Imam Muhammad Ibn Jarir At-Tabari رحمه الله said: “[Allah], exalted be His praise, means by this: Admonish them (your wives), O men, for their defiance (in fulfilling their duties). If they persist in refusing to return to their rightful duties to you, then confine them to their homes and strike them (lightly, if it is useful), so that they may return to their obligatory duty of obeying Allah by fulfilling your due rights.
The people of interpretation (Mufassirun) say that the type of strike that Allah has permitted for a husband to strike her (his rebellious wife) with is a strike that is ghayr mubarrih (non-harmful).”
Āta said, “I asked Ibn Abbas, what is the strike that is ghayr mubarrih (non-harmful)? He said, ‘With a miswak or something similar.’”
Āta said, “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said in his sermon, ‘A strike that is ghayr mubarrih (non-harmful).’” (Āta) said, “With a miswak or something similar.”
Hajjaj narrated to us, saying, “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, ‘Do not desert them except in the bed (i.e., during marital relations), and strike them with a strike which is ghayr mubarrih (non-harmful).’ He said, “Non-impactful.”
📓-[تفسير الطبري ٦/٧١٠-٧١٢].