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10 Jan, 03:56

Realisasi Program TJSL ELNUSA di 2024, Sentuh Lebih dari 93 Ribu Penerima Manfaat

Jakarta, 9 Januari 2025 – Sepanjang tahun 2024, PT Elnusa Tbk (Elnusa), bagian dari Subholding Upstream Pertamina, berhasil merealisasikan 39 program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL). Program-program tersebut dikelola secara konsolidasi bersama Anak Perusahaan Elnusa, mencakup berbagai bidang strategis yang relevan dengan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (SDGs). Pencapaian ini mencerminkan komitmen Elnusa untuk terus memberikan […]
The post Realisasi Program TJSL ELNUSA di 2024, Sentuh Lebih dari 93 Ribu Penerima Manfaat ( appeared first on PintarSaham ( NewsRoom

10 Jan, 03:55

PGN Gandeng BUMD Papua Barat, Optimalkan Pemanfaatan LNG Tangguh

Jakarta – PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) selaku Subholding Gas Pertamina melakukan kerjasama dengan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) Papua Barat untuk memanfaatkan alokasi LNG milik PT Padoma Lirik Energy (PLE). Volume LNG yang akan dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan PGN sebesar ± 20 MMSCFD atau setara dengan 2 kargo per tahun dari Kilang BP […]
The post PGN Gandeng BUMD Papua Barat, Optimalkan Pemanfaatan LNG Tangguh ( appeared first on PintarSaham ( NewsRoom

10 Jan, 02:28

Friday: Employment Report NewsRoom

10 Jan, 02:28

Note: Mortgage rates are from ( and are for top tier scenarios.


• At 8:30 AM ET, Employment Report for December.   The consensus is for 160,000 jobs added, and for the unemployment rate to be unchanged at 4.2%.

• At 10:00 AM, University of Michigan's Consumer sentiment index (Preliminary for January) NewsRoom

09 Jan, 19:39

The Housing Bubble and Mortgage Debt as a Percent of GDP

Today, in the Calculated Risk Real Estate Newsletter: Update: The Housing Bubble and Mortgage Debt as a Percent of GDP (

A brief excerpt: Two years ago, I wrote The Housing Bubble and Mortgage Debt as a Percent of GDP ( Here is an update to a couple of graphs. The bottom line remains the same: There will not be cascading price declines in this cycle due to distressed sales.

In a 2005 post (, I included a graph of household mortgage debt as a percent of GDP. Several readers asked if I could update the graph.

First, from February 2005 (20 years ago!):The following chart shows household mortgage debt as a % of GDP. Although mortgage debt has been increasing for years, the last four years have seen a tremendous increase in debt. Last year alone mortgage debt increased close to $800 Billion - almost 7% of GDP. ... NewsRoom

09 Jan, 19:39

Many homeowners have refinanced their homes, in essence using their homes as an ATM.

It wouldn't take a RE bust to impact the general economy. Just a slowdown in both volume (to impact employment) and in prices (to slow down borrowing) might push the general economy into recession. An actual bust, especially with all of the extensive sub-prime lending, might cause a serious problem.And a serious problem is what happened!There is much more in the article. NewsRoom

09 Jan, 19:00

Fed Governor Bowman says December interest rate cut should be the last

Bowman said Thursday she supported the recent interest rate cuts but doesn't see the need to go any further. NewsRoom

09 Jan, 17:07

December Employment Preview

On Friday at 8:30 AM ET, the BLS will release the employment report for December. The consensus is for 160,000 jobs added, and for the unemployment rate to be unchanged at 4.2%.

There were 227,000 jobs added in November, and the unemployment rate was at 4.2%.
From Goldman Sachs: We expect a below-consensus 125k increase in payrolls (vs. +160k consensus) in December. We are below consensus because 1) Big Data indicators point to slower job growth in December and 2) we estimate that an unfavorable calendar configuration could be a 50k drag. ... We forecast that the unemployment rate edged up to 4.3%.
emphasis addedFrom BofA: We expect nonfarm payrolls to rise by 175k in Dec after coming in at 227k in Nov (Exhibit 1). This above-consensus (160k) forecast is driven by initial jobless claims remaining extremely low in Dec. In terms of the HH survey, we expect some payback in Dec for two consecutive months of weak employment. This should keep the u-rate at 4.2%.• ADP Report: The ADP employment report ( showed 122,000 private sector jobs were added in December.  This was below consensus forecasts and suggests job gains below consensus expectations, however, in general, ADP hasn't been very useful in forecasting the BLS report.

