TARTARIA - BRITANNICA (the truth) @tartariathetruth Channel on Telegram



Where myth meets history — Tartaria, the Old World, and other historically engaging topics. All welcome.

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Welcome to TARTARIA - BRITANNICA, a Telegram channel where myth meets history. If you have ever been fascinated by Tartaria, the Old World, or other historically engaging topics, then this is the perfect place for you. The channel, with the username @tartariathetruth, offers a platform for discussions, debates, and discoveries surrounding these intriguing subjects.

TARTARIA - BRITANNICA delves into the mysteries of the past, exploring connections between myth and historical facts. The channel welcomes anyone with an interest in unraveling the secrets of ancient civilizations and uncovering hidden truths.

With a focus on Tartaria and the Old World, TARTARIA - BRITANNICA provides a space for like-minded individuals to come together and explore these rich topics in depth. Whether you are a history buff, a mythology enthusiast, or simply curious about the past, you are sure to find something of interest on this channel.

Join us on this fascinating journey as we delve into the realms of Tartaria, the Old World, and beyond. Discover new perspectives, engage in stimulating conversations, and broaden your knowledge of history and myth. Visit our website at www.tartariabritannica.com to explore further resources and connect with a community of fellow truth-seekers.

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22 Jan, 17:58

🇪🇸 La Energía Orgónica

En 1900, un hombre llamado Wilhelm Reich inventó una forma de curar miles de enfermedades con unas pocas sesiones de 15 minutos sentado en la caja que se muestra arriba.

La 'caja' es un acumulador de orgón especialmente diseñado que concentra la energía orgón o energía vital Chi/Prana.

Los pacientes se sentaban dentro del acumulador y absorbían energía orgónica a través de la piel y los pulmones, lo que conducía a una curación inmensa.

La FDA prohibió los inventos de Wilhelm y lo condenó a prisión, donde murió en 1957.

🇬🇧 The Orgone Energy

In 1900, a man named Wilhelm Reich invented a way to cure thousands of diseases with a few 15-minute sessions sitting on the box shown above.

The 'box' is a specially designed orgone accumulator that concentrates the orgone energy or vital Chi/Prana energy.

The patients sat inside the accumulator and absorbed orgone energy through the skin and lungs, which led to immense healing.

The FDA banned Wilhelm's inventions and sentenced him to prison, where he died in 1957.

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22 Jan, 16:24

🇮🇹 Bicicletta da combattimento "Columbia Model 40" con mitragliatrice Colt-Browning M1895. U.S.A. La fine del 19° secolo.

🇦🇺 Columbia Model 40' combat bike with Colt-Browning M1895 machine gun. U.S.A. The end of the 19th century.

🇧🇷 Bicicleta de combate Columbia Model 40' com metralhadora Colt-Browning M1895. EUA No final do século 19.

🇫🇷 Vélo de combat "Columbia Model 40" avec mitrailleuse Colt-Browning M1895. États-Unis. Fin du 19e siècle.










22 Jan, 11:40

🇮🇹 Una bottiglia di profumo così insolita, 1880-1890.

🇦🇺 Such an unusual perfume bottle, 1880-1890.

🇧🇷 Um frasco de perfume muito incomum, de 1880 a 1890.

🇫🇷 Un flacon de parfum très original, 1880-1890.










22 Jan, 11:39

🇮🇹 Mornasse è un piccolo e pittoresco comune nel dipartimento della Vaucluse, nel sud della Francia, situato tra le città di Avignone e Orange. Il luogo è famoso per la sua ricca storia, l'atmosfera medievale e l'imponente fortezza arroccata su una scogliera .
La fortezza si trova in cima ad una scogliera a strapiombo alta circa 137 metri. Questo luogo aveva un'importanza strategica, poiché in passato la fortezza controllava una delle più importanti vie commerciali e militari.
Le prime fortificazioni su questo sito apparvero in epoca gallo-romana, ma la fortezza stessa fu costruita nel XII secolo, quando Vaucluse era sotto l'influenza dei Conti di Tolosa.
Nel XX secolo iniziò un restauro su larga scala della fortezza, grazie alla quale acquisì l'aspetto attuale.

🇦🇺 Mornasse is a small, picturesque commune in the Vaucluse department in southern France, located between the cities of Avignon and Orange. The place is famous for its rich history, medieval atmosphere and imposing fortress perched on a cliff.
The fortress sits atop a sheer cliff some 137 metres high. This place was of strategic importance, as in the past the fortress controlled one of the most important trade and military routes.
The first fortifications on this site appeared in Gallo-Roman times, but the fortress itself was built in the 12th century, when Vaucluse was under the influence of the Counts of Toulouse.
A large-scale restoration of the fortress began in the 20th century, thanks to which it acquired its current appearance.

🇧🇷 Mornasse é uma pequena e pitoresca comuna no departamento de Vaucluse, no sul da França, localizada entre as cidades de Avignon e Orange. O local é famoso por sua rica história, atmosfera medieval e imponente fortaleza empoleirada em um penhasco.
A fortaleza fica no topo de um penhasco de 137 metros de altura. Esse local era de importância estratégica, pois no passado a fortaleza controlava uma das rotas comerciais e militares mais importantes.
As primeiras fortificações nesse local surgiram na época galo-romana, mas a fortaleza propriamente dita foi construída no século XII, quando Vaucluse estava sob a influência dos Condes de Toulouse.
Uma restauração em grande escala da fortaleza começou no século XX, graças à qual ela adquiriu sua aparência atual.

🇫🇷 Mornasse est une petite commune pittoresque du département du Vaucluse, dans le sud de la France, située entre les villes d'Avignon et d'Orange. Le lieu est célèbre pour sa riche histoire, son atmosphère médiévale et son imposante forteresse perchée sur une falaise.
La forteresse se trouve au sommet d'une falaise abrupte de 137 mètres de haut. Cet endroit était d'une importance stratégique, car la forteresse contrôlait autrefois l'une des routes commerciales et militaires les plus importantes.
Les premières fortifications sur ce site sont apparues à l'époque gallo-romaine, mais la forteresse elle-même a été construite au XIIe siècle, lorsque le Vaucluse était sous l'influence des comtes de Toulouse.
Une vaste restauration de la forteresse a été entreprise au XXe siècle, grâce à laquelle elle a acquis son aspect actuel.










22 Jan, 11:39

🇮🇹 Com'erano le persone 5000 anni fa? Cosa stavano pensando? Come ti sei sentito?

Guarda questo manufatto, semplice nella sua esecuzione e incredibilmente difficile da percepire. Dai un'occhiata e guarda tu stesso!

Egitto, cultura Naqada, 3500-3100. a.C.

🇦🇺 What were people like 5000 years ago? What were they thinking? How did you feel?

Look at this artefact, simple in its execution and incredibly difficult to perceive. Take a look and see for yourself!

Egypt, Naqada culture, 3500-3100. B.C.

🇧🇷 Como eram as pessoas há 5.000 anos? O que elas estavam pensando? Como você se sentia?

Veja este artefato, simples em sua execução e incrivelmente difícil de perceber. Dê uma olhada e veja por si mesmo!

Egito, cultura Naqada, 3500-3100 a.C.

🇫🇷 À quoi ressemblaient les gens il y a 5 000 ans ? À quoi pensaient-ils ? Comment vous sentiez-vous ?

Regardez cet artefact, simple dans son exécution et incroyablement difficile à percevoir. Jetez-y un coup d'œil et voyez par vous-même !

Égypte, culture Naqada, 3500-3100 avant J.-C.










22 Jan, 09:58

🇪🇸 Cripta de San Magno, Anagni (Italia)

La civilización anterior pensaba de forma muy diferente a la nuestra. Construían belleza. Todo lo contrario a la nuestra, donde el brutalismo impera.

🇬🇧 Crypt of San Magno, Anagni (Italy)

The previous civilization thought very differently from ours. They built beauty. Quite the opposite to ours, where brutalism reigns.

Grazie Elena Bossi

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22 Jan, 08:05

🇮🇹 Ecco come bisogna essere! Bisogna essere come l’acqua. Niente ostacoli – essa scorre. Trova una diga, allora si ferma. La diga si spezza, scorre di nuovo. In un recipiente quadrato, è quadrata. In uno tondo, è rotonda. Ecco perché è più indispensabile di ogni altra cosa. Niente esiste al mondo più adattabile dell’acqua. E tuttavia quando cade sul suolo, persistendo, niente può essere più forte di lei.

(Lao Tzu)

Buongiorno anime belle 💦

🇦🇺 This is how one must be! You have to be like water. No obstacles - it flows. It finds a dam, then it stops. The dam breaks, it flows again. In a square vessel, it is square. In a round one, it is round. That is why it is more indispensable than anything else. Nothing in the world is more adaptable than water. And yet when it falls to the ground, persisting, nothing can be stronger than it.

(Lao Tzu)

Good morning beautiful souls 💦

🇧🇷 É assim que se deve ser! Você tem que ser como a água. Sem obstáculos - ela flui. Ela encontra uma represa e então para. A represa se rompe e ela flui novamente. Em um recipiente quadrado, ela é quadrada. Em um redondo, ela é redonda. É por isso que ele é mais indispensável do que qualquer outra coisa. Nada no mundo é mais adaptável do que a água. E, no entanto, quando ela cai no chão, persistindo, nada pode ser mais forte do que ela.

(Lao Tzu)

Bom dia, lindas almas 💦

🇫🇷 C'est ainsi qu'il faut être ! Il faut être comme l'eau. Pas d'obstacles - elle coule. Elle trouve un barrage, puis elle s'arrête. Le barrage se brise, l'eau coule à nouveau. Dans un récipient carré, elle est carrée. Dans un récipient rond, elle est ronde. C'est pourquoi il est plus indispensable que tout autre chose. Rien au monde n'est plus adaptable que l'eau. Et pourtant, lorsqu'elle tombe à terre, en persistant, rien ne peut être plus fort qu'elle.

(Lao Tseu)

Bonjour belles âmes 💦










22 Jan, 04:25

"The Valley of the Shadow of Death"
published September 24, 1808

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22 Jan, 04:14

These rock formations are called “natural”
Wouldn't it rather be the consequences of the work of Giant Excavators in a past that we have "forgotten" ???

To learn more about this fascinating topic, don’t miss our show :
Giant Tree Stumps, Giant Quarries... in our history ? in-depth investigation # 3

Telegram channel : https://t.me/NMHistoire


13 Jan, 16:02


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13 Jan, 15:11



13 Jan, 14:03

Giant Ammonite, Petrified with the Fibonacci spirals. The Perfection in nature.

The Fibonacci sequence is significant because of the golden ratio of 1.618 found everywhere in nature.

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13 Jan, 13:39

🇪🇸 Río Olenek, Siberia oriental (Rusia)

¿Restos de ciudades calcinadas por armas poderosas u obra de la naturaleza?

🇬🇧 Olenek River, East Siberia (Russia)

Remains of cities burned by powerful weapons or work of nature?

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13 Jan, 13:29


"Ci hanno raccontato un sacco di bugie sulla nostra storia, probabilmente la più grande è quella sui benefici per la salute che hanno rimosso dal nostro passato, il passato era basato sui miracoli del RADIO."

Questo è un altro esempio di qualcosa che LORO hanno tolto all'umanità per trarne profitto in altri modi, forse petrolio e gas, insieme al nostro sistema medico. La buona notizia è che sembra proprio che assisteremo a un bel finale di questo film lungo una vita. FATELO.


"We have been told a lot of lies about our history, probably the biggest one is about the health benefits they have removed from our past, the past was based on the miracles of RADIO."

This is another example of something THEY have taken away from humanity to profit in other ways, perhaps oil and gas, along with our medical system. The good news is that it looks like we are going to see a good ending to this lifelong movie. DO IT.


"Contaram-nos muitas mentiras sobre nossa história, provavelmente a maior delas é sobre os benefícios à saúde que eles removeram de nosso passado, o passado era baseado nos milagres do RÁDIO."

Esse é outro exemplo de algo que ELES tiraram da humanidade para lucrar de outras formas, talvez petróleo e gás, juntamente com nosso sistema médico. A boa notícia é que parece que veremos um bom final para esse filme de uma vida inteira. FAÇA ISSO.


"On nous a raconté beaucoup de mensonges sur notre histoire, le plus gros étant probablement celui qui concerne les bienfaits pour la santé qu'ils ont retirés de notre passé, un passé qui reposait sur les miracles de la RADIO.

C'est un autre exemple de ce qu'ILS ont enlevé à l'humanité pour en tirer d'autres profits, peut-être le pétrole et le gaz, ainsi que notre système médical. La bonne nouvelle, c'est qu'il semble que nous allons voir une bonne fin à ce film de toute une vie. FAITES-LE.










13 Jan, 11:10

🇮🇹 Un video del 1921 mostra un braccio protesico che consentiva agli amputati di eseguire compiti semplici. Questa protesi meccanica rappresentava una soluzione innovativa per l’epoca.
Sebbene primitive rispetto alla tecnologia moderna, all’inizio del XX secolo le protesi restituirono alle persone l’uso delle mani e migliorarono la loro vita. Questo è stato un passo importante nello sviluppo della medicina e dell'ingegneria.

🇦🇺 A video from 1921 shows a prosthetic arm that enabled amputees to perform simple tasks. This mechanical prosthesis was an innovative solution at the time.
Although primitive compared to modern technology, in the early 20th century prostheses gave people back the use of their hands and improved their lives. This was an important step in the development of medicine and engineering.

🇧🇷 Um vídeo de 1921 mostra um braço protético que permitia que os amputados realizassem tarefas simples. Essa prótese mecânica foi uma solução inovadora na época.
Embora primitivas em comparação com a tecnologia moderna, no início do século XX as próteses devolveram às pessoas o uso de suas mãos e melhoraram suas vidas. Essa foi uma etapa importante no desenvolvimento da medicina e da engenharia.

🇫🇷 Une vidéo de 1921 montre une prothèse de bras qui permet aux amputés d'effectuer des tâches simples. Cette prothèse mécanique était une solution innovante à l'époque.
Bien que primitives par rapport à la technologie moderne, les prothèses du début du XXe siècle ont redonné aux gens l'usage de leurs mains et ont amélioré leur vie. Il s'agit d'une étape importante dans le développement de la médecine et de l'ingénierie.










13 Jan, 11:10

🇮🇹 Armatura cerimoniale insolitamente flessibile del re svedese Eric XIV

Realizzato nel 1562

🇦🇺 Unusually flexible ceremonial armour of Swedish King Eric XIV

Made in 1562

🇧🇷 Armadura cerimonial excepcionalmente flexível do rei sueco Eric XIV

Fabricada em 1562

🇫🇷 Armure d'apparat d'une souplesse inhabituelle du roi de Suède Éric XIV

Fabriquée en 1562










13 Jan, 09:48

🇮🇹 C’è una riservatezza che non ti dà nessun altra stagione …. In primavera, estate e autunno le persone vivono una sorta di stagione aperta gli uni accanto agli altri; solo in inverno si possono avere momenti più lunghi e tranquilli in cui gustare l’appartenenza a se stessi.

(Ruth Stout)

Buongiorno anime belle 🌨

🇦🇺 There is a privacy that no other season gives you .... In spring, summer and autumn people live a kind of open season alongside each other; only in winter can you have longer, quieter moments in which to enjoy belonging to yourself.

(Ruth Stout)

Good morning beautiful souls 🌨

🇧🇷 Há uma privacidade que nenhuma outra estação lhe proporciona .... Na primavera, no verão e no outono, as pessoas vivem uma espécie de estação aberta umas com as outras; somente no inverno é possível ter momentos mais longos e tranquilos para desfrutar de pertencer a si mesmo.

(Ruth Stout)

Bom dia, lindas almas 🌨

🇫🇷 Il y a une intimité qu'aucune autre saison ne vous offre .... Au printemps, en été et en automne, les gens vivent une sorte de saison ouverte les uns à côté des autres ; ce n'est qu'en hiver que l'on peut profiter de moments plus longs et plus calmes pour s'appartenir à soi-même.

(Ruth Stout)

Bonjour belles âmes 🌨










13 Jan, 09:42

🇪🇸 La sabiduría ancestral se esconde en nuestro interior

Reinicio tras reinicio, empezamos desde cero intentando recuperar nuestro pasado ancestral.

🇬🇧 Ancient Wisdom hidden within us all

Reset after reset we start from scratch trying to regain our ancient past.



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13 Jan, 09:07

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13 Jan, 07:24

Sounds exactly like the world we are living in now
Society being bombarded by fake news, propaganda and entertainment every moment has been divided and many are kept in the lies and deceit with a veil constantly covering them from the truth

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13 Jan, 01:19



13 Jan, 00:36

🇪🇸 El efecto Allais

El modelo heliocéntrico tiene un pequeño problema con su péndulo de Foucault, que es el estandarte y prueba definitiva de la rotación terrestre.

Allais en 1954 demostró que durante un eclipse, la precesión se revertía. Es decir el efecto Coriolis cambiaba y el péndulo dejaba de dar las horas.

El efecto Allais fué ampliamente estudiado por la ciencia sin encontrar todavía una explicación convincente.

El efecto de las mareas, viento y convención térmica atmosférica, son la consecuencia del movimiento del Sol y Luna, desde el punto de vista local.

Si el Sol está donde dice el oficialismo, las masas oceánicas serían atraídas al punto más cercano al astro rey, y eso no sucede con la magnitud esperada.

Por otra parte, el agua salada es díamagnética, es decir se ve repelida por los campos electromagnéticos del Sol y Luna.

Para más información del efecto Allais 👇🏻


🇬🇧 The Allais effect

The heliocentric model has a small problem with its Foucault pendulum, which is the standard and definitive proof of the Earth's rotation.

Allais in 1954 showed that during an eclipse, the precession was reversed. That is, the Coriolis effect changed and the pendulum stopped ticking the hours.

The Allais effect has been widely studied by science without yet finding a convincing explanation.

The effect of the tides, wind and atmospheric thermal convention, are the consequence of the movement of the Sun and Moon, from the local point of view.

If the Sun is where the officialdom says, the oceanic masses would be attracted to the point closest to the sun, and that does not happen with the expected magnitude.

On the other hand, salt water is daymagnetic, that is, it is repelled by the electromagnetic fields of the Sun and Moon.

For more information about the Allais effect 👇🏻


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12 Jan, 10:07

🇪🇸 Formaciones rocosas y tocones

Los de la izquierda son tocones. Los de la derecha también, pero no están petrificados ni son gigantes.

La verdad siempre es simple. No necesita explicaciones complicadas. Las mentiras sí las necesitan porque no tienen esa simplicidad aplastante que caracteriza a la verdad.

Los que viven del engaño como los magos, los estafadores o los políticos no hacen sino marearnos, despistarnos y dar mil vueltas para que perdamos el foco y les sea más fácil engañarnos.

La verdad no necesita de charlatanería de ningún tipo. Es simple, clara y directa. Sin quizás, sin grises, sin dudas, sin medianías.

Es radical.

La raíz de la palabra Radical es raíz. En la raíz es donde está la verdad. Es la fuente. Por eso la verdad no admite negociación. No tiene necesidad. Y quien no admite la verdad sufre de necedad.

Ante la duda.. 👉🏻 La solución

🇬🇧 Rock formations and stumps

The ones on the left are stumps. The ones on the right too, but they are not petrified and giants.

The truth is always simple. It does not need complicated explanations. Lies do need them because they don't have that overwhelming simplicity that characterizes the truth.

Those who live by deception like magicians, fraudsters or politicians do nothing but make us dizzy, throw us off and spin around a thousand times so that we lose focus and it is easier for them to deceive us.

The truth does not need quackery of any kind. It is simple, clear and direct. Without perhaps, without gray, without doubts, without mediums.

It's radical.

The root of the word radical is root. At the root is where the truth is. It's the fountain. That is why the truth does not admit negotiation. It has no need. And whoever does not admit the truth suffers from foolishness.

