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Word Every Day द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Word Every Day

13 Jan, 12:00


secular • / SEK-yuh-ler / • adjective

Secular describes things that are not spiritual; that is, they relate more to the physical world than the spiritual world. The word also carries the closely related meaning of "not religious."

• Each year, Ian directed his charitable giving toward secular concerns like affordable housing and arts programming for teens.
• In her autobiography, the actor mentions that her education in parochial school was not so different from that of secular institutions.
Word Every Day

12 Jan, 12:00


leitmotif • / LYTE-moh-teef / • noun

A leitmotif is a dominant recurring theme—something (such as a melody, an idea, or a phrase) repeated many times throughout a book, story, opera, etc.

• The overcoming of obstacles and a love of theater are the two leitmotifs of her autobiography.
Word Every Day

11 Jan, 12:00


cozen • / KUZ-un / • verb

To cozen someone is to deceive, win over, or induce them to do something by coaxing or trickery.

• The organization cozened scores of people by persuading them to participate in a fraudulent investment scheme.
Word Every Day

10 Jan, 12:00


untenable • / un-TEN-uh-bul / • adjective

Something, such as a position, excuse, or situation, that is described as untenable cannot be defended against attack or criticism.

• The scientists considered their colleague's theory to be bold but ultimately untenable.
Word Every Day

09 Jan, 12:00


excursion • / ik-SKER-zhun / • noun

Excursion refers to a trip, and especially to a short one made for pleasure. Excursion is also often used figuratively to refer to a deviation from a direct, definite, or proper course, and often in particular to a digression.

• Some of Maya’s most cherished childhood memories are of fishing excursions with her grandpa.
• Lewis Carroll’s Through The Looking Glass is an excursion into a fantastical world where nothing is what it seems to be, and everything appears to be what it is not.
Word Every Day

08 Jan, 12:00


gelid • / JELL-id / • adjective

Something described as gelid, such as the weather or a person’s demeanor, is literally or figuratively extremely cold or icy.

• She decided to move down south after experiencing Chicago’s gelid winters throughout college.
Word Every Day

07 Jan, 12:00


beleaguer • / bih-LEE-gur / • verb

To beleaguer a person, business, etc. is to cause them constant or repeated trouble. Beleaguer is also sometimes used as a synonym of besiege.

• The coach, beleaguered by the media and fans for his poor decision-making during games, has been fired.
• The novel is set in a city beleaguered by military forces.
Word Every Day

06 Jan, 12:00


tome • / TOHM / • noun

Tome is a formal word for a book, and especially a very large, thick, often scholarly book.

• We picked up a tome on the Ghana Empire for our history project.
Word Every Day

05 Jan, 12:00


cerulean • / suh-ROO-lee-un / • adjective

Cerulean describes things whose blue color resembles the blue of a clear sky.

• The painting depicts leafless trees bordering a cerulean lake.
Word Every Day

04 Jan, 12:00


fulminate • / FULL-muh-nayt / • verb

To fulminate is to complain loudly or angrily about something.

• The editorial fulminated against the corruption in the state government that has been recently uncovered.