• ISM Surveys: Note that the ISM indexes are diffusion indexes based on the number of firms hiring (not the number of hires).  The ISM® manufacturing employment index ( decreased to was at 45.3%, down from 48.1%.   This would suggest about 45,000 jobs lost in manufacturing. The ADP report indicated 11,000 manufacturing jobs lost in December.

The ISM® services employment index ( decreased to 51.4% from 51.5%. This would suggest 110,000 jobs added in the service sector. Combined this suggests 65,000 jobs added, far below consensus expectations.  (Note: The ISM surveys have been way off recently)

• Unemployment Claims: The weekly claims report ( showed more initial unemployment claims during the reference week at 220,000 in December compared to 215,000 in November.  This suggests slightly more layoffs in December compared to November.

• Conclusion: Employment was impacted by strikes and hurricanes in October (+36K job added) and then boosted in November (+227K jobs added) as the strikes ended.   In the six months prior to October, employment gains averaged 150 thousand per month - and that is probably the current trend.  My guess is employment will be below consensus in December. NewsRoom

09 Jan, 17:06

Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims Decrease to 201,000

This was released yesterday (due to National Day of Mourning). The DOL reported (

In the week ending January 4, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 201,000, a decrease of
10,000 from the previous week's unrevised level of 211,000. The 4-week moving average was 213,000, a decrease of
10,250 from the previous week's unrevised average of 223,250.

emphasis addedThe following graph shows the 4-week moving average of weekly claims since 1971. NewsRoom

09 Jan, 17:06

Click on graph for larger image.

The dashed line on the graph is the current 4-week average. The four-week average of weekly unemployment claims decreased to 213,000.

The previous week was unrevised

Weekly claims were lower than the consensus forecast. NewsRoom

09 Jan, 15:09

Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir mengungkap dampak bergabungnya Indonesia dengan forum ekonomi yang diinisiasi China dan Rusia, BRICS. NewsRoom

09 Jan, 15:09

Erick Ungkap Dampak RI Gabung BRICS ke Bisnis BUMN NewsRoom

09 Jan, 15:08

Carlos Oterin Barrera menjadi CEO baru Lazada Indonesia. Ia menggantikan posisi yang sebelumnya diduduki James Chang. NewsRoom

09 Jan, 15:08

Lazada Indonesia Punya CEO Baru, Intip Profilnya NewsRoom

09 Jan, 15:07

Ketua DEN Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan yakin pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia tembus 8 persen berkat dana desa dan makan bergizi gratis. NewsRoom

08 Jan, 15:21

ADP: Private Employment Increased 122,000 in December

From ADP: ADP National Employment Report: Private employers added 122,000 jobs in December (“The labor market downshifted to a more modest pace of growth in the final month of 2024, with a slowdown in both hiring and pay gains. Health care stood out in the second half of the year, creating more jobs than any other sector.

emphasis addedThis was below the consensus forecast of 143,000. The BLS report will be released Friday, and the consensus is for 150,000 non-farm payroll jobs added in December. NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:44

Kementerian ESDM Permudah Perizinan Air Tanah NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:44

Kementerian ESDM meluncurkan penyederhanaan proses perizinan pemanfaatan air tanah melalui implementasi Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 14 Tahun 2024. NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:43

Tarif Whoosh Jakarta-Bandung Cuma Rp175 Ribu Pakai Kartu Berlangganan NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:43

KCIC menghadirkan layanan kartu berlangganan kereta cepat Frequent Whoosher Card. Tiket Jakarta-Bandung cuma Rp175 ribu jika berlangganan. NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:42

Kemenhub menegaskan Stasiun Karet belum tentu ditutup karena para pemangku kepentingan masih mengkaji, termasuk sisi kemudahan masyarakat. NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:42

Kemenhub Tegaskan Stasiun Karet Belum Tentu Ditutup NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:41

Konsultan properti Colliers International mencatat penjualan apartemen di Jakarta hanya 688 unit pada 2024 atau anjlok 50 persen. NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:41