In the face of doubt.. 👉🏻 The solution

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12 Jan, 08:54

🇮🇹 Domenica: una lentezza diffusa ci chiama e ogni cosa pare intessuta della sua luce. Il tempo non dà ordini e i secondi e le ore si accucciano ai tuoi piedi increduli di tanta pace.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Buongiorno anime belle 🍃🍂

🇦🇺 Sunday: a diffuse slowness calls to us and everything seems to be woven of its own light. Time gives no orders and the seconds and hours crouch at your feet incredulous of such peace.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Good morning beautiful souls 🍃🍂

🇧🇷 Domingo: uma lentidão difusa nos chama e tudo parece ser tecido com sua própria luz. O tempo não dá ordens e os segundos e as horas se agacham a seus pés, incrédulos com tamanha paz.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bom dia almas lindas 🍃🍂

🇫🇷 Dimanche : une lenteur diffuse nous appelle et tout semble tissé de sa propre lumière. Le temps ne donne pas d'ordres et les secondes et les heures s'accroupissent à nos pieds, incrédules devant une telle paix.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bonjour belles âmes 🍃🍂










12 Jan, 08:35

"There is no death of matter, for throughout the infinite universe, all has to move, to vibrate, that is, to live."

Nikola Tesla

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12 Jan, 07:38

Opportunities to learn should never be ignored, no matter how unrelated they seem to your field.
The knowledge you gain today—however random—might be the life-saver you need tomorrow.
Stay curious, stay open.
You never know when it will matter! When was the last time you did something for the first time ?

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12 Jan, 06:52

Genghis Khan The Great Emperor of Tartaria was a Christian Special issue # 9

“Jengiz Khan was born around 1150 AD in the vicinity of Arzareth, became king of the Tartarians, and began “spreading the Earth like a flood” during a Christian conquest in the 1200s..”

“The Tartars, who around the year 1228, under the command of Zingis Cham, invaded the Earth like a flood, were the successors of the ten tribes of Israel..” America : An Accurate Description Of The New World, 1670

To learn more about this fascinating subject, don’t miss our show :
Genghis Khan The Great Emperor of Tartaria was a Christian Special issue # 9

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12 Jan, 06:25

DNA Suggests 12th Century BC Philistines Came From Europe

A DNA analysis carried out on bones discovered in a Philistine cemetery in Ashkelon, Israel, has revealed clues to the origins of this ancient people. According to research carried out by the Max Planck Institute in Germany, the Philistines, established in present-day Israel as early as the 12th century BC. BC, present traces of European DNA, absent in the local populations of the time.
This discovery confirms an ancient hypothesis: the Philistines were immigrants, probably originating from Southern Europe. The migration could be linked to the collapse of civilizations around the eastern Mediterranean in the 13th century BC. AD
These findings also shed light on the biblical stories, notably that of Goliath, and reveal that the Philistines were far from being barbarians, as their historical stereotype suggests. Precious objects found in their tombs testify to their cultural refinement.

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12 Jan, 05:59

Hollow Earth : Photo of the North Pole Taken by the ESSA 7 Satellite on 11/23/1968

In the early 1970s, ESSA, a project owned by the United States Department of Commerce, provided media access to images of the North Pole taken by the ESSA-7 satellite on November 23, 1968. One of the photographs showed the North Pole covered by the usual clouds; The other showed the same cloudless area, revealing a huge hole where the pole was supposed to be. Little did the ESSA team know that these images would spark the interest of researchers around the world who already suspected anomalies at the North Pole, anomalies that would fuel the search for unidentified flying objects that many believed were deeply linked to the North Pole and the hollow Earth theory..

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12 Jan, 03:41

« If people don't know how to write well, they won't know how to think well, and if they don't know how to think well, others will think for them. » George Orwell

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12 Jan, 00:55

Ancient Wisdom hidden within us all. Reset after reset we start from scratch trying to regain our ancient past.




11 Jan, 23:24

🇪🇸 El valle de las tinajas en Laos

En Xieng Khouang de Laos, en el llamado Valle de las Jarras, se encuentran esparcidos miles de enormes contenedores de piedra.

La mayoría de estas jarras son cilíndricas, pero también las hay de forma ovalada y rectangular. Tienen un diámetro de 0,5 a 3 metros y pueden pesar hasta 6 toneladas.

Su origen sigue siendo un misterio sin resolver para los arqueólogos hasta el día de hoy. En el valle se han descubierto más de 400 yacimientos, con un total de unas 4.000 tinajas.

Las vasijas están hechas de diversos materiales como granito, arenisca, roca y piedra de coral calcificada. Junto a los frascos, los científicos encontraron discos redondos que probablemente servían como tapas.

Los bordes en el cuello de las tinajas indican que originalmente estaban selladas. También se descubrieron dientes, huesos, cuentas de vidrio y fragmentos de piedra, bronce y cerámica dentro y alrededor de los megalitos.

🇬🇧 The Valley of Jars in Laos

Thousands of huge stone containers are scattered in Xieng Khouang, Laos, in the so-called Valley of Jars.

Most of these jars are cylindrical, but there are also oval and rectangular shapes. They range in diameter from 1.5 to 9 ft and can weigh up to 6 tons.

Their origin remains an unsolved mystery for archaeologists to this day. More than 400 sites have now been discovered in the valley, with a total of around 4,000 jars.

The vessels are made of various materials such as granite, sandstone, rock and calcified coral stone. Next to the jars, scientists found round discs that probably served as lids.

The edging on the necks of the jars suggests that they were originally sealed. Teeth, bones, glass beads and fragments of stone, bronze and ceramics were also discovered in and around the megaliths.

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06 Jan, 12:39

🇮🇹 Mappa della Tartaria dall'atlante storico “Atlas Historique, ou Nouvelle Introduction à l'Histoire” 1719 .

Ha una descrizione: “Abbiamo questa mappa grazie agli sforzi del famoso M. Witsen, che l'ha copiata esattamente. Il famoso Muro, lungo 400 leghe, che separa la Tartaria dalla Cina non ha impedito ai Tartari di entrare in Cina, catturarla e dominarvi, come avvenne nel 1645. Da allora, nella Tartaria si sono susseguite numerose autonomie, che non hanno né nome né nome. una posizione esatta .
Queste potenti tribù si trovano in gruppi chiamati Orde. Ci sono vari regni contenuti nella Tartaria e si dice che più di mille anni fa l'arte della stampa fu scoperta nel Regno di Tangat."
Si scopre che esisteva un'Unione delle Repubbliche Tartare e le loro truppe erano chiamate Orde.

🇦🇺 Map of Tartary from the historical atlas 'Atlas Historique, ou Nouvelle Introduction à l'Histoire' 1719 .

It has a description: 'We have this map thanks to the efforts of the famous M. Witsen, who copied it exactly. The famous Wall, 400 leagues long, separating Tartary from China did not prevent the Tartars from entering China, capturing it and dominating it, as they did in 1645. Since then, there have been numerous autonomous tribes in Tartary, which have neither name nor exact location .
These powerful tribes are found in groups called Hordes. There are several kingdoms contained in Tartary and it is said that more than a thousand years ago the art of printing was discovered in the Kingdom of Tangat."
It turns out that there was a Union of Tatar Republics and their troops were called Hordes.

🇧🇷 Mapa da Tartária do atlas histórico "Atlas Historique, ou Nouvelle Introduction à l'Histoire" de 1719.

Ele tem uma descrição: "Temos este mapa graças aos esforços do famoso M. Witsen, que o copiou exatamente. A famosa Muralha, com 400 léguas de comprimento, que separa a Tartária da China, não impediu que os tártaros entrassem na China, a capturassem e a dominassem, como fizeram em 1645. Desde então, existem inúmeras tribos autônomas na Tartária, que não têm nome nem localização exata.
Essas tribos poderosas são encontradas em grupos chamados Hordas. Há vários reinos na Tartária e diz-se que, há mais de mil anos, a arte da impressão foi descoberta no Reino de Tangat."
Acontece que havia uma União de Repúblicas Tártaras e suas tropas eram chamadas de Hordas.

🇫🇷 Carte de la Tartarie tirée de l'atlas historique "Atlas Historique, ou Nouvelle Introduction à l'Histoire" 1719.

Elle est décrite comme suit : "Nous possédons cette carte grâce aux efforts du célèbre M. Witsen, qui l'a copiée exactement. La fameuse muraille de 400 lieues de long qui sépare la Tartarie de la Chine n'a pas empêché les Tartares de pénétrer en Chine, de s'en emparer et de la dominer, comme ils l'ont fait en 1645. Depuis, il existe en Tartarie de nombreuses tribus autonomes, qui n'ont ni nom ni localisation exacte.
Ces puissantes tribus sont regroupées en hordes. La Tartarie compte plusieurs royaumes et l'on dit qu'il y a plus de mille ans, l'art de l'imprimerie a été découvert dans le royaume de Tangat".
Il s'avère qu'il existait une Union des républiques tatares et que leurs troupes étaient appelées Hordes.










06 Jan, 12:08

Strange Marks on the Siberian Ground

Strange things can be seen on the ground of Siberia (territory of Russia, former Tartary) with Google Earth's satellite view, such as these gigantic impact traces extending over nearly 193 square miles between Novosibirsk in the north and the Altai Republic in the south. Something enormous hit the ground in the past and left its imprint, like a claw or gripping hand mark.
But what could have left such marks on the ground and when ? To create such a trace, it would take 5 meteorites grouped together impacting the Earth in the same direction, or a single meteorite splitting into 5 parts just before impact. The statistical possibilities for such an occurrence, I think, are quite low...

To learn more about this fascinating subject, don't miss our show :
What Happened to the Siberian and Chinese Forests 200 Years Ago ?
Special Edition # 7

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06 Jan, 11:59

An Iron Age Celtic Woman Discovered in a Tree Coffin in Switzerland

In Switzerland, archaeologists have uncovered the tomb of a Celtic woman dating back to 200 B.C., buried in a coffin carved from a tree trunk. This exceptional burial, discovered in Zurich in 2017, reveals a woman around 40 years old, dressed sumptuously. She wore a robe and a fine wool shawl, a sheepskin coat, a necklace adorned with glass and amber beads, as well as bronze bracelets and a belt chain.
Analyses show that this woman, probably from the Limmat Valley, lived in the region and led a comfortable life with little physical effort. Her diet, rich in starchy or sweet foods, is also revealed by the study of her teeth.
Nearby, a male tomb from the same period was discovered in 1903. This man, buried with weapons, may have been linked to the woman, suggesting a relationship between these two Celtic individuals.
This discovery illustrates the cultural richness of the Celts of continental Europe, often unknown outside the United Kingdom. It offers a fascinating insight into their funerary practices and craftsmanship, highlighting their refinement and social complexity.

Image : Amt für Städtebau, Urban Development Office of the City of Zurich, City of Zurich

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06 Jan, 11:54

The Haunting Stone Faces of Lepenski Vir : Mysteries of an Ancient Culture

Mysterious sculptures, 8,000 years old, discovered on the banks of the Danube in Serbia, fascinate archaeologists. These anthropomorphic figurines, found at the prehistoric site of Lepenski Vir, feature unique faces with fish-like traits: large round eyes and drooping mouths. Carved from sandstone pebbles, they are considered the oldest sculptures of this size ever discovered.
Lepenski Vir, inhabited more than 12,000 years ago, is often referred to as the "first city of Europe" due to its advanced organization and sedentary life. This site, which combines influences from local hunter-gatherers and farmers from the Near East, is a significant example of the Mesolithic culture of the Iron Gates of the Balkans.
The statuettes might represent river deities or deceased relatives, but their true meaning remains uncertain. Their creation illustrates an early phase of European cultural development, reflecting complex beliefs and practices. For experts, Lepenski Vir is a major archaeological treasure, but the mysteries of its past continue to fuel debates.

Photos : Mickey Mystique/Wikimedia Commons and Alamy

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06 Jan, 11:51

Illustration for Tripvs avrevs.., 1618 by Theodore de Bry 🐉

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06 Jan, 08:13

🇮🇹 I sogni più belli si fanno a occhi aperti e il cuore puntato verso la meraviglia.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Buongiorno anime belle 🍀

🇦🇺 The most beautiful dreams are made with open eyes and the heart pointed towards wonder.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Good morning beautiful souls 🍀

🇧🇷 Os sonhos mais bonitos são realizados com os olhos abertos e o coração voltado para a maravilha.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bom dia almas lindas 🍀

🇫🇷 Les plus beaux rêves se font les yeux ouverts et le cœur tourné vers l'émerveillement.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bonjour belles âmes 🍀










05 Jan, 22:32

🇪🇸 La noche de los cien mil meteoros

La enorme lluvia de meteoritos de 1833 fue probablemente la más espectacular de la Historia reciente. El fenómeno se vio mejor desde el este de América del Norte en las horas previas al amanecer del 13 de noviembre.

Muchas personas, entre ellas el joven Abraham Lincoln, se despertaron y vieron rastros de meteoritos y destellos en el cielo.

Cientos de miles de meteoros brillaron en el cielo, parecía que salían volando de la constelación de Leo.

Esta imagen es un grabado en madera digitalizado que se basa en una pintura creada por un testigo del evento.

Fue una noche de 100.000 meteoros. La Gran Tormenta de Meteoros de 1833 fue quizás el evento de meteoritos más impresionante de la Historia reciente.

🇬🇧 The Night of the Hundred Thousand Meteors

The mighty meteor shower of 1833 was perhaps the most spectacular in recent History. The event was best seen from eastern North America in the predawn hours of November 13.

Many people, including a young Abraham Lincoln, awoke to watch the meteors trailing and flashing across the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of meteors flashed across the sky, appearing to emanate from the constellation Leo.

This image is a digital woodcut based on a painting created by an eyewitness.

It was a night of 100,000 meteors. The Great Meteor Storm of 1833 was perhaps the most impressive meteor event in recent History.

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05 Jan, 21:13

🇮🇹 Forse siamo solo un sogno che tenta d’interpretare altri sogni.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Buona serata anime belle 🔥

🇦🇺 Maybe we are just a dream trying to interpret other dreams.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Good evening beautiful souls 🔥

🇧🇷 Talvez sejamos apenas um sonho tentando interpretar outros sonhos.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Boa noite, belas almas 🔥

🇫🇷 Peut-être ne sommes-nous qu'un rêve qui tente d'interpréter d'autres rêves.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bonsoir, belles âmes 🔥










05 Jan, 19:34

🇪🇸 ¿Por qué sigue siendo relevante la alegoría de la cueva de Platón?

La alegoría de la caverna de Platón sigue siendo extremadamente importante hoy en día.

Los prisioneros de la famosa alegoría de la cueva están atados a un lugar en una cueva oscura desde la infancia. Sus cuerpos y cabezas están tan fijos que sólo pueden ver las sombras en la pared opuesta. Consideran que estas sombras son la única realidad porque nunca han percibido nada más.

Un prisionero logra escapar de la oscuridad y sale a la luz. Allí se da cuenta de que la realidad va mucho más allá de las sombras. Cuando regresa a la cueva después de darse cuenta de esto, se encuentra con el rechazo.

Es difícil cuestionar percepciones profundamente arraigadas y aceptar nuevas verdades

El camino hacia el conocimiento es doloroso y está lleno de desafíos. Se necesita tiempo para acostumbrarse a nuevas perspectivas.

Una vez que experimentamos esta claridad, es casi imposible volver a la oscuridad de la ignorancia.

🇬🇧 Why is Plato's cave allegory still relevant?

Plato's Allegory of the Cave is still of enormous importance today.

The prisoners in the famous Allegory of the Cave have been tied to one spot in a dark cave since childhood. Their bodies and heads are fixed in such a way that they can only see the shadows on the opposite wall. They believe these shadows to be the only reality, as they have never perceived anything else.

One prisoner manages to escape from the darkness and steps into the light. There he realizes that reality goes far beyond the shadows. When he returns to the cave with this realization, he is met with rejection.

It is difficult to challenge deeply held perceptions & accept new truths.

The path to enlightenment is painful and full of challenges. It takes time to get used to new perspectives.

Once we have experienced this clarity, it is almost impossible to return to the darkness of ignorance.

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05 Jan, 19:07

Inventor of the unexplained petrification process/ inventore dell'ancora non spiegata pietrificazione


05 Jan, 18:18

🇮🇹 Strutture fuse nell'odierna Türkiye

Raramente si vede un esempio così chiaro di ciò che ha causato l'ultimo grande cataclisma. I narratori tradizionali affermano che tutte queste strutture in quest'area sono di origine romana, ma ammettiamo il fatto che queste strutture provengono dal Vecchio Mondo e non sono state scolpite nella pietra, ma semplicemente fuse.

🇦🇺 Cast structures in present-day Türkiye

Rarely does one see such a clear example of what caused the last great cataclysm. Traditional storytellers claim that all these structures in this area are of Roman origin, but we admit the fact that these structures come from the Old World and were not carved in stone, but simply cast.

🇧🇷 Estruturas fundidas na atual Turquia

Raramente se vê um exemplo tão claro do que causou o último grande cataclismo. Os contadores de histórias tradicionais afirmam que todas essas estruturas nessa área são de origem romana, mas admitimos o fato de que essas estruturas vêm do Velho Mundo e não foram esculpidas em pedra, mas simplesmente fundidas.

🇫🇷 Structures moulées dans l'actuelle Turquie

Il est rare de voir un exemple aussi clair de ce qui a causé le dernier grand cataclysme. Les conteurs traditionnels affirment que toutes les structures de cette région sont d'origine romaine, mais nous admettons que ces structures proviennent de l'Ancien Monde et n'ont pas été sculptées dans la pierre, mais simplement coulées.










05 Jan, 18:17

🇮🇹 La maestosa Torre Great Trango si erge sopra la catena del Karakorum in Pakistan.
Il nostro vero passato non è stato cancellato, solo pietrificato!

🇦🇺 The majestic Great Trango Tower rises above the Karakorum range in Pakistan.
Our true past has not been erased, only petrified!

🇧🇷 A majestosa Great Trango Tower se ergue acima da cordilheira Karakorum, no Paquistão.
Nosso verdadeiro passado não foi apagado, apenas petrificado!

🇫🇷 La majestueuse tour du Grand Trango s'élève au-dessus de la chaîne du Karakorum, au Pakistan.
Notre vrai passé n'a pas été effacé, seulement pétrifié !










05 Jan, 13:17

🇮🇹 Libro medievale unico "Codex Rotondus", 1590, Bruges, Belgio .

Il diametro del libro rotondo è di 9 cm, il numero di pagine è 266.
Trattarono il libro con grande trepidazione, poiché era un dono per il proprietario di un alto clero.
Il libro di preghiere è stato donato al principe vescovo Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn.
Ora si trova nella biblioteca dell'Università Forsberg di Würzburg, in Germania.

🇦🇺 Unique medieval book 'Codex Rotondus', 1590, Bruges, Belgium .

The diameter of the round book is 9 cm, the number of pages is 266.
They treated the book with great trepidation, as it was a gift for the owner of a high clergy.
The prayer book was given to Prince-Bishop Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn.
It is now in the library of the Forsberg University in Würzburg, Germany.

🇧🇷 Livro medieval único 'Codex Rotondus', 1590, Bruges, Bélgica.

O diâmetro do livro redondo é de 9 cm e o número de páginas é de 266.
Eles trataram o livro com grande apreensão, pois era um presente para o dono de um alto clero.
O livro de orações foi dado ao príncipe-bispo Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn.
Atualmente, ele está na biblioteca da Universidade de Forsberg, em Würzburg, Alemanha.

🇫🇷 Livre médiéval unique "Codex Rotondus", 1590, Bruges, Belgique.

Le diamètre du livre rond est de 9 cm, le nombre de pages est de 266.
Le livre a été traité avec beaucoup d'inquiétude, car il s'agissait d'un cadeau destiné au propriétaire d'un haut clergé.
Le livre de prières a été offert au prince-évêque Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn.
Il se trouve aujourd'hui dans la bibliothèque de l'université Forsberg à Würzburg, en Allemagne.










05 Jan, 11:00

🇮🇹 Macchina per distruggere fortezze "Oboi" 1915.

