Voice of Periva @perivavoice Channel on Telegram

Voice of Periva


A community for Sri Maha Periva devotees, who are unable to follow Tamil language

Voice of Periva (English)

Are you a devoted follower of Sri Maha Periva but find it challenging to understand Tamil? Look no further than the 'Voice of Periva' Telegram channel, also known as @perivavoice. This community is dedicated to connecting Sri Maha Periva devotees who may not be fluent in Tamil, providing a platform for them to come together, share experiences, and learn more about the teachings of Sri Maha Periva. Whether you are a beginner seeking to learn more about Sri Maha Periva or a long-time devotee looking to connect with like-minded individuals, this channel is the perfect place for you. You will find a wealth of resources, including translated texts, discussions, and inspirational stories that will deepen your understanding and devotion to Sri Maha Periva. The 'Voice of Periva' Telegram channel serves as a supportive and inclusive community where members can engage in meaningful conversations, ask questions, and receive guidance from fellow devotees. By joining this channel, you will not only expand your knowledge of Sri Maha Periva but also form valuable connections with individuals who share your reverence for this spiritual leader. Don't let language be a barrier to your spiritual journey. Join the 'Voice of Periva' Telegram channel today and immerse yourself in the teachings and wisdom of Sri Maha Periva in a language that resonates with you. Let this community be your guide as you continue to walk the path of devotion and enlightenment. Sri Maha Periva's voice transcends language, and through this channel, you can experience the profound impact of his teachings no matter where you are in the world. Embrace the 'Voice of Periva' and let it illuminate your spiritual path.

Voice of Periva

14 Feb, 02:53


Voice of Periva

13 Feb, 00:30


Voice of Periva

11 Feb, 03:38


Voice of Periva

10 Feb, 02:05

Periva Ordered To Do Yagam For Rain

Voice of Periva

09 Feb, 03:41

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara Shata Naamaavali series

Naamaa 45 - Sarvadaa-sarvathaa-loka-saukya-daaya Namo Namah

सर्वदा, सर्वथा लोक, सौख्य-दाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Sarvadaa Sarvathaa Loka, Saukhya-daaya Namo Namah


Vandanams to HIM, who bestows happiness to all people, in all ways, and at all times


Periva took care of all his devotees and ensured their well-being.  HE also took care of people, who were not HIS devotees, including, people of other religion and faith where he saw their sincerity or was moved by their despair.  In course of time, encaptivated by the love of Periva, they also became HIS ardent devotees.  By looking into a person, he could make all the assessment of their needs and could provide the necessary solutions to them and ensure their happiness.

The Prasaadam that cured ulcer

Once, a group of people from Thiruvananthapuram, came to Kancheepuram, after visiting Kanyakumari, Tiruchendur, Madurai, Trichy, Tanjaavur and Kumbakonam.  It was abhisheka time at Kaamaakshi Temple, and seemed that, it would take an hour of time to be spent waiting. So, they decided to have darshan of Periva and started, except one couple.

That person was a sishyaa of another Shankara Matham. So, he stayed in the temple itself, to avoid seeing and doing namaskaaram to Periva.

Since nobody returned even after a long time, that person came to Sri Matham in search of his other group people who came there. Periva was doing aarathi when the couple entered. After completing the pooja, Periva came down and started giving theertha prasaadam. This man’s turn came.

Periva told his name, about his father, their gothram, the construction of their house in Kerala, the garden etc. While telling these details to the man, Periva kept rolling an orange on HIS stomach. He talked for a long time with that man and gave that orange as prasaadam to that man.

That man had peptic ulcer and he needed to eat something and drink water once in twenty minutes, as per doctor’s advice. Since, he was talking to Periva, he was unable to realize the time and he ate nothing for more than an hour. He came out and ate the orange quickly when at once, he got back his senses! After that, he never had any ulcer or pain for the rest of his life and also became an ardent devotee of Periva.

Other information:

We are indeed blessed to be devotees of Periva who is ready to take care of us all the time.  We need to be only sincere in our efforts to reach out to HIM.

Compiled by: Voice Of Periva Channel | https://t.me/PerivaVoice
An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.mahaswami.org

Voice of Periva

08 Feb, 04:41

Why rituals are important

A free Ebook from the archives of Kanchi Periva Forum


Please do read and share with your friends and relatives too.

Ram Ram, Periva Saranam 🙏

Voice of Periva

07 Feb, 01:42


Voice of Periva

06 Feb, 01:43


Voice of Periva

04 Feb, 01:58


Voice of Periva

03 Feb, 00:31


Voice of Periva

02 Feb, 03:44

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series

Naama 44 - Shamaadishatkasampattpradaayakaaya Namo Namah

शमा-दिषट्क सम्पत्, प्रदाय-काय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Shamaadi shatka sampatt pradaayakaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to HIM, who bestows (Pradaayakaaya), “Mind Control (Shamaa) and Others ( aadi)” - 6 Six Treasures (shatka sampatt)


What is Shamaadi Shatka Sampatt?

Aadi Shankaraachaarya in his Viveka Choodaamani (Based on Brahma Sutras and Bruhad Aaranyaka Upanishad) lays out 4 dedicated disciplines to be practiced (Saadhanaa Chatushtaya) for a person to attain liberation (Mokshaa) through the Jnaana Margaa.

They are: 1. Viveka (segregate/distinguish between good and bad) 2. Vairaagyaa (Detachment/Dispassion) 3. Shamaadi Shatka Sampatt (6 Treasures beginning with Shamaa) and 4. Mumukshutvam. (Intense desire for Inner Freedom)

Shamaadi Shatka Sampatt is the 3rd quality in the Saadhana Chatushtayam viz., a collective group of six behavior traits or assets required for a Jeevaatmaa who thinks of himself as an individual to progress on the Adhyaatmic path (Spiritual path). They are:-

1. Shamaa (Mind Control) Since the 10 sense organs viz., 5 of action and 5 of perception cannot work independently (without the co-operation of the mind), this is the Commander which needs to be subjugated before the soldiers viz., the senses are controlled.

2. Dhamaa (Body and senses control) The senses – once they are disciplined/controlled - can become useful servants.

3. Uparati (Restraint) The need for a state of self-withdrawal or restraint on the reactions to external stimuli or objects.

4. Titikshaa (Endurance) Enormous patience and tolerance to bear the opposites with equanimity

5. Shraddhaa (Total Unwavering trust in the Shaastraas, God and Guru)

6. Samaadhaanam (Single point concentration) This is the fruit of the practices of Shamaa, Dhamaa, Uparati, Titikshaa and Shraddhaa resulting in prefect concentration now and fixing the mind on the atman without allowing it to turn elsewhere.

Periva exercised Shamaa, Dhamaa, Uparati ,Titikshaa, Shraddhaa and Samaadhaanam during HIS life time, very effectively. The manner in which, he conducted himself in his daily life and exercised Shamaa, Dhama with Uparati and Titikshaa is an open book for us to emulate. HIS Shraddhaa on the Vedas and Guru Paramaparaa is reflected by his non deviation from their path at all times. HIS Samaadhaanam in meditation or in the Puja to Lord Chandramouleeshwaraa used to encaptivate devotees. Reflecting on HIS life itself, will bestow devotees with the Shat Sampatt which Periva effortlessly practiced.

Other information:

We pray to Maha Periva to be blessed with the “Shat Sampatt”(Six Treasures) in our daily lives and to attain Mokshaa (Liberation)

Compiled by: Voice Of Periva Channel | https://t.me/PerivaVoice
An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.mahaswami.org

Voice of Periva

31 Jan, 02:34


Voice of Periva

30 Jan, 03:29


Voice of Periva

28 Jan, 03:02


Voice of Periva

27 Jan, 03:43


Voice of Periva

26 Jan, 03:54

Happy republic day! Bharat Maata ki jai! 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

Here's a special publication from our archives - the role of Government in religious matters, containing beautiful nuggets of wisdom and advice by Sri Maha Periva, gleaned from Deivathin Kural along with English translation.