Riset: Biaya IPL Mahal, Penjualan Apartemen Jakarta Anjlok 50 Persen NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:40

Menperin Ancam Cabut Izin Edar Produk Apple Jika Mangkir Investasi NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:40

Menperin Agus Gumiwang ancam beri sanksi berupa pencabutan izin edar produknya jika tidak memenuhi komitmen investasi yang disyaratkan pemerintah. NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:39

Bos BTN Bocorkan Syarat Ojol hingga Tukang Cukur Asgar Bisa Tembus KPR NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:39

Dirut BTN Nixon Napitupulu mengungkap syarat agar KPR bagi pekerja sektor informal, seperti pengemudi ojek online (ojol) hingga tukang cukur bisa tembus. NewsRoom

08 Jan, 14:38

Menperin Agus Gumiwang mengatakan Apple janji melunasi sisa utang investasi periode 2020-2023 sebesar US$10 juta atau Rp162 miliar. NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:35

Kepala BGN Dadan Hindayana menargetkan program makan bergizi gratis (MBG) menyasar 600 ribu penerima manfaat di hari pertama pelaksanaan pada Senin (6/1). NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:35

600 Ribu Orang Dapat Makan Bergizi Gratis di Hari Pertama NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:34

Harga PP Gabah Naik Jadi Rp6.500, Beras Rp12 Ribu per 15 Januari NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:34

Pemerintah akan menaikkan Harga Pembelian Pemerintah (HPP) untuk gabah dari Rp6.000 menjadi Rp6.500 per kilogram (kg) dan beras jadi Rp12 ribu mulai 15 Januari. NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:33

Bos Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Suryo Utomo menyebut masyarakat yang sudah terkena PPN 12 persen bisa meminta pengembalian ke toko dengan membawa struk belanja. NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:33

Bos Pajak Ungkap Cara Minta Pengembalian PPN 12 Persen ke Toko NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:32

Pendaftaran seleksi PPPK tahap 2 akan ditutup besok, Selasa (7/1) usai diperpanjang BKN. Cek tata cara hingga persyaratan daftarnya. NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:32

Jangan Lupa, Besok Hari Terakhir Pendaftaran PPPK Tahap 2 NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:31

PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) WK Rokan, mencatatkan lifting minyak hingga akhir tahun 2024 mencapai 58 juta barel, dan sudah disalurkan ke kilang Pertamina. NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:31

PHR Lifting Minyak 58 Juta Barel pada 2024, Komitmen Energi untuk RI NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:30

Harga Cabai Rawit Makin 'Pedas' di Awal Pekan NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:30

Sejumlah harga komoditas pangan mengalami kenaikan pada perdagangan Senin (6/1). Kenaikan terbesar terjadi pada komoditas cabai-cabaian. NewsRoom

06 Jan, 09:29

Menteri Koperasi Budi Arie Setiadi percaya diri program makan bergizi gratis  akan menambah dorongan pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 0,89 persen pada 2025 ini. NewsRoom

07 Dec, 17:48

Tol Padang-Sicincin Uji Coba 15 Desember, Tak Dipungut Biaya NewsRoom

07 Dec, 17:48

Uji coba jalan tol Padang-Sicincin dijadwalkan 15 Desember, gratis untuk masyarakat. NewsRoom

07 Dec, 17:31

AI's growth is just getting started, BlackRock's thematic ETF head says

BlackRock's Jay Jacobs expects infrastructure and cybersecurity plays to shine in 2025. He cites the artificial intelligence boom as a major catalyst. NewsRoom

07 Dec, 14:07

Deretan elektronik seperti AC dan Smart TV diskon sampai jutaan rupiah di Transmart Full Day Sale besok, Minggu (8/12). Cek daftarnya! NewsRoom

07 Dec, 14:07

Daftar Elektronik yang Diskon di Transmart Full Day Sale 8 Desember NewsRoom

07 Dec, 14:06

Transmart Full Day Sale datang lagi besok, Minggu (8/12) dengan diskon gede 50% + 20% selama seharian di seluruh gerai se-Indonesia. NewsRoom

07 Dec, 14:06

Transmart Full Day Sale Datang Lagi Besok, Tebar Diskon Seharian NewsRoom

07 Dec, 03:49

Tips Mencari Tambahan Penghasilan di Tengah Kenaikan Gaji yang Seret NewsRoom

07 Dec, 03:49

Tips mencari tambahan penghasilan di tengah kenaikan gaji yang seret, dari pilihan sambilan kerja hingga mengelola keuntungan. NewsRoom

07 Dec, 01:50

This appears to be a leading indicator for COVID hospitalizations and deaths.
COVID in wastewater is fairly low - only about 20% higher than the lows of last May - suggesting weekly deaths will continue to decline. NewsRoom

07 Dec, 01:50

Click on graph for larger image.