Il corpo dell'enorme struttura a forma di uovo era realizzato in acciaio temprato di 100 mm di spessore. La macchina era azionata da motori situati all'interno del dispositivo e che sollevavano un volano eccentrico, che a sua volta assicurava che la macchina rotolasse sul terreno.
In una nota con le caratteristiche previste, Semchishin ha indicato la velocità massima del dispositivo: 300 verste all'ora. Oltre ai motori e ai comandi, la carrozzeria del veicolo ospitava anche "proiettori, un telegrafo senza fili, ascensori, alloggi e persino negozi".
Riesci a immaginare un trasporto a diverse centinaia di metri di distanza? E gli ingegneri del passato procedettero dalle possibilità di quel tempo: la presenza di motori ala Titanic, fabbriche per la produzione di gigantesche strutture metalliche ala Elf Tower.

🇦🇺 Fortress destroying machine 'Oboi' 1915.

The body of the huge egg-shaped structure was made of 100 mm thick hardened steel. The machine was driven by motors located inside the device that lifted an eccentric flywheel, which in turn ensured that the machine rolled on the ground.
In a note with the expected features, Semchishin indicated the maximum speed of the device: 300 versts per hour. In addition to the engines and controls, the vehicle body also housed 'projectors, a wireless telegraph, lifts, living quarters and even shops'.
Can you imagine a transport several hundred metres away? And the engineers of the past proceeded from the possibilities of that time: the presence of engines ala Titanic, factories for the production of gigantic metal structures ala Elf Tower.

🇧🇷 Máquina de destruição de fortalezas 'Oboi' 1915.

O corpo da enorme estrutura em forma de ovo era feito de aço temperado com 100 mm de espessura. A máquina era acionada por motores localizados dentro do dispositivo que levantavam um volante excêntrico, o que, por sua vez, garantia que a máquina rolasse no chão.
Em uma nota com as características esperadas, Semchishin indicou a velocidade máxima do dispositivo: 300 verstas por hora. Além dos motores e controles, a carroceria do veículo também abrigava "projetores, um telégrafo sem fio, elevadores, alojamentos e até mesmo lojas".
Você consegue imaginar um transporte a várias centenas de metros de distância? E os engenheiros do passado partiram das possibilidades daquela época: a presença de motores como o Titanic, fábricas para a produção de estruturas metálicas gigantescas como a Elf Tower.

🇫🇷 Machine de destruction de forteresse "Oboi" 1915.

Le corps de l'énorme structure ovoïde était fait d'acier trempé d'une épaisseur de 100 mm. La machine est entraînée par des moteurs situés à l'intérieur de l'appareil qui soulèvent un volant d'inertie excentrique, lequel assure à son tour le roulement de la machine sur le sol.
Dans une note présentant les caractéristiques attendues, Semchishin indique la vitesse maximale de l'appareil : 300 verstes à l'heure. Outre les moteurs et les commandes, la carrosserie du véhicule abritait également "des projecteurs, un télégraphe sans fil, des ascenseurs, des habitations et même des magasins".
Pouvez-vous imaginer un transport à plusieurs centaines de mètres de distance ? Les ingénieurs du passé se sont inspirés des possibilités de l'époque : présence de moteurs comme dans le Titanic, d'usines pour la production de gigantesques structures métalliques comme dans la Tour Elf.










05 Jan, 10:59

🇮🇹 Il bratteato del V secolo contiene un'iscrizione runica che recita "È l'uomo di Odino" riferendosi allo sconosciuto re Jaga (Jagaz). La svastica nei tempi antichi rappresentava la rotazione dell'Orsa Maggiore della Stella Polare in tutte e 4 le stagioni.

🇦🇺 The 5th century bract contains a runic inscription that reads 'He is Odin's man' referring to the unknown King Jaga (Jagaz). The swastika in ancient times represented the rotation of the North Star Ursa Major in all 4 seasons.

🇧🇷 O bráctea do século V contém uma inscrição rúnica que diz "Ele é o homem de Odin", referindo-se ao desconhecido rei Jaga (Jagaz). Nos tempos antigos, a suástica representava a rotação da Estrela do Norte Ursa Maior em todas as quatro estações.

🇫🇷 La bractée du Ve siècle contient une inscription runique qui dit "C'est l'homme d'Odin", faisant référence au roi inconnu Jaga (Jagaz). Dans l'Antiquité, la svastika représentait la rotation de l'étoile polaire Ursa Major au cours des quatre saisons.










05 Jan, 09:38

Orgonic Art Designer

Piramide orgonica 15x15x18cm

Per la particolare combinazione intrinseca in simbologia da me intuita durante la produzione alchemica di queste poteni piramidi orgoniche, si intrecciano diversi significati.

La piramide è il simbolo per eccellenza delle principali scuole iniziatiche.
Rappresenta lo strumento di connessione tra il mondo materiale e quello spirituale, ben saldo a terra ma con la punta che svetta verso il cielo.
Le piramidi orgoniche sono strumenti che riproducono questa connessione, energizzando ogni cosa che entra in contatto con esse.

In punta alla piramide ho inserito un obelisco avvolto in spirale radionica di rame e ottone.
L'obelisco è un monumento dell'antico Egitto, connetteva il dio Ra alla terra, era la raffigurazione di un raggio solare del dio egizio che si proiettava verso la terra.
Questa connessione simbolica rappresentava il rito propiziatorio che aveva la funzione di garantire la fertilità della terra e la bontà dei raccolti.
Il nome deriva dal geroglifico tejen che, nel linguaggio sacro degli antichi Egizi, era sinonimo di protezione e difesa.
È un monumento monolitico caratterizzato dalla forma quadrangolare allungata e sottile, con tronco alto e stretto, terminante in una cuspide piramidale, denominata pyramidion.

Per le spirali radioniche contenute nella tua piramide mi sono ispirato al lavoro rivoluzionario di Pierluigi Ighina.
Secondo le teorie di Ighina tutta la creazione è il frutto dello scambio tra l'energia positiva del sole e quella negativa della terra, questa interazione trasmessa in forma spiraleggiante sarebbe quindi la causa unica della formazione di tutta la materia.

Le conchiglie in trasparenza le ho raccolte nel Salento e rappresentano la sequenza di Fibonacci.
Il motivo per cui la successione di Fibonacci è così diffusa in natura e nell'arte rimane un mistero affascinante.
Alcuni matematici suggeriscono che la sequenza rappresenti una sorta di modello di crescita ottimale, che consente a piante e organismi di distribuire le proprie risorse nel modo più efficiente possibile.

Segui la mia alchimia orgonica su:

Per maggiori informazioni:


04 Jan, 19:45

🇮🇹 Lampada ad olio in bronzo con topolino.
Pompei, Roma, seconda metà del I secolo d.C.

🇦🇺 Bronze oil lamp with mouse.
Pompeii, Rome, second half of the 1st century AD.

🇧🇷 Lâmpada a óleo de bronze com rato.
Pompéia, Roma, segunda metade do século I d.C.

🇫🇷 Lampe à huile en bronze avec souris.
Pompéi, Rome, seconde moitié du Ier siècle après J.-C.










04 Jan, 17:56

🇪🇸 El Cormorán Gigante

En un libro victoriano escrito alrededor de 1820 por un autor desconocido, se detalla este grabado.

En él se describe la historia de Jack, el Asesino de Gigantes, un joven de Cornualles, que vive en la época del rey Arturo, y sus encuentros con gigantes.

Jack captura al primer gigante, que está arrasando en el Monte San Miguel, haciéndole caer en una trampa, y lo mata con su pico.

Por esta hazaña, recibe un cinturón en el que están grabadas las palabras: "Este es el valiente hombre de Cornualles, que mató al cormorán gigante".

🇬🇧 The Giant Cormorant

This engraving is detailed in a Victorian book written around 1820 by an unknown author.

It describes the story of Jack, the Giant Killer, a young Cornish man, who lives in the time of King Arthur and his encounters with giants.

Jack captures the first giant, who is rampaging on St. Michael's Mount, causing him to fall into a trap, and kills him with his beak.

For this feat, he receives a belt on which the words are engraved: "This is the brave Cornish man, who killed the giant cormorant."

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04 Jan, 16:30

🇪🇸 Orfebrería minuciosa de Tartaria

Los objetos con motivos animales son característicos de las culturas Sayano-Altai de la Era Escita temprana.

Son fascinantes las joyas de oro en forma de figuritas de leopardo de las nieves con un diámetro de aproximadamente 1 mm, así como las cuentas de oro escitas encontradas en el montículo Arzhan-2 en Siberia (Rusia).

Cada uno de ellos fue fundido en oro y luego procesado por un joyero. Cada cuenta tiene un orificio para que se pueda coser en la ropa o en los zapatos.

🇬🇧 Detailed goldsmithing of Tartaria

Objects with animal motifs are characteristic of the Sayano-Altai cultures of the early Scythian Era.

Gold jewelry in the form of snow leopard figurines with a diameter of about 1 mm are fascinating, as well as Scythian gold beads found in the Arzhan-2 mound in Siberia (Russia).

Each of them was cast in gold and then processed by a jeweler. Each bead has a hole so that it can be sewn into clothes or shoes.

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04 Jan, 14:56

🇪🇸 Este árbol gigante debió ser majestuoso

El monte Roraima, de 2810 m, ubicado en la frontera entre Venezuela, Brasil y Guyana, es una "montaña" que plantea muchas preguntas, comenzando por su aspecto tabular.

Es uno de los cerca de 100 tepuyes que hay en esta región, pero destaca por su altura y su extensión, más de 30 km² plagados de un ecosistema único y endémico.

Las expediciones, que solo se pueden realizar en helicóptero, requieren exenciones especiales.

🇬🇧 This giant tree must have been majestic

Mount Roraima (9219 ft), located on the border between Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana, is a "mountain" that raises many questions, starting with its tabular aspect.

It is one of the about 100 tepuis that exist in this region, but it stands out for its height and its extension, more than 11,5 m² plagued by a unique and endemic ecosystem.

Expeditions, which can only be made by helicopter, require special exemptions.

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04 Jan, 13:43

🇮🇹 Daniele 4:11
Quell'albero era grande, robusto, la sua cima giungeva al cielo e si poteva vedere fin dall'estremità della terra.

"Non esistono foreste sulla Terra"

🇨🇵 Daniel 4:11
Cet arbre était grand, robuste, sa cime atteignait le ciel et pouvait être vu du bout de la terre.

"Il n'y a pas de forêts sur Terre"
👇👇👇 https://youtu.be/S1KkfLJu2dw?feature=shared

🇬🇧 Daniel 4:11
The tree was large and strong, its top reached to the sky and could be seen from the ends of the earth.

"There are no forests on Earth"

🇧🇷 Daniel 4:11
Aquela árvore era grande, robusta, seu topo alcançava o céu e podia ser visto do fim da terra.

“Não existem florestas na Terra”
👇👇👇 https://youtu.be/S1KkfLJu2dw?feature=shared

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28 Dec, 10:04

🇮🇹 Un interessante articolo pubblicato su una rivista di New York nel 1896, che fornisce le altezze dei giganti conosciuti che esistevano nella nostra cellula nel recente passato.

🇦🇺 An interesting article published in a New York magazine in 1896, giving the heights of the known giants that existed in our cell in the recent past.

🇧🇷 Um artigo interessante publicado em uma revista de Nova York em 1896, apresentando as alturas dos gigantes conhecidos que existiram em nossa célula em um passado recente.

🇫🇷 Un article intéressant publié dans un magazine new-yorkais en 1896, donnant les tailles des géants connus qui ont existé dans notre cellule dans un passé récent.


            dalla psicosi alla realtà:
risveglio dai grandi inganni storici e geografici:

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28 Dec, 10:03

🇮🇹 Al centro dell'arcipelago della Terra di Francesco Giuseppe, nella regione russa di Arkhangelsk, si trova la bellissima isola di Champ.
Attira i turisti che vengono sulle coste artiche non per le gustose acque sorgive o per i paesaggi artici.
La gente vuole vedere le incredibili pietre rotonde sparse in tutta l'isola.
Gli scienziati non sono ancora riusciti a risolvere il mistero di queste pietre.

🇦🇺 In the centre of the Franz Joseph Land archipelago, in Russia's Arkhangelsk region, lies the beautiful island of Champ.
It attracts tourists who come to the Arctic coast not for the tasty spring waters or the Arctic landscapes.
People want to see the incredible round stones scattered all over the island.
Scientists have not yet managed to solve the mystery of these stones.

🇧🇷 No centro do arquipélago de Franz Joseph Land, na região russa de Arkhangelsk, fica a bela ilha de Champ.
Ela atrai turistas que vão à costa do Ártico não pelas saborosas águas de nascente ou pelas paisagens árticas.
As pessoas querem ver as incríveis pedras redondas espalhadas por toda a ilha.
Os cientistas ainda não conseguiram desvendar o mistério dessas pedras.

🇫🇷 Au centre de l'archipel de la Terre François-Joseph, dans la région russe d'Arkhangelsk, se trouve la belle île de Champ.
Elle attire les touristes qui viennent sur la côte arctique non pas pour les eaux de source savoureuses ou les paysages arctiques.
Les gens veulent voir les incroyables pierres rondes éparpillées sur toute l'île.
Les scientifiques n'ont pas encore réussi à percer le mystère de ces pierres.










28 Dec, 10:03

🇮🇹 Interni lussuosi della Reggia di Versailles, secoli XVII-XVIII.

🇦🇺 Luxurious interiors of the Palace of Versailles, 17th-18th centuries.

🇧🇷 Interiores luxuosos do Palácio de Versalhes, séculos XVII e XVIII.

🇫🇷 Intérieurs luxueux du château de Versailles, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles.










28 Dec, 07:08

🇮🇹 Molte persone entreranno ed usciranno dalla tua vita, ma soltanto i veri amici lasceranno impronte nel tuo cuore.

(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Buongiorno anime belle 🐥

🇦🇺 Many people will come in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Good morning beautiful souls 🐥

🇧🇷 Muitas pessoas entrarão e sairão de sua vida, mas somente os verdadeiros amigos deixarão pegadas em seu coração.

(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Bom dia, lindas almas 🐥

🇫🇷 De nombreuses personnes entreront et sortiront de votre vie, mais seuls les vrais amis laisseront des empreintes dans votre cœur.

(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Bonjour belles âmes 🐥










28 Dec, 04:24



27 Dec, 21:40

🇪🇸 Los hermanos Wilbur y Orville Wright; los inventores y primeros pilotos de aviones propulsados

En 1903 lograron realizar el primer vuelo tripulado a motor del mundo.
Respecto a esto, se ha señalado que el vuelo de Gustave Whitehead en agosto de 1901 fue el primero del mundo.

Los hermanos realizaron con éxito un vuelo tripulado con motor el 17 de diciembre de 1903 en Kill Devil Hills, cerca de Kitty Hawk, Carolina del Norte, en el Wright Flyer, que estaba equipado con un motor de 12 caballos de fuerza.

Se intentaron un total de cuatro vuelos. Los cuatro vuelos cubrieron distancias de 36, 53, 60 y 259 metros.

Si bien muchos de los intentos anteriores de vuelo realizados por otros implicaron sólo saltos o extensiones de los mismos, ellos lograron un vuelo controlado girando las alas principales, allanando así el camino para el uso práctico de los aviones.

Su reconocimiento en los tribunales fue de "desarrolladores de tecnología práctica para el vuelo utilizando máquinas más pesadas que el aire".

El éxito de los hermanos Wright y sus patentes sobre tecnología de vuelo atrajo la atención para ser usados como armas de guerra.

En sus últimos años, Orville confesó que se arrepentía de haber inventado el avión, llegando a enviar una carta a Henry Ford lamentando haber inventado el avión propulsado.

En 1943, cuando asistió a un evento para conmemorar el 150 aniversario de la fundación de la Oficina de Patentes de Estados Unidos, Orville fue preguntado acerca de cuáles fueron sus diez mayores inventos. Excluyó intencionalmente al avión.

Respecto a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, dijo que lamentaba la destrucción causada por los aviones.

En la preparación para el centenario del primer vuelo de los hermanos Wright, se llevaron a cabo varios estudios para restaurar el Wright Flyer, pero su actitud era inestable y no podía volar normalmente.

El avión completamente restaurado ni siquiera podía despegar. Algunos creen que el éxito del primer vuelo se debió a los fuertes vientos de ese día y a las habilidades de pilotaje de los pioneros hermanos.

🇬🇧 The brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright; the inventors and first pilots of powered aircraft

In 1903 they managed to make the world's first manned powered flight.
In this regard, it has been pointed out that Gustave Whitehead's flight in August 1901 was the first in the world.

The brothers successfully made a manned powered flight on December 17, 1903, at Kill Devil Hills, near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in the Wright Flyer, which was equipped with a 12-horsepower engine.

A total of four flights were attempted. The four flights covered distances of 118, 174, 197 and 850ft.

While many of the previous flight attempts made by others involved only jumps or extensions of the same, they achieved a controlled flight by turning the main wings, thus paving the way for the practical use of aircraft.

His recognition in court was "developers of practical technology for flight using heavier-than-air machines".

The success of the Wright Brothers and their patents on flight technology attracted attention to be used as war weapons.

In his later years, Orville confessed that he regretted having invented the airplane, going so far as to send a letter to Henry Ford regretting having invented the powered airplane.

In 1943, when he attended an event to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the United States Patent Office, Orville was asked about what his ten greatest inventions were. He intentionally excluded the plane.

Regarding the Second World War, he said he regretted the destruction caused by airplanes.

In preparation for the centenary of the Wright Brothers' first flight, several studies were carried out to restore the Wright Flyer, but its attitude was unstable and it could not fly normally.

The completely restored plane could not even take off. Some believe that the success of the first flight was due to the strong winds that day and the piloting skills of the pioneering brothers.

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27 Dec, 21:28

The Garden of Earthly Delights

The Garden of Earthly Delight by Hieronymus Bosch is thought to have been painted between 1490 and 1510. It is a large 3-part altarpiece. When closed the piece shows a translucent sphere which encompasses the earth, sea, and sky.

The guesses as to his intended meaning range from symbolizing creation to representing god cleansing the world through the great flood. Art historians and critics have always been divided on what exactly was meant by the piece. The main idea often brought forth is a visual warning about the dangers of temptation.


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27 Dec, 19:49

🇪🇸 Ruinas de Chan Chan

Situadas en la costa norte de Perú, fue la otrora floreciente y sofisticada capital del reino Chimú entre los siglos IX y XV.

Se nota el sello característico del martillo y el cincel.

🇬🇧 Ruins of Chan Chan

Located in northern coast of Peru,the once flourishing and sophisticated capital of the Chimu kingdom between the 9th and 15th centuries.

The characteristic seal of the hammer and chisel is noticeable.

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27 Dec, 14:44

🇮🇹 Dirigibili del passato

Non molto tempo fa i dirigibili erano un mezzo di trasporto standard. Un tempo potevano attraccare in cima agli edifici in modo che le persone potessero entrare e uscire. Non eri limitato alla piccola parte sul fondo, ma spesso potevi entrare nell'intera nave e lì c'erano tutti i tipi di strutture.
Quella dell'Hindenburg era un'operazione psicologica per sbarazzarsi dei dirigibili. Volevano rendere i viaggi aerei il più controllati, spiacevoli e costosi possibile.
I dirigibili non erano gli unici mezzi di trasporto e la tecnologia che ci hanno rubato, ad esempio c'erano automobili alimentate dall'acqua o dall'aria, automobili alimentate dall'elettricità dell'etere, treni pneumatici, capsule di trasporto pneumatico e molti altri interessanti tecnologie!

🇦🇺 Airships of the past

Not so long ago, airships were a standard means of transport. They used to be able to dock on top of buildings so that people could get in and out. You were not limited to the small part at the bottom, but often you could enter the whole ship and there were all kinds of facilities there.
The Hindenburg was a psychological operation to get rid of airships. They wanted to make air travel as controlled, unpleasant and expensive as possible.
Airships were not the only means of transport and technology they stole from us, for example there were cars powered by water or air, cars powered by electricity from the ether, pneumatic trains, pneumatic transport capsules and many other interesting technologies!

