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Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal


📚 Sodiq Academy — biz ilmga sodiqmiz!

DTM - Matematika

📞 Telefon: +998908192222

📩 Murojaat: @SodiqAcademy

📍 Manzil: Toshkent

Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal (Uzbek)

Sodiq Academy - bu sizning o'zgaruvchilar hayotizning yopiq darajasi! Kanalimizda o'quv kurslari, darslar, va imtihonlarga tayyormlik bo'yicha juda keng ma'lumotlar topasiz. Agar siz SAT, IELTS, yoki DTM-matematika kurslariga qiziqsangiz, to'g'ri joydasiz. Telefon: +998908192222 orqali bizga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin. O'zingizga eng mos qiladigan yo'nalishni tanlashingizga yo'l qo'yadigan foydali ma'lumotlar sizni kutmoqda. Bizning manzil: Toshkent. Sodiq Academy - sizga yordam berishga tayyormiz!

Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

06 Dec, 17:40

Assalomu alaykum
Dear Test Takers,

Wishing you the best of luck on tomorrow’s official SAT exam! This is a significant step toward achieving your academic and career goals, and we’re rooting for your success.

Here are a few important reminders:

📌Registration starts at approximately 7:30 AM.

Please bring the following items with you:
2-Device and charger
3-Calculator (optional)
4-Snack (optional)

For those registered to take the exam at 📍Sodiq School, please ensure you arrive at the designated location on time.

Stay focused, stay calm, and give it your best effort. You've got this!

Good luck!
Warm regards,
Sodiq Academy & Sodiq School Team

Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

13 Nov, 09:03



- IElTS ustozi
(10+ mln)
(Dush-Juma : 09:00-17:30)

- IELTS yordamchi ustozi
(4 mln + KPI)
(Dush-Juma : 9:00-17:00)

bo’sh ish o’rni mavjud

"Sodiq school"ning ahil jamoasiga qoʻshilish va samimiy muhitda ishlash imkoniyatingiz bor.
Yaxshi ish haqi va muhitdan tashqari quyidagi qoʻshimcha bonuslar ham sizniki:

– bepul tushlik va tolma choy;
– farzandingizning maktabimizdagi ta’limi uchun 50% chegirma;
– bepul treninglar.

👉Ro’yxatdan o’tish

Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

28 Oct, 11:35



- IElTS ustozi
(10-15 mln)
(Dush-Juma : 09:00-17:30)

- IELTS yordamchi ustozi
(4-6,5 mln)
(Dush-Juma : 15:00-19:30)

bo’sh ish o’rni mavjud

"Sodiq school"ning ahil jamoasiga qoʻshilish va samimiy muhitda ishlash imkoniyatingiz bor.
Yaxshi ish haqi va muhitdan tashqari quyidagi qoʻshimcha bonuslar ham sizniki:

– bepul tushlik va tolma choy;
– farzandingizning maktabimizdagi ta’limi uchun 50% chegirma;
– bepul treninglar.

Buni to’ldiring

Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

25 Aug, 13:54

Charlie Munger book recommendations 📚

What a great thinker he was, but even the greatest thinkers had some weird thoughts. Here is an an excerpt from one of his last interviews. Tell me what you think in the comments.

"Charlie Munger: I'm not all that pleased. I could've done a lot better if I had been a little smarter, a little quicker.

Becky Quick: What are you talking about? Like, you've had success in everything you've done in life. What would you like to do differently.

Ch Munger: Well, no, but I might have had multiple trillions instead of multiple billions.

B. Quick: Do you sit around thinking about this? What would you have done differently?

Ch. Munger: Yes, I do think about it. I think about it. Yes, I think about it, about what I nearly missed by being just not quite smart enough or hardworking enough."

Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

16 Jun, 05:49


May Allah accept the sacrifice we make and forgive all of us!🐏
May Allah increase us in knowledge📚
May Allah realize our good wishes!🤲

Have a good holiday!😊


Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

07 Jun, 07:17

⚠️ You should find one mistake in each sentence!

⁉️ How many mistakes
could you find?

If you couldn't find all the mistakes, you know where to come.



Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

07 Jun, 07:17

Battle time!!!💪💪💪

Two groups, Merkuriy and SAT Hunters, of students studying in Standard 2.0 competed against each other, doing tests based on the writing section of the SAT.📝

The task was to find one mistake
from each of the 20 sentences

Both teams performed amazingly, finding the mistakes quickly!🎯

Do you think you are good at
English grammar ?!

Then try to find 1 mistake from each sentence below 👇👇👇


Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

31 May, 08:15


🇺🇿 “Эл-юрт умиди” жамғармасининг очиқ стипендия танловларида иштирок этиш истагида бўлган номзодлар диққатига!

🔣 Ҳурматли номзодлар.
“Эл-юрт умиди” жамғармаси томонидан яқин кунлар ичида 2024 йилги 1-очиқ стипендия танловини эълон қилиш режалаштирилмоқда.

🔣 Жамғарма танловларида иштирок этиш истагида бўлган барча номзодлар учун тавсия: Турли хил каналларда ва консалтинг фирмалар томонидан асоссиз равишда тарқатилаётган хабарларга ишонмасликка ва фақат “Эл-юрт умиди” жамғармасининг расмий веб-сайтида ҳамда каналларида эълон қилинган маълумотлар ва кўрсатмалар асосида иш тутишингизни сўраб қоламиз!