This graph shows the weekly (columns) number of deaths reported.
Although weekly deaths met the original goal to stop posting, I'm continuing to post now that deaths are above the goal again.  
Weekly deaths are now declining and will likely continue to decline based on wastewater sampling but are still above the low of 313 in early June 2024.
And here is a graph I'm following concerning COVID in wastewater ( as of December 5th: NewsRoom

07 Dec, 01:50

Note: Mortgage rates are from ( and are for top tier scenarios.

For deaths, I'm currently using 4 weeks ago for "now", since the most recent three weeks will be revised significantly.
Note: "Effective May 1, 2024, hospitals are no longer required to report COVID-19 hospital admissions, hospital capacity, or hospital occupancy data."  So I'm no longer tracking hospitalizations.

COVID Metrics
Deaths per Week517570≤3501
1my goals to stop weekly posts,
🚩 Increasing number weekly for Deaths

Goal met. NewsRoom

07 Dec, 01:50

December 6th COVID Update: Weekly COVID Deaths Continue to Decline NewsRoom

05 Dec, 14:35

Presiden Prabowo Subianto bertemu dengan delegasi Japan-Indonesia Association (JAPINDA) di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, pada Kamis (5/12) siang. NewsRoom

05 Dec, 14:35

Prabowo Bertemu Pengusaha Jepang di Istana, Apa Saja yang Dibahas? NewsRoom

05 Dec, 13:00

Menteri Pekerjaan Umum (PU) periode 1998-1999 Rachmadi Bambang Sumadhijo meninggal dunia pada Rabu (4/12) di usia 84 tahun. NewsRoom

05 Dec, 13:00

Menteri PU Era Habibie Meninggal Dunia, Dody Hanggodo Turut Berduka NewsRoom

05 Dec, 12:59

Program Klaster UMKM BRI berhasil mencetak sosok FIL, Ainur Rahmatin, yang mengangkat peran perempuan dalam roda perekonomian di Lamongan. NewsRoom

05 Dec, 12:59

BRI Cetak Sosok Inspiratif di Lamongan, Angkat Peran Perempuan NewsRoom

05 Dec, 12:58

Prabowo Siapkan Anggaran Rp63 T Buat Pemenuhan Gizi Nasional 2025 NewsRoom

05 Dec, 12:58

Pemerintahan Presiden Prabowo Subianto menetapkan anggaran sebesar Rp63,57 triliun untuk program pemenuhan gizi nasional pada 2025. NewsRoom

05 Dec, 12:57

Pengunjung Turun 40 Persen, Padagang Akan Gratiskan Parkir di Pasar NewsRoom

05 Dec, 12:57

Pedagang pasar berencana menggratiskan tarif parkir bagi pengunjung. Hal ini mereka lakukan untuk mendongkrak kembali daya beli masyarakat. NewsRoom

05 Dec, 12:56

Pemerintah menargetkan proyek gas abadi Blok Masela kembali berjalan pada 2025 setelah 'mandek' bertahun-tahun. NewsRoom

05 Dec, 12:56

Terima Delegasi Jepang, Prabowo Kejar Proyek Blok Masela Lanjut 2025 NewsRoom

05 Dec, 11:59

Nilai tukar rupiah menguat 0,47 persen ke Rp15.862 per dolar AS pada Kamis (5/12) sore. NewsRoom

21 Nov, 11:19

Baidu posts 3% drop in third-quarter revenues, beating market expectations

Beijing-based Baidu operates one of the major web browser search engines in China, along with a frequently used maps app. NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:40

Kemenkeu mengatakan kenaikan PPN tersebut sudah melalui berbagai pembahasan dengan DPR, termasuk soal dampak pada perekonomian. NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:40

