Tartaria & History Channel @tartariahistorychannel Channel on Telegram

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We are here to uncover our real history. Come join the search!!

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Tartaria & History Channel (English)

Are you curious about the mysteries of our past? Do you want to uncover the secrets that history books may have overlooked? Look no further than the Tartaria & History Channel on Telegram! This channel is dedicated to exploring the real history of our world, shedding light on forgotten civilizations, ancient artifacts, and historical enigmas. Join us on a fascinating journey through time as we dig deep into the past and discover the untold stories that shape our present. Who is it? The Tartaria & History Channel is a community of history enthusiasts, researchers, and curious minds who are passionate about unraveling the mysteries of our past. What is it? It is a place where you can engage in thought-provoking discussions, share intriguing discoveries, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your interest in history. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and explore the hidden truths of our world. Come join the search today on the Tartaria & History Channel! For a private message, you can contact @LarryL44.

Tartaria & History Channel

28 Jan, 06:26

On the western slopes of the Caucasus mountains of Russia, an ancient culture has left behind thousands of masterpieces known as Dolmens.

Dolmens are megalithic structures, which means they are made of big stones. They can be as big as a house. On the slopes of the Western Caucasus mountains, and in the plains beneath, there are about 3,000 dolmens. Dolmens were created from sandstones and limestones.
Dolmens are usually situated on flat plateaus on top of hills or on their sunny sides; they are mostly oriented astronomically for traditional purposes.


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27 Jan, 12:44

A simple search for `weather manipulation´ gives a variety of results. Try it yourself! What am I suppose to believe? Facts are all over the place and the controlled media outlets claim conspiracy🧐 Deliberately distracting..

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26 Jan, 09:04

Dr. Paul Adam Byrne on the Brain Death Lie

Before 1968 the term "brain death" did not exist. A physician pronounced death when there was no breathing, no heart beat and no response to stimulation. The removal of a beating heart for transplantation would have constituted murder under traditional standards for determining death. Organ donation is a multi-billion dollar industry and there are those that want to keep it going.

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25 Jan, 15:33

Melted Cities
Could it be that these cities, through their interconnected electric current, a `short cut´ started the catastrophe and caused the buildings to melt? What do you think?

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25 Jan, 11:49

Frank Zappa about school. The education system has always been there to weed out critical thinkers.

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23 Jan, 17:48

Some eerie scenes from the 1959 Disney film called “Eyes In Outer Space” about weather modification.

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22 Jan, 20:57

The egg is a primordial structure— Nature’s gestation vessel. Many ancient cultures used egg-shaped vessels for storing food and water.

The shape of an egg is an expression of the energy of creation—based on the golden ratio. This ratio is found everywhere in the realm of things that grow and unfold in steps, from the pattern of the seeds in a sunflower, to the spiraling pattern of a pine cone, a sea shell, or a galaxy. Also referred to as the divine proportion, it appears clearly and regularly in all living things.

The shape of the egg is also the essence of the feminine.  Within the egg, energy is continually renewed and refined.

Using an egg-shaped ceramic vessel for water When the shape of the egg is combined with an earthenware (ceramic) vessel, water’s receptive potential is maximized. It reaches its most refined energetic state in perfect balance and equilibrium.
Read the full article on egg-shaped vessels.

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22 Jan, 19:40

The Wonder Horse of Caesar

Julius Caesar’s horse had more hooves than a normal one. According to Suetonius, Caesar rode a horse with hooves that resembled a man’s feet, as they were so divided that they resembled toes. Suetonius adds that Caesar had bred the horse himself. Since the soothsayers interpreted the deformation of the hooves as an omen that its owner would become the master of the world, and Alexander the Great was said to have owned a similar horse, Caesar took special care of it and rode it himself. As in many similar legends, the horse supposedly did not tolerate anyone else mounting it.

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22 Jan, 11:36

Queen Victoria Part 8

Surely, Queen Victoria was hugely celebrated the world over as she has the largest number of statues and paintings in this realm. That is simply stupendous.

The statues show jaw dropping virtuosity. They could only be built by Old World Tartarian expertise, and as hundreds of statues show the same person, we propose, the Queen was a Tartarian leader.

We also see a massive destruction of evidence: 45000 pages of her journal destroyed & her palace given away to Balfour within a year of her death.

Also see the ball like artefact in her left hand. In some statues, we have the circular flower wreath, the Torus? is this ball a Torus too? If so, it could further point to Queen Victoria being a Tartarian leader of the Old World.

Meanwhile check the Coat of Arms of United Kingdom, in use now. It shows a Griffin prominently.

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21 Jan, 15:53

Queen Victoria Part 7
Further destruction of evidence

After the demise of the Queen, wiki says, Edward the Seventh "came to the throne in 1901 and immediately set about modernising Windsor Castle"...with Edward "peering into cabinets; ransacking drawers; clearing rooms ... dispatching case-loads of relics and ornaments to a special room in the Round Tower throwing out hundreds of photographs..."

Wiki also talks about, "Edward's financier friends, some of whom were Jewish, such as ... the Rothschild family"

In the following wiki page
it is mentioned that "Shortly afterwards, the King declared to Arthur Balfour, that the main house would go to the nation as a gift." Arthur Balfour was the Prime Minister of Britain from 1902-1905 and was the author of the famed Balfour Declaration in 1917

Go over to Part 8

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21 Jan, 14:42

Queen Victoria Part 6
If she was the Tartarian leader, there is expected to be destruction of evidence like the Fire Narratives for almost all Old World Buildings. Uncannily, we find it here too.

Daily Journal
Queen Victoria used to write 2000 words per day since the age of 13, sixty million words & 45000 pages in total, as per wiki. Her youngest daughter, Beatrice was given the task of editing & publishing her journals. As per wiki, Beatrice paraphrased the journal entries in her own words retaining only one third of the total and then destroyed all of the originals. What? Are you kidding me. Why would anyone want to do that?

And it took her 30 years starting with the demise of the Queen in 1901 till 1931. Finally 111 notebooks remained. This entire archive was made available online in 2012 but was withdrawn and is reportedly available only for UK residents now.

Go over to Part 7

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21 Jan, 07:25

Queen Victoria Part 5

Queen Victoria has the largest number of paintings too depicting her

75 in all

Seventy five old world paintings with sumptuous details, the highest standards of art

Do you think it is normal for a single person to have 75 paintings and 160 statues. This definitely means that the Queen was the topmost dignitary during that time. Which time?. We do not know yet. Most of the statues are said to have been made during 1904-1906.

Wikipedia gives the list but does not mention that in our world Queen Victoria has the HIGHEST number of Statues & Paintings available online.

Also, when you Image Search for the Queen, they do not show you these 160+75 images which are available. No. Why not? What are they trying to hide.

Let us keep digging...

Go over to Part 6

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18 Jan, 17:00

Wardenclyffe Tower version two, was most likely the New Yorker. It had a built in DC generator able to produce 3 times the DC power at the time.

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18 Jan, 10:22

You've probably flown a kite at least once in your life, right? Do you know why this is so important for children? It's the first time we've gotten to know the headwind, but what's so special about it is that the kite can only rise with the headwind! So symbolic, isn't it? If there were no headwinds, then there would be no progress in life. Don't forget how much fun it was! Now, just have fun with the headwinds in your life and rise up high in everything you do! After all, you are blessed by the Highest, so live life with a smile on your face.
I hope you have fun 🪁
Tila 🍀

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Tartaria & History Channel

18 Jan, 05:22


Several stunning ancient Atlantean temple sites constructed in geopolymer sandstone by giants, humans, hobbits and gnomes of various sizes over 13,000 years ago in what is now called Queensland.

Thousands of polygonal sandstone blocks were numbered, mapped and removed from the ancient Kabi indigenous sacred site of Djaki Kundu (‘Rocky Ridge', also known as 'The Gympie Pyramid") and reinstalled as the perimeter wall and foundations of the Surface Hill Church in the 1800s.

According to the Aboriginals, brown skinned, blue eyed, blond haired beings wearing dolphin pendants came from long ago and built pyramids and temple sites, but water covered them all.


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17 Jan, 14:47

Chi Energy is something that takes time to master. These powers are within us all. Unfortunately they aren't easy to unlock. In the old world it was easier as we were connected to the correct vibrational field.

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17 Jan, 14:40

Only you can control your own path, whether you choose to live in love or hate is your choice.

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17 Jan, 14:31

Have a great day everyone. This Channel will never contact you. Be careful of Scams ❤️💪

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16 Jan, 17:01

There is a reason why the old world buildings all say established in rather than built in.

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16 Jan, 16:56


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16 Jan, 16:56


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16 Jan, 16:55


Tartaria & History Channel

16 Jan, 16:55


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16 Jan, 16:55


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16 Jan, 16:54


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16 Jan, 16:36

The “electrically propelled carriage”, scanned from the July 27, 1889 issue of Scientific American magazine (Novak Archive)

«Электрический экипаж», отсканированное изображение из номера журнала Scientific American от 27 июля 1889 года (Архив Новака)


Tartaria & History Channel

16 Jan, 14:38

Geoengineering exposed: whistleblower Kristen Meghan unpacks


Kristen Meghan, a former US Air Force veteran with nine years of experience in bio-environmental engineering, makes startling revelations about the US military's weather modification practices. Never wait for a savior! Save yourself!

