Welcome to the 'Труха⚡️Умань' Telegram channel! This channel is your go-to source for up-to-date news and information about Uman. Stay informed about the latest developments, events, and important announcements in the city. If you have any questions or would like to send content for publication, feel free to reach out to the admins at @dev_scalimo and @covervid. Connect with other users and share the channel link with your friends: https://t.me/truxauman. Looking to boost your own channel? Check out https://t.me/boost/truxauman. Join 'Труха⚡️Умань' today and never miss a beat in Uman!
05 Feb, 14:03
04 Feb, 12:34
03 Feb, 17:15
28 Jan, 13:03
28 Jan, 09:29
28 Jan, 09:05
28 Jan, 02:26
28 Jan, 00:43
27 Jan, 20:22
27 Jan, 19:38
27 Jan, 13:31
27 Jan, 10:56
11 Jan, 20:17
11 Jan, 06:55
10 Jan, 13:34
09 Jan, 19:01
09 Jan, 07:37
06 Jan, 22:48
06 Jan, 13:53
05 Jan, 16:48
04 Jan, 14:08
30 Nov, 14:54
29 Nov, 20:54
28 Nov, 17:32
27 Nov, 14:12
26 Nov, 17:23
26 Nov, 16:41
26 Nov, 14:52
26 Nov, 12:15
24 Nov, 20:35
24 Nov, 14:03
23 Nov, 00:40
23 Nov, 00:39
21 Nov, 14:38
20 Nov, 23:09
20 Nov, 16:38
19 Nov, 15:04
18 Nov, 20:02
18 Nov, 19:10
18 Nov, 18:11
17 Nov, 19:14
15 Nov, 22:31
14 Nov, 16:30
14 Nov, 14:21
13 Nov, 21:20
12 Nov, 20:26
09 Nov, 14:03
01 Nov, 15:30
31 Oct, 17:13
30 Oct, 20:46
28 Oct, 12:21
28 Oct, 12:20
27 Oct, 10:49
27 Oct, 00:47
25 Oct, 17:22
24 Oct, 09:29
23 Oct, 18:28
23 Oct, 12:10
22 Oct, 15:53
22 Oct, 14:04
22 Oct, 13:20
21 Oct, 13:48
21 Oct, 13:47
21 Oct, 08:54
20 Oct, 17:16
19 Oct, 18:33
19 Oct, 14:24
19 Oct, 10:32