Lacrimas @pmxii Channel on Telegram



i am torn because i cannot find on earth
an answer to the sunset's aching cry


Lacrimas (English)

Are you drawn to the beauty of sorrow and the melancholy of life? Do you find solace in the tears shed by the world around you? If so, then look no further than the 'Lacrimas' Telegram channel, brought to you by the username @pmxii. Here, you will discover a collection of poetry, photography, and art that captures the essence of sadness and longing. From the haunting cries of a dying sunset to the whispers of a broken heart, 'Lacrimas' is a place where emotions run deep and raw. Join us on this journey of exploration and introspection, where we delve into the depths of human experience and find beauty in the most unexpected places. Follow us on Telegram and immerse yourself in the bittersweet world of 'Lacrimas.'