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Geoengineering Whistleblower Interview with Kristen Meghan

Tartaria & History Channel

15 Jan, 21:29

Karahan Tepe – The sister site to Göbekli Tepe, Turkey

Karahan Tepe was first discovered in 1997, but the first systematic survey was carried out in 2000 that revealed basin-like pools carved in bedrock, and a considerable number of chisels and adzes, beads, stone pot fragments, grind stones and more.

Karahan Tepe has similarities with the Göbekli Tepe II layer, such as 266 pillars with matching T-shaped architectural elements, and animal reliefs depicting: snakes, insects, birds, the head and forelegs of a rabbit, the hind legs and tail of a gazelle, and the hind legs of an unidentified animal.

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15 Jan, 20:04

Researcher Rafa Calvin made this discovery by isolating a sample of dental anesthetic containing nanotec for 30 days, then applying a nicotine mixture taken from a solution of 1 gram of Tabacco and 5ccs of distilled water.

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13 Jan, 23:17

Demonstration of an automatic fire extinguishing system in the Japanese village of Kayabuki No Sato.

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13 Jan, 20:13

Using sound waves to extinguish fires 🔥

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13 Jan, 14:13

The Georgentor is the original city exit from Dresden to the Elbe Bridge. This gate is in the Old Town on Schloßplatz between the Residenzschloss and the Stallhof near the cathedral and Fürstenzug.

The building is an impressive example of architecture of that time built in 1530. Dresden was also the most bombed City in Germany during WW2.

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13 Jan, 06:43

The Georgian winemaking heritage goes back 8,000 years and centers on the kvevri, a gigantic terra-cotta pot shaped like a pointed egg, with the point at the bottom. These pots are lined with beeswax and buried in the ground up to the mouth. In kvevri winemaking, the temperature is controlled by the earth. The typical volume of a kvevri can vary from 20 to 10,000 liters.

While the Soviet Union controlled Georgia (1921-1991), kvevri production was suppressed, and many grape varieties were destroyed. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, kvevri winemaking has come back into the light and kvevri is experiencing a new popularity.

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12 Jan, 15:23

monsters of mixed human and animal shape; 'Mostri'
Jan Luyken

Now we don't have to ask ourselves any questions about such representations! We know what the real monsters are capable of because of their boredom and pleasure! Times repeat themselves and people close their eyes! Who knows what else science is capable of...

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12 Jan, 14:06

The Armenian Alphabet in a 17th-Century Engraving: A Legacy of the "Dutch Golden Age"

Part 1

The Armenian alphabet was invented as early as 405 AD by the linguist Mesrop Mashtots. Since then, this writing system has remained almost unchanged for more than 1,600 years. In the 17th century, the renowned Dutch artist Jan Luyken drew attention to Armenian culture by depicting ancient symbols in one of his engravings. Today, this masterpiece is housed in the Amsterdam Museum of Art.

Art historians note that Jan Luykens death marked the end of the "Dutch Golden Age." One of Amsterdam's central streets is named after him, books illustrated by the artist were reprinted for centuries, and the French writer Joris-Karl Huysmans even called him a genius.


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Tartaria & History Channel

11 Jan, 22:06

Ancient Wisdom hidden within us all. Reset after reset we start from scratch trying to regain our ancient past.



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11 Jan, 21:48

Giant Ammonite, Petrified with the Fibonacci spirals. The Perfection in nature.

The Fibonacci sequence is significant because of the golden ratio of 1.618 found everywhere in nature.

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11 Jan, 20:35

Henry Ford tried his best to make his car affordable for all. Rockefeller funded Prohibition as a means of eliminating ethanol as an automotive fuel.

On one side was farm-made ethyl alcohol, and on the other side was oil. Henry Ford made many cars that used the former, and John D. Rockefeller, the owner of Standard Oil, wanted cars to use only the latter.

Rockefeller deeply funded organizations behind the dry cause and ultimately he got what he wanted: the banning of alcohol for cars.

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Tartaria & History Channel

10 Jan, 19:20

Using Vinegar To Clear Chemtrails Goes Viral In Italy

Evaporating vinegar generates negative ions which counteracts HAARP chemtrailed positively ionised skies. This knowledge has started to spread all over the world but the people of Italy are the absolute wayshowers!


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10 Jan, 14:43

There are natural ways to heal ourselves and then there are synthesized drugs. Chemotherapy is a money making scam for the pharmaceutical industry that often kills us anyway.

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10 Jan, 06:04

Castellfollit de la Roca, Spain 🇪🇸

Castellfollit de la Roca is a small picturesque town located in the Garrotxa region of Catalonia, Spain. The town is famous for its unique location, perched on a basalt cliff that rises almost 50 meters above the confluence of the Fluvià and Toronell rivers.
The town's origins date back to the Middle Ages, and it has retained much of its old-world charm, with narrow, winding streets, and traditional stone houses.

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10 Jan, 05:48

Maya Temple Sites Are Multilayered Matrices Of Star Maps 💫

Each one of the astounding Mexican pyramids was built in a specific geographic location in order to represent and channel the energy of the land.

The energy of each of these
specific temples represents a chakra energy of the human body.

1. Uxmal (Mexico): the base chakra of a new cycle
2. Labna: the sacral chakra, union of opposites
3. Kaba: the third chakra, willpower
4. Chichen Itza: the heart chakra, unconditional love
5. Tulum: the throat chakra, sound currents and manifestation
6. Kohunlich: the third-eye chakra, the pituitary gland-psychic abilities
7. Palenque: the pineal chakra, preparing for the next world
8. Tikal (Guatemala): the base chakra of a new cycle

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09 Jan, 19:15

1936 Stewart-Warner Refrigerator. Still better than any fridge made today.

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09 Jan, 19:10

Beneath the Teotihuacan pyramid of the feathered serpent, a hidden chamber of liquid mercury was found.
What secrets might this ancient liquid metal hold, and how did it play a role in their technology?


Tartaria & History Channel

09 Jan, 03:34

A significant cache of 17th-century gold and silver coins, considered a "huge fortune," has been discovered hidden inside the leg of a statue at St. Andrew's Church in Eisleben, Germany, likely concealed during the turbulent period of the Thirty Years' War when Swedish soldiers frequently looted the region; the discovery was made by restorers in May 2022 but only recently announced in November 2024. 

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08 Jan, 21:09

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08 Jan, 19:50

Refined seed and vegetable oils were not available until the 20th century, when the technology to extract them became available. These are extracted from plants using either a chemical solvent or oil mill. Then they are often purified, refined, and sometimes chemically altered.

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07 Jan, 23:05

The Importance of Acoustic Resonance. They destroyed most of the bells as they were creating important vibrational frequencies.

The overall range of resonant frequencies of the human body was found to be between 4 and 16 Hz. Electrical conduction allows the movement of electrically charged particles within the body and that flow produces our life force. Life itself as we know it is inextricably intertwined with geometric shapes.

Before the bells had many uses including manipulating our own weather. Over time we got even more disconnected from our energy force, causing us to live in a low frequency and vibrational field. This also makes us more susceptible to illness.

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07 Jan, 23:04


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07 Jan, 06:40

See Colorful Paintings of the Zodiac Signs From an Ancient Egyptian Temple.

Newly restored, the Ptolemaic era reliefs were previously covered by a layer of dirt and soot.

Archaeologists excavating the ancient Egyptian Temple of Esna have restored a series of ceiling paintings depicting the zodiac, a belt-shaped region of the sky traditionally divided into 12 astrological signs.

The artworks add to evidence suggesting the Greeks brought the zodiac tradition to Egypt. Representations of the zodiac are very rare in Egyptian temples.

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06 Jan, 15:19

In 2011, Arthur Zhemukhov found a deep narrow shaft in the Khara-Hora peak, constructed from seemingly perfect stone slabs. This structure descends 40 meters, featuring straight, polished walls made of megalithic blocks fitted with minimal gaps.

This mysterious discovery raises serious questions about who built this structure and why.

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06 Jan, 15:17

This isn't a model and it isn't CGI or AI generated or enhanced in any way - this was San Francisco in 1915 - and these magnificent light column fountains were real. By Dystopia Now

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Tartaria & History Channel

05 Jan, 17:32

Sumo hybrid electric bike introduced by Toyota and prohibited from going into production by the NWO according to Dr Sall Sergie Ailbertovich.

Japan was threatened that if they continue development of electromagnetic fuel-free energy generation technologies there will be more HAARP attacks on Japan.

These technologies are unacceptable to the Zionist NWO that suppressed all the fuel free energy generator research since Nikola Tesla, killed all the scientists that had successfully replicated the Tesla energy transformer and all those who were making  noticeable progress to develop other fuel-free generators.

