The Noble Quran @nobelq Channel on Telegram

The Noble Quran


This channel was created by a few volunteers and was made possible with the will of Allah (Glory be unto Him)

The Noble Quran (English)

Welcome to The Noble Quran channel, also known as @nobelq on Telegram! This channel was created by a group of dedicated volunteers, motivated by the will of Allah (Glory be unto Him), to spread the teachings of the Quran. The Noble Quran channel is dedicated to sharing the Holy Quran in its entirety, providing followers with daily verses, explanations, and reflections. Whether you are a devout Muslim looking to deepen your understanding of the Quran or someone interested in learning more about Islam, this channel is the perfect place for you. Join us on this spiritual journey as we explore the rich teachings and wisdom of the Quran. Stay connected with us for daily updates and inspiring content that will uplift your soul and strengthen your faith. Let The Noble Quran channel be your guide to a deeper connection with Allah and His teachings. Join us today and embark on a path of enlightenment and spiritual growth!

The Noble Quran

27 Jan, 03:08

﴿يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللهَ وَابْتَغُوا إِلَيْهِ الْوَسِيلَةَ وَجَاهِدُوا فِي سَبِيلِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ﴾.

«اللَّهُمَّ آتِ نُفُوسَنَا تَقْوَاهَا ، وَزَكِّهَا أنْتَ خَيْرُ مَنْ زَكَّاهَا ، أنْتَ وَلِيُّهَا وَمَوْلَاهَا».
{O you who have believed, fear Allah and seek the means of approach to Him and strive in His cause that you may succeed.}

“O Allah, grant our souls their piety and purify them, for You are the best to purify them. You are their Guardian and Master.”

The Noble Quran

27 Jan, 02:54


The Noble Quran

26 Jan, 16:02

The Messenger of Allah صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم said:

“Verily, Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but rather He looks at your hearts and actions.”

[Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2564]

حَدَّثَنَا عَمْرٌو النَّاقِدُ، حَدَّثَنَا كَثِيرُ بْنُ هِشَامٍ، حَدَّثَنَا جَعْفَرُ بْنُ بُرْقَانَ، عَنْ يَزِيدَ بْنِ، الأَصَمِّ عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ 

"‏ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يَنْظُرُ إِلَى صُوَرِكُمْ وَأَمْوَالِكُمْ وَلَكِنْ يَنْظُرُ إِلَى قُلُوبِكُمْ وَأَعْمَالِكُمْ ‏"

The Noble Quran

26 Jan, 16:02

Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī رحمه الله said,

‘‘Indeed, those who came before you saw the Quran as personal letters from their Lord. So they would ponder over it by night and yearn for it by day.”

[Imam al-Nawawī رحمه الله, Al-Tibyān fī Ādāb Ḥamalat al-Qurʾān]

The Noble Quran

26 Jan, 15:57

The best Duaa for hardship

The Noble Quran

26 Jan, 03:04


The Noble Quran

25 Jan, 06:12

﴿رَبَّنَا ٱغۡفِرۡ لِی وَلِوَ ٰ⁠لِدَیَّ وَلِلۡمُؤۡمِنِینَ یَوۡمَ یَقُومُ ٱلۡحِسَابُ﴾ [إبراهيم ٤١]


Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and the believers the Day the account is established."

The Noble Quran

25 Jan, 02:52


The Noble Quran

24 Jan, 03:02


‣ Recite Surah al Kahf

‣ Send blessings upon the beloved Prophet ﷺ

‣ Perform Ghusl.

‣ Dress well and apply perfume.

‣ Proceed to the mosque early.

‣ Sit closer to the Imam. Listen attentively to the Friday sermon.

‣ Make du'a in the last hour (i.e., after Asr, remember the oppressed Ummah in your supplications)

The Noble Quran

24 Jan, 03:01

🖋 Prophet's Duʿā

Anas b. Mālik RaḍiAllāhu-ʿAnhu narrated that Prophet Ṣallallāhu-ʿAlaihi Wa Sallam would abundantly say:

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْهَمِّ وَالْحَزَنِ، وَالْعَجْزِ وَالْكَسَلِ، وَالْجُبْنِ وَالْبُخْلِ، وَضَلَعِ الدَّيْنِ، وَغَلَبَةِ الرِّجَالِ‏.‏

“O Allāh!! I seek refuge with You from:
• Sadness
• Depression
• Weakness
• Laziness
• Cowardice
• Stinginess
• Being overburdened with debt
• & Being overcome by men.”

● [الأدب المفرد للإمام البخاري ٨٠١ ، صححه الألباني]

The Noble Quran

24 Jan, 03:00

Benefit of Istighfar

Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) said: 

Indeed whenever I waiver and become indecisive in my mind about an issue, or about
something or (get in a) a situation (which is problematic for me) then I ask forgiveness of Allaah the Most High (make istighfar) a thousand times or more, or less

until He opens my chest for me and solves the problem which I was confused about (or found it difficult).

Even if at that time I was in a market place, or in a masjid or in a mountain pass or a school (but) that does not prevent me from the remembrance (of Allaah) and asking for forgiveness until I achieve my objective.

[al-Uqoodad-Durriyyah min Manaaqib Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah)]


The Noble Quran

24 Jan, 02:47


The Noble Quran

23 Jan, 09:38

﴿فَإِذَا بَرِقَ ٱلۡبَصَرُ ۝٧ وَخَسَفَ ٱلۡقَمَرُ ۝٨ وَجُمِعَ ٱلشَّمۡسُ وَٱلۡقَمَرُ ۝٩ یَقُولُ ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنُ یَوۡمَىِٕذٍ أَیۡنَ ٱلۡمَفَرُّ ۝١٠﴾ [القيامة ٧-١٠]
(7) So when vision is dazzled.
(8) And the moon darkens.
(9) And the sun and the moon are joined,
(10) Man will say on that Day, "Where is the [place of] escape?"

The Noble Quran

22 Jan, 02:43

۝To Allah belongs the command before and after۝

So if the servant is certain that the command is all for Allah and that the servant has no little or much of the matter, then he will have no reliance after that except contentment with the fates,

O Allah, decree for us what is good wherever it is and then make us content with it..

⚘ Quranic_Reflections ⚘

The Noble Quran

21 Jan, 03:37


The Noble Quran

21 Jan, 03:32

What is Gaza’s Secret?
A Must-Watch Video

All praise be to Allah, who has allowed us to witness true īmān in our lifetime—a level of belief we had only read about in books, but have now seen with our own eyes. Their certainty in Allah, reliance upon Him, unwavering hope in His mercy, steadfastness, and sacrifice for His sake have been nothing short of extraordinary.

What was the secret behind this incredible īmān throughout 15 months of horrific massacres and genocide? With over 47,000 precious lives martyred and more than 111,000 injured, how did they maintain such remarkable resilience and courage?

The Noble Quran

20 Jan, 20:52

( ويومئذ يفرح المؤمنون بنصر الله )

(And on that Day the believers will rejoice in Allah’s victory.) Ar-Rum

The Noble Quran

20 Jan, 03:17

Palestinians gather in the courtyard of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in central Gaza, reciting takbīrāt as the ceasefire takes effect.

اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ لَا إِلٰهَ إلَّا اللّٰهُ وَاللّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ وَلِلّٰهِ الْحَمْدُ
“Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. There is no god worthy of worship but Allah and Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest and all praise is for Allah alone.”

The Noble Quran

20 Jan, 03:16

Ramadan Countdown - 40 Days Left

اَللّٰهُمَّ بَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَانَ
O Allah, allow us to reach Ramaḍān.

The Noble Quran

20 Jan, 03:01


The Noble Quran

19 Jan, 01:06

The Noble Quran pinned «﴿وَٱللَّهُ جَعَلَ لَكُم مِّنۢ بُیُوتِكُمۡ سَكَنࣰا وَجَعَلَ لَكُم مِّن جُلُودِ ٱلۡأَنۡعَـٰمِ بُیُوتࣰا تَسۡتَخِفُّونَهَا یَوۡمَ ظَعۡنِكُمۡ وَیَوۡمَ إِقَامَتِكُمۡ وَمِنۡ أَصۡوَافِهَا وَأَوۡبَارِهَا وَأَشۡعَارِهَاۤ أَثَـٰثࣰا وَمَتَـٰعًا إِلَىٰ حِینࣲ﴾ [النحل ٨٠]…»

The Noble Quran

19 Jan, 01:05

﴿وَٱللَّهُ جَعَلَ لَكُم مِّنۢ بُیُوتِكُمۡ سَكَنࣰا وَجَعَلَ لَكُم مِّن جُلُودِ ٱلۡأَنۡعَـٰمِ بُیُوتࣰا تَسۡتَخِفُّونَهَا یَوۡمَ ظَعۡنِكُمۡ وَیَوۡمَ إِقَامَتِكُمۡ وَمِنۡ أَصۡوَافِهَا وَأَوۡبَارِهَا وَأَشۡعَارِهَاۤ أَثَـٰثࣰا وَمَتَـٰعًا إِلَىٰ حِینࣲ﴾ [النحل ٨٠]


And Allāh has made for you from your homes a place of rest and made for you from the hides of the animals tents which you find light on your day of travel and your day of encampment; and from their wool, fur and hair is furnishing and enjoyment [i. e., provision] for a time.