Voice of Periva

25 Jan, 03:34


Voice of Periva

24 Jan, 03:29

Anusham special - Anusha pooja from our archives


Voice of Periva

23 Jan, 02:16


Voice of Periva

21 Jan, 00:01


Voice of Periva

20 Jan, 02:49


Voice of Periva

19 Jan, 01:09

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series

Naama 43 - Sharanaagatadeenaartarakshakaaya Namo Namah

शरणा-गत दीनार्त, रक्षकाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Sharanaagata Deenaarta Rakshakaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to Him, who, protects the weak and the suffering, coming to HIM in refuge.


What is Sharanaagati ?

Sharanaagati means ‘Surrender’. In the Bhakti sampradaaya, this is the ultimate goal of an aspirant to Mokshaa, wherein, the Bhaktaa, surrenders to the God unconditionally.

The Raamaayana epic, brings out two beautiful instances of Sharanaagati - that of Bharatha to Rama and Vibheeshanaa to Rama.

In the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishnaa says the following popular verse about this tatvam:

सर्व धर्मान् परित्यज्य,मामेकं शरणं व्रज |
अहं त्वां,सर्व पापेभ्यो,मोक्ष यिष्यामि,मा शुच:||66||

O Arjuna, Relinquish all dharmaas and surrender unto me. Grieve not !! I shall deliver you from all the sins.

Types of Sharanaagati ?
There are two types of Sharnaagathi – Markata Reeti (Monkey type) and Maarjaala Reeti (Cat Type). Markata Reeti The mother monkey takes total care of its baby only so long as the baby holds on to the mother. The baby monkey holds in all tightness, but it is limited to its baby strength and may fall down if not tight enough. It is like us, seeking God by our will and efforts. If our will power is shaky or we are over confident, we could fall like the baby monkey. Also, we can reach only to the extent of our own effort and will.

Maarjaala Reeti. The mother cat holds on to the baby when it mews. It trusts its mother, in totality to take care of it. If we surrender to God or the Guru with an attitude that HE is the doer and all is by HIS grace then, HE as the mother cat accepts us as Kitten and totally protects us.

Sharanaagati to Periva
Periva as Jaganmaata protects HIS devotees who are in a state of Sharnaagati to HIM. In cases of Bhaktaas with total Sharanaagati, Periva put them to more tests and strengthened their Bhakti further and graced them totally. The luster of such devotees has been unique. The “Markata Reeti” sharanaagat devotees found the grace of Periva so high, that, over the period of time, they also turned into “Maarjaala Reeti” sharanaagat devotees. For better understanding, we can go through an incident.

Mysterious Happenings!!!
It so happened, in one of the Bhakta's family - the jewels and money in their home, vanished on their own. The dhotis and sarees tore mysteriously. It was clear, that, all this, was the result of, a malevolent force. So, the family sought the help of a wizard, and performed rites of exorcism and expiation. It did not help.

The head of the family came to Periva, who is the very embodiment of all mantras. Periva listened to him patiently. At that time, Sri Ravi, a devotee, was seated at a distance, performing the Lalita Sahasranaamam paarayanam. With a snap of his fingers, Periva stopped the reading.

Turning to the devotee he said, "Ask him, which shloka he is reading now. You may chant it a thousand times".

The devotee, learnt the shloka that Sri Ravi was reading, at that moment and chanted it a thousand times. There were no more disturbing events, such as articles vanishing from the cupboard. In a helpless or pathetic situation, when the Bhaktaa surrendered to Periva and followed HIS instructions, it was the very word of Lalitaambika herself, in the form of Periva.

The key in this incident is the attitude of Sharanaagati of the Bhaktaa in Periva’s words (Irrespective of which shloka since, all shlokas in Lalita Sahasranaamam are very powerful)

Other information:

We surrender to Periva with no holding back in the form of “I”. He, as the Jaganmaata, will take us through this Samsaara Saagara smoothly like a baby sitting in the womb of its mother.

Compiled by: Voice Of Periva Channel | https://t.me/PerivaVoice
An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.mahaswami.org

Voice of Periva

18 Jan, 03:18


Voice of Periva

17 Jan, 04:20


Voice of Periva

16 Jan, 00:30

From our archives - Karuna Saagaram - Episode 3 - An Exposition about Sri Maha Periva


Voice of Periva

13 Jan, 02:40

Periva's visit to Chidambaram

Today, on the auspicious occasion of Aarudra Darisanam, let us read this beautiful episode summarizing the visit of Sri Maha Periva to the Chidambaram Temple and relish in the thought of Lord Nataraja and of our own Periva as well (the picture that follows will show you the real tatvam)

On the night of Swamigal’s visit to Chidambaram, he asked the young man who does Vastra Kaingaryam ( washes and maintains Swamigal’s clothes) to come to the Sivaganga Thatagai / tank in the Nataraja temple early next morning before 5 am with his new clothes and without anyone’s knowledge. Swamigal went to the holy tank early in the morning with that young man, took a bath, completed his morning prayers and was there in front of the sanctum sanctorum before the doors were opened. The priest who had the morning duty there turned around and was shocked to see our Swamigal standing there reciting slokas.

He did not expect to see our Swamigal there unannounced and immediately sent word through the security guard to all the Dikshithars about Swamigal’s presence in the temple. Within minutes the word spread and hundreds of people hurried towards the temple. The Dikshithars prostrated before Swamigal and said they had made lots of arrangements to welcome Swamigal in an appropriate way and they were upset
because he was there all by himself, unannounced. Swamigal replied that he was eager to have ‘Viswaroopa darshan (the first puja done in the morning) of Nataraja and also that he would be visiting the temple many times every day during his stay here.

The Dikshithars took Swamigal back to his camp with all the Devasthanam honors. They requested Swamigal to stay in the temple for few days and conduct Sri Chandramouleswarer puja in the thousand pillared mandap. Welcome speech was given in Sanksrit by Upanyasa Ratnakaram C.S.Sivakamasundara Dikshithar and in Tamil by his son C.S.Sachidananda Dikshithar, on behalf of their entire community.

Swamigal stayed in the temple for about fifteen days and conducted the puja there. It is said that Adi Sankara brought back five lingams from Kailasa and of those, the Moksha lingam is said to be in Chidambaram. The Yoga Lingam is being worshipped by Adi Sankara and all the Kamakoti Acharyas. Thousands of people witnessed the puja and heard Swamigal’s upanyasams in the evenings. Members of all communities offered Bikshavandanam and pada puja.

Swamigal had darshan of Nataraja and Govindaraja every day of his stay. He arranged for special abhishekams of Chitra annam as well as Bakshana pavadai for Nataraja. Every year, special decorations are made to Nataraja and he is brought in a procession around the four Ratha streets, twice in the month of Ani for Ani Thirumanjana celebrations as well as in the month of Margazhi for Arudra darshanam. It would take the priests three days to complete the decorations.

The Dikshithars brought our Swamigal down the Panchakshara steps to the sanctum sanctorum of Sri Nataraja to have the darshan of the Lord decorated thus for the procession. Sri Swamigal had darshan of Ratnasabapathi, Moksha Chandramouleswarer lingam, Chitsabesan, Sivakamasundari and the famous Secret of Chidamabaram. His Holiness stayed in Chidambaram for a month. Before leaving the city, Sri Swamigal donated crescent moon made in gold and with diamonds embedded on the top, for Nataraja.

Periva Saranam.

An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum

www.periva.org | www.periva.proboards.com

Voice of Periva

12 Jan, 03:41

Periva is already conferring us a lot of Bhukthi we ask for. We need to increase our receptivity to realize the Bhukthi which he confers on his own. Also, we must pray to Periva to confer us Mukthi and walk in the path laid by HIM to facilitate the same. We cannot get it more easily than that!!!!

Compiled by: Voice Of Periva Channel | https://t.me/PerivaVoice
An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.mahaswami.org

Voice of Periva

12 Jan, 03:40

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series

Naama 42 - Bhukthimukthipradaanekashakthidaaya Namo Namah

भुक्ति-मुक्ति प्रदानेक, शक्तिदाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Bhukthi Mukthi Pradaaneka Shakthi-daaya Namo Namah

Vandanams to HIM who has the capacity to bestow desires and Mokshaa

What is Bhukthi and Mukthi ?
Bhukthi is the fulfillment of material desires. “Mukthi” is the liberation (Mokshaa) from desires and move to the higher evolved self within.

