Últimas Postagens de Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024 (@pedia8) no Telegram

Postagens do Canal Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024
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Última Atualização 06.03.2025 14:26

O conteúdo mais recente compartilhado por Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024 no Telegram

Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

28 Jan, 22:24


Causes of #hepatomegaly:-

1-Infection: , infectious
mononucleosis, hepatitis,HIV
malaria, parasitic infection
2-Haematological,: thalassaemia,spherocytosis .
3-Liver disease: portal hypertension,
4-Malignancy: Leukemia, lymphoma,
neuroblastoma, hepatoblastoma
5-Metabolic: Glycogen and lipid storage
disorders, mucopolysaccharidoses
5-CVS: Heart failure( tender)
د عبدالرحمن الجعكي
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

26 Jan, 18:52


#Cyanosis: 2 types

#Peripheral-cyanosis [sites:- hands and feet, or around the mouth,tip of nose ,ears lobules ) caused by hypothermia ,shock ,low COP , associated with normal arterial saturation .

#Central-cyanosis [sites :tongue , soft palate ) appears Clinically if reduced Hb exceeds(50g/L=5g/dL), caused usually by respiratory or cardiac disease ,associated with low arterial saturation.{it is less pronounced in aneamic child }
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

24 Jan, 18:36


The following statement is INCORRECT regarding Hirschsprung disease
a. More common in females
b. Associated with delay passage of Meconium in neonatal period
c. Abdominal distention and constipation are recognized features
d. Absence of ganglion cells in histopathology is diagnostic
e. Should be managed by surgery
د عبدالرحمن الجعكي
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

23 Jan, 17:06


#Preventer therapy
مهم جدا
Prophylactic drugs are effective only if taken regularly. Inhaled corticosteroids (often called preventers) are the #most_effective_inhaled_prophylactic_therapy. They decrease airway inflammation, resulting in decreased symptoms, asthma exacerbations and bronchial hyper- activity. They are often used in conjunction with an inhaled LABA or leukotriene receptor antagonist. They have no clinically significant side-effects when given in low dose, although they can cause mild reduction in height velocity, but this is usually followed by catch-up growth in late childhood. Systemic side- effects, including impaired growth, adrenal suppression and altered bone metabolism may be seen when high doses are used. To reduce the risk of unwanted side- effects, treatment with inhaled corticosteroids should always be at the lowest dose possible.
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

23 Jan, 17:06


Caueses of convulsion in child with Gastroenteritis
1. Febrile convulsion
2. Shigella GE
3. Hypo Na and Hyper Na,hypoglycemia.
4. 🧠 odema
5.Dural Sinus vein thrombosis
د عبدالرحمن الجعكي
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

22 Jan, 17:16


#Acrodermatitis_enteropathica rash
#Zinc deficiency
#rare_Autosomal recessive disorder
is characterised by a triad of periorificial -perianal and acral dermatitis, chronic diarrhoea and alopecia.
د عبدالرحمن الجعكي
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

21 Jan, 17:47


-Acute diarrhea in children
a)Often requires careful attention to fluid intake to prevent dehydration
b)Is usually bacterial and therefore requires antibiotic treatment
c)Is very rarely infectious to other children*
d) Is a cause of failure to thrive
e)Always presents with blood in the stools.
د عبدالرحمن الجعكي
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

20 Jan, 19:29


also known as the Guthrie test :

Diseases included in newborn screening program in UK .
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

20 Jan, 19:21


In acute appendicitisthe following statement is incorreet:
a-Is the commonest cause of abdominal pain requiring surgeryin childhood
b-Commonly present before age of 3 years
c-Perforation may occur rapid in pre-school children with non specific signs
d- Ultrasound can help in the diagnosis
e-Appendectomy is indicated in all children
د عبدالرحمن الجعكي
Pediatrics "د.الجعكي "2024

19 Jan, 17:50


#Signs of #dehydration (important in clinic