🇧🇷 Dirigíveis do passado

Não faz muito tempo, os dirigíveis eram um meio de transporte padrão. Eles costumavam ser capazes de atracar no topo de edifícios para que as pessoas pudessem entrar e sair. Você não se limitava à pequena parte na parte inferior, mas muitas vezes podia entrar em todo o navio e havia todos os tipos de instalações lá.
O Hindenburg foi uma operação psicológica para se livrar dos dirigíveis. Eles queriam tornar as viagens aéreas o mais controladas, desagradáveis e caras possível.
Por exemplo, havia carros movidos a água ou ar, carros movidos a eletricidade do éter, trens pneumáticos, cápsulas de transporte pneumático e muitas outras tecnologias interessantes!

🇫🇷 Les dirigeables du passé

Il n'y a pas si longtemps, les dirigeables étaient un moyen de transport courant. Ils pouvaient s'amarrer au sommet des bâtiments pour permettre aux gens d'y entrer et d'en sortir. On ne se limitait pas à la petite partie située en bas, mais on pouvait souvent entrer dans l'ensemble du navire, qui comportait toutes sortes d'installations.
Le Hindenburg était une opération psychologique visant à se débarrasser des dirigeables. Ils voulaient rendre les voyages aériens aussi contrôlés, désagréables et coûteux que possible.
Les dirigeables ne sont pas les seuls moyens de transport et technologies qu'ils nous ont volés. Il y avait par exemple des voitures propulsées par l'eau ou l'air, des voitures alimentées par l'électricité de l'éther, des trains pneumatiques, des capsules de transport pneumatique et bien d'autres technologies intéressantes !










26 Dec, 18:24

The First Soviet Atomic Bomb, RDS-1

Recently published documents by Rosatom reveal the secret history of the first Soviet atomic bomb, the RDS-1, successfully tested on August 29, 1949. Initiated after the American bombings of 1945, this strategic project aimed to counter the nuclear hegemony of the United States.
Under Stalin's supervision, Soviet scientists worked in absolute secrecy and under intense pressure, using coded terms to conceal their objectives. The 45 declassified files detail the technical and organizational challenges of this enterprise, shedding light on a crucial stage of the Cold War.

Do you really believe that atomic/nuclear weapons exist ?
Considering that Nagasaki, Japan, in 1945, could very well have been devastated by a massive American aerial attack, carpet bombing style, like Dresden, etc.. And also, don't you think that with the many conflicts that have occurred in the world since then, many involving the United States, particularly the lost war in Vietnam, that the nuclear bomb would have been used 50 times since ?

Tell me what you think in the comments, I'm interested.

Photo: Sputnik / Maksim Blinov

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26 Dec, 17:48

Fascinating Discovery: The Byzantine Church Dedicated to the "Glorious Martyr" in Ramat Beit Shemesh

Israeli archaeologists have discovered a 1500-year-old Byzantine church in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel. Beautifully adorned with mosaics, frescoes, and capitals, this church was built in honor of a mysterious "Glorious Martyr," whose identity remains unknown. An intact crypt, believed to contain sacred relics, attests to the religious significance of the site.
Founded under Emperor Justinian in the 6th century and expanded under Tiberius II Constantine, the church featured an atrium, a nave, and a side chapel. A mosaic depicting an eagle, the Byzantine imperial symbol, confirms imperial involvement. The church also yielded an exceptional collection of artifacts, including cross-shaped baptismal fonts and stained glass.
This discovery highlights the religious and architectural history of the Byzantine Empire in the Holy Land, while providing an enriching educational experience through the participation of thousands of young people during the excavations.

Photos : Asaf Peretz, Israel Antiquities Authority

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26 Dec, 14:07

🇮🇹 Scrivania con meccanismi nascosti del 1840.
Realizzato da artigiani italiani per il Re di Sardegna, Carlo Alberto.

🇦🇺 Desk with concealed mechanisms from 1840.
Made by Italian craftsmen for the King of Sardinia, Carlo Alberto.

🇧🇷 Secretária com mecanismos ocultos de 1840.
Fabricada por artesãos italianos para o rei da Sardenha, Carlo Alberto.

🇫🇷 Bureau à mécanismes cachés de 1840.
Fabriqué par des artisans italiens pour le roi de Sardaigne, Carlo Alberto.










26 Dec, 13:05

𝙶𝙻𝙽:𝟽:𝟷𝟺 | Now I, Ancheti, stood behind the slingers' wall; my limbs trembled and my mouth was dry, my tongue craved for water. My scalp moved in fear and my hands loosened their grip through moisture. My heart thumped in confusion and I saw a mist of redness before my eyes, for this was my first battle, and I was but a youth. Beside me stood Yadol, the wild tender man, and he said, "I see no gladness in victory, if victory be granted. I crave no kingdom that I may rule over other men. What would be its pleasures to one such as I? For what do men slay one another? Which man seeks spoil and its pleasure and which man the joys of life? Against us stand men of living flesh and blood, men who have mothers and wives, men who have children, men who are good, even if those who lead them are evil. These good men, I have no wish to slay, better would it be, were I to be slain myself. Not a man will I slay with these hands, not even for the kingdom of the three spheres would I do it, much less an earthly kingdom. Were those who stand against us all men of evil, it would perhaps be a good deed to slay them; but in the clash of war, the good slay the good and the evil ones live safely behind the shields."



26 Dec, 10:43

The Pinnacles, Cervantes, WA, Australia 🇦🇺



26 Dec, 10:11

🇮🇹 Tecnologia aeronautica del passato

Nel Vecchio Mondo, questi dirigibili non volavano con l'idrogeno, quello era solo il metodo scelto per inscenare il disastro del dirigibile Hindenburg in modo che la tecnologia potesse scomparire.
Fino ad oggi non ci sono più dirigibili che si avvicinino alle dimensioni e alla grandiosità di quei giorni.

🇦🇺 Aviation technology of the past

In the Old World, these airships did not fly with hydrogen, that was just the method chosen to stage the Hindenburg airship disaster so that the technology could disappear.
To this day, there are no airships that come close to the size and grandeur of those days.

🇧🇷 Tecnologia aeronáutica do passado

No Velho Mundo, estes dirigíveis não voavam com hidrogénio, esse foi apenas o método escolhido para encenar o desastre do dirigível Hindenburg para que a tecnologia pudesse desaparecer.
Até hoje, não existem dirigíveis que se aproximem do tamanho e da grandiosidade desses tempos.

🇫🇷 Technologie aéronautique du passé

Dans l'ancien monde, ces dirigeables ne volaient pas à l'hydrogène, c'était simplement la méthode choisie pour mettre en scène la catastrophe du dirigeable Hindenburg afin que la technologie disparaisse.
Aujourd'hui encore, il n'existe aucun dirigeable dont la taille et la grandeur soient comparables à celles de l'époque.










26 Dec, 10:03

🇮🇹 Ci sono momenti in cui una luce particolare ti avvolge
e i ricordi si aprono,
e all’improvviso senti l’aria di un altro luogo, di un altro mese, di un’altra vita.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Buongiorno anime belle 🍀

🇦🇺 There are moments when a special light envelops you
and memories open up,
and suddenly you feel the air of another place, another month, another life.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Good morning beautiful souls 🍀

🇧🇷 Há momentos em que uma luz especial nos envolve
e as memórias se abrem,
e de repente sentimos o ar de um outro lugar, de um outro mês, de uma outra vida.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bom dia, belas almas 🍀

🇫🇷 Il y a des moments où une lumière particulière vous enveloppe
et que les souvenirs s'ouvrent,
et soudain, vous sentez l'air d'un autre lieu, d'un autre mois, d'une autre vie.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bonjour, belles âmes 🍀










26 Dec, 09:36


Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !


26 Dec, 09:30

Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !


26 Dec, 09:00

🇪🇸 Venecia (Italia)

¿Siempre fueron canales o alguna vez fueron las calles originales?

🇬🇧 Venice (Italy)

Were these always canals or were they once the original streets! Your thoughts..

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26 Dec, 07:17

Schreibtisch von König Louis Bonaparte im Lightner Museum, St. Augustine, Florida

Es war ein Geschenk von Kaiser Napoleon I. für seinen Bruder, nach der Ernennung von Louis Bonaparte zum König von Holland (1806 - 1810).

Der Schreibtisch wurde in Frankreich handgefertigt, wahrscheinlich hergestellt von Bernard Molitor (1755- 1833), Napoleon Bonapartes "Fournisseur de la Cour Imperiale".



26 Dec, 01:19



25 Dec, 22:03

🇪🇸 Casas Rodantes

En el pasado, las caravanas simbolizaban mucho más que viajar: representaban una forma de vida nómada, de aventura y resiliencia.

A menudo asociadas con comunidades romaníes, también fueron ampliamente adoptadas por artistas itinerantes, comerciantes y aventureros en busca de libertad frente a las limitaciones de la vida urbana.

En el siglo XIX estas casas sobre ruedas encarnaban un espíritu de independencia en una época dominada por la expansión industrial.

La fascinación victoriana por la exploración y el ocio desencadenó una tendencia creciente hacia las caravanas, especialmente entre los ricos.

Las de este período estaban ricamente adornadas con intrincados trabajos en madera e interiores ornamentados, combinando practicidad y elegancia.

Ofrecían un refugio móvil, lo que permitía a los viajeros explorar paisajes rurales lejos de las ciudades superpobladas y contaminadas moldeadas por la industrialización.

A medida que la era victoriana avanzaba hacia el siglo XX, la llegada de los vehículos motorizados comenzó a reemplazar a las caravanas tradicionales tiradas por caballos.

Sin embargo, el encanto nostálgico de estas casas móviles persiste con un legado arraigado en la independencia, la resiliencia y la libertad de movimiento, que continúa evocando a día de hoy una sensación de aventura atemporal.

🇬🇧 Mobile Homes

In the past, caravans symbolized much more than traveling: they represented a nomadic way of life, of adventure and resilience.

Often associated with Roma communities, they were also widely adopted by itinerant artists, merchants and adventurers in search of freedom from the constraints of urban life.

In the nineteenth century these houses on wheels embodied a spirit of independence in an era dominated by industrial expansion.

The Victorian fascination with exploration and leisure triggered a growing trend towards caravans, especially among the wealthy.

Those of this period were richly adorned with intricate woodwork and ornate interiors, combining practicality and elegance.

They offered a mobile shelter, allowing travelers to explore rural landscapes far from the overcrowded and polluted cities shaped by industrialization.

As the Victorian era progressed into the twentieth century, the advent of motorized vehicles began to replace traditional horse-drawn caravans.

However, the nostalgic charm of these mobile homes persists with a legacy rooted in independence, resilience and freedom of movement, which continues to evoke to this day a sense of timeless adventure.

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03 Dec, 07:50

🇮🇹 Ho preso il mio silenzio e ci siamo seduti in cima a una montagna. Qui c’è un dipinto dovunque ti giri e una luce che apre l’anima.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Buongiorno anime belle 🍀

🇦🇺 I took my silence and we sat on top of a mountain. Here there is a painting everywhere you turn and a light that opens the soul.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Good morning beautiful souls 🍀

🇧🇷 Levei meu silêncio e nos sentamos no topo de uma montanha. Aqui há uma pintura em todo lugar que você vira e uma luz que abre a alma.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bom dia, belas almas 🍀

🇫🇷 J'ai pris mon silence et nous nous sommes assis au sommet d'une montagne. Ici, il y a une peinture partout où l'on se tourne et une lumière qui ouvre l'âme.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bonjour belles âmes 🍀










02 Dec, 21:27


Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !



02 Dec, 20:43

🇪🇸 Los perfectos cuboides de Muley Point

Ubicada en el sureste de Utah, cerca de la ciudad de Mexican Hat, Muley Point es conocida por su entorno impresionante y sus formaciones geológicas únicas.

Éstas incluyen rocas rectangulares llamadas "bloques de juntas".

Estas formaciones son el resultado de un proceso geológico llamado unión, donde las tensiones tectónicas hacen que las rocas se fracturen a lo largo de los planos naturales de debilidad.

Estas fracturas se cruzan en las esquinas correctas y forman un cuadrado o crean un bloque rectangular.

El principal tipo de roca en Muley Point es la arenisca, que se depositó hace millones de años cuando el área se hundió en el fondo del océano poco profundo.

Con el tiempo, las capas de arena se comprimieron y cementaron hasta formar roca sólida.

Desde entonces, las fuerzas tectónicas y la erosión han expuesto estas formaciones, esculpiendo el paisaje en las espectaculares vistas que se ven hoy.

Los visitantes de Muley Point pueden maravillarse con estas estructuras geológicas únicas mientras disfrutan de vistas panorámicas de los valles y mesas circundantes, incluido Monument Valley y la entrada al río San Juan.

Esto es lo que nos dice la oficialidad. Los mismos que nos dicen que estamos en una pelota dando vueltas a 1.600 km/h.

Esa perfecta lineabilidad no es propia de la naturaleza. A todas luces parece artificialmente creada con maquinaria muy avanzada.

🇬🇧 The perfect cuboids of Muley Point

Located in southeastern Utah, near the city of Mexican Hat, Muley Point is known for its stunning surroundings and unique geological formations.

These include rectangular rocks called "joint blocks".

These formations are the result of a geological process called bonding, where tectonic stresses cause rocks to fracture along natural planes of weakness.

These fractures intersect at the correct corners and form a square or create a rectangular block.

The main type of rock at Muley Point is sandstone, which was deposited millions of years ago when the area sank to the shallow ocean floor.

Over time, the layers of sand were compressed and cemented to form solid rock.

Since then, tectonic forces and erosion have exposed these formations, sculpting the landscape into the spectacular views seen today.

Visitors to Muley Point can marvel at these unique geological structures while enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and tables, including Monument Valley and the entrance to the San Juan River.

This is what the officialdom tells us. The same ones who tell us that we are on a spinning ball at 1,000 miles per hour.

Such perfect linearity is not inherent in nature. To all appearances it seems artificially created with very advanced machinery.

Thanks John Campos

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02 Dec, 20:15

🇮🇹 E non è poesia se non c’è un’anima che si apre, un fiore che rabbrividisce, un angolo di universo che perde l’equilibrio.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Buona serata anime belle 🌓

🇧🇷 E não é poesia se não houver uma alma que se abre, uma flor que estremece, um canto do universo que perde seu equilíbrio.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Boa noite, belas almas 🌓

🇫🇷 Et ce n'est pas de la poésie s'il n'y a pas une âme qui s'ouvre, une fleur qui frémit, un coin de l'univers qui perd son équilibre.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bonsoir belles âmes 🌓










02 Dec, 18:01

🇪🇸 Salón del Senado de la Universidad de Bombay, Maharashtra, India (construido: 1869-1874)

Encontramos edificios antiguos del mismo estilo arquitectónico en todo el mundo. Es lógico pensar que se trataba de una única civilización mundial.

🇬🇧 Mumbai University Senate Hall, Maharashtra, India (Built: 1869-1874)

We find old buildings of the same architectural style all over the world. It is logical to think that it was a single world civilization.

Thanks Mio

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02 Dec, 16:32

🇪🇸 Columnas Monumentales en la Exposición Colombina Mundial de 1893, Chicago, Illinois

Basta con mirar el tamaño y los detalles de este edificio "temporal" para darse cuenta que algo no concuerda en esta historia.

¿Quién puede creer seriamente que pequeños humanos de 1,80 m hicieran edificios gigantes en ese momento con puertas de 6 m de altura sólo para hacer el espectáculo y luego destruir todo cuando termine la exposición?

🇬🇧 Monumental Columns at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Illinois

It is enough to look at the size and details of this "temporary" building to realize that something does not agree with this story.

Who can seriously believe that small 5,90 ft humans made giant buildings at that time with 19,6 ft high doors just to make the show and then destroy everything when the exhibition is over?

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02 Dec, 15:21

🇪🇸 Agartha, Parte 4 y final

El concepto de Agartha también está entrelazado con las teorías del contacto extraterrestre.

Se afirma que Agartha está conectada con los OVNIs, lo que sugiere que los seres que hay en su interior poseen naves voladoras avanzadas capaces de navegar tanto en el mundo interior como en el exterior.

Agartha también está vinculada a la Hermandad Blanca, un grupo de seres iluminados que guían el progreso espiritual de la humanidad.

En el siglo XX, los ocultistas NS buscaron acceder a Agartha como parte de su fascinación por el esoterismo y la búsqueda de poder místico.

Existen entradas a Agartha en muchos lugares de todo el mundo, en sitios de importancia espiritual y geológica como:

1. El Ártico y la Antártida

2. Las montañas del Himalaya, en particular el monte Kailash

3. La Gran Pirámide de Giza

4. Cuevas y túneles subterráneos en el Tíbet y Mongolia

Las entradas están custodiadas u ocultas por fuerzas más allá de la comprensión humana que impiden la entrada a buscadores indignos.

La leyenda Miles Davis nombró a uno de sus discos "Agharta", que es una de tantas formas en que se la conoce. Otras aparte de Agartha son Agharti, Agarta y Agarttha.
Fue grabado en el Festival Hall de Osaka en Febrero de 1975.

👉🏻link al album de Miles Davies👈🏻

🇬🇧 Agartha, Part 4 and Final

The concept of Agartha is also intertwined with theories of extraterrestrial contact.

It is claimed that Agartha is connected to UFOs, which suggests that the beings inside earth have advanced flying craft capable of navigating both the inner and outer worlds.

Agartha is also linked to the White Brotherhood, a group of enlightened beings who guide the spiritual progress of humanity.

In the twentieth century, NS occultists sought access to Agartha as part of their fascination with esotericism and the search for mystical power.

There are entrances to Agartha in many places around the world, at sites of spiritual and geological importance such as:

1. The Arctic and Antarctica

2. The Himalayan mountains, in particular Mount Kailash

3. The Great Pyramid of Giza

4. Caves and underground tunnels in Tibet and Mongolia

The entrances are guarded or hidden by forces beyond human comprehension that prevent entry to unworthy seekers.

Legend Miles Davis named one of his albums "Agharta", which is one of the many ways it is known. Others besides Agartha are Agharti, Agarta and Agarttha.
It was recorded at the Osaka Festival Hall in February 1975.

👉🏻link to the Miles Davies' album👈🏻

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02 Dec, 12:06

🇮🇹 Pietre che suonano? È metallo fuso!

Le "rocce sonore", dette anche rocce sonore o litofoniche, sono rocce che quando vengono colpite risuonano come una campana.

🇦🇺 Sounding stones? It's molten metal!

Sounding rocks', also known as sonic or lithophonic rocks, are rocks that when struck resonate like a bell.

🇧🇷 Pedras que soam? É metal derretido!

As "rochas sonoras", também conhecidas como rochas sônicas ou litofônicas, são rochas que, quando atingidas, ressoam como um sino.

🇫🇷 Des pierres sonores ? C'est du métal en fusion !

Les "roches sonores", également appelées roches soniques ou lithophoniques, sont des roches qui, lorsqu'elles sont frappées, résonnent comme une cloche.










25 Nov, 12:52

🇮🇹 Serratura fatta a mano realizzata da Frank Koralewski nel 1911 in oro, argento e bronzo .

🇦🇺 Handmade lock made by Frank Koralewski in 1911 in gold, silver and bronze.

🇧🇷 Fechadura feita à mão por Frank Koralewski em 1911 em ouro, prata e bronze.

🇫🇷 Serrure artisanale réalisée par Frank Koralewski en 1911 en or, argent et bronze.










25 Nov, 12:52

🇮🇹 Auguste Piccard è un esploratore, fisico, inventore del pallone stratosferico e del batiscafo svizzero, progettista del batiscafo Trieste, che effettuò un'immersione record nella Fossa delle Marianne.
Il 27 maggio 1931, Auguste Piccard e Paul Kipfer effettuarono il primo volo al mondo nella stratosfera da Augusta, in Germania, raggiungendo un'altitudine di 15.785 m. Durante il volo, Piccard raccolse dati importanti sull'atmosfera superiore e sui raggi cosmici.
Tornando sulla terra, Piccard ha sbalordito tutti con una dichiarazione su ciò che ha visto dall'alto. Diceva che dall'alto la Terra sembrava un piatto, con i bordi curvati verso l'alto...