Ramai-ramai Desak Kenaikan PPN 12 Persen Dibatalkan, Kemenkeu Bersuara NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:39

DPD Minta Pemerintah Tunda Kenaikan PPN Jadi 12 Persen NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:39

Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD) meminta pemerintah menunda kenaikan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) menjadi 12 persen mulai tahun depan. NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:38

OJK telah memanggil manajemen anak usaha KoinWorks, KoinP2P, soal dugaan penipuan oleh peminjam yang merugikan pemberi dana. NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:38

OJK Panggil Anak Usaha Koinworks Imbas Kasus Dugaan Penipuan NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:37

Kenaikan pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN) dari 11 persen menjadi 12 persen pada tahun depan akan mengerek harga barang dan jasa yang dikonsumsi publik sehari-hari. NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:37

Simulasi Kenaikan Harga Hape Jika PPN Naik Jadi 12 Persen NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:36

Program pemberdayaan Klasterku Hidupku dari BRI telah membantu petani alpukat di Desa Baran Gembong, Semarang sukses mengembangkan alpukat unggulan. NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:36

BRI Klasterku Hidupku Bantu Petani Sukses Kembangkan Alpukat Unggulan NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:35

Ditjen Hubdat Kemenhub mengungkapkan total kerugian ekonomi akibat kemacetan di Indonesia mencapai US$4 miliar per tahun. NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:35

Kemenhub Bongkar Rp63 T Melayang Akibat Macet Setiap Tahun NewsRoom

21 Nov, 09:34

Pengusaha mewanti-wanti kenaikan PPN menjadi 12 persen mulai tahun depan dari harga barang makin mahal hingga aksi setop belanja. NewsRoom

19 Nov, 19:57

Long Beach Port Traffic Surges to Record in October; Importers Rushing to Beat Tariffs?

I'll have more on port traffic once Los Angeles releases their data for October.

From the Port of Long Beach: Port of Long Beach Reaches All-Time Record in October ( The Port of Long Beach moved nearly 1 million cargo containers in October, achieving its strongest month in its 113-year history, driven by brisk demand for holiday goods and delayed containership arrivals caused by a nearby traffic incident and fire that affected some terminal operations at the end of September.

Dockworkers and terminal operators moved 987,191 twenty-foot equivalent units in October, up 30.7% from the same month last year and surpassing the Port’s previous all-time one-month record set just two months earlier in August 2024 by 8%. Imports jumped 34.2% to 487,563 TEUs and exports rose 25.3% to 112,845 TEUs. Empty containers moved through the Port grew 28.1% to 386,782 TEUs. October also marked the Port’s fifth consecutive monthly year-over-year cargo increase.The Port of Long Beach inbound traffic is up almost 30% year-over-year for the last four months as importers are apparently rush to stockpile goods prior to the implementation of the new tariffs.  The Port of Los Angeles has seen a similar surge in imports. NewsRoom

19 Nov, 19:14

Shopee Indonesia mengajak masyarakat dan pelaku UMKM untuk memaksimalkan pemasaran digital untuk mengerek performa bisnis. NewsRoom

19 Nov, 19:14

Shopee Ajak UMKM Optimalkan Pemasaran Digital Biar Lebih Cuan NewsRoom

19 Nov, 18:14

Total starts were down 4.0% in October compared to October 2023.  The YoY decrease in October total starts was mostly due weakness in multi-family starts.

Single family starts have been up year-over-year in 13 of the last 16 months, whereas multi-family has been up year-over-year in only 2 of last 17 months. Year-to-date (YTD), total starts are down 3.2% compared to the same period in 2023. Single family starts are up 9.3% YTD, and multi-family down 29.3% YTD.There is much more in the article. NewsRoom

19 Nov, 18:14

Housing Starts Decreased to 1.311 million Annual Rate in October

Today, in the Calculated Risk Real Estate Newsletter: Housing Starts Decreased to 1.311 million Annual Rate in October (

A brief excerpt: Total housing starts in October were below expectations, however, starts in August and September were revised up, combined.

The third graph shows the month-to-month comparison for total starts between 2023 (blue) and 2024 (red). NewsRoom

19 Nov, 18:13

The second graph shows single and multi-family housing starts since 1968.