The Noble Quran

18 Jan, 02:53


The Noble Quran

18 Jan, 02:53


The Noble Quran

18 Jan, 02:53


The Noble Quran

17 Jan, 19:59



Allah says:

"Ask forgiveness from your Lord; Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving; He will send rain to you in abundance; And give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers."

Qur'an [71:10-12]

2⃣ FEARING ALLAH (having Taqwa)

Allah says:

"And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him."

Qur'an [65:2-3]


The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:

"If you were to rely upon Allah with the required reliance, then He would provide for you just as a bird is provided for, it goes out in the morning empty, and returns full."

Tirmidhi 2344


The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:

"Whoever would like his rizq (provision) to be increased and his life to be extended, should uphold the ties of kinship."

Bukhari 5986


Allah says:

"Whatsoever you spend of anything (in Allah's Cause), He will replace it. And He is the Best of providers."

Qur'an [34:39]

The Noble Quran

17 Jan, 02:51

۝To warn of the Day of Meeting۝

The Day of Meeting is a majestic name, for in it the creation meets the Creator, the people of heaven meet the people of earth, the first meet the last, the oppressor meets the oppressed, and the worker meets his work.

We ask You, O God, for safety, forgiveness, and well-being in this world and the hereafter..

⚘ Quranic_Reflections ⚘

The Noble Quran

16 Jan, 20:32

وَكَانَ حَقًّا عَلَيْنَا نَصْرُ الْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ
“…For it is Our duty to help the believers” (30:47).

The Noble Quran

16 Jan, 20:31

Ramadan Countdown - 43 Days Left

اَللّٰهُمَّ بَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَانَ
O Allah, allow us to reach Ramaḍān.

The Noble Quran

16 Jan, 15:44

۝To Allah belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth, and to Him will be returned the matter, all of it, so worship Him and put your trust in Him.۝

(Allah) is the companion of those who remember Him, the beloved of those who thank Him, the refuge of those who flee to Him, the refuge of those who seek protection in Him, the shelter of those who seek refuge in Him, the relief of those who trust in Him, and the help of those who seek His help.

So glory be to Him, a great God, generous, kind, and merciful..

⚘ Quranic_Reflections ⚘

The Noble Quran

09 Jan, 06:01

﴿وَٱللَّهُ یَدۡعُوۤا۟ إِلَىٰ دَارِ ٱلسَّلَـٰمِ وَیَهۡدِی مَن یَشَاۤءُ إِلَىٰ صِرَ ٰ⁠طࣲ مُّسۡتَقِیمࣲ﴾ [يونس ٢٥]


And Allāh invites to the Home of Peace [i.e., Paradise] and guides whom He wills to a straight path.

The Noble Quran

09 Jan, 03:15


ALLĀH tells,

مَا يَفْتَحِ اللَّهُ لِلنَّاسِ مِن رَّحْمَةٍ فَلَا مُمْسِكَ لَهَا وَمَا يُمْسِكْ فَلَا مُرْسِلَ لَهُ مِن بَعْدِهِ
Whatever ALLĀH grants to people of mercy - none can withhold it; And whatever HE withholds, none but HIM can grant it.

ALLĀH tells us that HE alone has control and gives and withholds as HE wills.

This leads to putting one’s trust in ALLĀH and feeling one’s need for HIM in all ways, so that one does not call upon anyone but HIM and does not fear or put hope in anyone but HIM.

Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di

The Noble Quran

09 Jan, 03:15

Nothing that is good is ever easily attained, except by hard work, effort and determination.

It is upon you to have four to gain four

1) action
3) taqwa
3) tawakkul
4) sabr

In order to gain

1) pleasure in this life and in the next
2) a pleasing status in the Eyes of Allah
3) Jannah
4) and most importantly the Face of Allah

So remember this, that no matter what it is you are striving for, let it be for the sake of Allah and everything will fall into place bi’idhnillah.

The Noble Quran

09 Jan, 03:10


The Noble Quran

08 Jan, 03:20

O God, this morning we ask you to make our hearts safe, protect our limbs, provide us with guidance and sufficiency, and write for us a share of abundant provision, peace of mind, and the garment of health and wellness. O Lord.

The Noble Quran

08 Jan, 03:17

A man said to Ibrāhīm b. Adham (raḥimahullāh), “I cannot pray qiyām al-layl, so tell me the cure for this.” He said, “Do not commit sin during the day, and He will help you to stand before Him at night, for your standing before Him at night is one of the greatest honours, and the sinner does not deserve that honour.”

The Noble Quran

08 Jan, 03:15

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever Allah wishes good for, He tests him with afflictions.” (Bukhārī)

The Noble Quran

08 Jan, 03:15


The Noble Quran

07 Jan, 03:25


The Noble Quran

06 Jan, 02:58

ʿUmar رضي الله عنه narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said:

‎"If you were to rely upon Allāh with the reliance He is due, you would be given provision like the birds: They go out hungry in the morning and come back with full bellies in the evening"

‎[Sunan Ibn Majāh 4164]

The Noble Quran

06 Jan, 02:56

Imam Malik (رحمه الله) said:

“I have been informed that Luqman said to his son:

‘O my son, the first thing you should acquire from this world, after a righteous friend, is a righteous wife.’”

[Al-Bayan wa al-Tahseel, 323/4]

The Noble Quran

05 Jan, 03:17

وَلَن تَرْضَىٰ عَنكَ ٱلْيَهُودُ وَلَا ٱلنَّصَـٰرَىٰ حَتَّىٰ تَتَّبِعَ مِلَّتَهُمْ ۗ قُلْ إِنَّ هُدَى ٱللَّهِ هُوَ ٱلْهُدَىٰ ۗ وَلَئِنِ ٱتَّبَعْتَ أَهْوَآءَهُم بَعْدَ ٱلَّذِى جَآءَكَ مِنَ ٱلْعِلْمِ ۙ مَا لَكَ مِنَ ٱللَّهِ مِن وَلِىٍّۢ وَلَا نَصِيرٍ

Never will the Jews or Christians be pleased with you, until you follow their faith. Say, “Allah’s guidance is the only true guidance.” And if you were to follow their desires after all the knowledge that has come to you, there would be none to protect or help you against Allah. ~ Qur'an 2: 120

The Noble Quran

04 Jan, 14:37

📚Beware, may Allah bless you, of the innovations and superstitions of the month of Rajab.

For a Muslim must worship Allah and draw closer to Him through acts of obedience based on knowledge and Sunnah, not ignorance and innovation.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “Every hadith that mentions fasting in Rajab and praying some nights in it is a fabricated lie.” [al-Manar al-Munif - 96]

Al-Iraqi, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “There is no authentic hadith about the virtue of Rajab.” [Fayd al-Qadir - 4/18].

Among the innovations of the month of Rajab:
Imam Ibn Uthaymeen (may Allah have on him) said:-

⚪️All the Hadiths that have been narrated about the virtue of prayer in Rajab or the virtue of fasting in Rajab are all very weak hadiths.

⚪️Some scholars have even said that they are fabricated and falsely attributed to the Prophet 🌸, so it is not permissible for anyone to rely on these Hadiths..

⚪️It is not permissible for anyone to rely on them and single out Rajab for fasting or prayer. Because that is a Bida’ah and the Prophet 🌸 said: “Every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance is in the Fire.”

⚪️I say to you, clarifying the truth, that the month of Rajab has no specific prayer, neither on the first Friday night of it nor there isthe it a specific fast on the first day of it nor on the rest of the days.

⚪️O Muslims, what is mentioned in the Book of Allah and in what is authentically reported from the Messenger of Allah 🌸 of righteous deeds is sufficient for what is mentioned in weak or fabricated hadiths attributed to the Messenger of Allah 🌸. If a person worships Allah with what is proven to be from the Religion of Allah, then he has worshiped Allah with insight, hoping for the reward of Allah and fearing His punishment.

The Noble Quran

04 Jan, 14:37

O Allah, we ask You to grant us beneficial knowledge, righteous deeds, good and abundant provision, and good offspring, O Lord of the Worlds.