The following slokam from Sootasamhitai explains the benefits of Rudra Japam:
वृक्षाय मूलसेकेन शाकाः पुष्यन्ति वै यता l
शिवा रुद्रजपात् प्रीता प्रिता एवास्य देवताः l
अतो रुद्रजपादेव भुक्ति मुक्ती प्रसिद्यतः l

"Just as watering the root of a tree nourishes all the branches, chanting Sri Rudram (Rudra hymn) pleases all the devatas (all forms of gods). By chanting Sri Rudram with devotion, one gets Bhukthi (material enjoyments) and Mukthi (freedom from the bondage of re-birth, the ultimate goal)."

Similarly, the popular Stotram on Mahalakshmi Devi contains the following verse:

सिद्धि बुद्धि प्रदे देवि भुक्ति मुक्ति प्रदायिनि।

Mahaa Lakshmi bestows Accomplishments and Intelligence to direct our lives properly with those accomplishments and also bestows Worldly Prosperity and directs our lives towards Liberation.

Shloka 7 of Chapter 11 of Devi Maahatmyam which is a Hymn to Naarayani (Sister of Sriman Naarayanan viz., Durgaa) –

भूता यदा देवी भुक्ति मुक्ति प्रदायिनी।

Here, as the sister of Sriman Naarayanaa, Durga devi is the bestower of the enjoyment and liberation.

Periva gracing devotees with Bhukthi and Mukthi
From the above verses, Lord Parameshwaraa, Durga Devi and Sri Mahaalakshmi, clearly grant Bhukthi and Mukthi to the devotees. Periva, is none other than, Parameshwaraa or Devi in the form of Lakshmi or Durgaa depending on the form, visualized by the devotee.

There are countless instances of Periva granting Bhukthi and discussed at length... There are some cases of Mukthi, (Involving a higher level of readiness of the devotee) which have come to light. We will go through one such instance of Periva granting Mukthi

Dr. Narayanswamy, was a physician, who practised with the great medical practitioner, Dr. Rangachary (in whose memory, Dr Ranga Road is named in Chennai) during 1920s. Although an allopathic doctor, he was proficient in homeopathy too and saved many critically sick patients through homeopathy. He used to stay in Mylapore and after several years in the Government Hospital, he started his own independent practice. He never performed Pujas nor recited any Stotrams or Sahasranamams during that time. He later, moved to Aaduthurai, being close to his native village. Here, he turned his attention to religion.

When the Doctor was nearing fifty, he started learning Lalitha Sahasranamam. One day, he decided to visit Kanchipuram and seek Periva's blessings. With, a book of Lalitha Sahasranamam in his hand, he made the trip and was waiting outside for Periva's darshan. A gentleman from the matham came and asked him, "Neenga thaney Aaduthurai doctor? (Are you the doctor from Aaduthurai?)"

Dr. Narayanswamy was surprised, since, he had not told anybody about his visit. Later, he was led to see Periva. After some preliminary talk, he was fortunate to recite Lalitha Sahasranamam before Periva. After listening to it, Periva had remarked, "Ucharippu ellaam sariya irukku. Ithaye shollindu irungo. Idu thaan ungalukku mukthi. (The pronunciation is fine. Keep reciting this constantly. This is your salvation.)". The Doctor followed Periva’s advice.

One day, just after reciting the Lalitha Sahasranamam, still in the sitting posture, Dr Narayanswamy, suddenly passed away. Though he himself was a doctor and never suffered from ill-health, he was blessed with "Anaayasa Maranam" and attained mukthi exactly as Periva said.

Other information:

Voice of Periva

11 Jan, 02:38


Voice of Periva

10 Jan, 02:54

Periva Gurukulam - Soundaryalahari Slokam (English) - Part 34

Voice of Periva

09 Jan, 04:03

With our prayers for the Vaikunta Ekadashi anushtaana tomorrow - our ebook from the archives, with lots of information. Please share with all your friends and relatives 🙏 Periva Saranam 🙏


Voice of Periva

09 Jan, 00:30

From our archives - Karuna Saagaram - Episode 2 - An Exposition about Sri Maha Periva


Voice of Periva

07 Jan, 05:23


Voice of Periva

06 Jan, 05:24


Voice of Periva

06 Jan, 00:33


Voice of Periva

05 Jan, 00:30

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series

Naama 41 - Bhakthakaamalathaakalpapaadapaaya Namo Namah

भक्त काम, लता-कल्प, पादपाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Bhaktha Kaama Lathaa Kalpa Paadapaaya Namo Namah


Vandanams to HIM who is a Kalpa Lathaa (Wish Granting Creeper) and grants the desires of the devotees.


Maha Periva has showered his blessings to many of his sincere devotees. HE does not wait for the devotee to ask HIM explicitly. At the appropriate time, HE even addresses the latent desires of his devotees. We can examine one such instance.

Sri Ramanathan, a resident of Kanchipuram was blessed to have daily Darshan of Maha Periva. Once, an Aaradhanaa was performed on behalf of the Matham. For some reason, the required number of VaidIkaas, could not be employed then for the purpose. Therefore, Periva nominated and made him partake the aaraadhana, along with the other Vaidikaas.

After the Bhojanam was done, Periva called Sri Ramanathan and ordered him to do Gayatri Japam for a thousand counts on the next morning, as Praayaschittaa (for his ineligible participation). To be placed in par with Vaidikaas by none other than Periva was indeed an unexpected honour for the unexpecting simple, unqualified, sincere devotee.

Due to Udyoga Nimittam (Compulsion of job), Sri Ramanathan was transferred as the Head Clerk of the Chengalpet District Court and his Darshan of Periva reduced to Anusham Nakshatram when he used to visit Kancheepuram to do Trishati Archanaa to Sri Kaamakshi Amman and submit the Prasaadam to Periva and have his darshan.

Once, when Sri Ramanathan was part of a heavy crowd in Sri Matham when he went for Darshan, Periva suddenly ordered to the people standing near him, "Call the Sheristadar ". Some people called out, " Sheristadar Sheristadar,!" towards the crowd. Somebody took Sri Ramanathan and made him stand before Periva and said, "There is no Sheristadar. Only a Court Head clerk is here." It may be pointed here that, “Sheristadar” is a record keeper in the Court who is entrusted with receiving and checking Court pleas and is a posting above that of a Head Clerk.

Sri Ramanathan told Periva, "I am not Sheristadar, Only a Head Clerk."

Periva said without giving up his point, "Why, can't you become a Sheristadar?"

He told him decidedly, "I have none of the required qualification. I have studied only up to the S.S.L.C. Many who have undergone the study of law through B.A.B.L., M.A.B.L. (Courses) are there working under me. Based on my educational qualifications I have no eligibility, even to a small extent. Moreover, the man who is the District Judge, now, certainly won't recommend me. So, I can never reach that position." Later, Periva gave him leave to return.

After a few days, some people came on inspection from the Chennai High Court. Impressed by his work, those people gave a report in confidence, to the High Court Judge, that, Sri Ramanathan was the fittest person for the post of Sheristadar. A few days later, he received the orders for the Sheristadar post. It was a surprise to everyone, even a great shock to the people who drank the 'Virtual milk' (Manap-paal) that, only, they would be selected, based on their educational qualifications.

In the meantime, Sri Ramanathan went to Kancheepuram for the next Anusha Nakshatram and placed Sri Kamakshi Amman prasaadam before Periva, HE raised his hand over his head in blessing posture and asked, "Can be called Sheristadar, Now?". Sri Ramanathan was overwhelmed in ecstasy and his eyes were full of tears. Periva had showered his blessings as a Kalpa Latha. Only the Divine, knows the Divine Sankalpam.

