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Atom odatlar | Atomic habits


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Atom odatlar | Atomic habits (Uzbek)

Bu kanalda aqlli odamlar uchun kitoblar va dono odamlar uchun kerakli bilimlarni o'qish imkoniyati bor. Kanalda kitoblardan iqtiboslar va eng yangi, bestseller kitoblarning pdf variantlari bilan tanishishingiz mumkin. Siz ilm olishdan to'xtamasangiz, bu kanal siz uchun. Atom odatlar kanalida o'zingizga yo'l toping va bilimingizni oshiring!

Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

17 Nov, 04:40

If you get fat, people think you eat too much. If you lose weight, people think you're sick.
If you dress well, you show off. If you dress simple, you're poor.
If you're serious, you're boring. And if you're funny, you're immature.
If you speak your mind, you're rude.
If you're successful, you're arrogant. If you're struggling, you're lazy.
No matter what you do in your life, people will always criticize you.

Vazningiz og'ir bo'lsa, odamlar sizni ochofat deb o‘ylashadi. Ozg'in bo'lsangiz kasal deb hisoblashadi.
Chiroyli kiyinsangiz, o‘zingizni ko‘z-ko‘z qilayotgan bo‘lasiz. Oddiy kiyinsangiz, kambag‘al deyishadi.
Jiddiy bo‘lsangiz, zerikarli deyishadi. Hazilkash bo‘lsangiz, bachkana deb hisoblashadi.
Fikringizni ochiq aytsangiz, qo‘pol deyishadi.Indamasangiz,pismiq deyishadi.  
Muvaffaqiyatga erishsangiz, manman deyishadi. Muvaffaqiyatsiz bo'lsangiz, dangasa deb hisoblashadi.
Hayotda nima qilmang, odamlar baribir sizni tanqid qilish uchun sabab topishadi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

15 Nov, 13:50

The only bird in the world that dares to attack an eagle is the crow. It perches on the eagle’s back and pecks at its neck. However, the eagle doesn’t respond, fight, or waste time on the crow. Instead, it opens its wings and soars higher and higher. The higher the eagle flies, the harder it becomes for the crow to breathe.
stop wasting time on crows. Focus on reaching new heights, and the crows will fall away on their own.

Dunyoda burgutga hujum qilishga jur’at etadigan yagona qush qarg‘adir. U burgutning yelkasiga qo‘nib, bo‘ynini cho‘qiydi. Ammo burgut bunga e’tibor bermaydi, jang qilmaydi yoki qarg‘aga vaqtini sarflamaydi. Buning o‘rniga u qanotlarini yoyib, tobora yuqoriga ko‘tariladi. Burgut qancha balandga parvoz qilsa, qarg‘aning nafas olishi shuncha qiyinlashadi.
Yangi cho‘qqilarni zabt etishga e’tibor qaratilsa qarg‘alar o‘z-o‘zidan yo‘q bo‘lib ketadi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

09 Nov, 10:52

I love calm people.The ones choosing their words wisely never raising their voice not living to show off but to exist in a quiet and harmonic way.trying to at least not harm anyone.I find those people inspiring.

Sokin insonlarni yaxshi ko‘raman. So‘zlarni donolik bilan tanlaydigan, ovozini hech qachon ko‘tarmay, o‘zini ko‘z-ko‘z qilish uchun emas, balki tinch va uyg‘un tarzda yashashga intiladigan insonlarni. Ular hech bo‘lmaganda birovga zarar yetkazmaslikka harakat qilishadi. Bunday odamlar menga ilhom beradi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

03 Nov, 15:02

You can return to the past but it's empty now. your old school is there but your friends aren't your childhood home stands but your family doesn't live there. The coffee shop, you loved still exists, but the Barista who knew your order has left .the streets are familiar but the faces aren't. Past is a place but the present is where life happens.

Siz o‘tmishga qaytishingiz mumkin, lekin u endi bo‘m-bo‘sh. Eski maktabingiz o‘sha yerda turibdi, do‘stlaringiz esa u yerda yo‘q. Bolalikdagi uyingiz hamon turibdi, ammo oilangiz u yerda boshqa yashamaydi. Siz yaxshi ko‘rgan qahvaxona hali ham mavjud, biroq buyurtmangizni oldindan biladigan qahvahona hodimi ketib qolgan. Ko‘chalar tanish, lekin yuzlar boshqa. O‘tmish - bu joy, ammo hayot hozirda kechmoqda.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

19 Oct, 00:53

On January 12, 2007, a violinist played for 45 minutes in a New York subway. Few stopped, and he earned about $30. What no one knew was that he was Joshua Bell, one of the world’s top violinists, playing a $3.5 million violin. Just two days earlier, he sold out a 2,000-seat theater in Boston, where tickets averaged $100, and he was paid $1,000 per minute. Even the most talented people go unrecognized in the wrong place.

