Teacher Ismigul @teacher_ismigul Channel on Telegram

Teacher Ismigul


IELTS 8.0 (R 9.0 L 8.5)
It is not all in vain!
For requests @Ismigul_Isaboyeva

Teacher Ismigul (English)

Are you looking to improve your English skills and ace the IELTS exam? Look no further than Teacher Ismigul! This Telegram channel, managed by @Ismigul_Isaboyeva, is dedicated to helping individuals achieve a high score of 8.0 in IELTS, with a focus on Reading (9.0) and Listening (8.5). Whether you are a student looking to study abroad, a professional aiming to enhance your career opportunities, or simply someone looking to improve their English language skills, Teacher Ismigul is here to guide you every step of the way. With personalized study plans, practice materials, tips, and tricks, this channel is your one-stop destination for all things IELTS. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to reach your language learning goals! For advertising inquiries, please contact @rek_channl.

Teacher Ismigul

04 Dec, 20:39

Usha gap.

Teacher Ismigul

04 Dec, 20:31

Magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding!!!


Teacher Ismigul

04 Dec, 12:42

Hahaha road is almost invizbl

Teacher Ismigul

02 Dec, 18:53


Hehe for real tho

Teacher Ismigul

02 Dec, 14:34

What is your funniest memory about school ?

Teacher Ismigul

02 Dec, 06:52

It is winter but nature is screaming differently 🍃🍂

Can you send some photos of how nature is in your area ?

Teacher Ismigul

01 Dec, 15:52


Ahahah 💯

Teacher Ismigul

01 Dec, 12:40


Yuqoridagi sòzlarning audio varianti

Britanchasi "Schudnt"midi yo "shudnt" midi?😅


Teacher Ismigul

01 Dec, 10:32

Nechchi bahoga topdingiz quizlarni ?

Teacher Ismigul

01 Dec, 09:50

I don't want a lot for Christmas❄️

Can you send your favourite music about winter ?

Teacher Ismigul

01 Dec, 06:11

Pre - intermediate darajadagi òquvchilar uchun IELTS reading ga tayyorlanishda fundament bòlafigan kitob.

Read, learn vocabulary and enjoy :)

More? - 🔥

Teacher Ismigul

30 Nov, 19:01

Walking in a winter wonderland.

Dekabrga nimalarni rejalashtiryapsiz ?


Teacher Ismigul

30 Nov, 14:43


Videoni òzim edit qildim😂

📽Siz bu trendni qaysi ustozingiz bilan olgan bòlardingiz ?

Btw, videodan meni topa oldingizmi?


Teacher Ismigul

16 Nov, 16:04


💬Gen Z phrases like "slay" and "tea" are officially vintage ...

🔵Gen Alpha phrases are taking over.

P.S. Karl, sen ingliz tilini organguningcha butun boshli luģat yangilanib ketyapti ...

Teacher Ismigul

16 Nov, 03:18


Ertalabda ketadi-yu😁

Teacher Ismigul

14 Nov, 18:59

Men misol uchun futbol kormadim.

Teacher Ismigul

14 Nov, 18:53

Voice chatga kirmaganlarga ikki oģiz sòzingiz 🎤

Teacher Ismigul

13 Nov, 19:22

What are your favourite 3 films that you can recommend me ?

Teacher Ismigul

12 Nov, 17:24


🔥Bugun eshitgan eng quvonchli xabarim!

❗️Dilnoza offline guruhimda òqigan edilar.

🔠2️⃣ òzlariga òqishga kirish uchun yetarli ballni qòlga kiritishibdi!

Kelgusida òqishlariga omad🕊

Teacher Ismigul

12 Nov, 12:04

CEFR natijalari chiqqanlar bormi ? 😁

Teacher Ismigul

11 Nov, 17:34


Difference between the and the

➡️The (z)
- the dog
- the phone
- the university

- the elephant
- the ice cream
- the apple


Teacher Ismigul

04 Nov, 17:44

Voice chat qilelikmi ?

