වීඩියෝ සම්බන්ධ ගැටළු සඳහා 0741133233 WhatsApp පණිවිඩයක් යොමු කරන්න.
Welcome to PHYSICS2025, a Telegram channel created by the username physicsdr2025. This channel is dedicated to bringing you the latest updates and insights into the world of physics in the year 2025 and beyond. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or simply someone with a passion for physics, this channel is the perfect place for you to stay informed and engaged. Who is it? PHYSICS2025 is a channel created by a dedicated individual with a background in physics, known as physicsdr2025. The channel aims to provide a platform where anyone interested in the subject can come together to learn, discuss, and explore the many fascinating aspects of physics. What is it? PHYSICS2025 is a hub for all things related to physics in the year 2025 and beyond. From the latest advancements in theoretical physics to practical applications in everyday life, this channel covers a wide range of topics to cater to the diverse interests of its members. With regular updates, informative articles, and engaging discussions, PHYSICS2025 offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the exciting world of physics. Join PHYSICS2025 today and embark on a journey through the wonders of the universe. Whether you are an experienced physicist or a curious novice, there is something for everyone in this dynamic and engaging channel. Stay ahead of the curve and expand your understanding of the world around you with PHYSICS2025. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and explore the limitless possibilities of physics in the year 2025 and beyond.
26 Jan, 06:11
25 Jan, 11:03
24 Jan, 06:37
22 Jan, 09:22
22 Jan, 05:51
21 Jan, 10:49
21 Jan, 07:33
20 Jan, 15:56
18 Jan, 10:36
17 Jan, 07:11
16 Jan, 10:25
11 Jan, 11:29
07 Jan, 10:29
06 Jan, 07:21
05 Jan, 08:34
05 Jan, 02:53
04 Jan, 11:38
02 Jan, 05:28
27 Dec, 05:18
27 Dec, 03:43
25 Dec, 01:31
24 Dec, 11:18
23 Dec, 08:39
22 Dec, 16:17
21 Dec, 11:19
18 Dec, 14:47
18 Dec, 06:52
30 Nov, 11:19
30 Nov, 11:10
29 Nov, 11:26
27 Nov, 15:54
27 Nov, 14:59
27 Nov, 10:51
27 Nov, 06:58
27 Nov, 04:35
27 Nov, 02:05
27 Nov, 01:21
26 Nov, 11:15
25 Nov, 08:20
20 Nov, 15:46
20 Nov, 15:00
20 Nov, 13:33
20 Nov, 11:21
20 Nov, 04:54
19 Nov, 11:19
13 Nov, 15:45
13 Nov, 15:35
13 Nov, 15:00
13 Nov, 10:26
11 Nov, 09:36
06 Nov, 15:45
06 Nov, 15:35
06 Nov, 15:01
06 Nov, 12:44
05 Nov, 08:32
02 Nov, 11:19
01 Nov, 03:37
28 Oct, 06:42
28 Oct, 03:31
26 Oct, 11:19
25 Oct, 14:11
25 Oct, 06:24
24 Oct, 05:19
19 Oct, 11:19
16 Oct, 10:46
16 Oct, 06:11
12 Oct, 11:19
11 Oct, 06:18
09 Oct, 07:51
09 Oct, 07:04
09 Oct, 04:28
08 Oct, 11:19