🇺🇿XALQ BANKI🇺🇿RASMIY KANAL🇺🇿 Telegram channel is the official channel of Xalq Bank in Uzbekistan. This channel provides users with the latest news, updates, and information related to the bank's services, products, and promotions. With a focus on transparency and communication, Xalq Bank uses this channel to engage with its customers and keep them informed about any important announcements. Whether you are an existing customer or someone interested in learning more about Xalq Bank, this channel is the go-to source for all the information you need. Stay updated and connected with Xalq Bank through their official Telegram channel!
26 Sep, 20:09
02 Jul, 07:03
17 Jun, 11:49
17 Jun, 11:48
10 Apr, 07:59
21 Mar, 06:38
21 Mar, 06:34
12 Mar, 06:40
08 Mar, 08:14
08 Mar, 08:12
01 Jan, 00:11
01 Jan, 00:08
31 Dec, 11:27
31 Dec, 11:25
11 Dec, 13:05
11 Dec, 13:03
10 Dec, 15:21
10 Dec, 15:18