🇦🇺 Auguste Piccard is an explorer, physicist, inventor of the stratospheric balloon and the Swiss bathyscaphe, designer of the Trieste bathyscaphe, which made a record dive into the Mariana Trench.
On 27 May 1931, Auguste Piccard and Paul Kipfer made the world's first flight into the stratosphere from Augsburg, Germany, reaching an altitude of 15,785 m. During the flight, Piccard collected important data on the upper atmosphere and cosmic rays.
Back on earth, Piccard stunned everyone with a statement about what he saw from above. He said that from above the Earth looked like a plate, with the edges curved upwards....

🇧🇷 Auguste Piccard é um explorador, físico, inventor do balão estratosférico e do batiscafo suíço, projetista do batiscafo Trieste, que realizou um mergulho recorde na Fossa das Marianas.
Em 27 de maio de 1931, Auguste Piccard e Paul Kipfer realizaram o primeiro voo do mundo para a estratosfera, partindo de Augsburgo, na Alemanha, atingindo uma altitude de 15 785 m. Durante o voo, Piccard recolheu dados importantes sobre a atmosfera superior e os raios cósmicos.
De regresso à Terra, Piccard surpreendeu toda a gente com uma declaração sobre o que viu lá de cima. Disse que, vista de cima, a Terra parecia um prato, com as bordas curvadas para cima....

🇫🇷 Auguste Piccard est un explorateur, physicien, inventeur du ballon stratosphérique et du bathyscaphe suisse, concepteur du bathyscaphe de Trieste, qui a réalisé une plongée record dans la fosse des Mariannes.
Le 27 mai 1931, Auguste Piccard et Paul Kipfer ont effectué le premier vol au monde dans la stratosphère depuis Augsbourg, en Allemagne, atteignant une altitude de 15 785 mètres. Au cours de ce vol, Piccard a recueilli d'importantes données sur la haute atmosphère et les rayons cosmiques.
De retour sur terre, Piccard a stupéfié tout le monde en déclarant ce qu'il voyait d'en haut. Il a déclaré que, vue d'en haut, la Terre ressemblait à une assiette dont les bords étaient incurvés vers le haut....










25 Nov, 12:52

🇮🇹 Il Kilimangiaro era un albero madre?

Questo è il Kilimangiaro in Tanzania. La sua vetta più alta è di 5.895 metri.
È un ceppo d'albero antico? Un albero madre? Quanto era grande e alto l'albero allora? E chi potrebbe abbattere un albero del genere? Quanto grande o alta doveva essere la creatura o la macchina che lo ha abbattuto?
Il nostro vero passato non è stato cancellato, solo pietrificato!

🇦🇺 Was Kilimanjaro a mother tree?

This is Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Its highest peak is 5,895 metres.
Is it an ancient tree stump? A mother tree? How big and tall was the tree then? And who could cut down such a tree? How big or tall must the creature or machine that felled it have been?
Our true past has not been erased, only petrified!

🇧🇷 O Kilimanjaro era uma árvore-mãe?

Este é o Kilimanjaro, na Tanzânia. O seu pico mais alto tem 5.895 metros.
É um cepo de árvore antigo? Uma árvore-mãe? Qual era o tamanho e a altura da árvore nessa altura? E quem poderia cortar uma árvore assim? Quão grande ou alta deve ter sido a criatura ou a máquina que a abateu?
O nosso verdadeiro passado não foi apagado, apenas petrificado!

🇫🇷 Le Kilimandjaro était-il un arbre-mère ?

Voici le Kilimandjaro, en Tanzanie. Son point culminant est de 5 895 mètres.
S'agit-il d'une ancienne souche d'arbre ? D'un arbre mère ? Quelle était la taille de l'arbre à l'époque ? Et qui pourrait abattre un tel arbre ? Quelle devait être la taille de la créature ou de la machine qui l'a abattu ?
Notre véritable passé n'a pas été effacé, mais seulement pétrifié !










25 Nov, 08:20

🇮🇹 Nella speranza di ripopolare l’immaginazione impoverita dei nostri contemporanei, dieci unicorni, due fenici, un centauro, uno Stregatto e un centinaio di Bianconigli sono stati introdotti nella riserva dei Sogni e dell’Incredibile. Contemporaneamente è stato vietato l’accesso agli smartphone, alla playstation e ai numeri prosaici della finanza.
Basterà a riportare la nostra specie alla fantasia e allo stupore di un tempo, strappandola dalle grinfie del conformismo e del lavaggio del cervello?

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Buongiorno anime belle 🍀

🇦🇺 In the hope of repopulating the impoverished imagination of our contemporaries, ten unicorns, two phoenixes, a centaur, a Cheshire Cat and a hundred or so White Rabbits were introduced into the reserve of Dreams and the Incredible. At the same time, smartphones, playstations and the prosaic numbers of finance have been banned.
Will this be enough to bring our species back to its former fantasy and wonder, snatching it from the clutches of conformity and brainwashing?

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Good morning beautiful souls 🍀

🇧🇷 Na esperança de repovoar a imaginação empobrecida dos nossos contemporâneos, foram introduzidos na reserva dos Sonhos e do Incrível dez unicórnios, duas fénix, um centauro, um Gato de Cheshire e uma centena de Coelhos Brancos. Ao mesmo tempo, foram proibidos os smartphones, as playstations e os prosaicos números das finanças.
Será isto suficiente para trazer a nossa espécie de volta à sua antiga fantasia e maravilha, arrancando-a das garras da conformidade e da lavagem cerebral?

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bom dia, belas almas 🍀

🇫🇷 Dans l'espoir de repeupler l'imaginaire appauvri de nos contemporains, dix licornes, deux phénix, un centaure, un chat du Cheshire et une centaine de lapins blancs ont été introduits dans la réserve des Rêves et de l'Incroyable. Dans le même temps, les smartphones, les playstations et les chiffres prosaïques de la finance ont été bannis.
Cela suffira-t-il à rendre à notre espèce sa fantaisie et son émerveillement d'antan, en l'arrachant aux griffes du conformisme et du lavage de cerveau ?

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bonjour belles âmes 🍀










25 Nov, 01:25

boston, 1860. an old world city

how did they get this photo? airship?

h/t: @BuckRight on X (formerly Twitter)



25 Nov, 01:24

the great chicago fire of 1871

whats the point of an image like this?

it is much closer to the truth than you can imagine

17450 mostly stone buildings destroyed in 36 hours

485 buildings per hour

8 buildings per minute

1 building every 7.5 seconds

all done by a fire, which was started by mrs. o’leary’s cow kicking over a lantern…

really makes you think



25 Nov, 01:22

What was that medieval armor really for?


25 Nov, 00:45

The camera obscura.

Nothing is what it seems.



25 Nov, 00:16

Giant of Castelnau" refers to three bone fragments (a humerus, tibia, and femoral mid-shaft) discovered by Georges Vacher de Lapouge in 1890. Georges said the bone fragments must have come from a man not less than eleven feet tall.



24 Nov, 19:35

🇪🇸 La Avenida Megalítica Hartashen, Armenia

Esta es una de las antiguas maravillas olvidadas del mundo, ya que sus secretos aún están enterrados bajo tierra.

Los imponentes monolitos de piedras de Hartashen vigilan el accidentado paisaje armenio y aluden a una civilización antigua, con una comprensión sofisticada del espacio y los rituales.

Sin embargo, a pesar de su antigüedad y su importancia potencial, permanece en gran parte sin descubrir e inexplorado.

🇬🇧 The Megalithic Avenue Hartashen, Armenia

This is one of the ancient forgotten wonders of the world, as its secrets are still buried underground.

The imposing stone monoliths of Hartashen watch over the rugged Armenian landscape and allude to an ancient civilization, with a sophisticated understanding of space and rituals.

However, despite its antiquity and potential importance, it remains largely undiscovered and unexplored.

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19 Nov, 21:29

🇪🇸 Obeliscos de Aksum (Etiopía), "rascacielos" de una civilización pasada

Estos obeliscos se encuentran en Etiopía. Según la versión oficial, su edad es de al menos 1600 años. Todos ellos son monolitos de basalto (el material de construcción más resistente y fiable).

El obelisco más grande pesaba 500 toneladas hasta que se derrumbó. El mayor de los restantes pesa 200 toneladas y tiene una altura de 24 metros. Curiosamente, parecen un edificio de varios pisos: tienen puertas y ventanas falsas similares a las modernas.

¿Pero para qué eran necesarios?

🇬🇧 Obelisks of Aksum (Ethiopia), "skyscrapers" of a bygone civilization

According to the official version, his age is at least 1600 years. All of them are basalt monoliths, the most resistant and reliable construction material.

The largest obelisk weighed 500 tons until it collapsed. The largest of the remaining ones weighs 200 tons and has a height of 80 feet. Interestingly, they look like a multi-storey building, they have false doors and modern-like windows.

But what were they needed for?

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19 Nov, 19:11

🇪🇸 La Guerra Fría de los coches nucleares

Los estadounidenses presentaron en numerosos salones durante 1957 y 1958 el Ford Nucleon a escala 3:8, un modelo de automóvil de energía nuclear destinado a revolucionar el mundo del automóvil, tanto que en 1958, durante un evento, invitaron al segundo secretario de la embajada soviética, Vladimir Sinyavin.

Vladimir era un gran entusiasta del progreso tecnológico y describió con entusiasmo la idea del automóvil en su informe.

El informe fue cuidadosamente estudiado a nivel del Kremlin y desarrollaron el Volga Atom.

Necesitaban cuatro ruedas delanteras para soportar el peso del motor atómico, pero estaban diseñados para durar 100 años sin necesidad de repostar combustible ni pasar por el mecánico.

Así comenzó la historia desconocida de una máquina increíble que podría sacudir a toda la industria automotriz mundial.

Ninguno de los dos modelos se comercializaron, quizás porque los señores del petróleo no lo vieron conveniente.

🇬🇧 The Cold War of nuclear cars

The Americans presented in numerous salons during 1957 and 1958 the 3:8 scale Ford Nucleon, a nuclear-powered car model destined to revolutionize the automotive world, so much so that in 1958, during an event, they invited the second secretary of the Soviet embassy, Vladimir Sinyavin.

Vladimir was a great enthusiast of technological progress and enthusiastically described the idea of the car in his report.

The report was carefully studied at the Kremlin level and they developed the Volga Atom.

They needed four front wheels to support the weight of the atomic engine, but they were designed to last 100 years without needing to refuel or go through the mechanic.

Thus began the unknown story of an incredible machine that could shake up the entire global automotive industry.

Neither of the two models were commercialized, perhaps because the oil lords did not see it convenient.

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19 Nov, 18:16

Milano water tower, torre piezometrica 1900


19 Nov, 17:55

🇪🇸 El Gran Incendio de Chicago de 1871

Esta ilustración es del artista de Pensilvania Matthew Buchholz, que reinterpreta la historia estadounidense a través de impresiones, postales, mapas y fotografías antiguas alteradas de manera imaginativa.

Es una representación muy coherente de lo que pudo haber pasado en ese y en el resto de grandes incendios de esa época.

Ya vimos como arrasaron Lahaina (Hawaii) hace poco con DEW. Es más que probable que hicieran lo mismo hace 150 años.

Los datos del incendio:

- 17.450 edificios, en su mayoría de piedra, destruidos en 36 horas.

- Esto son 485 edificios por hora, 8 edificios por minuto, 1 edificio de piedra calcinado cada 7.5 segundos.

- Y todo porque la vaca de la Sra. O'Leary pateó una lampara..

¿Nos lo creemos?

🇬🇧 The Great Chicago Fire of 1871

This illustration was drawn by Pennsylvania-based artist Matthew Buchholz, who reinterprets American history through imaginatively altered old prints, postcards, maps and photographs.

It is a very coherent representation of what could have happened in that and in the rest of the great fires of that time.

We already saw how they destroyed Lahaina (Hawaii) recently with DEW. More than likely they did the same thing 150 years ago.

The data of the fire:

- 17,450 buildings, mostly made of stone, destroyed in 36 hours.

- This is 485 buildings per hour, 8 buildings per minute, 1 calcined stone building every 7.5 seconds.

- And all because Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked a flashlight..

Do we believe it?

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19 Nov, 12:29

🇪🇸 Nuestro canal amigo A RAÇA DOS GIGANTES (la raza de los gigantes) cumple un año llegando a 3.000 suscriptores. Felicidades!!!

Si queréis saber sobre gigantes, este es el canal.

🇬🇧 Our friend channel A RAÇA DOS GIGANTES (the race of giants) celebrates one year reaching 3,000 subscribers. Congratulations!!!

If you want to know about giants, this is the channel

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The copyright of the music belongs to El Último de la Fila.


19 Nov, 12:13

🇮🇹 Dispositivo da disegno centenario: Camera Lucida. Con il suo aiuto, gli artisti hanno ottenuto la prospettiva corretta e una maggiore somiglianza.

Una camera lucida è un dispositivo ottico dotato di prisma e serve come ausilio per trasferire motivi esistenti su carta. La camera lucida veniva utilizzata come alternativa alla camera oscura, che dava un'immagine degli oggetti molto scura e invertita.

🇦🇺 This 8,000-year-old rock sculpture from Val Camonica, Italy, shows intriguing humanoid figures with what appear to be haloes around their heads, accompanied by lines that could represent rays of light. Figures remarkably reminiscent of people in space suits or old-fashioned diving equipment add to the mystery of these ancient petroglyphs. Found among many other engravings in the region, these images arouse curiosity about what the ancients represented. Whether symbolic, spiritual or otherwise, these engravings continue to fascinate and baffle researchers.

🇧🇷 Essa escultura rupestre de 8.000 anos de Val Camonica, na Itália, mostra figuras humanoides intrigantes com o que parecem ser auréolas ao redor de suas cabeças, acompanhadas por linhas que podem representar raios de luz. Figuras que lembram notavelmente pessoas em trajes espaciais ou equipamentos de mergulho antiquados aumentam o mistério desses petróglifos antigos. Encontradas entre muitas outras gravuras na região, essas imagens despertam a curiosidade sobre o que os antigos representavam. Sejam simbólicas, espirituais ou outras, essas gravuras continuam a fascinar e a confundir os pesquisadores.

🇫🇷 Cette sculpture rupestre vieille de 8 000 ans provenant de Val Camonica, en Italie, montre d'intrigantes figures humanoïdes avec ce qui semble être des auréoles autour de leur tête, accompagnées de lignes qui pourraient représenter des rayons de lumière. Des figures rappelant remarquablement des personnes portant des combinaisons spatiales ou un équipement de plongée démodé ajoutent au mystère de ces anciens pétroglyphes. Ces images, que l'on retrouve parmi de nombreuses autres gravures de la région, suscitent la curiosité quant à ce que les anciens représentaient. Qu'elles soient symboliques, spirituelles ou autres, ces gravures continuent de fasciner et de déconcerter les chercheurs.










19 Nov, 12:12

🇮🇹 Ecco come appariva la realtà virtuale nel 1830.

🇦🇺 This is what virtual reality looked like in 1830.

🇧🇷 Esta é a aparência da realidade virtual em 1830.

🇫🇷 Voici à quoi ressemblait la réalité virtuelle en 1830.










19 Nov, 12:11

🇮🇹 Manoscritto in si minore di J. S. Bach, conservato nella Biblioteca di Stato di Berlino. La Mecca in si minore (completata nel 1749) è considerata uno dei più alti successi della musica classica.

🇦🇺 Manuscript in B minor by J. S. Bach, preserved in the Berlin State Library. The Mecca in B minor (completed in 1749) is considered one of the highest achievements of classical music.

🇧🇷 Manuscrito em Si menor de J. S. Bach, preservado na Biblioteca Estatal de Berlim. A Meca em Si menor (concluída em 1749) é considerada uma das maiores realizações da música clássica.

🇫🇷 Manuscrit en si mineur de J. S. Bach, conservé à la Bibliothèque nationale de Berlin. La Mecque en si mineur (achevée en 1749) est considérée comme l'une des plus grandes réussites de la musique classique.










19 Nov, 12:11

🇮🇹 La pietra Al-Naslaa è un mistero inspiegabile per la scienza. La formazione rocciosa di arenaria sembra essere stata tagliata a metà da un sottile raggio laser.
Gli scienziati propongono diverse versioni naturali di questo fenomeno, ma non sono in grado di spiegare il meccanismo di una linea assolutamente retta.
Una versione alternativa dello sviluppo di questa pietra da parte di una proto-civiltà sembra abbastanza praticabile, dato che in tutto il mondo sono rimaste molte rocce e pietre tagliate in modo strano.

🇦🇺 The Al-Naslaa stone is an unexplained mystery to science. The sandstone rock formation appears to have been cut in half by a thin laser beam.
Scientists propose various natural versions of this phenomenon, but are unable to explain the mechanism of an absolutely straight line.
An alternative version of the development of this stone by a proto-civilisation seems quite feasible, as many oddly cut rocks and stones remain around the world.

🇧🇷 A pedra Al-Naslaa é um mistério inexplicável para a ciência. A formação rochosa de arenito parece ter sido cortada ao meio por um fino raio laser.
Os cientistas propõem várias versões naturais desse fenômeno, mas não conseguem explicar o mecanismo de uma linha absolutamente reta.
Uma versão alternativa do desenvolvimento dessa pedra por uma protocivilização parece bastante viável, já que muitas rochas e pedras com cortes estranhos permanecem em todo o mundo.

🇫🇷 La pierre d'Al-Naslaa est un mystère inexpliqué pour la science. Cette formation rocheuse en grès semble avoir été coupée en deux par un mince rayon laser.
Les scientifiques proposent diverses versions naturelles de ce phénomène, mais ne parviennent pas à expliquer le mécanisme d'une ligne absolument droite.
Une autre version de la formation de cette roche par une proto-civilisation semble tout à fait possible, car de nombreux rochers et pierres bizarrement taillés subsistent dans le monde.










19 Nov, 11:43


Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !



16 Nov, 14:10

A way to cook 🍳 your
Fish 🐟 right after being
caught 🎣



16 Nov, 12:19

Haytay Turkey


16 Nov, 12:13

What they did vs What we do.


16 Nov, 12:13

There is no clear indication of when we stopped building wooden sheds with unequal levels - and started building palaces and citadels with symmetrical complexity and beauty. When did we go from one to the other and why did the skills die off after the war ?


16 Nov, 09:39

WOW!! Can’t believe I missed this news from last week…..The Notre Dame bells rang out for the first time in four years last Friday. Three new bells have been added to the tower, with the biggest bell called Gabriel. It will be completed by 7th or 8th December, with a whole weekend of celebrations marking the re-opening of the Tartarian building.

Bells are powerful and were used for healing. Bet the shapeshifting lizards are pissed, as they are afraid of bells because of the frequency. What a shame.

Make Bells Great Again!


16 Nov, 09:27

🇮🇹 Perché i dolmen furono costruiti in tutto il mondo?

Si ritiene che si tratti di rifugi, depositi di cibo, una fonte di energia o qualcosa di astronomico, ma nessuna delle versioni è stata provata.
I dolmen sono un'altra coincidenza di civiltà separate da oceani e mari. Sono stati costruiti quasi ovunque.

🇦🇺 Why were dolmens built all over the world?

They are believed to be shelters, food stores, a source of energy or something astronomical, but none of the versions has been proven.
Dolmens are another coincidence of civilisations separated by oceans and seas. They have been built almost everywhere.

🇧🇷 Por que os dólmens foram construídos em todo o mundo?

Acredita-se que sejam abrigos, depósitos de alimentos, uma fonte de energia ou algo astronômico, mas nenhuma das versões foi comprovada.
Os dolmens são outra coincidência de civilizações separadas por oceanos e mares. Eles foram construídos em quase todos os lugares.

🇫🇷 Pourquoi les dolmens ont-ils été construits partout dans le monde ?

On pense qu'il s'agit d'abris, de réserves de nourriture, d'une source d'énergie ou d'un phénomène astronomique, mais aucune de ces versions n'a été prouvée.
Les dolmens sont une autre coïncidence des civilisations séparées par les océans et les mers. Ils ont été construits presque partout.










16 Nov, 09:27

🇮🇹 Antiche civiltà allora e oggi

🇦🇺 Ancient civilisations then and now

🇧🇷 Civilizações antigas de antes e de agora

🇫🇷 Les civilisations anciennes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui










16 Nov, 08:54

🇪🇸 Ferretería gratis en la playa

No solo hay energía gratis en este mundo, también hay ferreterías gratis. Solo necesitas comprar un imán potente y un soplete. El resto lo tienes en casa y tu imaginación e ingenio hacen el resto.

