Brahma Kumaris @brahmakumaris Channel on Telegram

Brahma Kumaris


Brahma Kumaris is an international non-governmental organization known for its spiritual teaching of Rajyoga Meditation.

Brahma Kumaris (English)

Welcome to the world of Brahma Kumaris! This international non-governmental organization is renowned for its spiritual teachings of Rajyoga Meditation. With a mission to help individuals discover inner peace, clarity, and purpose, Brahma Kumaris offers a wide range of resources and support for spiritual growth.

Through their Telegram channel, @brahmakumaris, followers can access daily inspiration, meditation practices, and teachings that promote self-awareness and personal transformation. Whether you are seeking guidance on mindfulness, positive thinking, or spiritual enlightenment, Brahma Kumaris provides a supportive community to help you on your journey.

Stay connected with Brahma Kumaris on their Telegram channel for updates on upcoming events, live meditation sessions, and words of wisdom from experienced spiritual teachers. Join a community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to living a more mindful and purposeful life.

For more information and resources, visit Brahma Kumaris on YouTube ( and Facebook ( Start your spiritual journey today with Brahma Kumaris and discover the power of Rajyoga Meditation to transform your life.

Brahma Kumaris

03 Feb, 06:38

Our greatest revelations emerge when we expand our mental landscape.

This is because the universe starts to reveal its intricate patterns with us when we step back and observe everything from a spiritual dimension.


Brahma Kumaris

02 Feb, 08:13

If the Creator of the Golden world is never busy for us,
how can we be so busy with our small worldly responsibilities
that we cannot find time to remember God?

#brahmakumaris #sundayquote #rememberingGod

Brahma Kumaris

02 Feb, 04:04

जब हम सर्वस्व ईश्वर को सौंप देते हैं, तो वे हमारा न सिर्फ मार्गदर्शन करते हैं, बल्कि पूरा ख्याल भी रखते हैं। हमारी बुद्धि स्वच्छ होती जाती है और हम जीवन के सही निर्णय ले पाते हैं।

#Brahmakumaris #bkhindi

Brahma Kumaris

01 Feb, 05:19

Our words and actions are extrapolations of our heart. Inner clarity and honesty bring fearlessness and confidence in all our actions. People start trusting our words easily, and all our actions turn out fruitful and successful.


Brahma Kumaris

01 Feb, 05:18

संसार में हर चीज की कीमत होती है। मुफ्त में कुछ भी नहीं आता। सिर्फ एक आपकी मुस्कान है जो बेशकीमती है। कोई इसकी कीमत नहीं लगा सकता है।

#brahmakumaris #bkhindi

Brahma Kumaris

31 Jan, 05:09

Every time we try to uplift ourselves, our moods, we are also uplifting many other spirits around us.

We all are interconnected. Therefore everything that we think, adds to the ocean of collective human minds. Before thinking about anything, we must realise its widespread impact.


Brahma Kumaris

31 Jan, 05:08

अपने विचारों को श्रेष्ठ बनाएं, क्योंकि वही आपके जीवन की दिशा तय करते हैं। जब विचार ऊंचे होंगे, तो जीवन भी श्रेष्ठ और सुखद होगा!

#PositiveThinking #SpiritualWisdom #BrahmaKumaris

Brahma Kumaris

30 Jan, 04:09

परमात्मा की याद हमें असीम शक्ति और शांति प्रदान करती है। जब हम ईश्वरीय स्मृति में स्थिर रहते हैं, तो जो असंभव लगता है, वह भी संभव हो जाता है । इस दिव्य अनुभव को अपनाएं और हर मुश्किल को सहज बनाएं!

#SpiritualPower #DivineRemembrance #BrahmaKumaris

Brahma Kumaris

30 Jan, 04:08

The one who expects the least, remains contented the most. Such spirits are always light-hearted and free-minded. They carry the energy of giving which pulls people towards them.

The picture is of one such free spirit and late administrative-chief of Brahma Kumaris, Dadi Janki ji. She was always dancing in her intimate exchange of love with God.


