Destination C1 and C2 @destinations_c1_c2 Channel on Telegram

Destination C1 and C2


Destination C1 and C2
Reklama: @bizdareklamasifatli

Destination C1 and C2 (English)

Are you a travel enthusiast looking for the perfect destinations to explore? Look no further, as our Telegram channel 'Destination C1 and C2' is here to guide you on your next adventure! Whether you're a solo traveler, a couple seeking a romantic getaway, or a family looking for a fun-filled vacation, we have curated the best travel destinations for you.

Who are we? We are a group of passionate travelers who have explored various corners of the world and are excited to share our experiences with you. From hidden gems off the beaten path to popular tourist spots, we cover it all. We believe that every traveler deserves to have a memorable and fulfilling journey, and that's why we strive to provide you with the most comprehensive travel guides.

What is 'Destination C1 and C2'? It is a channel dedicated to helping you discover the wonders of Destination C1 and Destination C2. Our channel is filled with breathtaking photos, informative videos, insider tips, and detailed travel itineraries to make your trip planning a breeze. Whether you're interested in exploring historical landmarks, relaxing on pristine beaches, indulging in local cuisine, or embarking on thrilling adventures, we have something for everyone.

So, what are Destination C1 and C2? You'll have to join our channel to find out! We promise to inspire you, ignite your wanderlust, and help you create unforgettable memories. Join 'Destination C1 and C2' now and let the journey begin!

Destination C1 and C2

18 Feb, 10:32

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Topic vocabulary - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

18 Feb, 10:32

Topic vocabulary

Craft -
qo'l mehnati, qo'l ishi
Data - ma'lumot
Download - yuklab olingan narsa
File - dokument, hujjat, fayl
Games console - pleysteyshn
Manual - qo'l mehnatini talab qiladigan
Network - tanish-bilishchilik
Nuclear - atomga oid
Offline - internetsiz, tarmoqda emas
Online - internetda, tarmoqda
Primitive - ibtidoiy, qadimgi, eski, sodda
Programmer - dasturchi
Resource - resurs, ta'minot
Technique - uslub, usul
Upload - internetga qo'ymoq
Manual - yo'riqnoma
Network - tanish-bilish orttirmoq
Download - yuklab olmoq
Craft - qo'l mehnati orqali yasamoq
Back up - ...ning tarafini olmoq, qo'llab quvvatlamoq

โ•ญโ˜ž @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

17 Feb, 07:46

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Topic vocabulary: Change, Technology - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

17 Feb, 07:46

Topic vocabulary: Change, Technology

- o'rnini bosuvchi narsa
Shift - o'zgartirmoq
Persist - matonat bilan davom ettirmoq
Endure - chidamoq, sabr qilmoq
Switch - o'zgartirmoq
Steady - turg'un, barqaror
Reform - isloh qilmoq, yaxshilanmoq
Potential - imkoniyat, ehtimollik
Progress - rivojlanmoq, taraqqiy qilmoq
Alternative - muqobil tanlov
Convert - aylantirmoq; boshqa dinga o'tmoq
Decay - chirish
Influence - ta'sir
Mature - voyaga yetgan
Alternate - ketma-ket bir-biri bilan alishmoq
Breakthrough - kashfiyot, yuksalish
Broadband - antenna, to'lqin tutuvchi
Click - bosmoq
Complex - murakkab
Consumer electronics - elektronik iste'mol tovarlari

โ•ญโ˜ž @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

16 Feb, 05:20

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Topic vocabulary: Change 2 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

16 Feb, 05:20

Topic vocabulary: Change 2

Novel -
Persist - davom etmoq
Potential - ehtimoliy
Progress - taraqqiyot, yuksalish
Radical - yangi va zamonaviy
Refine - sekin-sekin yaxshilamoq
Reform - islohot
Remain - ...holatda qolmoq
Revise - fikrlarini o'zgartirmoq
Revolution - inqilobiy o'zgarish
Shift - o'zgarish
Spoil - buzmoq, yomonlashtirmoq
Status quo - mavjud holat, vaziyat
Steady - o'zgarishdan to'xtamoq
Substitute - o'rnini bosmoq, alishtirmoq
Sustain - bir me'yorda ushlamoq
Switch - o'zgartirish
Transform - o'zgarmoq, o'zgartirmoq
Trend - trend, moyillik
Uniform - bir xil, o'zgarmas.