The Noble Quran

04 Jan, 03:11

Forgotten Sunnah - immense strength:

Narrated Ali(may Allah be pleased with him):

Fatima complained of what she suffered from the hand mill and from grinding, when she got the news that some slave girls of the booty had been brought to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ). She went to him to ask for a maid-servant, but she could not find him, and told Aisha of her need. When the Prophet (ﷺ) came, Aisha informed him of that. The Prophet (ﷺ) came to our house when we had gone to our beds. (On seeing the Prophet peace be upon him) we were going to get up, but he (peace be upon him) said, 'Keep at your places,' I felt the coolness of the Prophet's feet on my chest. Then he (peace be upon him) said, "Shall I tell you a thing which is better than what you asked me for? When you go to your beds, say:

'Allahu Akbar (i.e. Allah is Greater)' for 34 times, and

'Al hamdu Li llah (i.e. all the praises are for Allah)' for 33 times, and

Subhan Allah (i.e. Glorified be Allah) for 33 times.

This is better for you than what you have requested."

حَدَّثَنَا بَدَلُ بْنُ الْمُحَبَّرِ، أَخْبَرَنَا شُعْبَةُ، قَالَ أَخْبَرَنِي الْحَكَمُ، قَالَ سَمِعْتُ ابْنَ أَبِي لَيْلَى، حَدَّثَنَا عَلِيٌّ، أَنَّ فَاطِمَةَ ـ عَلَيْهَا السَّلاَمُ ـ اشْتَكَتْ مَا تَلْقَى مِنَ الرَّحَى مِمَّا تَطْحَنُ، فَبَلَغَهَا أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم أُتِيَ بِسَبْىٍ، فَأَتَتْهُ تَسْأَلُهُ خَادِمًا فَلَمْ تُوَافِقْهُ، فَذَكَرَتْ لِعَائِشَةَ، فَجَاءَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَذَكَرَتْ ذَلِكَ عَائِشَةُ لَهُ، فَأَتَانَا وَقَدْ دَخَلْنَا مَضَاجِعَنَا، فَذَهَبْنَا لِنَقُومَ فَقَالَ ‏"‏ عَلَى مَكَانِكُمَا ‏"‏ حَتَّى وَجَدْتُ بَرْدَ قَدَمَيْهِ عَلَى صَدْرِي فَقَالَ ‏"‏ أَلاَ أَدُلُّكُمَا عَلَى خَيْرٍ مِمَّا سَأَلْتُمَاهُ، إِذَا أَخَذْتُمَا مَضَاجِعَكُمَا فَكَبِّرَا اللَّهَ أَرْبَعًا وَثَلاَثِينَ، وَاحْمَدَا ثَلاَثًا وَثَلاَثِينَ، وَسَبِّحَا ثَلاَثًا وَثَلاَثِينَ، فَإِنَّ ذَلِكَ خَيْرٌ لَكُمَا مِمَّا سَأَلْتُمَاهُ ‏"‌‏.‏

Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3113

The Noble Quran

04 Jan, 02:57


The Noble Quran

03 Jan, 14:05

O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, pardon me, and grant me from the vastness of Your generous grace, and make goodness in my affairs, O Lord of the worlds.

The Noble Quran

03 Jan, 11:44

On this blessed day of Friday, seek forgiveness for the sins you've committed during the past week. Send salawaat on the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the leader of this Ummah. Read Surah Al-Kahf, as it will be a light for you until next Friday. Take advantage of the last hour before Maghrib, isolate yourself, and make duaa for all that your heart desires. Make Friday the day you set your intentions for the next week. May Allah bless us to benefit, Ameen.

The Noble Quran

03 Jan, 08:16

﴿إِنَّ عِدَّةَ ٱلشُّهُورِ عِندَ ٱللَّهِ ٱثۡنَا عَشَرَ شَهۡرࣰا فِی كِتَـٰبِ ٱللَّهِ یَوۡمَ خَلَقَ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَ ٰ⁠تِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضَ مِنۡهَاۤ أَرۡبَعَةٌ حُرُمࣱۚ ذَ ٰ⁠لِكَ ٱلدِّینُ ٱلۡقَیِّمُۚ فَلَا تَظۡلِمُوا۟ فِیهِنَّ أَنفُسَكُمۡۚ﴾ [التوبة ٣٦]


The number of months with Allah is twelve, in the Record of Allah since the day He created the heavens and earth; of which four are sacred. This is the straight way, so do not wrong yourselves during these months

The Noble Quran

09 Dec, 02:46


The Noble Quran

08 Dec, 08:31


The Noble Quran

07 Dec, 10:30

[Allah is Kind to His servants]

If you gathered all the kindness of people to you

It would not be equal to ..
A drop in the ocean of Allah's kindness to you ..!

So go to Him in your need,

In your weakness
He will come to you with His relief and strength ..?

My God, I seek refuge in You from walking without a guide, from striving in vain, and from a path without a goal.

O Allah, keep me in Your care, no human being can harm me, and no fate can make me cry, and please me and mend my feelings.

The Noble Quran

07 Dec, 02:51


ALLĀH says,

كَيۡفَ تَكۡفُرُونَ بِٱللَّهِ وَكُنتُمۡ أَمۡوَٰتًا فَأَحۡيَٰكُمۡۖ ثُمَّ يُمِيتُكُمۡ ثُمَّ يُحۡيِيكُمۡ ثُمَّ إِلَيۡهِ تُرۡجَعُونَ
How can you disbelieve in ALLĀH? when you were lifeless and HE gave you life, then HE will cause you to die and again bring you to life, and then to HIM you will be returned.

This is a question which is intended to reflect astonishment as well as to rebuke and denounce. In other words, how could you disbelieve in ALLĀH, Who created you from nothing and bestowed upon you all types of blessings, then HE will cause you to die when you reach the appointed time, and HE will requite you in the grave, then HE will bring you back to life at the time of the Resurrection, then to HIM you will return and HE will repay you in full? As you are under HIS control, encompassed by HIS kindness and subject to HIS commands, after which you will be brought to account, is it befitting for you to disbelieve in HIM? Can that be anything other than great ignorance and foolishness? Rather what is befitting for you is to believe in HIM, be aware of HIM, be grateful to HIM, fear HIS punishment and hope for HIS reward.

Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di

The Noble Quran

07 Dec, 00:58

﴿إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ وَمَلَـٰۤىِٕكَتَهُۥ یُصَلُّونَ عَلَى ٱلنَّبِیِّۚ یَـٰۤأَیُّهَا ٱلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ صَلُّوا۟ عَلَیۡهِ وَسَلِّمُوا۟ تَسۡلِیمًا﴾ [الأحزاب ٥٦]


Indeed, Allāh confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels
[ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [Allāh to confer] blessing upon him and ask [Allāh to grant him] peace.

The Noble Quran

07 Dec, 00:57

﴿ وَلَا تُصَعِّرْ خَدَّكَ لِلنَّاسِ وَلَا تَمْشِ فِي الْأَرْضِ مَرَحًا ۖ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ﴾ [لقمان ١٨]


And do not turn your cheek [in contempt] toward people[] and do not walk through the earth exultantly. Indeed, Allāh does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful.

The Noble Quran

05 Dec, 11:38

Warding off calamities by doing Istighfar (Seeking forgiveness) - from Allah The Almighty:

{Nor will He punish them while they seek "Allah's" Forgiveness}. [Al-Anfaal 8:33]

{وَمَا كَانَ اللّهُ مُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَهُمْ يَسْتَغْفِرُونَ} الأنفال: 33

Transliteration: wama kanaAllahu mu'aththibahum wahum yastaghfiroon

The Noble Quran

05 Dec, 02:59


The Noble Quran

04 Dec, 15:09


ALLĀH threatens those who disbelieve in HIM and in HIS Messengers, such as the Jews and Christians, who differentiate between ALLĀH and HIS Messengers regarding faith.

They believe in some Prophets and reject others, following their desires, lusts and the practices of their forefathers. They do not follow any proof for such distinction, because there is no such proof. Rather, they follow their lusts and prejudices.

The Jews, may ALLĀH curse them, believe in the Prophets, except 'Isa and Muhammad, peace be upon them.

The Christians believe in the Prophets but reject their Final and Seal, and the most honored among the prophets, Muhammad, peace be upon him.

In addition, the Samirah (Samaritans) do not believe in any Prophet after Yuwsha (Joshua), the successor of Musa bin Imran.

The Majus (Zoroastrians) are said to believe only in a Prophet called Zoroaster, although they do not believe in the law he brought them casting it behind them, and ALLĀH knows best.

Therefore, whoever rejects only one of ALLĀH's Prophets, he will have disbelieved in all of them, because it is required from mankind to believe in every prophet whom ALLĀH sent to the people of the earth. And whoever rejects one Prophet, out of envy, bias and personal whim, he only demonstrates that his faith in other Prophets is not valid, but an act of following desire and whim.

