Are you a proud misandrist looking for a community that celebrates your identity? Look no further than the 'bisexual anthem' Telegram channel, with the username @woman_forwomen. This channel is a place where women come together to share their love for iconic figures such as Taylor Swift, Jane Austen, and Greta Gerwig. With a touch of anonymity provided by the channel's bot, @bisexual_anthem_bot, women can freely express themselves and connect with like-minded individuals. The channel also features stunning artwork by @guine_evere on Instagram, adding an extra layer of creativity and inspiration to the community. Join 'bisexual anthem' today and be part of a supportive and empowering space where misandrist women can shine!
27 Dec, 16:52
25 Dec, 16:40
25 Dec, 07:28
23 Dec, 16:39
22 Dec, 16:58
21 Dec, 11:37
20 Dec, 17:00
20 Dec, 16:59
19 Dec, 13:22
19 Dec, 12:43
19 Dec, 08:35
17 Dec, 17:15
17 Dec, 16:59
17 Dec, 11:13
15 Dec, 16:58
14 Dec, 16:57
13 Dec, 16:57
23 Nov, 17:02
23 Nov, 16:59
21 Nov, 16:47
21 Nov, 16:47
21 Nov, 13:42
20 Nov, 16:59
19 Nov, 11:16
18 Nov, 17:00
18 Nov, 16:59
18 Nov, 16:58
16 Nov, 17:24
16 Nov, 17:24
15 Nov, 16:55
15 Nov, 16:55
15 Nov, 16:54
13 Nov, 16:59
12 Nov, 16:59
12 Nov, 16:59
12 Nov, 16:58
12 Nov, 14:21
10 Nov, 16:58
10 Nov, 16:58
09 Nov, 16:58
08 Nov, 16:56
07 Nov, 11:27
07 Nov, 09:22
06 Nov, 09:25
05 Nov, 16:32
04 Nov, 16:54
04 Nov, 16:54
04 Nov, 16:53
03 Nov, 16:59
26 Oct, 16:59
25 Oct, 07:39
24 Oct, 17:04
23 Oct, 16:59
22 Oct, 17:15
21 Oct, 16:58
20 Oct, 16:52
20 Oct, 16:52
20 Oct, 16:51
19 Oct, 16:59
19 Oct, 16:58
19 Oct, 14:04
18 Oct, 16:58
18 Oct, 16:53
16 Oct, 16:59
16 Oct, 12:51
15 Oct, 16:56
15 Oct, 16:56
15 Oct, 16:55
15 Oct, 15:43
14 Oct, 16:05