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Atom odatlar | Atomic habits


Smart people read books. 📚
Wise people read what is necessary! 📖

Aqlli odamlar kitoblar o'qiydi.📚
Dono odamlar kerakligini o'qiydi! 📖

Atom odatlar | Atomic habits (Uzbek)

Bu kanalda aqlli odamlar uchun kitoblar va dono odamlar uchun kerakli bilimlarni o'qish imkoniyati bor. Kanalda kitoblardan iqtiboslar va eng yangi, bestseller kitoblarning pdf variantlari bilan tanishishingiz mumkin. Siz ilm olishdan to'xtamasangiz, bu kanal siz uchun. Atom odatlar kanalida o'zingizga yo'l toping va bilimingizni oshiring!

Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

13 Feb, 01:44

The crow went to the wizard and said that others did not like it because of its appearance. It asked the wizard to turn it into a swan.
The wizard replied, "Alright, but first, go and ask the swan if it is happy."
The crow then approached the swan swimming in the lake and asked, "Are you happy?"
The swan replied, "No, my feathers are white. I envy the parrot because it has colorful feathers."
The crow then went to the parrot and asked, "Are you happy?"
The parrot replied, "No, I envy the peacock because its feathers shimmer beautifully."
The crow then went to the peacock and asked, "Are you happy?"
The peacock sighed and said, "No, my colorful and shimmering feathers attract people, and they pluck them, causing me pain. On top of that, they keep me in a cage, in captivity. To be honest, I envy you. You are free, and people don’t even pay attention to you."
At that moment, the crow realized that constantly comparing itself to others leads to failing to appreciate the opportunities it already has.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

13 Feb, 01:44

Qarg'a sehrgarni oldiga borib, uni rangi tufayli boshqalar yaxshi ko'rmasligini, shu sabali uni oqqushga aylantirib qo'yishni so'rabdi.
Sehrgar " Mayli faqat sen oldin oqqushdan borib so'raginchi u baxlimikan?" debdi.
Qarg'a ko'lda suzib yurgan oqqushdan "baxtlimisan" deb so'rabdi.Oqqush esa "yo'q mening patlarim oq rangda men to'tiqushga havas qilaman chunki uning rangbarang patlari bor" debdi.
Qarg'a to'tiqushni oldiga borib "baxtlimisan" deb so'rabdi to'tiqush esa "yo'q men tovusga havas qilaman uning chiroyli tovlanadigan patlari bor" debdi.
Qarg'a tovusni oldiga borib "baxtlimisan" deb so'rabdi tovus esa "yo'q mening rangbarang va tovlanadigan patlarim odamlarga yoqadi shuning uchun ular patlarimni uzib menga ozor berishadi. Kamiga meni qafasda , tutqunlikda saqlashadi. Rostini aytganda men senga havas qilaman.Sen erkinsan ,odamlar senga etibor ham bermaydi"debdi.
Yakunda qarg'a anglabdiki o'zini boshqalar bilan solishtirish o'zida mavjud bo'lgan imkoniyatlarni qadrlamaslikka sabab bo'ladi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

10 Feb, 03:13

In fact, nothing that we consider to be ours truly belongs to us. Even the very breath we take must eventually be returned.

Aslida, bizniki deb o'ylagan hech narsa bizga tegishli emas.Hatto olgan nafasimizni ham qaytarib chiqarishimizga to'g'ri keladi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

06 Feb, 12:22

When the waves intensify, countless starfish wash up on the shore.
A man noticed a boy picking them up and throwing them back into the sea. He approached the boy and chuckled, saying, "There are thousands of starfish on this shore. You can’t possibly save them all."
The boy picked up another starfish, tossed it into the sea, and replied, "You're right, I can't save them all, but I can make a difference for this one."

To'lqin kuchaygan payti dengiz qirg'og'iga ko'pgina yulduzbaliqlar chiqib qoladi.
Bir odam qarasa bir bola shu yulduzbaliqlarni dengizga otib yurgan ekan.Odam bolani oldiga borib " bu qirg'oqda milliondan ortiq yulduzbaliqlar bor, baribir hammasiga yordam bera olmaysan" deb kulibdi. Bola esa " to'g'ri hammasiga yordam bera olmasman, ammo manabunisiga aniq yordam bera olaman" deb bitta yulduzbaliqni olib dengizga otibdi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

05 Feb, 14:23

15 years back, parents wanted their girl to get married to a good boy.Nowadays, parents want their boy to get married to a good girl

15 yil avval ota-onalar qizlarini yaxshi yigitga turmushga berishni istashardi. Bugungi kunda esa ota-onalar o‘g‘illarini yaxshi qizga uylantirishni istashmoqda.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

03 Feb, 15:48

Don't chase butterflies; let your garden bloom.

Kapalaklarni ortidan quvmang; bog'ingizni gullating.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

02 Feb, 00:32

People who stay up late but still wake up early are the most dangerous, because they break the laws of nature and create their own.

