Harry Potter Movies @harry_potter_films Channel on Telegram

Harry Potter Movies


🌎 International Harry Potter Channel!

Contact at: @toHarryPotterbot

Harry Potter Movies (English)

Welcome to the International Harry Potter Channel! Are you a fan of the magical world of Harry Potter? Do you enjoy watching the movies and discussing your favorite characters and scenes with fellow fans? If so, then this is the perfect Telegram channel for you! Join us at @harry_potter_films and immerse yourself in the wizarding world created by J.K. Rowling. Share your thoughts, theories, and love for all things Harry Potter with other enthusiasts from around the globe. From discussing the differences between the books and movies to analyzing the symbolism behind each magical spell, this channel is a hub for all things Harry Potter. Stay updated on the latest news, events, and fan theories surrounding the beloved franchise. Contact @toHarryPotterbot to join our community of dedicated fans. Whether you're a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, all are welcome to join in the magic and excitement of the Harry Potter movies. So grab your wand, hop on your broomstick, and let's embark on this enchanting journey together!

Harry Potter Movies

02 Nov, 05:08

Ha aytgancha bu link orqali kirsangiz sizga 10$ bonus beradi😉

Harry Potter Movies

02 Nov, 05:04

🔥 Sizlarga zo'r yangilik!

Telegramda yangi "Tronkeeper" hamyoni ishga tushmoqda. Unda siz 1-yanvarda barcha ishlagan pullaringizni yechib olishingiz mumkin.

💵 Ushbu hamyonda pul ishlash yo'llari:

- Har kuni o'yin interfeysidagi knopkani 30 sekund bosib turib 0.1 dollar ishlashingiz mumkin, jami 3 ta imkoniyatda 0.3 dollar ishlaysiz;
- Har bir taklif qilgan do'stingiz uchun esa yana 0.1 dollardan;
- Har 10 ta taklif qilgan do'stingiz uchun esa 1 Trondan;
- Har bir bajargan vazifangiz uchun esa yana 0.1 dollardan ishlab olishingiz mumkin.

Bu sizlarda qiziqish uyg'otgan bo'lsa, hoziroq boshlashingiz mumkin ⬇️


Harry Potter Movies

01 Nov, 15:12

🤑Ton asoschilaridan biri bo’lgan odamlar tomonidan yangi airdrop chiqarildi

Huddi dogsdek ko’rinishda lekin bu safar faqat telegramga qachon kirishizga qarabmas balki Notcoin, Dogs, Hamtserda yig’gan droplarizga qarab ham airdrop tanga beradi💎


Harry Potter Movies

01 Nov, 13:58

NOYABR Airdroplarini kutib oling - shu oyda token tarqatadigan proektlar!

🍅 Tomarket

🪙 Memefi 12-noyabr

⭐️ Major 8-noyabr farming tugaydi

👁️ Not Pixel

😉 Ton Station

🤩 Yescoin

Noyabrda ushbu o'yinlar orqali yaxshi daromad olishingiz mumkin, shunchaki boshlang!

Harry Potter Movies

27 Oct, 11:43


4 kundan keyin Listing

https://t.me/Tomarket_ai_bot/app?startapp=000060UW 👼

Harry Potter Movies

20 Oct, 05:41

🗑 Ushbu o'yindan 2.000.000 lik bonus olishni xohlaysizmi?

O'yinning kombolari va youtube kodlari quyidagi kanalda berib borilmoqda:


Harry Potter Movies

19 Oct, 14:14

🚩 X EMPIRE o'yini tugadi, uni shunchaki o'ynab odamlar 100$ dan 10.000$ gacha foyda qilishdi!

Lekin siz o'ynamagan bo'lsangiz afsuslanmang, uning o'rniga X EMPIRE ning ukasi bor
😉 ➡️ BUMS 🗑


Hoziroq boshlang yaxshigina daromad olasiz🤑

Harry Potter Movies

12 Oct, 08:08

🚩X EMPIRE da tanga yig'ish 17-oktabr kuni O'zbekiston vaqti bilan 23:00 da tugaydi.

Listing esa 24-oktabr kuni.

X EMPIRE dan yaxshi foyda kutyabman, siz ham o'ynashingizni tavsiya qilaman.


Harry Potter Movies

06 Oct, 03:30

👑 Telegramda haftalik 5 ta TOP airdrop o'yinlar

1. Major ⬆️

2. Cats&Dogs 🤝

3. CATS 😺

4. BLUM 🤑

5. X Empire 🚩

Based on tgstat.com open data

Harry Potter Movies

01 Oct, 06:38

🚩 X EMPIRE o'yini tugadi - 15-oktabrda Listing bo'ladi!

😄 Endi Tomarket o'yinini o'ynaymiz - bu o'yin ham oktabrda Listing bo'lishi e'lon qilindi! 👇👇👇


Harry Potter Movies

29 Sep, 16:12

8 Soatdan so'ng BITS loyihasi Airdrop tarqatadi!

Airdrop bo'limidagi 3 ta shartni bajarganlar 100,000$ dan o'z ulushini oladi! Kimga qancha tegadi hechkim bilmaydi👇


Harry Potter Movies

29 Sep, 11:50

🎮 Catizenda 2-sezon boshlanibdi, yana drop bo'larkan!

O'zim birinchi sezonda 100$ ishlagandim.
Siz ham kiring! 👇👇👇


Harry Potter Movies

28 Sep, 12:32

🫢Yangi o'yin - Booms

Hamster 6 oyda berganini bu 1 haftada beryapti!

