Christ Within @yellowvestire Channel on Telegram

Christ Within


Christ Within (English)

Are you searching for a channel that explores the spiritual teachings of Christianity in a modern and inclusive way? Look no further than 'Christ Within' on Telegram, created by the user @yellowvestire. This channel delves deep into the concept of finding the essence of Christ within ourselves, regardless of traditional religious beliefs or practices. 'Christ Within' offers daily reflections, inspirational quotes, and thought-provoking discussions on how we can embody Christ-like qualities such as love, compassion, and forgiveness in our daily lives. Whether you are a devout Christian or simply seeking a more spiritual connection, 'Christ Within' welcomes individuals from all walks of life to join in on this journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Join us today and discover the beauty of finding the Christ Within you!

Christ Within

30 Jan, 12:24


Christ Within

28 Jan, 15:43


Christ Within

27 Jan, 20:06

God's Chosen One, Expect the Unexpected! Get Ready | GRATEFUL TO GOD

Christ Within

27 Jan, 13:57

My Name under the most High God is Mark of the Family Laidlaw, and I at once Demand, Declare and Decree that each individual involved in the Inalienable Rights Violations against my Divine Being be at once repremanded, with Divine Karmic Justice brought forth into each of their lives with immediate effect for their role in all and any attack upon my personal Inalienable Right to financial Freedom as Gifted by the most High Father Creator of all things seen and unseen at the precise moment of my conception. That each and every individual having deceptively worked from within the shadows in aid to destroy my life anointed, be made answerable for their unethical, malicious and deceptive practice, be it those directly involved in these heinous actions against my Flesh and Blood Living Status, and those ordering such Inalienable Rights Violations from the realm of darkened shadows. Those of whom set forth to annihilate my financial freedom via their campaign to subject one of the most High God's Chosen to a life of hardship and poverty, over what my personally Gifted Inalienable Rights dictate under the most High God, Father Supreme over realms seen and unseen. Those of whom through nefarious practice sought to destroy by acts of sabotage my attempts to awaken the Flesh and Blood Living to the mass fraudulent deception as has been played out upon Mankind via the birth certificate and its deliberate Inalienable Rights Violation to destroy Mankind by making Mankind dead on paper to become a legal fictional identity, a corpse like corporation, a monster, person, human born not having the shape of Mankind, via it's legal fictional system to undo God's most High Law. Those anti Life, anti Rights Inalienable, anti Christ in positions of fraudulent power who have systematically aided in the destruction of such Rights Inalienable, the Highest crime upon God's green Earth. Those of whom are still hiding within the shadows forming all form of obstacle to impede upon my Sovereign Inalienable financial Freedom, a highly treasonous act against the most High Fathers Natural Divine Law of which reigns Supreme over all manmade ficticious folly. Such Inalienable Rights Violations that will bring forth instant Divine Justice, so as to strike down all form of party involved in such Inalienable Rights Violations.
Furthermore I Declare and Decree with the Supreme Power of my most High Father that all and any Sovereign Inalienable financial Freedoms kept from me be returned with immediate effect, with those of whom who would try pervert the course of Divine Justice in their role to impede, encroach or infringe upon what is mine by Divine Birthright, to be struck down for the enactment of such High crimes leading to Inalienable Rights Violations and stripped of all and any financial freedoms themselves, as Karmic Justice forwards toward the perpetrators of such High Crimes against the most Holy Father and His Flesh and Blood Living Creation Mark of the Family Laidlaw, with all and any projections of devil discipleship be returned to sender tenfold.
With the Supreme Power of the most Holy Fathers Name Christ Jesus of whom within the most Holy Father resides, I now speak into being Divine Karmic Justice.
And so it is, in Christ Jesus most Holy Name.

Mark of the Family Laidlaw, under the most High God


Christ Within

27 Jan, 02:48

Christ Within

23 Jan, 09:10

We in our purest form is what was before the vibration of sound, the Oneness of what was before any notion of separation, the Divine Spark of which brought about all form of creation.

Christ Within

22 Jan, 03:23

God's Chosen Ones, Get Ready: Money Is About to Pour In! | GRATEFUL TO GOD

Christ Within

21 Jan, 02:08

Christ Within

21 Jan, 00:21

God's Chosen Ones, 5 Things That Can Strip You of Your Status as a Chose...

Christ Within

20 Jan, 14:46

Christ Within

28 Dec, 16:19

God's Chosen Ones, Why You Were Born Into Toxic Families (It's a Huge Gi...