Uyquga kech yotadigan, ammo shunga qaramay ertalab vaqtli turadigan insonlar eng xavfli insonlardir, chunki ular tabiat qonunlarini buzib, o‘z qonunlarini yaratishadi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

27 Jan, 13:03

A boy found a silkworm cocoon. He watched in amazement as the tiny creature struggled to emerge from the cocoon. Feeling sorry for it, he carefully opened the cocoon and set the butterfly free. However, the boy unknowingly made a big mistake. For the butterfly to fly, it must break out of the cocoon on its own; otherwise, its wings will remain weak, and it will never be able to fly.There are difficulties in life that we must overcome on our own.

Bir bola ipak qurti g‘umbagini topib oldi. U mitti jonivorning g‘umbakdan chiqishga urinayotganini hayrat bilan kuzatdi. Jonivorga achinib ketib, ehtiyotkorlik bilan g‘umbakni ochib, kapalakni ozodlikka chiqardi. Ammo u bilmagan holda katta xatoga yo'l qo'ygan edi. Kapalak uchishi uchun g‘umbakdan o‘z kuchi bilan chiqishi shart edi. Aks holda, uning qanotlari zaif bo‘lib qolib, u hech qachon ucha olmasdi.
Hayotda shunday qiyinchiliklar bo'ladiki, ularni faqat o'zimiz yengib o'tishimizga to'g'ri keladi


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

23 Jan, 11:02

When a person doesn't like you, they team up with another person that doesn't like you. And before you know it, there's a whole slew of people that hate you. But here's the thing, those people, they don't even like each other. They're only gathered because of you. See how powerful you are?!

Biror odam sizni yoqtirmasa, u sizni yoqtirmaydigan boshqa bir odam bilan birlashadi. Qarasangiz, sizni yoqtirmaydigan odamlar guruhi paydo bo'lgan bo'ladi. Lekin gap shundaki, bu odamlar o'zaro bir birlarini ham yoqtirishmaydi. Ular faqat siz tufayli birlashgan xolos. Ko‘ryapsizmi, qanchalar kuchlisiz?!


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

21 Jan, 17:57

They used to ask me, "Who do you want to be when you grow up?"
With excitement, I would list professions: "A doctor, a lawyer, a soldier, a professor..."
But if someone were to ask me that same question today, my answer would be entirely different:
"I want to be someone who is patient, calm, understands the meaning of life and finds contentment in it, sees the true essence of the world, and lives with genuine happiness."

Katta bo‘lganingda kim bo‘lmoqchisan? deb so'rashardi.
Men esa yoqtirgan kasblarimni aytardim: "Shifokor, huquqshunos, harbiy, professor..."
Ammo bugun kimdir menga shu savolni bersa bu javob aniq o'zgargan bo'lardi: "Sabr-toqatli, hotirjam, hayotning manosini anglagan va undan mamnun, dunyoni asl qiyofasini ko'ra oladigan va chinakam baxtli inson bo‘lmoqchiman"deb.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

19 Jan, 16:27

8 billion people are feeling different emotions right now. Someone found love today, while someone else lost it. Someone is living the last moments of their life, while another is just beginning theirs. Someone had the happiest day of their life, while another experienced their worst. Life may be difficult, but you are still here, still striving. I’m proud of you. Stay resilient and keep moving forward.

8 milliard inson hozirda o'zini turlicha his qilmoqda. Kimdir bugun muhabbatini uchratdi, kimdir esa yo‘qotdi. Kimdir hayotining so‘nggi damlarini yashayabdi, boshqa birov endi boshlayabdi. Kimdir umridagi eng baxtli kunini o‘tkazdi, boshqa birov eng yomon kunini. Hayot qiyin bo‘lsa-da, siz hamon shu yerdasiz va harakat qilmoqdasiz. Siz bilan faxrlanaman. Bardoshli bo‘ling va davom eting .


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

18 Jan, 11:25

I used to think the moon shines with its own light, but later I learned that the moon doesn’t have its own light—it only reflects the light of the sun.

Ilgari oy o‘zidan nur taratadi, deb o‘ylardim, ammo keyinchalik bilsam, oyning o‘z nuri yo‘q bo'lib – u faqat quyosh nurini aks ettirarkan xolos.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

17 Jan, 13:17

Some truths that are not coincidences.

1.Unhappy people tend to sleep a lot.
2.People who feel lonely deep inside often laugh, even at jokes that aren't particularly funny.
3.Those who are quick to help others often find themselves in need of help.
4.People who lack self-confidence tend to lie frequently.
5.The strongest individuals are often those who barely speak in gatherings, whether big or small, because they listen carefully, draw conclusions, and value each word they say.

Tasodif bo'lmagan ayrim haqiqatlar.

1.Baxtsiz odamlar ko'p uxlaydi.
2.O'zini ich ichidan yolg'iz his qiladigan odamlar ko'p kuladi, hatto o'xshamagan hazillarga ham.
3.Boshqalarga yordamga shoshadigan odamlar,ko'pincha o'zlari yordamga muhtoj bo'ladilar.
4.O'ziga ishonmaydigan odamlar ko'p yolg'on gapiradi.
5.Eng kuchli odamlar katta-kichik davralarda deyarli gapirmaydigan odamlar bo'lib, ular hamma kerakli narsani eshitadi,xulosa qiladi va har bitta so'zini qadriga yetadi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

16 Jan, 14:39

"Lions, wolves, and tigers are not dangerous animals. Remember, the truly dangerous animals are geese, ducks, and chickens," the worm advised its children.
Pay attention not only to what you hear but also to who is saying it, and always verify every piece of information. Some people may tell you things solely for their own benefit.

