1 Admin @UzB_aLmaz
2 Admin @OtamFF_Uz
Xudo Xoxlasa Ertaga 12:30 Dan
Toliq Ishga Tushadi Xizmat
Ungacha Hammasini Togirlab Tayor
Qib Qoyamiz Endi Biz Bilan
Bemalol Ishlasez Boladi Jgarla
OTAM FF KANALI is a vibrant and dynamic Telegram channel that caters to the needs of the Uzbek-speaking community. Owned and managed by @Boyaka147, this channel, known as Danater Almaz Xizmati, offers a wide range of services and content to its subscribers. From Akk Sovdo Boyicha with @Savdo147 to Donat Uchun @Otam_Donat, the channel provides a platform for various trading and donation opportunities. Additionally, for those interested in the world of cars, Masheniklar_FF @Masheniklar_FF shares valuable insights and information. OTAM Pravila @pravila_otam ensures that all members adhere to the channel's guidelines and maintain a respectful community. VALYUTA ONLINE OLDI SOTI PUL @ValyutchikUz is another segment of the channel that focuses on currency exchange and trading. With a diverse range of content and services, OTAM FF KANALI is a one-stop destination for individuals looking for valuable information and opportunities within the Uzbek community. Join now and be a part of this thriving online community!
24 Nov, 01:54
23 Nov, 16:09
22 Nov, 11:32
22 Nov, 11:32
22 Nov, 11:32
20 Nov, 12:22
16 Nov, 15:04
16 Nov, 09:32
15 Nov, 10:00