English vocabulary tests @english_vocabulary_tests Channel on Telegram

English vocabulary tests


English vocabulary tests

The only official "English vocabulary vocabulary"

English vocabulary tests (English)

Are you looking to improve your English vocabulary skills? Look no further than our Telegram channel, English vocabulary tests! As the only official source for 'English vocabulary vocabulary', we offer a wide range of tests and exercises to help you expand your knowledge of the English language. Whether you are a beginner looking to build a strong foundation or an advanced learner aiming to enhance your vocabulary, our channel has something for everyone. With regular updates and engaging content, you can test your skills and track your progress as you work towards mastering English vocabulary. Join our community of language enthusiasts today and take your vocabulary to the next level!

English vocabulary tests

01 Nov, 12:47

🎲 Quiz '✳️ 37-Lesson Vocabulary lesson's tests!: @English_vocabulary_tests (Official Website Administration'
#37-Vocabulary tests! Учитель(Специалист) Ишрукс
🖊 20 questions · 15 sec

English vocabulary tests

01 Nov, 11:47

N:37 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_tests

1⃣ easy
- oson
2⃣ simple - sodda
3⃣ straightforward - oddiy
4⃣ uncomplicated - murakkab bo'lmagan
5⃣ simple or straightforward - oddiy yoki tushunarli
6⃣ complicate - murakkablashtirmoq
7⃣ hard - qattiq (qiyinlik ma'nosida)
8⃣ harden - qotirmoq
9⃣ hardly - zo'rg'a (o'rganmoq ma'nosida)
1⃣0⃣ hardship - muhtojlik
1⃣1⃣ difficult - murakkab
1⃣2⃣ fail - muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchramoqda
1⃣3⃣ failing - zaiflik
1⃣4⃣ neglect - mensimay qaramoq
1⃣5⃣ negligence - beparvolik
1⃣6⃣ negligible - ahamiyatsiz
1⃣7⃣ forget - unutib qo'ymoq
1⃣8⃣ omit - o'tkazib yubormoq
1⃣9⃣ overlook - ahamiyat bermaslik
2⃣0⃣ famous - taniqli

N:37 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_quizzes

English vocabulary tests

31 Oct, 12:47

🎲 Quiz '✳️ 36-Lesson Vocabulary lesson's tests!: @English_vocabulary_tests (Official Website Administration'
#36-Vocabulary tests! Учитель(Специалист) Ишрукс
🖊 25 questions · 15 sec

English vocabulary tests

31 Oct, 11:46

N:36 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_tests

1⃣ dirty
- chang
2⃣ filthy - chang-chung (axlat)
3⃣ grubby - iflos
4⃣ grimy - ko'rimsiz
5⃣ soiled - bulg'amoq
6⃣ squalid -  eskirgan
7⃣ clean - benuqson
8⃣ disagree - fikriga qarshilik qilmoq
9⃣ differ - farq qilmoq
1⃣0⃣ argue - sabab ko'rsatmoq
1⃣1⃣ dispute - qarshi chiqmoq
1⃣2⃣ contradict - qarshi fikr bildirmoq
1⃣3⃣ disapprove - rad qilmoq
1⃣4⃣ object - narsa
1⃣5⃣ criticise - tanqid qilmoq
1⃣6⃣ condemn - ayblamoq
1⃣7⃣ approve - xursand bo'lmoq
1⃣8⃣ dislike - xush ko'rmaslik
1⃣9⃣ hatred - nafrat
2⃣0⃣ hate - yomon ko'rmoq
2⃣1⃣ disgust - nafrat (irg'anish)
2⃣2⃣ liking - xush ko'rish (sevgi munosabatida)

N:36 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_quizzes

English vocabulary tests

30 Oct, 12:46

🎲 Quiz '✳️ 35-Lesson Vocabulary lesson's tests!: @English_vocabulary_tests (Official Website Administration'
#35-Vocabulary tests! Учитель(Специалист) Ишрукс
🖊 20 questions · 15 sec