" Sher, bo'ri, yo'lbars bular havfli hayvonlar emas, yodingda bo'lsin haqiqiy xavfli hayvonlar bu g'oz, o'rdak va tovuqlar bo'ladi " deb chuvalchang o'z bolalariga nasihat qildi.
Siz nima eshitayotganingiz bilan birga bu gaplarni kim gapirayotganiga ham ahamiyat bering va albatta har bir malumotni tekshirib ko'ring.Ba'zi insonlarni sizga yetkazgan gapi faqat o'z manfaati uchun bo'ladi holos.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

15 Jan, 03:07

Don’t wait for later. Later, people drift apart. Later, words lose their meaning. Later, passion fades. Later, opportunities vanish. Later, the sun sets on your plans. Later, regret takes root. Later, life moves on, and the moment is gone. Seize it now—because later is never guaranteed.

Hech narsani keyinga qoldirmang. Keyinroq, odamlar uzoqlashadi. Keyinroq, so‘zlar o‘z ma’nosini yo‘qotadi. Keyinroq, xohish so‘nadi. Keyinroq, imkoniyatlar g‘oyib bo‘ladi. Keyinroq, rejalaringiz quyoshi botadi. Keyinroq, afsus-nadomat ildiz otadi. Keyinroq, hayot davom etadi lekin vaziyat o‘tib ketadi. Fursatni g‘animat biling, chunki keyingi imkoniyat kafolatlanmagan.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

14 Jan, 03:18

They say to be content with what you have, but also to dream big and aim higher. They say to fight for your love, but also to let go if you truly care. They say life is too short, yet it's never too late to start over. People don't truly understand your path, your dreams, or your struggles. People only know what has or hasn't worked for them and give advice accordingly. Only you can decide what is truly right for you.

Aytishadiki, boriga qanoat qil , ammo katta orzu qil va yuqoriroq maqsad qo'y deb ham aytishadi. Muhabbating uchun kurash deyishadi, ammo yaxshi ko'rsang qo‘yib yubor deb ham aytishadi. Hayot juda qisqa deyishadi, ammo qaytadan boshlash uchun hech qachon kech emas deb ham aytishadi.
Insonlar sizni yo'lingizni,orzularingizni, qiyinchiliklaringizni chinakamiga bilishmaydi.
Insonlar faqat o‘zlari uchun nima ish bergan yoki bermaganini bilishadi va shunga ko'ra maslahat berishadi. Nima to‘g‘ri ekanligini esa faqat o‘zingiz hal qilasiz.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

12 Jan, 14:58

Do you know the difference between "liking" and "loving"?
If you like a flower, you pick it to enjoy its beauty for a moment, but it soon fades away.
If you love a flower, you nurture it, protect it, and give it the care it needs to flourish and thrive.

Bilasizmi, "yoqtirmoq" va "sevmoq" o‘rtasidagi farq nimada?
Agar gulni yoqtirsangiz, uni uzib olib, bir muddat go‘zalligidan bahramand bo‘lasiz, lekin u tez orada so‘lib qoladi.
Agar gulni sevsangiz, uni parvarish qilasiz, asraysiz va o‘sib rivojlanishi uchun sharoit yaratasiz.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

11 Jan, 16:34

Knowing and understanding are different things. There are many people who know you, but very few who understand you.

Bilish va tushunish boshqa-boshqa tushunchalar. Sizni biladiganlar ko‘p, ammo tushunadiganlar kam.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

08 Jan, 12:31

Never harm your mother, not with words, no anger, no silence. She's the only one that loved you before the world even knew that you existed.

Onangizga so‘z bilan ham, g‘azab bilan ham, sukut bilan ham ozor bermang. U sizni bu dunyoda paydo bo'lishingizdan oldin sevgan yagona insondir.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

06 Jan, 03:08

Sometimes I wish I could turn into a jellyfish — no heart, no brain, no feelings, no pain. Just floating in the sea, blub, blub, blub.

Ba'zida meduzaga aylanib qolgim keladi - yurak yo'q,miya yo'q,hissiyotlar yo'q,og'riq yo'q shunchaki dengizda suzib yuradi, biliq,biliq,biliq .


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

05 Jan, 05:41

Sometimes it seems like there's only one correct answer to our question, but if we think deeper, we realize that other possibilities also exist.

Ba’zan savolimizga faqat bitta to‘g‘ri javob bordek tuyuladi, lekin chuqurroq fikrlasak boshqa yechimlar ham mavjudligini anglaymiz.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

04 Jan, 02:57

I don't trust the advice of people who don't follow their own recommendations.