Other information:

Our Prayers to the kind Periva who is waiting to shower fruits of sincerity to His devotees

Compiled by: Voice Of Periva Channel | https://t.me/PerivaVoice
An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.mahaswami.org

Voice of Periva

04 Jan, 04:10


Voice of Periva

03 Jan, 02:12


Voice of Periva

02 Jan, 00:35

From our archives - Karuna Saagaram - Episode 1 - An Exposition about Sri Maha Periva


Voice of Periva

31 Dec, 02:26

From our archives of Margazhi Mahaswami Vaibhavam - Bhajans on Sri Maha Periva


Voice of Periva

30 Dec, 03:33


Voice of Periva

28 Dec, 23:03

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series
Naama 40 - Bhaktalochanaraajeevabhaaskaraaya Namo Namah

भक्त लोचन, राजीव, भास्कराय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Bhakta Lochana Raajeeva Bhaaskaraaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to Him, who is the shining Sun that opens up the lotus eyes of his devotees.


The lotus, grows in the slush and blossoms, when the sun rays fall on it. So also, the human beings, although divine as lotus, grow in the slush of Avidyaa (Ignorance), caused by Aaavaranas (Veiling of the divinity) and Vikshepaa (Caused by wrong projection of divinity due to Praarabdhaa). It needs the Sunshine in the form of blessings of the Sadhguru to blossom this lotus of divinity in us.

Maha Periva, as the embodiment of Shri Dakshinaamoorthy (The guru of gurus’s) has guided scores of people from this Avidyaa and opened up the beautiful lotus in them. HE continues to do this till date even after HIS attaining Siddhi. An example, will throw more light on this.

A well to do couple from Palakkad, came for Periva’s Darshan . The man’s younger bother had filed a case against him for division of their family property .The man was finding it embarrassing to fight a case in the court due to their family standing in their society. He prayed to Periva for HIS blessings and said that he must be victorious in the case. Periva questioned him as to how HE should answer if his younger brother also a devotee of Periva came with the same plea of victory, since, only one can win by the judgement. The man answered that Periva could do as HE felt righteous or Dhaarmic.

Periva told the man, that, the righteous, will anyway be protected by the Court and God. So, a specific prayer was not required to HIM. However, Periva observed that going to the court, will be a lot of waste of money, time and energy beside the family name in jeopardy which would affect the interest of both the brothers.

He said, “When brothers separate, do they stay in that manner for ever? Who is he and who are you? This is a relationship that will reunite, whatever be the seriousness of the quarrels. Why don't you try to develop such a state of mind?"

Periva told him, "Buy a lot of fruits and flowers and straight go to your brother's house before going to your house. Go there with full love in your heart. He, with his wife will welcome you both and show their hospitality. From the depth of your heart tell your brother,” Let bygones be bygones; Who are you and who am I? We come from a good family and it is not good for us to go to the Court at the risk of spoiling our family reputation. Even if the property remains with you, it is as good as it is with me; Since, we also have to run the family, give me whatever you feel like. This way, both of us can be happy." Tell this and go back home without any expectation.

Periva had resolved the issue amicably. How? With the Power of Love in him which was to light the love in the brothers!!!

The couple followed the instructions of Periva. The younger brother was pleasantly shocked to receive his brother who had come home, despite the present animosity and made a very noble selfless, proposal.

Moved by the gesture and melting in love, the younger brother said that the Elder Brother could himself do the partition as per his judgement and give him the balance since the Elder Brother was like a father in his absence.

Without going to the court, the younger brother give him whatever he wanted. Thus, as suggested by Periva, if we approach others with good intention and love, the same sentiments will be reciprocated by the other.

Periva’s darshan as the Shining Sun and his grace as the rays of the Sun had opened the lotus eyes of both the brothers and the love which was hidden in them, re-blossomed.

Other information:

We pray to Mahaa Periva, that He graces us with His Darshan to blossom our lotus eyed vision / outlook of various aspects of life.

Voice of Periva

28 Dec, 04:09


Voice of Periva

26 Dec, 23:44

Sri Maha Periva aradhana - Friday 27 December 2024

Ram Ram, Periva Saranam 🙏. Kanchi Periva Forum invites you to join all our volunteers today in Sri Maha Periva aradhana event. On this blessed day, we have programs from 4 to 8 pm at Sri Sankara Gurukulam, Abhiramapuram. Google maps link: https://g.co/kgs/j1hS1p

Agenda includes the following:
0400 pm - invocation, Prayers
0430 pm - Sri Soundarya Lahari Parayanam
0530 pm - Bhajans
0630 pm - Sri Lalita Sahasranama Parayanam
0730 pm - Pushpanjali & Harathi
0745 pm - Prasadam distribution.

Please make it convenient to join us and receive the blessings of His Holiness Sri Maha Periva 🙏

Voice of Periva

26 Dec, 03:39

From our archives of Margazhi Mahaswami Vaibhavam - Bhajans on Sri Maha Periva


Voice of Periva

24 Dec, 02:40

From our archives Margazhi Mahaswami Vaibhavam Bhajans


Voice of Periva

23 Dec, 02:31


Voice of Periva

22 Dec, 02:29

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series
Naama 39 - Bhaktamaanasaraajevabhavanaaya Namo Namah

भक्त मानस, राजीव, भवनाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Bhakta Maanasa Raajeva Bhavanaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to Him, who alone is among the thoughts, in the, lotus mind of devotees.


Devotees who have been in constant contemplation of Periva have experienced their lotus heart to blossom and have manifested it  in their actions. 

While, there are scores of people who have achieved this state of mind, we can, reflect on the states of some  famous people like,  Shri Raa Ganapathi, Shri Maniam Selvam, Smt M S Subbalakshmi, Doctor Badrinarayanan, Dr Padma Subramaniam who were  in constant contemplation of Periva and their blossomed lotus  mind, achieving phenomenal contributions  in their respective domains with love. 

Lord Shiva, is represented by the mind in meditation, which results in detachment to material aspects. When this detached mind/Purushaa (Shiva), is directed to the heart/Prakruti (Shakthi), this combination (Shiva Shakthi Aikkyam) results in the blossoming of love viz., detached attachment (Hrudaya Kamalam) in the individual to external objects.

Lord Shiva in Meditation

As per the Shiva Dhyaana Shloka in Skanda Puraana

"धवलत पुशमिन्दो र्मण्डळे सन्निविश्ठम् ,भुजग वलय हारं, भस्म दिग्दाङ्गमीशम्|
मृगय परशु पाणिं, चारु चन्द्रार्ध-मौळिम्, हृदय कमल मध्ये, सन्ततं  चिन्तयामि||"

“dhavalata pushamindor mandale sanni-vishtham, bhujaga valaya haaram, bhasma digdhaanga meesham
mrugaya parashu paanim, chaaru chandraardha moulim,hrudaya kamala madhye santatam chintayaami”

Let us always meditate on Him, the Lord Siva in the middle of our heart - sitting happily in pure white land of moon, wearing snakes as bracelet and garland, with vibhuthi smeared all over his body, holding a deer in one hand and axe in the other and wearing half moon on his forehead.

Hrudaya Kamalam

We are familiar with the popular Hrudaya Kamalam Kolam, which is a lotus of 16 petals, the centre of which bears the Aksharam Shree. This is a powerful tantra tool used in a simple manner in our daily lives.   The Hrudaya Kamalam is the sookshma representation of the Sree Vidyaa who resides in the minds of the devotee lost in Devi /Shiva (who are inseparable).  This is the Shiva Shakthi Aikkyam.  

Also, this is the spiritual heart or Parabrahmam.  Now, thoughts/ mind emanates from the Heart.  When these thoughts are directed to the divine, they revebrate into the heart represented as a blossomed lotus. The moment the thoughts of a devotee are becoming Periva focused, their actions and approach to life are based on HIS teachings.   HE literally takes over the devotee and grants them the blessings of Mokshaa. 

Other information:

We pray to Mahaa Periva ,that, HE is solely in our thoughts and actions  to enable us have a loving heart fully blossomed in relation to the Creation.

