Últimas Postagens de Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024 (@pedia8) no Telegram

Postagens do Canal Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024
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Última Atualização 06.03.2025 14:26

O conteúdo mais recente compartilhado por Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024 no Telegram

Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

19 Jan, 17:50


Dehydration management (illustrated textbook)
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

17 Jan, 18:42


The following is correet regarding toddlers diarrhea
a- More common in girls
b- Could be due to carbohydrate malabsorption
c- Associated with failure to thrive.
d- Presence of undigested food in the stool is helpful for diagnosis.
E- Specific treatment is available.
د عبدالرحمن الجعكي
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

16 Jan, 18:14


. Regarding causes of bloody diarrhea; the following statement is incorrect:
a. Shigellosis.
b. Entamoeba Histolytica infestation.
c. Giardiasis
d. Cow's milk protein intolerance.
e. Campylobacter infection.
د عبدالرحمن الجعكي
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

15 Jan, 15:54


is an association of
1-#micrognathia posterior
2-displacement of the tongue (#glossoptosis) and
3-midline cleft of the soft #palate.

#Associated problems:-
1-difficulty #feeding
2-as the tongue falls back, there is #obstruction to the upper airways, which may result in cyanotic episodes.

--->the infant may need to lie #prone, allowing the tongue and small mandible to fall forward.
#Persistent obstruction can be treated using a #nasopharyngeal airway. Eventually, the mandible grows and these problems #resolve. The cleft palate can then be repaired.
د عبدالرحمن الجعكي
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

14 Jan, 21:45


A 4 weeks old baby boy presents with a history of vomiting after every feed. On examination the patient appears dehydrated.
. Which of the following is not suggestive of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis?
a. A palpable mass just above and to the right of the umbilicus on feeding test
b. Hypokalemic hypochloremic metabolic acidosis
c. Hypokalemic hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
d. Projectile vomiting
e. Visible gastric peristaltic movement
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

14 Jan, 16:41


#Infantile #pyloric #stenosis

• More common in boys and those with a maternal family history
.symptoms :Non bilious projectile vomiting-hungry after vomiting-signs of dehydration.

• Signs are: visible gastric peristalsis, palpable abdominal mass in the rt upper abdomen • •
• Associated with #hypokalaemic ,#hypochloraemic #metabolic_alkalosis•
* Diagnosis usually confirmed by ultrasound
• Treated by surgery after rehydration and correction of electrolyte imbalance
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

13 Jan, 19:03


Duodenal atresia"
(1st day with bilious vomiting)

**Remember 4D's:-
1.Duodenal atresia,
2.Double bubble sign on Xray,
3.Asso. With Down's syndrome,
4.Duodeno-duodenostomy (urgent surgical correction)
د عبدالرحمن الجعكي
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

12 Jan, 13:55


محاضرتنا اليوم المباشرة تكمله لمراجعه المواضيع المتبقية لشبتر respiratory ان شاء الله
Pneumonia-br asthma-cystic fibrosis.
من الساعة 8:00-9:30
ربي يوفقكم جميعا
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

11 Jan, 20:46


تم تنزيل محاضرة مراجعة respiratory الاولي .
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

10 Jan, 15:54


اليوم ان شاء الله المحاضرة المباشرة لمراجعة شبتر : respiratory system
التوقيت: من الساعة 7:00-9:00 مساءً
ربي يوفقكم جميعا