Bergan maslahatlariga o'zlari amal qilmaydigan odamlarning maslahatlariga ishonmayman.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

03 Jan, 01:29

There is nothing in this world that can hurt us as much as our thoughts. There is nothing in this world that can heal us as much as our thoughts.

Bu dunyoda bizni o‘z fikrlarimizchalik qattiq jarohatlaydigan narsa yo‘q. Bu dunyoda bizni o‘z fikrlarimizchalik davolaydigan narsa ham yo‘q.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

01 Jan, 12:30

Ota 5 yoshli farzandi bilan restoranda o‘tirgan edi. Bola to'satdan stakanni tushirib yubordi va stakan sindi. Ofitsiant darhol yetib keldi va bolani koyishga tushdi. Bola uyatdan qizarib ketdi. Otasi o‘g‘liga qaradi va yana bir stakan uzatdi-da "sindir buni ham" dedi......

1-saboq: Hech kimga sizni va yaqinlaringizni koyish yoki kamsitishiga yo‘l qo‘ymang.Boshqalarning xatti-harakatlarini muhokama qilishga insonlarning haqqi yo‘q.

2-saboq: Bexosdan qilgan xato uchun hech kimni ayblamang. Xatolar o‘rganish jarayonining bir qismi va ular bizni kuchliroq qiladi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

01 Jan, 12:29

A father was sitting at a restaurant with his 5-year-old child. Suddenly, the boy dropped the glass and it broke. The waiter quickly arrived and began scolding the boy. The child turned red with embarrassment. The father looked at his son, handed him another glass, and said, "Go ahead, break this one too."

1st Lesson: Never allow anyone to scold or belittle you or your loved ones. Others have no right to judge or criticize your actions.

2nd Lesson: Never blame anyone for an accidental mistake. Mistakes are part of the learning process, and they make us stronger.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

31 Dec, 19:00

New beginnings come with endless opportunities, but they require courage, persistence, and an unwavering belief in yourself. This year, let’s not just dream, but act. Let’s not just wish, but work. Let’s not just hope, but create.
2025 is the year to rewrite our story, break our limits, and shine brighter than ever. 

Yangi boshlanishlar cheksiz imkoniyatlar bilan keladi, ammo ular jasorat, matonat va o‘zingizga bo‘lgan mustahkam ishonchni talab qiladi.Bu yil shunchaki orzu qilmaylik, balki harakat qilaylik. Faqat tilak tilamaylik, balki mehnat qilaylik. Umid qilish bilan cheklanmay, yarataylik.
2025-yil - hikoyalarimizni qayta yozish, chegaralarimizni buzish va har qachongidan ham yorqinroq porlash yili bo‘lsin.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

23 Dec, 12:51

2024, I do not hate you, but you were a tough year. You were full of challenges, changes, and lessons. You proved to me that life can change in an instant and reminded me to believe in myself more. I still have questions that remain unanswered, but I trust that with time, everything will become clear. Thank you, 2024.

2024-yil, sendan nafratlanmayman, ammo sen og‘ir yil bo‘lding. Qiyinchiliklar, o‘zgarishlar va saboqlarga to‘la eding. Sen menga hayot bir zumda o‘zgarib ketishi mumkinligini isbotlading va o‘zimga ko‘proq ishonishim kerakligini eslatding. Hali javobini topmagan savollarim bor, lekin vaqt o‘tib, barchasi oydinlashishiga ishonaman.Rahmat 2024-yil.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

20 Dec, 13:07

A bird lands on a delicate branch swaying in the wind. The branch creaks under its weight, as if it could snap at any moment. Yet, the bird remains calm, completely unbothered by the danger. Because it trusts not the branch, but its own wings.

Shamolda tebranayotgan nozik shoxga qush qo‘nadi. Shox uning og‘irligidan g‘ichirlaydi, har lahzada sinib ketishi mumkindek. Biroq, qush xotirjam, xavfdan mutlaqo tashvishlanmaydi. Chunki u daraxt shoxiga emas o'z qanotlariga ishonadi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

19 Dec, 16:11

Most of the time, it is not the limitations imposed by others that stop us, but the boundaries we mentally create for ourselves.

Ko'pincha bizni boshqalarning cheklovlari emas, balki o‘zimiz uchun o‘zimiz hayolan yaratgan chegaralar to‘xtatadi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

17 Dec, 02:45

Men fall in love with what they see, women fall in love with what they hear. That’s why women wear makeup and men lie.

Erkaklar ko‘rganiga,ayollar esa eshitganiga ko'ra ko‘ngil qo‘yadi. Shu boisdan ayollar pardoz qiladi, erkaklar esa yolg‘on gapiradi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

15 Dec, 06:51

Sometimes, we stay silent even when we know someone is lying—not because we believe them, but because we want to see how far they can take the lie. Observing the art of deception can be fascinating.

Ba’zan biz kimdir yolg‘on gapirayotganini bilsak ham jim turamiz — bu unga ishonganimiz uchun emas, balki u yolg‘onni qay darajagacha davom ettira olishini ko‘rish uchundir. Aldov san’atini kuzatish g‘oyatda qiziqarli.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

12 Dec, 15:17

According to all aerodynamic laws the Bumblebee cannot fly because its body weight is not in the right proportion to its wingspan but ignoring these laws the bee flies anyway.

