Вот вам 2 любимых. «Я тоже инженер» ахах. Ну прочемуууу.
И конечно «лечу на бусти» - держись там!!
Welcome to DONETS, the Telegram channel created by @donetsraw that focuses on the power of color blindness. Color blindness, also known as color vision deficiency, is a condition where an individual has difficulty distinguishing specific colors. This channel aims to raise awareness about color blindness, provide support to those affected by it, and celebrate the unique perspectives that come with seeing the world in a different way. Who is it? DONETS is for anyone interested in learning more about color blindness and its impact on individuals. Whether you are personally affected by color blindness, know someone who is, or simply want to expand your knowledge on the topic, this channel is the perfect place for you. What is it? DONETS is a platform where members can engage in discussions, share personal experiences, and discover resources related to color blindness. From informative articles and videos to personal stories and tips for living with color blindness, this channel offers a variety of content to inform and inspire its community. By joining DONETS, you will become part of a supportive and inclusive community that embraces diversity and celebrates the unique perspective that color blindness brings. Together, we can learn, grow, and appreciate the beauty of the world through the lens of color blindness. Join us today and discover the power of color blindness with DONETS!
29 Jan, 13:26
28 Jan, 12:29
28 Jan, 08:34
27 Jan, 09:59
26 Jan, 10:40
24 Jan, 11:09
22 Jan, 13:43
20 Jan, 08:28
18 Jan, 13:26
16 Jan, 15:03
15 Jan, 10:53
13 Jan, 07:48
10 Jan, 11:24
09 Jan, 11:09
06 Jan, 09:18
03 Jan, 13:24
01 Jan, 10:45
31 Dec, 18:11
31 Dec, 11:22
30 Dec, 08:01
27 Dec, 12:50
26 Dec, 16:45
26 Dec, 10:29
24 Dec, 13:15
28 Nov, 11:26
25 Nov, 12:19
25 Nov, 07:17
21 Nov, 09:48
19 Nov, 08:26
18 Nov, 11:45
18 Nov, 09:50
16 Nov, 14:59
14 Nov, 15:56
11 Nov, 08:39
10 Nov, 08:02
08 Nov, 11:59
06 Nov, 11:23
04 Nov, 08:20
24 Oct, 12:13
22 Oct, 10:26
21 Oct, 07:54
19 Oct, 11:59
16 Oct, 10:49
15 Oct, 07:33
14 Oct, 10:24
14 Oct, 08:16