Medical MCQ and notes @pharmamcq1 Channel on Telegram

Medical MCQ and notes


Medical MCQ and notes (English)

Are you a medical student looking to expand your knowledge and test your understanding of various medical topics? Look no further than the 'Medical MCQ and notes' Telegram channel, also known as @pharmamcq1! This channel is dedicated to providing medical Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and detailed notes on a wide range of medical subjects. Who is it? The 'Medical MCQ and notes' Telegram channel is perfect for medical students, healthcare professionals, or anyone with an interest in medicine who wants to challenge themselves and enhance their knowledge. What is it? This channel offers a valuable resource for practicing MCQs to test your knowledge and understanding of different medical concepts. The detailed notes provided with each question allow for a deeper understanding of the topics covered, making it an excellent study tool for medical students preparing for exams or healthcare professionals looking to stay updated on the latest developments in their field. With a variety of topics covered, including pharmacology, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and more, the 'Medical MCQ and notes' Telegram channel offers something for everyone interested in the field of medicine. Join today to start expanding your medical knowledge and test your skills in a supportive online community. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to learn and grow in your medical career!

Medical MCQ and notes

10 Jan, 13:46

الكتاب المنهجي للنفسية النسخة الحديثة الثامنة
تقريبا نفس امسكيوات النسخة السابعة بس بي بعض الاسئلة الجديدة
ارسلته د مريم

ممكن يفيد بالامسكيوات❤️

Medical MCQ and notes

10 Jan, 13:45

بالنسبة للنفسية الفاينل ف اغلب كيسات اجتي من هل مصدرين

Medical MCQ and notes

10 Jan, 13:44

Medical MCQ and notes pinned «اسئلة المد كورس الباطنية ميجر 1»

Medical MCQ and notes

10 Jan, 13:44

اسئلة المد كورس الباطنية ميجر 1

Medical MCQ and notes

10 Jan, 13:43

مد باطنية

Medical MCQ and notes

10 Jan, 13:41

عدلت عليه

Medical MCQ and notes

10 Jan, 13:39

مد جلدية

Medical MCQ and notes

10 Jan, 13:38

Medical MCQ and notes pinned «اسئلة فاينل كورس الباطنيه major 1»

Medical MCQ and notes

10 Jan, 13:38

اسئلة فاينل كورس الباطنيه major 1

Medical MCQ and notes

10 Jan, 13:36

هذا الي كدرنا نجمعه اذا تذكرون شي او عندكم تعديل كتبوا وان شاء الله اعدله

Medical MCQ and notes

10 Jan, 13:35

تم جمع 112

Medical MCQ and notes

09 Jan, 04:01

Looser line incomplete lucent lesion surround by sclerosis مهم ‼️

Medical MCQ and notes

04 Jan, 13:40

Medical MCQ and notes pinned «Acne vulgaris»

Medical MCQ and notes

04 Jan, 07:01

من اسئلة العام
Spitz nevi - red
Dermatofibroma - iceberg
Zoster -giant cell
Homophilus ducry - undermined edge

Medical MCQ and notes

04 Jan, 06:23

هذا مو المفروض ثاني خيار ؟

Medical MCQ and notes

04 Jan, 06:23

Acne vulgaris

Medical MCQ and notes

04 Jan, 06:14

Medical MCQ and notes pinned «Disorder of pigmentation»

Medical MCQ and notes

04 Jan, 06:13

Medical MCQ and notes pinned «Skin tumours»

Medical MCQ and notes

04 Jan, 06:09

Disorder of pigmentation

Medical MCQ and notes

22 Dec, 15:55

تم جمع 90 سؤال برعاية گروب G2

Medical MCQ and notes

21 Dec, 11:00

نقاط مهمة بمحاضرات الRheumato الي جايه بأسئلة الأعوام السابقة:

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)
Oligoarthritis: Most common form of JIA (60% of cases), affects large joints asymmetrically, associated with uveitis, and many patients are ANA-positive.
Treatment: Methotrexate is often first-line.
Ophthalmological complication: Iridocyclitis (uveitis).

