پس بشکن استخوان هایم را
همانطورکه ماه دراسمان اویزان است
خالی کن زیرپاهایم را
زندگی یک زخم بزرگ است
تمام کن درد بی پایانم را
مغزم پر از هیچ لگدمال کن
خواسته هایم را
من ازمرگ نمی ترسم
پس اجراکن حکم نابودیم را..
Welcome to VORTX! saving contents, a mysterious and intriguing Telegram channel managed by the user vortxwithout_e. This channel invites you to explore unknown content that is sure to captivate your curiosity. With links to other channels like t.me/vortxwithout_e_0or1 and t.me/cozy_aesthetic, you'll find yourself immersed in a world of design templates, digital art, and more. Nobody knows what to expect from this channel, making it a thrilling and unpredictable source of entertainment. Join VORTX! saving contents today and embark on a journey of discovery unlike any other!
22 Feb, 11:08
21 Feb, 09:17
21 Feb, 07:28
17 Feb, 21:24
16 Feb, 15:27
14 Feb, 15:10
14 Feb, 11:27
13 Feb, 11:13
13 Feb, 09:23
27 Jan, 10:05
20 Jan, 09:22
19 Jan, 13:12
08 Jan, 15:58
08 Jan, 15:55
08 Jan, 15:53
08 Jan, 15:45
04 Jan, 23:50
04 Jan, 15:54
28 Dec, 14:11
26 Dec, 12:24
25 Dec, 12:25
08 Dec, 00:35
07 Dec, 09:44
06 Dec, 20:51
06 Dec, 20:49
06 Dec, 20:12
06 Dec, 19:59
06 Dec, 19:55
06 Dec, 19:52
06 Dec, 19:48
06 Dec, 19:47
06 Dec, 19:41
24 Nov, 19:37
24 Nov, 18:49
24 Nov, 11:50
24 Nov, 11:46
24 Nov, 11:45
23 Nov, 11:54
11 Nov, 08:57
10 Nov, 19:35
10 Nov, 19:19
10 Nov, 19:17
10 Nov, 17:42
10 Nov, 16:54
01 Nov, 14:51
01 Nov, 14:39
01 Nov, 13:22
30 Oct, 15:44
29 Oct, 20:11
29 Oct, 20:07
29 Oct, 18:22
27 Oct, 10:34
26 Oct, 22:57
26 Oct, 22:50
26 Oct, 08:15
25 Oct, 10:01
22 Oct, 13:02
22 Oct, 09:48