Aerodinamikaning barcha qonunlariga ko‘ra, qovoq ari ucha olmasligi kerak, chunki uning tana og‘irligi qanotlari uzunligiga nisbatan mutanosib emas. Biroq, ari bu qonuniyatlarga e’tibor bermay, baribir uchishda davom etaveradi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

11 Dec, 15:54

Imagine you have $86,400 in your bank account, and someone takes $60 and tears it up right in front of you. What would you do? Would you also tear up the remaining $86,340? Of course not.
Similarly, in a day, you have 86,400 seconds. If someone wastes 60 seconds of your time, don't let it ruin the remaining 86,340 seconds of your day.

Tasavvur qiling, bank hisobingizda 86 400 dollar bor va kimdir bu puldan 60 dollarni olib ko'z oldingizda yirtib tashladi. Nima qilasiz? Qolgan 86 340 dollarni siz ham yirtib yuborasizmi? Yo‘q, albatta.
Xuddi shunday, bir kunda 86 400 soniya vaqtingiz bor. Kimdir 60 soniyangizni ko'kka sovursa, bu qolgan 86340 soniyangizni ham barbod qilishiga yo‘l qo‘ymang.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

09 Dec, 05:28

Qiziq,insonlarning ongida bizning qanchadan-qancha turli xil ko‘rinishlarimiz mavjud.
Ba’zilar sizni kamgap, uyatchan odam deb bilsa,
boshqalar esa to‘xtovsiz gapiradigan kirishimli inson hisoblaydi.
Ayrimlar sizni sovuqqon va qo'pol, boshqalar esa g‘amxo‘r va mehribon deb qabul qilishadi.
Siz uchrashgan, munosabatda bo‘lgan yoki hatto ko‘chada ko‘zingiz tushgan har bir inson sizning o‘ziga xos talqiningizni o'zi uchun yaratadi.
Odamlarning ongida sizning minglab turli xil versiyalaringiz mavjud.Aslida, siz "o‘zingiz" deb o‘ylagan shaxs faqat siz uchungina mavjud.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

09 Dec, 05:27

It's fascinating how many versions of you exist in people's minds.
Some see you as the shy person who rarely talks.
Others find you annoying because you never stop talking.
To some, you may seem cold and mean, while others perceive you as caring and kind.
Every person you meet, have a relationship with, or even make eye contact with on the street creates their own version of you.
There are thousands of different 'yous' out there in people's minds.The truth is, the person you think of as 'yourself' exists only for you.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

08 Dec, 00:54

Always be careful with your words because you never know how many times it's repeating in someone's head

So‘zlaringizga doimo e'tiborli bo‘ling, chunki ularning kimningdir xayolida qancha marta aylanib yurishini bilmaysiz.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

06 Dec, 15:35

Sometimes, to see your true reflection, you need to look at yourself through the eyes of someone who values you.

Ba'zida asl aksingizni ko'rish uchun, o'zingizga sizni qadrlaydigan inson ko'zi bilan qarashingizga to'g'ri keladi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

04 Dec, 10:41

There are two important days in your life:
1. The day you were born.
2. The day you understand why you were born.

Hayotingizda 2 ta muhim kun bor:
1.Tug'ilgan kuningiz.
2.Nega tug'ilganingizni anglagan kuningiz.

©️Mark Twain


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

01 Dec, 16:38

Everybody is trying to find the right person, but nobody is trying to be the right person.

Hamma o'ziga mos insonni izlayabdi, ammo hech kim o‘zi mos inson bo‘lishga intilmayabdi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

30 Nov, 15:31

Universe jokes:

1."Appearance doesn't matter "

2."People become wiser when they become adults"

3."Social media only shows the truth about people’s lives."

Koinot hazillari:

1."Tashqi ko'rinish ahamiyatga ega emas."

2."Insonlar katta bo'lgani sari aqllilashib boradi."

3."Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar insonlar haqida faqat haqiqatni ko'rsatadi."


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

29 Nov, 15:55

For the things we cannot change, we need serenity,
For the things we can change, we need courage,
And to distinguish between them, we need wisdom.

Biz o‘zgartira olmaydigan narsalarni qabul qilish uchun bizga xotirjamlik,
Biz o‘zgartira oladigan narsalarni o‘zgartirish uchun bizga jasorat,
ularni bir biridan farqlash uchun bizga donolik kerak.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

28 Nov, 14:13

Bir kuni mushuk va it  pishloq topib olishibdi. Ammo qanday bo'lish haqida kelisha olishmabdi. Shunda ular tulkidan yordam so‘rashga qaror qilishibdi. Tulki pishloqni bo'lib berishga rozi bo'libdi va ataylab bitta katta bitta kichik bo'lakga bo'lib, kattasini mushukga kichigini itga beribdi.It bundan norozi bo'libdi va tulki hozir tenglashtiraman deb mushukning bo'lagini tishlabdi va endi mushuk bo'lagi kichik bo'lib qolganidan norozi bo'libdi tulki endi itning bo'lagidan tishlabdi .Shunday qilib tulki "tenglashtiraman" deb pishloqning barini yeb qo'yibdi.Mushuk va it ortlariga hech vaqosiz qaytishibdi. 
Kimga ishonayotgazingizga e'tiborli bo'ling, ayniqsa vaziyat moddiyat bilan aloqador bo'lsa.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