This is why ALLĀH said,

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَكْفُرُونَ بِاللّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ
Verily, those who disbelieve in ALLĀH and HIS Messengers...,

Thus, ALLĀH describes these people as disbelievers in ALLĀH and HIS Messengers;
وَيُرِيدُونَ أَن يُفَرِّقُواْ بَيْنَ اللّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ
and wish to make distinction between ALLĀH and HIS Messengers, (in faith),

وَيقُولُونَ نُوْمِنُ بِبَعْضٍ وَنَكْفُرُ بِبَعْضٍ وَيُرِيدُونَ أَن يَتَّخِذُواْ بَيْنَ ذَلِكَ سَبِيلً
saying, "We believe in some but reject others," and wish to adopt a way in between.

ALLĀH then describes them

أُوْلَـيِكَ هُمُ الْكَافِرُونَ حَقًّا
They are in truth disbelievers.

meaning, their disbelief in the Prophet they claim to believe in is clear. This is because their claimed faith in a certain Messenger is not true, for had they truly believed in him, they would have believed in other Messengers, especially if the other Messenger has a stronger proof for his truthfulness. Or at least, they would have strived hard to acquire knowledge of the truth of the other Messenger.

Tafsi‌r Ibn Kathīr

The Noble Quran

04 Dec, 08:45

Strong dua against oppressors:

From Jabir (رضي الله عنه) who said that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to say:

اللَّهُمَّ أَصْلِحْ لِي سَمْعِي وَبَصَرِي ، وَاجْعَلْهُمَا الْوَارِثَيْنِ مِنِّي ، وَانْصُرْنِي عَلَى مَنْ ظَلَمَنِي ، وَأَرِنِي مِنْهُ ثَأْرِي

Allahumma aslih-li sam’i wa basari, waj’alhumal waari-thayni minni, wansurni ‘ala man dhalamani, wa arini minhu tha’ri

(O Allah rectify for me my hearing, my sight and make them both healthy and strong until old age. Make me victorious over the one who oppressed me and show me his destruction and do not make me an oppressor)

[Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 649 (1/226), graded Saheeh by al-Albani in Saheehah no. 3606 and Hasan by Ibn Hajar in Nata’ij al-Afkar (3/87)]

In another narration from the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) who said that the Prophet (ﷺ) used to supplicate his Lord saying:

اللَّهُمَّ مَتِّعْنِي بِسَمْعِي، وَبَصَرِي، وَاجْعَلْهُمَا الْوَارِثَ مِنِّي، وَانْصُرْنِي عَلَى مَنْ يَظْلِمُنِي، وَخُذْ مِنْهُ بِثَأْرِي

Allahumma matti’ni bi-sam’i wa basari, waj’alhumal-waritha minni, wansurni ‘ala man yadhlimuni, wa khudh minhu bi-tha’ri

(O Allah give me enjoyment with my hearing and eyesight, make them both healthy and strong until old age. Make me victorious over the one who oppressed me and take revenge for me)

[Collected by al-Hakim 1/ 523 authenticated and agreed by ad-Dhahabi, Tirmidhi 3604, al-Bukhari in Al-Adab al-Mufrad 650 & others, and researched by al-Albani in Saheehah 3170 & he authenticated it. Shaykh Al-Albani said: ‘This has been narrated from a group of Companions, from them Abu Hurairah, Jabir bin Abdullaah, Ali bin Abu Taalib, Ayesha, Sa’ad bin Zarrarah, Anas bin Malik and Abdullaah bin ash-Shikheer.’ He continued:  ‘So in summary, the hadeeth with all these narrations is Saheeh especially since some of them are Hasan li-Dhatihi. And Allah knows best.’]

The Noble Quran

04 Dec, 08:38


The Noble Quran

03 Dec, 23:36


ALLĀH says,

هَلۡ تَعۡلَمُ لَهُۥ سَمِيًّا
Do you know of any who is similar to HIM?

That is, do you know of anyone who is equal to ALLĀH, who resembles HIM and is like unto HIM, from among created beings? This appears in the form of a question, but what is meant is negation. It is something that is known on the basis of rational thinking. In other words: you do not know of any who is equal to HIM or like unto HIM, because HE is the Lord and all others are subject to HIS Lordship; HE is the Creator and all others are created; HE is the Self-Sufficient in all aspects, and all others are inherently in need in all aspects; HE is absolutely perfect in all aspects, and all others are lacking, possessing no attributes of perfection except that which ALLĀH bestows upon them. This is definitive proof that ALLĀH is the only One Who alone is deserving of worship, and that worship of HIM is true whereas worship of all others besides HIM is false. Therefore HE enjoined that HE alone be worshipped, with steadfastness, and HE gave as the reason for that HIS utter perfection, for HE alone is the Almighty, to Whom belong the most beautiful names.

Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di

#sadi Maryam 19:61

The Noble Quran

03 Dec, 16:53

He Who Lacks Ghayrah (Protective Jealousy) Is NOT A Man

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ثلاثة قد حرم الله تبارك وتعالى عليهم الجنة : مدمن الخمر ، والعاق ، والديوث الذي يقر في أهله الخبث.

The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: “There are three upon whom Allāh Tabārak Wa Ta'ālā has made Paradise Ḥarām (forbidden):

• The one addicted to intoxicants

• The one who is disobedient (to his parents)

• And the Dayyooth (shameless one) who approves lewd/evil acts of his womenfolk.”

● [رواه النسائي في السنن ٦١١٣]

Ibn al-Qayyim Raḥimahullāh said: “And that is because Ghayrah (protective jealousy) is from the basis of this religion so whoever lacks it then he lacks Deen, hence to Allāh a Dayyooth is the most vile creature and Jannah is Ḥarām upon him.”

● [الجواب الكافي]

al-Lajnah ad-Dā'imah (scholarly committee for research and Iftā) was asked if the label ‘Dayyooth’ applies to a man who allows his womenfolk to uncover themselves and wear unislamic attire or is it only applied to the one approves of acts of Zinā by his womenfolk??

They said: “So when one looks at these narrations then he understands that the label 'Dayyooth’ is applied to EVERYONE who APPROVES EVIL of those who are under his guardianship (Wilāyah), be it his wife or daughter or his sister, all of it is same whether he approves them committing Zinā or whether he approves them engaging in THE SOURCES THAT LEAD TO ZINĀ, like his woman (wife, sister or daughter) uncovering herself in front of an unrelated man or being alone with him or going out of her home with him…”

● [فتوى رقم ٣٢٤٦]

👆 Fatwā approved by Sh. Ibn Bāz Raḥimahullāh !!

The Noble Quran

03 Dec, 02:42

🌅*Morning Brightness*🌅

🌺O Allah, we ask that you do not make us among those who sever family ties or sever the bonds of brotherhood, friendship and neighborhood, and make us merciful, forgiving, and pure in secret and conscience. My beloved, I ask Allah Almighty to grant you His love, fear, grace and provision, and that goodness comes to you from every place and in every place, and that He relieves you of what has constricted the chests and diminished the means and weakened the strength, and that He keeps you always in His protection and safety, safe.

🌺O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessings and increase and bestow blessings upon the one who brought guidance and the clear true religion, our master, beloved, role model, leader and intercessor on the day of the great calamity, our master Muhammad, and upon his family and companions, and grant them peace in abundance until the Day of Judgment.

🌹May Allah grant you a morning of those who suppress anger and pardon people🌹

The Noble Quran

03 Dec, 02:36


The Noble Quran

02 Dec, 19:15

Allah has chosen humans to be the noblest of creation and gifted them with the intellect to recognise and know Allah.

Imām al-Ghazālī (raḥimahullāh) writes, “The honour and excellence of the human being, by which he surpasses all other creatures, is his ability for knowing Allah. Knowing Allah (ʿazza wa jall) is the human’s beauty, perfection and glory in this world; and his provision for the hereafter.”

💙 Instil the Oneness of Allah in your children’s hearts by helping them to reflect on their own bodies.

💐 Purchase the Iman & Tazkiyah books today or download the FREE PDFs.

The Noble Quran

01 Dec, 02:57


The Noble Quran

30 Nov, 19:03

Bilāl Bin Sa'd رحمه الله said:

"Righteous deeds are not accepted along with (theses) three things:

1. Shirk (Major and Minor)
2. Kufr.
3. Opinion.

He was asked: "What is 'Opinion'?"

He said: "Ignoring the book of Allāh and the Sunnah of Allāh's Messenger ﷺ and acting upon ones own opinion."

● {أبو نعيم في الحلية ٥/٢٢٩}

The Noble Quran

30 Nov, 19:02

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:

"Whoever takes a piece of the land of others unjustly, he will sink down the seven earths on the Day of Resurrection."

📚: Sahih Bukhari 2454


The Noble Quran

30 Nov, 08:20


Here ALLĀH tells us about HIS servant and Messenger Ayub (Job) and how HE tested him. These tests afflicted his body, his wealth and his children, until there was no part of his body that was healthy except his heart. Then he had nothing left in this world which he could use to help him deal with his sickness or the predicament he was in, besides his wife, who retained her devotion to him because of her faith in ALLĀH and HIS Messenger. She used to work for people as a paid servant, and she fed and served him (Ayūb) for nearly eighteen years.

