Introducing 'Walaalaha Qalbiga' Telegram channel, a space created for Heart Sisters to connect, share experiences, and support each other. The channel is set to launch soon, promising a community of like-minded individuals who understand the importance of emotional well-being. With a blue tick verification symbolizing credibility and trust, 'Walaalaha Qalbiga' aims to foster a safe and welcoming environment for women to discuss matters of the heart. Whether it's relationships, self-care, mental health, or personal growth, this channel provides a platform for open dialogue and solidarity. Stay tuned for updates and join us in building a sisterhood that values compassion, understanding, and empowerment. Follow '@walaalahaqalbiga' to be a part of this inspiring journey. Created on January 25, 2022.
10 Feb, 16:54
06 Feb, 15:12
05 Feb, 22:50
05 Feb, 13:03
31 Jan, 05:39
30 Jan, 17:29
26 Jan, 20:48
26 Jan, 20:41
26 Jan, 15:55
24 Jan, 20:11
23 Jan, 17:29
22 Jan, 18:01
22 Jan, 14:40
19 Jan, 10:05
16 Jan, 15:32
14 Jan, 14:24
14 Jan, 11:52
14 Jan, 11:30
08 Jan, 19:21
08 Jan, 10:00
02 Jan, 18:11
02 Jan, 05:42
31 Dec, 17:08
29 Dec, 13:16
29 Dec, 10:03
28 Dec, 15:59
27 Dec, 07:00
06 Dec, 15:04
05 Dec, 14:09
04 Dec, 15:39
04 Dec, 15:27
03 Dec, 23:26
01 Dec, 18:57
30 Nov, 15:59
30 Nov, 12:29
29 Nov, 08:57
28 Nov, 16:17
28 Nov, 15:43
27 Nov, 16:39
25 Nov, 16:58
24 Nov, 19:37
24 Nov, 18:39
22 Nov, 05:40
21 Nov, 03:35
20 Nov, 23:06
20 Nov, 17:34
20 Nov, 08:21
19 Nov, 14:08
19 Nov, 09:26
17 Nov, 14:43
17 Nov, 03:56
16 Nov, 12:48
14 Nov, 11:39
12 Nov, 15:28
11 Nov, 19:08
11 Nov, 15:56
10 Nov, 05:39
08 Nov, 12:38
08 Nov, 12:01
08 Nov, 10:35
07 Nov, 17:04
06 Nov, 12:21
03 Nov, 10:40
02 Nov, 11:00
01 Nov, 20:58
01 Nov, 14:02
31 Oct, 12:44
29 Oct, 08:20
29 Oct, 07:33
28 Oct, 22:25
28 Oct, 20:47
28 Oct, 20:37
28 Oct, 19:30
28 Oct, 18:18
28 Oct, 09:20
22 Oct, 19:30
20 Oct, 16:33
18 Oct, 14:23
12 Oct, 17:05
11 Oct, 18:26
10 Oct, 23:02
10 Oct, 05:16
09 Oct, 11:07
08 Oct, 09:51