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Abu Taymīyyah al athari Telegram-Beiträge

Abu Taymīyyah al athari
Student of Ustādh Abdul Rahman Hassan

فالرأي ليل و الحديث نهار
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Zuletzt aktualisiert 06.03.2025 17:18

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Der neueste Inhalt, der von Abu Taymīyyah al athari auf Telegram geteilt wurde.

Abu Taymīyyah al athari

17 Nov, 08:33


Life doesn't always go the way we plan. We might face rejection after applying for a job, experience a sudden change in our plans, or see a close friendship drift apart. In those moments, it's easy to feel disappointed or even heartbroken. But have we ever thought that perhaps these setbacks are actually for our own good?

In the Qur'an, Allah reminds us,
*"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you do not know."* (2:216)

This verse reassures us that Allah's wisdom is far greater than ours. What seems like a loss today could be a blessing in disguise. When a door closes on something we deeply desire, it's natural to feel sad. But let's not get stuck staring at that closed door. Instead, let's take a moment to look around.

Often, when Allah takes something away, He is preparing us for something better, something that we might not have even imagined. So, if you're feeling down about a missed opportunity or a lost chance, remember that Allah knows what's best for you. He might be protecting you from something harmful or guiding you towards something far greater. Trust that He has a plan, even if you can't see it right now. Take a deep breath, lift your eyes from that closed door, and trust that new ones are opening—ones that will lead you to something beautiful, something that's meant just for you.
Abu Taymīyyah al athari

14 Nov, 18:13


‏مما أخذناه عن مشايخنا أجمعين وننقله لغيرنا :
كن مع الحق : تعتقد عقيدة أهل السنة ،وتتمسك بأصول السنة وأهلها ، سائرا على نهج السلف ، وناشرا للعلم النافع ، وداعيا إلى ذلك بحسب علمك وقدرتك ، ومظهرا ذلك بعلم وحكمة ، وحريصا على جمع الكلمة ، ومجتنبا للظلم كله ، ثم لا تلتفت لعدد من يوافقك أو يخالفك ، ولا لمن يُخذِّلك ، ولا لشتم وتعليقات من يخالفك ، واثبت حتى تلقى الله وأنت على ذلك .
Abu Taymīyyah al athari

13 Nov, 13:46


{ وَيَسْتَحْيُونَ نِسَاءَكُمْ } (البقرة: ٤٩)
وَيَسْتَحْيُونَ: أي يتركونهن على قيد الحياة.

تفسير الطبري ٤٦/٢
Abu Taymīyyah al athari

11 Nov, 13:27


Watching movies that has magic and sorceries or witchcraft is totally prohibited in Islam

The likes of Harryy potter,Merlin etc

These movies will affect your Tawheed!
Abu Taymīyyah al athari

03 Sep, 18:42


Oh Allah purify our hearts Aameen
Abu Taymīyyah al athari

01 Sep, 20:45

Abu Taymīyyah al athari

01 Sep, 12:35


من عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة:

عدم تكفير المسلم بالذنوب والمعاصى ما لم يستحلها.
مثال: رجل يشرب الخمر
فلا نقول إنه كافر لأنه يشرب الخمر حتى لو أصر على شربها.
لكن إن استحل الخمر فقال إنها حلال فهو كافر حتى وإن لم يشربها.
Abu Taymīyyah al athari

26 Aug, 14:46


Oh youth Say away from Porn and masturbation it's kills the soul
Abu Taymīyyah al athari

20 Aug, 10:25


Shaykh, Ali Nasir al-Faqeehi, has passed away today

He was a former teacher at the Islamic University of Madinah

Had been teaching in al-Masjid an-Nabawi.

May Allah forgive him and grant him the highest rank in Jannah Aameeen
Abu Taymīyyah al athari

07 Aug, 07:03


Waking up lazy and disheartened? The Prophet ﷺ gives a reason why:

“When you sleep, Shaytān ties 3 knots on the back of your head

While tying each knot, he says: The night ahead of you is long, so sleep

But if you wake up and remember Allāh [in Dhikr], a knot is unravelled
And if you do Wudū’, a second knot is unravelled

And if you pray, all the knots would become unravelled

You would wake up energetic and of a kind spirit, otherwise you would wake up spiteful and lazy”

Narrated by al-Bukhārī & Muslim