Rásmiy betlerimizge aǵza bolıń:
Are you interested in higher education, science, and innovation in Uzbekistan? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'vazirotfiv'! This channel is dedicated to sharing updates and information from Kongratbay Sharipov, the Minister of higher education, science, and innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Stay informed about the latest developments in the education sector, advancements in science, and innovative projects happening in Uzbekistan. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or simply someone passionate about the future of the country, 'vazirotfiv' is the perfect channel for you. Join now to be part of the conversation and stay connected with the Minister and his team as they work towards a brighter future for Uzbekistan!
28 Jan, 19:31
28 Jan, 19:03
28 Dec, 13:45
08 Dec, 08:49
07 Dec, 15:21
07 Dec, 13:47
21 Nov, 09:58
31 Oct, 17:29
31 Oct, 16:37
28 Oct, 16:38
28 Oct, 15:30
24 Oct, 07:57