🇬🇧 Free hardware store on the beach

Not only is there free energy in this world, there are also free hardware stores. You just need to buy a powerful magnet and a blowtorch. You have the rest at home and your imagination and wit do the rest.

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14 Nov, 20:43

🇪🇸 Pirámides del Sol y la Luna: ¿chips de procesador antiguos?

A vista de pájaro, el mapa de la ciudad de Teotihuacán recuerda fascinantemente a una placa de computadora con dos grandes chips de procesador, que en este caso están representados por la pirámide del Sol y la pirámide de la Luna.

La misteriosa ciudad, cuyos constructores se desconocen, fue descubierta por los aztecas cuando ya estaba cubierta de vegetación.

🇬🇧 Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon: Ancient processor chips?

From a bird's eye view, the map of the city of Teotihuacan fascinatingly reminds of a computer board with two large processor chips, which in this case are represented by the pyramid of the Sun and the pyramid of the Moon.

The mysterious city, whose builders are unknown, was discovered by the Aztecs when it was already covered with vegetation.

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14 Nov, 17:31

🇪🇸 La primera pelea callejera filmada. Rotherham, Inglaterra (1901)

Mientras estos trabajadores salían de la fábrica, un gañán le dio una colleja a otro y este se defendió.

Se pueden observar dos distintos estilos pugilísticos; el propio del boxeo en esa época (el del gañán), y el callejero (el del que recibe la colleja), mucho más eficaz.

Quienes filmaron esto fueron Michell y Kenyon, que viajaron de ciudad en ciudad filmando a la gente en sus vidas: cambios de turno en las fábricas, multitudes en eventos deportivos, etc.

🇬🇧 The first filmed street fight. Rotherham, England (1901)

While these workers were leaving the factory, a fool slaps a workmate and he defended himself.

Two different pugilistic styles can be observed; the one typical of boxing at that time (that of the fool), and the street style (that of the one who receives the slap), much more effective.

Those who filmed this were Michell and Kenyon, who traveled from city to city filming the people in their lives: shift changes in factories, crowds at sporting events, etc.

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The copyright of the music belongs to Survivor.


14 Nov, 12:57

🇪🇸 Las cuevas de Barabar, India

Excavadas en el sólido lecho de roca de granito, se consideran las más antiguas de la India.

Posee un efecto de eco único debido a la superficie altamente pulida del interior de las cuevas.

Es curioso comprobar como en muchos otros lugares del mundo, como Japón o Turquía, se encuentran cuevas idénticas de cortes limpios, pulidas y excavadas en la roca.

🇬🇧 The Caves of Barabar, India

Dug into the solid granite bedrock, they are considered the oldest in India.

It has a unique echo effect due to the highly polished surface of the interior of the caves.

It is curious to see how in many other places on the world, such as Japan or Turkey, there are identical caves of clean cuts, polished and excavated in the rock.

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14 Nov, 11:42

🇮🇹 Le reti neurali hanno mostrato come furono costruite le Grandi Piramidi

Il dibattito su come furono costruite le piramidi egiziane va avanti da molti anni. Esistono molte teorie diverse che cercano di spiegare questo processo sorprendente e misterioso. Quindi l'intelligenza artificiale ha deciso di proporre una teoria sulla costruzione delle piramidi da parte dei giganti.
Dopotutto, molti scienziati credono che i giganti esistessero davvero nell'antico Egitto.

🇦🇺 Neural networks showed how the Great Pyramids were built

The debate on how the Egyptian pyramids were built has been going on for many years. There are many different theories trying to explain this surprising and mysterious process. Therefore, AI has decided to propose a theory on how the pyramids were built by giants.
After all, many scientists believe that giants really existed in ancient Egypt.

🇧🇷 As redes neurais mostraram como as Grandes Pirâmides foram construídas

O debate sobre como as pirâmides egípcias foram construídas vem ocorrendo há muitos anos. Há muitas teorias diferentes que tentam explicar esse processo surpreendente e misterioso. Portanto, a IA decidiu propor uma teoria sobre a construção das pirâmides por gigantes.
Afinal de contas, muitos cientistas acreditam que os gigantes realmente existiam no Egito antigo.

🇫🇷 Les réseaux neuronaux ont montré comment les grandes pyramides ont été construites

Le débat sur la construction des pyramides égyptiennes dure depuis de nombreuses années. De nombreuses théories différentes tentent d'expliquer ce processus surprenant et mystérieux. C'est pourquoi AI a décidé de proposer une théorie selon laquelle les pyramides ont été construites par des géants.
Après tout, de nombreux scientifiques pensent que des géants ont réellement existé dans l'Égypte ancienne.










14 Nov, 11:41

🇮🇹 Cosa nascondono le sabbie del Sahara?

Il territorio del moderno deserto del Sahara era densamente popolato nei secoli XVI-XVIII, ma centinaia di città scomparvero quasi senza lasciare traccia. Come furono distrutte queste città? È stato bruciato assolutamente tutto nel raggio di 50-60 chilometri, compresa la flora e la fauna, i fiumi e i laghi.
Una delle meraviglie più insolite del Sahara e i principali misteri del pianeta si trovano in Mauritania. Questa “formazione geologica” unica è chiaramente visibile anche dallo spazio. L'Occhio del Sahara è una serie di enormi anelli concentrici ed ha un diametro di circa 50 chilometri. L'oggetto ha guadagnato fama mondiale dopo la sua scoperta nel 1965. Da allora, l'occhio misterioso ha perseguitato gli scienziati.

🇦🇺 What do the sands of the Sahara conceal?

The territory of the modern Sahara Desert was densely populated in the 16th-18th centuries, but hundreds of cities disappeared almost without a trace. How were these cities destroyed? Absolutely everything within a radius of 50 to 60 kilometres was burnt, including flora and fauna, rivers and lakes.
One of the most unusual wonders of the Sahara and the greatest mysteries of the planet is found in Mauritania. This unique 'geological formation' is clearly visible even from space. The Eye of the Sahara is a series of huge concentric rings and has a diameter of about 50 kilometres. The object gained worldwide fame after its discovery in 1965. Since then, the mysterious eye has haunted scientists

🇧🇷 O que as areias do Saara escondem?

O território do moderno Deserto do Saara era densamente povoado nos séculos XVI e XVIII, mas centenas de cidades desapareceram quase sem deixar rastros. Como essas cidades foram destruídas? Absolutamente tudo em um raio de 50 a 60 quilômetros foi queimado, inclusive a flora e a fauna, rios e lagos.
Uma das maravilhas mais incomuns do Saara e um dos maiores mistérios do planeta encontram-se na Mauritânia. Essa "formação geológica" única é claramente visível até mesmo do espaço. O Olho do Saara é uma série de enormes anéis concêntricos e tem um diâmetro de cerca de 50 quilômetros. O objeto ganhou fama mundial após sua descoberta em 1965. Desde então, o olho misterioso tem assombrado os cientistas

🇫🇷 Que cachent les sables du Sahara ?

Le territoire de l'actuel désert du Sahara était densément peuplé aux XVIe et XVIIIe siècles, mais des centaines de villes ont disparu presque sans laisser de traces. Comment ces villes ont-elles été détruites ? Absolument tout a été brûlé dans un rayon de 50 à 60 kilomètres, y compris la flore et la faune, les rivières et les lacs.
L'une des merveilles les plus insolites du Sahara et l'un des plus grands mystères de la planète se trouvent en Mauritanie. Cette "formation géologique" unique est clairement visible, même depuis l'espace. L'œil du Sahara est une série d'énormes anneaux concentriques d'un diamètre d'environ 50 kilomètres. L'objet a acquis une renommée mondiale après sa découverte en 1965. Depuis lors, l'œil mystérieux hante les scientifiques.










14 Nov, 11:41

🇮🇹 Ogni tanto c’è una luce bella.
Che fa riflessi su tutte le cose: cielo, occhi, finestre.
Il tempo sorride e le persone s’innamorano.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Buongiorno Anime Belle ☀️

🇦🇺 Every now and then there is a beautiful light.
That reflects on all things: sky, eyes, windows.
Time smiles and people fall in love.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Good morning beautiful souls ☀️

🇧🇷 De vez em quando, há uma bela luz.
Ela se reflete em todas as coisas: céu, olhos, janelas.
O tempo sorri e as pessoas se apaixonam.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bom dia aumas lindas ☀️

🇫🇷 De temps en temps, il y a une belle lumière.
Elle se reflète sur tout : le ciel, les yeux, les fenêtres.
Le temps sourit et les gens tombent amoureux.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bonjour belles âmes☀️










14 Nov, 11:15

🇪🇸 Descubriendo a la guardiana de Egipto

La Esfinge estaba enterrada totalmente bajo la arena, menos su rostro, despejada al comienzo del siglo XIX.

Estas fotografías dan testimonio del proceso de excavación llevado a cabo desde entonces, así como de los templos y catacumbas sepultados de alrededor.

Se tiene constancia de que, al menos, la Esfinge se ha desenterrado de la arena en tres ocasiones, la última en 1925.

🇬🇧 Discovering the Guardian of Egypt

The Sphinx was completely buried under the sand, except for her face, cleared at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

These photographs testify to the excavation process carried out since then, as well as the buried temples and catacombs around.

It is recorded that, at least, the Sphinx has been unearthed from the sand on three occasions, the last one in 1925.

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13 Nov, 23:49

Bronisław Piłsudski (1866-1918) was a Polish ethnographer specialising in the Nivkh, Oroks and Ainu.

The younger brother of Józef Piłsudski was arrested by the Tsarist police in 1887 and sentenced to 15 years of forced labour on Sakhalin. There he initially had to do hard physical labour, but soon became a teacher and met Lev Yakovlevich Sternberg, who introduced him to ethnography. In 1902, he was commissioned by the Imperial Russian Academy of Sciences to collect ethnographic artefacts on Sakhalin. In the Ainu village of Ai, he married Chuhsamma, the niece of the chief.

After the Russo-Japanese War in 1906, he went to Japan, where he met Shimei Futabatei and founded the Japanese-Polish Society. He was befriended by Ōkuma Shigenobu, Futabatei Shimei, Torii Ryūzō and Katayama Sen, among others.

He returned to Poland in 1906, while his wife and children remained in Japan. Several descendants of Bronisław Piłsudski currently live in Japan.

👉Slavic World


13 Nov, 20:57

🇪🇸 Muchos capítulos de nuestra historia han sido eliminados deliberadamente

Esta carta proviene de un juego llamado Minchiate, un juego de cartas de principios del siglo XVI. En ella se puede ver el Gran Imperio Tártaro.

Gracias a las profundidades de Internet y a los dedicados investigadores, podemos reconstruir los fragmentos de la historia borrada.

Puede que nunca sepamos toda la verdad, pero podemos salvar y preservar lo que encontremos.

🇬🇧 Many chapters of our history has been deliberately removed

This card come from a game called Minchiate, it is a card game from the early 16th century.

On this card you see a glimpse of the Grand Tartarian Empire.

Thanks to the depths of the internet and devoted researchers, we can piece together the fragments of our erased history.

We may never know the whole truth but we can save and preserve what we find.

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13 Nov, 18:28

🇪🇸 Maqueta de la Roma Imperial, siglo IV d.C.

El Museo de la Civilización Romana alberga una de las maquetas más impresionantes de la ciudad jamás construidas.

Conocida como el Plastico di Roma Imperiale, fue creada por el arqueólogo italiano Italo Gismondi, que tardó más de 35 años en acabarlo.

Se derivó de la Forma Urbis Romae, tiene una escala de 1:250 y está hecho de yeso.

🇬🇧 Model of Imperial Rome, 4th century A.D.

The Museum of Roman Civilization houses one of the most impressive models of the city ever built.

Known as the Plastico di Roma Imperiale, it was created by the Italian archaeologist Italo Gismondi, who took more than 35 years to finish it.

It was derived from the Forma Urbis Romae, has a scale of 1:250 and is made of plaster.

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13 Nov, 17:30



13 Nov, 17:22

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13 Nov, 16:50

🇪🇸 Pieterburen, Holanda
Una "iglesia" SIN cruz

Quizás estos edificios llamados ahora iglesias y catedrales antes eran usados con otros fines, como captar energía del éter, en lugar de amontonar creyentes para rezar a un ser imaginario y autoculparse por todo y contarle sus errores a un tipo vestido con un vestido largo negro.

Ahora todos estos edificios tienen una cruz. Es bastante probable que antes tuvieran antenas como la que se ve en estas imágenes, y ninguna cruz. Ni señores con vestidos largos recopiladores de los errores de la gente.

🇬🇧 Pieterburen, The Netherlands
A "church" WITHOUT a cross

Perhaps these buildings now called churches and cathedrals used to be used for other purposes, such as harnessing energy from the ether, instead of piling up believers to pray to an imaginary being and blame themselves for everything and tell their mistakes to a guy dressed in a long black dress.

Now all these buildings have a cross. It is quite likely that they used to have antennas like the one seen in these images, and no cross. Nor gentlemen in long dresses who collect people's mistakes.

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13 Nov, 13:34

🇪🇸 La Roca del León ️ ️ ️

El Sigirîya o Simhagîri significa la "roca del león", se encuentra en el mismo centro de Sri Lanka a 370 metros de altura y alberga un yacimiento arqueológico.

El ascenso a la cima de Sigirîya es grandioso. Para llegar es necesario subir más de 1300 escalones.

Este sitio es conocido por sus frescos rupestres y sus impresionantes patas de león, talladas en la roca... ¡sin mencionar la espectacular vista que tenemos estando arriba!

Parece un tocón gigante petrificado, ¿verdad?

🇬🇧 The Lion's Rock ️

The Sigirîya or Simhagîri means the "lion rock", is located in the very center of Sri Lanka at 1214 ft high and houses an archaeological site.

The ascent to the top of Sigirîya is great. To get there it is necessary to climb more than 1300 steps.

This site is known for its cave frescoes and its impressive lion paws, carved into the rock... not to mention the spectacular view we have being upstairs!

It looks like a giant petrified stump, doesn't it?

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The copyright of the music belongs to Mak Jun-Hung.


13 Nov, 12:38

🇮🇹 L'antica città di Petra in Giordania.

Una città rupestre misteriosa e insolita, di cui i saggi dell'antichità scrissero più di una volta e fu menzionata nella Bibbia. Al confine del IV-III millennio aC, i nomadi arabi nabatei decisero di stabilirsi in questa zona, e costruirono la loro capitale, la città di Petra, in un luogo remoto.
Era infatti difficile entrare in città, poiché c'era un solo ingresso attraverso una stretta gola. I più famosi dei nostri tempi sono i templi-palazzi di El-Khazneh e Ad-Deir scavati nella roccia. I templi ellenistici sono edifici monumentali interamente scavati nella roccia. Lo scopo esatto delle strutture non è del tutto chiaro. Si presume che il tempio El-Khazneh fosse originariamente un tempio della dea Iside.

🇦🇺 The ancient city of Petra in Jordan

A mysterious and unusual rock city, which the sages of antiquity wrote about more than once and was mentioned in the Bible. At the border of the 4th-3rd millennium BC, the Nabataean Arab nomads decided to settle in this area, and built their capital, the city of Petra, in a remote location.
It was indeed difficult to enter the city, as there was only one entrance through a narrow gorge. The most famous of our times are the rock-hewn temples of El-Khazneh and Ad-Deir. Hellenistic temples are monumental buildings carved entirely out of rock. The exact purpose of the structures is not entirely clear. It is assumed that the El-Khazneh temple was originally a temple of the goddess Isis.

🇧🇷 A antiga cidade de Petra, na Jordânia

Uma cidade rochosa misteriosa e incomum, sobre a qual os sábios da antiguidade escreveram mais de uma vez e que foi mencionada na Bíblia. Na fronteira entre o 4º e o 3º milênio a.C., os nômades árabes nabateus decidiram se estabelecer nessa área e construíram sua capital, a cidade de Petra, em um local remoto.
De fato, era difícil entrar na cidade, pois havia apenas uma entrada por um estreito desfiladeiro. Os mais famosos de nossa época são os templos escavados na rocha de El-Khazneh e Ad-Deir. Os templos helenísticos são edifícios monumentais esculpidos inteiramente na rocha. O objetivo exato das estruturas não é totalmente claro. Supõe-se que o templo de El-Khazneh tenha sido originalmente um templo da deusa Ísis.

🇫🇷 L'ancienne ville de Petra en Jordanie

Une ville rocheuse mystérieuse et insolite, dont les sages de l'Antiquité ont parlé plus d'une fois et qui est mentionnée dans la Bible. À la limite du 4e-3e millénaire avant J.-C., les nomades arabes nabatéens décidèrent de s'installer dans cette région et construisirent leur capitale, la ville de Pétra, dans un endroit isolé.
Il était en effet difficile de pénétrer dans la ville, car il n'y avait qu'une seule entrée par une gorge étroite. Les plus célèbres de nos jours sont les temples taillés dans le roc d'El-Khazneh et d'Ad-Deir. Les temples hellénistiques sont des édifices monumentaux entièrement taillés dans le roc. Leur fonction exacte n'est pas tout à fait claire. On suppose que le temple d'El-Khazneh était à l'origine un temple de la déesse Isis.










13 Nov, 12:37

🇮🇹 Il carillon è stato creato in Svizzera intorno al 1780.

🇦🇺 The carillon was created in Switzerland around 1780.

🇧🇷 O carrilhão foi criado na Suíça por volta de 1780.

🇫🇷 Le carillon a été créé en Suisse vers 1780.










11 Nov, 21:10

🇪🇸 Naours, ciudad subterránea en la región de Picardía, al norte de Francia

Es un vasto complejo de túneles y salas subterráneas que se remontan al Viejo Mundo.

Este refugio subterráneo, conocido localmente como los Muchos, fue utilizado por los habitantes de la zona para protegerse de los invasores y de los conflictos bélicos como las Invasiones Normandas y las Guerras de Religión.

El complejo consta de aproximadamente 300 habitaciones y una serie de galerías, capillas, establos y pozos de ventilación que se extienden a lo largo de aproximadamente 3 kilómetros.

Hoy en día, Naours es una atracción turística que ofrece visitas guiadas que permiten a los visitantes explorar y comprender mejor esta increíble red subterránea.

🇬🇧 Naours, underground city located in the Picardy region of northern France

Is an extensive complex of tunnels and subterranean rooms from the Old World.

Known locally as the "Many", this underground shelter was used by the area's residents to protect themselves from invaders and war conflicts such as the Norman invasions and Wars of Religion.

The complex consists of around 300 rooms and a series of galleries, chapels, stables and ventilation shafts stretching for around 3 kilometers

Today, Naours is a tourist attraction offering guided tours that allow visitors to explore and better understand this incredible underground network.

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11 Nov, 20:57


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11 Nov, 16:45

🇪🇸 Derinkuyu, ciudad subterránea en Turquía

La ciudad subterránea de Derinkuyu fue descubierta accidentalmente en 1963 y abierta a los visitantes en 1967.

Ahora en esta ciudad subterránea se han descubierto 8 pisos con una superficie total de 2,5 kilómetros cuadrados y la mayoría de ellos están abiertos a los visitantes.

La planta inferior está a una cota de 50 metros. Se supone que debajo hay unos 4 o 5 pisos más. Es decir, cuando se despejen todos los niveles, su profundidad alcanzará los 85 metros.

🇬🇧 Derinkuyu, underground city in Turkey

The underground city of Derinkuyu was accidentally discovered in 1963 and opened to visitors in 1967.

Currently, 8 floors with a total area of ​1,5 square miles have been discovered in this underground city, and most of them are open to visitors.

The bottom floor is at a level of 165 feet. It is assumed that there are about 4-5 floors below it. That is, when all levels are cleared, its depth will reach 280 feet.