28 Nov, 14:12

One day a cat and a dog found a delicious cheese. Both wanted it, but neither could agree on how to divide it. So, they decided to ask the clever fox for help. The fox, always sly, offered to split the cheese for them. As the cat and dog watched closely, the fox took a bite for himself, claiming he was "balancing" the halves. Bit by bit, the cheese disappeared, and in the end, the fox walked away with a full stomach, leaving the cat and dog with nothing. The lesson: be careful who you trust, especially when they stand to gain.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

27 Nov, 01:10

Bir xitoylik dehqonning oti qochib ketibdi. Shu kuni kechqurun barcha qo‘shnilar kelib: "Bu juda yomon bo‘libdi-da", deyishibdi. Dehqon esa: "Balki", debdi.
Ertasi kuni ot qaytib kelib, yettita yovvoyi otni ergashtirib kelibdi. Shunda hamma qo‘shnilar: "Voy, bu juda zo‘r-ku, shunday emasmi?" deyishibdi. Dehqon yana: "Balki", debdi.
Keyingi kuni dehqonning o‘g‘li ana shu otlardan birini o‘rgatmoqchi bo‘lib minayotganda, ot uni uloqtirib yuboribdi va oyog‘i sinibdi va odamlar: "Attang, bu juda yomon bo‘libdi-ku, to‘g‘rimi?" deb deyishibdi. Dehqon yana: "Balki", debdi.
Ertasi kuni urushga odam yig‘ish uchun kelgan harbiylalar o‘g‘lining oyog‘i singanini ko‘rib, uni xizmatga olmabdilar. Odamlar dehqonga: "Bu juda ajoyib bo‘ldi-ku, shunday emasmi?" deb atishganda. Dehqon yana: "Balki", deb javob bergan ekan.

Biz bilan sodir bo'lgan hodisani yaxshi yoki yomonligi aytish imkonsiz.Hodisalarning oqibatini oldindan bilib bo‘lmaydi. Yaxshi yoki yomonligini esa vaqt ko‘rsatadi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

27 Nov, 01:09

A Chinese farmer’s horse ran away. That evening, all the neighbors came and said, “Oh no, that’s so bad!” But the farmer replied, “Maybe.”

The next day, the horse returned, bringing seven wild horses with it. The neighbors exclaimed, “Wow, isn’t that amazing?” The farmer simply said, “Maybe.”

The following day, the farmer’s son was trying to tame one of the wild horses. The horse threw him off, and he broke his leg. The neighbors said, “What a shame, that’s so bad, isn’t it?” But the farmer replied, “Maybe.”

The day after that, military officers came to recruit people for the army. When they saw the son’s broken leg, they didn’t take him. The neighbors said, “That’s wonderful, isn’t it?” And the farmer again replied, “Maybe.”

It’s impossible to determine whether an event is truly good or bad. The outcomes of natural events cannot be predicted, and only time reveals whether something is good or bad.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

26 Nov, 16:42

watch your thoughts, they become your words
watch your words, they become your actions
watch your actions, they become your habits
watch your habits, they become your character
watch your character, it becomes your destiny

Fikrlaringizga e'tiborli bo'ling, ular so‘zlaringizga aylanadi.
So‘zlaringizga e'tiborli bo'ling , ular harakatlaringizga aylanadi.
Harakatlaringizga e'tiborli bo'ling, ular odatlaringizga aylanadi.
Odatlaringizga e'tiborli bo'ling, ular xarakteringizga aylanadi.
Xarakteringizga e'tiborli bo'ling,u taqdiringizga aylanadi.

©️Lao Tzu


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

25 Nov, 03:20

If the PIN code of your debit card is confidential, how does the terminal know whether the entered code is correct or incorrect?

Agar plastik kartangiz kodi sir bo'lsa, to'g'ri yoki noto'g'ri kod kiritilganini terminal qayerdan biladi?


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

23 Nov, 00:00

Some say Don't go to the store when you're hungry,' because you end up buying things you don't need. Similarly, don't rush to choose people when you're feeling lonely, as you're more likely to choose the wrong person. Think about it—when you're in despair, you tend to pick anything, not what you truly need. Choose not just anything, but what you need.

Qorningiz ochganda do'koniga bormang deyishadi ,chunki sizga kerak bo'lmagan narsalarni ham harid qilasiz.
Xuddi shunday, o‘zingizni yolg‘iz his qilganingizda insonlarni tanlashga shoshilmang,noto‘g‘ri insonni tanlash ehtimolingiz katta.
O‘ylab ko‘ring - umidsizlikka tushganimizda, bizga kerak bo‘lganini emas, balki har qanday narsani tanlayveramiz.Har qanday emas, kerakligini tanlang.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

17 Nov, 04:40

If you get fat, people think you eat too much. If you lose weight, people think you're sick.
If you dress well, you show off. If you dress simple, you're poor.
If you're serious, you're boring. And if you're funny, you're immature.
If you speak your mind, you're rude.
If you're successful, you're arrogant. If you're struggling, you're lazy.
No matter what you do in your life, people will always criticize you.