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04 Jan, 18:07

Cleveland’s Guardians of Traffic

The mammoth Guardians of Traffic, sculpted on four Berea sandstone pylons, have been overseeing the Hope Memorial Bridge since 1932?
According to the Western Reserve Historical Society the giant statues were carved, in large part, by Italian immigrant stone masons — many of whom lived in Cleveland’s Little Italy neighborhood.

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04 Jan, 17:09

Gregor Sporri an entrepreneur from Switzerland who used to work as a private investigator. In 1988 he contacted and met with an old man living 100 KM northeast of Cairo to take a look at the family treasure, which is a "giant mummified finger" with a fingernail still attached. It was also accompanied by an X-Ray

Gregor Sporri said I was totally flabbergasted when I saw the dark brown giant finger. I was allowed to hold it and take some pictures. The old man said the finger was found in the grave of a giant mummy somewhere near the Giza pyramids.

The owner of the finger must have been about 16 to 20 feet in height. He tried to convince the old man to sell it, but he refused because it was too important to his family.

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04 Jan, 15:28

Old world buildings look to be from a different realm when we look at what gets built today. Cologne was an inferno. Stores, factories, office buildings, and many churches were leveled, and 3,330 houses were destroyed.

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01 Jan, 14:57

May this New Year fill you all with love and light. Thanks to all the wonderful people involved in this Channel ❤️

Tartaria & History Channel

01 Jan, 12:51

Anu na Ki

Anu = Spirit/Above
Ki = Matter/Below

The Human Being
A spirit permeated by matter!

In Mesopotamian mythology, Ki is the goddess of the Earth. She is often understood as the embodiment of solid land and played a central role in the Sumerians’ cosmic beliefs.
Ki is the partner of An, the god of the heavens, and together they represent the fundamental cosmic pair “Heaven and Earth.” Her name “Ki” literally means “Earth” in Sumerian.
In many creation stories of Sumerian mythology, the universe was originally described as a unity of heaven and earth, which was later separated by Enlil, one of the main gods.

Enlil ➡️ god of air
Ea/Enki ➡️ god of water and wisdom

After this separation, Ki became the ruler of the earth, and An became the deity of the heavens.

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31 Dec, 14:15

This run had it all! It showed us the naked truth. Bluntly and honestly. Just when you thought everything was fine, a situation came around the corner and challenged you. What now? Become a victim again? Or go into trust with the power of the spirit? Did you choose for yourself? Did you put yourself first? Have you been reminded how exhausting this old world is? Have you decided to change it? Just do it! You can't plant love on rubble. You have to leave it to time and Mother Gaia. It is not for nothing that they say that time heals all wounds. Once you have made the decision for yourself, there is no turning back, because your soul is calling you to unite with you. It's not about others! Your life is about you and your salvation.
Celebrate now, because it has been an instructive time and you have given your best.
Now let's move on to the new year, 2025!
Happy New Year to all of us 💫

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31 Dec, 13:18

They all know on the inside it was faked. Thanks for clearing this up Buzz.

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31 Dec, 13:09

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31 Dec, 12:46

Lockhead Martin's kill vehicle. This footage is from 1999, imagine what they have today.

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30 Dec, 18:19

The Māori History of the Patupaiarehe speak of how they were light skinned with red hair and green eyes. The people had migrated from the west to reach New Zealand.

These beings inhibited NZ prior to the arrival of the Polynesian people and were very rarely seen, residing deep in the forests and mountains.

It is suggested that the Maori adapted foraging and survival techniques from the Patupaiarehe. Some suggest that red-headed Maori’s are a result of unions between the Patupaiarehe and the Maori.

"Several of the skeletons have reddish fuzzy hair adhering to the skulls" The Argus Newspaper, October 13, 1934


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30 Dec, 12:48

Giant doors for Giants of the Old World.

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30 Dec, 07:11

Dwarka is an ancient Indian city that is believed to have been submerged by the Arabian Sea after the death of the Hindu god Krishna. The city is located where the Gomti River meets the Arabian Sea, off the coast of modern-day Dwarka.

According to the Mahabharata, Dwarka was a fortified city that covered almost 84 square kilometers. It was a center of pilgrimage and was home to many temples and assembly houses. 

Archaeologists have found evidence of the city's existence, including: 

Stone blocks and pillars 
Sections of walls Human bones and teeth 
Stone anchors 
Lead anchors 

The age of the artifacts is still debated, but some have been carbon dated to be nearly 9,500 years old.

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29 Dec, 17:29

This guy is a complete lunatic and should have absolutely zero airtime. Here's an old mugshot of his. I wonder where we could stick him 🧐

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29 Dec, 03:32

The Lizard Figurines

The archaeological site of Al-Ubaid in Iraq has garnered significant attention due to the discovery of unusual artifacts, particularly figurines depicting humanoid figures with lizard-like heads, leading to speculation about the existence of a "lizard people" civilization during the Ubaid period (5900-4000 BC) in Mesopotamia; however, the true nature of these figurines remains a mystery, with some suggesting they could be representations of deities with reptilian features.

At first glance, these sculptures might seem otherworldly. With elongated heads, almond-shaped eyes, and textured skin resembling reptilian scales, the figurines seem to blur the line between human and animal.

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25 Dec, 23:37

The 1950s Goodyear inflatable plane.

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25 Dec, 22:09

The Goodyear Inflatoplane was an experimental aircraft made by the Goodyear Aircraft Company, absidiary of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, well known for the Goodyear blimp.

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25 Dec, 17:34

Beautiful Forest in the Winter Snow of Romania

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25 Dec, 13:12

Merry Christmas Everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful time ❄️

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24 Dec, 19:27

A perfect reflection of El Capitan, a huge vertical rock formation in California's Yosemite NP, a reminder of the beauty of our Earth Home! ❄️

Merry Christmas to each of you!

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24 Dec, 17:34

Christopher Lee on the real war against the Satanists. The symbology is found everywhere in our society.

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24 Dec, 16:12

It certainly doesn't look like the good guys won WW2. The West and our culture is being destroyed and diluted. I think everyone knows which group won in WW2

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24 Dec, 16:01

Were these always canals or were they once the original streets! Your thoughts..

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24 Dec, 04:42

The Garden of Earthly Delights

The Garden of Earthly Delight by Hieronymus Bosch is thought to have been painted between 1490 and 1510. It is a large 3-part altarpiece. When closed the piece shows a translucent sphere which encompasses the earth, sea, and sky.

The guesses as to his intended meaning range from symbolizing creation to representing god cleansing the world through the great flood. Art historians and critics have always been divided on what exactly was meant by the piece. The main idea often brought forth is a visual warning about the dangers of temptation.


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23 Dec, 14:24

Knocksedan in Ireland was a famous site of a discovery sometime in the 1600's of a Giant skeleton measuring over nine feet tall.

The skeleton and other human bones were discovered at the site of what is described as a burial mound near the bridge.

Unfortunately the whereabouts now of the Knocksedan skeleton is a mystery after the bones went missing.


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22 Dec, 20:45

A well-preserved skeleton of an enormous 18 foot Giant

Discovered near Hickory, the helmet is said to be in the shape of those found among the ruins of Nineveh. The bones of the skeleton are remarkably white; the teeth are double and of extraordinary size.

These relics have been taken to Tionesta, where they are visited by large numbers of people daily. When this giant was alive in the flesh, he must have stood eighteen feet high. These remains were found about twelve feet below the surface of the mound. (Michigan Argus, January 14, 1870)


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22 Dec, 07:43

Werner von Braun

Former Space Flight Center Director (1912–1977)

‘Elon’ would lead humans on Mars, legendary rocket scientist Werner von Braun predicted in 1953 book.

Many of us are aware of the planned staged event for global alien invasion using advanced holographic technology called Project Blue Beam or Blue Skies, these technologies were used for the Fatima Marian apparitions in Portugal. Further, it is well known that the Blue Beam agenda was pre-told by Werner Von Braun as the final strategy to control the global human population. He was a nazi insider in the aerospace industry with connection to Antarctica factions, and worked with promotion of the Disney propaganda films for the “space race”, and was one of the many Project Paperclip rocket scientist recruits from World War II.


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22 Dec, 06:51

An incredible heart-shaped lake is hidden in the heart of The Pyrenees, France 🇫🇷

Lake Montagnon is a natural treasure with the unique feature of being in the shape of a heart. Perched at 2173 meters in the Pyrenees mountains, not far from the Spanish border.

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29 Nov, 14:43

A psychedelic, to create a doorway or connection to the spirit realm. Similar to Ayahuasca..What do you think?

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29 Nov, 14:43


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29 Nov, 13:02

When Helium becomes a superfluid it displays amazing properties.

A remarkable transition occurs in the properties of liquid helium at the temperature 2.17K, called the "lambda point" for helium. Part of the liquid becomes a "superfluid", a zero viscosity fluid which will move rapidly through any pore in the apparatus.

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28 Nov, 18:55


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28 Nov, 18:54

🪽La chaise d'Isis ou la chaise du diable de Seth-On à Rennes-les-Bains et Carcassonne - et d'autres symboles d'Isis sur les bâtiments

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28 Nov, 18:02

Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends and followers from the island of Ireland ❤️

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28 Nov, 12:04

Tartaria a country that once seemed to be world known is now forgotten, buried in the sands of time. 