Compiled by: Voice Of Periva Channel | https://t.me/PerivaVoice
An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.mahaswami.org

Voice of Periva

21 Dec, 03:21


Voice of Periva

20 Dec, 04:06


Voice of Periva

19 Dec, 01:26

From our archives Margazhi Mahaswami Vaibhavam Bhajans


Voice of Periva

08 Dec, 05:15

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series

Naama 37 - Vyaktaavyaktataraanekachitkalaaya Namo Namah

व्यक्ता-व्यक्त, तरानेक, चित्कलाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Vyaktaa Vyakta Taraa Neka Chit-kalaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to HIM whose consciousness waves, (Chit Kalaa) explains the obvious and not-so-obvious.


As a manifestation of Parameshwaraa, Maha Periva could see much beyond what met the normal eye of people and even specialists in any particular field. One such instance, is explained below:-

X-ray eyes
The Homam having been performed in a grand manner, it was time for the final rite of Poornaahuti (Final offering in the Yagnaa) to take place.

The Bhaktaas brought Periva to the Yaagashaalaa (where the Yagnam took place).

Periva went around the Yaagashaalaa in Pradakshina (Revered Clockwise movement) and had the darshan of the Kalasa kundaas (Kalasams carrying the water charged with the Vedic Mantraas).  At that moment, when his Aagnyaa (Order) for doing the Poornaahuti was awaited, he said, "We can do the Poornaahuti a little later”, and went inside.

Everyone was surprised, since the designated auspicious time for the Poornaahuti was running out.   After He went inside, Periva called a disciple.

"The ghee kept for Poornaahuti is not good; it is not Homa Yogya (Fit for the Homaa). Ask them to bring a fresh quantity of ghee."

After arranging it as told, the disciple had a look at the ghee tin. It was coated thick with grease, infected with seven or eight insects.

How were the defects of half a tin of ghee kept in a corner known to Periva? Has he X-ray eyes? No, those eyes were Svayam prakAsha (Self-luminous) giving light even to the light rays! He could see beyond the apparent.

Other information:

We pray to the sarvagna (Omniscient) Periva, by meticulously following his instructions, since, for there is much more than what we can comprehend from that action which Periva has thought of.

Compiled by: Voice Of Periva Channel | https://t.me/PerivaVoice
An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.mahaswami.org

Voice of Periva

06 Dec, 06:50


Voice of Periva

03 Dec, 04:45


Voice of Periva

02 Dec, 04:37


Voice of Periva

01 Dec, 05:18

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series

Naama 36 - Bhaavyaadyabhaavyadivyasreepadaabjaaya Namo Namah

भाव्यादि भाव्य, दिव्यश्री, पदाब्जाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Bhaavyaadi Bhaavya Divya-sree Padaabjaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to Him whose blessed divine feet display what is destined to happen tomorrow and what is destined to happen today.


Maha Periva was a Tri-Kaala-Jnaani (Knower of the 3 tenses, viz., Past, Present and Future).  Despite his best efforts to camouflage his Siddhis by giving various reasons (due to humility), many incidents clearly reflected his yogic abilities.

Sri Maha Periva was travelling around the Akanda Kaveri region. One day, He went to the coconut groves near the camping site.

A number of crows were seen on the tops of the coconut trees.

Periva asked a boy who accompanied Him, “Shall I ask these crows to caw?”

The boy did not know what to answer.

“Look here”, Periva said and started cawing like the crows. All the crows echoed His cry in a chorus.

Periva said, “Now the crows are cawing. It indicates that there will be a large number of guests today. Ask them to prepare lots of food.”

The shishyaas (assistants) were apprehensive that the food preparations might go waste if they cooked a lot.

But then, what a wonder! It came to be known shortly that a meeting of a Political Party was held in the nearby place. People who attended it came to know of Sri Maha Periva’s camp nearby and came over to have His darshan.

Periva directed everyone to have food and go. Finally, not a handful of cooked rice remained!

Other information:

We pray to Maha Periva who as a Tri Kaala Gnaani has identified us, as devotees, on whom, HIS grace is to be showered.  We shall, with a pure heart follow HIS teachings and attract HIS Grace forthwith.

Compiled by: Voice Of Periva Channel | https://t.me/PerivaVoice
An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.mahaswami.org

Voice of Periva

29 Nov, 09:44


Voice of Periva

26 Nov, 04:13


Voice of Periva

25 Nov, 03:22


Voice of Periva

24 Nov, 14:14

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series

Naama 35 - Bhaavanaamaatrasantushtahrudayaaya Namo Namah

भावना मात्र सन्तुष्ट, हृदयाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Bhaavanaa Maatra Santushta Hrudayaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to Him, who is pleased just by the contemplation of HIS self.


Maha Periva was content even with the devotee just thinking of HIM.  HE was a (Bhavya Graahi, Absorber of the Intentions). HE only saw the purity of mind of the devotee and not their external façade. 

This is in contrast to us, normal human beings, who are Baahya Graahi - expect explicit, outwardly visible things from others.  

For the ease of devotees, who are having an intention to worship, but are not able to do so, due to various circumstances, Shri Aadi Shankaraa, composed simple Maanasa Pujas, whereby, the devotee can worship the Ishta Devataa by Mind itself.

Mantra Maatrukaa Pushpamaalaa Stava, Shiva Manasa Puja are some of them.  For instance, in Shiva Maanasa Puja, the devotee starts the mental worship of the Shiva placing him on Ruby Throne, bathing him with the cool waters from the Ganges, adorning Him with various Gems, applying Sandal Paste, the scent of the Musk Deer and so on. Even, if we cannot remotely do this actually, we can still visualize the same and reap the same benefit.  This is because the Lord is happy with the Intention itself (भावना मात्र सन्तुष्टः).

One incident that took place in the life of Sri Gurumurthy, Chennai captures this situation at its best. Let us see the details.

In Tirumurthinagar, Nungambakkam, Sri Gurumurthy, an ardent devotee, was looking forward to Mahaa Periva visiting his house although he had not mentioned it actually to Periva. Once, when Periva was in that area, he expressed to his disciples, that he would like to visit, the house of Sri Gurumurthy. At that time, Gurumurthy had gone out of the house and had not intimated his wife where he was going. Periva walked into the house with his followers and asked the whereabouts of Shri Gurumurthy. His wife expressed her ignorance.

After some time, Periva started off towards the exit door when HE paused to notice a new platform on the side entrance of the house. On inquiry, Sri Gurumurthy’s wife, said that this was done exclusively for Periva to be seated and worshipped, when he visited their house, (since the space in the house was small).  Periva immediately went and sat down on the platform and told his followers that Sri Gurmurthy who had made the platform exclusively for HIM would be terribly disappointed if HE were to go without seeing Gurumurthy.  He instructed his followers, to search for the whereabouts of Shri Gurumurthy and bring him there. Periva was in no mood to budge from the place till Gurumurthy came.  The Puja in the Matham could start only when Periva comes. With no clue to search for Gurumurthy, in the Chennai city, vehicles moved in all directions. 

Finally, he was traced by one person and brought in a scooter home.  He came crying, guilty for having kept Periva waiting.  Periva told that HE was the one on the wrong, since HE had come without prior intimation and walked in casually to his house. HE told him “I decided to wait, only because, you, who have spent money and efforts to construct this platform for ME, would be upset, if you do not see ME sitting on the Platform.  Now that, you have seen ME, will you permit ME to go?” 

What would Sri Gurumurthy say, but drown in a flood of tears!!! This explains the grace of Maha Periva as “Bhaavanaa Maatra Santushta Hrudayaaya Namo Namaha”

Other information:

We worship Maha Periva whole heartedly even if at times it is not possible to do so externally in an elaborate manner.  As an Aasutoshi (One who is quickly satisfied ) He, will grace us for the thought in the mind itself.  

