An Open Letter to His Highness the Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmed Al-Abdullah
May Allah guide him to what pleases Him and brings His favor.
Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of Allah.
Allah Almighty says:
{Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing}
Your Excellency, the Honorable Prime Minister,
I am writing to you regarding the following matters:
1. The suspension of the National Assembly, the freezing of constitutional provisions, the absence of public oversight, and the weakened role of judicial and legal institutions in safeguarding rights and freedoms.
2. The repeated rejection by the Public Prosecution of all complaints submitted through my attorney concerning the defamation campaigns, media smears, and threats of assassination that I have endured—and continue to endure—with no authority to appeal to for protection or intervention against these relentless and suspicious attacks.
3. The lack of response from the President of the Supreme Judicial Council to my complaint about the unjust in absentia sentence handed down against me during my official academic mission in Turkey from 2018 to 2020, under the sponsorship of Kuwait University. The judgment was based on fabricated recordings published in 2020 by Qatari national Khalid Al-Hail from London, who threatened the Kuwaiti government with these recordings unless I was immediately prosecuted and imprisoned. Subsequently, an in absentia life sentence was issued against me.
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4. The recent revelations about an internal and external sabotage network, including Khalid Al-Hail, Hamad Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah, and others.
In light of the above, I respectfully request the formation of an investigative committee to uncover the truth about the involvement of members of this network in the injustices I have faced since 2018, including the following:
1. Their role in freezing my bank accounts, suspending my salaries for four years, and denying access to my funds without any legal justification or knowledge of the responsible entity. Officials from the Central Bank and the Social Insurance Authority testified before the National Assembly's Complaints Committee in 2021, denying any involvement or the existence of formal decisions underpinning these actions.
2. The network’s connection to the fabricated recordings released by Khalid Al-Hail in 2020, his threats to the government regarding my immediate trial and arrest, and the involvement of Hamad Jaber Al-Mubarak, the son of the then-Prime Minister, along with other network members.
3. The network’s role in the malicious case filed against me, its involvement in referring me to trial, and its connections to members of the Public Prosecution and the judiciary who handled my case. How did the prosecution and the court rely on fabricated recordings originating from this dubious network? Why was my lawyer’s defense memorandum rejected, and why were legitimate reasons for my absence—such as COVID-19 restrictions and closed airports—dismissed by the court?
4. The network’s involvement in the challenges and threats I have faced since leaving Kuwait in 2018 for my academic mission, including continuous assassination threats via direct messages on social media. These messages, sent by identifiable individuals, were documented and included in my complaint to the President of the Supreme Judicial Council and later published in the media without any action being taken against the perpetrators.
5. The role of this network in implementing foreign policies within Kuwait against Kuwaiti citizens.
I earnestly pray for Allah to guide us all to what is right and just, and to protect Kuwait and its people from all harm.
Professor Dr. Hakim Al-Mutairi
Chairman of the Ummah Party – Kuwait