This shows the huge collapse following the housing bubble, and then the eventual recovery - and the recent collapse and recovery in single-family starts.

Total housing starts in October were below expectations, however starts in August and September were revised up, combined.

I'll have more later … NewsRoom

19 Nov, 18:13

Click on graph for larger image.

The first graph shows single and multi-family housing starts since 2000.

Multi-family starts (blue, 2+ units) increased month-over-month in October.   Multi-family starts were down 12.6% year-over-year.

Single-family starts (red) decreased in October and were down 0.5% year-over-year. NewsRoom

19 Nov, 18:13

Housing Starts Decreased to 1.311 million Annual Rate in October

From the Census Bureau: Permits, Starts and Completions (

Housing Starts:

Privately-owned housing starts in October were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,311,000. This is 3.1 percent below the revised September estimate of 1,353,000 and is 4.0 percent below the October 2023 rate of 1,365,000. Single-family housing starts in October were at a rate of 970,000; this is 6.9 percent below the revised September figure of 1,042,000. The October rate for units in buildings with five units or more was 326,000.

Building Permits:

Privately-owned housing units authorized by building permits in October were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate
of 1,416,000. This is 0.6 percent below the revised September rate of 1,425,000 and is 7.7 percent below the October 2023 rate
of 1,534,000. Single-family authorizations in October were at a rate of 968,000; this is 0.5 percent above the revised September
figure of 963,000. Authorizations of units in buildings with five units or more were at a rate of 393,000 in October.

emphasis added NewsRoom

19 Nov, 14:43

Direktur Utama PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Wamildan Tsani Panjaitan akan menurunkan harga tiket pesawat pada periode libur Natal 2024 dan Tahun Baru 2025. NewsRoom

19 Nov, 14:43

Bos Garuda Bakal Turunkan Harga Tiket Pesawat di Periode Nataru NewsRoom

19 Nov, 14:42

Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) Indonesia akan menjadi yang tertinggi di Asia Tenggara (ASEAN) jika naik menjadi 12 persen pada 2025. NewsRoom

19 Nov, 14:42

PPN RI Jadi yang Tertinggi di ASEAN Jika Naik Jadi 12 Persen NewsRoom

19 Nov, 12:01

Presiden Prabowo Subianto mengatakan sekitar 25 persen dari seluruh anak di Indonesia kelaparan setiap hari. NewsRoom

10 Nov, 03:14

Transmart Full Day Sale tebar diskon hingga 50% + 20% untuk kebutuhan harian, fesyen, elektronik, furnitur, sampai sepeda listrik khusus hari ini (10/11). NewsRoom

10 Nov, 03:14

Intip Aneka Produk yang Diskon di Transmart Full Day Sale 10 November NewsRoom

10 Nov, 00:16

Kabar Gembira, Transmart Full Day Sale Diskon 50% + 20% Balik Lagi NewsRoom

10 Nov, 00:16

Kabar gembira untuk pelanggan se-Indonesia, Transmart Full Day Sale balik lagi hari ini (10/11) tebar diskon gede-gedean hingga 50% + 20% seharian! NewsRoom

09 Nov, 20:32

Click on graph for larger image.

• In Q2, almost 20% of Units Started Built-for-Rent were Single Family (

• MBA: Mortgage Delinquencies Decreased Slightly in Q3 2024 (

• 1st Look at Local Housing Markets in October ( First Year-over-year Sales Gain Since August 2021

• Asking Rents Mostly Unchanged Year-over-year (

• ICE Mortgage Monitor: "Annual home price growth cooled for the seventh consecutive month" (

This is usually published 4 to 6 times a week and provides more in-depth analysis of the housing market. NewsRoom

09 Nov, 20:32

Real Estate Newsletter Articles this Week: First Year-over-year Existing Home Sales Gain Since August 2021

At the Calculated Risk Real Estate Newsletter this week: NewsRoom

09 Nov, 19:12

‘Two-stocks’ are better than one? Repacking ‘pair trades'

