BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian) @bxwarfootage Channel on Telegram

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)


This is an 18+ channel! Graphic footage. You've been warned

RIP Givi.

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian) (Ukrainian)

BX War Footage (Український/Російський) - це канал, який пропонує своїм підписникам унікальну можливість переглядати відео воєнного характеру з українсько-російської війни. Цей канал призначений для дорослих і містить графічно вражаючі кадри. Якщо ви шукаєте новини з передової, цей канал допоможе вам підтримувати свій рівень інформованості. Обережно, вміст може бути вкрай різким та шокуючим. Не рекомендується для людей зі слабкими нервами та дітей. Підписуйтесь на канал @bxwarfootage, щоб першими дізнаватися про найсвіжіші військові відео та знімки. Разом ми зможемо розширити розуміння сучасних конфліктів і підтримати тих, хто знаходиться у важких умовах крізь відео та фотозвіти. Приєднуйтесь до нашої спільноти і будьте в курсі останніх подій в українсько-російській війні.

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

16 Feb, 08:10

The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 2 months. If they remain inactive for the next 7 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The contents of the channel will remain accessible for all users.

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

03 Feb, 23:40

The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 2 months. If they remain inactive for the next 19 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The contents of the channel will remain accessible for all users.

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

25 Oct, 15:40

Hitler famously agrees

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

25 Oct, 15:40

🇮🇱🤡 Another unhinged Israeli...Showing both sides of the conflict is bad...

💬 "Trust me, I know, I was a journalist for 31 years," Former Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid.

🐻 31 years being a journalist...31 years wasted in that case...

🔴 @DDGeopolitics

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

25 Oct, 15:40

"Sharing more than our perspective isn't real journalism"

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

25 Oct, 15:38


BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

25 Oct, 15:38

Ready for War: Egyptian🇪🇬 Army Showcases its Military Hardware


BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

25 Oct, 15:37

🇮🇶🤝🇵🇸 A few people gathered in Iraq to support Palestine.

🔴 @DDGeopolitics

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

25 Oct, 15:37

A resilience and solidarity not found in the west. Curious.

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

25 Oct, 15:34

Hop in, waters nice

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

25 Oct, 15:34

🟢 Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

From the depths of the seas, our men rise.

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

19 Oct, 02:06

The US telling others how to treat prisoners is crazy seeing as America tortures more humans brutally than all other countries combined.

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

19 Oct, 02:06

🇺🇸🇻🇪 The US Department of Treasury announced in a press release it issued a six month waiver easing US sanctions on Venezuela's oil and gas industry.

"Treasury today: issued a six month general license temporarily authorizing transactions involving the oil and gas sector in Venezuela," the release said on Wednesday. "The license will be renewed only if Venezuela meets its commitments under the electoral roadmap as well as other commitments with respect to those who are wrongfully detained."

Moreover, the US Treasury issued a license authorizing dealings with Venezuelan state-owned gold mining company Minerven and removed secondary trading ban on certain Venezuelan sovereign bonds, PDVSA debt and equity, the release added.

The United States is providing partial sanctions relief in response to the agreement reached between the Venezuelan government and opposition on the holding of the presidential election in 2024.

Subscribe to @geopolitics_live

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

19 Oct, 02:04

🇮🇱🇺🇲⚔️🇵🇸 At the UN Human Rights Committee: A huge number of participants turned their backs on US Ambassador Michelle Taylor in protest against Israel's bombing of the Gaza Strip.

🔴 @DDGeopolitics

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

17 Oct, 20:49

Content warning: children and civs murdered by Israel

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

17 Oct, 19:08

I'M GIVING A BIGASS CONTENT WARNING. THERE ARE MANY DEAD PALESTINIAN CHILDREN IN THIS VIDEO! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!If you support Israel, you support this. The more it goes on, the more genocide of children will be captured on video. You sick fucking fucks sitting in America supporting this shit are dogs. I will spit at your feet like a fucking demon if you defend this filth in my presence. Burn in hell, the lot of you.

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

16 Oct, 17:09

🚨 BREAKING: The IOF announces an approved plan to evacuate all 28 settlements within 2km of the Lebanese border, moving the settlers to guest houses elsewhere.

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

12 Oct, 23:09

This is what winning looks like to Europeans

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

12 Oct, 14:56

🇾🇪🇵🇸 Yemenis took to streets in support of Palestine

BX War Footage (Ukrainian/Russian)

12 Oct, 14:30

Intrusive thoughts of a billionaire blasted to your kids, what could possibly be wrong with this?