Brahma Kumaris

29 Jan, 03:28

मैं तो अमुक व्यक्ति के लिए हमेशा अच्छा सोचता हूं, फिर भी वो नीचा दिखाने की कोशिश करते रहते हैं। मैं पॉजिटिव कैसे रहूं? आपको सिर्फ अपने मन और कर्म का ध्यान रखना है। दूसरा कुछ भी कहे, खुद को हलचल में नहीं लाना है।

#Brahmakumaris #bkhindi

Brahma Kumaris

29 Jan, 03:27

Each breath taken in God's love heals the spirit and nourishes the body. In the stillness of His remembrance, there is a profound silence that brings deep rest to the mind, restoring its energy.

Try this simple practice throughout your day and notice how your energy levels transform.


Brahma Kumaris

28 Jan, 06:23

The energy we bring to our work is felt long before the final result. It radiates through our feelings and intentions while we are working.

How we feel while working is a vital foundation for our success, influencing both our achievements and the joy we find along the way.


Brahma Kumaris

28 Jan, 04:41

हम असल में कौन हैं? हमारे असली गुण एवं शक्तियाँ क्या हैं? हमारा असली धर्म क्या है? ईश्वर कौन है, कैसा है?

जब इन सभी का ज्ञान होगा, तो जीवन में सुख, शांति, खुशहाली आएगी। हम प्रेम से रहेंगे।


Brahma Kumaris

27 Jan, 05:01

एक कहावत है, काल करे सो आज कर। आज करे सो अब। भविष्य को सुंदर बनाने के लिए पहले वर्तमान को बेहतर बनाना होगा। पौधे का जितना ख्याल रखते हैं, तो भविष्य में फल भी मीठा मिलता है।

#brahmakumaris #bkhindi

Brahma Kumaris

27 Jan, 04:38

While making your spiritual efforts, never feel alone. The journey will help you connect with many who will join along the way. Even those who resist and reject the truth may eventually support and join you.

Awakening is a global phenomenon that cannot be accomplished until every human being is aware of the supreme truth.

So keep up your spirit and courage to traverse against all currents, for you are the light of hope for many.


Brahma Kumaris

26 Jan, 04:26

Complete self-governance can lead to complete peace and harmony in the nation. When each of our senses is in complete order, we naturally accomplish our responsibilities truthfully.
This is the true essence of celebrating Republic Day.

We wish you a well-organized nation within and a happy Republic Day of India.


Brahma Kumaris

26 Jan, 04:04

गणतंत्र दिवस के इस पावन अवसर पर, आइए आत्मा की शुद्धता और सकारात्मकता को अपनाकर सच्चे गणतंत्र का प्रकाश हर जीवन में फैलाएं।

#brahmakumaris #bk hindi

Brahma Kumaris

25 Jan, 07:34

Fortune is not a special blessing randomly distributed by divine intervention. Instead, it represents the accumulated spiritual wealth earned through performing divine actions.

These actions are performed in deep remembrance of God, and absolute alignment with universal truth.

Conscious Actions + Divine Remembrance = Spiritual Fortune.


Brahma Kumaris

25 Jan, 03:23

Online Webinar for Kids
🌟 Lets Design Your Dream Life
🎙 BK Sonam, Vapi

🕕 Sat, 25 Jan, 2025 || 6 pm IST

📺 YouTube:
📲 Zoom Link:
📲 Zoom ID: 969 0138 6851
(Passcode: 1234)

Join our WhatsApp Community:

WhatsApp: +91 9414154660

Brahma Kumaris

24 Jan, 05:54

The less we desire, the less complex our thinking needs to be. Life feels more fulfilling when we pause and refrain from chasing after things we do not truly need. If peace comes at the cost of any achievement, then it is not worth the trade-off.

What is one desire you would reconsider and choose to let go of in your pursuit of life?


Brahma Kumaris

22 Jan, 05:13

Events and situations happening around us are a reflection of our inner state of being. The beliefs we hold about life are reflected in how we live and the habits we cultivate.

Therefore, it's quite easy to manifest a new world if we change ourselves from our roots.


Brahma Kumaris

21 Jan, 02:19

True spiritual freedom cannot be taught through words; it must be felt. The only way to achieve this is by living as a free spirit, transcending all bodily limitations, pleasures, and sufferings.

