Welcome to XXIV World, a Telegram channel curated by the talented author @maximxxiv. This channel is dedicated to sharing the author's concept album of impressions, capturing the essence of the twenty-four worlds that exist around us. Through creative writing, art, and photography, @maximxxiv takes you on a journey through different realms, each offering a unique perspective on life. Who is @maximxxiv? Maxim is a visionary artist who uses his creative talents to explore the depths of human emotions and experiences. His storytelling abilities shine through in his work, as he weaves intricate narratives that resonate with audiences worldwide. What is XXIV World? XXIV World is more than just a Telegram channel – it's a portal into the mind of a brilliant artist. Through thought-provoking content and captivating visuals, @maximxxiv invites you to immerse yourself in the twenty-four worlds he has carefully crafted. Whether you're a fan of art, literature, or simply appreciate beauty in its purest form, XXIV World has something for everyone. Join us on this inspiring journey through the realms of XXIV World and witness the magic of @maximxxiv's concept album of impressions. Get ready to expand your horizons, challenge your perceptions, and experience the world in a whole new light. Follow @xxivworld today and let the adventure begin!
15 Dec, 20:26
05 Dec, 20:42
04 Dec, 20:52
25 Sep, 20:45
09 Mar, 20:53
31 Dec, 20:52
16 Sep, 15:24
21 Jul, 20:45