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11 Nov, 15:50

🇮🇹 Questa non è una città allagata! Tutti i segni della civiltà sono una creazione della natura!
L'acqua ha accidentalmente scavato un'enorme città con gradini, pareti lisce e tunnel? Perché solo lì e da nessun'altra parte? Perché è così simile a Machu Picchu?.
È interessante notare che in questo caso anche gli scienziati ufficiali dicono apertamente la verità. Il professore giapponese Masaki Kimura, che ha studiato la città allagata dall'interno e dall'esterno, dichiara apertamente che la città è stata creata dall'uomo.
Inoltre, corrisponde esattamente all'antica leggenda giapponese su un drago che vive in un castello sotto il mare. Queste sono le terrazze scavate nella pietra in esso menzionate.

🇦🇺 This is not a flooded city! All signs of civilisation are a creation of nature!
Did water accidentally carve a huge city with steps, smooth walls and tunnels? Why only there and nowhere else? Why is it so similar to Machu Picchu?
Interestingly, in this case even official scientists are openly telling the truth. Japanese professor Masaki Kimura, who studied the flooded city from the inside and outside, openly states that the city was man-made.
Moreover, it corresponds exactly to the ancient Japanese legend about a dragon living in a castle under the sea. These are the stone-carved terraces mentioned in it.

🇧🇷 Esta não é uma cidade inundada! Todos os sinais de civilização são uma criação da natureza!
Será que a água esculpiu acidentalmente uma cidade enorme com degraus, paredes lisas e túneis? Por que somente ali e em nenhum outro lugar? Por que ela é tão semelhante a Machu Picchu?
É interessante notar que, nesse caso, até mesmo os cientistas oficiais estão dizendo abertamente a verdade. O professor japonês Masaki Kimura, que estudou a cidade inundada por dentro e por fora, afirma abertamente que a cidade foi feita pelo homem.
Além disso, ela corresponde exatamente à antiga lenda japonesa sobre um dragão que vive em um castelo no fundo do mar. Esses são os terraços esculpidos em pedra mencionados na lenda.

🇫🇷 Ce n'est pas une ville inondée ! Tous les signes de civilisation sont une création de la nature !
L'eau a-t-elle accidentellement sculpté une immense ville avec des marches, des murs lisses et des tunnels ? Pourquoi seulement là et nulle part ailleurs ? Pourquoi est-elle si semblable au Machu Picchu ?
Il est intéressant de noter que, dans ce cas, même des scientifiques officiels disent ouvertement la vérité. Le professeur japonais Masaki Kimura, qui a étudié la ville inondée de l'intérieur et de l'extérieur, affirme ouvertement qu'il s'agit d'une construction humaine.
En outre, elle correspond exactement à l'ancienne légende japonaise selon laquelle un dragon vivrait dans un château sous la mer. Ce sont les terrasses taillées dans la pierre qui sont mentionnées dans cette légende.










11 Nov, 15:50

🇮🇹 Pyramid Lake, Nevada, prima e dopo.

🇦🇺 Pyramid Lake, Nevada, before and after.

🇧🇷 Pyramid Lake, Nevada, antes e depois.

🇫🇷Pyramid Lake, Nevada, avant et après.










11 Nov, 14:26

The Last Druid - Ben McBrady

"The task of each member of the order to be a compendium of all knowledge ... that was the reason for the long-term of training (about 20 years).

If humanity was totally wiped out, he should be capable of re-establishing everything from his own resources.

...after the last great catastrophe which affected the world. With these great and terrible electrical storms ... are showers of meteorites, civilization was totally destroyed.

...they were particularly concerned with astronomy because they had experienced so many calamities and it was thought that the full knowledge of astronomy would enable them to predict when these calamities were likely to take place and take some kind of action to protect themselves."

Was the druidic order really what we are told from the accepted historical narrative?

It is worth considering that accusations of human sacrifice and black magic were propaganda of agents of the papacy to justify the eradication of a threat to their hegemonic rule (see Unam Sanctam and the Jesuit Oath).

In lieu of defining features of their philosophy: that life itself is sacred and thriving is achieved through balance in the individual and knowledge of the logos, there was no interest in political office, they had no military, yet it is said that a Druid's judicial authority superceded that of a King's.

While polarization and political rhetoric ramp up today in the same old black magic dialectical rituals, very few are left who speak of the signs and warnings the Father wrote into the clock of the heavens.

𝕬𝖗𝖐𝖍𝖆𝖒 𝕱𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖘


11 Nov, 14:18

Thousands of witnesses across the Southwest are reporting an unknown object breaking apart in the sky creating a spectacular display

Currently, thousands of people across the Southwest, particularly in Oklahoma and Texas, are witnessing and reporting an unknown object dramatically breaking apart in the sky. This event has created a stunning display, with fragments scattering across the sky and leaving a bright, glowing trail of debris visible for miles. Witnesses have described vibrant colors flashing overhead, leading some to speculate it could be a meteor or debris, while others think it
might be a UFO. Officials have yet to confirm the source, and the situation is still developing.

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11 Nov, 13:51

🇮🇹 Il grande incendio di Chicago del 1871.

Qual è il significato di un'immagine del genere? È molto più vicino alla verità di quanto potresti immaginare:

- 17.450 edifici, per lo più in pietra, distrutti in 36 ore
— 485 edifici all'ora
- 8 edifici al minuto
— 1 edificio in pietra (!) ogni 7,5 secondi

E tutto questo a causa di un incendio che presumibilmente è scoppiato perché la mucca della signora O'Leary ha preso a calci una lanterna...

Ti fa davvero pensare

🇦🇺 The Great Chicago Fire of 1871.

What is the significance of such an image? It is much closer to the truth than you might imagine:

- 17,450 buildings, mostly stone, destroyed in 36 hours
- 485 buildings per hour
- 8 buildings per minute
- 1 stone building (!) every 7.5 seconds

And all because of a fire that allegedly started because Mrs O'Leary's cow kicked a lantern....

Really makes you wonder

🇧🇷 O Grande Incêndio de Chicago de 1871.

Qual é o significado dessa imagem? Ela está muito mais próxima da verdade do que você pode imaginar:

- 17.450 edifícios, em sua maioria de pedra, destruídos em 36 horas
- 485 edifícios por hora
- 8 edifícios por minuto
- 1 edifício de pedra (!) a cada 7,5 segundos

E tudo por causa de um incêndio que supostamente começou porque a vaca da Sra. O'Leary chutou uma lanterna....

Realmente faz você se perguntar

🇫🇷 Le grand incendie de Chicago de 1871.

Quelle est la signification d'une telle image ? Elle est bien plus proche de la réalité que vous ne l'imaginez :

- 17 450 bâtiments, pour la plupart en pierre, détruits en 36 heures
- 485 bâtiments par heure
- 8 bâtiments par minute
- 1 bâtiment en pierre ( !) toutes les 7,5 secondes

Et tout cela à cause d'un incendie qui aurait démarré parce que la vache de Mme O'Leary a donné un coup de pied dans une lanterne....

C'est à se demander










11 Nov, 13:50

🇮🇹 Nel 1935, la Fondazione Rockefeller finanziò uno studio psicologico sulle risposte di paura del pubblico a una falsa trasmissione radiofonica su un’invasione aliena.

- 1,7 milioni di persone credevano che la trasmissione fosse autentica.

- 1,2 milioni di persone erano così spaventate da essere pronte a scappare o a combattere

Quasi 90 anni dopo, la tattica non è cambiata affatto.

🇦🇺 In 1935, the Rockefeller Foundation funded a psychological study of the public's fear responses to a fake radio broadcast about an alien invasion.

- 1.7 million people believed the broadcast was genuine.

- 1.2 million people were so frightened that they were ready to run away or fight

Almost 90 years later, the tactics have not changed at all.

🇧🇷 Em 1935, a Fundação Rockefeller financiou um estudo psicológico das respostas de medo do público a uma transmissão de rádio falsa sobre uma invasão alienígena.

- 1,7 milhão de pessoas acreditaram que a transmissão era genuína.

- 1,2 milhão de pessoas ficaram tão assustadas que estavam prontas para fugir ou lutar

Quase 90 anos depois, as táticas não mudaram em nada.

🇫🇷 En 1935, la Fondation Rockefeller a financé une étude psychologique sur les réactions de peur du public face à une fausse émission de radio sur une invasion extraterrestre.

- 1,7 million de personnes ont cru à l'authenticité de l'émission.

- 1,2 million de personnes ont été tellement effrayées qu'elles étaient prêtes à s'enfuir ou à se battre

Près de 90 ans plus tard, les tactiques n'ont pas changé.










11 Nov, 13:06

🇪🇸 El sílice del cabello es lo que hace que éste sea una antena receptora de frecuencias

Desde la antigüedad, se sabe que las mujeres tienen el cabello largo, lo que no solo era visto como un símbolo de belleza y salud, sino también como un signo de fertilidad, y también era visto como una conexión con lo divino.

Se ha creído que las personas con cabello largo poseen mayor intuición, percepción y conciencia espiritual. En algunas culturas, se cree que quienes tienen cabello largo pueden comunicarse con el mundo espiritual e incluso ver el futuro.

Por ejemplo, es ampliamente conocido que la Sociedad Vrill, que influyó ampliamente en Hitler, era una sociedad secreta formada en su mayoría por mujeres clarividentes.

Afirmaban haber mantenido su cabello largo para que actuara como antena para canalizar telepáticamente la comunicación con civilizaciones extraterrestres.

La verdadera razón por la que el cabello es tan poderoso se debe al mineral clave que se encuentra en el cabello, llamado sílice, que es uno de los principales componentes del cristal de cuarzo. Actúa como una antena capaz de transmitir y recibir frecuencias.

🇬🇧 The silica in the hair is what makes it a frequency receiving antenna

Since ancient times, women have been known to have long hair which was not only seen as a symbol of beauty and health, as well as a sign of fertility, and it was also seen as a connection to the divine.

People with long hair have been thought to possess greater insight, intuition, and spiritual awareness. In some cultures, it is believed that those with long hair can communicate with the spirit world and even see into the future.

For example it is widely known that Vrill Society which widely influenced Hitler, was a secret society mostly made up of clairvoyant women.

They claimed to have kept their hair long in order to act as an antenna to telepathically channel communication with extraterrestrial civilizations.

The real reason why hair is so powerful is because of the key mineral found in hair called Silica, which is one of the main compositions of Quartz crystal. It acts as an antenna that's able to transmit and recieve frequencies.

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11 Nov, 09:23

🇪🇸 Pirámides escondidas a plena vista

Pirámides antes y después de su descubrimiento:

1. Chichén Itzá, México
2. Pirámide del Sol en Teotihuacán, México
3. Templo de Tikal, Guatemala
4. Pirámide del Adivino, México

Muchas pirámides todavía permanecen escondidas bajo gruesas capas de tierra, esperando ser descubiertas.

Numerosas estructuras que han sido cubiertas por la naturaleza a lo largo de los siglos permanecen inexploradas.

Es de suponer que muchos de los nuevos descubrimientos se mantienen en secreto y no se revelan al público por diversas razones.

🇬🇧 Pyramids hidden in plain sight

Pyramids before and after their discovery:

1. Chichen Itza, Mexico
2. Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico
3. Temple of Tikal, Guatemala
4. Pyramid of El Adivino, Mexico

Many pyramids still remain hidden under thick layers of earth, waiting to be discovered.

Numerous structures that have been covered by nature over the centuries remain unexplored.

Presumably, many of the new discoveries are kept secret and not revealed to the public for various reasons.

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The copyright of the music belongs to Eitetsu Hayashi.


11 Nov, 07:20

🇮🇹 Nessun giorno è uguale all’altro, ogni mattina porta con sé un particolare miracolo, il proprio momento magico, nel quale i vecchi universi vengono distrutti e si creano nuove stelle.

(Paulo Coelho)

Buongiorno anime belle 🍀

🇦🇺 No day is the same as another, each morning brings with it its own particular miracle, its own magic moment in which old universes are destroyed and new stars are created.

(Paulo Coelho)

Good morning beautiful souls 🍀

🇧🇷 Nenhum dia é igual ao outro, cada manhã traz consigo seu próprio milagre particular, seu próprio momento mágico em que universos antigos são destruídos e novas estrelas são criadas.

(Paulo Coelho)

Bom dia, lindas almas 🍀

🇫🇷 Aucun jour ne ressemble à un autre, chaque matin apporte son miracle particulier, son moment magique où les vieux univers sont détruits et où de nouvelles étoiles sont créées.

(Paulo Coelho)

Bonjour belles âmes 🍀










10 Nov, 23:43

🇪🇸 Armadura de bambú para un elefante de guerra, India, 1600

Esta es la armadura más famosa para un elefante de guerra. Se exhibe en la Armería Real de Leeds, Inglaterra.

Los elefantes lucharon con esta armadura en el territorio del norte de India, Pakistán y Afganistán.

Hoy en día es la armadura de elefante más grande del mundo, que está oficialmente inscrita en el Libro Guinness de los Récords.

🇬🇧 Bamboo armor for a war elephant, India, 1600

This is the most famous armor for a war elephant. It is on display at the Royal Armory in Leeds, England.

Elephants fought in this armor on the territory of northern India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Today it is the largest elephant armor in the world, which is officially entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

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10 Nov, 16:22

Yasaka Pagode in Kyoto, Japan

Die Yasaka Pagode, auch bekannt als der Turm von Yasaka, ist eine 46 Meter hohe buddhistische Pagode in Higashiyama-ku, einem Stadtbezirk von Kyoto in Japan. Die fünfstöckige Pagode ist das letzte verbliebene Bauwerk eines Tempelkomplexes aus dem 6. Jahrhundert, der als Hōkan-ji bekannt ist.

Die Kontrolle über die Pagode war in der Vergangenheit zwischen dem nahe gelegenen Shinto-Schrein von Gion und dem buddhistischen Tempel von Kiyomizu-dera umstritten, so dass die Pagode im Mai 1179 niedergebrannt wurde. 1191 wurde sie mit finanzieller Unterstützung des Adligen Minamoto no Yoritomo wieder aufgebaut.

Heute ist die Pagode eine beliebte Touristenattraktion.

👉Hidden History👈


10 Nov, 13:16

🇮🇹 Città volanti.

Una piccola selezione di disegni e incisioni dal 1600 al 1920.
O le persone li hanno visti da qualche parte e li hanno trasferiti al loro lavoro, oppure hanno sognato tali meccanismi.
E come sapete... c'era una leggenda secondo cui anche Leonardo da Vinci stesso proveniva da una città volante così segreta, dove vivevano i migliori ingegneri e scienziati di tutto il mondo.

🇦🇺 Flying Cities.

A small selection of drawings and engravings from 1600 to 1920.
Either people saw them somewhere and transferred them to their work, or they dreamt of such mechanisms.
And as you know... there was a legend that even Leonardo da Vinci himself came from such a secret flying city, where the world's best engineers and scientists lived.

🇧🇷 Cidades voadoras.

Uma pequena seleção de desenhos e gravuras de 1600 a 1920.
Ou as pessoas as viram em algum lugar e as transferiram para seu trabalho, ou sonharam com esses mecanismos.
E como você sabe... havia uma lenda de que até o próprio Leonardo da Vinci veio de uma cidade voadora secreta, onde viviam os melhores engenheiros e cientistas do mundo.

🇫🇷 Villes volantes.

Une petite sélection de dessins et de gravures de 1600 à 1920.
Soit les gens les ont vus quelque part et les ont transposés dans leur travail, soit ils ont rêvé de tels mécanismes.
Et comme vous le savez... une légende veut que Léonard de Vinci lui-même vienne d'une ville volante secrète, où vivaient les meilleurs ingénieurs et scientifiques du monde.










10 Nov, 10:31

What Happened to Siberian and Chinese Forests 200 Years Ago ? Special Edition # 7

I came across intriguing information on Siberian taiga forests. The age of Siberian forests is estimated at around 200 years or less, which is odd given the region’s isolation until the early 20th century. Siberian pines can live up to 850 years, with other trees lasting around 500-600 years. Yet, the forests are surprisingly young.

Did a cataclysm occur about two centuries ago, leading to massive forest destruction ?

To learn more about this fascinating subject, don't miss our show :
What Happened to Siberian and Chinese Forests 200 Years Ago ? Special Edition # 7

⭐️ Video in French, subtitles available in all languages

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10 Nov, 10:13

Interior of the Toll Gate Saloon, Black Hawk, Colorado 1897

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10 Nov, 10:04

🇮🇹 E di pietre simili ce ne sono parecchie in tutto il mondo...
Perché a loro non si applicano le leggi della fisica? Zone anomale?

🇦🇺 And there are many such stones all over the world....
Why don't the laws of physics apply to them? Anomalous zones?

🇧🇷 E há muitas pedras desse tipo em todo o mundo....
Por que as leis da física não se aplicam a elas? Zonas anômalas?

🇫🇷 Et il existe de nombreuses pierres de ce type dans le monde entier....
Pourquoi les lois de la physique ne s'appliquent-elles pas à ces pierres ? Des zones anormales ?










02 Nov, 23:07

Six fingers, a double row of teeth and Giants of Old. Ralph Glidden Skeletons uncovered that were kept from the public.




02 Nov, 21:34

🇪🇸 ¿Diferentes civilizaciones con cultos similares?

Cuanto más investigamos, más seguros estamos de que, en cierto momento, hubo una sola cultura que se extendió desde Grecia hasta China.

Sin embargo, esto jamás ha sido mencionado en ninguno de los libros de historia impresos.

🇬🇧 Different civilizations with similar cults?

The more we investigate, the more certain we are that, at a certain time, there was a single culture that spread from Greece to China.

However, this has never been mentioned in any of the printed history books.

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02 Nov, 20:53



02 Nov, 20:33

12 Foot Giants found during a project know as The Little River Drainage District.

Clippings from The Hutchinson Gazette published in Hutchinson, Kansas on 12/17/1913 and Monroe County Mail, 18th December 1913.


02 Nov, 18:20


Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !



02 Nov, 17:31

🇪🇸 Montaña Nemrut, Turquía

El montículo de escombros tiene 49 metros de altura y 152 metros de diámetro y está rodeado por tres terrazas al norte, oeste y este.

En las terrazas occidental y oriental se pueden ver grandes estatuas, que fueron decapitadas y sus cabezas colocadas frente a las estatuas.

El sitio fue descubierto en 1881 por el ingeniero alemán Karl Sester. Pero aún a día de hoy no se sabe lo que es este lugar.

🇬🇧 Nemrut Mountain, Turkey

The rubble mound is 161 ft high and 499 ft in diameter and is surrounded by three terraces to the north, west and east.

On the western and eastern terraces you can see large statues, which were beheaded and their heads placed in front of the statues.

The site was discovered in 1881 by the German engineer Karl Sester. But even today it is not known what this place is.

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02 Nov, 17:11

地質学を覆す仮説 10月のまとめ動画完成です。

The hypothesis that overturns geology October's summary video has been completed.

I added a supplementary video and subtitles to the LIVE the other day.

I think it will be a video divided into 5 episodes in total, and it will be the culmination of 3 years of interviews. Please watch it by all means



27 Oct, 20:43

🇪🇸 Fotografías tomadas después del Gran Incendio de Chicago en 1871

La piedra no arde, pero las casas de piedra se queman hasta los cimientos.

- 17.450 edificios, en su mayoría de piedra, destruidos en 36 horas

- 485 edificios por hora

- 8 edificios por minuto

- 1 edificio de piedra (!) cada 7,5 segundos

Y todo esto se debió a un incendio provocado por una vaca que derribó con sus cascos una lámpara de queroseno.

👉🏻video explicativo👈🏻

🇬🇧 Photographs taken after the Great Chicago Fire of 1871

Stone does not burn, but stone houses burned down to the very foundation.

- 17,450 mostly stone buildings destroyed in 36 hours

- 485 buildings per hour

- 8 buildings per minute

- 1 stone (!) building every 7.5 seconds

And all this because of a fire caused by a cow that knocked over a kerosene lamp with its hooves.

👉🏻explanatoy video👈🏻

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27 Oct, 20:39



27 Oct, 18:08

🇪🇸 El arquitecto debe haber calculado mal..

Puerta del Banco Central de Chile

La puerta de bronce pesa 6 toneladas, mide 6,2 metros de alto y 3,5 metros de ancho.

