Sheger City


Sheger City

30 Aug, 11:05

2009 G.C Bitcoin Launch ሲደረግ ብዙ ሰው እውነት ይሄ ገንዘብ ይሆናል ብለው ሲያፌዙ ነበር ይሄው ዛሬ አንድ Bitcoin 59,000$ ዋጋ አለው

2014 ላይ Launch የተደረገው Ethereum
ዛሬ አንድ Ethreum 2518$ ዋጋ አለው
እና ሌሎች በመቶ የሚቆጠሩ አሉ

2024 ዘንድሮ እያየነው Launch የተደረጉት Notcoin እና Dogs ዛሬ አንድ Notcoin 0.00820$ ዋጋ አለው

Dogs ደግሞ 0.001288 ዋጋ አለው

እና አሁንም እንቀልድ ወይስ ???

እነዚህ ሁለት Project ሊያመልጧቹ አይገቡም

1. BLUM ( Verified )

2.Major ( Verified )

ይህ ቻናል የክሪፕቶከረንሲ፣ የዲጂታል ፋይናንስ እና የተያያዥ ቴክኖሎጂ ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች መረጃ የሚጋራበት ነው

Join Now -

Sheger City

26 Aug, 12:17

እንኳን ደስ አላቹ Dogs 🐕 Listed

Project ቱ ላይ የተሳተፋቹ Congratulations 🍾🎉🎊 ከዚህ ሰዓት ጀምራቹ መሸጥ ትችላላቹ 🔥🔥

Notcoin, Dogs ያለፋቹ ሰዎች እነዚ ላይ መሳተፍ ትችላላቹ

ለ Airdrop የተቃረቡ Projects




4. X Empire

5. Gamee



9.Time Farm


11. LostDogs

12. Tomarket

13. Kucoin

Sheger City

21 Aug, 07:47

የተለያዩ ስራዎች ሰርታቹ በዶላር 💵 የሚከፈሉ 10 Webseite

Top 10 Websites to Earn Money Online 2024

online income generation is no longer as challenging as it once was there are now too many sources on the internet it is quickly expanding into the sizable Market with much potential Freelancers. are currently contributing over 1.4 trillion US dollars to the US economy as per the upwork press release according to 71 of Freelancers they've been able to retract more work online during the past few years as per business to community in this video we'll help you with the top websites to earn money and how you can make some extra cash with these websites in addition to requiring minimal to no initial costs these websites provide flexible scheduling and remote working so if you want to put
your money goals into action and earn some extra cash then this Article is for you in this video we'll go through some websites that can help you make money online so if you're interested in making money online then please leave a comment below now let's go ahead and discuss some of the top websites to earn money online so first in our list we have.

Sheger City

16 Aug, 07:58

💵 🤑🤑What is Dropshipping?

Hey everyone today, we’re going to talk about Dropshipping, what it is, and how you can get started. I’ll also give you four actionable steps to start your own dropshipping business today.
And stick around until the end of the Article, because I’ll give you a few personal suggestions and things to keep in mind as you’re getting started. Alright,

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Sheger City

14 Aug, 08:20

What Will Happen to Marketing in the Age of AI

Generative AI is poised to transform the workplace, but we still need human brains for new ideas, says marketing expert Jessica Apotheker. She explores how marketers can find their niche in the world of AI based on their preference for data or creativity, offering a pragmatic and hopeful look at the future of business.

Read details here

Sheger City

14 Aug, 07:18

Guys እንዳያመለጣቹ ትልቅ Value ያለው ሊሆን ይችላል ነገ ያበቃል የጀመራቹ ሰዎች የተቀሩትን Task ጨርሱ ያልጀመራቹ ደግሞ Task በመስራት ቢያንስ 5000 Dogs ያህል ማግኘት ትችላላቹ

ነፃ ስለሆን ሞክሩ

Dogs 🐕 Airdrop Aug 14 ነገ ያልቃል

Sheger City

09 Aug, 08:11

What is Dropshipping?

Hey everyone today, we’re going to talk about Dropshipping, what it is, and how you can get started. I’ll also give you four actionable steps to start your own dropshipping business today.
And stick around until the end of the Article, because I’ll give you a few personal suggestions and things to keep in mind as you’re getting started. Alright,

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Sheger City

09 Aug, 07:31

Technology is all around us routinely impacting our daily lives technology has a significant impact on how we live work and play but a common definition of technology is elusive to many of us that's why it's important to provide a bit of definition to the term technology.