Vazningiz og'ir bo'lsa, odamlar sizni ochofat deb o‘ylashadi. Ozg'in bo'lsangiz kasal deb hisoblashadi.
Chiroyli kiyinsangiz, o‘zingizni ko‘z-ko‘z qilayotgan bo‘lasiz. Oddiy kiyinsangiz, kambag‘al deyishadi.
Jiddiy bo‘lsangiz, zerikarli deyishadi. Hazilkash bo‘lsangiz, bachkana deb hisoblashadi.
Fikringizni ochiq aytsangiz, qo‘pol deyishadi.Indamasangiz,pismiq deyishadi.  
Muvaffaqiyatga erishsangiz, manman deyishadi. Muvaffaqiyatsiz bo'lsangiz, dangasa deb hisoblashadi.
Hayotda nima qilmang, odamlar baribir sizni tanqid qilish uchun sabab topishadi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

15 Nov, 13:50

The only bird in the world that dares to attack an eagle is the crow. It perches on the eagle’s back and pecks at its neck. However, the eagle doesn’t respond, fight, or waste time on the crow. Instead, it opens its wings and soars higher and higher. The higher the eagle flies, the harder it becomes for the crow to breathe.
stop wasting time on crows. Focus on reaching new heights, and the crows will fall away on their own.

Dunyoda burgutga hujum qilishga jur’at etadigan yagona qush qarg‘adir. U burgutning yelkasiga qo‘nib, bo‘ynini cho‘qiydi. Ammo burgut bunga e’tibor bermaydi, jang qilmaydi yoki qarg‘aga vaqtini sarflamaydi. Buning o‘rniga u qanotlarini yoyib, tobora yuqoriga ko‘tariladi. Burgut qancha balandga parvoz qilsa, qarg‘aning nafas olishi shuncha qiyinlashadi.
Yangi cho‘qqilarni zabt etishga e’tibor qaratilsa qarg‘alar o‘z-o‘zidan yo‘q bo‘lib ketadi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

09 Nov, 10:52

I love calm people.The ones choosing their words wisely never raising their voice not living to show off but to exist in a quiet and harmonic way.trying to at least not harm anyone.I find those people inspiring.

Sokin insonlarni yaxshi ko‘raman. So‘zlarni donolik bilan tanlaydigan, ovozini hech qachon ko‘tarmay, o‘zini ko‘z-ko‘z qilish uchun emas, balki tinch va uyg‘un tarzda yashashga intiladigan insonlarni. Ular hech bo‘lmaganda birovga zarar yetkazmaslikka harakat qilishadi. Bunday odamlar menga ilhom beradi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

03 Nov, 15:02

You can return to the past but it's empty now. your old school is there but your friends aren't your childhood home stands but your family doesn't live there. The coffee shop, you loved still exists, but the Barista who knew your order has left .the streets are familiar but the faces aren't. Past is a place but the present is where life happens.

Siz o‘tmishga qaytishingiz mumkin, lekin u endi bo‘m-bo‘sh. Eski maktabingiz o‘sha yerda turibdi, do‘stlaringiz esa u yerda yo‘q. Bolalikdagi uyingiz hamon turibdi, ammo oilangiz u yerda boshqa yashamaydi. Siz yaxshi ko‘rgan qahvaxona hali ham mavjud, biroq buyurtmangizni oldindan biladigan qahvahona hodimi ketib qolgan. Ko‘chalar tanish, lekin yuzlar boshqa. O‘tmish - bu joy, ammo hayot hozirda kechmoqda.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

19 Oct, 00:53

On January 12, 2007, a violinist played for 45 minutes in a New York subway. Few stopped, and he earned about $30. What no one knew was that he was Joshua Bell, one of the world’s top violinists, playing a $3.5 million violin. Just two days earlier, he sold out a 2,000-seat theater in Boston, where tickets averaged $100, and he was paid $1,000 per minute. Even the most talented people go unrecognized in the wrong place.

2007-yil 12-yanvar kuni Nyu-York metrosida skripkachi 45 daqiqa kuy chaladi. Odamlardan bir nechtasi to'xtaydi va 30 dollar choychaqa beradi. Ammo hech kim payqamagan edi-ki, bu dunyoning eng yaxshi skripkachisi Joshua Bell bo'lib, u 3,5 million dollarlik skripkada kuy chalgandi. Ikki kun avval u Bostonda 2000 o'rindiqli, chipta narxi 100 $ bo'lgan konsertda daqiqasiga 1000 $ ishlab topgandi. 
Inson qanchalik iqtidorli bo‘lmasin, noto'g'ri joyda qadrsizlanib qolaveradi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