Christ Within

28 Dec, 13:04

God's Chosen Ones, A Secret Gov. Agency Was Watching You, but Now Their ...

Christ Within

27 Dec, 18:39

God's Chosen One, You Are the Destroyer of Dark Forces! | GRATEFUL TO GOD

Christ Within

27 Dec, 08:29

God's Chosen Ones and 2025 – The Year of Awakening and the Final Judgmen...

Christ Within

27 Dec, 08:28

The Dark Side of Spiritual Awakening 🔥 Many are lost

Christ Within

27 Dec, 08:21

God's Chosen Ones, People Know You're Real - They Realize It, and Someon...

Christ Within

26 Dec, 16:26

As God told man and woman to take dominion over the earth and over the fish of the sea and the fowl of the air and every living thing, human beings have control over the natural forces of planet Earth.

When elementals are drawn from the divine estate into the world of human consciousness, they receive human masters.

What we do gives elementals a conscious direction that comes from us, not directly from the Creator.

Individualized elementals emerge from a pool of universal energy.

Elementals were not given immortality nor were they given free will.

Gnomes, undines, sylphs, and salamanders may live a thousand years or more. But they are mortal. So when they die, they go back into universal energy and new elementals are born to take their places.

Though the lesser-evolved elementals go back into the universal energy at death, worthy elementals evolve beyond the elemental kingdom. These more advanced elementals have a desire to move forward in their evolution.

Source: The Pilgrim's Victory, Journey to the Heart of God by Joseph Genito (now ascended)

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Christ Within

25 Dec, 20:08

Christ Within

25 Dec, 19:22

A Blessed 2025 to the entirety of Mankind, Mother Earth and all of Her Inhabitants, our overall Ascention spiralling Upward from the world of old and into a World anew, void of that of which once held bound all that is Natural, Divine and of Christed like Essence.

Christ Within

25 Dec, 01:17

Christ Within

23 Dec, 07:16

In the land of the walking dead became humanity unconscious in mindset, having become victim to a heavily indoctrinated society, beginning with government run indoctrination centres disguised as schools, with further programs to ensue via mainstream and social media, as the attack upon the mind of Mankind ever increased to the point that Mankind became lost in all form of ficticious and fraudulent mind traps, so as to further encase Mankind into an imprisoned state of unconscious thought formation, an enslaved citizen of serfdom from birth till grave.
Our Naturally God Gifted Inalienable Freedoms from the precise moment of conception never to be spoken of, as the system sought to subdue and contain such Freedoms through the systems creation of human rights, manmade rights, from the moment of birth, thus taking away the protection of God Gifted Life being born into this world.
With the formation of a legal system as created by those fraudulent and deceptive in nature, each child born of Woman was to be given a birth certificate, a CON-tract of which misled the Flesh and Blood Living into being made dead on paper, misled into a corporate corpselike world were Ones Inalienable Rights, Freedoms and Liberties was to become a conspiratorial fiction, for Mankind to become prey to a system of men and woman of devious intent.
With Mankind's Consciousness further descending into an ever devolving state, Mankind was to become oblivious to his natural place in the world, detached from his Creator, the Creator of all things seen and unseen, for Mankind to blindly walk the tightrope to its own demise.
Void of all form of Godly Essence, Mankinds Christlike Values exchanged for all form of lower vibrational traits, Mankind was to bring upon itself a hell of its own creation, ever hellish to become as Mankind ever loses itself in the realm of lower dimensional states of which separates itself further and further away from all the Natural and Divine.

Christ Within

23 Dec, 06:09

Christ Within

22 Dec, 21:19


Christ Within

22 Dec, 19:00


Christ Within

22 Dec, 18:53


Christ Within

22 Dec, 12:12

Matter is energy slowed down to a lower vibration, to create the physicality of this illusionary world that seems so real. We it's collective Dreamer dreaming into being this realm of all form of division were there truly is none, for only one true Being exists playing this vast game of separation.


Christ Within

21 Dec, 23:01

God’s Chosen Ones, Stay Silent, Give Them What They Want, and Walk Away ...

Christ Within

24 Nov, 00:19

Christ Within

23 Nov, 16:56

Christ Within

22 Nov, 23:57

You want Solution's? Then this is it!!!
Not a single thing else will do!!!
Enough of their pantomime bullshit!!!
Enough of playing their ficticious games!!!
Enough already!!! ENOUGH!!!
Our Inalienable Rights, Freedoms and Liberties Reign Supreme over all manmade law, and anyone of whom misdirects such Divine Law reigned Supreme, is in breach of Natural Divine Law.