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27 Nov, 07:31

In Kosovo, in the monastery of High Dečani, founded in 1327, there is an ancient fresco called "Crucifixion of Christ" (14th century).

It depicts two flying machines or orbs with pilots inside. Until 1964 almost nobody knew about the fresco (well, except the monks), because it is under the dome at the height of a five-story house.

Other fresco’s show Christ returning to Earth accompanied by angels, an angel opening up the firmament and a personification of the moon.

See more interesting fresco’s here:


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27 Nov, 04:35

Tartaria History

The world around you is not what you have been told.

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26 Nov, 23:24

The very same fractal patterns that are found in Nature



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26 Nov, 18:37

Clear the mental cobwebs, disentangle from the global shadow network and break free. Shift your energy into the Ascension Timeline and activate your Soul’s resurrection. 

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26 Nov, 16:17


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26 Nov, 16:17


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26 Nov, 16:16


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26 Nov, 16:16


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26 Nov, 16:15


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26 Nov, 16:15


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25 Nov, 18:33

They don't even try to hide it anymore. It's more about trying to normalize it than anything.

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25 Nov, 18:29

"Residents demand to know why Cloud Seeding operations were conducted the day before the worst flooding in 40 years.”

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25 Nov, 17:58

These people have a God-like complex. Controlling the climate for decades now all for their own personal gain.

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25 Nov, 16:28


The Nemegt Basin is a geographical area in the northwestern Gobi Desert, in Ömnögovi Province, southern Mongolia 🇲🇳

It is known locally as the "Valley of the Dragons", since it is a source of many fossil finds, including dragons and dragon eggs!

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25 Nov, 12:25

A Petrified Giant of 17 feet found in the Grand Canyon. All across the Americas Giants have been discovered only to be covered up by the Smithsonian. The Kansas City Sun Newspaper July 13th 1900


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24 Nov, 19:06

Giant of Castelnau" refers to three bone fragments (a humerus, tibia, and femoral mid-shaft) discovered by Georges Vacher de Lapouge in 1890. Georges said the bone fragments must have come from a man not less than eleven feet tall.


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24 Nov, 16:07

Where the term Semetic originates from.

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24 Nov, 16:02

All Shriners must be Masons, and petitioners to Freemasonry

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23 Nov, 17:53


Every movement of the prayer wheel radiates the love, healing power, and positive energy of the Buddhas of the ten directions.  The power of these mantras brings happiness, peace to humanity, and prosperity to the country.

The world’s largest prayer wheel is made of bronze, and covered with 24k gold. Inside the prayer wheel are countless Om Mani Padme Hung mantras and many other holy mantras, all printed on thin paper.

The world’s largest prayer wheel is operated only by human power; so, it will not move without contribution of many people. Thus, it also imbues positive values, as it needs the cooperation of everyone.

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23 Nov, 13:17

How much of this technology was really used in the past even just for weather manipulation like the hail cannon?

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22 Nov, 13:09


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22 Nov, 07:09

Part 3

Some believe it may have been a place for religious or esoteric rituals, others think it may have been some kind of ornate decoration or a private leisure facility for wealthy families from the 18th or 19th centuries. Some even speculate that it was part of a larger country house or garden complex. Despite this speculation, there is no definitive answer to the question of why the Shell Grotto was originally built. The cave remains a mysterious and fascinating place that attracts many visitors annually who want to experience its unique beauty and mysterious heritage

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22 Nov, 07:09

Part 2

The cave itself is a small but intricately designed labyrinth covered in approximately 1.2 million shells mounted on the walls and ceilings. The shells were arranged in intricate patterns depicting motifs from nature and geometric shapes. This design, partly reminiscent of Baroque styles, has attracted the attention of historians, archaeologists and tourists. There are various theories about the purpose of the grotto.

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22 Nov, 07:08

Part 1

The Shell Grotto in Margate, Kent, England, is a fascinating underground cave known for its impressive decoration made from millions of shells. It was discovered in 1835 by chance during excavation work. However, the exact history and purpose of the cave remains a mystery to this day, as there are no historical records or clear evidence of its original use.

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22 Nov, 01:17

One of Fred Leuchter's reports from Auschwitz.

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21 Nov, 23:20

Fred Leuchter is best known for his work The Leuchter Report, a report that claims that the gas chambers at Auschwitz were not used to kill people and the crematoria did not have the capacity to burn corpses at the level they did. 

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19 Nov, 21:25

The House of Rothschild. Movie from 1934

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19 Nov, 15:25

Germany in the 1930s had the highest standard of living in the world. A beautiful society with incredible people and architecture only for much of it to be destroyed by a certain group.

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19 Nov, 15:20

Munich, Germany

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19 Nov, 12:54

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19 Nov, 08:51

René Joseph Quinton (1866–1925) was a French biologist and aviation pioneer. In his biology career, he developed a treatment based on seawater injections that he called sérum de Quinton, which has been abandoned by medicine.

Quinton observed, seawater can literally ignite and renew genetic potential. Perhaps this is why the aging process does not occur in the sea in the same way it does on land. A comparison of the cells of an adult whale and the cells of a newly born whale show no evidence of the changes that are obvious between adult and newborn land mammals.

Quinton demonstrated that the ocean may be the key to restoring compromised genetic codes in biological organisms.


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19 Nov, 08:08

The Giants of Mont’e Prama

A Giant Discovery

In 1974, two farmers plowing their field in western Sardinia unearthed a nearly three-thousand-year-old gigantic limestone head, the first of thousands of ancient sculptural fragments recovered by archaeologists in the following decades.
The statues were immediately called Colossi or Giants. In addition to their very large size, they had unusual eyes in the form of concentric disks.

Excavations in the plain at the foot of the low hill of Mont’e Prama (“the mountain of palm trees”) revealed a monumental necropolis that had been in use for several centuries during the early first millennium BCE.

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19 Nov, 07:13

An incredibly rare black deer spotted in the forest of the Barycz Valley, Poland.

Most estimates guess that only about 1 in every 500,000 deer is melanistic.

Credit: NatGeoSociety

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18 Nov, 00:16

Simona Kossak (1943-2007) was a fascinating Polish scientist, ecologist, and environmental champion who made it her mission to protect the Biatowieza Primeval Forest, Europe's oldest forest.

Simona had an extraordinary connection with nature and animals. Living in a cozy wooden hut without electricity or running water for over 30 years, Simona shared her space with a lynx and a tame wild boar.
Her pet "terror crow" became quite the character, notorious for stealing shiny objects and even attacking unsuspecting cyclists.

Despite her unconventional lifestyle, Simona made significant scientific strides in nature conservation. She tirelessly advocated against the destruction of the Biatowieza Forest, leaving a lasting legacy in Poland's environmental protection efforts.
Her unique life and passionate work continue to inspire those who cherish and protect our natural world.

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17 Nov, 20:38

Cloud Gazing | Pyramid Clouds

Cloud gazing is a relaxing activity that benefits your mental well-being and enhances your connection with Earth’s meteorological systems. 

Cloud gazing is an ancient pastime. In past centuries, artists, scholars, farmers, and spiritual figures looked to the skies for inspiration or clues about Earth’s processes. Some say this imaginative process of cloud gazing can increase mindfulness and stimulate creativity.
It can also improve your understanding of meteorology and help you gain some forecasting skills.

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17 Nov, 19:01

Rare Footage of the Paris Exposition of 1900

This video was recorded from a boat travelling down the Seine River.

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17 Nov, 17:38

According to information from local residents, the presence of the Giant footprint attached to the rocky cliff above the Jangkok River in Indonesia is believed to be the footprints of Datu Keling.

Datu Keling is believed to have been a fierce Giant who ruled around the slopes of Mount Rinjani.

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17 Nov, 17:37


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17 Nov, 08:45

Jog Falls, Karnataka - India 🇮🇳

Jog Falls are also known as Gerusoppe Falls, Gersoppa Falls, and Jogada Gundi. Once a part of the mighty Vijayanagara Empire, the falls served as a natural border between dynasties and were celebrated for their beauty.

The word jog in Kannada means "falling down straight".

According to Hindu legend, Jog Falls was formed when Lord Ram shot an arrow into the ground to quench his wife Sita's thirst.

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16 Nov, 14:54

In the French wine-growing regions, church-bells were traditionally rung in the face of oncoming storms and later replaced by cannons.

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16 Nov, 06:32

Kauai is found in Tibetan scriptures as the home of the birth portal for the PLANet. This suggests that wherever a baby will be born on Earth, its soul will enter through Kauai.  Kauai is known as one of the wettest spots on Earth with its womb, Mount Waialeale, receiving about 466 inches of rain each year.  It has long been recognized as The Motherland, since her waters feed all the Hawaiian islands as well as the entire Pacific rim, through an extensive network of lava tubes.

Anahola, on the eastern coast of the island is where the Hawaiians say that all human souls physically incarnate before moving on to their chosen family. Anahola was originally Anehola. And the hidden meaning of Anehola is “the time/hour of the breath of life.”