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Destination C1 and C2

12 Feb, 04:31

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Topic vocabulary: Change - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

12 Feb, 04:31

Topic vocabulary: Change

Adapt -
moslashmoq, moslashtirmoq
Adjust - o'zgartirmoq, ko'nikmoq
Alternate - 2 kunda, kechada, haftada, yilda bir marta
Alternative - muqobil, o'rniga ishlatsa bo'ladigan
Amend - yaxshilamoq, to'g'rilamoq
Conservative - eskilikni yoqlovchi
Convert - boshqa dinga o'tgan odam
Decay - chirimoq
Deteriorate - yomonlashmoq
Distort - noto'g'ri talqin qilmoq, buzib ko'rsatmoq
Dynamic - doim o'zgaruvchi va yaxshilanuvchi
Endure - uzoq vaqtga
Evolve - rivojlanmoq, evolyutsiya qilmoq
Influence - ta'sir ko'rsatmoq
Innovation - yangilik, innovatsiya
Innovative - yangi
Last - ...muddat cho'zilmoq, davom etmoq
Maintain - bir holatda ushlab turmoq
Mature - voyaga yetmoq
Modify - moslashtirmoq

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Destination C1 and C2

10 Feb, 04:37

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Word formation 2 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

10 Feb, 04:37

Word formation

- dardkashlik bilan
Think - o'ylamoq
Thought - o'y-fikr
Thinker - mutafakkir
Thinking - dono
Thoughtfulness - g'amxo'rlilik
Thoughtlessness - o'ylamay gapirish
Thinkable - xayolga kelishi mumkin bo'lgan
Rationalism - aql idrokka tayanib ish tutish
Rationality - idrok bilan ish tutish qobiliyati
Insane - esi past, aqli noraso, jinni
Insanely - haddan ziyod
Sense - his qilmoq, sezmoq
Sensitise - xabardor qilmoq, ...ning ko'zini ochmoq
Desensitise - ko'niktirib qo'ymoq
Nonsense - safsata, bo'lmagan gap
Sensitivity - o'zgalarni tushuna olish
Senseless - hushidan ketguncha, hushsiz
Senselessness - behudalik
Sensible - o'ylab ish qiladigan, mulohazali

โ•ญโ˜ž @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

05 Feb, 03:52

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Word formation - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

05 Feb, 03:52

Word formation

- o'ylamasdan ish tutish
Rationally - idrokka tayangan holda
Irrational - asossiz, o'ylamasdan qilingan
Irrationally - ongga tayanmagan holda
Reason - sabab
Reasoning - mulohaza qilish, fikr yuritish
Reasonableness - odillik, mulohazalilik, asoslilik
Reasonable - hamyonbop
Unreasonable - haddan ziyod
Reasoned - mantiqiy, mulohazali
Reasonably - hamyonbop tarzda
Unreasonably - nohaq tarzda
Sane - aqli raso, esh-hushi joyida
Sanity - aqli rasolilik
Insanity - esi pastlik, aqli norasolilik, jinnilik
Rational - zehnli, ongli, idrokli
Rationalise - ...ning sababini topmoq
Rationalisation - ...ning sababini topish
Rationalist - idrokka tayanib ish tutadigan
Sensitive - ta'sirchan, jonkuyar, mehribon

Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

04 Feb, 04:56

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Vocabulary: Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 10 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