Before that, he was very rich and had many children, being well off in worldly terms. All of that had been taken away until he ended up being thrown into the city dump where he stayed all this time, shunned by relatives and strangers alike, with the exception of his wife -- may ALLĀH be pleased with her. She did not leave him, morning and evening, except for when she was serving people, then she would come straight back to him. When this had gone on for a long time, and things had gotten very bad, and the time allotted by divine decree had come to an end, Ayūb prayed to the Lord of the worlds, the GOD of the Messengers, and said:

أَنِّى مَسَّنِىَ الضُّرُّ وَأَنتَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ
Verily, distress has seized me, and YOU are the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy
. (21:83)

And according to this Ayah:

وَاذْكُرْ عَبْدَنَا أَيُّوبَ إِذْ نَادَى رَبَّهُ أَنِّي مَسَّنِيَ الشَّيْطَانُ بِنُصْبٍ وَعَذَابٍ
And remember OUR servant Ayūb, when he invoked his Lord (saying): "Verily, Shaytan has afflicted me with distress and torment!"

It was said that "distress" referred to bodily afflictions and "torment" referred to the loss of his wealth and children.

Then the Most Merciful of those who show mercy responded to him, telling him to stand up and strike the ground with his foot.

He did this, and ALLĀH caused a spring of water to flow. HE commanded him to wash in it, and all the pain and affliction in his body disappeared. Then HE commanded him to strike the ground in a different place, and ALLĀH caused another spring to flow, and Ayūb was commanded to drink from it. Then all his internal problems disappeared, and he became healthy again, inside and out.

ALLĀH says:

ارْكُضْ بِرِجْلِكَ هَذَا مُغْتَسَلٌ بَارِدٌ وَشَرَابٌ
Strike the ground with your foot. This is (a spring of) water to wash in, cool and a (refreshing) drink.

{Tafsi‌r Ibn Kathīr}


The Noble Quran

30 Nov, 08:19


The Noble Quran

22 Nov, 15:17

Imām Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله listed a few consequences of sinning/disobeying Allāh:

• Lack of success
• Corrupt views
• Blindness from truth
• Corruption of the heart
• Failing to remember Allāh
• Wasting of time
• Avoidance and hate by the creation
• Separation between the servant and his Lord
• Supplication not being answered
• Hardness of the heart
• Decaying of blessing in provision and age
• Prevention from attaining knowledge
• Humiliation
• Insults from the enemies
• Constriction of the chest
• Affliction with evil friendship, those who corrupt the heart and make one waste the time
• Prolonging of sadness and grief
• Miserable life
• & Disappointment

All this results from sinning and and neglecting to remember Allāh, just as crops are grown by being watered and are consumed by fire.

● [كتاب الفوائد للإمام ابن القيم صفحة ٦٢]


The Noble Quran

22 Nov, 02:50

Abū Qatāda رضي الله عنه reported: The Prophet ﷺ said, “Verily, you will never leave anything for the sake of Allāh Almighty but that Allāh will replace it with something better for you.”

[Musnad Aḥmad 23074]

The Noble Quran

22 Nov, 02:37


The Noble Quran

21 Nov, 17:50

Abu Darr رضي الله عنه said,

"Messenger of Allah, advise me.”

He ﷺ said: “Whenever you commit a sin, follow it up with a good deed which will erase it.”

I asked, “Is saying, La ilaha illa Allah (none is worthy of being worshipped but Allah) considered a good deed?’”

He answered: “It is the best of good deeds.”

[Silsila al-aHaadith as-Sahiha, 3/361]

The Noble Quran

21 Nov, 02:39

﴿وَجَعَلۡنَا ٱلَّیۡلَ وَٱلنَّهَارَ ءَایَتَیۡنِۖ فَمَحَوۡنَاۤ ءَایَةَ ٱلَّیۡلِ وَجَعَلۡنَاۤ ءَایَةَ ٱلنَّهَارِ مُبۡصِرَةࣰ لِّتَبۡتَغُوا۟ فَضۡلࣰا مِّن رَّبِّكُمۡ وَلِتَعۡلَمُوا۟ عَدَدَ ٱلسِّنِینَ وَٱلۡحِسَابَۚ وَكُلَّ شَیۡءࣲ فَصَّلۡنَـٰهُ تَفۡصِیلࣰا﴾ [الإسراء ١٢]
And We have made the night and day two signs, and We erased the sign of the night and made the sign of the day visible[731] that you may seek bounty from your Lord and may know the number of years and the account [of time]. And everything We have set out in detail.

The Noble Quran

20 Nov, 04:32

﴿وَلِلَّهِ ٱلۡأَسۡمَاۤءُ ٱلۡحُسۡنَىٰ فَٱدۡعُوهُ بِهَاۖ وَذَرُوا۟ ٱلَّذِینَ یُلۡحِدُونَ فِیۤ أَسۡمَـٰۤىِٕهِۦۚ سَیُجۡزَوۡنَ مَا كَانُوا۟ یَعۡمَلُونَ﴾ [الأعراف ١٨٠]


And to Allāh belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.
And leave [the company of] those who practice deviation concerning His names[1]
They will be recompensed for what they have been doing.

The Noble Quran

20 Nov, 02:22


The Noble Quran

19 Nov, 16:37

﴿وَوَصَّیۡنَا ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ بِوَ ٰ⁠لِدَیۡهِ إِحۡسَـٰنًاۖ حَمَلَتۡهُ أُمُّهُۥ كُرۡهࣰا وَوَضَعَتۡهُ كُرۡهࣰاۖ وَحَمۡلُهُۥ وَفِصَـٰلُهُۥ ثَلَـٰثُونَ شَهۡرًاۚ حَتَّىٰۤ إِذَا بَلَغَ أَشُدَّهُۥ وَبَلَغَ أَرۡبَعِینَ سَنَةࣰ قَالَ رَبِّ أَوۡزِعۡنِیۤ أَنۡ أَشۡكُرَ نِعۡمَتَكَ ٱلَّتِیۤ أَنۡعَمۡتَ عَلَیَّ وَعَلَىٰ وَ ٰ⁠لِدَیَّ وَأَنۡ أَعۡمَلَ صَـٰلِحࣰا تَرۡضَىٰهُ وَأَصۡلِحۡ لِی فِی ذُرِّیَّتِیۤۖ إِنِّی تُبۡتُ إِلَیۡكَ وَإِنِّی مِنَ ٱلۡمُسۡلِمِینَ﴾ [الأحقاف ١٥]


And We have enjoined upon man, to his parents, good treatment. His mother carried him with hardship and gave birth to him with hardship, and his gestation and weaning [period] is thirty months. [He grows] until, when he reaches maturity and reaches [the age of] forty years, he says, "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to work righteousness of which You will approve and make righteous for me my offspring. Indeed, I have repented to You, and indeed, I am of the Muslims."

The Noble Quran

19 Nov, 15:33

‎Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:

‎“You will know where your house is in the Hereafter, so prepare yourself for it and you will be happy there.”

‎[al-Fawā’id | Pg. 119]

The Noble Quran

19 Nov, 15:33

My Dear People 🤎

Let me tell you something,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is watching, He is the most just, the most merciful and the All knowing, let them deceive you, let them hurt you and let them break the promises they made you. Let them do whatever they want, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is watching and He sees every little thing. Let it bring comfort to your heart that no stone will be left unturned and those who have done good in this world will be rewarded and those who have done evil, will be dealt with too. Every time you hurt someone without asking for sincere forgiveness, you are stacking up debts against yourself and until you make things right, you will be full of debt. Hurting Allah's creation is forbidden, breaking hearts and treating His creation badly is forbidden, fear Allah and His wrath.

The Noble Quran

15 Nov, 17:14

﴿وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِی عَنِّی فَإِنِّی قَرِیبٌۖ أُجِیبُ دَعۡوَةَ ٱلدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِۖ فَلۡیَسۡتَجِیبُوا۟ لِی وَلۡیُؤۡمِنُوا۟ بِی لَعَلَّهُمۡ یَرۡشُدُونَ﴾ [البقرة ١٨٦]


And when My servants ask you,
[O Muḥammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.

The Noble Quran

15 Nov, 13:19

• O Allah, I ask You for mercy from You to guide our hearts, unite our affairs, gather our scattered parts, reform our absent ones, raise our witnesses, purify our deeds, inspire us with what is right, repel temptations from us, and protect us from all evil.