Compiled by: Voice Of Periva Channel | https://t.me/PerivaVoice
An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.mahaswami.org

Voice of Periva

22 Nov, 08:08


Voice of Periva

21 Nov, 03:06


Voice of Periva

19 Nov, 03:33


Voice of Periva

18 Nov, 09:24


Voice of Periva

17 Nov, 09:21

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series
Naama 34 - Gurumandalasambhaavyavidehaaya Namo Namah

गुरु मण्डल, सम्भाव्य, विदेहाय, नमो नमः
Split as :- Guru Mandala Sambhaavya Videhaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to the Renuciate (Videhaaya) held in honor (Sambhhaavya) by Guru Mandala (Body of respected elders or Learned people)


Maha Periva was held in high esteem by contemporary Scholars, Gurus, Respectable people across the world and other Jeevan Mukthaas. Even where HE was not known before, HIS conduct, compelled them to Honor him. Given below, is one such instance for a more appropriate understanding of this naama.

“Bhoomi - the Samasthaanam” (Equality on the ground)

In 1966, while Periva was camping in Elavur, a conference (Mahaanaadu) of Mathaadhipathi’s was to be held in the Office of Commissioner of the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department. As per the Government Order, a Ranking List was prepared and seats of different types accordingly were arranged in the Conference Hall and the name of the Mathams, were also written on them.

For the starting event of the Mahaanaadu, Mathaadhipathi’s from various Mathams along with Periva came one by one to partake in the event. Periva made a survey of the arrangements in the hall with an all-round glance. With a smile crawling on his face, He walked towards the seat allotted for him. All the other Mathaadhipathi’s too walked towards their seats.

Like one who gets into a pond to take bath would part away with his two hands, the moss that covered the water surface, and like one who would gently dust the floor with his upper cloth before he sits there, Mahaa Perivaa, with His hands, pushed back the seat allotted for him by the government officials, and sat on the floor at that spot.

The next moment, all the other Mathaadhipathi’s , without sitting on the seats provided for them, sat on the floor of the conference hall. The Bhoomi (Ground), became the Sama-sthaanam—(seat of equality), for everyone. What to speak of the wonder, that Periva 'the Jnaanamoorty, who stood beyond the book of Vedas', through his foresight and subtle knowledge, demonstrated the great truth, "Param-Porrull (Brahmam), is only one. So what superiority/inferiority is there, for us, who live on this earth because of our wealth, or kulam-lineage? All of us, are of one Kulam (species).

Other information:

We pray to the Videhamuktha Maha Periva honoured by the greatest of souls at that time, to bless us remove the Avidyaa in us and take us to Jeevanmukthi.

Compiled by: Voice Of Periva Channel | https://t.me/PerivaVoice
An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.mahaswami.org

Voice of Periva

12 Nov, 03:37


Voice of Periva

11 Nov, 03:24


Voice of Periva

10 Nov, 11:11

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series

Naama 33 - Gobraahmanahitaasaktamaanasaaya Namo Namah

गो ब्राह्मण, हितासक्त, मानसाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Go Braahmana Hitaa-sakta Maanasaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to HIM, who always had the welfare of the Cows and Brahmins in mind.


The Vedic rituals for the welfare of the universe has an important utterance viz., “गोब्राह्मणेभ्यः शुभमस्तु नित्यम् “ – “Gobrahmanebhyah Subhamastu Nityam, “May cows and brahmanas be always happy and peaceful”. Periva followed it meticulously.

Although cow is worshipped in India, and is largest in number in the world, they are not taken proper care of by supplying them with adequate fodder. This has resulted in the milk yield per cow which is one of the lowest in the world.

Periva observed that one easy method of providing fodder for the cows without any cost is for housewives, hotel-keepers, and hostel authorities, to carefully preserve every day, in a neat and hygienic place all their kitchen garbage, such as wastage from plantain leaves, skins of all fruits and vegetables, the water after washing rice, and the kanji. The cow owners could come on rounds and collect such huge fodders which would resulting in the augmentation of the cattle wealth of the country and obtain all untold merit by the performance of this holy duty.

Periva said the Brahmin community, which is ordained by the Shastraas to ensure Dharma and protection of the Vedas, need to adhere to their Anushtaanams uncompromisingly. To ensure that this unique task is carried out without breaking the thread, this has to be in the family lineage although other communities can certainly adhere to the requirements of Vedas in addition. Periva encouraged the stabilization of existing Veda Paathashaalas and revived the depleting branches of the Vedas.

We can see an instance where Periva highlighted the benefit of feeding grass to the Cow and also the importance of taking care of the cow’s needs.

A wealthy devotee once sent his friend by his car to attend to his work, on his behalf. Unfortunately, the man left for the further-most destination. Unfortunately, the car in which he was travelling met with an accident on the way, was damaged beyond repair and the friend departed to Shiva-loka. There was no end to the devotee's sorrow. His remorse that a family was deprived of its head because of him, did not leave him in peace at all. He helped the family with a large sum of money. But, that hardly compensated for the irreversible loss. The devotee, was now frightened and upset, that, he would have to bear the sin of the death of a Brahmin.

He approached Maha Periva for guidance. Periva listened to him patiently and observed that,

"The car accident happened by the divine ordination. You are not guilty of any destructive thought. Somehow, your mind is now burdened with unease. Besides, you are also at the receiving end of the society's accusation. First of all, go and take a holy dip in the Sethu (Rameswaram). Get up before sunrise and offer grass to cows that you may find strolling down the streets. Seek the darshan of Shiva every day and contain yourself to taking one meal a day. Circumambulate the Siva temple as many times as it is possible for you to. Do this and you will be rid of the charges of guilt".

The devotee however, said that he could do everything but could not offer grass to cows since he lives in city where cows are not to be found in the streets in the morning". Periva replied, "So what? Surely there is a Go-Shaala. You have a car. Get up at five. Go by car to the Go-Shaala and offer grass to all the cows there".The devotee was fully consoled, his remorse giving way to peace and the cows got grass.

Other information:

Let us pay close attention to the instructions of Sri Maha Periva and work unitedly for the protection of Go Maataa and ensure full support to the Brahmin community so they can carry out their anushtaanams and promote the Vedic Culture for the benefit of mankind at large.

Voice of Periva

09 Nov, 06:26

Registrations open - Sri Maha Periva Aradhana, Friday 27 Dec 2024

Ram Ram, Periva Saranam 🙏. Kanchi Periva Forum is pleased to open up the registrations for participation in Sri Maha Periva Aradhana day. Selected devotees would be able to participate in Parayanam of Sri Soundarya Lahari and/or Sri Lalita Sahasranama Stotram. This would be an in-person event happening at Sri Sankara Gurukulam, Abhiramapuram, Chennai. If you're interested to join us, please fill up the form at the earliest, not later than 21 Nov 2024. Further details are available in the form - please read through carefully. This year, you also have an opportunity to buy additional calendars for your friends & relatives - we introduced this based on the requests received from various devotees.


Voice of Periva

08 Nov, 09:26


Voice of Periva

07 Nov, 04:20


Voice of Periva

05 Nov, 03:27


Voice of Periva

03 Nov, 05:40

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series

Naama 32 - Kvachin Mahaajanaateevadushpraapaaya Namo Namah

क्वचिन्, महाजना-तीव, दुष्प्रापाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Kvachin Mahaajanaa-teeva, Dush-Praapaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to Him, who (sometimes) is not obtainable by some People of High Standing. 


“Mahaajana” in the above refers to people of high stature in social status due to various reasons like position, power and knowledge to name a few.    “Dush-praaypya” means – Not achievable. 

While Maha Periva was available easily to even children, HE is sometimes not available for people of very high stature. The external status is not important to Periva as is their internal being. This is as said in Lalitha Sahasranamam about Devi viz., Antarmukha Samaaraadhya, Bahirmukha Sudurlabhaa अन्तर्मुख समाराध्या, बहिर्मुख सुदुर्लभा Devi is easily obtainable for those whose worship is based on their mind turned inwards, and She is difficult to be obtained by those who are outward focused".
Experience with Periva - I will get you Periva’s Darshan easily

Shri TV Swaminathan, an IAS Officer and  Chairman of the Rubber Board stationed at Delhi, was a great devotee of Maha Periva, was involved in various activities of the Kanchi Matham and was in constant touch with Periva and travelling often to meet him.  One of his colleagues, wanted to have the Darshan of Maha Periva and approached Shri Swaminathan who assured him, “Oh this is too easy. Just do not bother.    Next time you come with me. I will get your Periva’s Darshan easily.  Till you want, I will get you his Darshan.” 