04 Feb, 04:56

Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 10

On either side of
- ikkala tarafida, yonida
Set sb straight about - ning xatosini to'g'irlamoq, to'g'ri faktlarni aytmoq
Get straight to the point - darhol maqsadga o'tish
Set the record straight - rost ma'lumotni oshkor qilish
Think straight - to'g'ri fikrlamoq
Straight talking - to'g'risini ochiqchasiga gapirish
Straight answer - ochiqsasiga javob
View smth as - deb tushunmoq, qaramoq
Take the view that - deb o'ylamoq
Take a dim view of - yomon deb tushunmoq
Come into view - ko'rinmoq
In view of - hisobga olgan holda
With a view to - ...qilish maqsadida, ilinjida
View about that - haqidagi fikr
In sb's view - ning fikricha
Viewpoint - fikr
Come straight to the point - darhol maqsadga o'tish
By sb's side - yonida
See both sides of an argument - ikkala tarafni ham tushunmoq
Get smth straight - aniqlashtirib olmoq

Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

01 Feb, 08:34

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Vocabulary: Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 9 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

01 Feb, 07:34

Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 9

Sense that -
...degan tuyg'u
Beyond question - shubhadan holi
Raise the question - masalani keltirib chiqarmoq
Make sense - tushunishga oson bo'lmoq
Make sense - qiyin yoki ma'nosiz narsani tushunmoq
Have the sense to - qilishga farosati yetmoq
Come to your senses - xushiga kelib tiniq fikrlamoq
A sense of - haqidagi tushuncha
In a sense - bir tarafdan
Common sense - farosat
Side with sb - ning tarafini olmoq
Take sides - kimnidir tarafini olmoq
In one sense - bir tarafdan
Make sense of - qiyin yoki ma'nosiz narsani tushunmoq
Some question as to - haqida shubha
Look on the bright side - yomon holatda ham xursand bo'lmoq
On the plus side - yaxshi tarafi
On the minus side - yomon tarafi
At sb's side - yonida
On sb's side - ning tarafida bo'lmoq

Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

31 Jan, 08:33

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Vocabulary: Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 8 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

31 Jan, 07:33

Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 8

A sense of perspective -
tiniq fikrlash qobiliyati
Have principles - o'z tamoyili, prinsipiga ega bo'lmoq
Stick to your principles - o'z tamoyillariga amal qilmoq
Principle of smth - ning qoida, tamoyillari
Principle that - ...degan qarash, aqida
In principle - umuman olganda
An issue of principle - tamoyillariga asoslangan holda
Against sb's principles - ning tamoyillariga zid
Set of principles - tamoyillar jamlanmasi
Beg the question - biror kimni savol so'rashga undamoq
Raise the question of - muammo keltirib chiqarmoq
No question of - ...haqidagi savol
In question - muhokama qilinayotgan
In question - mavhum, aniq emas
Out of the question - haqida gap bo'lishi mumkin emas
Without question - shubhasiz
Some question over - haqida shubha
Awkward question - qiyin va g'alati savol
Sense that - ...degan ma'noda
See sense - mulohazali bo'lmoq

Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

30 Jan, 08:33

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Vocabulary: Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 7 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

30 Jan, 07:32

Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 7

Main focus
- asosiy maqsad
Make a mental note about - ...qilishni rejalashtirib qo'ymoq
Have in mind - yodda bo'lmoq, saqlamoq
On either side - ikkala tarafida, yonida
Put the record straight - rost ma'lumotni oshkor qilish
Take a poor view of - yomon deb tushunmoq
View on that - haqidagi fikr
Point of view - fikr
See straight - to'g'ri fikrlamoq
Put sb straight about - ning xatosini to'g'irlamoq, to'g'ri faktlarni aytmoq
Stand by your principles - o'z tamoyillariga amal qilmoq
A matter of principle - tamoyillariga asoslangan holda
Some question about - haqida shubha
A question of - ...haqidagi savol
Put into perspective - o'ylab chiqmoq
From a different perspective - boshqa bir nuqtai-nazardan qaramoq
From another perspective - boshqa bir nuqtai-nazardan qaramoq
From the perspective of - ning nuqtai-nazaridan
In perspective - kattaroq chizilgan
Out of perspective - kichiqroq chizilgan

Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

29 Jan, 17:35

Ha mayli... Keyingi gal yutarman ๐Ÿฅฒ

Destination C1 and C2

29 Jan, 08:11

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Vocabulary: Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 6 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

29 Jan, 07:32

Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 6

Mental age
- fikrlash qobiliyati, yoshlik odamnikidek
Mental health - aqliy sog'lomlik
Make up your mind - bir qarorga kelmoq
Primary focus - asosiy maqsad
Cross your mind - hayoliga kemoq
Slip your mind - unutib qo'ymoq
Bear in mind - yodda bo'lmoq, saqlamoq
Have a one-track mind - hayolida doima faqat bir narsa haqida o'ylamoq
Take your mind off - hayolini yoqimsiz narsadan chalg'itish
Bring to mind - eslatib yubormoq
In two minds about - bir qarorga kelolmay ikkilanmoq
On your mind - hayolida bo'lmoq, uni o'ylab havotirlanmoq
State of mind - hayoli ...holatda bo'lmoq
Narrow-minded - tor fikrlaydigan
Broad-minded - keng fikrlaydigan
Open-minded - yangi fikrlarni to'g'ri qabul qiladigan
Absent-minded - hayoli chachilgan, parishon-xotir
Under the misapprehension that - noto'g'ri tushunmoq
Give the impression that - degan o'y, fikr
Dream that - haqida tush

Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

28 Jan, 13:58

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Vocabulary: Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 5 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

28 Jan, 13:58

Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 5

Like a dream -
ajoyib tarzda, hech qanday muammosiz
Focus on - asosiy e'tibor ...da
The focus of - ning maqsadi
The focus for - uchun diqqat-e'tibor
In focus - aniq ko'rinarli
Out of focus - xira, aniq ko'rinmagan
Focus group - tadqiqot uchun tanlab olingan odamlar
Dream about - haqida tush
Beyond any doubt - shubhasiz
Doubt as about - haqida shubha
Major focus - asosiy maqsad
Have the impression that - degan o'y, fikr
Give the false impression that - degan yolg'on o'y, fikr
Do an impression of - ning harakati, ovozi, o'zini tutishiga taqlid qilmoq
Create an impression - taassurot qoldirmoq
Under the impression that - deb o'ylagan holda
First impressions - ...haqida dastlabki taassurotlari
Make a mental note - ...qilishni rejalashtirib qo'ymoq
Mental arithmetic - mentalniy arifmetika
Mental illness - aqliy kasallik, aqliy zaiflik

Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

28 Jan, 13:49

Kimdir 50 ming sum donate qildi... Rahmat kotta! Jami donate: 68 ming sum bo'ldi.


Hozir shu kanallarga postlar tayorlab o'tiribman. Tahminan 2.5 soatdan beri... Tez orada so'zlar tarjimalari quizlar bilan joylayman. (Eng ko'p vaqt destination kanallariga ketadi)

Ungacha donate qilish yodingizdan chiqmasin:

Humo: 9860 0303 7514 3671 (Mushtariybegim nomida)

Destination C1 and C2

28 Jan, 12:49

Minglab odamlaringdan 60 ming sum donate yeg'a olmasang-a... ๐Ÿฅฒ

Destination C1 and C2

28 Jan, 07:25

Yo'lkira hisobida bo'lsayam donate qilib qo'llab quvatlab turinglar... Reklamasiz yaxshi kanalni doimiy saqlab qolish kerak. Tushiriladigan donate summa ijodkorni qo'llash degani. ...