Anahola is a portal where the souls or spirits enter this world, and Polihale is where the souls or spirits exit this world.

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15 Nov, 11:15

Ice-Free Seas in the Arctic Observed in the 17th Century ?

According to historical accounts, Dutch sailors reportedly navigated as far as the 89th latitude north in ice-free waters during 1665 and 1675. These journeys, conducted during a warm phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) despite the Little Ice Age, may reflect climatic cycles affecting Arctic heat and ice cover. While controversial, these observations emphasize the role of oceanic oscillations in shaping polar conditions, even during typically cold periods such as the Maunder Minimum.

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15 Nov, 08:34


The highest permanent settlement in Europe. Located at the foot of the Shkhara Mountain, Georgia.

The harsh environment of the high Caucasus cut the town from the outside world through much of the winter. It is not until the last ten years that the tourists "discovered" the splendor of this mountain oasis.

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15 Nov, 07:08

The bells of Notre Dame cathedral ring out for first time since 2019 fire

The sound of the eight bells in Notre Dame's northern belfry came a month before the cathedral is to reopen following five years of painstaking restoration work in the wake of the blaze.

The heaviest bell, called "Gabriel", weighs over four tonnes, and the lightest, "Jean-Marie", 800 kg.
A weekend of ceremonies is to mark Notre Dame's reopening on December 7 and 8.

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14 Nov, 20:01

Bees' wings hit the air at ever- changing angles. At the end of each stroke, the wing moves in the opposite direction, generating a new, opposing leading-edge vortex that gives it another burst of lift.

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14 Nov, 19:54

Now the cuts may not look as clean due to water erosion but how was it actually done?

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13 Nov, 22:08

🇪🇸 La Francia de 1896

Gracias a la restauración de las primeras filmaciones podemos ver cómo era la vida hace casi 130 años.

El contraste entre los carros tirados por caballos, y esos majestuosos edificios resulta un tanto incoherente.

El orden, la limpieza, las buenas maneras y la elegancia son innegables. Quién no querría haber vivido en esa época?

🇬🇧 The France of 1896

Thanks to the restoration of the first footage we can see what life was like almost 130 years ago.

The contrast between the horse-drawn carts and those majestic buildings is somewhat incoherent.

The order, cleanliness, good manners and elegance are undeniable. Who wouldn't want to have lived at that time?

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@Los Videos de HISPANICA 🎥

The copyright of the music belongs to Lo Mimieux.

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13 Nov, 21:24


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13 Nov, 18:44

Are they cloud seeding in Antarctica so they can melt the ice to promote the climate change agenda?

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13 Nov, 06:36

Pyramids have been identified in Montevecchia, Sardinia, Sicily and near Naples, Italy 🇮🇹

In recent years, aerial satellites have discovered hills across Italy that are shaped like four cornered pyramids suggesting that these are no ordinary hills but the sites of ancient man made constructions beneath the earth’s surface!

Another unusual common trait that these sites share is that they’re all located along the Italian parallel of the ‘Zeus Line’. This line comes from a legend that the Greek lord of the gods, Zeus used to fly directly along a route from Mount Olympus in Greece to the Hyperboreans.

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13 Nov, 02:41

Kundalini in Ecuador 🇪🇨

The document discusses artifacts discovered in tunnels in La Maná, Ecuador dating back over 12,000 years. The artifacts include engraved stones displaying geometric patterns that are fluorescence under ultraviolet light. They also depict advanced concepts from Vedic traditions including third eye activation and features of the human pineal gland. The artifacts provide evidence of an ancient global civilization that used acoustic technologies and sacred sites like pyramids.


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13 Nov, 00:29

The Hummingbird Pyramid

The Human Resonance Archeological Park is dedicated to the exploration, research and excavation of the magnificent Paleo-Sanskrit pyramid complex of La Maná, Ecuador. Discovered by Alexander Putney and his partner Suzanne Benoit in 2013, this large pyramid complex comprises 17 ancient monumental buildings partially covered in meters of rich kaolin clay beds and dense cloud forests.

The La Maná artifacts and related ancient monumental sites deserve renewed worldwide attention and the comprehensive scientific investigation of geologists, archeologists and technical engineers for remote sensing onsite.

Help us uncover the wonders of South America's oldest and largest pyramid complex as we excavate several archeological sites with direct links to the Bosnian Pyramids!


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12 Nov, 08:26

Ophiuchus, the unofficial 13th constellation of the zodiac

If you were born somewhere between November 30 and December 18, chances are the sun was in the constellation Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer. Therefore, your “sign” should be Ophiuchus. But, of course, Ophiuchus is not an official constellation of the zodiac, nor will you find it in horoscopes. Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer is a large constellation that you can spot near the southern horizon from the Northern Hemisphere during July, August and September evenings.

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12 Nov, 03:25

The more you dig, the more you find.

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11 Nov, 18:28

Bill Gates and these other Globalists are getting away with mass Geoengineering worldwide. All to create the narrative that the climate is changing and yes if you meddle with the climate enough it will change.

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11 Nov, 08:23

Thousands of witnesses across the Southwest are reporting an unknown object breaking apart in the sky creating a spectacular display

Currently, thousands of people across the Southwest, particularly in Oklahoma and Texas, are witnessing and reporting an unknown object dramatically breaking apart in the sky. This event has created a stunning display, with fragments scattering across the sky and leaving a bright, glowing trail of debris visible for miles. Witnesses have described vibrant colors flashing overhead, leading some to speculate it could be a meteor or debris, while others think it
might be a UFO. Officials have yet to confirm the source, and the situation is still developing.

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10 Nov, 17:27

The Moon Shining by Stanley Kubrick. Seems close to the original.. 😆 Parody

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10 Nov, 15:42

Stanley Kubrick and the Shining. Many hints left through the Movie.

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09 Nov, 17:58

Magnetic Energy & Generators

Kevin Orlowski is one of the world experts in Magnetic energy and how we can use this universal force for the benefit of humanity. Kevin’s father and his partner Rory Johnson developed a permanent energy magnet motor in the 70’s. Shortly after showing it to Greyhound Bus company, Rory was killed and Kevin’s father was threatened and told to stop. Their labs were raided and all was destroyed and confiscated.


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06 Nov, 21:15

DEEP IN THE MOUNTAINS OF Patagonia is a glistening, crystal-clear lake. People come here from all over the world to bask in the cool waters while gazing out at the stunning Argentinian landscape. But humans aren’t the only ones who swim in Nahuel Huapi Lake. Legend has it that a long-necked, plesiosaur-like monster roams these waters. Its name is Nahuelito.

In the 16th century, early Portuguese sailors claimed they spotted other monsters roaming among Patagonia’s beech and cypress trees. They swore they saw “giant men” and named the region Pata-gão, or, in Portuguese, “big foot.” 1945 – Hitler retires in a villa on Nahuel Huapi Lake, near Bariloche, Argentina. 

Top officials from around the world choose to visit Bariloche, Argentina although it’s a small town with no other major reason to visit (there are many beautiful lakes in the world, why this one?)

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06 Nov, 05:10

Triskelions — Make Your Own

According to Celtic tradition the triskelion is connected to the mother goddess. It is an invocation of the three material domains of earth, air, and water.

The gold quimbaya (see photo) is another example of the use of the triple spiral from Columbia.
Triskelions set up a bioelectric and biomagnetic energy flow based on mathematics and sacred geometry. Placed in or around water, they create energetic vortices that bring molecular structure to water.
As receivers and transmitters, triskelions made of certain metals gather and disseminate the frequencies at which they resonate. The triskelion has an interesting ability to neutralize harmful energy, balancing yin and yang, (positive and negative; masculine and femine) in almost any setting.

You can make your own triskelion following instructions, here or you may purchase from the store.

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04 Nov, 07:59

Bentonite Hills, Utah | USA

Also known as Mars. 👽

The Bentonite Hills in Utah are a geological wonder and a natural masterpiece!

Like a lot of Utah, being surrounded by the Bentonite Hills will make you feel like you have been transported to another world.

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04 Nov, 01:25

George Gustav Heye came from a family that made a fortune with the Standard Oil Company. With significant inherited wealth and social privilege, he was in a position to choose a career devoted to building a significant collection that led to the establishment of a very special museum. 

All of the old newspaper reports of Giant finds were taken by George Heye, the Rockefellers, Smithsonian and housed in secret from the public.


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03 Nov, 14:18

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03 Nov, 13:16

Rumours that Henry VIII’s second wife Anne Boleyn, had an extra digit on her right hand.

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02 Nov, 22:19

Six fingers, a double row of teeth and Giants of Old. Ralph Glidden Skeletons uncovered that were kept from the public.



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02 Nov, 21:00

The astonishing precision measured to be more accurate than the width of a human hair.

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02 Nov, 18:04

To all warriors who spoke out, who stood their ground, who fought for what we see happening now…and everyone else who saw the truth.
Grateful to be part of this moment in history with you❤️
~Laura Matsue~

Have a great weekend everyone!

