بيت الأثار (@baytalathaar) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

بيت الأثار टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

بيت الأثار
The House of Narrations ! May الله give us the Sincerity to act upon and remain firm on the Athaar [Narrations].
1,128 सदस्य
566 तस्वीरें
95 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 12.03.2025 13:26

بيت الأثار द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

بيت الأثار

11 Mar, 23:18


The Interpretation of the Ayah: {(and last) strike them (lightly, if it is useful)} سورة النساء ٣٤.

Imam Muhammad Ibn Jarir At-Tabari رحمه الله said: “[Allah], exalted be His praise, means by this: Admonish them (your wives), O men, for their defiance (in fulfilling their duties). If they persist in refusing to return to their rightful duties to you, then confine them to their homes and strike them (lightly, if it is useful), so that they may return to their obligatory duty of obeying Allah by fulfilling your due rights.

The people of interpretation (Mufassirun) say that the type of strike that Allah has permitted for a husband to strike her (his rebellious wife) with is a strike that is ghayr mubarrih (non-harmful).”

Āta said, “I asked Ibn Abbas, what is the strike that is ghayr mubarrih (non-harmful)? He said, ‘With a miswak or something similar.’”

Āta said, “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said in his sermon, ‘A strike that is ghayr mubarrih (non-harmful).’” (Āta) said, “With a miswak or something similar.”

Hajjaj narrated to us, saying, “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, ‘Do not desert them except in the bed (i.e., during marital relations), and strike them with a strike which is ghayr mubarrih (non-harmful).’ He said, “Non-impactful.”

📓-[تفسير الطبري ٦/٧١٠-٧١٢].
بيت الأثار

11 Mar, 19:55


خطبة الشيخ #سعد_النايف حفظه الله :
خطبة رجل سلفي من قلب بغداد من أبو غريب.فدين الله باق إلى قيام الساعة مهما حاول أهل الباطل أن يطفئوا نور الله.
فالدعوة السلفية تشق طريقها في العراق،والحمدلله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات.
ثبت الله إخواننا أهل السنة على الحق والتوحيد ونصرهم الله ومكنهم.

📝تغريدة فضيلة الشيخ الدكتور: عبدالله بن صلفيق الظفيري وفقه الله.
بيت الأثار

10 Mar, 21:05


Shaykh Abu Ziyaad Nadeem Ash-Shami حفظه الله: “O Allah, grant success to our leader in what You love and are pleased with.

Within just a few hours of the Nusayris unrest, our leader, Ahmad Al-Sharā’, restored security and stability to the coastal regions. Agreements were reached with Kurdish factions, and now our beloved country stands united.

Syria’s bright days will return in just a few years, and it will once again be a global beacon of knowledge, culture, economy, and civilisation.”
بيت الأثار

10 Mar, 00:03


Three types of people, whose supplication is not responded to!

‎Al-Hakim narrated from the Hadith of Abi Musa Al-Ash’ari رضي الله عنه that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Three types of people call upon (Allah), and they are not responded to:

1️⃣. A man who has a woman under him that possesses a bad character yet he doesn’t divorce her.

2️⃣. A man who was owed money by another man but did not have someone witness it (the transaction).

3️⃣. A man who gave his wealth to the foolish while Allah, the Almighty said, ‘And give not unto the foolish your property.’ (Surah An-Nisa 5).”

📓-[سلسلة الأحاديث الصحيحة ٥/٤٢٠].
بيت الأثار

09 Mar, 23:10


بيت الأثار

08 Mar, 20:20


بيت الأثار

07 Mar, 21:00


The Manhaj of the Muhaqiq Abu Abdillah ‘Adil Bin Abdillah Āal Hamdan

Shaykh Rabi Bin Hādī Al-Madkhali حفظه الله said: “The methodology of ‘Adil (Āal Hamdan) necessitates disregarding the principles and foundations established by the Salaf to preserve the Ahādith of the master of mankind (the Messenger of Allah ﷺ), the truthful, the trustworthy, and to protect them from the narrations of the liars, the rejected, the weak, and the unknown, distinguishing between them (the narrations of the liars, rejected narrators, weak narrators, and the unknown) and between the narrations of the trustworthy, honest, and truthful (narrators).

Additionally, it necessitates disregarding the efforts of the Salaf in explaining weak and defective Ahādith, for which they authored books, and it also necessitates ignoring the efforts of the Imams in identifying the categories of flawed narrators and their works on that subject.”

📓-[وضوح البرهان يدمغ مخالفات عادل آل حمدان ص. ١٠].
بيت الأثار

05 Mar, 22:20


The Prophet ﷺ said, “Indeed, when the children of Isra’īl became destroyed, they turned to Story telling.”

Imam Nasir Ad-Din Al-Albani رحمه الله authenticated this Hadith and commented on it saying: “I say, It is possible to say that the reason for their destruction was due to their preachers focus on stories and tales instead of Fiqh and beneficial knowledge, which acquaints people with their religion and encourages them (due to) that, to do righteous deeds.

When they did that (focusing on story telling instead of calling to beneficial knowledge), they became destroyed. This is also the case with many storytellers of our time, whose preaching is mostly centered around Israelite stories, heart softening stories, and Sufism. We ask Allah for well being.”

📓-[سلسلة الأحاديث الصحيحة ٤/٢٤٦-٢٤٨]
بيت الأثار

03 Mar, 20:51


« مقطع مترجم الى اللغة الإنجليزية »

- Who is the looser in this blessed month of Ramadan?

🎙️: Shaykh Sa’ad Al-Nayif حفظه الله.

ترجمه الأخ :
By @BaytAlAthaar
بيت الأثار

02 Mar, 20:21