Hoziroq boshlang 👇👇👇


Harry Potter Movies

27 Sep, 11:27

Sizda Hamster bo'lsa, hozir sotishni maslahat beraman! Sababini bu yerda ko'rishingiz mumkin: 👇👇👇


Harry Potter Movies

27 Sep, 07:50


$HMSTR --> 50.000 sum
🔹1 ta
$USDT --> 11.000 sum
🔹1 ta
$CATI --> 7.500 sum
🔹1 ta
$TON    --> 60.000 sum
$DOGS -->  8.500 sum
🔹1 ta X Empire NFT --> 85.000 sum

🧑‍💻 Murojaat uchun: https://t.me/Crypto_Shakhzod/213

Harry Potter Movies

26 Sep, 15:44

Sentabr-oktabr oylarida listing bo'ladigan airdroplar:

1. X Empire (30-sentabr)

2. Cats (30-sentabr)

3. MemeFi (9-oktabr)

4. Tomarket (oktabr)

5. Tapswap (oktabr)

6. Major (oktabr)

7. W-coin (oktabr)

8. Dotcoin (oktabr)

9. Blum (yil oxirigacha)

10. PocketFi (yil oxirigacha)

Harry Potter Movies

26 Sep, 14:20

Notcoin asoschilaridan yangi o'yin - Not Pixel!

Va bu o'yin noyabrda listing bo'lishi e'lon qilindi. Notcoindek yaxshi drop beradi bunda ham.

Hoziroq boshlang, keyin afsuslanib qolmang!

👉 https://t.me/notpixel/app?startapp=f249561821

Harry Potter Movies

26 Sep, 02:26

Telegramda CATS Airdropi telegram kanali obunachilari DOGS kanalidan o'tib ketdi.

DOGS dan shaxsan o'zim 300$ foyda qildim.

CATS ham sizga yaxshi foyda olib keladi - boshlamagan bo'lsangiz hoziroq boshlang! 👇👇👇


Harry Potter Movies

25 Sep, 16:36

Durov aka nomiga yangi trend tap o'yini chiqibdi, yaxshi drop beradi.

🤖 Bot manzili: @fabrika

Harry Potter Movies

25 Sep, 15:47

Assalomu alaykum! Hozirgi kunda ommalashib borayotgan daromadli AirDrop o'yinlar sizga qiziqmi?!

Ha bo'lsa, ushbu o'yinlar va ular haqidagi so'nggi yangiliklarni berib boradigan
Kripto Olam | Airdroplar kanalimizga qo'shiling!

👉 U yerda siz:

■ Pul tikmasdan, pul ishlab topish;
■ Turli Airdroplar sotish, sotib berish;
■ Crypto Yangiliklar;
■ Internetda pul ishlash usullari bilan tanishasiz.

O'zbekistondagi eng ishonchli AirDrop Kanal!

Harry Potter Movies

23 Sep, 16:10

So'nggi haftada eng ko'p obunachi yiqqan airdrop o'yinlar TOP-5 ligi:

1. Cats&Dogs

2. X Empire

3. Major

4. Hrum

5. Blum

PS: X Empire, Major, Blum oktabrda listing bo'lishi kutilmoqda, Cats&Dogs va Hrum esa hali yangi va ishonchli proektlar!

Harry Potter Movies

20 Sep, 22:24

Hamster Kombat 2-fasl boshlandi!

Sotuv esa 26-sentabrdan!

Shoshilamiz tokenlarni yig'amiz!



Harry Potter Movies

15 Sep, 12:22

Rocky Rabbit 23-sentabrda listing! 🔥

Hali ham kech emas, rasmiy kanalda hattoki hozir kirganlar ham eng kamida 1ton=75 ming so'm ishlab olishi aytildi.

Kirib o'ynaymiz 👇👇👇

Harry Potter Movies

08 Sep, 13:55

X-Empire ham xuddi Notcoin kabi NFT Vaucherlarni e’lon qildi 🎟

Ya’ni 1.000.000 Coinlik NFT Vaucherlari bo’ladi sotish va o’tkazish uchun qulay formatda 🤑

@XMUSKEMPIRE O’yini ham P2P @Wallet botiga qo’shilishi kutilmoqda!

✔️ Listing 30-sentabrda deb e’lon qilingan! O’yinga qo’shilmaganlar:

Harry Potter Movies

07 Sep, 16:46

So'nggi haftada eng ko'p obunachi yiqqan airdrop o'yinlar TOP-5 ligi:

1. Major

2. MemeFi

3. Cats

4. X Empire

5. Hamster

PS: Ushbu o'yinlarning barchasi sentabr oyida sotuvga chiqishi e'lon qilingan! 💰

Harry Potter Movies

18 Aug, 04:10

Hi, Harry family! Now you can send stars to support the channel!

Harry Potter Movies

30 Jul, 19:08

What day is it today, Harry fans?


Harry Potter Movies

23 Jul, 19:05

When Harry Potter got his first Hogwarts letter on July 24, 1991, readers everywhere began hoping that someday, one of their own would come too. Unfortunately, Hogwarts was really only fictional after all, but fortunately, reading about it is just about as good as living it.


Harry Potter Movies

29 Jun, 19:04

I still get a tear in my eye when I think about June 30, that fateful day that Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was killed by Severus Snape at the top of the Astronomy Tower. Oh June 30, you will always pull at my heartstrings.


Harry Potter Movies

25 Jun, 19:05

On this day nearly 27 years ago, the world was changed forever when J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone hit shelves in the U.K. The first book, only 223 pages long, would set in motion a literary phenomenon that would continue for generations of readers to come.


Harry Potter Movies

21 Jun, 07:30

What do you want more on the channel?

Comment below!

Harry Potter Movies

20 Jun, 07:16

Hogwarts ❤️


Harry Potter Movies

01 May, 19:05

Happy Harry Potter Day!

Harry Potter Movies

27 Oct, 06:46

🍁 Autumn vibes in Harry Potter World!
