida e Zona Cinzenta, de Leonid Savin.

Garantam agora mesmo:

Alexander Dugin

26 Oct, 23:08

Bishop Viganó affirms: Kamala Harris serves Satan. She is not woman. She is posthuman entity from the Gogs and Magogs race.


Alexander Dugin

26 Oct, 23:07

Meantime in Georgia national sovereignty anti-globalist party “Georgian Dream” has won elections. Calmly and frankly. Not pro-Russian, but rather illiberal. Well, well, well… How globalists are going to respond?


Alexander Dugin

26 Oct, 23:01

King Charles III: Empire Rebranded

Constantin von Hoffmeister exposes how King Charles III's colonial theatrics in Samoa reveal Western imperialism's unyielding grip, rebranded under the guise of liberal values but still fixated on shaping the world in its image.

Read the essay here:

Alexander Dugin

26 Oct, 20:13

"The choice is between a conservative President, who is paying with his very life for his fight against the deep state, and an infernal monster who obeys Satan. For a Catholic, there can be no question: voting for Kamala Harris is morally inadmissible and constitutes a very grave sin. Nor is it morally possible to abstain, because in this war declaring oneself neutral means allying oneself with the enemy."

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 22 October 2024

Alexander Dugin

26 Oct, 20:06

NOW - Michigan Muslims endorse Trump for president.

"We, as Muslims, stand with President Trump because he promises PEACE — NOT WAR!"


Alexander Dugin

26 Oct, 20:05

Comienza la cumbre de los #BRICS en #Kazán, #Rusia

Por #YunusSoner, #Kazán, #Rusia

Alexander Dugin

26 Oct, 20:05

❗️Turkish President Erdoğan says the "United States uses terrorist organizations in the region for its own interests and for the security of Israel."


Alexander Dugin

26 Oct, 19:53

🚨🇺🇸🇮🇱 “WE’RE ON THE VERGE OF WORLD WAR 3” - Alex Jones Interview | Episode 15

Jackson Hinkle's FULL INTERVIEW with Alex Jones, discussing how ISRAEL & UKRAINE could lead to WW3, why the DEEP STATE’S will try to kill Trump again & why Trump should CANCEL ALL AMERICANS DEBT.

Follow Legitimate Targets

Alexander Dugin

26 Oct, 18:43

Es necesario reconocer que el liberalismo es una ideología destructiva
Por Aleksandr Duguin

Lo más importante que debemos hacer es reconocer el liberalismo como una ideología destructiva. Esta es la raíz de todo mal. De él surgen todas las formas de perversión, subversión y derrocamiento de los valores tradicionales. Necesitamos pensar seriamente en esto y tomar acciones concretas.

No se pueden combatir los efectos sin destruir las causas. El liberalismo es la raíz de todos los males. Y está construido sobre la base filosófica del nominalismo. Pero prohibir el nominalismo está más allá de nuestros sueños más descabellados. Valdría la pena.

Pero todo esto esto es para el futuro. Mientras tanto, permaneciendo dentro del marco del realismo, solo es necesario prohibir el liberalismo y todos sus derivados, desde la ideología LGBT (ya prohibida) hasta el transhumanismo y los quadrobics.

Editorial de Nuestra América.

Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
@nuestraamerica #geopolitica #filosofia #rusia

Alexander Dugin

26 Oct, 18:38

NEW - Former Vatican ambassador to U.S. Carlo Maria Vigano calls Kamala Harris "an infernal monster who obeys Satan."
