🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng) @imckremsuz Channel on Telegram

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)


🌐 QS ranking ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

International Double Degree Faculty of Tashkent State University of Economics with IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems



🌐 QS ranking ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (English)

Looking to pursue a double degree in an international setting? Look no further than the QS ranking ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ channel! This channel provides information on the International Double Degree Faculty of Tashkent State University of Economics with IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems. By joining this channel, you will stay up to date on the latest news and updates regarding this exciting opportunity for students in Uzbekistan. Interested in taking your education to the next level? The double degree program offered by Tashkent State University of Economics and IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems provides students with a unique opportunity to earn two degrees from prestigious institutions. Through this program, students can gain valuable international experience, expand their knowledge, and enhance their career prospects. For more information on this exciting program, visit www.imctashkent.uz. If you have any questions or would like to speak with a representative, feel free to contact the provided numbers: +998943670440, +998943870440, +998943970440. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to further your education and expand your horizons. Join the QS ranking ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ channel today!

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

01 Nov, 11:08

🏢 🏛 Diploma Defense Update!

Our talented students in Export-Oriented Management and Tourism and Leisure Management have presented their final projects, showcasing innovative strategies and practical solutions for real-world industry challenges. The defense panels have been led by Prof. Dr. Roger Hage, Head of the Institute for Global Impact and Transformation; MA Chen Yang, Programme Director for Transnational Programmes; along with Dean Durdona Uktamova and esteemed faculty members. This milestone has marked their readiness for impactful careers on the global stage! 🌍📊

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

31 Oct, 13:14

🏢 🏛 We are honored to welcome two distinguished experts from IMC Krems, Austria, to Tashkent State University of Economics!
🇦🇹 Prof. Dr. Roger Hage, Head of the Institute for Global Impact and Transformation, and MA Chen Yang, Programme Director for Transnational Programmes, will first assess our graduating business and tourism students through their BA exams. 🎓

Following the exams, they will lead insightful sessions: Prof. Hage on Computational Thinking and Chen Yang on Qualitative Research Methods. Their expertise and global perspectives will inspire and empower our students for future success! 🌍📈

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

31 Oct, 04:26

🎗Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi huzuridagi Talaba va o‘quvchilarning ijtimoiy faolligini oshirish markazi “Eng faol yil talabasi” tanlovini eʼlon qiladi. Shu munosabat bilan Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti talalabalarini ushbu ko’rik tanlovda faol ishtirok etishga taklif qilamiz.

📑Xujjatlar 2024-yilning 6-noyabrigacha Yoshlar masalalari va ma'naviy-ma'rifiy ishlar boʻyicha dekan muovinlariga topshiriladi. Tanlov nominatsiyalari bo‘yicha birinchi universitet bosqichida 1-2-3 - o‘rinlarni egallagan g‘oliblar universitetning faxriy yorlig‘i va tegishli ravishda bazaviy hisoblash miqdorining 8, 6 va 4 barobari miqdorida pul mukofoti bilan taqdirlanadi.

🔺 Batafsil

📌 “Yil talabasi” tanlovi nizomi

📤Murojaat uchun:

+998 933507811
+998 505781121

🚀 Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti rasmiy telegram kanali: @tsueuzofficial

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

29 Oct, 18:59

🟦🟦🟦 🟦🟦

Kitob mening do’stim tanlovini qarshi oling !

✔️Kitobxonlik tanlovi 3 ta shart asosida o‘tkaziladi:

1-shartda ishtirokchilar o‘rtasida 30 ta savoldan iborat test o‘tkaziladi;

2-shartda ishtirokchi tomonidan “Men yoqtirgan asar” nomi ostida o‘zi sevib o‘qigan asar bo‘yicha qisqacha ma’lumotlar beriladi;

3-shartda ishtirokchi tomonidan kitobxonlik va mutolaa madaniyatini targ‘ib etish bo’yicha taqdimot qilinadi.

⚡️Tanlov yakunida g’olib ishtirokchilarga qimmatbaho sovg’alar taqdim etiladi, respublika bosqichidagi g’oliblarga:

1- o‘rin - 8 000 000 so‘m;
2- o‘rin - 6 000 000 so‘m;
3- o‘rin - 5 000 000 so‘m;
4- o‘rin - 3 000 000 so‘m;
5- o‘rin - 2 000 000 so‘m miqdorda pul mukofotlari beriladi.