To live above these experiences while using the body is the art of detachment. This practice can be cultivated over time, ultimately becoming the greatest service to liberate the world from material suffering.


Brahma Kumaris

19 Jan, 02:39

Wear the perfume of happiness, and your life will embrace you with more joy.

If you can consistently remain in that state of cheer, your life will look like a game.


Brahma Kumaris

17 Jan, 04:31

Through Raja Yoga, Brahma Baba consistently reconnected with his angelic self. He utilised each second of his life in elevating himself and others spiritually.

At 2 AM, he would enter deep meditative silence, remembering the Supreme Soul Shiva. His early morning practice created a powerful aura. He radiated healing vibrations that transcended ordinary human experience. People would forget their suffering in his blissful presence.

It's time for us to go beyond physical limitations & remember our angelic self.


Brahma Kumaris

16 Jan, 05:30

Brahma Baba dedicated his life to sharing divine spiritual knowledge imparted by God Shiva until his final day in the physical realm. He profoundly understood that spiritual knowledge has the transformative power to uplift an individual's fortune not just for one lifetime, but across multiple births.

He encouraged his spiritual children to travel internationally, sharing the profound teachings of Rajayoga.
He had a far sighted vision of establishing the Golden Era on Earth by bringing others close to truth.


Brahma Kumaris

06 Jan, 02:22

Happiness cannot stay for some time and go away at other times. It is our natural state. And that which is natural and intrinsic must stay forever. But we move away from it.

We perform certain actions that add impurities within our being. These unnatural subtle entities pollute our consciousness and generate various emotions like anger, sadness, excitement, and despair.

But deep within our being, there is a clear blue sky full of happiness. Our life is an opportunity to return back to that state.


Brahma Kumaris

05 Jan, 03:33

One who cannot forgive is weak and unhappy. Forgiveness is natural outcome of deeper understanding & inner power.

With forgiveness comes lightness in heart and peace of mind.


Brahma Kumaris

03 Jan, 05:25

We all need the willingness to step out of our comfort zones and confront our fears. It is this initial act of bravery which acts as a catalyst to unlock divine assistance.

By taking that first step, we demonstrate our faith and trust in a higher power, signaling our readiness to receive guidance and support.


Brahma Kumaris

02 Jan, 05:18

The best way to start a journey is to trust its process. Life is an ever-changing and challenging journey that requires complete trust. This trust can be built by surrendering and understanding the universal laws of life.

This year, I surrender myself to these divine laws and follow the right course at each step.


Brahma Kumaris

02 Jan, 05:18

एक परमात्मा ही है जो हम सबसे सच्चा और निस्वार्थ प्रेम करता है। हम कैसे भी हों, कितनी भी कमी या कमजोरी हो, परमात्मा हमसे प्रेम करना नहीं छोड़ते |

#brahmakumaris #BKHindi

Brahma Kumaris

01 Jan, 07:25

Newness starts within me - in my intentions, vision, and actions. When I evolve out of old ways of living, I bring revolution to my life and the lives of those around me. Then it truly becomes a new year!

Welcome 2025

#brahmakumaris #happynewyear

Brahma Kumaris

31 Dec, 06:26

2024 taught me, touched me, transformed me. Tomorrow, I am ready to begin a new journey

My heart whispers thanks, my mind holds wisdom, my spirit dances forward. Goodbye, 2024 🤩

#brahmakumaris #31Dec #newyearseve

Brahma Kumaris

29 Dec, 06:47

2024 remains unchanged, but our perspective can revolutionize our entire narrative.

Our relationship with the past can redefine our future.


Brahma Kumaris

28 Dec, 05:11

Simplicity is the key to true peace and contentment.

Embrace the beauty of simplifying each day, and find harmony and joy in letting go of unnecessary desires.


Brahma Kumaris

27 Dec, 02:47

Life's true success isn't about accumulation, but liberation.

As 2024 ends, ask yourself:
Have I released unnecessary burdens?
Am I feeling light and free?

Lightness is wealth.
Freedom is success.