Destination C1 and C2

28 Jan, 06:49

kanal faoliyati doimiy bo'lishi uchun, bizni qo'llab quvvatlang, donate siz qilishingiz mumkin bo'lgan eng yaxshi ko'mak, donate qilish uchun: =har doim sog' bo'lsin do'stlar...

Humo: 9860 0303 7514 3671 (Mushtariybegim nomida)

Destination C1 and C2

27 Jan, 08:31

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Vocabulary: Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 4 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

27 Jan, 07:31

Phrases, Patterns and Collocations - 4

A reasonable doubt
- oqilona, asosli shubha
Make a mental note of - ...qilishni rejalashtirib qo'ymoq
Have false impression that - degan yolg'on o'y, fikr
Do an impression - ning harakati, ovozi, o'zini tutishiga taqlid qilmoq
Make an impression - taassurot qoldirmoq
Have your doubts about - haqida shubhalanishga sabablari bo'lmoq
Cast doubt on - nisbatan shubha keltirib chiqarmoq
Raise doubts - shubha keltirib chiqarmoq
In doubt - aniq emas
Doubt as to - haqida shubha
Beyond doubt - shubhasiz
Reasonable doubt - oqilona, asosli shubha
Without a doubt - shubhasiz
Open to doubt - noaniq, mavhum
Dream of - haqida orzu
Have a dream - tush ko'rmoq, orzu qilmoq
A dream to - ...qilish orzusi bo'lmoq
Beyond your wildest dreams - tasavvur qilganingizdan ham ko'proq, yoki yaxshiroq
A dream come true - orzu amalga oshishi
In your dreams - kinoya bilan "Tushingda!"

Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

26 Jan, 15:59

Shuncha obunachilardan bir kunda jami hozirgacha: 41 000 sum donate qilindi, biroq ko'pchilikmizku qadrdonlar . Hech yo'q 60 000 yeg'ayalik bitta kitob olsak bo'ldi keyin... Summa yeg'ilgunga qadar kutaman ๐Ÿ’”

Destination C1 and C2

26 Jan, 15:43

+ 15 000 sum donate qilindi. Rahmat kotta. Donate qiladiganlar bormi oramizda yana... Bitta kitobga yetishiga oz qoldi. Ma'lumotlar olib borayotkan kanalingiz uchun donate qilishdan tortinmang:

Humo: 9860 0303 7514 3671 (Mushtariybegim nomida)

Destination C1 and C2

26 Jan, 14:49

Bitta badiiy kitobga yetadigan donate yeg'ishimizga kanalga yangi postlarni joylab boraman... Sarflayotkan vaqtimga bitta badiiy asar summasi chiqsinda...

Destination C1 and C2

19 Jan, 07:25

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Vocabulary: Thinking - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

19 Jan, 07:25

Topic vocabulary: Thinking

Dilemma -
ikkisidan birini tanlash
Discriminate - farqlamoq
Suppose - faraz qilmoq, tasavvur qilmoq
Query - so'ramoq
Reckon- baholamoq, kutilmoq
Dubious - shubhada, ikkilangan
Estimate - taxmin qilmoq
Faith - ishonch
Gather - tushunmoq
Genius - daho, geniy
Assess - baholamoq
Assume - deb hisoblamoq, deb o'ylamoq
Baffle - tushunmaslik, chalkashtirmoq
Biased - nohaq
Concentrate - diqqatni jamlamoq
Consider - diqqat bilan o'ylamoq
Consider - deb bilmoq
Contemplate - chuqur o'ylamoq
Cynical - faqat o'ziga ma'qul
Inspiration - ilhom

Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

20 Oct, 17:19

When I .................... at the bus stop, the bus had already left.