🇬🇧 The architect must have miscalculated..

Door of the Central Bank of Chile

The bronze door weighs 6 tons, is 20ft high and 10ft wide.

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27 Oct, 16:40

🇪🇸 ¿Qué era realmente el Gran Cañón? ¿Un antiguo yacimiento minero? ¿O era mucho más que eso?

Hay una razón por la que gran parte del Gran Cañón está fuera de los límites y, de las 1000 cuevas conocidas del cañón, solo se ha explorado un tercio de ellas.

Hay 6 zonas de exclusión aérea sobre el Gran Cañón, incluidos los drones.

Uno de los pocos exploradores sin restricciones del Gran Cañón, informó haber encontrado muchos artefactos egipcios antiguos entre las antiguas ruinas del cañón.

🇬🇧 What was the Grand Canyon really? Old mining site? Or was it a lot more than that?

There is a reason why so much of the Grand Canyon is off limits and among the known 1000 caves in the canyon only about one third of them have been explored.

There are 6 no fly zones over the grand canyon including drones.

One of the few unrestricted explorers of the grand canyon reported finding many ancient Egyptian artifacts amongst the ancient ruins in the canyon.

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27 Oct, 16:04

Children from a very young age should be taught that the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
That if you point your right hand to the East, your face will face North and your back will face South.
That the direction of the water in a river often runs towards the sea. That the Moon rises in the East and sets in the West, that if there is no moon there is a star that indicates the north and your latitude. That the more to the horizon you see the Polar Star, the closer you are to the Equator, if you see a bird in the middle of the sea it is because there is land in the vicinity of where it flies.

Respect and love for animals, trees, the earth, and the elements that give us life.

Teach them all this before giving them a cell phone because the cell phone runs out and the signal is lost... wisdom is never lost.

Let's not let them lose connection.

Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !



27 Oct, 15:39

🇪🇸 Un kiosko de periódicos en Nueva York en la década de 1930

Lado Oeste de Manhattan, en la Avenida 12 con la calle 42.

Ese chico que llevó los periódicos a ese kiosko como cada día y miró con inquietud a la inusual cámara no pensó que 100 años después miles de personas lo miraríamos con nostalgia y querríamos viajar en el tiempo para quedarnos ahí.

Solo fue un día rutinario como cualquier otro para él. Para nosotros es un sueño imposible.

🇬🇧 A news stand in NYC in the 1930s

Manhattan's West Side, at 12th Avenue and 42nd Street.

That boy who took the newspapers to that news stand like every day and looked with concern at the unusual camera did not think that 100 years later thousands of people would look at him with nostalgia and want to travel back in time to stay there.

It was just a routine day like any other for him. For us, it's an impossible dream.

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The copyright of the music belongs to Pearl Jam.


27 Oct, 10:31

🇮🇹 La Bocca della Verità, o Bocca della Verità, è una lastra rotonda di marmo raffigurante la maschera del dio Tritone (o Oceano). Risalente al I secolo d.C., si trova nel portico della Chiesa di Santa Maria in Cosmedin a Roma, Italia.
Il diametro della maschera è di circa 1,75 metri; non si conosce l'esatto scopo del manufatto. La maschera potrebbe essere stata originariamente parte di una fontana.
Nel corso degli anni, la Bocca della Verità è stata avvolta da leggende e miti, il più famoso dei quali afferma che se un bugiardo mette la mano nella bocca di Tritone, la divinità la morderà immediatamente.

🇦🇺 The Bocca della Verità, or Mouth of Truth, is a round marble slab depicting the mask of the god Triton (or Ocean). Dating from the 1st century AD, it is located in the portico of the Church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome, Italy.
The diameter of the mask is about 1.75 metres; the exact purpose of the artefact is unknown. The mask may have originally been part of a fountain.
Over the years, the Mouth of Truth has been shrouded in legends and myths, the most famous of which states that if a liar puts his hand in Triton's mouth, the deity will immediately bite it off.

🇧🇷 A Bocca della Verità, ou Boca da Verdade, é uma placa de mármore redonda que representa a máscara do deus Tritão (ou Oceano). Datada do século I d.C., ela está localizada no pórtico da Igreja de Santa Maria in Cosmedin, em Roma, Itália.
O diâmetro da máscara é de cerca de 1,75 metros; a finalidade exata do artefato é desconhecida. A máscara pode ter sido originalmente parte de uma fonte.
Ao longo dos anos, a Boca da Verdade tem sido envolta em lendas e mitos, o mais famoso dos quais afirma que se um mentiroso colocar a mão na boca de Tritão, a divindade a morderá imediatamente.

🇫🇷 La Bocca della Verità, ou Bouche de la Vérité, est une plaque de marbre ronde représentant le masque du dieu Triton (ou Océan). Datant du Ier siècle après J.-C., elle se trouve dans le portique de l'église Santa Maria in Cosmedin à Rome, en Italie.
Le diamètre du masque est d'environ 1,75 mètre ; la fonction exacte de l'artefact est inconnue. Il est possible que le masque ait fait partie d'une fontaine à l'origine.
Au fil des ans, la Bouche de la Vérité a été entourée de légendes et de mythes, dont le plus célèbre affirme que si un menteur met sa main dans la bouche de Triton, la divinité la lui arrachera immédiatement.










27 Oct, 08:46

🇮🇹 La vita dovrebbe avere più svincoli,
piazzole delle meraviglia,
strade della felicità senza uscita,
baci ai caselli
e nessun limite alle possibilità.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Buongiorno anime belle 🍃🍂

🇦🇺 Life should have more interchanges,
dead-end streets of happiness,
kisses at toll booths
and no limits to possibilities.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Good morning beautiful souls 🍃🍂

🇧🇷 A vida deveria ter mais intercâmbios,
países das maravilhas,
ruas sem saída de felicidade,
beijos nas cabines de pedágio
e nenhum limite para as possibilidades.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bom dia almas lindas 🍃🍂

🇫🇷 La vie devrait avoir plus d'échanges,
de pays merveilleux,
d'impasses de bonheur,
de baisers aux péages
et aucune limite aux possibilités.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bonjour belles âmes 🍃🍂🍂










27 Oct, 05:26


Dutch ships in the early 1800s

Navire hollandais, début 1800.

迷宮から仮説へ🇫🇷 https://t.me/Du_Labyrinthe_aux_Hypotheses


25 Oct, 19:52

🇪🇸 La separación de la Antártida de América

En 1537 América estaba unida a la Antártida, pero no había hielo. Eran zonas cálidas con camellos.

La Antártida se descubrió en 1820. En ese año había hielo.

Entre 1540 y 1820 esas tierras fueron separadas por una fuerza colosal proviniente del Oeste, sumergiendo la zona arrasada en el Atlántico Sur.

¿De dónde vino toda esa agua dulce que la cubre? El clima allí es extremadamente seco. Casi no llueve.

🇬🇧 The separation of Antarctica from America

In 1537 America was linked to Antarctica, but there was no ice. They were warm areas with camels.

Antarctica was discovered in 1820. There was ice that year.

Between 1540 and 1820 these lands were separated by a colossal force coming from the West, submerging the devastated area in the South Atlantic Ocean.

Where did all that fresh water that covers it come from? The climate there is extremely dry. It hardly rains.

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25 Oct, 18:35

🇪🇸 El Palacio Farnese de Roma fue construido alrededor de 1530

Una de las decoraciones de las salas pintadas es un detallado mapa del mundo.

El mapa es increíblemente detallado, con cauces de ríos, ciudades, puertos y lugares de interés.

Es diferente a lo que estamos acostumbrados viendo esa Antártida Verde.

Vemos un enorme continente único formado por dos Américas, donde Sudamérica está conectada con las tierras florecientes de la Antártida.

¡Y no hay estrecho de Drake!

🇬🇧 The Palazzo Farnese in Rome was built around 1530

One of the decorations in the painted halls was a detailed map of the world.

The map is incredibly detailed, with riverbeds, cities, ports and landmarks.

It differs from what we are used to with Green Antarctica.

On the map can everyone see? Well, Antarctica... A huge single continent made up of two Americas, where South America is connected to the flowering lands of Antarctica.

And no Drake Strait!

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25 Oct, 14:09

The Fairy Bridge at Fas Na Cloiche, Glen Creran, Scotland
It was built around the 1500's

Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !



25 Oct, 11:49

🇮🇹 Il suolo della nostra Terra ha proprietà incredibili...e Noi siamo batterie viventi ⚡️.

🇦🇺 The soil of our Earth has incredible properties... and we are living batteries ⚡️.

🇧🇷 O solo de nossa Terra tem propriedades incríveis... e nós estamos vivendo de baterias ⚡️.

🇫🇷 Le sol de notre Terre a des propriétés incroyables... et nous sommes des batteries vivantes ⚡️.










25 Oct, 11:49

🇮🇹 Antichi mulini a vento persiani ad asse verticale.

Come è stato costruito e inventato dai primitivi?....🧐

🇦🇺 Ancient Persian vertical-axis windmills.

How was it built and invented by primitives? ....🧐

🇧🇷 Antigos moinhos de vento de eixo vertical da Pérsia.

Como foram construídos e inventados pelos primitivos? ....🧐

🇫🇷 Anciens moulins à vent persans à axe vertical.

Comment ont-ils été construits et inventés par des primitifs ? ....🧐










25 Oct, 11:49

🇮🇹 Queste sono piccole statuette di pietra che la gente del posto ha trovato durante la ricerca di diamanti in Sierra Leone, nell'Africa occidentale. Queste statue sono il manufatto più insolito, eccezionale e più antico. Età: 17.000 anni.
Si ritiene che le statue di Nomoli ricordino gli esseri un tempo divini. I volti delle figure di Nomoli hanno caratteristiche tipiche: le statue sono realizzate con vari tipi di pietra, materiali teneri, oltre che granito duro.
"Come e perché sono stati creati, e perché personaggi simili agli umanoidi rettiliani rimangono un mistero."

🇦🇺 These are small stone statuettes that locals found while searching for diamonds in Sierra Leone, West Africa. These statues are the most unusual, exceptional and oldest artefact. Age: 17,000 years.
The Nomoli statues are believed to be reminiscent of once divine beings. The faces of the Nomoli figures have typical characteristics: the statues are made of various types of stone, soft materials as well as hard granite.
"How and why reptilian humanoid-like figures were created remains a mystery."

🇧🇷 Essas são pequenas estatuetas de pedra que os habitantes locais encontraram enquanto procuravam diamantes em Serra Leoa, na África Ocidental. Essas estátuas são os artefatos mais incomuns, excepcionais e antigos. Idade: 17.000 anos.
Acredita-se que as estátuas Nomoli sejam uma reminiscência de seres divinos de outrora. Os rostos das figuras Nomoli têm características típicas: as estátuas são feitas de vários tipos de pedra, materiais macios e granito duro.
"Como e por que as figuras reptilianas de aspecto humanoide foram criadas permanece um mistério."

🇫🇷 Il s'agit de petites statuettes en pierre que les habitants ont trouvées en cherchant des diamants en Sierra Leone, en Afrique de l'Ouest. Ces statues sont les artefacts les plus inhabituels, les plus exceptionnels et les plus anciens. Âge : 17 000 ans.
Les statues Nomoli sont considérées comme des réminiscences d'êtres divins. Les visages des personnages Nomoli présentent des caractéristiques typiques : les statues sont faites de différents types de pierre, de matériaux tendres et de granit dur.
"Comment et pourquoi les figures humanoïdes reptiliennes ont été créées reste un mystère.










25 Oct, 11:49

🇮🇹 Ci sono già 42 (!) progetti di cloud seeding in corso negli Stati Uniti occidentali.

Fino a poco tempo fa considerate parte di una teoria del complotto, le scie chimiche sono ora chiamate “cloud seeding” e vengono tranquillamente mostrate sui più grandi canali televisivi statunitensi.

A proposito, se pensavi che tutto sarebbe limitato agli Stati Uniti, ecco come riferimento:
Brevetto US3813875A. "Sistema di rilascio del bario per la creazione di nuvole ioniche nell'alta atmosfera"

— Categoria: Brevetti meteorologici
— Numero di brevetto: US3813875A
— Paese: Stati Uniti
- Appendice: 1972 ( in tutto il mondo )
— Portavoce: Agenzia nazionale aeronautica e spaziale NASA
— Classificazioni: C06D3/00 - formazione di fumo o nebbia (parte chimica)

🇦🇺 There are already 42 (!) cloud seeding projects underway in the western United States.

Until recently considered part of a conspiracy theory, chemtrails are now called cloud seeding and are quietly being shown on major US TV channels.

By the way, if you thought everything would be limited to the US, here's a reference:
Patent US3813875A. "Barium release system for the creation of ionic clouds in the upper atmosphere".

- Category: Meteorological patents
- Patent number: US3813875A
- Country: United States
- Date: 1972 ( worldwide )
- Spokesperson: National Aeronautics and Space Agency NASA
- Classifications: C06D3/00 - formation of smoke or fog (chemical part).

🇧🇷 Já existem 42 (!) projetos de semeadura de nuvens em andamento no oeste dos Estados Unidos.

Até recentemente considerados parte de uma teoria da conspiração, os chemtrails agora são chamados de semeadura de nuvens e estão sendo discretamente exibidos nos principais canais de televisão dos EUA.

A propósito, se você pensou que tudo se limitaria aos EUA, aqui está uma referência:
Patente US3813875A. "Sistema de liberação de bário para a criação de nuvens iônicas na atmosfera superior".

- Categoria: Patentes meteorológicas
- Número da patente: US3813875A
- País: Estados Unidos
- Data: 1972 ( mundial )
- Porta-voz: Agência Nacional de Aeronáutica e Espaço NASA
- Classificações: C06D3/00 - formação de fumaça ou neblina (parte química).

🇫🇷 Il y a déjà 42 ( !) projets d'ensemencement des nuages en cours dans l'ouest des États-Unis.

Jusqu'à récemment considérées comme faisant partie d'une théorie du complot, les traînées chimiques sont désormais appelées "ensemencement des nuages" et sont discrètement diffusées sur les principales chaînes de télévision américaines.

Au fait, si vous pensiez que tout cela se limitait aux États-Unis, voici une référence :
Brevet US3813875A. "Système de libération de baryum pour la création de nuages ioniques dans la haute atmosphère.

- Catégorie : Brevets météorologiques
- Numéro de brevet : US3813875A
- Pays : États-Unis
- Date : 1972 (dans le monde entier)
- Porte-parole : National Aeronautics and Space Agency NASA
- Classifications : C06D3/00 - formation de fumée ou de brouillard (partie chimique).










25 Oct, 11:42

🇪🇸 El mapa de Urbano Monte de 1587 muestra gigantes al Sur de América

Este mapa no solo muestra la Antártida 300 años antes de su descubrimiento, sino que también muestra gran parte de los habitantes que alguna vez compartieron este reino con nosotros.

En la imagen ampliada se muestra la Región de los Gigantes, en el Sur de América, con dibujos de estos enormes humanos.

Esa región se llama Patagonia, por los Patagones (pies grandes). Los españoles los llamaron así.

🇬🇧 The map of Urbano Monte from 1587 shows giants in the South of America

This map not only shows Antarctica 300 years before its discovery, but also shows a large part of the inhabitants who once shared this kingdom with us.

The enlarged image shows the Giants Region, in the South of America, with drawings of these huge humans.

That region is called Patagonia, after the Patagones (big feet). The Spaniards called them that way

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25 Oct, 08:24

🇪🇸 En 1587 no había hielo en el aro, eran tierras cálidas

El mapa de Urbano Monte de 1587 muestra que lo que oficialmente se llama Antártida no tenía hielo por ningún lado.

Todo lo contrario; era una zona cálida con animales como camellos y caimanes.

Además estaba unida a América. Algo ocurrió después que llenó de agua dulce toda esa inmensa tierra y la congeló.

🇬🇧 In 1587 there was no ice in the ring, they were warm lands

The Urbano Monte map of 1587 shows that what is officially called Antarctica had no ice anywhere.

Quite the opposite; it was a warm area with animals like camels and alligators.

It was also united with America. Something happened later that filled that huge land with fresh water and froze it.

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25 Oct, 07:24

🇮🇹 La foglia è la forma più bella dell’apertura: si apre al sole, alla pioggia, al vento, alle stagioni, al cambiamento.
E’ la vita capace di essere attraversata dagli scossoni e dalle cadute senza esserne distrutta.
Pronta a rinascere ogni volta.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Buongiorno anime belle 🍀

🇦🇺 The leaf is the most beautiful form of openness: it opens up to the sun, the rain, the wind, the seasons, change.
It is life capable of being traversed by shocks and falls without being destroyed by them.
Ready to be reborn each time.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Good morning beautiful souls 🍀

🇧🇷 A folha é a mais bela forma de abertura: ela se abre para o sol, a chuva, o vento, as estações, a mudança.
É a vida capaz de ser atravessada por choques e quedas sem ser destruída por eles.
Pronta para renascer a cada vez.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bom dia almas lindas 🍀

🇫🇷 La feuille est la plus belle forme d'ouverture : elle s'ouvre au soleil, à la pluie, au vent, aux saisons, au changement.
C'est la vie capable d'être traversée par les chocs et les chutes sans en être détruite.
Prête à renaître à chaque fois.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Bonjour belles âmes 🍀










25 Oct, 07:14

colabora con:

@Tartaria & History Channel 🇮🇪



@TARTARIA The Netherlands 🇳🇱

@kengel313 🇵🇦

@ITORUS 🇺🇸🇫🇮



@TARTARIA Canada 🍁 🇨🇦

@History Tartaria Chinese 🇨🇳



@🚧En_travaux🚧 🇫🇷

@The Doctors TARDIS 🇬🇧

@Tartarian Australian 🇦🇺

@Enigmas. Misterios y Tartaria. 🇦🇷

Tartaria Suomi 🇫🇮

@Electroculturefarming 🇷🇴


@Notre Mystérieuse Histoire.. 🇫🇷




@Du Labyrinthe aux Hypothèses 🇫🇷

@Beyond History 🇩🇪

@XFilesUnveiled 🇩🇪


@❤️RitroviAmoCl❤️ 🇮🇹

@THE OLD WORLD chat 🇮🇹

@🪽Les Néréides🪽🇫🇷

@🪽Wake Up 🇫🇷

@Точка связи миров 🇷🇺

@GreatReject.org 🇳🇱

@Альтернативная История 🇷🇺

@FLAT OCEANS 🕉 Tartaria Italia 🇮🇹

@Human Freedom 🇨🇦



24 Oct, 19:52

🇪🇸 Grabado del libro "Práctica militar", Francis Malthus. París, 1646.

Montado en un grifo, Vajra quema la ciudad amurallada.

¿Será la representación de las armas de destrucción masiva que poseían los tártaros?

Se parece mucho al DEW y a lo que usaron desde los zeppelines para quemar ciudades enteras en los grandes incendios de principios de 1900. ¿Será todo lo mismo?

🇬🇧 Engraving from the book "Military Practice", Francis Malthus. Paris, 1646.

Mounted on a griffin, Vajra burns down the walled city.

Will it be the representation of the weapons of mass destruction that the Tartarians possessed?

It looks a lot like the DEW and what they used from the zeppelins to burn down entire cities in the big fires of the early 1900s. Would it be all the same?

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24 Oct, 17:17

🇪🇸 La Devil's Tower de Wyoming

Esto no es un tocón petrificado de un árbol gigante aunque lo parezca.

La Ciencia nos dice que es una formación rocosa azarosa en medio del campo llano, y nos lo debemos creer porque es la autoridad máxima y tienen expertos y científicos, que son los que saben.

Nosotros no tenemos ni idea de nada. Ni opinión quieren que tengamos, por eso hicieron los Fact Checkers y censuran todo en casi todas partes (o todas ya).

🇬🇧 The Devil's Tower in Wyoming

This is not a petrified stump of a giant tree even though it looks like it.

Science tells us that it is a random rock formation in the middle of the flat field, and we must believe it because it is the ultimate authority and they have experts and scientists, who are the ones who know.

We have no idea about anything. They don't even want us to have an opinion, that's why they created the Fact Checkers and censor everything almost everywhere (or everywhere already).

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