Bir-xil generatsiya uchun promt
👇🏻Analyze this picture and analyze the drawing of the cat itself, the style of the cat as it looks and the atmosphere itself.
🇺🇿 Ushbu rasmni tahlil qil va mushukning rasmini, mushukning ko‘rinishi va atmosferaning o‘zini tahlil qilib ber
Now write a short story based on this picture and then divide them into scenes and write a prompt of 10 scenes for each scene to create a picture in this style
The cat should look like the example from the picture attach a promt for genertion for each scene too
🇺🇿Endi ushbu rasm asosida hikoya yoz va keyin ularni sahnalarga ajratib ber va ushbu uslubda rasm yaratish uchun har bir sahna uchun 10 ta sahnaga promt yozib ber!
Mushuk rasmdagi misolga o‘xshashi kerak har bir sahna uchun ham generatsiya uchun promt biriktirib ber!