Destination C1 and C2

19 Feb, 16:22

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Topic vocabulary: time - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

19 Feb, 16:21

Topic vocabulary: Time

Contemporary โ€”
zamondosh odam
Vintage - Sifatli asosan 1919-1930 yillarda ishlab chiqarilgan
Span โ€” biron muddatga cho'zilmoq
Prompt โ€” o'z vaqtida bajaradigan, odamga nisbatan qo'llaniladi
Millennium โ€” 1000 yillik davrning yakuni va keyingi 1000 yillikning boshlanishi
Lapse โ€” ikki voqea orasidagi vaqt
Interval โ€” kino o'rtasidagi tanaffus
Contemporary โ€” bir zamonga tegishli
Abrupt โ€” qo'qqisdan, to'satdan
Anachronism โ€” eskilik sarqiti
Annual โ€” har yillik/bir yillik
Antique โ€” tarixiy, antikvar
Century โ€” asr, yuz yil
Chronological โ€” sodir bo'lish tartibida, to'g'ri ketma-ketlikda
Contemporary โ€” hozirgi, zamonaviy
Decade โ€” 10 yil
Duration โ€” muddat, davomiylik
Elapse โ€” vaqtga nisbatan - o'tmoq, tugamoq
Era โ€” davr
Antique โ€” antikvar narsa

โ•ญโ˜ž @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

17 Feb, 04:15

YouTube kanalimizda tayorlangan darslar

โ†’ A / an artikllari
โ†’ Plurals - Ko'plik
โ†’ Irregular Plurals - Noto'g'ri otlar
โ†’ To be - am, is, are
โ†’ "S" ning qo'llanishi, possessive adjectives
โ†’ Possessive adjectives - my, mine, her, his, him, its, their
โ†’ Ingliz tilida egalik sifatlari - my, his, her
โ†’ IN va ON predloglarining bir biridan farqi
โ†’ "Can" modal fe'li - darak, inkor va so'roq shakllari. Qachon qo'llanilishi
โ†’ Have got, has got, have va has - ...da bor
โ†’ Present simple tense - hozirgi oddiy zamon
โ†’ Have got, has got va have, has. Mashqlar tahlili, gaplarda qo'llanilishi
โ†’ Present continuous tense - hozirgi davomiy zamon
โ†’ Present simple zamoni yozasidan mashqlar tahlili
โ†’ Present continuous zamonida fe'llar bilan ishlar
โ†’ Present continuous zamonida gaplar tahlili qilish va mashqlar bilan ishlash
โ†’ Prepositions: AT, IN, ON, near, next to, under, between, behind
โ†’ IN prepositionning qachon qo'llanishi va ma'nolari
โ†’ AT prepositionni nima va undan qachon foydalaniladi
โ†’ ON prepositionni nima va undan qachon foydalaniladi
โ†’ AT va ON predloglarining bir biridan farqi
โ†’ Question words: What, who, when, where
โ†’ Who vs Whose
โ†’ What, when, who, where tahlili, mashqlar tarkibida qo'llanilishi
โ†’ How much va How many nima?
โ†’ Countable va Uncountable nouns
โ†’ Some va Any
โ†’ Some va Any - biroz va birqancha

Kerakli mavzu ustiga bosib o'rganishingiz mumkin.

Destination C1 and C2

16 Feb, 10:30

Yangi dars tayor: Some va any. Gaplar tarkibida tahlil qilish.


Destination C1 and C2

14 Feb, 13:57

Yangi dars tayyor: Some va Any


Destination C1 and C2

14 Feb, 12:00

Video sifati: 2K 60fps
Audio sifati: Mp3

Yangi darsimiz tayor: Sanaladigan va sanalmaydigan otlar haqida batafsil suhbatlashamiz. How much va How many ni gaplar orqali tahlil qilish.

(Bir kuni YouTubeda 1mln obunachiga erishamiz!)


Destination C1 and C2

10 Feb, 13:11

I _____ you when I arrive there.

Destination C1 and C2

06 Feb, 12:36

Shoshmanglar - shoshmanglar bularni avval tarjima qilgan ekanman. Hozir boshqalarini tarjima qilaman. Bu ham turaversin endi, shunga ham vaqt ketdi.

