We use “How far” to ask about distance
للسؤال عن المسافة
How far can you run ?
How far is the moon?
🔰How Often
We use "How often"to ask about the frequency of the activities people do
للسؤال عن عدد المرات
How often do you go shopping?
I go shopping once a week.
🔰How long
We use "How long" to ask about a period of time
للسؤال عن المدة الزمنية وعادةً ماتكون بزمن المضارع التام المستمر
How long have you been waiting?
I have been waiting for half an hour.
🔰How many
We use "How many" to ask about number or the countable nouns
للسؤال عن العدد أو عن المعدود
How many days are there in January?
🔰How much
We use" How much" to ask about quantity or uncountable nouns
للسؤال عن الكمية أو عن غير المعدود
How much butter do we need ?