Brahma Kumaris

26 Dec, 04:36

Spiritual life has tests at every moment. It is a test of one second. The result is known to us by remaining aware of our own state of being.

Being detached and centered at every moment without any effort shows we have maintained our natural state of peace.


Brahma Kumaris

25 Dec, 03:24

🎄 A Special Christmas Gift 🎁

#Christmas #Spirituality #new #life #gift #SeasonsGreetings #greetings #love #fun #tree #joy #santa #santaclaus #reel #peace #meditation #explore #selfdevelopment #family #bkshreya

Brahma Kumaris

25 Dec, 03:23

People are able to sense our abundance as a source of energy when we are vibrating at a higher frequency. This energy is so pure that it brings happiness and helps others forget their suffering.

Our powerful presence is the true gift we can bestow upon others. May this Christmas be the reason to uplift ourselves spiritually.

Merry Christmas !

#brahmakumaris #merrychristmas2024

Brahma Kumaris

24 Dec, 08:05

We cannot welcome something new if the space is not clear from the clutter of the old. It's time to clean the inner space of our hearts and let the pain depart.

So that we can make a new start with God's love, knowledge, and bliss as life's important parts.


Brahma Kumaris

23 Dec, 07:47

We may replace everything old around us with new but if we remain old, if hold the same old beliefs, if we think in the same old ways, we will not feel the newness and freshness.

Every day of the new year will become new only if we create it new inside our mind.


Brahma Kumaris

22 Dec, 05:40

When we act in a way that serves others and benefits the world, when we have a humble attitude that does not seek praise or recognition, and when we have elevated thoughts that are positive, noble and inspiring, we attract blessings into our lives.


Brahma Kumaris

20 Dec, 09:38

Let the deepest core of your heart whisper, "I am God's child," and watch miracles unfold from this pure, powerful recognition of your spiritual relationship.


Brahma Kumaris

19 Dec, 07:02

Once in a while, we all need to experience pure and complete silence. This can be realized when we go beyond all our thoughts about this world. 🧘‍♀️

Listening to and reading some special spiritual words can be useful to help us transcend and enter the world of peace. 📖

These words act as a vehicle 🚀 that takes us beyond our current state of mental noise.
In this state of pure silence, we realize the truth. 🌟


Brahma Kumaris

17 Dec, 03:19

Recognizing our inner weaknesses is the first step in transforming them into strengths. When we accept what we lack, we become less vulnerable to others' triggers.

The true journey, however, lies in letting go of these weaknesses to the divine. By surrendering our imperfections, we open ourselves to healing and wholeness, allowing the light to enter.


Brahma Kumaris

16 Dec, 04:05

Purity is the mother of divinity. God is the purest of all energies. To be in touch with God, requires us to raise our vibrations and be ultimately clean and pure. Our level of purity and simplicity decides our closeness with the supreme.
#godliness #purity #divinity

Brahma Kumaris

15 Dec, 04:42

When giving is done purely for the sake of giving, it brings a profound sense of satisfaction to the giver in the moment. This satisfaction isn't merely a byproduct; it is an integral part of the experience.

The act of giving and the joy it brings coexist harmoniously, creating a fulfilling cycle that nourishes the giver's spirit.


Brahma Kumaris

14 Dec, 05:00

Peace comes from mental detachment from the various scenes of life. It is a state of trust that life is taking care of many things happening around us.

Not thinking about it and not having any opinion about it are two important reasons for saving our energy.


Brahma Kumaris

02 Dec, 05:08

Choose purpose over pleasure. It will give you divine fulfillment.

Standing at the crossroads of life, we often get distracted by fleeting desires. It is during these times that we need to guard our minds like a captain, reminding ourselves of our true life’s purpose.


Brahma Kumaris

29 Nov, 05:20

When you know yourself, you know your strengths and also your weaknesses. Nothing can shake you and no words can hurt you.

This is because you remain rooted in your self esteem.


Brahma Kumaris

28 Nov, 06:46

The soul can't spread its wings and soar freely when it is attached. It ties us up and drags us down.

These linkages can occasionally be very obvious, but more often than not, they are subtle and call for closer self checking. Yet the easiest way to determine whether attachment is present is through suffering.