How two-stock ETFs could transform pair trading for investors. NewsRoom

09 Nov, 18:47

Harta Elon Musk Melonjak Jadi Rp4.911 T Usai Trump Menang Pilpres AS NewsRoom

09 Nov, 18:47

Kekayaan bersih Elon Musk mencapai tonggak penting hingga mencapai US$313,7 miliar (Rp4.911 triliun) untuk pertama kalinya dalam tiga tahun ke belakang. NewsRoom

09 Nov, 18:46

Peternak sapi perah dan pengepul susu di Boyolali memprotes pembatasan kuota susu lokal dengan menggelar aksi mandi susu. NewsRoom

09 Nov, 18:46

Protes Pembatasan Kuota, Peternak Sapi Boyolali Gelar Aksi Mandi Susu NewsRoom

09 Nov, 18:45

Besok Belanja Yuk, Ada Diskon 50% + 20% di Transmart Full Day Sale NewsRoom

09 Nov, 18:45

Jangan lupa besok belanja ke Transmart Full Day Sale mumpung ada pesta diskon hingga 50% + 20% seharian berlaku se-Indonesia. NewsRoom

09 Nov, 18:44

Menteri PPMI Abdul Kadir Karding membuka wacana mengizinkan kembali pengiriman pekerja migran ke ke Arab Saudi untuk mengantisipai penyelundupan pekerja. NewsRoom

04 Nov, 18:30

• Early-stage delinquencies – borrowers already past due six months after origination – have been gradually rising as well, most notably among VA originations

• Overall, 1.7% of 2024 vintage originations have been delinquent six months after origination, the highest share for any vintage since 2008 – outside of pandemic-era payment shocksNote that national mortgage performance is being impacted by the hurricanes.There is much more in the newsletter. NewsRoom

04 Nov, 18:30

ICE Mortgage Monitor: "Annual home price growth cooled for the seventh consecutive month"

Today, in the Real Estate Newsletter: ICE Mortgage Monitor: "Annual home price growth cooled for the seventh consecutive month" (

Brief excerpt: One of the key metrics to watch for mortgage stress is early-stage delinquencies. These are borrowers that are delinquent within 6 months of origination. This was one of the obvious warning signs during the housing bubble.

There has been a steady increase in early-stage delinquencies for VA loans. NewsRoom

04 Nov, 18:29

This second inventory graph is courtesy of Altos Research (

As of Nov 1st, inventory was at 736 thousand (7-day average), compared to 736 thousand the prior week. 
Mike Simonsen discusses this data regularly on Youtube ( NewsRoom

04 Nov, 18:29

Click on graph for larger image.

The red line is for 2024.  The black line is for 2019.  
Inventory was up 29.8% compared to the same week in 2023 (last week it was up 30.8%), and down 19.4% compared to the same week in 2019 (last week it was down 20.7%). 
Back in June 2023, inventory was down almost 54% compared to 2019, so the gap to more normal inventory levels is more than half closed. NewsRoom

04 Nov, 18:29

Housing Nov 4th Weekly Update: Inventory Unchanged Week-over-week, Up 29.8% Year-over-year

Altos reports that active single-family inventory was unchanged week-over-week.

The first graph shows the seasonal pattern for active single-family inventory since 2015. NewsRoom

04 Nov, 17:08

BPK Auditorat Utama Investigasi (AUI) meluncurkan panduan bernama Panduan Wawancara Investigatif dengan SANTAI. NewsRoom

04 Nov, 17:08

BPK Luncurkan Panduan Baru Audit Investigatif: Etis dan Humanis NewsRoom

04 Nov, 17:07

Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pangan Zulkifli Hasan menyebut cadangan beras pemerintah akan mencapai 2 juta ton pada akhir 2024. NewsRoom

04 Nov, 17:07

FOTO: Mengintip Kesiapan Pemerintah Jaga Ketahanan Pangan RI NewsRoom

04 Nov, 17:06

Bank Mandiri terus menunjukkan komitmennya dalam mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi kerakyatan melalui Wholesale Digital Super Platform Kopra by Mandiri. NewsRoom

04 Nov, 17:06

Berkat Digitalisasi, Bank Mandiri Raih Dua Penghargaan Bergengsi NewsRoom

04 Nov, 17:05

Prospek Ekonomi dan Peluang Investasi Banten di Masa Depan NewsRoom

04 Nov, 17:05

Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Provinsi Banten pada 2025 diprediksi akan terus tumbuh positif dan membuka peluang untuk berinvestasi. NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:17