🔣 Жамғарма томонидан 2024 йил учун 1-очиқ стипендия танлови эълон қилингандан сўнг Жамғарманинг ҳужжат топшириш платформаси ишлайди ва ҳозир мазкур платформа актив ҳолда эмас.

🔣 Тўлиқ маълумотларни сайтидан ва Жамғарманинг расмий каналларидан, жумладан, телеграм каналидан олишингиз мумкин!

Мурожаат учун телефонлар:
71 203 14 41
71 203 00 47
71 203 00 48
71 203 00 53

🌆 EYUF axborot xizmati

💻Instagram🎞 YouTube 


Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

29 May, 11:34

Congratulations !!!🥳🥳🥳

Meet another New York University class of 2028 student! 💪

One of our students has been
accepted to one of the most prestigious and competitive (acceptance rate 8%) universities in the world - NYU main campus in America!🏛

He attended SAT classes of Khafizulloh teacher, an experienced teacher at Sodiq Academy, for about 4 months. Then he got an outstanding 1440 from digital SAT!📚

He didn't get any gap years.
He has graduated school this
year and is planning to continue
his studies at NYU this fall.✈️

Congratulations again!!!🥳
Wish him good luck in his studies and to be a needful person for our country!

Hardwork surely pays off!

Are you still hesitating whether
to prepare for the SAT or not?!⁉️

Stand up and start
accomplishing your goals
right now!

Maybe the next achiever will be you!😉

Now or never!

You know where to come☺️👇



Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

29 May, 11:19


🏛School: New York University (NYU)

🏆 Ranking :
- QS #38 in the world
- THE #27 in the world

🏢 Campuses in :
New York, Abu Dhabi, and Shanghai

📚 Academic requirements :
- SAT Range 1470-1570
- ACT Range 33-35

- IELTS 7.0 (at least)
- GPA 3.8 or higher

Acceptance rate (2024):
- 8% of 118000 undergraduate applications

📆 Application deadlines:
- Early Decision I - November 1
- Early Decision II - January 1
- Regular Decision - January 5

💵Costs :
- Tuition - $62,796
- Cost of attendance - $87,448

📬 How to apply:
- NYU application portal
- Common App


Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

24 May, 11:34

📆 SAT Registration Deadlines for 2024!

🧩Share with your friends!

⁉️ Could you register for one of the upcoming SAT exams?


Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

23 May, 04:11


🧮 SAT Math 🧮

If an employee works n hours a week for w weeks, she will earn 10nw + 50 dollars. Which of the terms in the expression most logically will change if the employee gets a raise?

Choose the correct answer 👇👇👇


Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

22 May, 18:45

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A) the phone is less appealing to ethical consumers in their twenties than other similar phones on the market are.

B) ethical consumers in their twenties are less likely to purchase the phone than ethical consumers in other age groups are.

C) there is not a meaningful difference in the likelihood of purchasing the phone among ethical consumers in different age groups.

D) ethical consumers in their twenties are more likely than ethical consumers in other age groups to consider a phone’s social and ecological effects when deciding whether to purchase that phone.

Leave your answer in the comment section 👇👇👇


Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

22 May, 18:43


📚 SAT Reading 📚

Consumer psychologists have theorized that the likelihood that people who identify as ethical consumers—meaning that they strive to purchase goods and services with positive or neutral social and ecological effects—will purchase a given product positively correlates with their perception of that product’s effects. In a recent study of the attitudes of self-identified ethical consumers toward purchasing a specific mobile phone coming to market, researchers found that, on average, study participants in their twenties rated the phone’s social and ecological effects much less positively than did participants in other age groups. All other things being equal, if consumer psychologists’ theory is correct, this finding suggests that ____ .

Choose the correct answer 👇👇👇


Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

22 May, 18:43


✏️ SAT Writing ✏️

In a painting titled “The Milkmaid” by Johannes Vermeer, the artist prominently features a bread basket, milk pitcher, and bowl. Such quotidian objects, depicted in exquisite detail by Vermeer, a painter celebrated for his naturalism, ___ the daily minutiae of a seventeenth-century Dutch

Choose the correct answer below 👇👇👇


Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

22 May, 18:42

Assalamu alaykum guys!

🤓 How smart are you?!
How good are you at English?

😉 The answer you choose for the following questions shows how strong your English is.

Let's check your English.
Answer the following questions


Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

21 May, 17:47


🤓 Are you good at English?
⁉️Can you find the correct answer?

SAT Writing

Jamaican British artist Willard Wigan is known for his remarkable ___ so small that they are best viewed through a microscope, Wigan’s sculptures are made from tiny natural materials, such as spiderweb strands.

Choose the correct answer 👇👇👇


Sodiq Academy | Rasmiy kanal

20 May, 11:16

🧐🧐 SAT va IQ (aqliy salohiyat darajasi) orasida bog'liqlik bormi?

soflotutors saytiga ko'ra,
IQ darajasi yuqori insonlarda
SAT bali ham odatda ancha
yuqori bo'lishi mumkin ekan
(Albatta imtihon kunidan oldin
uxlamaslik va sog'liqdagi
muammolar bundan mustasno)

‼️SAT imtihoni savollarini oson va tez tushunish hamda ishlash uchun ham albatta kuchli bilim va keng dunyoqarash kerak.

📚SATni ham, IQni ham, dunyoqarashni ham oshirish
uchun ko'proq ilm olish va
izlanish kerak

🤔 Sizning IQ darajangiz nechi?!
Quyidagi IQ test orqali darajangizni aniqlang va comment sectionda qoldiring!👇👇

