Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC @spiritualresearchcell Channel on Telegram

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC


India's First Rajyoga Thought Laboratory, a unique initiative of Jaipur Engineering College And Research Centre, Jaipur

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC (English)

Welcome to the Spiritual Research Cell Official Telegram channel, also known as @spiritualresearchcell! This channel is the official platform of India's First Rajyoga Thought Laboratory, a unique initiative of Jaipur Engineering College And Research Centre (JECRC) in Jaipur. Who is it? The Spiritual Research Cell Official channel is dedicated to promoting spiritual research, exploration, and understanding through the lens of Rajyoga Thought Laboratory. This channel serves as a virtual hub for individuals interested in diving deep into spiritual topics, discussions, and practices. What is it? This channel is a one-of-a-kind initiative that blends the principles of Rajyoga with modern scientific research methodologies. Members of the channel have the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking discussions, attend virtual events, and participate in research studies related to spirituality and self-discovery. Whether you're new to spiritual exploration or a seasoned practitioner, the Spiritual Research Cell Official channel offers a welcoming and inclusive space for individuals from all walks of life. Join us today to connect with like-minded individuals, expand your knowledge, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

18 Nov, 14:15

Day 5 of Jigyasa Class, "Where focus goes, energy flows, and strength grows."

Today, we dive deep into the power of एकाग्रता (focus) and energy boost through the practice of meditation🧘‍♂️ Each session brings students closer to a calm and centered mind, unlocking new levels of clarity and vitality.

P. S.:Join us as we continue to discover the power within through meditation and mindful focus! 💫


Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

14 Nov, 15:04

🌟 Launching 51-Day Jigyasa Challenge! 🌟

The Spiritual Research Cell at JECRC on the occasion of Children's day 🚸 is excited to announce the start of a transformative journey: 51-Day Jigyasa Challenge! This challenge is designed for those eager to deepen their spiritual understanding, cultivate discipline, and unlock personal growth by committing to consistently attending our Jigyasa classes for the next 51 days.

The Challenge starts from today!! 🎯

Whether you’re looking to strengthen your focus, enrich your mind 🧠, or just explore new perspectives 🪨, this challenge will support you on every step of the journey 🛄 along with lots of fun, engaging and value based activities with a blend of meditation and Spirituality. 🧘

Let’s commit to growth and self-discovery—together! 🌱💫


Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

12 Nov, 04:05

Channel photo updated

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

12 Nov, 04:05

Channel photo removed

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

30 Oct, 19:03


🎆Just as the crackers illuminate the sky, this Diwali we too aim to bring light into the world, spreading joy and positivity around us.

Wishing you all a bright and Happy Diwali🎇

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

12 Oct, 03:58


Illuminate the inner Ram to eliminate the Ravan within.

As we commemorate Lord Rama's victory over Ravana, let's reflect on the symbolism of Ravana's ten heads, representing vices like lust, pride, greed, and anger.

This Dussehra, let's pledge to identify and overcome these inner vices, striving for purity and righteousness. By cultivating virtues and harnessing our inner strengths, we can live with integrity and fulfillment 🌟💪

Wishing you all a joyous and transformative Dussehra! 🎉

तो आइए इस दशहरा पर हम रावण के दस सिरों के प्रतीक रूप में अपने अंदर मौजूद सभी विकारों जैसे क्रोध, अहंकार, लालच, मोह आदि को हमेशा के लिए त्यागने का संकल्प लें। पवित्रता, सत्य और नैतिकता को अपने जीवन में धारण करें और आत्मबल से सशक्त बनें। 🙏🏻

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

11 Oct, 03:36


The real strength of any individual or team lies in the power to cooperate. When we unite with a shared vision and the willingness to collaborate, we can overcome challenges, bridge differences, and achieve success that would be impossible alone. Cooperation isn't just about working together; it's about amplifying each other's strengths for a greater impact. 🤝💪

जैसे मधुमक्खियाँ मिलकर शहद बनाती हैं, वैसे ही सहयोग करने की शक्ति हमें बड़ी से बड़ी चुनौतियों का सामना करने में सक्षम बनाती है। जब हम एकजुट होकर काम करते हैं, तो व्यक्तिगत सीमाएं मिट जाती हैं और सामूहिक सफलता का मार्ग प्रशस्त होता है🍯🌟

आइए आज की इस वीडियो से Power to Cooperate - सहयोग की शक्ति के बारे में विस्तार से जानते हैं। 🎥💫

Happy Navratri 🎉
Being शक्ति

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

10 Oct, 13:13


Let's have a look how Spiritual Research Cell is working on Mental Health of Youngsters 😇

