Introducing the SURF COFFEE PROPAGANDA MACHINE ® Telegram channel, also known as @originalmachine, a multifunctional renaissance machine dedicated to hip-hop propaganda and funky juvenile vibes. This unique channel is a hub for legendary music, sound poetry, timeless voodoo, and contemporary sound art. Powered by Surf Coffee ®, this channel showcases irresistible talent and takes its audience on a journey from the past to the future. If you're a fan of eclectic music, innovative soundscapes, and cutting-edge creativity, this channel is a must-follow. Join us on @originalmachine and immerse yourself in a world of musical exploration and artistic expression.
21 Nov, 13:08
21 Nov, 13:07
29 Oct, 16:20
11 Oct, 13:06
11 Oct, 13:03
27 Sep, 13:53
22 Sep, 09:02
21 Sep, 12:56
21 Sep, 11:31