So, the next trip, they were together, Shri Swaminathan planned their itinerary meticulously whereby they were to reach Kanchipuram by 8.0O AM, have darshan of Perivaa at about 10 am, have discussion with him for 2 hours, have lunch and leave on time to reach Chennai by 5 pm to catch the train there. Accordingly, they went to Teynambakkam to find an eerie silence. Periva was not there, They said that Periva had gone to the Kanchi Matham.  But when they went there, Periva was not there too.  The Matham people were expecting him, but had not come. Since time was running out, they searched Keezahambu and then Kailaasanaadhar Koil, Upanishad Matham etc. They were not able to find him anywhere.  Shri Swaminathan was totally embarrassed before his colleague, for, he had haughtily assured of getting easy darshan of Periva.   

Finally sweating, tired, feeling totally humiliated and reconciled to not getting the Darshan of Periva, Shri Swaminathan agreed to take the colleague for Lunch at Raamaa Café and reach him to Chennai on time to catch the train.   Suddenly, there was some crowd around Kumarakotam and there Periva is coming with the Rikshaw. The first question from Periva to Shri Swaminathan was “Did you have to roam too much to find me?”.    Thus, Periva would not look at the status of the person but only his true merit to give His Darshan.

Other information:

We are fully aware, that Periva looks at the inner heart of a true devotee and not the external status or show of Bhakti.  Let us pray with humility to Maha Periva for His anugraham and seek His blessings to always be immersed in His bhakti. 

Compiled by: Voice Of Periva Channel | https://t.me/PerivaVoice
An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.mahaswami.org

Voice of Periva

01 Nov, 11:31


Voice of Periva

29 Oct, 03:06


Voice of Periva

28 Oct, 02:49


Voice of Periva

27 Oct, 06:09

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara – Shata - Naamaavali series

31 - Kvachidbaalajanaatyantasulabhaaya Namo Namah

क्वचिद् बाल, जनात्यन्त, सुलभाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Kvachid Baala Janaatyanta Sulabhaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to Him who sometimes, is easily accessible even to children.


For some children, Maha Periva was very easily approachable - speaking of His simplicity, notwithstanding His position of being a Peetadipathi of a centuries’ old Matham and an evolved Jnaani.  We can understand this better with a few incidents experienced by devotees.

Experience # 1 – Saar, Come to my house

Once, while Maha Periva was on Home visits of some bhaktaas in Nungambakkam, a boy who was playing, got curious of the crowd and joined it moving with the Matham inmates.  Seeing Periva visiting couple of houses in the area, he thought, that was the norm and approached Periva “Saar Come to my house”. This irked the Matham inmates who tried to dissuade the boy addressing Periva as ‘Saar’ and disrespecting Him by calling Him all of a sudden without prior intimation. Periva ignored and went on with other visits. This happened a couple of times and the boy repeated this request to Periva despite the Matham people scolding him.  Finally, when Periva came to the end of His visit and was to move to His camp nearby, Periva asked the Matham people pointing to the boy “Ask Sir where his house is?”

The boy pointed to the street nearby.  Periva instructed all to come there. The Matham people were totally baffled and unhappy and were chasing the boy to go inform his parents and get them ready to receive Periva. However, before that the crowd reached with the boy to a poor hamlet.  His poor parents like Kuchelaa, came out seeing the crowd and were dumbfounded and started crying for not being able to receive the Shankaraachaarya standing before their house with a crowd.  Periva entered the boy’s house and told his assistant’s to ask the ‘Saar’ where all he has to visit.  The boy took him across the rooms of his house. Periva spent 10 minutes in the house of the boy and comes out and ask his assistant to ask the boy “Is the Saar happy?”  What will the boy who had in playfulness called Periva home! This was the approachability of a Shankaraachaarya to a child’s playful but sincere wishes and love.

Experience # 2 – Autograph please

Once, a boy, handed over a notebook to Periva to sign saying that it was an Autograph Book which is signed by VIP’s.  Periva asked him whether He was a VIP.  The boy had no answer since he had handed over the notebook to him since there was a crowd before Periva.  When Periva said that he does not sign anywhere, the boy’s face shrunk since the boy was always used only to getting a signature when offered to other people.  But to not disappoint the child, Periva asked the Manager of the Matham to put his Sree Mukham on the notebook of the child.  The Sree Mukham is an authorized signatory on behalf of the Mathaadipati carrying his Name and the sign of the Matham as Naaryana Smrithi. 

He told the boy, pointing to the Manager, that “this Maama will do my signature.  You can collect from him”.   The boy expressed his gratitude to Periva with a “Thanks”.  Now, Periva told the boy, ‘ You have taken my signature, Now, I want your signature too.  The boy replied “Am I a VIP?”.  Periva replied ‘’ Yes. You are”. Then he called the Manager and asked him to get the Visitor’s Book and write the name of the boy with date on it.  Yes, it is the same Visitor’s Book which gets the signature of very high dignitaries like the Prime Ministers and Presidents and Foreign Visitors. 

The boy merrily went about telling everybody that he got the autograph of Periva and he had also given his autograph to Periva.  This is the spirit of Periva moving with children.  He used to become like a child when interacting with the child.  He used to get into the same wavelength of the person he was meeting.  This is Periva’s nature.

Voice of Periva

25 Oct, 08:00


Voice of Periva

24 Oct, 03:03


Voice of Periva

22 Oct, 04:25


Voice of Periva

21 Oct, 04:06


Voice of Periva

19 Oct, 09:01

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara-Shata Naamaavali series : Naama 30 - Saakshaatkrutajaganmaatruswaroopaaya Namo Namah

साक्षात् कृत, जगन्मातृ, स्वरूपाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Saakshaat Kruta Jagan Maatru Swaroopaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to Him, who is manifest by His actions as the Mother of the Universe.


Whatever may be our age, with God as our Mother, we become a baby and imbibe the qualities of perfect reliance, total surrender, getting rid of our mental aberrations and pre-dispositions and imbibe all the divine nature of the child. 

Let it be hunger, may be a need or want, may be a desire to go out or play games or some sort of sickness, whatever it may be; the child just catches hold of the Mother pleading, "Amma, Amma!". In the exact similar way, we must pray to the Universal Mother to take us as Her child. BrihadAAraNyaka Upanishad advices, that we should 'become a baby in the hands of God', (III.5.1.).

To think of God as Universal Mother, does not mean that we are assuming something fictitious and feel happy about it. In fact, in God, as the repository of all beneficial qualities, complete Motherhood is very much present as an epitome of Vaatsalyam and Sacrifice as the root cause of such feelings!  Paramaatma is full of it and does not require our imagination.

MaNikka Vaasagar when he says, "தாயிற் சிறந்த தயாவான தத்துவனே" – ‘thaayir chiranda dayaavaana  tattuvane’, (Siva PuraaNam  line 61), he is alluding to this very character quality of Paramaatma only, and says that 'He is more than a Mother'!

Maha Periva nurtured the universe as a Mother without any distinction of the type of being, gender, caste, religion or capability. Just as a Mother, he showered the love without any expectation. There are countless such instances where His Maatru-swabhaavam was visible clearly. Given below is just one such incident:

No hot water for Me today!

It was a cold morning in the month of Karthigai (Nov-Dec). One of the Shishyas was about to light the 'Kottai aduppu' (Traditional stove). Periva called him and said “I do not need hot water today. So, don't light the kottai aduppu”. The shishya thought ‘Ok, but how can we make 'neivedhyam (food offering for Gods)?’. Maha Swami said, “Use the 'irumbu aduppu' (iron stove) instead”.
Time passed - it was about 7 am in the morning. There was a sound ' meaow'. The shishya was scared that the cat might lick the 'neivedhyam'. He rushed searching for the cat. He found it inside the 'kottai aduppu' with 4 kittens!!