English vocabulary tests

30 Oct, 11:46

N:35 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_tests

1⃣ courage
- botirlik
2⃣ bravery - qo'rqmas
3⃣ nerve - jasorat
4⃣ guts - jasurlik
5⃣ cowardice - qo'rqoqlik
6⃣ cut - kesmoq
7⃣ slice - burda (g'ajib tashlangan)
8⃣ chop - chopmoq (qirqmoq)
9⃣ slash - qirqmoq
1⃣0⃣ dead - o'lgan
1⃣1⃣ late - halok bo'lgan
1⃣2⃣ extinct - yo'q bo'lib ketkan (hayvon o'simlik qirilib ketkan)
1⃣3⃣ alive - tirik
1⃣4⃣ live - o'lmagan (jonli)
1⃣5⃣ defeat - mag'lub qilmoq
1⃣6⃣ conquer - zabt etish
1⃣7⃣ beat - bir tekkiz harakat qilmoq
1⃣8⃣ overcome - yengmoq
1⃣9⃣ triumph - zafar
2⃣0⃣ thrash - qamchilamoq

N:35 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_quizzes

English vocabulary tests

29 Oct, 12:45

🎲 Quiz '✳️ 34-Lesson Vocabulary lesson's tests!: @English_vocabulary_tests (Official Website Administration'
#34-Vocabulary tests! Учитель(Специалист) Ишрукс
🖊 25 questions · 15 sec

English vocabulary tests

29 Oct, 11:45

N:34 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_tests

1⃣ competition
- konkurs
2⃣ contest - baxslashmoq
3⃣ match - o'yin (teng)
4⃣ game - o'yin
5⃣ complain - norozilik bildirmoq
6⃣ object - narsa
7⃣ protest - qat'iy norozilik
8⃣ grumble - vaysamoq
9⃣ whine - ingramoq
1⃣0⃣ praise - maqtamoq
1⃣1⃣ contestant - nomzod (1000 odam orasidan bir inson!)
1⃣2⃣ candidate - imtihon topshiradigan shaxs
1⃣3⃣ contender - da'vogar
1⃣4⃣ applicant - arz qiluvchi
1⃣5⃣ entrant - ishtirokchi
1⃣6⃣ copy - ko'chirma
1⃣7⃣ reproduce - nusxasini yaratmoq
1⃣8⃣ duplicate - nusxa
1⃣9⃣ clone - klonlamoq
2⃣0⃣ replicate - aniq nusxa
2⃣1⃣ correct - xatosiz
2⃣2⃣ accurate - aniq
2⃣3⃣ exact - sarishta
2⃣4⃣ true - rost, to'g'ri
2⃣5⃣ incorrect - noto'g'ri

N:34 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_quizzes

English vocabulary tests

28 Oct, 12:45

🎲 Quiz '✳️ 33-Lesson Vocabulary lesson's tests!: @English_vocabulary_tests (Official Website Administration'
#33-Vocabulary tests! Учитель(Специалист) Ишрукс
🖊 25 questions · 15 sec

English vocabulary tests

28 Oct, 11:45

N:33 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_tests

1⃣ child
- bola
2⃣ baby - chaqaloq
3⃣ toddler - kichkintoy
4⃣ teenager - o'spirin
5⃣ youngster - yosh
6⃣ youth - yoshlik (lar)
7⃣ kid - bola
8⃣ adult - voyaga yetkan inson (qiz yoki bola)
9⃣ clean - toza
1⃣0⃣ pure - sof
1⃣1⃣ spotless - beg'ubor
1⃣2⃣ hygienic - gegienik
1⃣3⃣ dirtyv - iflos
1⃣4⃣ cold - sovuq
1⃣5⃣ cool - salqin
1⃣6⃣ freezing - muzlash
1⃣7⃣ frozen - muzlatilgan
1⃣8⃣ icy - muzday
1⃣9⃣ warm - iliq
2⃣0⃣ hot - issiq
2⃣1⃣ boiling - qaynoq
2⃣2⃣ collect - yig'moq
2⃣3⃣ gather - to'plamoq
2⃣4⃣ assemble - yig'ilmoq
2⃣5⃣ hoard - zaxira (yeg'moq)