Brahma Kumaris

27 Nov, 04:41

Our message is our life. We can display peace, tolerance, and understanding by the way we behave and respond to people, things, and environment around us.

Like a tree that, without saying a word, teaches us the value of unconditional giving.


Brahma Kumaris

25 Nov, 08:27

🌍 Brahma Kumaris Presence at
🌆 COP29 Baku, Azerbaijan

अज़रबैजान के बाकू शहर में आयोजित संयुक्त राष्ट्र के जल वायु परिवर्तन महासम्मेलन में ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ की अहम भागीदारी की झलकियां।

Date: 11 to 22 Nov 2024

Brahma Kumaris

25 Nov, 05:01

The characteristics and attributes we instill and put into practise in our lives show how much we adore God.

God is a lover of pure, sincere hearts that are open and truthful in their intent.


Brahma Kumaris

24 Nov, 05:58

To remain seated on the boat of truth is to live authentically and follow divine guidance. 🌟 No matter the challenges or tests that come your way, trust that you are guarded by your own truthful actions. 🙏💖

Stay true, stay safe!


Brahma Kumaris

23 Nov, 05:55

God adores those with pure, egoless hearts who really pursue spiritual growth. Truth itself will support and defend us if our thoughts, words, and deeds are in harmony with it.


Brahma Kumaris

22 Nov, 05:24

Stressful interactions with difficult people compel us to reflect on our reactions and emotions. This helps us understand our triggers and learning how to manage them effectively.

Let us be grateful for the challenges that help us grow stronger.


Brahma Kumaris

21 Nov, 08:45

The thoughts, words and actions we do, all of it leave the deepest impression on the soul which shapes our destiny.

It becomes the part of our personality which reflects in the form of our behaviour and our daily karma.

This returns in the form of our destiny. What type of recording are you making for your future?


Brahma Kumaris

20 Nov, 04:11

Is my life a model that others can aspire to follow?

Leadership is a way of living and guiding ourselves so that we can change the world without saying a word. It is not a specific role.

#brahmakumaris #leadership

Brahma Kumaris

19 Nov, 04:10

Starting a spiritual practice might feel challenging. But the power and spiritual joy accumulated through regular practice and dedication far exceed any sensory pleasures of this world.

It fulfills the soul and brings a sense of completeness.


Brahma Kumaris

18 Nov, 01:59

Trusting life means surrendering to the eternal spiritual laws of the universe.

Once we become aware of these spiritual principles. In this state, we don't think, question or complain anymore. We just live moment to moment and be in complete joy.


Brahma Kumaris

16 Nov, 04:38

Each moment of waiting during an adverse situation becomes a test to our resilience. It reminds us that even the darkest nights will eventually give way to dawn.

Once we deeply realise that everything has its own ideal timing, we relax under all circumstances.

#brahmakumaris #patience

Brahma Kumaris

15 Nov, 03:42

We are the superheroes of our own lives! 🦸‍♂️ Our fortune begins to grow the moment we see ourselves as its creators.

This mindset lifts us above our current challenges, past experiences, and future fears. By remembering who we are each day, we are inspired to take impactful actions and live a more meaningful life.


Brahma Kumaris

14 Nov, 04:00

God's blessings are showering upon us at every instance.

But we can receive it only when we are following God's guidelines to live a pure, simple and spiritually royal life.


Brahma Kumaris

13 Nov, 03:56

When we treat ourselves with love, respect and understanding, only then can we give the same to fellow human beings.

We can harm others only when we harm ourselves first.


Brahma Kumaris

12 Nov, 04:08

In the chaos of life, shift your gaze—see through the eyes of the Divine. Suddenly, what seemed unbearable becomes a blessing in the grand tapestry of existence.

You recognize that every experience has a purpose, even if it's not immediately clear.


Brahma Kumaris

11 Nov, 04:31

Sometimes, while our mind is continuously racing, aspiring, and accomplishing, we lose sight of our ultimate purpose.

Spend some time in silence, alone, and simplicity if you genuinely want to find clarity and a deeper understanding of life.