Kitobda adashib ketdim. Kelgan joyimizni adashtiribman

Destination C1 and C2

06 Feb, 12:32

Word formation โ€” Part 6

โ€” uzluksiz, to'xtovsiz
Continuously โ€” qayta-qayta, uzluksiz, to'xtovsiz
Convert โ€” boshqa dinga o'tmoq, aylantirmoq
Conversion โ€” o'zgartirish, boshqa dinga o'tish
Convertible โ€” boshqacha shaklga o'zgartirsa bo'ladigan, tom qismini ochib-yopsa bo'ladigan mashina
Electric โ€” elektr-energiyasiga aloqador, elektr-energiyasi
Electrify โ€” elektr-energiyasi bilan ulamoq, jo'shqinlantirmoq, quvatlantirmoq
Electrician โ€” elektrik
Electricity โ€” elektr-energiyasi
Electrified โ€” elektr-energiyasiga ulangan
Electrifying โ€” jo'shqinlantiruvchi, quvat beruvchi
Electrical โ€” elektr-energiyasiga bog'liq
Electrically โ€” elektr-energiyasiga bog'liq tarzda
Endure โ€” bardosh bermoq
Endurance โ€” bardosh
Endurable โ€” chidasa bo'ladigan
Unendurable โ€” chidab bo'lmas, rasvo
Enduring โ€” uzoq vaqtga cho'ziladigan
Evolve โ€” rivojlanmoq, evolyutsiya qilmoq
Evolution โ€” rivojlanish, evolyutsiya

Reklamalarga faol bo'layotkan hammaga rahmat. Doim bir birimizni qo'llashda davom etaylik. Tan-u joningiz sihat salomat bo'lsin qadrdonlarim! โค๏ธ

โ•ญโ˜ž @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

05 Feb, 05:26

Yangi dars tayor: How much va How many

(Bir kuni YouTubeda 1mln obunachiga erishamiz!)


Destination C1 and C2

22 Jan, 13:58

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Word formation - Part 8 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

22 Jan, 13:37

Word formation - Part 5

Placing -
...ning musobaqadagi joylashuvi, o'rni
Replacement - almashtirish, alishtirish, o'rnini bosuvchi narsa yoki odam
Replaceable - almashtirsa bo'ladigan
Irreplaceable - qimmatbaho
Process - jarayon
Processor - ishlov beruvchi narsa, odam
Processing - ishlov beruvchi
Processed - ishlov berilgan
Revolt - isyon
Revolutionise - revolyutsiya qilmoq, taraqqiy ettirmoq
Revolution - revolyutsiya, taraqqiyot
Revolutionary - taraqqiyotga bog'liq
Revolting - yoqimsiz
Readjust - biroz o'zgartirmoq
Adjustment - fe'l-atvordagi o'zgarish
Capable - qobiliyatli
Alternative - muqobil tanlov, variant
Alternate - ketma-ket bir-biri bilan alishmoq
Alter - kiyimga o'zgartirish kiritmoq
Continuously - qayta-qayta, uzluksiz, to'xtovsiz

โ•ญโ˜ž @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

20 Jan, 13:53

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Word formation - Part 7 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

20 Jan, 13:34

Word formation - Part 4

Modern -
Modernise - zamonaviylashtirmoq
Modernisation - zamonaviylashish
Modernism - zamonaviy san'at
Modernity - zamonaviylik
Modernist - zamonaviy san'atga oid
New - yangi
Renew - qayta boshlamoq, yangilamoq, yaxshilamoq
Renewal - qayta boshlanish, yangilanish
Newness - yangi ekanligi
Renewable - qayta tiklasa bo'ladigan
Newly - yaqinda
Anew - qayta, boshidan, yangidan
Persist - matonat bilan davom ettirmoq
Persistence - matonat, bardosh
Persistent - matonatli, bardoshli
Persistently - matonat bilan
Place - joy
Replace - alishtirmoq
Placement - joylashtirish

