Welcome to the 155mm Channel on Telegram! This channel, also known as '@nato_155mm_channel', was created on Oct. 11, 2023, with the purpose of supporting the UA & AFU military efforts. The channel is curated by Jagoda, who shares their passion for the military through numbers, stats, strategy, and facts. If you are interested in staying updated on military developments, learning about tactics, and gaining insights into the world of defense, then this channel is perfect for you. Stay informed, stay engaged, and remember that FREEDOM ALWAYS WINS! Join us on the 155mm Channel and be a part of the military community. Jagoda and the rest of the channel members are looking forward to sharing their knowledge and expertise with you. See you there!
15 Jan, 07:13
15 Jan, 02:54
15 Jan, 02:36
14 Jan, 20:42
14 Jan, 18:03
14 Jan, 16:48
14 Jan, 16:05
14 Jan, 16:01
14 Jan, 15:51
08 Jan, 15:54
08 Jan, 15:00
08 Jan, 14:58
08 Jan, 14:29
08 Jan, 14:18
08 Jan, 14:09
08 Jan, 14:04
08 Jan, 13:59
08 Jan, 13:55