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02 Nov, 15:15


Europe’s tallest and most bizarrely shaped earth pyramids are to be found on the Renon mountain in several locations: in the gorge of the Finsterbach creek between Longomoso and Monte di Mezzo, in the Katzenbach-creek gorge below Soprabolzano, and in the gorge of Gasters in Auna di Sotto, Italy.


Earth pyramids consist of cone-shaped pillars formed by deposited clay and a boulder on top - they often form rather bizarre tower shapes, and tend to be shrouded in mystery.

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02 Nov, 13:50

12 Foot Giants found during a project know as The Little River Drainage District.

Clippings from The Hutchinson Gazette published in Hutchinson, Kansas on 12/17/1913 and Monroe County Mail, 18th December 1913.

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02 Nov, 06:58

The Great Pyramids of the Great Salt Lake, Utah

The southern Bingham mine was originally step-pyramid shaped megaliths of low-grade copper ore bodies. 6.5 times the size of the Great Pyramid and composed of copper.


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02 Nov, 05:07

Hear a Chopin Waltz Unearthed After Nearly 200 Years

An unknown work in the composer’s hand has emerged in a New York museum, the first such find in more than a half century. The pianist Lang Lang plays it here.

The unknown waltz was unearthed in the vault of the Morgan Library and Museum in New York.

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01 Nov, 21:59

The core has continuous spiral markings showing a feed rate into granite that is only achievable with high amounts of pressure.

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31 Oct, 20:21

Ancient megaliths defy modern logic. Even our advanced machinery struggles with 20-40 ton stones. Imagine so-called primitive societies tackling such feats.

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29 Oct, 16:49

Is the Palace of Versailles aerial view supposed to look like a robotic smiling figure?

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29 Oct, 14:50

12 Foot Giants found during a project know as The Little River Drainage District.

Clippings from The Hutchinson Gazette published in Hutchinson, Kansas on 12/17/1913 and Monroe County Mail, 18th December 1913.

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29 Oct, 13:37

Kasper and myself were measuring the magnetic energy on top of the Sun Pyramid in Bosnia. Ancient concrete is scattered everywhere on the pyramids and still stronger than any concrete produced today.

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29 Oct, 03:01

Akapana Pyramid, Bolivia 🇧🇴

A mysterious marvel of ancient engineering.

At first glance, you might mistake Akapana Pyramid for a hill. Standing at almost 60 feet tall, the partially excavated underground pyramid blends in seamlessly with its surroundings. It’s only when you take a close look that you notice the strong stone walls and regular columns which make up the largest structure ever built by the Tiahuanacota culture.

The largest stone used in the construction of the Akapana pyramid at Tiahuanaco weighs a stumping 65.7 tons.

Tiahuanaco is home to some of the largest megalithic structures on Earth; the largest stone on the site—called Plataforma litica—is estimated to weigh 131 metric tons.

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28 Oct, 22:46

Gold is part of what allows dimensional doorways to be opened. It anchors portals an brings about transmutations, and is reserved for more than costumes, crowns and jewelry. It holds the highest vibration and is a premier conductor of electrical current. When gold is stored or created in great abundance, light portals can be opened and access to other dimensions unfolds. There are huge veins and rivers of gold conducting frequencies throughout Earth that are an essential part of life.

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28 Oct, 22:32

New Zealand's Pet Cloud Has Returned To Its Favourite Spot In Otago's Mountains

Taieri Pet was first documented nearly 130 years ago – and it was back again last month.

Known locally as the “Taieri Pet,” the whale-shaped cloud has continually formed over this part of Otago’s mountains on the South Island. 

The Macraes gold mine is to the top right of the cloud and Middlemarch is below it. These gold mines are New Zealand's largest active gold producing mines.

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28 Oct, 18:44

Meteora – The Holy Meteora Monasteries, Greece

The Greek word Meteora means “suspended in the air”
Today only six monasteries are active with a small number of monks or nuns who reside on Meteora. As you approach the town of Kalabaka, the nearest big town near Meteora , and the picturesque village of Kastraki you will see a complex of giant rock pillars that climb up into the sky. On top of them you will spot the famous Meteora monasteries.

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28 Oct, 12:09

10-Foot Giants found in Mexico. From the old articles we see there seems to be a consistent find of Giants in these burial mounds which are located all over the Americas.

The Oregon Statesman
May 14, 1926

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28 Oct, 01:39

History of Gold

The earliest records of the use of gold for medicinal and healing purposes come from Alexandria, Egypt. The Egyptians ingested gold for mental, bodily and spiritual purification. The ancients believed that gold in the body worked by stimulating the life force and raising the level of vibration on all levels.

The Alchemists of Alexandria developed an “elixir” made of liquid gold. They believed that gold was a mystical metal that represented the perfection of matter, and that its presence in the body would enliven, rejuvenate, and cure a multitude of diseases as well as restore youth and perfect health.

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27 Oct, 22:52

Pyramid Lake in California, US

In 1843, gold was discovered near what is now Pyramid Lake, in the Santa Feliciana Canyon just south of what is now Pyramid Dam.

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27 Oct, 22:35

MELTOLOGY at Sycamore Canyon Wilderness, near Sedona, AZ

Sycamore Canyon’s grandeur is often overlooked, overshadowed by the Grand Canyon. Learn more about the
History of Sycamore Canyon below…


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27 Oct, 15:42

Tiwanaku's hidden past. A total reconstruction, making it up as they go along..🤫



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27 Oct, 02:01

Erbil - One Of The Oldest Continuously Inhabited Cities In The World

Erbil known in ancient history as Arbela, is the capital and most populated city in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq 🇮🇶
Major excavations began on the north edge of the enormous hill, revealing the first traces of the fabled city. Ground-penetrating radar recently detected two large stone structures below the citadel’s center that may be the remains of a renowned temple dedicated to Ishtar, the goddess of love and war.

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26 Oct, 12:52

Race of Giant Humans Discovered in Russia. Reported on October 30, 1945, Washington Post.

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26 Oct, 12:39

About seven feet below the surface of the ground. The grave was twelve feet in length, four feet wide, and about three feet in depth. The remains are completely petrified, and are of gigantic dimensions. The head is massive, measuring thirty-one and one-half inches in circumference, but low in the asfrontis, and very flat on top.

The Femur measures twenty-six and a quarter inches, and the Fibula twenty-five and a half, while the body is equally long in proportion. From the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, the length is ten feet nine and a half inches. The giant must have weighed at least 900 pounds when covered with a reasonable amount of flesh.

Above is a picture of the location where the nearly 11 foot Giant was discovered.

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25 Oct, 12:41

The human experience is not that much different. When the mental barrier has been accepted by the masses they will never pass.

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25 Oct, 11:52

Getting diagnosed with cancer isn't the end. It's just your body telling you that you need to change the way you live. Chemotherapy is what will really kill you in the end.

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24 Oct, 13:43

Dr. Leonard Coldwell says you have a better chance of getting cancer if your body is too acidic.

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24 Oct, 13:24

Modern Doctors are only mouthpieces for the pharmaceutical industry and will never show you the ways in which we can prevent cancer.

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24 Oct, 09:07

The Church of the Redeemer is an Anglican church in Toronto, Ontario. The small church is prominently located at the intersection of Bloor Street and Avenue Road, kiddie corner from the Royal Ontario Museum.

It was founded in 1871 when the area was still on the fringe of the city. The Gothic Revival style building opened on June 15, 1879.

A beauty amidst a sea of modern ugliness.

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Tartaria & History Channel

23 Oct, 10:14

Fresh fruit found hundreds of years later.

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23 Oct, 07:34

Kanjina is a technique from Northern Afghanistan for preserving fruits naturally for up to a year.

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23 Oct, 01:45

As Above So Below: Masonic Cosmology, Realm of the Hue-Man & Cube of Saturn

Steven Falconer and Chris Mathieu with Forbidden Knowledge News content.
No need to say more.
Another deep and thorough, as well as captivating talk between these two gentlemen.

Extremely interesting episode, that also happens to be just an hour old.



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21 Oct, 17:44

Potoos: Bizarre Nocturnal Birds Hiding in Plain Sight

Potoos are champions of camouflage. In the daytime these nocturnal creatures perch perfectly still on branches: heads pointed upward, bodies outstretched, and eyes closed down to tiny slits. It’s hard to tell where the branch ends and the bird’s body begins — which helps them avoid predators. They’re birds more often heard than seen; with a melodious but mournful song, made at dawn, dusk and by the light of the moon.

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21 Oct, 17:03

Cabbage was considered a wonder drug.

Many Roman doctors linked diet with good health and touted cabbage as a “superfood” that could prevent and treat a wide range of ailments. “It would be a lengthy task to list the good points of the cabbage,” Pliny the Elder wrote. The Roman historian Cato the Elder proved him correct in a nearly 2,000-word treatise on cabbage’s salubrious powers in De Agricultura. According to Cato, the leafy vegetable cured headaches, vision impairment and digestive issues, while the application of crushed cabbage painlessly healed wounds, contusions, sores and dislocations. “In a word, it will cure all the internal organs which are suffering,” he wrote. Cato even wrote that inhaling the fumes of boiled cabbage promoted fertility and that bathing in the urine of a person who ate a great deal of cabbage cured many ailments.