Hour of Response 💜

The Noble Quran

15 Nov, 12:59


ALLĀH said,

يَا قَوْمِ ادْخُلُوا الَارْضَ المُقَدَّسَةَ
(Musa Said) "O my people! Enter the Holy Land,

ALLĀH states that Musa encouraged the Children of Israel to perform Jihad and enter Jerusalem, which was under their control during the time of their father Yaqub. Yaqub and his children later moved with his children and household to Egypt during the time of Prophet Yusuf. His offspring remained in Egypt until their exodus with Musa. They found a mighty, strong people in Jerusalem who had previously taken it over. Musa, ALLĀH's Messenger, ordered the Children of Israel to enter Jerusalem and fight their enemy, and he promised them victory and triumph over the mighty people if they did so. They declined, rebelled and defied his order and were punished for forty years by being lost, wandering in the land uncertain of where they should go. This was their punishment for defying ALLĀH's command.

ALLĀH said that Musa ordered them to enter the Holy Land,
الَّتِي كَتَبَ اللّهُ لَكُمْ
which ALLĀH has assigned to you

meaning, which ALLĀH has promised to you by the words of your father Israil, that it is the inheritance of those among you who believe.
وَلَا تَرْتَدُّوا عَلَى أَدْبَارِكُمْ
and turn not back

in flight from Jihad.
فَتَنقَلِبُوا خَاسِرِينَ
for then you will be returned as losers."

قَالُواْ يَٰمُوسَىٰٓ إِنَّ فِيهَا قَوۡمًا جَبَّارِينَ وَإِنَّا لَن نَّدۡخُلَهَا حَتَّىٰ يَخۡرُجُواْ مِنۡهَا فَإِن يَخۡرُجُواْ مِنۡهَا فَإِنَّا دَٰخِلُونَ 
They said, "O Musa! In it are a people of great strength, and we shall never enter it, till they leave it; when they leave,
then we will enter."

Their excuse was this, in this very town you commanded us to enter and fight its people, there is a mighty, strong, vicious people who have tremendous physique and physical ability. We are unable to stand against these people or fight them. Therefore, they said, we are incapable of entering this city as long as they are still in it, but if they leave it, we will enter it. Otherwise, we cannot stand against them.

قَالَ رَجُلَنِ مِنَ الَّذِينَ يَخَافُونَ أَنْعَمَ اللّهُ عَلَيْهِمَا
Two men of those who feared (ALLĀH and) on whom ALLĀH had bestowed HIS grace said...,

When the Children of Israel declined to obey ALLĀH and follow HIS Messenger Musa, two righteous men among them, on whom ALLĀH had bestowed a great bounty and who were afraid of ALLĀH and HIS punishment, encouraged them to go forward.

It was also said that the Ayah reads in a way that means that these men were respected and honored by their people. Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Ikrimah, Atiyah, As-Suddi, Ar-Rabi` bin Anas and several other Salaf and latter scholars stated that;

These two men were Yuwsha', the son of Nun, and Kalib, the son of Yufna.

These two men said to their people,
ادْخُلُواْ عَلَيْهِمُ الْبَابَ فَإِذَا دَخَلْتُمُوهُ فَإِنَّكُمْ غَالِبُونَ وَعَلَى اللّهِ فَتَوَكَّلُواْ إِن كُنتُم مُّوْمِنِينَ
"Assault them through the gate, for when you are in, victory will be yours. And put your trust in ALLĀH if you are believers indeed."

Therefore, they said, if you rely on and trust in ALLĀH, follow HIS command and obey His Messenger, then ALLĀH will give you victory over your enemies and will give you triumph and dominance over them. Thus, you will conquer the city that ALLĀH has promised you.

This advice did not benefit them in the least,

قَالُواْ يَا مُوسَى إِنَّا لَن نَّدْخُلَهَا أَبَدًا مَّا دَامُواْ فِيهَا فَاذْهَبْ أَنتَ وَرَبُّكَ فَقَاتِل إِنَّا هَاهُنَا قَاعِدُونَ
They said, "O Musa! We shall never enter it as long as they are there. So go, you and your Lord, and fight you two, we are sitting right here."

This is how they declined to join Jihad, defied their Messenger, and refused to fight their enemy.

Tafsi‌r Ibn Kathīr

#ibnkathir #maidah 5:21-24

The Noble Quran

14 Nov, 04:29

﴿ٱللَّهُ وَلِیُّ ٱلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ یُخۡرِجُهُم مِّنَ ٱلظُّلُمَـٰتِ إِلَى ٱلنُّورِۖ وَٱلَّذِینَ كَفَرُوۤا۟ أَوۡلِیَاۤؤُهُمُ ٱلطَّـٰغُوتُ یُخۡرِجُونَهُم مِّنَ ٱلنُّورِ إِلَى ٱلظُّلُمَـٰتِۗ أُو۟لَـٰۤىِٕكَ أَصۡحَـٰبُ ٱلنَّارِۖ هُمۡ فِیهَا خَـٰلِدُونَ﴾ [البقرة ٢٥٧]


Allāh is the Ally[1] of those who believe. He brings them out from darknesses into the light. And those who disbelieve - their allies are ṭāghūt. They take them out of the light into darknesses. [2] Those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein.

The Noble Quran

13 Nov, 03:04


The Noble Quran

12 Nov, 15:08

Don't take your prayers lightly!

Ibnul-Qayyim رحمه الله said:

«لِلْعَبْدِ بَيْن يَدَيِ اللهِ مَوْقِفَانِ: مَوْقِفٌ بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ فِي الصَّلاَةِ. وَمَوْقِفٌ بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ يَوْمَ لِقَائِهِ. فَمَنْ قَامَ بِحَقِّ المَوْقِفِ الأَوَّلِ هُوِّنَ عَلَيْهِ المَوْقِفُ الآخَرَ، وَمَنِ اسْتَهَانَ بِهَذَا المَوْقِفِ وَلَمْ يُوَفِّهِ حَقَّهُ شُدِّدَ عَلَيْهِ ذَلِكَ المَوْقِفُ»

"The slave has two standings before Allâh:
one in prayer and the other on the Day he meets Him. Whoever fulfills the right of the first standing, the second will be made easier for him. But whoever takes the first standing lightly and does not fulfill its right, the second will be made difficult."

📓[«الفوائد» لابن القيّم: (240)]

The Noble Quran

12 Nov, 15:05


The Noble Quran

12 Nov, 15:03


ALLĀH says,

رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغۡ قُلُوبَنَا بَعۡدَ إِذۡ هَدَیۡتَنَا
Our Lord! Do not let our hearts deviate now after YOU have guided us,

That is, do not cause our hearts to incline away from the truth out of ignorance or stubbornness on our part; rather cause us to follow the straight path, to be guided and to guide others; make us steadfast in adhering to YOUR guidance and keep us safe from that which those who deviate suffer

وَهَبۡ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحۡمَةًۚ
and bestow upon us mercy from YOURSELF,

That is, grant mercy by means of which YOU guide us to that which will help us to do good and will protect us from evil

إِنَّكَ أَنتَ ٱلۡوَهَّابُ
for YOU are the Bestower.

That is, YOU give in abundance and are very kind; YOUR generosity reaches all created beings.

{Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di}

#sadi #Alimran (3:8)

Umm Salamah (may ALLĀH be pleased with her) reported:  I said, “O Messenger of ALLĀH, how often you supplicate saying:

يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِكَ
Ya Muqallibal-qulūb thabbit qalbī a'lā dīnika (O Turner of the hearts, keep my heart firm upon YOUR religion.)”

The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said, “O Umm Salamah, there is no human but that his heart is between the fingers of ALLĀH. Whoever HE wills is made steadfast and whoever HE wills is deviated.” Mu’adh recited the verse, “Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate after you have guided us.” (3:8) {Sunan al-Tirmidhi‌ #3522}

The Noble Quran

11 Nov, 14:27

Supplication for one in distress

اللّهُـمَّ رَحْمَتَـكَ أَرْجـوفَلا تَكِلـني إِلى نَفْـسي طَـرْفَةَ عَـيْن، وَأَصْلِـحْ لي شَأْنـي كُلَّـه لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أنْـت

Allaahumma rahmataka 'arjoo falaa takilnee 'ilaa nafsee tarfata 'aynin, wa 'aslih lee sha'nee kullahu, laa'ilaaha 'illaa 'Anta.

O Allah , I hope for Your mercy . Do not leave me to myself even for the blinking of an eye, Correct all of my affairs for me. There is none worthy of worship but You.

The Noble Quran

11 Nov, 09:09

The Noble Quran pinned «Hello, dear subscribers! We have a small favor to ask. To help more people discover our channel, please share our posts with friends, react to them, and leave your comments. While commenting, we kindly ask you to be respectful and considerate, remembering…»

The Noble Quran

11 Nov, 02:46

Napoleon was asked: Which of the fortresses of the Islamic East are the most impregnable to France?

He replied: The righteous mothers.
That is why their first battle was to corrupt the Muslim woman!