Teacher Ismigul

04 Nov, 17:42

Who is here?

Teacher Ismigul

04 Nov, 17:28

Men hozir jiyanim , ukam bilanman .

Ukam : Sen qizbolasan🖕

Jiyanim : Men muushikman😎 (mujikman)


Teacher Ismigul

04 Nov, 17:20

Hey 👋
What are you doing guys ?

Teacher Ismigul

02 Nov, 15:16

#Vocabulary by Teacher Ismigul

How to use "To be grateful"

Leave your examples in the comments


Teacher Ismigul

29 Oct, 14:12


📊Poll natijalariga kòra kòpchilik reading va grammar ni tanlabdi.

✍️ Uzoq tanaffusdan sòng biroz qizishib olish uchun keling avval grammatikadan dars òtib beraman.

❗️Kommentariyada òzingizga qiyin bòlgan yoki siz òrganishni xohlaydigan grammar mavzuni qoldiring😄

Teacher Ismigul

27 Oct, 12:41

Seems like we gotta get used to it👾

Teacher Ismigul

25 Oct, 11:34

What about " success" ?

Teacher Ismigul

25 Oct, 07:47

How do you pronounce " failure " ?

Teacher Ismigul

15 Oct, 08:19

Be like Bob

Teacher Ismigul

13 Oct, 13:12

Who is here ?

Teacher Ismigul

10 Oct, 09:47

Heyyyy guys👋
Another masterpiece by me😁. Check it out.

Teacher Ismigul

10 Oct, 09:46

🦋The Greedy man
                Anjandev Roy

In the dark and silent night....

Teacher Ismigul

19 Sep, 19:22

🤍All or Nothing
                        By Lang Dev

This poem just hits differents....

Teacher Ismigul

21 Aug, 06:23

#Speaking 7.0

Teacher: ISMIGUL

@SpeakUp_uz 🔥

Teacher Ismigul

08 Jul, 01:40

Teacher thank you. Reading kursizda qatnashgan edim CEFR da C1 chiqdi Reading qismi

Teacher Ismigul

30 Jun, 10:58

Hi guys

Men yozilgan 100 lab òqilmagan xabarlar bor edi, toģrisi hammasiga ham javob berishga vaqt bòlmagan.

Xabarlarni hammasini òqilgan deb belgilash bosilib ketibdi. Agar menga yozgan xabarlaringiz òqilgancha qolib ketgan bòlsa, xafa bòlmang.

Teacher Ismigul

06 Jun, 17:24

What's up dears

I'm alive 😅

Now, I'm thinking, should I run the channel ?

👍 If yes, what should I post ?


Teacher Ismigul

12 Mar, 00:21


🔥Reading 37 dan 51 ga oshgan
🔥Ya'ni A2 dan B2 ga

P.S. Sevinch 1 oylik reading kursimda òqidilar. Hard - work lari sababli qisqa muddat ichida shunday natijaga etishdilar.

Kelgusida òqishlariga omad🕊

Teacher Ismigul

14 Feb, 18:22

Really cool topic for a speaking debate hahhaha

Teacher Ismigul

10 Feb, 16:07


Bu Saparboy. U doim darsga kechikadi. Dars tugaganidan keyin eee hali vaqt bor-ku deb Instagramda òtiradi. Keyin òrtoqlari bilan valaqlashadi.
Darsi boshlanishiga bir soat qolganida esa tayyorlanishni boshlaydi.

Saparboyga òxshagan bòlmang :)

Teacher Ismigul

06 Feb, 03:17


One of the things I hate is when people send me only "hi" , "hello", "Assalomu alaykum" and nothing else !!!!😒

Texting someone appropriately is also a part good manners. Some people should learn it.

❗️Simple steps to follow.
- Hi /Assalomu alaykum
- How are you? / Yaxshimisiz?
- Sorry to bother you, but i want to ask falon piston. ...