Christ Within

22 Nov, 23:08

The Chosen are those of whom took the path less travelled by Ascending above the Godless manmade constructs of this world whilst everyone else decided to stay within a sick, depraved society ever devolving in consciousness.
The Chosen of whom despite no end to attack from every side imaginable awaken each day to do more of the same forever and more, in aid of awakening Mankind from how far it has fallen, as they place their hand back down to save everyone else from such lower depths of depraved consciousness.
The Chosen of whom will continue to deliver the ever encompassing Christed Light of our Beloved Creator until our very last breath whilst within this physical realm in aid of awakening life in its entirety to the knowingness that We are One.
"Not one shall be lost, all shall be saved."
"From the One Prime Divine Source whence We came, and to the same Prime Divine Source we shall return."
"I and my Father are One, All He have is Mine."


Christ Within

22 Nov, 20:08

God's Chosen Ones, God Said Enough! He Will Elevate the Chosen Ones to a...

Christ Within

21 Nov, 00:26

Christ Within

19 Nov, 23:11

You Are Amazing

Christ Within

19 Nov, 23:07


Christ Within

19 Nov, 12:03

God's Chosen Ones,They Tried To Destroy You Since Childhood! God Will Re...

Christ Within

17 Nov, 23:32

Christ Within

17 Nov, 14:20

Christ Within

17 Nov, 14:05

Christ Within

17 Nov, 13:58

Christ Within

17 Nov, 13:38

God's Chosen Ones, The Player Got Played! They Can't Handle Your Energy!...

Christ Within

17 Nov, 03:16

The Power of Manifestation.

Christ Within

17 Nov, 02:19

Christ Within

16 Nov, 23:15

If you are willing to point the finger at another for their past misdeeds, first be willing to look to yourself in the mirror to remind oneself for one's own past and present misdeeds. None of us can claim We were always holier than thou.

Christ Within

15 Nov, 02:33

Keanu’s Favorite Filming Memories Revealed! 🤩🎥 @TheKeanuCollection

Christ Within

14 Nov, 20:20

Christ Within

14 Nov, 20:09

Christ Within

12 Nov, 14:56

Christ Within

12 Nov, 14:51

Christ Within

12 Nov, 12:51

Christ Within

11 Nov, 11:51

Christ Within

11 Nov, 10:38

Christ Within

10 Nov, 15:31

Christ Within

09 Nov, 18:35

Christ Within

07 Nov, 21:14

Christ Within

06 Nov, 08:10

Christ Within

02 Nov, 23:07

Trumps Goin Back to where it happened! #trumpassassination #RobSchneider...

Christ Within

02 Nov, 08:28


Christ Within

01 Nov, 21:18

Christ Within

31 Oct, 20:57

Christ Within

29 Oct, 19:56

Look at this... 👀

Christ Within

29 Oct, 01:25

Jesus and the Woman at the Well – The Chosen #God #jesus #bible #christi...

Christ Within

28 Oct, 02:52

Carl Jung Doesn’t Believe in God (He Knows)

Christ Within

28 Oct, 00:24

Baptism of The Holy Spirit - Galatians 3 KJV 10/26/24

Christ Within

28 Oct, 00:21

John 6: 53-56 #holyeucharist #jesuschrist #holymass

Christ Within

27 Oct, 22:49

God's Chosen Ones, If You're Seeing This, START CELEBRATING NOW! | GRATE...

Christ Within

27 Oct, 10:59

Christ Within

27 Oct, 10:01

Christ Within

27 Oct, 01:49

Christ Within

27 Oct, 01:36

Christ Within

27 Oct, 01:35

Christ Within

26 Oct, 23:02

Amazing conversion 🙌🏻 #catholic #shorts

Christ Within

26 Oct, 22:56

The more you pray, the more coincidences seem to happen

Christ Within

26 Oct, 22:55

What’s your thougts? #Bible #god #Christianscripture #jesus #biblicalisrael

Christ Within

26 Oct, 21:57

40 Bible verses about "A New Creation" Part 2

Christ Within

26 Oct, 21:24

You Are Co Creators Of God

Christ Within

26 Oct, 21:23

God Is Prospering Me