N:33 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_quizzes

English vocabulary tests

27 Oct, 12:44

🎲 Quiz '✳️ 32-Lesson Vocabulary lesson's tests!: @English_vocabulary_tests (Official Website Administration'
#32-Vocabulary tests! Учитель(Специалист) Ишрукс
🖊 25 questions · 15 sec

English vocabulary tests

27 Oct, 11:44

N:32 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_tests

1⃣ break
- sindirmoq
2⃣ crack - yoriq
3⃣ smash - chil chil qilmoq
4⃣ burst - yorilmoq
5⃣ mend - tuzatmoq
6⃣ careful - ehtiyot bo'lmoq
7⃣ conscientious - vijdonli
8⃣ thorough - puxta
9⃣ painstaking - extiyotkorlil bilan
1⃣0⃣ careless - beparvo
1⃣1⃣ cautious - ehtiyotkor
1⃣2⃣ prudent - ehtiyotkor
1⃣3⃣ vigilant - hushyor
1⃣4⃣ wary - ehtiyot bo'ling
1⃣5⃣ secretive - yashirin
1⃣6⃣ cagey - damduz (birovga sirini aytmaydigan sirli odam!)
1⃣7⃣ reckless - beparvo (o'ylamay ish qiladigan)
1⃣8⃣ thoughtless - o'ylamasdan
1⃣9⃣ change - o'zgarish
2⃣0⃣ alter - o'zgartirmoq
2⃣1⃣ modify - biroz o'zgartirmoq
2⃣2⃣ convert - o'zgartirmoq
2⃣3⃣ vary - farq qilmoq
2⃣4⃣ shift - surmoq (siljish)
2⃣5⃣ transform - o'zgartirish

N:32 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_quizzes

English vocabulary tests

26 Oct, 12:44

🎲 Quiz '✳️ 31-Lesson Vocabulary lesson's tests!: @English_vocabulary_tests (Official Website Administration'
#31-Vocabulary tests! Учитель(Специалист) Ишрукс
🖊 20 questions · 15 sec

English vocabulary tests

26 Oct, 11:44

N:31 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_tests

1⃣ beach
- plyaj
2⃣ shore - sohil
3⃣ coast - qirg'oq
4⃣ seaside - dengiz bo'yida
5⃣ beginner - boshlang'ich
6⃣ apprentice - shogird
7⃣ novice - yangi kelgan
8⃣ learner - o'rganuvchi
9⃣ expert - mutaxassis
1⃣0⃣ old hand - eski qo'l
1⃣1⃣ big - katta
1⃣2⃣ huge - ulkan
1⃣3⃣ enormous - juda katta
1⃣4⃣ vast - ulkan
1⃣5⃣ small - kichik
1⃣6⃣ block - blokirovka qilish
1⃣7⃣ hinder - to'sqinlik qilish
1⃣8⃣ hamper - xalaqit bermoq
1⃣9⃣ hold back - orqada turmoq
2⃣0⃣ obstruct - to'sqinlik qilish

N:31 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_quizzes

English vocabulary tests

25 Oct, 12:44

🎲 Quiz '✳️ 30-Lesson Vocabulary lesson's tests!: @English_vocabulary_tests (Official Website Administration'
#30-Vocabulary tests! Учитель(Специалист) Ишрукс
🖊 20 questions · 15 sec