2007-yil 12-yanvar kuni Nyu-York metrosida skripkachi 45 daqiqa kuy chaladi. Odamlardan bir nechtasi to'xtaydi va 30 dollar choychaqa beradi. Ammo hech kim payqamagan edi-ki, bu dunyoning eng yaxshi skripkachisi Joshua Bell bo'lib, u 3,5 million dollarlik skripkada kuy chalgandi. Ikki kun avval u Bostonda 2000 o'rindiqli, chipta narxi 100 $ bo'lgan konsertda daqiqasiga 1000 $ ishlab topgandi. 
Inson qanchalik iqtidorli bo‘lmasin, noto'g'ri joyda qadrsizlanib qolaveradi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

02 Oct, 11:01

Imagine a life Jar. Golf balls represent the most important things for us our family, health, and interests. Pebbles represent smaller but important things like work and friendships. Sand represents insignificant and distracting things. The key is what you put into the jar first. If you fill your jar with sand first there will be no room for the important things. However, if you put the golf balls in first, the pebbles and sand will also fit. Pay attention to what is truly important

Hayot bankasini tasavvur qiling.
Golf to'plari - biz uchun eng muhim narsalar oilamiz, sog'ligimiz va qiziqishlarimizni,
Toshchalar- esa ish va do'stlik kabi kichik, lekin muhim narsalarni, 
Qum-ahamiyatsiz va chalg'ituvchi narsalarni ifodalaydi. 
Muhimi bankaga nimani avval solishda.Agar avval bankangizni qum bilan to'ldirsangiz, muhim narsalar uchun joy qolmaydi.Ammo bankani avval golf to'plarini solsangiz unga toshlar ham va qum ham sig'adi.Nimani avval solish o'z qo'lingizda.

©️Stephen R. Covey


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

22 Sep, 15:39

Small actions lead to big results.

Kichik harakatlar katta natijalarga olib boradi.



Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

30 Aug, 14:12

You can't control what happens to you, but you can control how you react.

Siz bilan nima sodir bo'lishini nazorat qila olmaysiz lekin unga qanday munosabat bildirish o'z qo'lingizda.



Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

24 Aug, 07:01

You can never make the same mistake twice because the second time you make it, it's not a mistake, it's a choice.

Hech qachon bir xatoni ikki marta qila olmaysiz, chunki ikkinchi marta qilinganda bu xato emas balki tanlov bo'ladi.

©️Steven Denn


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

19 Aug, 03:22

Change doesn't have an expiration date.

O'zgarishning amal qilish muddati yo'q.

©️Ichiro Kishimi


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

15 Aug, 07:58

Your environment shapes you more than you realize. To control your destiny, you must control your environment.

Sizning muhitingiz sizni siz o'ylagandan ko'proq shakllantiradi. Kelajagingizni nazorat qilish uchun yashayotgan muhitingizni nazorat qilishingizga to'g'ri keladi.

©️Robert Greene


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

13 Aug, 08:48

When your plan is clear and detailed, unexpected turns won’t distract you from reaching your goal.

Rejangiz aniq va batafsil bo'lsa, kutilmagan burilishlar sizni maqsadingizga erishishdan chalg'itmaydi.

©️Robert Greene


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

13 Aug, 08:18

Channel name was changed to «Atom odatlar | Atomic habits»

Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

07 Aug, 09:10

Maturity - When you know the other person is lying but you just smile and let it go.

Agar siz boshqa odam yolg'on gapirayotganini bilsangiz, lekin shunchaki tabassum qilib, yo'lingizda davom etsangiz bunga Ulg'ayish deyiladi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

06 Aug, 06:30

"Something that others cannot take away from you is worth appreciating."

"Boshqalar sizdan olib qo'ya olmaydigan narsa qadrlashga arziydigan narsadir."

©️Shaxsiy fikr


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

02 Aug, 15:56

"Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do."

"Hech kimga siz nima qila olishingiz yoki qila olmasligingizni aytishga yo'l qo'ymang"

©Emma Watson


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

09 Jul, 00:00

Isn't it funny how day by day
nothing changes but when you look back everything is different!

Ajoyib a? Kun o'tgan sari huddi hech narsa o'zgarmagandek lekin ortga qarasangiz, hammasi boshqacha!

©C.S. Lewis


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

08 Jul, 08:09

"Desire and determination are the keys to any achievement."

"Xohish va qat'iyat har qanday yutuqning kalitidir."

© Napoleon Hill


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

27 Jun, 15:40

"A person is mistaken in thinking that he has conquered the ego, although it remains silent for a certain period of time, it does not leave a person for a moment, it always pursues him. After all, lust does not die, it puts itself to sleep..."

" Inson nafsni yengdim deb o‘ylab a
dashadi, u ma’lum muddat jim turgani bilan, insonni bir zumga ham tark etmaydi, uni hamisha ta’qib qiladi. Zero, nafs o‘lmaydi, o‘zini uxlaganga soladi..."

— Men, bas qil ey nafs!

©Fotih Duman


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

25 Jun, 16:13

​​"Sizning chegarangiz — bu
faqatgina sizning tasavvuringiz"

©Albert Eynshteyn


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

24 Jun, 12:43

"Our greatest weakness is our surrender. The surest way to succeed is to always try again."

" Bizning eng katta zaifligimiz taslim bo'lishimizda. Muvaffaqiyatga erishishning eng ishonchli yo'li har doim yana bir bor urinib ko'rishdir. "

©Tomas Edison


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

23 Jun, 08:11

- Muvafaqqiyat siri nimada?
- To'g'ri qarorlarda

- Qanday qilib tog'ri qarorlar qabul qilasiz?
- Tajribam orqali

- Tajribani Qanday orttirgansiz?
- Noto'g'ri qarorlar orqali


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

23 Jun, 06:13

Adolat har joyda bo'lmaguncha, adolat hech qayerda yo'q.

© Martin Lyuter King