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21 Oct, 10:39

“The People's Republic Of China” (1981)

Let's go sit into the time capsule, although in the time not so distant from the current one, yet you would almost feel it's a previous civilazation that no longer exist.

Very rare footage that seems almost Magical.

Super 8MM Amateur Travelogue from Hong Kong and Beijing.

Video was published by "PeriscopeFilm".


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21 Oct, 08:05

🇪🇸 La bobina eléctrica de Tesla y el Ankh egipcio comparten similitudes innegables

Tesla investigó la tecnología egipcia. Creía que las pirámides eran plantas de energía para producir energía.

Si los egipcios tuvieron un conocimiento íntimo de la electricidad en el mundo antiguo, tal vez las herramientas como el Ankh podrían considerarse más útiles que simbólicas.

🇬🇧 The Tesla Electric Coil and the Egyptian Ankh Share Undeniable Similarities

Tesla investigated Egyptian technology. He believed that the pyramids were power plants to produce energy.

If the Egyptians had intimate knowledge of electricity in the ancient world, perhaps tools like the Ankh could be considered more useful than symbolic.

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20 Oct, 17:42

Visoko, a little town in Bosnia is a magical place full of historical monuments like the pyramids. You have to see it for yourself to understand the magic.

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19 Oct, 17:28


Happy Satur(n)day everyone. Let's all sit back, relax and enjoy this very interesting, entertaining and also wholesome conversation with Dr. Mark Bailey, Aleck Zeck & Steve Falconer.

This is definitelly our favorite, so let us know if you've liked it.


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18 Oct, 17:08

How to Step into a New Reality with Four-Dimensional Thinking.

Here is a little thought provoking video as an inspiration for the urge of reaching the sought after 4th Dimension.
Any personal experience or tips are welcome, so feel free to add anything in the comments in our English Group Chat.



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17 Oct, 20:50


Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza on Monday spotted the jaw-dropping sight of a barking dog atop the Seven Wonders of the World.

The footage of the Egyptian landmark shows Marshall Mosher soaring in the desert sky in a paramotor, when suddently he zooms in on the top of the pyramid to find a dog casually having his day.

Locals claim that dogs that live in the area often climb up and down the 454-foot pyramid.

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17 Oct, 19:32

Cadlao Island

A Secret Paradise in El Nido - The Philippines 🇵🇭

A highlight of Cadlao Island is Ubugon Cove, also called Cadlao Lagoon. This magical lagoon has calm turquoise waters surrounded by tall cliffs covered in greenery.


The Majestic Limestone Cliffs and Rock Formations of Coron

Coron’s limestone cliffs and rock formations are indeed a sight to behold and serve as a silent witness to Earth’s fascinating geological history. These captivating landscapes hold a timeless beauty that is a testament to the wonders of nature.

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17 Oct, 16:33

I used to love sports when I was a kid and they are a good thing as long as they're at a human level. Today it's all for distractions and Idol worship.

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17 Oct, 13:06

The symbol consists of a triple spiral exhibiting rotational symmetry. Many of these signs have been repurposed by evil people.

The energy measured shows a great connection. https://cu-bits.org/

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17 Oct, 08:08

Building cathedrals requires a certain kind of culture. It requires a culture that literally believes in building on the work of previous generations rather than tearing it down.

German poet Heinrich Heine was once asked why men no longer build cathedrals. He replied:

“People in those old times had convictions; we moderns only have opinions. And it needs more than a mere opinion to erect a Gothic cathedral.”

Cologne Cathedral took 632 years to complete. Does modern man have the necessary conviction to build something like this today?
Credit: Integral Life

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16 Oct, 20:49

Abandoned American Forts

Our community's favorite
Jon Levi dropped another of his trademark videos, this time about Abandoned American Forts.



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16 Oct, 14:00

This Channel will never contact you. Be careful of Scams and also random people contacting you. Have a great day everyone ❤️

Tartaria & History Channel

16 Oct, 09:47

Remember all those sheep looking at you like you were crazy. Now the sheep have seemingly forgotten all the hate they threw at us for not complying with the system, as if it was all one bad dream.

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26 Sep, 14:10

🇮🇹 Un'antica fontana romana funzionante, incredibilmente bella, sullo sfondo di un paesaggio invernale.
La Fontana Antonina (II secolo d.C.) nel ninfeo è un santuario delle ninfe. Nelle rovine della città di Salagassos nell'Anatolia sudoccidentale (Türkiye).
Guardi e pensi, come puoi farlo con strumenti primitivi? Se anche adesso non stiamo creando con loro tali capolavori su larga scala.

🇦🇺 An ancient, working Roman fountain, incredibly beautiful, against the backdrop of a winter landscape.
The Antonine Fountain (2nd century A.D.) in the nymphaeum is a sanctuary for nymphs. In the ruins of the city of Salagassos in south-western Anatolia (Türkiye).
You look and think, how can you do that with primitive tools? If even now we are not creating such large-scale masterpieces with them.

🇧🇷 Uma antiga fonte romana em funcionamento, incrivelmente bela, tendo como pano de fundo uma paisagem de inverno.
A Fonte Antonina (século II d.C.) no ninfeu é um santuário para ninfas. Nas ruínas da cidade de Salagassos, no sudoeste da Anatólia (Turquia).
Você olha e pensa: como é possível fazer isso com ferramentas primitivas? Se nem mesmo agora estamos criando obras-primas em grande escala com elas.

🇫🇷 Une ancienne fontaine romaine en activité, d'une incroyable beauté, sur fond de paysage hivernal.
La fontaine antonine (IIe siècle après J.-C.) dans le nymphée, un sanctuaire pour les nymphes. Dans les ruines de la ville de Salagassos, dans le sud-ouest de l'Anatolie (Türkiye).
Vous regardez et vous vous dites : comment pouvez-vous faire cela avec des outils primitifs ? Si même aujourd'hui, nous ne créons pas de tels chefs-d'œuvre à grande échelle avec ces outils.









Tartaria & History Channel

26 Sep, 09:49

The Hidden Hand: Exploring Medieval Censorship

How much of what we know about history is really true? Our latest article uncovers how powerful institutions have shaped our understanding of the past by suppressing and altering information, including Tartaria.

From the brutal suppression of the Cathars in the Albigensian Crusade to the tragic loss of knowledge with the destruction of the Library of Alexandria, we reveal how alternative voices were silenced throughout history.

Let’s uncover the truths that have been buried for too long!

📰 Click the link to read more ➤

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26 Sep, 07:22

Michael Tellinger´s information will leave you speechless


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25 Sep, 11:50

🦅 The White Griffin 🦅

Did you know the white griffin is more than just a mythical creature? It’s a powerful symbol of purity and nobility, deeply rooted in history and legend. From its role as a sacred protector in ancient texts to its modern resurgence as an emblem of lost knowledge, the white griffin stands as a testament to hidden stories waiting to be rediscovered.

In our latest article, we explore the origins and significance of this majestic creature. Learn how it became a symbol of the once-great Tartarian Empire, stood against the knights of the old realm, and inspired our own banner as a beacon of hope and truth.

📰 Click the link and dive into the captivating story of this legendary beast ➤

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25 Sep, 07:53


Tartaria & History Channel

25 Sep, 06:49

Our Native American Elders knew exactly what they were doing when a Peace Pipe was smoked in councils before any negotiations. It calmed everyone down.

Brain imaging studies demonstrate that nicotine acutely increases activity in the prefrontal cortex, thalamus, and visual system. Stimulation of the brain by nicotine results in the release of a variety of neurotransmitters most importantly dopamine.

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24 Sep, 20:52

🇪🇸 Árboles gigantes petrificados

Los árboles crean paredes de células hexagonales.

Antes eran inmensos. Se talaron y después ocurrió un evento de altísima temperatura que los petrificó. Se pueden observar tocones gigantes por todo el mundo. Solo hay que mirar las rocas y montañas de otra manera.

Sucede lo mismo con las pirámides enterradas. Las hay por todas partes.

🇬🇧 Giant petrified trees

Trees create hexagonal cell walls. They used to be huge.

They were cut down and then a very high temperature event occurred that petrified them. Giant petrified stumps can be observed all over the world. You just have to look at the rocks and mountains in a different way.

The same goes for the buried pyramids. Giant trees and pyramids are all around us.

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24 Sep, 11:26

The Ingenious Creator of the Hereford Mappa Mundi

Welcome to the beginning of our Mappa Mundi series!

Step into the world of Richard of Haldingham and Lafford, also known as Richard de Bello—the mastermind behind the Hereford Mappa Mundi. He wasn’t just a cartographer; he was an artist, a scribe, and a visionary who, around 1300, transformed a piece of cowhide into a map that still fascinates us today.

But who was Richard, really? How did his life lead him from Lincoln Cathedral to Hereford, and what secrets does his story hold? In this first article, discover the hidden clues about his identity, his mysterious connection to Bishop Swinfield, and the legacy of this incredible medieval mapmaker.