English vocabulary tests

25 Oct, 11:43

N:30 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_tests

1⃣ answer -
javob bermoq
2⃣ reply - javob qaytarmoq
3⃣ response - javob
4⃣ acknowledgement - e'trof
5⃣ question - savol
6⃣ ask - so'ramoq
7⃣ demand - so'rov
8⃣ beg - iltimos qiling
9⃣ request - talab qilmoq
1⃣0⃣ assistant - yordamchi
1⃣1⃣ helper - ko'makchi
1⃣2⃣ deputy - deputat (o'rinbosar)
1⃣3⃣ auxiliary - yordamchi
1⃣4⃣ aware - xabardor
1⃣5⃣ conscious - ongli
1⃣6⃣ alert - onglashtirish , (ziyrak)
1⃣7⃣ informed - xabardor qilingan
1⃣8⃣ mindful - diqqatli
1⃣9⃣ unaware - bexabar
2⃣0⃣ ignorant - johil

N:30 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_quizzes

English vocabulary tests

24 Oct, 12:43

🎲 Quiz '✳️ 29-Lesson Vocabulary lesson's tests!: @English_vocabulary_tests (Official Website Administration'
#29-Vocabulary tests! Учитель(Специалист) Ишрукс
🖊 25 questions · 15 sec

English vocabulary tests

24 Oct, 11:43

N:29 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_tests

1⃣ ability
- qobilyat
2⃣ skill - mahorat
3⃣ competence - vakolat,puxta
4⃣ talent - iqtidor
5⃣ capability - qobilyat
6⃣ inability - qobilaytsizlik
7⃣ accomplish - amalga oshirmoq
8⃣ achieve - erishmoq
9⃣ carry out - amalga oshirmoq
1⃣0⃣ pull off - tortib olmoq
1⃣1⃣ anger - g'zab
1⃣2⃣ annoyance - bezovtalik
1⃣3⃣ irritation - g'azablanish
1⃣4⃣ resentment - norozilik
1⃣5⃣ fury - nafrat
1⃣6⃣ rage - qahr
1⃣7⃣ calmness - xotirjamlik
1⃣8⃣ annoy - bezovta qilish
1⃣9⃣ irritate - g'azablantirmoq
2⃣0⃣ bother - tashvishlantirmoq
2⃣1⃣ bug - xato
2⃣2⃣ please - iltimos
2⃣3⃣ delight - zavq

N:29 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_quizzes

English vocabulary tests

23 Oct, 12:43

🎲 Quiz '✳️ 28-Lesson Vocabulary lesson's tests!: @English_vocabulary_tests (Official Website Administration'
#28-Vocabulary tests! Учитель(Специалист) Ишрукс
🖊 25 questions · 15 sec

English vocabulary tests

23 Oct, 11:42

N:28 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_tests

1⃣ without -
...siz , holada
2⃣ raining - yomg'ir yog'moqda
3⃣ hard - qiyin
4⃣ feeling - tuyg'u
5⃣ desolation - vayrona
6⃣ finally - nihoyat
7⃣ succeed - muvaffaqiyatga erishish
8⃣ fade - xira
9⃣ when -qachon
1⃣0⃣ asked - deb so'radi
1⃣1⃣ professorship - professorlik
1⃣2⃣ world-famous - dunyoga mashxur
1⃣3⃣ horse-drawn - otga tortilgan
1⃣4⃣ wagon - vagon
1⃣5⃣ stunnedu - hayratda qoldi
1⃣6⃣ misfortune - baxtsizlik
1⃣7⃣ endured - chidadi
1⃣8⃣ heartbreaking - yurakni ezuvchi
1⃣9⃣ anguish - iztirob
2⃣0⃣ relationship - munosabatlar
2⃣1⃣ shared - birgalikda
2⃣2⃣ scientific - ilmiy
2⃣3⃣ daughters - qizlar
2⃣4⃣ distress - qayg'u
2⃣5⃣ discovered - kashf qilmoq, aniqlamoq

N:28 ✳️ @English_vocabulary_quizzes