Brahma Kumaris

10 Nov, 14:36

No matter if it's morning or night, God our supreme Father, our guide and our friend is just a thought away.

In joy or sorrow, if we keep God in our remembrance, we can find true love and safety in God's presence.

#Godismyfriend #brahmakumaris #divinepresence

Brahma Kumaris

09 Nov, 05:19

We are all unique, each with our own qualities and traits. When we truly understand ourselves and recognize our special qualities, we don’t feel inferior or superior to others.

Instead, we maintain our self-respect while also respecting the uniqueness of others.


Brahma Kumaris

08 Nov, 03:19

Today, everyone is in dire need of love and respect. We all ask for it in some form or another. But the secret to increasing its stock and receiving it is by giving. When we give, we receive quite naturally.

Also, when we give, we generate it within ourselves, which makes us feel rich.

In what ways are you going to give love and respect today?

#brahmakumaris #love #respect

Brahma Kumaris

06 Nov, 04:18

Honest and constructive feedback lifts the spirit and helps others grow. 💪 It’s all about sharing words that inspire without hurting feelings. ❤️

It’s the perfect mix of love and guidance! 🌟


Brahma Kumaris

05 Nov, 04:21

🎙️ Sister Shivani in Conversation with Bhavya Srivastav

🌟 Religion World Talks

Brahma Kumaris

05 Nov, 04:00

Life is a song that never ends. Sometimes it’s fast, sometimes it’s slow, but it always has a melody.

Don’t resist the beat, just dance along. When life throws you a challenge, don’t ask why, just ace it with a smile.

#brahmakumaris #RhythmOfLife

Brahma Kumaris

04 Nov, 03:26

The universe supports those who show courage. Divine help is not far away; it is the gentle force that helps us when we take one step of courage. It provides the wisdom at the right time to illuminate our paths.

Let us challenge our beliefs and take one step of courage to explore spirituality.


Brahma Kumaris

03 Nov, 04:55

On this auspicious occasion of Bhai Dooj, we honor our bond not only as siblings but also remember the spiritual knot that unites us, far beyond the physical realms.

May we always share this spiritual love and give each other unwavering support in all situations of life.

Wishing you all a joyful and blessed Bhai Dooj! 🌼💖

#brahmakumaris #BhaiDooj

Brahma Kumaris

02 Nov, 03:41

Imagine walking into a room filled with joy and warmth; you can almost feel the positivity enveloping you.

Just as a smile can be contagious, so too can kindness, encouragement, and optimism.

When we choose to radiate positivity, we create a ripple effect that influences not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us.


Brahma Kumaris

31 Oct, 04:45

On this auspicious day, let us celebrate the truth that each of us is a radiant light in times of darkness, a source of sweetness in life’s journey, and a precious gift to those we love. 🌟

Wishing you a Diwali filled with love, joy, and endless blessings! May you illuminate your path with happiness and peace. 🪔💖 Happy Diwali!

#brahmakumaris #happydiwali

Brahma Kumaris

30 Oct, 05:16

How to remain easy and light?
मन से सदा हल्के कैसे रहें?

#light #mindset #diwali #reelsinstagram #life #new #instagram #easy #happy #joy #mind #relationships #love #bkshreya #brahmakumaris #2024 #meditation #spirituality #new #festival #solution #explore #power #peace #mindfulness #reels #selfdevelopment #empowerment

Brahma Kumaris

30 Oct, 03:41

The true essence of this festival lies not just in the lights that adorn our homes, but in the warmth and positivity we cultivate within our hearts.

Let us remember that we are the diyas of this world, here to share love and light with everyone around us.

Wishing you a Diwali filled with love, light, and profound peace! 🪔💖


Brahma Kumaris

29 Oct, 03:58

As we come together to celebrate Dhanteras, let’s take a moment to reflect on the true essence of prosperity. It’s not merely about what we own, but rather the love and wisdom we share with one another. 💖
May your heart overflow with the richness of knowledge, and may you find joy in sharing it with those you care about.