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Investigations: Check RF and ACPA (Anti-CCP is most specific/sensitive).
Immune characteristic: Th1 and Th17 involvement (not Th2).
RA Criteria: 6/10 points are needed for diagnosis.
Bone erosion: Driven by osteoclasts.
Extra-articular manifestation: Rheumatoid nodules (most common).
F:M ratio: 3:1.
Pulmonary fibrosis: Can cause bibasal fine inspiratory crackles.
Treatment: DMARDs are first-line.
Felty’s syndrome: RA + splenomegaly + neutropenia.

Osteoarthritis (OA)
Management: Includes weight loss, quadriceps strengthening exercises, patient education, and NSAIDs.
X-ray findings: Reduced joint space, subchondral sclerosis, bone cysts, osteophytes.
Synovial joint cartilage: Contains type II collagen (not type I).

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)
HLA-B27: Strongly associated (>95%).
Treatment: NSAIDs and spinal exercises are first-line.

Reactive Arthritis (ReA)
Triggers: Chlamydia, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia.
Skin manifestation: Keratoderma blennorrhagica.
Alternate name: Reiter’s disease.

Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA)
Characteristic signs:
• Pitting of nails + DIP swelling.
• Involves DIP joints more than first MTP joint.

Enteropathic Arthritis
Associated condition: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Clue: History of bloody diarrhea.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
For disease activity: Anti-dsDNA and C3.
Pregnancy-related issues: Anti-cardiolipin, anti-Ro, anti-La.
Diagnosis: Anti-dsDNA is the most specific.
Lupus nephritis: Class IV is diffuse proliferative GN.

Limited cutaneous scleroderma:
• Skin involvement is limited to the face, hands, and feet.
• Pulmonary hypertension is more common.
Diffuse scleroderma:
• Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is more common.
• Renal disease is more common.
Pulmonary hypertension: Seen more in limited scleroderma.

Raynaud’s Phenomenon
Management: Avoid cold, use thermal socks, and consider calcium channel blockers (e.g., nifedipine), losartan, fluoxetine, or sildenafil.

Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA)
Features: Granulomas affecting nasal passages, airways, and kidneys.
• Symptoms include epistaxis, nasal crusting, sinusitis, proptosis, and possibly deafness.
Antibody: C-ANCA (PR3-ANCA) is usually positive.

Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA)
Key symptoms: Headache, jaw claudication, visual disturbance.
Treatment: Prompt steroids.

Investigations: Check CPK, aldolase, LDH, and AST.

Diagnosis: Negatively birefringent, needle-shaped crystals on joint fluid analysis.
Treatment: NSAIDs, colchicine, or corticosteroids for acute attacks.

Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome (APS)
Diagnosis: Anti-cardiolipin antibodies or lupus anticoagulant.

Sjogren’s Syndrome
Symptoms: Dry eyes, dry mouth, cold fingers.

Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (HSP)
Features: Purpuric rash on buttocks and lower limbs, hematuria, joint pain.

Behcet’s Disease
Key symptoms: Oral ulcers, genital ulcers, erythema nodosum, positive pathergy test.

Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
Investigation: Do a CTPA (CT pulmonary angiography).

Medical MCQ and notes

21 Dec, 10:14

Periodic triphasic slow wave activity at regular intervals of 2_3s on EEG is characteristic for HSV viral encephalitis

Medical MCQ and notes

20 Dec, 04:20

‼️cause of death ☠️ in duchenne muscular dystrophy, becker muscular dystrophy, limb 🦵🏻 girdle muscular dystrophy, Mytonic dystrophy,oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy all respiratory cause of death except Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy is cardiac cause

Medical MCQ and notes

19 Dec, 19:10

ملاحظات المد منا

Medical MCQ and notes

19 Dec, 17:41

❗️ anti-epileptic drugs excreted in breast milk in neglected small amount that bear no risk to feeding baby.👶🏼

Medical MCQ and notes

19 Dec, 17:39

safe anti-epileptic medication in pregnancy 🤰 (Levetiracetam > Lamotrigine)

Medical MCQ and notes

19 Dec, 17:37

Lamotrigine and oxcarbazepine have little interaction, and sodium valproate has no interaction with oral contraception

Medical MCQ and notes

19 Dec, 16:34

Versive seizure refer to tonic conjugate eyes deviation to contra-
lateral side due to focal seizure activity in frontal eye field area
(area 8A). Secondary generalization is common.