โ•ญโ˜ž @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

18 Jan, 13:48

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Word formation - Part 6 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

18 Jan, 13:27

Word formation - Part 3

Endure -
bardosh bermoq
Endurance - bardosh
Endurable - chidasa bo'ladigan
Unendurable - chidab bo'lmas
Enduring - uzoq vaqtga cho'ziladigan
Evolve - rivojlanmoq, evolyutsiya qilmoq
Evolution - rivojlanish, evolyutsiya
Evolutionary - evolyutsiyaga bog'liq
Evolving - rivojlanayotgan
Flexible - moslashuvchan
Flexibility - moslashuvchanlik, egiluvchanlik
Inflexibility - o'zgarmaslik, o'zgarishni xohlamaslik
Inflexible - o'zgarmas, o'zgarishni xohlamaydigan
Influence - ta'sir, ta'sir qilmoq
Influential - ta'sir o'tkaza oladigan, nufuzli
Mature - voyaga yetgan, voyaga yetmoq
Maturity - balog'at
Immaturity - balog'atga yetmaganlik
Maturation - voyaga yetish jarayoni
Immature - voyaga yetmagan

โ•ญโ˜ž @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

16 Jan, 13:43

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Word formation - Part 5 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

16 Jan, 13:26

Word formation - Part 2

Electrically -
elektr-energiyasiga bog'liq tarzda
Continuous - uzluksiz, to'xtovsiz
Convert - aylantirmoq, boshqa dinga o'tmoq
Unalterable - o'zgartirib bo'lmaydigan
Unaltered - o'zgarmagan
Alternate - 2 kunda / kechada / haftada / yilda bir marta
Alternative - aynan, muqobil, o'rniga ishlatsa bo'ladigan
Change - o'zgarmoq, o'zgartirmoq
Exchange - ayirboshlamoq
Changeover - tizimdagi o'zgarish
Changing - o'zgaruvchan
Unchanging - mo'tadil, o'zgarmas, bir xil turadigan
Changeable - o'zgaruvchan
Unchangeable - o'zgartirib bo'lmaydigan
Interchangeable - o'rniga ishlatsa bo'ladigan
Continue - davom ettirmoq
Conversion - o'zgartirish, boshqa dinga o'tish
Convertible - boshqa shaklga o'zgartirsa bo'ladigan, tom qismini ochib-yopsa bo'ladigan mashina
Electric - elektr-energiyasiga aloqador, elektr-energiyasi
Electrify - elektr-energiyasi bilan ulamoq, jo'shqinlantirmoq

โ•ญโ˜ž @destination_test_C1_C2

Destination C1 and C2

14 Jan, 13:26

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_C1_C2'
Word formation - Part 1 - level C1 and C2 Quiz: @destination_test_C1_C2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination C1 and C2

14 Jan, 13:23

Word formation - Part 1

Arrange -
tashkillashtirmoq, rejalashtirmoq
Rearrange - joyini yoki vaqtini o'zgartirmoq, qayta tashkillamoq
Arrangement - tashkiliy ish, tashkillashtirish
Rearrangement - joyini yoki vaqtini o'zgartirish
Arranged - joylashtirilgan
Capable - qodir
Capability - qobiliyat
Incapable - qodirmas
Capably - mohirlik bilan
Alter - o'zgartirmoq
Alteration - o'zgarish, o'zgartirish
Discontinue - to'xtatmoq
Continuity - davomiylik
Continuation - davomi, davom etish
Continual - uzluksiz, muttasil
Continually - to'xtovsiz, qayta-qayta, uzluksiz
Electrician - elektrik
Electrified - elektr-energiyasiga ulangan
Electrifying - jo'shqinlantiruvchi
Electrical - elektr-energiyasiga bog'liq

โ•ญโ˜ž @destination_test_C1_C2