He shuddered at the thought of what would have happened had he lit the kottai aduppu. Now, he could understand Periva's order, “No hot water for me today”. The kittens were unable to bear the cold and so the cat had put the kittens inside the 'aduppu'.  It is just the grace of Periva to save His children – a clear proof of the fact that He is indeed the Jaganmaata – Divine Mother of every creature here in the universe, including those cat & kittens.  

On some occasions, he has even given Darshan to some of his devotees as the Universal Mother. In one such instance, there was an Austrian Lady, who came to India visiting several Devi Temples ,in pursuit of a well decorated Divine Lady who came repeatedly in her dream wearing a Green Saree, saying that she had forgotten to come and see HER. Finally, she had a ‘by chance’ darshan of Periva and swoons.  She later stated that it was Periva who she saw in the dream as the beautiful divine lady in a green saree decked with all the ornaments, and she lost consciousness when she saw the form.  Blessed soul indeed.      

Maha Periva had, in all humility and true love as a Mother, observed Thirodaana (Secrecy) in extending Anugrahaa (Grace) to HIS devotees.  Many of the instances are coming out several years after his Samaadhi.

Other information:

Let us as good disciples of Maha Periva hold on to Him as the Universal Mother without releasing Him. He will, like the Mother Cat, take care of us, who are like the kitten. (Maarjaala-Kishora Nyaayaa)

Voice of Periva

18 Oct, 08:15


Voice of Periva

17 Oct, 03:23


Voice of Periva

15 Oct, 04:31


Voice of Periva

14 Oct, 04:22


Voice of Periva

13 Oct, 06:28

29 - Chakshurgatamahaatejotyujjvalaaya Namo Namah

चक्षुर्गत, महा-तेजोति, उज्ज्वलाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Chakshur-gata Mahaatejoti Ujjvalaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to Him who shines before our very eyes as a shining ball of Tejas. 


There are many instances, of Maha Periavaa radiating as a shining ball of Tejas or Halo.

Special mention could be made briefly of the unique experience with Maha Periavaa  of the  British theosophist and spiritualist Paul Brunton,  credited with introducing Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi to the West through his books “A Search in Secret India and The Secret Path”

In the quest of enlightenment and answer to his various doubts on Spirituality, Paul Brunton, was travelling the length and breadth of various places in the world, meeting great souls and Siddha Purushaas.  Not satisfied, finally, he is mystically led to meet Maha Periavaa who was then camping in Chengalpet and not known to be seeing foreigners too in the 1930’s.    Although, he approaches Maha Periavaa with a lot of skepticism, Periva expounds the answers of his questions (both expressed and latent within himself) that he is engulfed into the being of Periva, by His divinity, conduct, wisdom, knowledge, talks and clarity on profound topics to name a few.

Finally, Paul asks Periva, that he would like to meet someone with higher attainment in Yoga and who could give him some sort of proof or demonstration of them. Periva advises him "Go on with your travels. When you have finished them, think of the various holy men and Yogis you have met; then pick out the one who makes the most appeal to you. Return to him, and he will surely bestow his initiation upon you."  Periva then asked him to meet Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi who could guide him in the path and devote time to him.

Paul Brunton then takes leave of Periva, and mentions witnessing something strange while sleeping that night – here are his own words: “The next thing I remember of is suddenly awakening. The room is totally dark. I feel my nerves strangely tense. The atmosphere around me seems like electrified air. I pull my watch from under the pillow and under its radium lit dial, find the time to be a quarter to three. It is then that I become conscious of a bright light at the foot of my bed. I immediately sit up and look straight at it.

My astounded gaze meets the face and form of Shri Sankara. (Referring to Periva). It is clearly and unmistakably visible. He does not appear to be an ethereal ghost, but rather a solid human being. There is a mysterious luminosity around the figure which separates it from the surrounding darkness.

Surely the vision is an impossible one? Have I not left him at Chengalpet? I close my eyes tightly to test the matter. There is no difference and I still see him quite plainly! Let it suffice that I receive the sense of a benign and friendly presence. I open my eyes and regard the kindly figure in the loose yellow robe.

The face alters, for the lips seem to smile and utter the words: "Be humble, and you shall find what you seek."

Why do I feel that a living human being is addressing me thus? Why do I not feel it is a ghost at least?

The vision disappears as mysteriously as it has come. It leaves me feeling exalted, happy and unperturbed by its supernormal nature. Shall I dismiss it as a dream? What matters it?

Saakshaat Parameshwaraa as jyothi form of Maha Periavaa who  engulfed (Thadut-thu Aatkol in Tamizh)  Paul Brunton in Chengalpet  came  again as Arunaachala Jyoti  when he approached Bhagawan Ramanar in Thirumannamalai.  This conveys clearly, that, Maha Periavaa or Bhagawaan Ramana Maharishi are the  very manifestation of Lord Shiva. Brunton’s experience with Ramanar and his exploration into the self and  enlightenment thereon, is a part of  spiritual  history.

Other information:

Let us pray on to the Maha Tejaswaroopi – Sri Maha Periavaa for His guidance with the humility and simplicity He possessed.

Voice of Periva

12 Oct, 13:31


Voice of Periva

10 Oct, 02:49


Voice of Periva

08 Oct, 03:07


Voice of Periva

06 Oct, 07:13

Sri Maha Periva Ashtottara-Shata Naamaavali series

28 - Saakshaatparashivaamoghadarshanaaya Namo Namah

साक्षात्, परशिवा मोघ, दर्शनाय, नमो नमः

Split as :- Saakshaat Parashivaa mogha Darshanaaya Namo Namah


Our Vandanams to Him who manifests as Lord Parameshwaraa, when we have his darshan.


Mahaa periavaa has manifested as Lord Shiva both in looks and his conduct. There are several instance where he has given darshan as Lord Shivaa or Lord Natarajaa to devotees.  When we  have his darshan or when we hear some of the incidents, we know very clearly that he was none other than Pratyaksha Parameshwaraa despite his various efforts on Thiro-daanam ( Keep as secret) .  We can examine one such incident.

Treatment for Periva - as narrated by Prof S.Kalyanaraman, Neurosurgeon , Chennai

Maha Periyaval was suffering from some pain at the back of His neck. Dr. Badrinath who had just operated on His Holiness for cataract suggested that I should examine Maha Periyaval for suspected spondylosis and suggest treatment. The camp was at Sholapur at that time and one afternoon we arrived there.

After lunch I was taken to Maha Periyaval’s presence. I was told that He was suffering from high fever in addition to His earlier complaint of neck pain. He asked me to go ahead with the examination.

I performed Shaashtanga Namaskaram to Him first. He asked me why I was performing namaskaaram. I replied “Before I examine every patient in my clinic. I perform namaskaaram mentally to you and pray to you that the patient should be cured. When you are yourself my patient now, to whom can I pray except to you and I should be successful in my treatment? His Holiness smiled and said “Go ahead”.

After completing the examination I found that His temperature was 105 degree. I hesitatingly told Him, “Periyavaal is having high fever. Will it be possible to avoid cold water bath for a day or two till the fever settles down? His Holiness replied “How can that be done? Yesterday was Chandra grahanam and last night I performed grahana snanam (bath at the time of eclipse) with the same fever.

I said, “Iswara, how can Periyaval’s physical system stand such strain?”

Maha Periyaval asked me “Do you know how grahana snanam is performed?”

I said I did not know.

His Holiness: “You have to hold your nostrils and take a dip in the river till the whole head is fully immersed in the water.

I was aghast that His Holiness had done this.

Then he added “Not once, but 108 times!”

I nearly fainted! I said “What treatment can I give you?”

"Only Lord Siva, whose incarnation you are, is protecting your body in spite of 108 head baths in the river with a body temperature of 105 degree. What can a poor mortal like me do except to pray to Lord Siva to keep you in good health for our sake for many more years to come?”

Other information:

Let us pray to Mahaa Periavaa sincerely since he is none other than Lord Parameshwaraa in the form of a Guru.

Compiled by: Voice Of Periva Channel | https://t.me/PerivaVoice
An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.mahaswami.org

Voice of Periva

05 Oct, 06:23


Voice of Periva

04 Oct, 04:27