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

10 Oct, 03:52


Power to Face is the strength to confront life's challenges with resilience. It's like standing firm in a storm, whether dealing with personal setbacks or navigating tough conversations. The power to face means embracing fear, not avoiding it—like a student tackling exams with confidence or a leader stepping up in a crisis 🌪💪

सामना करने की शक्ति वह साहस है जो हमें जीवन की कठिनाइयों से लड़ने की क्षमता देता है। चाहे असफलताओं का सामना करना हो या कठिन परिस्थितियों से जूझना, यह शक्ति हमें डर से भागने के बजाय उसका सामना करना सिखाती है। जैसे एक विद्यार्थी परीक्षा की तैयारी में डट कर खड़ा होता है, या एक नेता मुश्किल घड़ी में भी अपनी जिम्मेदारी निभाता है 🧗‍♂🌟

आइए आज की इस वीडियो के माध्यम से Power to Face - सामना करने की शक्ति के बारे में विस्तार से जानते हैं। 🎥💫

Happy Navratri 🎉
Being शक्ति

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

09 Oct, 08:22

Channel photo updated

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

09 Oct, 08:21


The power to decide shapes our lives by the choices we make. Every decision, whether big or small, directs our future. For example, choosing a new path in education may seem daunting, but it can open doors to growth and opportunities. True strength lies in owning those decisions with confidence 🙌🏻🤩

निर्णय करने की शक्ति वह क्षमता है जो हमारे जीवन की दिशा निर्धारित करती है। हर छोटा या बड़ा फैसला हमें एक नए मार्ग पर ले जा सकता है। उदाहरण के तौर पर, नई शिक्षा का चुनाव कठिन लग सकता है, लेकिन यह विकास और अवसरों का द्वार खोल सकता है। असली शक्ति निर्णय लेने और उन्हें आत्मविश्वास के साथ अपनाने में है। 💪💡

आइए आज इस वीडियो के माध्यम से Power to Decide - निर्णय करने की शक्ति के बारे में विस्तार से जानते हैं 💫

Happy Navratri 🎉
Being शक्ति

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

08 Oct, 07:38


Just as a skilled gardener knows which plants to nurture and which weeds to remove, the power to discern helps us identify what deserves our energy and what doesn't. Discernment sharpens our focus, cutting through the noise of distractions to concentrate on what truly matters 🌿

परखने की शक्ति वही है जो सोने को परखने वाले को होती है - हर चमकती चीज़ सोना नहीं होती। सही और गलत, सच्चाई और भ्रम के बीच का फर्क समझना, जीवन के फैसलों को स्पष्ट और सरल बनाता है 🧘‍♀️💫

आइए आज इस वीडियो के माध्यम से Power to Discern - परखने की शक्ति के बारे में विस्तार से जानते हैं।

Happy Navratri 🎉
Being शक्ति

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

07 Oct, 06:01


Struggling to accept certain people in your life? Or finding it hard to cope with the loss of a loved one? If you're facing similar challenges, this video is just for you.😊

जीवन में कई चीज़ों को अपनाना और स्वीकार करना बहुत कठिन होता है। जब हम किसी नई जगह जाते हैं, तो कुछ लोग आस-पास के माहौल और लोगों को आसानी से अपना नहीं पाते। जीवन में कई ऐसी परिस्थितियाँ आ जाती हैं, जिन पर हम तुरंत प्रतिक्रिया दे देते हैं, और बाद में पछताते हैं। इसलिए, परिस्थितियों को समझने और स्वीकारने की शक्ति अत्यंत आवश्यक है।

आइए, इस वीडियो के माध्यम से Power to Accept - समाने की शक्ति को विस्तार से समझते हैं।

Happy Navratri 🎉
Being शक्ति

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

03 Oct, 08:21


आप सभी को घट स्थापना की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।🎉

हम सभी त्योहार बड़े धूम-धाम एवं श्रद्धा के साथ मनाते हैं।
ऐसे ही नवरात्रि में पूरे ९ दिन दुर्गा मां के ९ रूप की पूजा करते हैं, उपवास रखते हैं, देवी का आगमन करते हैं। इसके साथ ही हम गरबा और डांडिया जैसे रास भी करते हैं। पूरे ९ दिन हम हसी खुशी के साथ इस त्योहार का आनंद लेते हैं।

लेकिन क्या हम सभी इस नवरात्रि का रहस्य अच्छे से जानते हैं?
क्या आप सभी देवियों की अष्टभुजाएं (अष्टशक्तियों) एवं दिव्य गुणों से परिचित हैं?
आइए इस वीडियो के माध्यम से जानते हैं।

Join us this Navratri as we celebrate the power of the Divine Feminine! Each day, we’ll share a video dedicated to a different aspect of Shakti. Don’t miss out on this empowering journey - like, share, and follow our page to stay inspired and receive more uplifting content throughout the festival!