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Sheger City

09 Aug, 07:09

The digital marketing concept has its roots in traditional marketing methods but has a lot of online-specific aspects. Digital marketing involves connecting with customers and potential customers and convincing them they need your product or service. This is done through the Internet, social media, and other digital platforms. It is also known as ONLINE MARKETING, the most accessible, modern, and easy-to-use form of Promotion available today.

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Sheger City

08 Aug, 07:47

How to start a Recruitment Agency in 2024

Always learn and always be a student and I feel like the moment at which you stop learning that's when your business or career can stagnate and become stale always learn always challenge yourself learn new skills and keep pushing yourself in this Article we're going to talk about how you can start a recruitment agency this year.

Read details here

Sheger City

07 Aug, 12:23

7 Things to know BEFORE Starting a Faceless YouTube Channel

Hey everyone so in today's Article we are going over seven things you absolutely need to know before starting your faceless YouTube channel if you want to get into the content creation space faceless channels are one of the best ways to start and if you don't really know what Facebook channels are I'll
actually link a video down below that we made it's a completely free step-by-step course on how to start your faceless Channel but without further Ado let's get into some things that you absolutely need to know before starting so the

Sheger City

05 Aug, 07:49

Who Invented the Internet?

Who invented the Internet? We use the Internet every day - whether it's for shopping, surfing the web or communicating with friends. But who invented the Internet? In fact, the question "Who invented the Internet?" is not so easy to answer. We'll tell you who all worked on the invention of the Internet and who invented the www.

Sheger City

05 Aug, 07:27

What are capital markets?

Capital markets serve as the essential financial backbone of an economy, enabling crucial funding for various entities, including governments, corporations, and institutions. They play a fundamental role in providing the necessary financial infrastructure for the overall economic system, making them the lifeline of a nation's financial well-being. Within the realm of capital markets, the flow of savings and investments is efficiently channeled to those in need of funding. The participants in this process encompass a broad spectrum, ranging from individual households to large financial institutions. On the flip side, the recipients of these funds primarily consist of government bodies, corporate enterprises, and other institutions with financial requirements. Capital markets act as the central arena where diverse financial instruments and securities are exchanged between different parties. These securities encompass a wide array of assets, such as equities, bonds, preferred shares, derivatives, commodities, and more. Essentially, capital markets serve as the primary marketplace where nearly all forms of financial instruments find their place in the trading ecosystem.

Sheger City

05 Aug, 07:16

The Difference Between Trading and Investing

There's no clear line between what counts as trading and what counts as investing, but the two are nonetheless very different practices, and most investors are best served avoiding the former. Why? We answer that question in today's article.

Sheger City

03 Aug, 14:58

10 Small Business Ideas to Start a Business with Low Investment in 2024

starting a business with low investment is an excellent opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams without a significant financial burden

in this Article we are sharing the 10 best business ideas to start a business with low investment

Sheger City

03 Aug, 10:39

How to Make Money with AdSense

Google AdSense can be a great way to monetize your website and Video

Sheger City

29 Jul, 07:33

The Future of AI with GOOGLE CEO With Sundar Pichai

Sheger City

29 Jul, 07:33

Want To Be Rich? Don’t Start A Business.

Find Your Natural Talents

As soon as I left school, I started my first business, which made me a multimillionaire and gave me the life I’d always dreamed of. This statement isn’t just false.
It’s pretty much impossible. The trouble is many people that want to get rich are buying into this narrative as it’s so widespread on the internet. Why? Because it sounds so much easier than the reality.

Read more

Sheger City

29 Jul, 06:41

National Bank of Ethiopia foreign exchange directive July 29 2024

የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክ የውጭ ምንዛሪ አስተዳደር ስርአት ማሻሻያን አስመልክቶ የሰጠው ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ፦

ሙሉውን ይመልከቱ

Sheger City

29 Jul, 06:41

Jijjiirraan Maallaqa Alaa baankiidhaan guyyaa har'a maal fakkaata?

💵 US Dollar
Buying ➡️ 74.7364
Selling ➡️ 76.2311

Buying ➡️ 74.7364
Selling ➡️ 76.2311

💷 Pound Sterling
Buying ➡️ 91.8787
Selling ➡️ 93.7162

Buying ➡️ 96.2081
Selling ➡️ 98.1322

💶 Euro
Buying ➡️ 81.0367
Selling ➡️ 82.6574

Buying ➡️ 81.0366
Selling ➡️ 82.6574