📰 Curious? Click to uncover the story of Richard de Bello and his extraordinary creation ➤

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23 Sep, 20:05

Tartaria and its buried past. Using Aether and frequencies within Nature.

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23 Sep, 18:22


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23 Sep, 17:09

The secrets of a mysterious Civilization — Lake Lovozero and Lake Seydozero, Finland | Russia

Seita are sacred to the north-European Indigenous People-- the Sami.   It might be a very special place in the mountains, tundra, taiga, sometimes a conspicuous stone, stump, lake, other natural formation. The concept of Seyda also includes artifacts – structures made of stones.

Lake Seydozero near Lovozero is considered one of the possible centers of the mysterious Hyperborean civilization. According to legend, in Hyperborea lived highly developed giants who achieved great success in science and culture, and then disappeared, like the inhabitants of Atlantis. On one of the rocks near the lake you will find a 74-meter image. They call it Kuiva, so the Sami called the giant hunter who lived in the Lovozero tundra.

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23 Sep, 11:36

The Channel cannot send or receive messages. Be careful of Scams everyone. If you wish to contact me you can find my tag in the Channel description. Have a great day everyone ❤️💪

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23 Sep, 01:01

The “QUETZAL” Sacred Bird

The Quetzal is considered the rarest sacred bird in Mayan legend, with its vibrant green plumage and long tail feathers making it highly revered and symbolically important to the ancient Mesoamerican cultures, particularly the Mayans and Aztecs. The Quetzal was often associated with the gods, representing concepts like freedom and beauty. The feathers were so precious that only royalty could wear them, and capturing a Quetzal was considered a crime. Legend has it that Quetzal helped create Earth.

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22 Sep, 22:22

King Arthur and the Autumn Equinox: A Tale of Light and Darkness

As the leaves turn golden and the air grows crisp, we find ourselves at the cusp of the autumn equinox—a time of perfect balance between light and dark. But did you know this seasonal shift is echoed in one of King Arthur’s most forgotten legends? It’s a tale of courage and the quest to restore what was lost, a story as timeless as the changing of the seasons.

Long ago, Mabon ap Modron, the “Son of the Great Mother,” was stolen from his mother when he was just three days old. His loss plunged the world into darkness, much like the coming of winter after the equinox. To restore harmony, King Arthur and his loyal knights embarked on an epic journey to find the lost child and bring balance back to the land.

Guided by the ancient wisdom of the Blackbird, the Stag, the Owl, the Eagle, and the mighty Salmon, Arthur’s quest led him to a mysterious fortress “where neither day nor night touch.” It was here, in the heart of darkness, that Arthur and his knights fought to free Mabon, restoring light and hope to the world.

This story isn’t just a myth—it’s a reminder that even in our darkest moments, balance and light can be restored. As we celebrate the autumn equinox, let’s take a moment to reflect on Arthur’s timeless quest. Share this story with those who seek balance in their lives, and let’s inspire each other to find light even when the days grow dim.

This season, may we all be like King Arthur: unyielding in our search for harmony, and always ready to bring a little more light into the world.

🔱 @TartariaBritannica

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22 Sep, 19:35

September 22nd – Autumn Equinox Mabon – Northern Hemisphere

The time of the Equinox provides us with a time “Between the worlds” a window through which we can perform special magick as we honor the turning of the wheel and the unseen world. This is one of two days when the earth will experience equal portions of light and dark. A powerful night to bring into balance inspiration with action, the merging of the heart and the mind. The balance of our male and female essence.
As we give thanks for the abundance that the long days and strong power of summer have given, we also take this moment to balance, to rest, to simply be, preparing ourselves for the approaching winter season. It is a time of giving thanks and reflection on what has passed as we look ahead to the brightness of the future.

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22 Sep, 18:16


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22 Sep, 16:46

Taman Dedari Ubud - Bali

Dedari Park is located on Jalan Raya Kedewatan, Kedewatan Village, Gianyar Regency, Bali. The word "dedari" itself means angel. The name was taken from the legend of Rsi Markandeya who saw the descent of angels in the Ayung River, not far from Taman Dedari.

Taman Dedari is a garden with a dedari (angel) statue in the area of The Royal Pita Maha restaurant and hotel, located on Jalan Raya Kedewatan, Ubud, Gianyar. Taman Dedari offers a natural view of the Ayung River, the widest and longest river in Bali. The Dedari statue is the main mascot, inspired by the historical story of Rsi Markandeya's journey.

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22 Sep, 13:58

Curious about the mysterious origins of the Tartarians?

Welcome to Season 3 of Tartaria Britannica, where we begin our journey in the heart of the Middle Ages.

We start with the Alans—legendary warriors of the Iranian steppe, who became key players in the Roman Empire before evolving into the Scythians and later the Tartarians. From their influence on British knighthood to mythological ties with Excalibur, the Alans left a lasting legacy.

Join us as we dive into this captivating journey through history and explore how these nomadic tribes shaped cultures and legends across Europe.

📰 Read the full article here

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22 Sep, 12:55

Geopathy refers to all effects of earth forces on the human body, such as magnetic earth fields, water and ley lines. Earth radiation can cause geopathic stress in sensitive people. Electromagnetic energy fields from earth can be detected using dowsing rods. Possible consequences of geopathic stress include migraines, sleep disorders, depression, high blood pressure, rheumatic diseases and some types of cancer.
Do you want to try dowsing? Tartaria and cu-bits worked out some dowsing rods for its members. For €35,- you can order a half size water ring and two rods with Larry's handmade handles by sending Dowsrod to Larry. You get a follow up how to proceed immediately. Have some dowsing fun.

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cu-bits : a(cure) in every bit

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22 Sep, 06:56

The Enchanted Hoodoo Forest

“The Magick Mushroom”
Forest in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument stands as a testament to the Earth’s sculptural artistry. Eroded by time and weather, these towering sandstone formations reveal a mesmerizing palette of intricate shapes, creating a breathtaking natural wonder that inspires awe in the intrepid few who visit. The Hoodoo Forest in Utah is rarely visited due to the adventurous nature of its location.

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22 Sep, 06:22

The Megalithic Portal of Aramu Muru, Peru 🇵🇪

Out of all the megalithic structures shrouded in mystery scattered throughout South America, Aramu Muru, also known as “The Portal of the Gods” might take the spot as the most enigmatic and baffling.
Located in a strategical position of Perù that has a direct line with Lake Titicaca and Puma Punku, with no inscriptions and no drawings on it, appears this massive “stargate” style portal directly carved into the side of a mountain.

Inside the block, is a T-shaped “door” (much like a hollowed-out T pillar that can be found at Gobekli Tepe”) with a hole inside of it, through which people have reported feeling incredible energy.

Legend has it that an Incan priest found a gold disk the perfect size of the hole, inserted the disk into it, and opened the door.

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21 Sep, 18:18

Mass vaccinations are destroying kids. Many parents still trust the medical industry and don't see the clear link between the vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders.

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21 Sep, 15:45


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21 Sep, 14:28

Giants were real and covered up, substituted for the fake Dinosaur theory. It was well accepted that Giants were real right up until recent times. By Dystopian Now

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21 Sep, 04:38

Castor Oil, has been historically coveted by people all over the world with the longest hair. What makes this oil so unique is the abundance of ricinoleic acid which is a fatty acid and humectant. It helps hydrate the hair shaft, improving its flexibility & elasticity and reducing breakage.

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20 Sep, 12:10

People are easily influenced. Just look at everything made today. First of all the quality is not the same as before. All of our materials have been weakened just like the spirit of Humanity. If there is no beauty around us and only brutalist architecture, this is what many will resonate with. (By Dystopian Now)

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20 Sep, 07:39

Gangkhar Puensum - Bhutan

Gangkhar Puensum is one of the highest unclimbed mountains in the world. People, especially Bhutanese, believe that gods and yetis live here and therefore are unattainable. What exists on top of this mountain remains a secret. It is believed that there are unexplained noises and mysterious lights that are seen from the mountain. These are reported by people living near the mountain. What goes on in the mountain however remains a secret. 

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20 Sep, 03:01

Valla Canyon and Horma Canyon

Thought to be the second deepest ‘head-spinning’ canyon in the world, Valla Canyon and nearby Horma Canyon in Turkey 🇹🇷 are practically impassible. A portion of the canyon can be traversed on a three kilometer wooden walkway that is attached to the canyon walls. Several waterfalls can be seen along the way. The canyon is so narrow and deep that the sunlight never reaches some places. The canyons are located in northwestern Turkey north of Kastamonu.

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20 Sep, 01:30

528 Hz: History, Research, Benefits

The 528 Hz frequency is the most significant of the Solfeggio Frequencies. Known as the “love” frequency and “miracle note”, it has a deep-rooted relationship with nature. It is present in everything from Chlorophyll to human DNA. It also has mathematical significance and proven healing potential.

The first word, aum/om, is a sacred syllable in various Indian traditions, and hum represents the spirit of enlightenment.
The yogic mantra “so hum” is not only a reflection of the sound of the breath but also carries a contemplative meaning: “I am that” (so = “I am” and hum = “that”). Here, “that” refers to all of creation, the one breathing us all.

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