📌 Tanlov ertaga 14:00 da TDIU asosiy kampus zakovat zalida o’tkaziladi.

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

29 Oct, 07:54

🔺 Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universitetida IMC Krems qo‘shma ta’lim dasturi talabalari uchun Turizmni Anglash kursi bo‘yicha dars berayotgan professor Markus Eitle (Avstriya) universitet va ta’lim jarayoni bo‘yicha fikrlari bilan o‘rtoqlashdi.


🔺 Professor Markus Eitle (Austria), who teaches the course on Understanding Tourism for students of the IMC Krems joint education program at Tashkent State University of Economics, shared his thoughts on the university and the learning process.


🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

29 Oct, 05:28

‼️Universitetimizda “Milliy libos – millat qiyofasi, milliy iftixor ifodasi” deb nomlangan fakultetlararo koʻrik-tanlov boʻlib oʻtadi.

✔️Tanlovda ishtirok etishni istagan barchani joriy yilning 7-noyabr kuni soat 14:00 Madaniyat saroyida kutib qolamiz!

👦Batafsil ma’lumot uchun fakultet talaba qizlar koordinatorlariga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin.

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

27 Oct, 09:05

#saylov_2024 🟦🟦

Yurtimizda muhim siyosiy jarayon: O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlis Qonunchilik palatasi va mahalliy Kengashlar deputatligiga saylovida universitet jamoasi ham o‘z fuqarolik burchlarini ado etib, munosib deb bilgan nomzodlariga ovoz bermoqda.

🚀 Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti rasmiy telegram kanali: @tsueuzofficial

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

27 Oct, 03:20


Bugun, 27-oktabr kuni mamalakatimizda yirik siyosiy jarayon — Oliy Majlis Qonunchilik palatasi va mahalliy Kengashlar deputatlari saylovlari boʻlib oʻtmoqda.

🚀 Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti rasmiy telegram kanali: @tsueuzofficial

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

22 Oct, 17:46

🪄 Today at our university, we celebrated National Dresses Day! where our guests were First Vice-Rector for work with youth and spiritual and educational affairs:
Karimova Kamila Daniyarovna and Deputy Dean of IMC Krems Uktamova Durdona.

🥰Our beautiful girls presented themselves in national outfits, which were the theme of today's event. Our distinguished guests shared their advice to our future specialists in their profession, as well as gave motivation and kept secret with our lovely ladies.

The event was filled with vibrant colors, culture, and meaningful conversations.Our students left feeling empowered and motivated! ⚡️

#NationalDressesDay #Inspiration #StudentLife #CulturalHeritage #Empowerment

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

21 Oct, 03:38


Qadrli yurtdoshlar!

💐 Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti jamoasi barcha yurtdoshlarimizni O‘zbek tiliga davlat tili maqomi berilganining 35 yilligi hamda 21-oktabr – O‘zbek tili bayrami kuni bilan chin dildan tabriklaydi!

Ona tilim — onajonim tili bu,
Beshikdanoq singgan jon-u quloqqa.
El-u yurtim, xonumonim tili bu,
Qadimlikdan o‘xshar ona tuproqqa.

🚀 Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

20 Oct, 05:52

⚽️ What a thrilling football match today between the IMC Krems and LSE faculties! 🔥

The game was neck-and-neck, finishing with a 4:4 draw after some incredible plays from both teams. The excitement didn’t end there as the match headed into a penalty series. 🏛 IMC Krems managed to secure the win with a 2:1 score in the penalties! 🎉

👏 Huge congrats to IMC Krems for their victory, and big respect to LSE for putting up an amazing fight. It was a great display of sportsmanship and team spirit from both sides!

