Are you interested in getting a firsthand look at combat footage from the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'War Footage' with the username @combatfootage. This channel is dedicated to sharing authentic combat footage from the Ru/Ukr war, with a commitment to avoiding bias, fake news, and propaganda. The channel owner strives to provide a 'no comment' feed, as they cannot always confirm the information that accompanies the footage. If you have a keen interest in military operations, tactics, and the reality of modern warfare, 'War Footage' is the perfect channel for you. Get a glimpse into the intense and often harrowing world of combat through raw and unfiltered footage. Stay informed about the latest developments in the conflict and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by soldiers on the front lines. Join 'War Footage' on Telegram today and immerse yourself in the world of combat through a lens that aims to provide an unbiased and authentic perspective. Cheers to staying informed and engaged with the reality of war.
25 Nov, 18:28
19 Nov, 13:06
04 Oct, 16:07
02 Oct, 18:18
02 Oct, 16:14