The Noble Quran

11 Nov, 02:40


The Noble Quran

10 Nov, 11:13


ALLĀH says,

وَإِذَا رَأَوۡاْ تِجَٰرَةً أَوۡ لَهۡوًا ٱنفَضُّوٓاْ إِلَيۡهَا وَتَرَكُوكَ قَآئِمًاۚ
When they see some merchandise or amusement, they rush towards it and leave you ˹O Muhammad˺ standing there.

that is, they leave the mosque, out of eagerness to see that distraction or that merchandise. They leave what is good, "and leave you standing there", addressing the people.

This refers to an incident that occurred one Friday, when the Prophet (ﷺ) was addressing the people. A trade caravan came to Madīnah, and when the people heard of it whilst they were in the mosque, they went out of the mosque and left the Prophet (ﷺ) addressing the people, and hastened towards that to which they should not have hastened, forgetting their manners.

قُلۡ مَا عِندَ ٱللَّهِ
"Say: That which is with ALLĀH" of reward for the one who adheres to goodness and is patient in worshipping his Lord

خَيۡرٌ مِّنَ ٱللَّهۡوِ وَمِنَ ٱلتِّجَٰرَةِۚ
"is better than any distraction or merchandise." Although there is some benefit in trade, it is little and tainted, and it will be the cause of missing out on goodness in the hereafter (for the one who left obligatory acts due to trade), whereas patience in obeying ALLĀH and continuing one's act of worship does not cause one to miss out on provision, for ALLĀH is the best of providers. So whoever fears ALLĀH, HE will grant him provision from where he does not expect.

From this passage we learn many things, including the following:

• It is prohibited to buy and sell after the call to Jumu’ah prayer. That is only because these actions cause one to miss out on the obligatory duty and distract one from it. This indicates that any matter, even if it is permissible in principle, if it results in missing something obligatory, then it is not permissible in that case.

• It is enjoined to attend the two khutbahs on Friday, and the one who does not attend them is blameworthy. What that implies is that one should listen attentively to both of them.

• The individual should focus on worshipping ALLĀH at a time when he is inclined to turn to distractions and trade, and respond to his desires. He should remind himself of that which is with ALLĀH of reward for the one who gives precedence to pleasing ALLĀH over his own whims and desires.

Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di

#sadi #jumuah (62:11

The Noble Quran

10 Nov, 11:13


The word Ummah is used in the Qur'an and Sunnah with a number of different meanings.

Sometimes when it is used it means a specified period of time.

An example is the statement of ALLĀH, the Exalted, in this verse,

إِلَى أُمَّةٍ مَّعْدُودَةٍ
till a determined Ummah (term),

This is also the meaning in the statement of ALLĀH in Surah Yusuf,

وَقَالَ الَّذِى نَجَا مِنْهُمَا وَادَّكَرَ بَعْدَ أُمَّةٍ
Then the man who was released, now after Ummah (some time) remembered. (12:45)

The word Ummah is also used to refer to the Imam (leader) who is followed. An example of this is in the statement of ALLĀH,

إِنَّ إِبْرَهِيمَ كَانَ أُمَّةً قَـنِتًا لِلَّهِ حَنِيفًا وَلَمْ يَكُ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ
Verily, Ibrahim was an Ummah, obedient to ALLĀH, Hanif, and he was not of those who were polytheists. (16:120)

The word Ummah is also used to mean religion and religious creed. This is as ALLĀH mentions concerning the polytheists, that they said,

إِنَّا وَجَدْنَأ ءَابَأءَنَا عَلَى أُمَّةٍ وَإِنَّا عَلَى ءَاثَـرِهِم مُّقْتَدُونَ
Verily, we found our fathers following a certain way and religion, and we will indeed follow their footsteps. (43:23)

The word Ummah is also used to mean a group (of people). This is as ALLĀH says,

وَلَمَّا وَرَدَ مَأءَ مَدْيَنَ وَجَدَ عَلَيْهِ أُمَّةً مِّنَ النَّاسِ يَسْقُونَ
And when he arrived at the water (well) of Madyan, he found there a group of men watering (their flocks). (28:23)

ALLĀH also said,

وَلَقَدْ بَعَثْنَا فِى كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ رَّسُولاً أَنِ اعْبُدُواْ اللَّهَ وَاجْتَنِبُواْ الْطَّـغُوتَ
And verily, We have sent among every Ummah a Messenger (proclaiming):"Worship ALLĀH (Alone), and avoid Taghut." (16:36)

ALLĀH also said,

وَلِكُلِّ أُمَّةٍ رَّسُولٌ فَإِذَا جَأءَ رَسُولُهُمْ قُضِىَ بَيْنَهُمْ بِالْقِسْطِ وَهُمْ لَا يُظْلَمُونَ
And for every Ummah there is a Messenger; when their Messenger comes, the matter will be judged between them with justice, and they will not be wronged. (10:47)

The meaning of Ummah here is those people who have had a Messenger sent among them.

The meaning of Ummah in this context includes the believers and the disbelievers among them. This is like what has been recorded in Sahih Muslim: "By HE in Whose Hand is my soul! there is no one of this Ummah, whether he be a Jew or Christian, who hears of me and does not believe in me, except that he will enter the Hell- fire."

In reference to the Ummah of followers, then they are those who believe in the Messengers, as ALLĀH said,

كُنتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ
You (the followers of Prophet Muhammad) are the best Ummah ever raised up for mankind. (3:110)

In the Sahih the Prophet said, "Then I will say, "My Ummah (followers), my Ummah!"

The word Ummah is also used to mean a sect or party. An example of this usage is in the statement of ALLĀH,

وَمِن قَوْمِ مُوسَى أُمَّةٌ يَهْدُونَ بِالْحَقِّ وَبِهِ يَعْدِلُونَ 
And of the people of Musa there is an Ummah who lead (the men) with truth and established justice therewith. (7:159)

Likewise is HIS statement,

مِّنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتَـبِ أُمَّةٌ قَأيِمَةٌ
A party of the People of the Scripture stand for the right. (3:113)

{Tafsi‌r Ibn Kathīr}

#ibnkathir #hud

The Noble Quran

09 Nov, 16:17

﴿مَّا كَانَ مُحَمَّدٌ أَبَاۤ أَحَدࣲ مِّن رِّجَالِكُمۡ وَلَـٰكِن رَّسُولَ ٱللَّهِ وَخَاتَمَ ٱلنَّبِیِّـۧنَۗ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَیۡءٍ عَلِیمࣰا﴾ [الأحزاب ٤٠]
Muḥammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allāh and seal [i.e., last] of the prophets. And ever is Allāh, of all things, Knowing.

The Noble Quran

09 Nov, 09:14

Hello, dear subscribers!

We have a small favor to ask. To help more people discover our channel, please share our posts with friends, react to them, and leave your comments. While commenting, we kindly ask you to be respectful and considerate, remembering that we have sisters among our followers.

Thank you for your support!

The Channel Administration

The Noble Quran

09 Nov, 02:26


The Noble Quran

09 Nov, 02:26


The Noble Quran

08 Nov, 19:04

Take few seconds and say

Astaghfirullah x3
SubhanAllah x3
Alhamdulillah x3
La ilaha illallah x3
Allah-hu-Akbar x3
Subhanallahi wabihamdihi Subhanallahil azeem
Allahumma inni as’alukal Jannah x3
Allahumma ajirni Minan Naar x7

Congratulations good deeds for both of us🌷

The Noble Quran

08 Nov, 12:05


The Noble Quran

08 Nov, 12:03

O Allah, You are the Pardoner and You love to pardon, so pardon us
- O Allah, free our necks and our parents from the Fire
- O Allah, have mercy on our dead and heal our sick
- O Allah, I ask You for a good end
- O Allah, do not afflict us with the loss of those we love
- O Allah, make us beloved to Your creation and make Your creation beloved to us
- O Allah, O Changer of hearts, make my heart steadfast in Your religion

The Noble Quran

08 Nov, 02:30


The Noble Quran

07 Nov, 16:54

The biggest problem faces Muslims today

The Noble Quran

07 Nov, 12:49

﴿ ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ ٱلَّذِيٓ أَنزَلَ عَلَىٰ عَبۡدِهِ ٱلۡكِتَٰبَ وَلَمۡ يَجۡعَل لَّهُۥ عِوَجَاۜ (1) قَيِّمٗا لِّيُنذِرَ بَأۡسٗا شَدِيدٗا مِّن لَّدُنۡهُ وَيُبَشِّرَ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ ٱلَّذِينَ يَعۡمَلُونَ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ أَنَّ لَهُمۡ أَجۡرًا حَسَنٗا﴾ [الكهف ١-٢]


[All] praise is [due] to Allāh, who has sent down upon His Servant [Muḥammad (ﷺ)] the Book and has not made therein any deviance. [He has made it] straight, to warn of severe punishment from Him and to give good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a good reward [i.e., Paradise].