Wishing you a heartfelt and joyous Dhanteras filled with warmth and abundance! 🪔🌼

Brahma Kumaris

28 Oct, 14:55

🪔 "दिवाली का सही आनंद कैसे लें"

Brahma Kumaris

28 Oct, 07:28

As we light our diyas and share in the joy of togetherness, let's remember that the sweetest moments come from heartfelt connections.

May our words uplift and inspire, our blessings bring peace and prosperity, and our shared wisdom illuminate the path ahead.

#brahmakumaris #Diwali2024

Brahma Kumaris

27 Oct, 03:00

People can sometimes transform themselves without the use of teachings, with the aid of love, understanding, and unconditional acceptance.

Only when we truly listen, comprehend, and connect with them can they open up to wisdom.


Brahma Kumaris

25 Oct, 02:41

When I change, the world changes. Imagine if each of us embraced this mantra! 🌟
By channeling our energy into self-transformation, we ignite a powerful shift that can truly reshape our surroundings.

Too often, we expend our efforts trying to change the world around us, which can feel overwhelming and unattainable. But real change begins within. When we embody the values we wish to see—kindness, compassion, and understanding—we become living examples of that change.


Brahma Kumaris

24 Oct, 05:27

In a world that often seeks chaos, be the calm. 🌈🙏

May you shine with kindness and compassion, creating a ripple of love that touches every soul you meet today. 💓

PeacefulHeart #SpiritualJourney #KindnessMatters #brahmakumaris

Brahma Kumaris

23 Oct, 07:12

The journey to discovering our true selves begins with self-reflection. Many of us spend our time focusing on others—pointing out their flaws and voicing our complaints.

However, when we shift our gaze inward, true transformation begins. This marks the start of a profound journey toward enlightenment.

#brahmakumaris #selfcheck

Brahma Kumaris

22 Oct, 03:50

When we view ourselves through the eyes of God, we recognize that our significance is far greater than we often perceive.

The Supreme Father elevates our spirits and helps us understand our true worth by reminding us of our divine origins.

Embracing this perspective empowers us to live with purpose and confidence.


Brahma Kumaris

21 Oct, 05:02

Just as divine forgiveness washes away our mistakes, we too can liberate ourselves from the weight of grudges.

After all, true strength lies not in holding onto pain, but in embracing love and understanding. 💖

#Forgiveness #Compassion #HealingJourney #brahmakumaris

Brahma Kumaris

20 Oct, 05:34

Wear your happiness like a crown, and watch it transform every corner of existence.

Carry it like a lantern, and watch as it brightens the dimmest moments. Whether you’re navigating stormy seas or exploring uncharted territories, your inner light will keep you going.


Brahma Kumaris

19 Oct, 03:48

Online Webinar for Kids
🌟 Divine Dialogue with Rajyogini Sudesh Didi
🕕 Sat, 19 Oct, 2024 || 6 pm IST

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Brahma Kumaris

19 Oct, 02:36

Making progress is more than just how much labour you put in; it also involves how conscious you are while you carry out your tasks.

Being comes first, then doing. Real value is added to your job by your conscious presence.


Brahma Kumaris

17 Oct, 03:00

Cheerfulness is the aroma of a happy soul. We can change the atmosphere of a dull room when our heart is full of bubbling energy and vibrancy. It is infectious.

Carrying that attitude and smile on the face can do wonders for the world.

#brahmakumaris #cheerfulness

Brahma Kumaris

16 Oct, 03:28

🌍 News Leading Up To
COP 29 Climate Change Conference
in Baku, Azerbaijan

🔹 Sister Jayanti
🔹 Golo Pilz
🔹 Sonja Ohlsson

📲 Join us Live on YouTube

👉🏻 Date:16 Oct 2024
🇮🇳 4:30 PM (India)
🇬🇧 12:00 PM (BST)
🇺🇸 7:00 AM (USA-EDT)
🇦🇪 3:00 PM (UAE)


Brahma Kumaris

16 Oct, 03:26

When we are centered in our true state of being, our energy is calm and stable. The mind is not wandering so it's available & present enough to feel everything that life offers.
We live with satisfaction and naturally become grateful for each moment passing by.

Let's try to be peaceful and calm today while responding to all situations of life.