Transmart Full Day Sale Balik Lagi 27 Oktober, Pesta Diskon Seharian NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:17

Transmart Full Day Sale balik lagi besok (27/10) di seluruh gerai se-Indonesia. Pesta diskon gede-gedean ini berlangsung seharian di semua gerai se-Indonesia! NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:16

Dukung Transformasi Digital, Telkomsel Gelar Program NextDev ke-10 NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:16

NextDev ke-10 ini bertujuan mendorong transformasi industri startup digital Indonesia, sekaligus memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi masyarakat. NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:15

Menkeu Sri Mulyani hingga Ketua DEN Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan menjadi pemateri dalam pembekalan menteri Kabinet Merah Putih di Akademi Militer (Akmil) Magelang. NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:15

Luhut - Sri Mulyani Kuliahi Jajaran Menteri Prabowo di Akmil Magelang NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:14

Hingga saat ini Healerie Indonesia telah mengadakan berbagai layanan kesehatan, khusus menyasar warga dengan keterbatasan akses terhadap layanan medis. NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:14

Healerie Indonesia Lanjut Sediakan Akses Medis bagi Warga Tak Mampu NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:13

Beberapa komoditas unggulan yang akan dihilirisari oleh Presiden Prabowo di antaranya nikel, timah, tembaga, besi baja, emas perak, batu bara, hingga pala. NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:13

Prabowo Ingin Hilirisasi 28 Komoditas Unggulan RI: Nikel hingga Pala NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:12

Jurus Prabowo Lawan Stunting: Makan Bergizi, Sumber Pangan Lokal NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:12

Stunting masih menjadi ancaman bagi generasi muda Indonesia. Tak ayal, pemerintah menempatkan upaya pengentasannya sebagai salah satu program prioritas. NewsRoom

26 Oct, 16:11

PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk alias Sritex masih memiliki 50 ribu pekerja meski resmi dinyatakan pailit oleh Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Semarang pada Senin (21/10). NewsRoom

24 Oct, 11:50

VIDEO: Prabowo Perintahkan Sri Mulyani Coret Anggaran Tak Penting NewsRoom

24 Oct, 11:50

Presiden Prabowo Subianto memerintahkan Menkeu Sri Mulyani untuk menghapus anggaran tak penting yang ada di kementerian di Kabinet Merah Putih. NewsRoom

24 Oct, 10:14

Prabowo Akan Resmikan Istana Garuda di IKN NewsRoom

24 Oct, 10:14

Presiden Prabowo Subianto akan segera meresmikan bangunan Istana Garuda di Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) Kalimantan Timur. NewsRoom

24 Oct, 07:19

Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir mengungkapkan enam topik yang dibahas dalam rapat paripurna perdana Kabinet Merah Putih. NewsRoom

24 Oct, 07:19

Erick Thohir Bocorkan 6 Topik Dibahas di Rapat Perdana Kabinet Prabowo NewsRoom

24 Oct, 07:18

Adik Prabowo, Hashim Djojohadikusumo menyebut 10 juta keluarga terkaya RI hartanya melebihi kekayaan yang dimiliki oleh 144 juta rakyat Indonesia. NewsRoom

24 Oct, 07:18

Adik Prabowo: 10 Keluarga Terkaya RI Lebih Kaya dari 114 Juta Rakyat NewsRoom

24 Oct, 07:17

Pemprov DKI mengeluarkan sejumlah peraturan dan insentif agar penggunaan kendaraan listrik dapat diperluas. NewsRoom

24 Oct, 07:17

Menuju Kota Hijau, DKI Jakarta Bebaskan Pajak Kendaraan Listrik NewsRoom

24 Oct, 07:16

UMKM Ubi Jalar Maju Berkat Pendampingan BRI dan Desa BRILiaN NewsRoom

24 Oct, 07:16

Dengan pendampingan dan pembiayaan dari BRI, UMKM dari Kalimantan Barat ini berhasil meningkatkan kualitas produk hingga memperluas pasar. NewsRoom

24 Oct, 07:15

Kementerian ESDM akan menggenjot lifting minyak hingga konversi BBM ke kendaraan listrik sesuai dengan perintah Presiden Prabowo.