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

25 Sep, 17:09

🌟 Since many days... Aarambh was a great excitement for all, and finally, the excitement transformed into reality! 🎉

Let's have a look at how we started in Aarambh with those happy faces 😄📸

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

17 Sep, 03:19


Our much awaited documentary is finally here.

Let's have a look on the video insights:

1.The inspiring story of how the cell was founded

2.An overview of the ongoing projects and research

3.Real life student experiences that reflect growth, mindfulness and spiritual empowerment

4.The profound impact we're making on society through our various initiatives.

This 10-minute documentary is not just a video – it's a journey into our great purpose, values, and the transformative power of meditation and spirituality.

Watch now and discover how the Spiritual Research Cell at JECRC is shaping futures and nurturing holistic growth in students, helping them become change-makers in the world!

P.S.: You are also invited to share your experience at SRC in comment section 💁‍♂️

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

10 Sep, 13:06


Values make our Life Valuable!
Team Spiritual Research Cell finally finished creating its first T-shirt. Since the SRC emphasizes inculcating divine virtues in oneself, we considered it appropriate to honor each team member with a virtue that they live by. This has not only transformed these students into living examples of these values, but is also spreading positive vibes in the campus.
Heartfelt thanks to our inspiration Shri Arpit Agrawal Sir for always supporting us in doing something creative and innovative. Also, team Spiritual Research Cell conveys heartfelt thanks to Mukesh Agrawal Sir for identifying our hidden qualities of enthusiasm, mindfulness, generosity, peace, confidence, creativity, cooperation, responsibility cheerfulness and many more.

P.S.: Hello Freshers! SRC is looking forward to having you to spread the positive vibes of your unique values.

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

04 Sep, 16:22


Crack the Success Code with Dr. Aditi Singhal, keynote speaker of Parichay '24 at JECRC! 🌟 A Guinness World Record holder renowned for her exceptional memory and rapid calculation skills🏆 In this enlightening session, Ms. Singhal guided students on optimizing their time by focusing on single-tasking rather than multitasking, adopting a digital calorie diet, and avoiding distractions like binge-watching, excessive digital scrolling, and overthinking📚💡 Discover practical strategies to enhance productivity, manage time effectively, and achieve your goals with greater efficiency 🚀

Thank you, Dr. Aditi Singhal, for sharing your invaluable insights and inspiring us with your remarkable achievements🙏 Your guidance will undoubtedly help us transform our approach to productivity and success 🌟

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

23 Aug, 15:44

अनुभूति - एक नई शुरुआत💫

Join us for an Enlightening Session on the Reflection and Visualisation 🧘‍♀️

Get ready to reflect your journey and visualize the future you desire. This session will guide you in turning your dreams into reality through the power of Mind 🌟

🗓️: 24 August 2024
🕕: 6:00 - 7:00 AM
📍: Zoom Meeting
🔗: https://omshanti.zoom.us/j/95208797832?pwd=zJavYX2LZw8uSP3jdYD8hmk1VzH3YV.1

Meeting ID: 952 0879 7832
Passcode: 1

Let's come together to explore the magic of the mind and create the life we envision 🌠

Feel free to ask any query on 8306813107

See you all in tomorrow's session! 🙏

Spiritual Research Cell Official, JECRC

17 Aug, 05:38

अनुभूति - एक नई शुरुआत

अनुभूति is more than just a word; it’s a profound journey into the depths of your inner self. It’s about feeling, experiencing, and connecting with the essence of who you truly are. Spiritual Research Cell presents 3-days Online Experiential Workshop Anubhuti.🧘🏻‍♀️

This event will help you to transform ordinary experiences into extraordinary insights.

1. Comfortable learning at home 🏡
2. Morning Motivation & Energy 💊
3. Renowned Experts 🗣️
4. Interactive experience 👥
5. Focused Self-Reflection 💎

Mark your calendars and set your clocks!! 🫡
🗓️ : 23 - 25 August
: 6:00 - 7:00 AM
📍 : Zoom Meeting

Join us to start a new journey of transformation🛤️

🔗Register using the link to experience colors in your life 🎨

Note:- Participants with 100% attendance will be provided certificates.

📞For any query: 8306813107, 9982682431