🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿 @englishwithmsvasila Channel on Telegram

🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿


Assalomu alekum!
🇬🇧 Ingliz tili ATTESTATSIYAga biz bilan tayyorlaning!!! TEKIN BAZA

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ADMINGA BOG'LANISH UCHUN: @EnglishwithMsVasilabot

🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿 (Uzbek)

Assalomu alekum! Ingliz tili ATTESTATSIYAga biz bilan tayyorlaning! INGLIZ TILINI o'rganuvchilar uchun TEKIN Baza. englishwithmsvasila kanalida test guruhimiz va test botimiz mavjud. Agar sizning savollaringiz bo'lsa, @EnglishwithMsVasilabot admin bilan bog'lanishingiz mumkin. Biz bilan birga ingliz tilini mukammal o'rganing va attestatsiyangizni muvaffaqiyatli o'tkazing!

🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

24 Nov, 13:35

✔️Nechta topa oldingiz ☺️☺️
Kibr bo'lmasa kamentda javobingizni qoldiring🤝

3 ta 🏆
2 ta 🔥
1 ta 🕊
0 ta 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Kubokchilar hormanglar☺️☺️☺️
✈️@AnvarovaVasila & @EnglishwithMsVasila

🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

24 Nov, 13:24


Our unconscious mind contains many millions of past experiences that, so far as our conscious mind knows, are lost forever. By means of several devices, we now know how to bring back lost memories. One method is "free association", used by psychiatrists. If a patient lets his conscious mind wander at will, it can give him clues to forgotten things which, if skilfully pursued by the doctor, will bring up whole networks of lost ideas and forgotten terrors. There are certain drugs which also help in this process; hypnotism, too, can be of tremendous value in exploring a patient's unconscious.


🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

24 Nov, 13:23

🏡 Quiz time


📒Mavzu: Reading

🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

23 Nov, 10:37

Qaysi mavzuni o'tib berishim hohlaysiz?

Izohlarda yozib qoldiring👇👇👇

🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

23 Nov, 10:14

Kurs qancha vaqt deb so'raganlarga:

🔣siz bir marta to'lov qilasiz va 2oy darslarda jonli qatnashasiz

🔣bonus sifatida sizga Tahlil guruh linki beriladi, va yana 3oy ya'ni attestatsiyaga qadar Practice mashg'ulotlar bilan shug'ullanasiz

🔣bundan tashqari darslar record qilinadi, hohlagan paytingiz kirib o'rgansangiz bo'ladi

Dars qanday tashkil etilganligini Kursda o'qigan va Oliy toifalarni olgan ustozlarni fikrlari bilan ham tanishib chiqsangiz bo'ladi

🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

23 Nov, 04:54


📣ATTESTATSIYAGA TAYYORLANISH uchun 1️⃣-dekabr dan kurs ochilvoti, qish davomida biz bilan o'qib OLIY TOIFAga erishing!!!

📎Kurs davomida siz FONETIKA, MORFOLOGIYA, SEMANTIKA, PRAGMANTIKA, SOTSIOLINGVISTIKA, LEKSIKOLOGIYA, READING, GRAMMAR, DARSLIK +pedagogika testlar tahlili, har hil mavzudagi testlar ni o'rganishingiz mumkin.

🔣Darslar jonli tarzda haftada 3kun, dars record qilinadi, va guruhga tashlab beriladi

Shoshiling joylar soni chegaralangan 💥

📊Narxi: 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ming (darslar 2oy + attestatsiya kuniga qadar test tahlil va practice 5oy)
Anvarova Vasila karta raqamiga tashlaganingizdan so'ng @AnvarovaV ga skrinshotini yuborasiz, keyin sizga yopiq guruh linki beriladi ✔️

➡️Results ➡️Demo 1 ➡️Demo 2

🔣 @EnglishwithMsVasila

🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

22 Nov, 17:39

Anonim gaplashamiz

🚀 Начни получать анонимные сообщения прямо сейчас!


🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

22 Nov, 15:47

✔️Nechta topa oldingiz ☺️☺️
Kibr bo'lmasa kamentda javobingizni qoldiring🤝

3 ta 🏆
2 ta 🔥
1 ta 🕊
0 ta 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Kubokchilar hormanglar☺️☺️☺️
💜💜💜lar soni 50tadan ko'paysa yana practice uchun viktorina tasheman
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✈️@AnvarovaVasila & @EnglishwithMsVasila

🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

22 Nov, 15:34


İn 1911 a penniless young music-hall artist left England for America. His future was uncertain, but he did not believe it could be unhappier than his past. He had grown up in the slums of London's East End and had experienced great poverty. His mother's life had been so hard that she had finally gone mad, and his father had died of drink. Both parents had been on the stage and lived in the hope that they would one day be stars. Their son was determined to succeed where they had failed. By 1914 his optimism and determination had been justified. Charles Chaplin was the most talked-about man in America, the king of silent movies. He was not only admired as a first-class actor and comedian, he was also making his name as a director. How did he reach the top of the film world in such a short time? He was not an instant success. His attempts to copy other slapstick comedians who were popular at that time were a failure. However he gradually began to develop the character of the tramp that will always be connected with his name. He borrowed ideas from many sources and though he "stole" most of his clothes from other slapstick comedians of the time, he developed his own special mannerisms to go with them. He used his bowler hat to signal secret messages and his walking stick allowed him to cause confusion and punish his enemy from a distance. He got the idea for his famous flat-footed walk from a London taxi driver who had sore feet.


🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

22 Nov, 15:31

🏡 Quiz time 🤱


📒Mavzu: Reading

🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

22 Nov, 14:57

❗️Mana o'sha video

Hafta davomida QATTIQROQ BAQIRIB qo'ydim shekili🤭, ozgina hursand qilish maqsadida o'ylab topilgan, ustozga o'quvchilar tomonidan qilingan motivatsiya(trend)!!!😉

Torisi kutmagandim, judayam hursand bo'ldim. Mehr muhabbat mana shunday bo'lsa kerak. Doimiy ravishda bunday surprizlar qurboni bo'lish hammaga ham nasb qilsin

shuncha shirinliklarni nima qildi diganlarga, xonada o'quvchilar bilan baham ko'rildi, bundan tashqari yo'lda uchragan ustozlarga taqdim etdim, bu korrupsiya emas azizlar, shunchaki kayfiyat uchun

Video rolik Abdullayeva tomonidan yaratilindi

🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

22 Nov, 14:20

🤔1 haftadan beri juda og'ir hafta bo'lgandi, bugun qanday qilib kayfiyatimni ko'tarilgan videosini yuboremi? out of topic deb hijolat bub turibman🤷‍♀

🇬🇧ENGLISH | Attestatsiya🇺🇿

22 Nov, 14:13

✔️Nechta topa oldingiz ☺️☺️
Kibr bo'lmasa kamentda javobingizni qoldiring🤝

10 ta 🏆
9 ta 🔥
8 ta 🕊
7 ta 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️
6 ta 🐬
5 ta 💔

Kubokchilar hormanglar☺️☺️☺️ Rahm qildm, osonidan tashab.
💜💜💜lar soni 50tadan ko'paysa yana practice uchun viktorina tasheman
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✈️@AnvarovaVasila & @EnglishwithMsVasila