02 Oct, 11:01

Imagine a life Jar. Golf balls represent the most important things for us our family, health, and interests. Pebbles represent smaller but important things like work and friendships. Sand represents insignificant and distracting things. The key is what you put into the jar first. If you fill your jar with sand first there will be no room for the important things. However, if you put the golf balls in first, the pebbles and sand will also fit. Pay attention to what is truly important

Hayot bankasini tasavvur qiling.
Golf to'plari - biz uchun eng muhim narsalar oilamiz, sog'ligimiz va qiziqishlarimizni,
Toshchalar- esa ish va do'stlik kabi kichik, lekin muhim narsalarni, 
Qum-ahamiyatsiz va chalg'ituvchi narsalarni ifodalaydi. 
Muhimi bankaga nimani avval solishda.Agar avval bankangizni qum bilan to'ldirsangiz, muhim narsalar uchun joy qolmaydi.Ammo bankani avval golf to'plarini solsangiz unga toshlar ham va qum ham sig'adi.Nimani avval solish o'z qo'lingizda.

©️Stephen R. Covey


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

22 Sep, 15:39

Small actions lead to big results.

Kichik harakatlar katta natijalarga olib boradi.



Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

30 Aug, 14:12

You can't control what happens to you, but you can control how you react.

Siz bilan nima sodir bo'lishini nazorat qila olmaysiz lekin unga qanday munosabat bildirish o'z qo'lingizda.



Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

24 Aug, 07:01

You can never make the same mistake twice because the second time you make it, it's not a mistake, it's a choice.

Hech qachon bir xatoni ikki marta qila olmaysiz, chunki ikkinchi marta qilinganda bu xato emas balki tanlov bo'ladi.

©️Steven Denn


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

19 Aug, 03:22

Change doesn't have an expiration date.

O'zgarishning amal qilish muddati yo'q.

©️Ichiro Kishimi


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

15 Aug, 07:58

Your environment shapes you more than you realize. To control your destiny, you must control your environment.

Sizning muhitingiz sizni siz o'ylagandan ko'proq shakllantiradi. Kelajagingizni nazorat qilish uchun yashayotgan muhitingizni nazorat qilishingizga to'g'ri keladi.

©️Robert Greene


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

13 Aug, 08:48

When your plan is clear and detailed, unexpected turns won’t distract you from reaching your goal.

Rejangiz aniq va batafsil bo'lsa, kutilmagan burilishlar sizni maqsadingizga erishishdan chalg'itmaydi.

©️Robert Greene


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

13 Aug, 08:18

Channel name was changed to «Atom odatlar | Atomic habits»

Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

07 Aug, 09:10

Maturity - When you know the other person is lying but you just smile and let it go.

Agar siz boshqa odam yolg'on gapirayotganini bilsangiz, lekin shunchaki tabassum qilib, yo'lingizda davom etsangiz bunga Ulg'ayish deyiladi.


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

06 Aug, 06:30

"Something that others cannot take away from you is worth appreciating."

"Boshqalar sizdan olib qo'ya olmaydigan narsa qadrlashga arziydigan narsadir."

©️Shaxsiy fikr


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

02 Aug, 15:56

"Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do."

"Hech kimga siz nima qila olishingiz yoki qila olmasligingizni aytishga yo'l qo'ymang"

©Emma Watson


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

09 Jul, 00:00

Isn't it funny how day by day
nothing changes but when you look back everything is different!

Ajoyib a? Kun o'tgan sari huddi hech narsa o'zgarmagandek lekin ortga qarasangiz, hammasi boshqacha!

©C.S. Lewis


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

08 Jul, 08:09

"Desire and determination are the keys to any achievement."

"Xohish va qat'iyat har qanday yutuqning kalitidir."

© Napoleon Hill


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

27 Jun, 15:40

"A person is mistaken in thinking that he has conquered the ego, although it remains silent for a certain period of time, it does not leave a person for a moment, it always pursues him. After all, lust does not die, it puts itself to sleep..."

" Inson nafsni yengdim deb o‘ylab a
dashadi, u ma’lum muddat jim turgani bilan, insonni bir zumga ham tark etmaydi, uni hamisha ta’qib qiladi. Zero, nafs o‘lmaydi, o‘zini uxlaganga soladi..."

— Men, bas qil ey nafs!

©Fotih Duman


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

25 Jun, 16:13

​​"Sizning chegarangiz — bu
faqatgina sizning tasavvuringiz"

©Albert Eynshteyn


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

24 Jun, 12:43

"Our greatest weakness is our surrender. The surest way to succeed is to always try again."

" Bizning eng katta zaifligimiz taslim bo'lishimizda. Muvaffaqiyatga erishishning eng ishonchli yo'li har doim yana bir bor urinib ko'rishdir. "

©Tomas Edison


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

23 Jun, 08:11

- Muvafaqqiyat siri nimada?
- To'g'ri qarorlarda

- Qanday qilib tog'ri qarorlar qabul qilasiz?
- Tajribam orqali

- Tajribani Qanday orttirgansiz?
- Noto'g'ri qarorlar orqali


Atom odatlar | Atomic habits

23 Jun, 06:13

Adolat har joyda bo'lmaguncha, adolat hech qayerda yo'q.

© Martin Lyuter King