The Noble Quran

07 Nov, 12:46

﴿إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ وَمَلَـٰۤىِٕكَتَهُۥ یُصَلُّونَ عَلَى ٱلنَّبِیِّۚ یَـٰۤأَیُّهَا ٱلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ صَلُّوا۟ عَلَیۡهِ وَسَلِّمُوا۟ تَسۡلِیمًا﴾ [الأحزاب ٥٦]


Indeed, Allāh confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels
[ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [Allāh to confer] blessing upon him and ask [Allāh to grant him] peace.

The Noble Quran

06 Nov, 16:59

﴿مَاۤ أَصَابَ مِن مُّصِیبَةࣲ فِی ٱلۡأَرۡضِ وَلَا فِیۤ أَنفُسِكُمۡ إِلَّا فِی كِتَـٰبࣲ مِّن قَبۡلِ أَن نَّبۡرَأَهَاۤۚ إِنَّ ذَ ٰ⁠لِكَ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ یَسِیرࣱ﴾ [الحديد ٢٢]


No disaster strikes upon the earth or among yourselves except that it is in a register[1] before We bring it into being - indeed that, for Allāh, is easy -

The Noble Quran

29 Oct, 02:00


The Noble Quran

28 Oct, 02:22


The Noble Quran

27 Oct, 15:14

Good lecture about Maryam

The Noble Quran

27 Oct, 01:38

Ibn Sina said:
"If a man has only one wife, he will be afflicted in his body and soul, and he will become old while he is in his prime, and he will complain of bone disease in the back, neck and joints, and his despair will increase, and his resources will decrease, and his cheerfulness will disappear, and he will become very complaining and grumbling.

Judge Abu Masoud said:
"Whoever has only one wife = is not fit to judge or to decide between people!"

Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi said:
"I knew a people who would not let anyone who had only one wife sit among them; They think they are among the small people

Ibn Khaldun said:
"I have looked into the nations that have perished; I found that they used to have one wife!

The opinion of the predecessors regarding those who have one wife?!..

Al-Salih Ibn Abbad said:
"I have seen the biographers saying: So-and-so died and so-and-so and so-and-so were married to him, they mention his wives..

And when they mention those who have one wife, they say so-and-so died and left so-and-so behind him!"

And it was said to Al-Ma'mun bin Harun Al-Rashid:
"In Basra there are people among whom a man has only one wife!"

He said: "They are not men, as for the men, they are their wives, they go against the nature and the Sunnah."

Imam Al-Husri said:
"When Allah mentioned marriage, He mentioned {two, three, or four}, and He did not start with one, and He left one at the end, because it is one of the deficiencies in the perfection of men, which is fear..

Allah the Almighty said: {So marry whomever is good for you from Women, two, three, or four; but if you fear that you will not be just, then only one or those your right hands possess. That is more suitable that you may not incur injustice.

The Noble Quran

27 Oct, 01:26


The Noble Quran

27 Oct, 01:25


The Noble Quran

27 Oct, 01:17


The Noble Quran

27 Oct, 01:16


The Noble Quran

26 Oct, 13:54

𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 💌

If you had strived and exerted a lot of effort, and yet the results were not fair to you, then remember this Aayah:

وَأَنَّ سَعْيَهُ سَوْفَ يُرَىٰ

{And that his effort is going to be seen}
📚[Surah al-Najm (53):40]

Allaah is seeing your diligent efforts, your hard work, your fatigue, the sleepless nights, the troubles that you are going through, the burden that you are carrying, and your attempts to reach the desired goals.

You won’t be held accountable for the end results, but you will be judged based on your intentions, your efforts, and your determination; and you will be rewarded for all your hard work and patience. Allaah تعالى will reward you with something better which is with Him, and which will make you forget the bitterness of the hardships that you had suffered as if you suffered nothing.

So, do not let the outcome of your actions make you feel low and dejected. This is not the end. You tried and Allaah تعالى has seen your efforts, and this is what should suffice.🥀


The Noble Quran

26 Oct, 13:53

Abū Ayyūb al-Anṣārī رضي الله عنه reported that Allāh's Messenger ﷺ said:

If you were not to commit sins, Allah would have swept you out of existence and would have replaced you by another people who have committed sin, and then asked forgiveness from Allah, and He would have granted them pardon.

[S‌ah‌i‌h‌ Muslim 2748b]

The Noble Quran

26 Oct, 02:18


The Noble Quran

22 Oct, 18:28

May Allah bless our parents endlessly. We will not get anyone better than them in this world. Their love is so pure and they’re willing to face difficulties just to make sure that our life is full of peace. May Allah bless them and grant them paradise. Ameen.🌷

The Noble Quran

22 Oct, 02:14

‎If you want something so badly read this dua;

‎رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنزلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ
‎Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqir

‎My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need

The Noble Quran

22 Oct, 02:10


The Noble Quran

22 Oct, 02:08


The Noble Quran

21 Oct, 02:20

Abu Huraira رضي الله عنه reported Allah's Messenger ﷺ as saying:
Do you know who is poor?

They (the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ) said: A poor man amongst us is one who has neither dirham with him nor wealth.

He ﷺ replied: The poor of my Ummah would be he who would come on the Day of Resurrection with prayers and fasts and Zakat but (he would find himself bankrupt on that day as he would have exhausted his funds of virtues) since he hurled abuses upon others, brought calumny against others and unlawfully consumed the wealth of others and shed the blood of others and beat others, and his virtues would be credited to the account of one (who suffered at his hand). And if his good deeds fall short to clear the account, then his sins would be entered in (his account) and he would be thrown in the Hell-Fire.

[S‌ah‌i‌h‌ Muslim 2581]

The Noble Quran

21 Oct, 02:16

#Duaa for Palestine

The Noble Quran

21 Oct, 02:13


The Noble Quran

20 Oct, 15:52


ALLĀH says,

ءَأَرۡبَابٌ مُّتَفَرِّقُونَ خَيۡرٌ أَمِ ٱللَّهُ ٱلۡوَٰحِدُ ٱلۡقَهَّارُ
Are many different lords (gods) better or ALLĀH, the One, the Irresistible?

That is, gods who are helpless and weak, and can neither bring benefit nor cause harm, give or withhold, and they are of many different types: trees, rocks, angels, the dead and other objects of worship that the polytheists take as gods. Is that better or, "ALLĀH" Who possesses all attributes of perfection, "the One" in HIS essence, attributes and actions, and HE has no partner in any of that.

"the Irresistible" to Whose might and power all things submit; whatever HE wills happens and whatever HE does not will does not happen.

مَّا مِن دَاۤبَّةٍ إِلَّا هُوَ ءَاخِذُۢ بِنَاصِیَتِهَاۤۚ إِنَّ رَبِّی عَلَىٰ صِرَ ٰ⁠طࣲ مُّسۡتَقِیمࣲ
...There is no living creature but HE holds it ˹in HIS control˺ by its forelock...
(11: 56)

It is well known that One Who is like this is better than the various gods that are mere names and are not perfect at all and do not do anything.

{Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di}

#sadi #yusuf (12:39)

‘Imran ibn Husayn (may ALLĀH be pleased with them) reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) said to my father, “O Husayn, how many gods do you worship today?” My father said, “Seven. Six on earth and one in heaven.” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “In which of them do you depend for your most ardent hopes and concerns?” He said, “The one in heaven.” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “O Husayn, if you accept Islam, I will teach you two words to benefit you.” Later when Husayn had embraced Islam, he said, “O Messenger of ALLĀH, teach me the two words you promised to me.” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Say: O ALLĀH, inspire me with guidance and protect me from the evil of my ego.” {Sunan al-Tirmidhi‌ #3483}

Jabir (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: A man came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and he said, “O Messenger of ALLĀH, what are the two inevitabilities?” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Whoever dies without associating anything with ALLĀH will enter Paradise, and whoever dies associating anything with ALLĀH will enter Hellfire.” {Muslim #93

The Noble Quran

20 Oct, 15:46

The Noble Quran

20 Oct, 15:45

The Noble Quran

20 Oct, 02:08


The Noble Quran

19 Oct, 17:23

“Our Lord, indeed I have settled some of my descendants in an uncultivated valley near Your sacred House, our Lord, that they may establish prayer.”
(Surah Ibrahim: 37)

"It is evident that a person should settle themselves and their children in a place where a mosque of the people of Tawheed already exists. Or if one chooses to reside in such a place, the first priority should be to build both their home and a mosque at the same time, even if it is just a simple enclosure made of raw bricks, as our beloved Prophet ﷺ did upon arriving in Madinah."
(Hafiz Abdussalam bin Muhammad رحمه الله | Tafseer al-Qur'an al-Kareem)

The Noble Quran

19 Oct, 02:17
