АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА ДЛЯ ВИЖИВАННЯ is a Telegram channel created by Victoria Vlasova to provide free lessons and resources for Ukrainians who have evacuated to English-speaking countries. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply looking to improve your English skills, this channel offers a range of courses and programs to help you thrive in an English-speaking environment. From basic vocabulary and grammar to advanced conversation and writing skills, Victoria Vlasova's channel has something for everyone. You can also visit her website for additional courses and programs to further enhance your English language proficiency. Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your English and navigate your new surroundings with confidence!
07 Dec, 09:41
07 Dec, 09:40
07 Dec, 09:40
03 Dec, 12:04
03 Dec, 12:02
03 Dec, 06:59
02 Dec, 15:44
02 Dec, 15:43
02 Dec, 08:41
02 Dec, 08:17
01 Dec, 18:29
01 Dec, 18:27
01 Dec, 12:50
29 Nov, 20:20
29 Nov, 20:19
29 Nov, 18:44
23 Oct, 12:15
21 Oct, 19:07
18 Oct, 16:31
14 Oct, 15:51
14 Oct, 15:47
12 Oct, 14:13