#FootballMatch #IMCKrems #LSE #UniversityLife #TeamSpirit

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

18 Oct, 17:58


Ertaga shanba kuni TDIU Yoshlar ittifoqi qoshidagi klublar hamda fakultetlar tomonidan tashkil etiladigan tadbirlar ro’yxati:

🌐Travel club va TSUE International: 05:00da Samarqandga sayohat;

🏛 Imc Krems: 10:30da LSE bilan o’rtoqlik o’yini;

📣Bank ishi fakulteti: 10:00da Quiz o’yini;

🏆Sport club va TSUE records book: 11:00da sport musobaqalarida rekordchilarni aniqlash;

📚Book club: 11:00da “Kahoot” o’yini;

🎙Students’ Union: 11:00da "Что? Где? Когда?”;

🛍Buxgalteriya hisobi fakulteti jamoasi: 11:00da “reading club”;

🏛 Imc Krems, Pendidikan hamda PDU qo’shma ta’lim dasturlari: 13:00da qo’shma ta’lim fakultetlari o’rtasida quiz bahsi;

💬Speaking club va Iqtisodiyot fakulteti: 17:00da “English quiz” tadbiri;

🔥Kechki ta’lim fakulteti: 20:00da madaniy hordiq.

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

18 Oct, 17:50

IMC Krems 1-year Students Shine at the "Bilimlar Estafetasi" Project!🎓🏛

IMC Krems students recently participated in the "Bilimlar Estafetasi" project at “Adiblar Xiyoboni”, diving into a day full of creativity, learning, and cultural exchange. Through engaging activities and teamwork, the event fostered collaboration and sparked new ideas, making it an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

A great example of how knowledge and culture come together to inspire! 🌟

#BilimlarEstafetasi #IMCKrems #AdiblarBogi #CulturalExchange #CollaborativeLearning

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

17 Oct, 15:39

Dear 1st year students,
Please find attached the timetable for Friday.
We kindly ask everyone to be on time, present and active during the classes.

P.S. Please check the room number and class time carefully.

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

17 Oct, 12:49

Your Vote, Your Future!

Uzbekistan's Parliamentary elections are on October 27th.📆

Make your voice heard and choose the leaders who will shape our future. 🇺🇿

Don't miss this chance to make a difference.🔔

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

16 Oct, 17:01

📢 Exciting Football Match Announcement! ⚽️

We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting football match between IMC Krems and the International School of Economics and Finance (ISEF)! This friendly competition promises to be an exhilarating display of teamwork and sportsmanship as the two international faculties face off.

🗓Date: Saturday, 19th October
Time: 10:30 AM
📍 Location: TSUE Mini Football Stadium

Come cheer on your favorite team, enjoy the energy, and connect with fellow students from both faculties. Let’s make it a day to remember! 🙌

#FootballMatch #IMCKrems #ISEF #MiniFootballStadium #StudentLife

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

16 Oct, 15:04

Dear 1st year students,
Please find attached the timetable for Thursday.
We kindly ask everyone to be on time, present and active during the classes.

P.S. Please check the room number and class time carefully.

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

16 Oct, 14:56

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng) pinned «»

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

16 Oct, 13:27

We have prepared a list of free platforms where you can take courses in business and beyond. These resources will help you deepen your knowledge in international business and other relevant fields.

Khan Academy
A free educational platform offering a wide range of courses in business, economics, and management. Lessons cover topics like economics fundamentals, international business principles, and more.
Website: khanacademy.org

Coursera (Free Courses)
On Coursera, you can find free courses from universities and educational institutions on international business. Some courses provide free access to lectures, without the need for a certificate.
Website: coursera.org

MIT OpenCourseWare
MIT OpenCourseWare provides access to materials and lectures on various topics, including international business, economics, and strategic management. This resource is completely free.
Website: ocw.mit.edu

Udemy (Free Courses)
Udemy offers many free and paid courses on various aspects of business, marketing, and management. Some courses are available for free, depending on the topic.
Website: udemy.com

edX (Free Courses)
Similar to Coursera, edX offers courses on international business that are available for free. You can also find courses from top universities, like Harvard or MIT.
Website: edx.org

These platforms will give you access to high-quality educational materials and courses that will enhance your knowledge and skills in international business and beyond.

🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

16 Oct, 12:28


TDIUda “Ma’rifat elchisi” loyihasiga start berildi!

Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universitetida “Ma’rifat elchisi” loyihasi start oldi. Shu munosabati bilan IMC Krems xalqaro qo'shma ta'lim fakulteti dekan va uning o’rinbosarlari talabalarga kitob ulashish marofinida ishtirok etishdi.

⚡️Tadbir qizg’in jarayonlar bilan davom etmoqda. Siz ham ushbu loyiha mobaynida faollik ko’rsatib “Ma’rifat elchisi” sertifikatini qo’lga kiriting!