Medical MCQ and notes

19 Dec, 13:32

شباب cholinergic crisis بس تكطع العلاج كلشي متسويله.
ممكن mechanical ventilation وممكن اتروبين اذا احتاج مريض

Medical MCQ and notes

05 Dec, 18:40

Medical MCQ and notes pinned «السلام عليكم طلاب احد يعرف عنوان عيادة دكتورة بسمة عادل الي اخذتنه بالنيورو اطفال»

Medical MCQ and notes

05 Dec, 18:40

السلام عليكم طلاب
احد يعرف عنوان عيادة دكتورة بسمة عادل الي اخذتنه بالنيورو اطفال

Medical MCQ and notes

14 Nov, 05:42

The hallmark of MDS is the presence of tri-lineage dysplasia in the marrow.

Medical MCQ and notes

14 Nov, 05:40

In myelodysplastic syndrome

Medical MCQ and notes

14 Nov, 04:04

primary dietary source for folic acid is fresh uncooked fruits 🍇 and vegetables 🥒

Medical MCQ and notes

14 Nov, 04:03

macrocytic not megaloblastic anemia include liver disease, reticulocytosis, and myelodysplastic syndrome

Hypothyroidism ،
Alcoholism (COPD)

Medical MCQ and notes

14 Nov, 04:02

Basophilic stippling= RBCs with fine to coarse bluish speckles as in Lead poisoning; Thalassemias; any severe stress on the bone marrow

Medical MCQ and notes

14 Nov, 04:01

Acanthocytosis: Hereditary abetalipoproteinemia, End-stage liver disease, Severe starvation, anorexia nervosa

Medical MCQ and notes

14 Nov, 04:01

Cold 🥶 Igm
Dx by direct anti globulin test ( coombs test )
Warm 🥵 IgG
The most important diagnostic test is the direct antiglobulin test (DAT), which is positive in >95% of cases. The antibody screen (indirect antiglobulin test) is positive in about 80% of cases.

Medical MCQ and notes

14 Nov, 04:00

Corticosteroids and splenectomy (the mainstays of therapy for warm immune hemolytic anemia)

Cold agglutinin disease should avoid cold temperatures and take precautions to keep the extremities warm. In patients who require further therapy, cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil given orally

Medical MCQ and notes

14 Nov, 04:00

The solubility test is usually positive if hemoglobin S comprises more than 10 to 20% of the hemoglobin. ▶️sickle cells anemia

Spherocytosis ▶️ The classic laboratory test for HS is the osmotic fragility test. • It is important to remember that increased osmotic fragility is not specific for HS; any cause of spherocytosis results in increased osmotic fragility.

Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria 👹

The traditional diagnostic tests are the acidified serum (Ham’s) test and the sucrose hemolysis test. The sucrose hemolysis test is more sensitive, but the Ham’s test is more specific.
Demonstration of a decreased expression of GPI-anchored proteins on RBCs or leukocytes by flow cytometry with CD55 and CD 59 has been shown to be more sensitive than either of these tests

Medical MCQ and notes

14 Nov, 03:59

Haptoglobin decreases in G6PD

Medical MCQ and notes

14 Nov, 03:59

Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is the most common inherited hemolytic anemia in people in people of no
Northern European descent inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion

Medical MCQ and notes

13 Nov, 18:37

Sickle cells anemia

‼️Acute vaso-occlusive (painful) crise is most common cause of hospitalization

‼️Infections are the most common cause of death in sickle cell disease.🦠

‼️The acute chest syndrome is the second most common cause of hospitalization (after vasoocclusive crises)

Medical MCQ and notes

13 Nov, 15:46

Also spare DIP joint

Medical MCQ and notes

13 Nov, 15:43

‼️Lumbar spine is spared in RA

Medical MCQ and notes

30 Sep, 19:38

Medical MCQ and notes pinned «سلام طلاب اريد كارت دكتوره جنان»

Medical MCQ and notes

30 Sep, 19:38

سلام طلاب
اريد كارت دكتوره جنان

Medical MCQ and notes

28 Sep, 04:18

Medical MCQ and notes pinned «#Toxicology #Medicine_course»

Medical MCQ and notes

28 Sep, 04:18

Medical MCQ and notes pinned «▶️Fifth stage #Medicine_course 🤓»